예제 #1
  * @brief Constructor for Password Authentication
  * @param string $username The username for which to validate the token
  * @param string $password The user's password.
 public function __construct()
     $token = request::get('token')->toString();
     $apikey = config::get('lepton.user.engage.apikey');
     $ret = new HttpRequest('https://rpxnow.com/api/v2/auth_info', array('method' => 'post', 'parameters' => array('apiKey' => $apikey, 'token' => $token, 'format' => 'xml')));
     $dom = DOMDocument::loadXml($ret->responseText());
     $domx = new DOMXPath($dom);
     // Get the status
     $status = $domx->query('/rsp')->item(0)->getAttribute('stat');
     if ($status == 'ok') {
         // Call on the successful callback method
         event::invoke(EngageEvents::EVENT_SUCCESSFUL_CALLBACK, array('profile' => $dom, 'profiletext' => $ret->responseText()));
         // Extract the values
         $identifier = $domx->query('/rsp/profile/identifier')->item(0)->nodeValue;
         $displayname = $domx->query('/rsp/profile/displayName')->item(0)->nodeValue;
         $provider = $domx->query('/rsp/profile/providerName')->item(0)->nodeValue;
         $firstname = $domx->query('/rsp/profile/name/givenName')->item(0)->nodeValue;
         $lastname = $domx->query('/rsp/profile/name/familyName')->item(0)->nodeValue;
         $preferredusername = $domx->query('/rsp/profile/preferredUsername')->item(0)->nodeValue;
         $email = $domx->query('/rsp/profile/email')->item(0)->nodeValue;
         // Sign in
         $db = new DatabaseConnection();
         $idrs = $db->getSingleRow("SELECT * FROM userengage WHERE identifier=%s", $identifier);
         if ($idrs) {
             $cu = $idrs['userid'];
             $db->updateRow("UPDATE userengage SET lastseen=NOW(), lastip=%s WHERE id=%d", request::getRemoteIp(), $idrs['id']);
         } else {
             if (!user::isAuthenticated()) {
                 if (!config::get(EngageAuthentication::KEY_ALLOW_CREATION, false)) {
                     throw new SecurityException("User creation is disabled for EngageAuthentication");
                 // Check username, add random numbers if not available
                 $username = $preferredusername;
                 $retrycount = 0;
                 while (!user::checkUsername($username)) {
                     $username = substr($preferredusername, 0, 6) . rand(1000, 9999);
                     $retrycount = $retrycount + 1;
                     if ($retrycount > 10) {
                         throw new UserException("Bad username");
                 // Generate a new password
                 $password = substr(md5(uniqid()), 0, 6);
                 // And create the userrecord
                 $u = new UserRecord();
                 $u->username = $username;
                 $u->password = $password;
                 $u->flags = config::get(EngageAuthentication::KEY_DEFAULT_FLAGS, EngageAuthentication::DEFAULT_FLAGS);
                 $u->displayname = $displayname;
                 $u->firstname = $firstname;
                 $u->lastname = $lastname;
                 $u->email = $email;
                 $cu = user::create($u);
                 session::set(self::SESSIONKEY_USER_CREATED, true);
             } else {
                 $cu = user::getActiveUser();
             // Add identifier to user
             $db->updateRow("INSERT INTO userengage (userid,identifier,provider,lastseen,lastip) VALUES (%d,%s,%s,NOW(),%s)", $cu, $identifier, $provider, request::getRemoteIp());
         $this->userid = $cu;
     } else {
         $this->userid = null;
예제 #2
  * @brief Assign a user to the current session.
  * @param $id The user id to assign
 protected function setUser($id)
     // Check if the user is active
     $u = user::getUser($id);
     if ($u == null) {
         throw new UserException("Unassociated user id / Integrity failure", UserException::ERR_USER_UNASSOCIATED);
     if (!$u->active) {
         throw new UserException("User is not active, check audit log", UserException::ERR_USER_INACTIVE);
     // TODO: Assign to session
     if (ModuleManager::has('lepton.mvc.session')) {
         session::set(User::KEY_USER_AUTH, $id);
     if (class_exists('request')) {
         $db = new DatabaseConnection();
         $db->updateRow("UPDATE users SET lastlogin=NOW(), lastip=%s WHERE id=%d", request::getRemoteIp(), $id);
     if (class_exists('UserEvents')) {
         event::invoke(UserEvents::EVENT_USER_LOGIN, array('id' => $id));
예제 #3
  * @brief Validate the session.
  * Activated using the configuration key
  *   'lepton.security.strictsessions'. A session-bound validation
  *   cookie is matched against the information of the current
  *   request.
  * Will stop execution if the details mismatch.
 static function validate()
     // Grab the validation cookie
     $vc = session::get(session::KEY_VALIDATION, null);
     if (!$vc) {
         $vc = array('ip' => request::getRemoteIp());
         // 'ua' => request::getUserAgent()
         // session::refresh();
         session::set(session::KEY_VALIDATION, $vc);
     } else {
         if ($vc['ip'] != request::getRemoteIp()) {
             die("Session integrity compromised. Session abandoned.");