예제 #1
    public static function print_editor_markup($player_info)
        // Define the global variables
        global $mmrpg_index, $this_current_uri, $this_current_url, $db;
        global $allowed_edit_players, $allowed_edit_fields, $global_allow_editing;
        global $allowed_edit_data_count, $allowed_edit_player_count, $first_player_token;
        global $key_counter, $player_key, $player_counter, $player_rewards, $player_field_rewards, $player_item_rewards, $temp_player_totals, $player_options_markup;
        global $mmrpg_database_robots, $mmrpg_database_items;
        $session_token = rpg_game::session_token();
        // If either fo empty, return error
        if (empty($player_info)) {
            return 'error:player-empty';
        // Collect the approriate database indexes
        if (empty($mmrpg_database_robots)) {
            $mmrpg_database_robots = $db->get_array_list("SELECT * FROM mmrpg_index_robots WHERE robot_flag_complete = 1;", 'robot_token');
        if (empty($mmrpg_database_items)) {
            $mmrpg_database_items = $db->get_array_list("SELECT * FROM mmrpg_index_abilities WHERE ability_class = 'item' AND ability_flag_complete = 1;", 'ability_token');
        // Define the quick-access variables for later use
        $player_token = $player_info['player_token'];
        if (!isset($first_player_token)) {
            $first_player_token = $player_token;
        // Define the player's image and size if not defined
        $player_info['player_image'] = !empty($player_info['player_image']) ? $player_info['player_image'] : $player_info['player_token'];
        $player_info['player_image_size'] = !empty($player_info['player_image_size']) ? $player_info['player_image_size'] : 40;
        // Define the player's battle points total, battles complete, and other details
        $player_info['player_points'] = rpg_game::player_points($player_token);
        $player_info['player_battles_complete'] = rpg_prototype::battles_complete($player_token);
        $player_info['player_battles_complete_total'] = rpg_prototype::battles_complete($player_token, false);
        $player_info['player_battles_failure'] = rpg_prototype::battles_failure($player_token);
        $player_info['player_battles_failure_total'] = rpg_prototype::battles_failure($player_token, false);
        $player_info['player_robots_count'] = 0;
        $player_info['player_abilities_count'] = rpg_game::abilities_unlocked($player_token);
        $player_info['player_field_stars'] = rpg_game::stars_unlocked($player_token, 'field');
        $player_info['player_fusion_stars'] = rpg_game::stars_unlocked($player_token, 'fusion');
        $player_info['player_screw_counter'] = 0;
        $player_info['player_heart_counter'] = 0;
        // Define the player's experience points total
        $player_info['player_experience'] = 0;
        // Collect this player's current defined omega item list
        if (!empty($_SESSION[$session_token]['values']['battle_rewards'])) {
            //$debug_experience_sum = $player_token.' : ';
            foreach ($_SESSION[$session_token]['values']['battle_rewards'] as $temp_player => $temp_player_info) {
                if (!empty($_SESSION[$session_token]['values']['battle_rewards'][$temp_player]['player_robots'])) {
                    $temp_player_robot_rewards = $_SESSION[$session_token]['values']['battle_rewards'][$temp_player]['player_robots'];
                    $temp_player_robot_settings = $_SESSION[$session_token]['values']['battle_settings'][$temp_player]['player_robots'];
                    if (empty($temp_player_robot_rewards) || empty($temp_player_robot_settings)) {
                    foreach ($temp_player_robot_rewards as $temp_key => $temp_robot_info) {
                        if (empty($temp_robot_info['robot_token'])) {
                        $temp_robot_settings = $temp_player_robot_settings[$temp_robot_info['robot_token']];
                        $temp_robot_rewards = $temp_player_robot_settings[$temp_robot_info['robot_token']];
                        // If this robot is not owned by the player, skip it as it doesn't count towards their totals
                        if (empty($temp_robot_settings['original_player']) && $temp_player != $player_token) {
                        } elseif (empty($temp_robot_settings['original_player'])) {
                            $temp_robot_settings['original_player'] = $temp_player;
                        if ($temp_robot_settings['original_player'] != $player_token) {
                        //$debug_experience_sum .= $temp_robot_info['robot_token'].', ';
                        if (!empty($temp_robot_info['robot_level'])) {
                            $player_info['player_experience'] += $temp_robot_info['robot_level'] * MMRPG_SETTINGS_BATTLEPOINTS_PERROBOT;
                        if (!empty($temp_robot_info['robot_experience'])) {
                            $player_info['player_experience'] += $temp_robot_info['robot_experience'];
        // Collect this player's current field selection from the omega session
        $temp_session_key = $player_info['player_token'] . '_target-robot-omega_prototype';
        $player_info['target_robot_omega'] = !empty($_SESSION[$session_token]['values'][$temp_session_key]) ? $_SESSION[$session_token]['values'][$temp_session_key] : array();
        $player_info['player_fields_current'] = array();
        //die('<pre>$player_info[\'target_robot_omega\'] = '.print_r($player_info['target_robot_omega'], true).'</pre>');
        if (count($player_info['target_robot_omega']) == 2) {
            $player_info['target_robot_omega'] = array_shift($player_info['target_robot_omega']);
        foreach ($player_info['target_robot_omega'] as $key => $info) {
            $field = rpg_field::get_index_info($info['field']);
            if (empty($field)) {
            $player_info['player_fields_current'][] = $field;
        // Define this player's stat type boost for display purposes
        $player_info['player_stat_type'] = '';
        if (!empty($player_info['player_energy'])) {
            $player_info['player_stat_type'] = 'energy';
        } elseif (!empty($player_info['player_attack'])) {
            $player_info['player_stat_type'] = 'attack';
        } elseif (!empty($player_info['player_defense'])) {
            $player_info['player_stat_type'] = 'defense';
        } elseif (!empty($player_info['player_speed'])) {
            $player_info['player_stat_type'] = 'speed';
        // Define whether or not field switching is enabled
        $temp_allow_field_switch = rpg_prototype::campaign_complete($player_info['player_token']) || rpg_prototype::campaign_complete();
        // Collect a temp robot object for printing items
        if ($player_info['player_token'] == 'dr-light') {
            $robot_info = rpg_robot::parse_index_info($mmrpg_database_robots['mega-man']);
        } elseif ($player_info['player_token'] == 'dr-wily') {
            $robot_info = rpg_robot::parse_index_info($mmrpg_database_robots['bass']);
        } elseif ($player_info['player_token'] == 'dr-cossack') {
            $robot_info = rpg_robot::parse_index_info($mmrpg_database_robots['proto-man']);
        // Define the markup variable
        $this_markup = '';
        // Start the output buffer
        // DEBUG
        //die(print_r($player_field_rewards, true));
            <div class="event event_double event_<?php 
        echo $player_key == $first_player_token ? 'visible' : 'hidden';
" data-token="<?php 
        echo $player_info['player_token'] . '_' . $player_info['player_token'];
                <div class="this_sprite sprite_left" style="height: 40px;">
        $temp_margin = -1 * ceil(($player_info['player_image_size'] - 40) * 0.5);
                    <div style="margin-top: <?php 
        echo $temp_margin;
px; margin-bottom: <?php 
        echo $temp_margin * 3;
px; background-image: url(i/p/<?php 
        echo !empty($player_info['player_image']) ? $player_info['player_image'] : $player_info['player_token'];
        echo $player_info['player_image_size'];
); " class="sprite sprite_player sprite_player_sprite sprite_<?php 
        echo $player_info['player_image_size'] . 'x' . $player_info['player_image_size'];
        echo $player_info['player_image_size'] . 'x' . $player_info['player_image_size'];
_mug player_status_active player_position_active"><?php 
        echo $player_info['player_name'];
                <div class="header header_left player_type player_type_<?php 
        echo !empty($player_info['player_stat_type']) ? $player_info['player_stat_type'] : 'none';
" style="margin-right: 0;"><?php 
        echo $player_info['player_name'];
&#39;s Data <span class="player_type"><?php 
        echo !empty($player_info['player_stat_type']) ? ucfirst($player_info['player_stat_type']) : 'Neutral';
                <div class="body body_left" style="margin-right: 0; padding: 2px 3px; height: auto;">
                    <table class="full" style="margin-bottom: 5px;">
                            <col width="48.5%" />
                            <col width="1%" />
                            <col width="48.5%" />

                                <td  class="right">
                                    <label style="display: block; float: left;">Name :</label>
                                    <span class="player_name player_type player_type_none"><?php 
        echo $player_info['player_name'];
                                <td class="center">&nbsp;</td>
                                <td class="right">
                                    <label style="display: block; float: left;">Bonus :</label>
        // Display any special boosts this player has
        if (!empty($player_info['player_stat_type'])) {
            echo '<span class="player_name player_type player_type_' . $player_info['player_stat_type'] . '">Robot ' . ucfirst($player_info['player_stat_type']) . ' +' . $player_info['player_' . $player_info['player_stat_type']] . '%</span>';
        } else {
            echo '<span class="player_name player_type player_type_none">None</span>';

                                <td  class="right">
                                    <label style="display: block; float: left;">Exp Points :</label>
                                    <span class="player_stat player_type player_type_<?php 
        echo !empty($player_info['player_experience']) ? 'cutter' : 'none';
        echo number_format($player_info['player_experience'], 0, '.', ',');
                                <td class="center">&nbsp;</td>
                                <td  class="right">
                                    <label style="display: block; float: left;">Unlocked Robots :</label>
                                    <span class="player_stat player_type player_type_<?php 
        echo !empty($player_info['player_robots_count']) ? 'cutter' : 'none';
        echo $player_info['player_robots_count'] . ' ' . ($player_info['player_robots_count'] == 1 ? 'Robot' : 'Robots');
                                <td  class="right">
                                    <label style="display: block; float: left;">Battle Points :</label>
                                    <span class="player_stat player_type player_type_<?php 
        echo !empty($player_info['player_points']) ? 'cutter' : 'none';
        echo number_format($player_info['player_points'], 0, '.', ',');
                                <td class="center">&nbsp;</td>
                                <td  class="right">
                                    <label style="display: block; float: left;">Unlocked Abilities :</label>
                                    <span class="player_stat player_type player_type_<?php 
        echo !empty($player_info['player_abilities_count']) ? 'cutter' : 'none';
        echo $player_info['player_abilities_count'] . ' ' . ($player_info['player_abilities_count'] == 1 ? 'Ability' : 'Abilities');

                                <td  class="right">
                                    <label style="display: block; float: left;">Missions Completed :</label>
                                    <span class="player_stat player_type player_type_<?php 
        echo !empty($player_info['player_battles_complete']) ? 'energy' : 'none';
        echo $player_info['player_battles_complete'];
                                <td class="center">&nbsp;</td>
                                <td  class="right">
                                    <label style="display: block; float: left;">Total Victories :</label>
                                    <span class="player_stat player_type player_type_<?php 
        echo !empty($player_info['player_battles_complete_total']) ? 'energy' : 'none';
        echo $player_info['player_battles_complete_total'];
                                <td  class="right">
                                    <label style="display: block; float: left;">Missions Failed :</label>
                                    <span class="player_stat player_type player_type_<?php 
        echo !empty($player_info['player_battles_failure']) ? 'attack' : 'none';
        echo $player_info['player_battles_failure'];
                                <td class="center">&nbsp;</td>
                                <td  class="right">
                                    <label style="display: block; float: left;">Total Defeats :</label>
                                    <span class="player_stat player_type player_type_<?php 
        echo !empty($player_info['player_battles_failure_total']) ? 'attack' : 'none';
        echo $player_info['player_battles_failure_total'];

                                <td  class="right">
        if (!empty($player_info['player_field_stars'])) {
                                    <label style="display: block; float: left;">Field Stars :</label>
                                    <span class="player_stat player_type player_type_<?php 
            echo !empty($player_info['player_field_stars']) ? 'electric' : 'empty';
            echo $player_info['player_field_stars'] . ' ' . ($player_info['player_field_stars'] == 1 ? 'Star' : 'Stars');
        } else {
                                    <label style="display: block; float: left; opacity: 0.5; filter: alpha(opacity=50); ">??? :</label>
                                    <span class="player_stat player_type player_type_empty" style=" opacity: 0.5; filter: alpha(opacity=50); ">0</span>
                                <td class="center">&nbsp;</td>
                                <td  class="right">
        if (!empty($player_info['player_fusion_stars'])) {
                                    <label style="display: block; float: left;">Fusion Stars :</label>
                                    <span class="player_stat player_type player_type_<?php 
            echo !empty($player_info['player_fusion_stars']) ? 'time' : 'empty';
            echo $player_info['player_fusion_stars'] . ' ' . ($player_info['player_fusion_stars'] == 1 ? 'Star' : 'Stars');
        } else {
                                    <label style="display: block; float: left; opacity: 0.5; filter: alpha(opacity=50); ">??? :</label>
                                    <span class="player_stat player_type player_type_empty" style=" opacity: 0.5; filter: alpha(opacity=50); ">0</span>


        if (false && !empty($player_item_rewards)) {

                        <table class="full">
                                <col width="100%" />
                                    <td class="right" style="padding-top: 4px;">
                                    <label class="item_header">Player Items :</label>
                                        <div class="item_container" style="height: auto;">
            // Define the array to hold ALL the reward option markup
            $item_rewards_options = '';
            // Collect this player's item rewards and add them to the dropdown
            //$player_item_rewards = !empty($player_rewards['player_items']) ? $player_rewards['player_items'] : array();
            //if (!empty($player_item_rewards)){ sort($player_item_rewards); }
            // DEBUG
            //$debug_tokens = array();
            //foreach ($player_item_rewards AS $info){ $debug_tokens[] = $info['ability_token']; }
            //echo 'before:'.implode(',', array_keys($debug_tokens)).'<br />';
            // Sort the item index based on item group
            uasort($player_item_rewards, array('rpg_functions', 'items_sort_for_editor'));
            // DEBUG
            //echo 'after:'.implode(',', array_keys($player_item_rewards)).'<br />';
            // DEBUG
            //$debug_tokens = array();
            //foreach ($player_item_rewards AS $info){ $debug_tokens[] = $info['ability_token']; }
            //echo 'after:'.implode(',', $debug_tokens).'<br />';
            // Dont' bother generating option dropdowns if editing is disabled
            if ($global_allow_editing) {
                $player_item_rewards_options = array();
                foreach ($player_item_rewards as $temp_item_key => $temp_item_info) {
                    if (empty($temp_item_info['ability_token'])) {
                    $temp_token = $temp_item_info['ability_token'];
                    $temp_item_info = rpg_ability::parse_index_info($mmrpg_database_items[$temp_token]);
                    $temp_option_markup = rpg_ability::print_editor_option_markup($robot_info, $temp_item_info);
                    if (!empty($temp_option_markup)) {
                        $player_item_rewards_options[] = $temp_option_markup;
                $player_item_rewards_options = '<optgroup label="Player Items">' . implode('', $player_item_rewards_options) . '</optgroup>';
                $item_rewards_options .= $player_item_rewards_options;
                // Collect this robot's item rewards and add them to the dropdown
                $player_item_rewards = !empty($player_rewards['player_items']) ? $player_rewards['player_items'] : array();
                $player_item_settings = !empty($player_settings['player_items']) ? $player_settings['player_items'] : array();
                foreach ($player_item_settings AS $token => $info){ if (empty($player_item_rewards[$token])){ $player_item_rewards[$token] = $info; } }
                if (!empty($player_item_rewards)){ sort($player_item_rewards); }
                $player_item_rewards_options = array();
                foreach ($player_item_rewards AS $temp_item_info){
                    if (empty($temp_item_info['ability_token'])){ continue; }
                    $temp_token = $temp_item_info['ability_token'];
                    $temp_item_info = rpg_ability::parse_index_info($mmrpg_database_items[$temp_token]);
                    $temp_option_markup = rpg_ability::print_editor_option_markup($robot_info, $temp_item_info);
                    if (!empty($temp_option_markup)){ $player_item_rewards_options[] = $temp_option_markup; }
                $player_item_rewards_options = '<optgroup label="Player Items">'.implode('', $player_item_rewards_options).'</optgroup>';
                $item_rewards_options .= $player_item_rewards_options;
                // Add an option at the bottom to remove the ability
                $item_rewards_options .= '<optgroup label="Item Actions">';
                $item_rewards_options .= '<option value="" title="">- Remove Item -</option>';
                $item_rewards_options .= '</optgroup>';
            // Loop through the robot's current items and list them one by one
            $empty_item_counter = 0;
            $temp_string = array();
            $temp_inputs = array();
            $item_key = 0;
            if (!empty($player_info['player_items_current'])) {
                // DEBUG
                //echo 'robot-ability:';
                foreach ($player_info['player_items_current'] as $key => $player_item) {
                    if (empty($player_item['ability_token'])) {
                    } elseif ($player_item['ability_token'] == '*') {
                    } elseif ($player_item['ability_token'] == 'ability') {
                    } elseif ($item_key > 7) {
                    $this_item = rpg_ability::parse_index_info($mmrpg_database_items[$player_item['ability_token']]);
                    if (empty($this_item)) {
                    $this_item_token = $this_item['ability_token'];
                    $this_item_name = $this_item['ability_name'];
                    $this_item_type = !empty($this_item['ability_type']) ? $this_item['ability_type'] : false;
                    $this_item_type2 = !empty($this_item['ability_type2']) ? $this_item['ability_type2'] : false;
                    if (!empty($this_item_type) && !empty($mmrpg_index['types'][$this_item_type])) {
                        $this_item_type = $mmrpg_index['types'][$this_item_type]['type_name'] . ' Type';
                        if (!empty($this_item_type2) && !empty($mmrpg_index['types'][$this_item_type2])) {
                            $this_item_type = str_replace(' Type', ' / ' . $mmrpg_index['types'][$this_item_type2]['type_name'] . ' Type', $this_item_type);
                    } else {
                        $this_item_type = '';
                    $this_item_energy = isset($this_item['ability_energy']) ? $this_item['ability_energy'] : 4;
                    $this_item_damage = !empty($this_item['ability_damage']) ? $this_item['ability_damage'] : 0;
                    $this_item_damage2 = !empty($this_item['ability_damage2']) ? $this_item['ability_damage2'] : 0;
                    $this_item_damage_percent = !empty($this_item['ability_damage_percent']) ? true : false;
                    $this_item_damage2_percent = !empty($this_item['ability_damage2_percent']) ? true : false;
                    if ($this_item_damage_percent && $this_item_damage > 100) {
                        $this_item_damage = 100;
                    if ($this_item_damage2_percent && $this_item_damage2 > 100) {
                        $this_item_damage2 = 100;
                    $this_item_recovery = !empty($this_item['ability_recovery']) ? $this_item['ability_recovery'] : 0;
                    $this_item_recovery2 = !empty($this_item['ability_recovery2']) ? $this_item['ability_recovery2'] : 0;
                    $this_item_recovery_percent = !empty($this_item['ability_recovery_percent']) ? true : false;
                    $this_item_recovery2_percent = !empty($this_item['ability_recovery2_percent']) ? true : false;
                    if ($this_item_recovery_percent && $this_item_recovery > 100) {
                        $this_item_recovery = 100;
                    if ($this_item_recovery2_percent && $this_item_recovery2 > 100) {
                        $this_item_recovery2 = 100;
                    $this_item_accuracy = !empty($this_item['ability_accuracy']) ? $this_item['ability_accuracy'] : 0;
                    $this_item_description = !empty($this_item['ability_description']) ? $this_item['ability_description'] : '';
                    $this_item_description = str_replace('{DAMAGE}', $this_item_damage, $this_item_description);
                    $this_item_description = str_replace('{RECOVERY}', $this_item_recovery, $this_item_description);
                    $this_item_description = str_replace('{DAMAGE2}', $this_item_damage2, $this_item_description);
                    $this_item_description = str_replace('{RECOVERY2}', $this_item_recovery2, $this_item_description);
                    $this_item_title = rpg_ability::print_editor_title_markup($robot_info, $this_item);
                    $this_item_title_plain = strip_tags(str_replace('<br />', '&#10;', $this_item_title));
                    $this_item_title_tooltip = htmlentities($this_item_title, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
                    $this_item_title_html = str_replace(' ', '&nbsp;', $this_item_name);
                    $temp_select_options = str_replace('value="' . $this_item_token . '"', 'value="' . $this_item_token . '" selected="selected" disabled="disabled"', $item_rewards_options);
                    $this_item_title_html = '<label style="background-image: url(i/a/' . $this_item_token . '/il40.png?' . MMRPG_CONFIG_CACHE_DATE . ');">' . $this_item_title_html . '</label>';
                    if ($global_allow_editing) {
                        $this_item_title_html .= '<select class="ability_name" data-key="' . $item_key . '" data-player="' . $player_info['player_token'] . '">' . $temp_select_options . '</select>';
                    $temp_string[] = '<a class="ability_name ability_type ability_type_' . (!empty($this_item['ability_type']) ? $this_item['ability_type'] : 'none') . (!empty($this_item['ability_type2']) ? '_' . $this_item['ability_type2'] : '') . '" style="' . (($item_key + 1) % 4 == 0 ? 'margin-right: 0; ' : '') . (!$global_allow_editing ? 'cursor: default; ' : '') . '" data-key="' . $item_key . '" data-player="' . $player_info['player_token'] . '" data-item="' . $this_item_token . '" title="' . $this_item_title_plain . '" data-tooltip="' . $this_item_title_tooltip . '">' . $this_item_title_html . '</a>';
                if ($item_key <= 7) {
                    for ($item_key; $item_key <= 7; $item_key++) {
                        if ($empty_item_counter >= 2) {
                            $empty_item_disable = true;
                        } else {
                            $empty_item_disable = false;
                        $temp_select_options = str_replace('value=""', 'value="" selected="selected" disabled="disabled"', $item_rewards_options);
                        $this_item_title_html = '<label>-</label>';
                        if ($global_allow_editing) {
                            $this_item_title_html .= '<select class="ability_name" data-key="' . $item_key . '" data-player="' . $player_info['player_token'] . '" ' . ($empty_item_disable ? 'disabled="disabled" ' : '') . '>' . $temp_select_options . '</select>';
                        $temp_string[] = '<a class="ability_name " style="' . (($item_key + 1) % 4 == 0 ? 'margin-right: 0; ' : '') . ($empty_item_disable ? 'opacity:0.25; ' : '') . (!$global_allow_editing ? 'cursor: default; ' : '') . '" data-key="' . $item_key . '" data-player="' . $player_info['player_token'] . '" data-item="" title="" data-tooltip="">' . $this_item_title_html . '</a>';
            } else {
                for ($item_key = 0; $item_key <= 7; $item_key++) {
                    if ($empty_item_counter >= 2) {
                        $empty_item_disable = true;
                    } else {
                        $empty_item_disable = false;
                    $temp_select_options = str_replace('value=""', 'value="" selected="selected"', $item_rewards_options);
                    $this_item_title_html = '<label>-</label>';
                    if ($global_allow_editing) {
                        $this_item_title_html .= '<select class="ability_name" data-key="' . $item_key . '" data-player="' . $player_info['player_token'] . '" data-robot="' . $robot_info['robot_token'] . '" ' . ($empty_item_disable ? 'disabled="disabled" ' : '') . '>' . $temp_select_options . '</select>';
                    $temp_string[] = '<a class="ability_name " style="' . (($item_key + 1) % 4 == 0 ? 'margin-right: 0; ' : '') . ($empty_item_disable ? 'opacity:0.25; ' : '') . (!$global_allow_editing ? 'cursor: default; ' : '') . '" data-key="' . $item_key . '" data-player="' . $player_info['player_token'] . '" data-robot="' . $robot_info['robot_token'] . '" data-ability="">' . $this_item_title_html . '</a>';
            // DEBUG
            //echo 'temp-string:';
            echo !empty($temp_string) ? implode(' ', $temp_string) : '';
            // DEBUG
            //echo '<br />temp-inputs:';
            echo !empty($temp_inputs) ? implode(' ', $temp_inputs) : '';
            // DEBUG
            //echo '<br />';


        if (!empty($player_field_rewards) && rpg_prototype::campaign_complete($player_info['player_token'])) {

                        <table class="full">
                                <col width="100%" />
                                    <td class="right" style="padding-top: 4px;">
                                        <label class="field_header"><?php 
            echo $global_allow_editing ? 'Edit ' : '';
Player Fields :</label>
                                        <div class="field_container" style="height: auto;">
            // Define the array to hold ALL the reward option markup
            $field_rewards_options = '';
            // Collect this player's field rewards and add them to the dropdown
            //$player_field_rewards = !empty($player_rewards['player_fields']) ? $player_rewards['player_fields'] : array();
            //if (!empty($player_field_rewards)){ sort($player_field_rewards); }
            // DEBUG
            //echo 'start:player_field_rewards:<pre style="font-size: 80%;">'.print_r($player_field_rewards, true).'</pre><br />';
            // DEBUG
            //echo 'before:player_field_rewards(keys):'.implode(',', array_keys($player_field_rewards)).'<br />';
            // DEBUG
            //$debug_tokens = array();
            //foreach ($player_field_rewards AS $info){ $debug_tokens[] = $info['field_token']; }
            //echo 'before:player_field_rewards(field_tokens):'.implode(',', array_values($debug_tokens)).'<br />';
            // Sort the field index based on field number
            uasort($player_field_rewards, array('rpg_functions', 'fields_sort_for_editor'));
            // DEBUG
            //echo 'after:player_field_rewards(keys):'.implode(',', array_keys($player_field_rewards)).'<br />';
            // DEBUG
            //$debug_tokens = array();
            //foreach ($player_field_rewards AS $info){ $debug_tokens[] = $info['field_token']; }
            //echo 'after:player_field_rewards(field_tokens):'.implode(',', array_values($debug_tokens)).'<br />';
            // Don't bother generating the option markup if disabled editing
            if ($global_allow_editing) {
                // Define the field group index for displau
                $temp_group_index = array('MMRPG' => 'Mega Man RPG Fields', 'MM00' => 'Mega Man Bonus Fields', 'MM01' => 'Mega Man 1 Fields', 'MM02' => 'Mega Man 2 Fields', 'MM03' => 'Mega Man 3 Fields', 'MM04' => 'Mega Man 4 Fields', 'MM05' => 'Mega Man 5 Fields', 'MM06' => 'Mega Man 6 Fields', 'MM07' => 'Mega Man 7 Fields', 'MM08' => 'Mega Man 8 Fields', 'MM09' => 'Mega Man 9 Fields', 'MM10' => 'Mega Man 10 Fields');
                // Loop through the group index and display any fields that match
                $player_field_rewards_backup = $player_field_rewards;
                foreach ($temp_group_index as $group_key => $group_name) {
                    $player_field_rewards_options = array();
                    foreach ($player_field_rewards_backup as $temp_field_key => $temp_field_info) {
                        if (empty($temp_field_info['field_game']) || $temp_field_info['field_game'] != $group_key) {
                        $temp_option_markup = rpg_field::print_editor_option_markup($temp_field_info);
                        if (!empty($temp_option_markup)) {
                            $player_field_rewards_options[] = $temp_option_markup;
                    if (empty($player_field_rewards_options)) {
                    $player_field_rewards_options = '<optgroup label="' . $group_name . '">' . implode('', $player_field_rewards_options) . '</optgroup>';
                    $field_rewards_options .= $player_field_rewards_options;
            // Add an option at the bottom to remove the field
            //$field_rewards_options .= '<optgroup label="Field Actions">';
            //$field_rewards_options .= '<option value="" title="">- Remove Field -</option>';
            //$field_rewards_options .= '</optgroup>';
            // Loop through the player's current fields and list them one by one
            $empty_field_counter = 0;
            $temp_string = array();
            $temp_inputs = array();
            $field_key = 0;
            if (!empty($player_info['player_fields_current'])) {
                // DEBUG
                //echo 'player-field:';
                $rpg_field_index = rpg_field::get_index();
                $player_info['player_fields_current'] = $player_info['player_fields_current'];
                foreach ($player_info['player_fields_current'] as $player_field) {
                    if ($player_field['field_token'] == '*') {
                    } elseif (!isset($rpg_field_index[$player_field['field_token']])) {
                    } elseif ($field_key > 7) {
                    $this_field = rpg_field::parse_index_info($rpg_field_index[$player_field['field_token']]);
                    $this_field_token = $this_field['field_token'];
                    $this_robot_token = $this_field['field_master'];
                    $this_robot = rpg_robot::parse_index_info($mmrpg_database_robots[$this_robot_token]);
                    $this_field_name = $this_field['field_name'];
                    $this_field_type = !empty($this_field['field_type']) ? $this_field['field_type'] : false;
                    $this_field_type2 = !empty($this_field['field_type2']) ? $this_field['field_type2'] : false;
                    if (!empty($this_field_type) && !empty($mmrpg_index['types'][$this_field_type])) {
                        $this_field_type = $mmrpg_index['types'][$this_field_type]['type_name'] . ' Type';
                        if (!empty($this_field_type2) && !empty($mmrpg_index['types'][$this_field_type2])) {
                            $this_field_type = str_replace(' Type', ' / ' . $mmrpg_index['types'][$this_field_type2]['type_name'] . ' Type', $this_field_type);
                    } else {
                        $this_field_type = '';
                    $this_field_description = !empty($this_field['field_description']) ? $this_field['field_description'] : '';
                    $this_field_title = rpg_field::print_editor_title_markup($this_field);
                    $this_field_title_plain = strip_tags(str_replace('<br />', '&#10;', $this_field_title));
                    $this_field_title_tooltip = htmlentities($this_field_title, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
                    $this_field_title_html = str_replace(' ', '&nbsp;', $this_field_name);
                    $temp_select_options = str_replace('value="' . $this_field_token . '"', 'value="' . $this_field_token . '" selected="selected" disabled="disabled"', $field_rewards_options);
                    $temp_field_type_class = 'field_type_' . (!empty($this_field['field_type']) ? $this_field['field_type'] : 'none') . (!empty($this_field['field_type2']) ? '_' . $this_field['field_type2'] : '');
                    if ($global_allow_editing && $temp_allow_field_switch) {
                        $this_field_title_html = '<label class="field_type  ' . $temp_field_type_class . '" style="">' . $this_field_title_html . '</label><select class="field_name" data-key="' . $field_key . '" data-player="' . $player_info['player_token'] . '" data-player="' . $player_info['player_token'] . '">' . $temp_select_options . '</select>';
                    } elseif (!$global_allow_editing && $temp_allow_field_switch) {
                        $this_field_title_html = '<label class="field_type  ' . $temp_field_type_class . '" style="cursor: default !important;">' . $this_field_title_html . '</label>';
                    } else {
                        $this_field_title_html = '<label class="field_type ' . $temp_field_type_class . '" style="cursor: default !important;">' . $this_field_title_html . '</label>';
                    $temp_string[] = '<a class="field_name field_type ' . $temp_field_type_class . '" style="background-image: url(i/f/' . $this_field_token . '/bfp.png?' . MMRPG_CONFIG_CACHE_DATE . '); ' . (($field_key + 1) % 4 == 0 ? 'margin-right: 0; ' : '') . (!$temp_allow_field_switch || !$global_allow_editing ? 'cursor: default !important; ' : '') . (!$temp_allow_field_switch ? 'opacity: 0.50; filter: alpha(opacity=50); ' : '') . '" data-key="' . $field_key . '" data-player="' . $player_info['player_token'] . '" data-player="' . $player_info['player_token'] . '" data-field="' . $this_field_token . '" data-tooltip="' . $this_field_title_tooltip . '">' . $this_field_title_html . '</a>';
                if ($field_key <= 7) {
                    for ($field_key; $field_key <= 7; $field_key++) {
                        if ($empty_field_counter >= 2) {
                            $empty_field_disable = true;
                        } else {
                            $empty_field_disable = false;
                        $temp_select_options = str_replace('value=""', 'value="" selected="selected" disabled="disabled"', $field_rewards_options);
                        $this_field_title_html = '<label>-</label><select class="field_name" data-key="' . $field_key . '" data-player="' . $player_info['player_token'] . '" data-player="' . $player_info['player_token'] . '" ' . ($empty_field_disable ? 'disabled="disabled" ' : '') . '>' . $temp_select_options . '</select>';
                        $temp_string[] = '<a class="field_name " style="' . (($field_key + 1) % 4 == 0 ? 'margin-right: 0; ' : '') . ($empty_field_disable ? 'opacity:0.25; ' : '') . '" data-key="' . $field_key . '" data-player="' . $player_info['player_token'] . '" data-player="' . $player_info['player_token'] . '" data-field="" title="">' . $this_field_title_html . '</a>';
            } else {
                for ($field_key = 0; $field_key <= 7; $field_key++) {
                    if ($empty_field_counter >= 2) {
                        $empty_field_disable = true;
                    } else {
                        $empty_field_disable = false;
                    $temp_select_options = str_replace('value=""', 'value="" selected="selected"', $field_rewards_options);
                    $this_field_title_html = '<label>-</label><select class="field_name" data-key="' . $field_key . '" data-player="' . $player_info['player_token'] . '" data-player="' . $player_info['player_token'] . '" ' . ($empty_field_disable ? 'disabled="disabled" ' : '') . '>' . $temp_select_options . '</select>';
                    $temp_string[] = '<a class="field_name " style="' . (($field_key + 1) % 4 == 0 ? 'margin-right: 0; ' : '') . ($empty_field_disable ? 'opacity:0.25; ' : '') . '" data-key="' . $field_key . '" data-player="' . $player_info['player_token'] . '" data-player="' . $player_info['player_token'] . '" data-field="" title="">' . $this_field_title_html . '</a>';
            // DEBUG
            //echo 'temp-string:';
            echo !empty($temp_string) ? implode(' ', $temp_string) : '';
            // DEBUG
            //echo '<br />temp-inputs:';
            echo !empty($temp_inputs) ? implode(' ', $temp_inputs) : '';
            // DEBUG
            //echo '<br />';
            // Collect the available star counts for this player
            $temp_star_counts = rpg_game::stars_available($player_token);
                                        <div class="field_stars">
                                            <label class="label">stars</label>
                                            <span class="star star_field" data-star="field"><?php 
            echo $temp_star_counts['field'];
                                            <span class="star star_fusion" data-star="fusion"><?php 
            echo $temp_star_counts['fusion'];
            // Print the sort wrapper and options if allowed
            if ($global_allow_editing) {
                                            <div class="field_tools">
                                                <label class="label">tools</label>
                                                <a class="tool tool_shuffle" data-tool="shuffle" data-player="<?php 
                echo $player_token;
                                                <a class="tool tool_randomize" data-tool="randomize" data-player="<?php 
                echo $player_token;


        // Collect the outbut buffer contents
        $this_markup = trim(ob_get_clean());
        // Return the generated markup
        return $this_markup;
예제 #2
            $info = rpg_field::parse_index_info($mmrpg_database_fields[$token]);
            $new_target_robot_omega[] = array('robot' => $info['field_master'], 'field' => $info['field_token'], 'type' => $info['field_type']);
        //die(print_r($new_target_robot_omega, true));
        //$new_target_robot_omega = array_reverse($new_target_robot_omega);
        $_SESSION[$session_token]['values'][$temp_session_key] = $new_target_robot_omega;
        // Collect the available star counts for this player
        $temp_star_counts = rpg_game::stars_available($temp_player);
        // Save, produce the success message with the new field order
        exit('success|field-updated|' . implode(',', $temp_fields) . '|' . implode(',', $temp_star_counts));
    } else {
        // Collect the available star counts for this player
        $temp_star_counts = rpg_game::stars_available($temp_player);
        // Produce an error show this field has already been selected
        exit('error|field-exists|' . implode(',', $temp_fields) . '|' . implode(',', $temp_star_counts));
// Define the index of allowable players to appear in the edit
$allowed_edit_players = array();
$allowed_edit_data = array();
foreach ($_SESSION[$session_token]['values']['battle_settings'] as $player_token => $player_info) {
    if (empty($player_token) || !isset($mmrpg_database_players[$player_token])) {
    $player_info = array_merge($mmrpg_database_players[$player_token], $player_info);
    $allowed_edit_players[] = $player_info;
    $allowed_edit_data[$player_token] = $player_info;