function get_content() { global $CFG, $USER; if ($this->content !== NULL) { return $this->content; } $content = ''; $footer = ''; $nologin_auths = block_repository_nopasswd_auths(); if (!empty($USER->auth) && in_array($USER->auth, $nologin_auths)) { return ''; } if (isloggedin() && file_exists($CFG->dirroot . '/file/repository/alfresco/repository.php')) { require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/file/repository/repository.class.php'; if (isset($CFG->repository_plugins_enabled) && strstr($CFG->repository_plugins_enabled, 'alfresco')) { if ($repo = repository_factory::factory('alfresco')) { if ($repo->alfresco_userdir($USER->username) !== false) { // Fix username $username = repository_plugin_alfresco::fix_username($USER->username); // So that we don't conflict with the default Alfresco admin account. $username = $username == 'admin' ? $CFG->repository_alfresco_admin_username : $username; $hastenant = false; // We must include the tenant portion of the username here. if (($tenantname = strpos($CFG->repository_alfresco_server_username, '@')) > 0) { $username .= substr($CFG->repository_alfresco_server_username, $tenantname); $hastenant = true; } // Display a link to access the Alfresco repository directly. $content .= get_string('webappaccess', 'block_repository', $repo->get_webapp_url()) . '<br /><br />'; // Display a link to the configured embedded WebDAV client (if defined). if (!empty($CFG->block_course_repository_webdav_client)) { $content .= get_string('embeddedwebdavlink', 'block_repository', $CFG->block_course_repository_webdav_client) . '<br /><br />'; } if ($hastenant || $username != $USER->username) { $content .= get_string('usernametenantinfo', 'block_repository', $username); } else { $content .= get_string('usernameinfo', 'block_repository', $username); } // Display a link to defined help files if (!empty($CFG->block_course_repository_help_link)) { $footer = get_string('helpfileslink', 'block_repository', $CFG->block_course_repository_help_link); } } } } } // If there is no content and the current user can actually modify the site settings, display some text // in the block explaining what is happening. if (empty($content) && has_capability('moodle/site:config', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM))) { if (file_exists($CFG->dirroot . '/admin/file/repositories.php')) { $content = get_string('alfresconotconfigured', 'block_repository', $CFG->wwwroot . '/admin/file/' . 'repositories.php'); } else { $content = get_string('norepositorypluginsystem', 'block_repository'); } } $this->content = new stdClass(); $this->content->text = $content; $this->content->footer = $footer; return $this->content; }
function output_html($data, $query = '') { global $CFG; require_js($CFG->wwwroot . '/file/repository/alfresco/rootfolder.js'); $default = $this->get_defaultsetting(); $repoisup = false; /// Validate the path, if we can. if ($repo = repository_factory::factory('alfresco')) { $repoisup = $repo->is_configured() && $repo->verify_setup(); if ($repoisup) { if (empty($CFG->repository_alfresco_root_folder)) { // if alfresco root folder is currently empty, set it to moodle (the default) $root_folder = '/moodle'; } else { $root_folder = $CFG->repository_alfresco_root_folder; } if ($root_folder == s($data) && !empty($repo->muuid)) { $valid = '<span class="pathok">✔</span>'; } else { $valid = '<span class="patherror">✘</span>'; } } } if (!isset($valid)) { $valid = ''; } $inputs = '<div class="form-file defaultsnext"><input type="text" size="48" id="' . $this->get_id() . '" name="' . $this->get_full_name() . '" value="' . s($data) . '" /> <input type="button" ' . 'onclick="return chooseRootFolder(document.getElementById(\'adminsettings\'));" value="' . get_string('chooserootfolder', 'repository_alfresco') . '" name="' . $this->get_full_name() . '"' . (!$repoisup ? ' disabled="disabled"' : '') . ' />' . $valid . '</div>'; return format_admin_setting($this, $this->visiblename, $inputs, $this->description, true, '', $default, $query); }
/** * Test that info is returned for the root uuid */ public function test_get_folder_response() { $this->resetAfterTest(true); $this->setup_test_data_xml(); $repo = repository_factory::factory('elisfiles'); // Look for the Company Home folder $uuid = $repo->root->uuid; $response = $repo->get_info($uuid); // Verify that we get a valid response $this->assertNotEquals(false, $response); // Verify that response has a uuid $this->assertObjectHasAttribute('uuid', $response); // Verify that the correct uuid is returned $this->assertEquals($repo->root->uuid, $response->uuid); // Verify that response has a type $this->assertObjectHasAttribute('type', $response); // Verify that type is folder $this->assertEquals(ELIS_files::$type_folder, $response->type); // Verify that title is set $this->assertObjectHasAttribute('title', $response); // Verify that created is set $this->assertObjectHasAttribute('created', $response); // Verify that modified is set $this->assertObjectHasAttribute('modified', $response); // Verify that summary is set $this->assertObjectHasAttribute('summary', $response); // Verify that Owner is set $this->assertObjectHasAttribute('owner', $response); }
/** * This function loads data into the PHPUnit tables for testing */ protected function setup_test_data_xml() { if (!file_exists(__DIR__.'/fixtures/elis_files_config.xml')) { $this->markTestSkipped('You must define elis_files_config.xml inside '.__DIR__. '/fixtures/ directory to execute this test.'); } $this->loadDataSet($this->createXMLDataSet(__DIR__.'/fixtures/elis_files_config.xml')); // Check if Alfresco is enabled, configured and running first. if (!$repo = repository_factory::factory('elisfiles')) { $this->markTestSkipped('Could not connect to alfresco with supplied credentials. Please try again.'); } }
/** * Retrieves the repository object used by this assignment type, if applicable * * @return mixed An object representing the repository used to store files, or * false isf the appropriate configuration is not complete */ function get_repository_object() { global $CFG; //make sure a default repository plugin is selected if (empty($CFG->repository)) { return false; } //make sure everything is configured as needed if (!isset($CFG->repository_plugins_enabled) || strstr($CFG->repository_plugins_enabled, 'alfresco') === false || !($repo = repository_factory::factory('alfresco')) || !$repo->is_configured() || !$repo->verify_setup()) { //accessibility / configuration error return false; } //success return $repo; }
/** * Validate that the "migrate_all_users" method correctly deletes legacy * @uses $CFG, $DB * numeric user directories */ public function test_migrate_all_users_handles_deleted_users() { $this->resetAfterTest(true); $this->setup_test_data_xml(); global $CFG, $DB; $repo = repository_factory::factory('elisfiles'); // Our test username $username = '******'; // Set up the user in Alfresco $elisfiles = new ELIS_files(); $elisfiles->migrate_user($username); // Validate that the user exists and that their home directory was set up // (for sanity reasons only) $userexists = elis_files_request('/api/people/'.$username); $this->assertNotEquals(false, $userexists); $initialuserhome = elis_files_get_home_directory($username); $this->assertNotEquals(false, $initialuserhome); // Change the node name to the "old" style $test = elis_files_node_rename($initialuserhome, '100'); // Run the migration method $usr = new stdClass(); $usr->id = 100; $usr->deleted = 1; $DB->update_record('user', $usr); $elisfiles->migrate_all_users(); // Validate cleanup for the legacy folder $legacyuuid = false; $dir = elis_files_read_dir($elisfiles->uhomesuid, true); foreach ($dir->folders as $folder) { if ($folder->title == '100') { $legacyuuid = $folder->uuid; } } // Clean up the non-legacy data before final validation $elisfiles->delete_user($username); $this->assertEquals(false, $legacyuuid); }
/** * ELIS(TM): Enterprise Learning Intelligence Suite * Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Inc ( * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * @package elis * @subpackage File system * @author Inc * @license GNU GPL * @copyright (C) 2008-2012 Remote Inc * */ function xmldb_repository_alfresco_upgrade($oldversion = 0) { global $CFG, $THEME, $db; $result = true; if ($result && $oldversion < 2007011900) { $result = install_from_xmldb_file($CFG->dirroot . '/repository/alfresco/db/install.xml'); } if ($result && $oldversion < 2010030901) { $table = new XMLDBTable('alfresco_course_store'); $table->comment = 'Stores course storage UUID values'; $table->addFieldInfo('id', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', false, XMLDB_NOTNULL, XMLDB_SEQUENCE, null, null, null); $table->addFieldInfo('courseid', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', false, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, null, null); $table->addFieldInfo('uuid', XMLDB_TYPE_CHAR, '36', null, false, null, null, null, null); $table->addKeyInfo('primary', XMLDB_KEY_PRIMARY, array('id')); $table->addKeyInfo('courseid', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, array('courseid'), 'course', array('id')); $table->addIndexInfo('courseid-uuid', XMLDB_INDEX_UNIQUE, array('courseid', 'uuid')); $result = $result && create_table($table); // Only proceed here if the Alfresco plug-in is actually enabled. if (isset($CFG->repository_plugins_enabled) && strstr($CFG->repository_plugins_enabled, 'alfresco')) { // Handle upgrading some things on the Alfresco repository. require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/file/repository/repository.class.php'; if (!($repo = repository_factory::factory('alfresco'))) { debugging(get_string('couldnotcreaterepositoryobject', 'repository'), DEBUG_DEVELOPER); $result = false; } // Turn off "Inherit parent space permissions" for the special Moodle storage directories. $result = $result && $repo->node_inherit($repo->muuid, false); $result = $result && $repo->node_inherit($repo->suuid, false); $result = $result && $repo->node_inherit($repo->cuuid, false); // Make sure that all of the individual course directories are set to not interhit parent space permissions. $dir = $repo->read_dir($repo->cuuid); if (!empty($dir->folders)) { foreach ($dir->folders as $folder) { if ((int) $folder->title != $folder->title || (int) $folder->title <= 1 || !($course = get_record('course', 'id', $folder->title, '', '', '', '', 'id,shortname'))) { continue; } // Check if we need to add this node to the course store table. if ($result && !record_exists('alfresco_course_store', 'courseid', $course->id)) { $coursestore = new stdClass(); $coursestore->courseid = $course->id; $coursestore->uuid = $folder->uuid; $coursestore->id = insert_record('alfresco_course_store', $coursestore); $result = !empty($coursestore->id); } $result = $result && $repo->node_inherit($folder->uuid, false); $result = $result && alfresco_node_rename($folder->uuid, $course->shortname); } } } } if ($result && $oldversion < 2010032900) { // Only proceed here if the Alfresco plug-in is actually enabled. if (isset($CFG->repository_plugins_enabled) && strstr($CFG->repository_plugins_enabled, 'alfresco')) { // Handle upgrading some things on the Alfresco repository. require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/file/repository/repository.class.php'; if (!($repo = repository_factory::factory('alfresco'))) { debugging(get_string('couldnotcreaterepositoryobject', 'repository'), DEBUG_DEVELOPER); $result = false; } $root = $repo->get_root(); if (!empty($root->uuid)) { $dir = $repo->read_dir($root->uuid, true); if (!empty($dir->folders)) { foreach ($dir->folders as $folder) { // Process each of these directories to make sure that any non-privileged user cannot directly // access them. if ($folder->title == 'Data Dictionary' || $folder->title == 'Guest Home' || $folder->title == 'Sites') { $a = new stdClass(); $a->uuid = $folder->uuid; $a->name = $folder->title; echo '<p>' . get_string('lockingdownpermissionson', 'repository_alfresco', $a) . '</p>'; if ($permissions = alfresco_get_permissions($folder->uuid, 'GROUP_EVERYONE')) { foreach ($permissions as $permission) { // Make sure the node isn't inheriting parent node permissions. $repo->node_inherit($folder->uuid, false); // Construct the post data $postdata = array('username' => 'GROUP_EVERYONE', 'name' => $permission, 'capability' => ALFRESCO_CAPABILITY_DENIED); // We're not going to examine the response (we assume it worked). $response = alfresco_send('/moodle/setpermissions/' . $folder->uuid, $postdata, 'POST'); } } } } } } } } if ($result && $oldversion < 2010090300) { // Add the mapping table for organization shared spaces. $table = new XMLDBTable('alfresco_organization_store'); $table->comment = 'Stores organization shared storage UUID values'; $table->addFieldInfo('id', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', false, XMLDB_NOTNULL, XMLDB_SEQUENCE, null, null, null); $table->addFieldInfo('organizationid', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', false, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, null, null); $table->addFieldInfo('uuid', XMLDB_TYPE_CHAR, '36', null, false, null, null, null, null); $table->addKeyInfo('primary', XMLDB_KEY_PRIMARY, array('id')); $table->addKeyInfo('organizationid', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, array('organizationid'), 'crlm_cluster', array('id')); $table->addIndexInfo('organization-uuid', XMLDB_INDEX_UNIQUE, array('organizationid', 'uuid')); $result = $result && create_table($table); } return $result; }
/** * Determine whether the root folder is valid * @return string */ private static function root_folder_is_valid($data) { $repoisup = false; /// Validate the path, if we can. if ($repo = repository_factory::factory()) { $repoisup = $repo->is_configured() && $repo->verify_setup(); if ($repoisup) { if (elis_files_validate_path($data)) { $valid = '<span class="pathok" style="color:green;">✔</span>'; } else { $valid = '<span class="patherror" style="color:red;">✘</span>'; } } } if (!isset($valid)) { $valid = ''; } return $valid; }
* * @package repository_elisfiles * @author Inc * @copyright (C) 2008-2013 Inc ( * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ define('CLI_SCRIPT', true); // This script may only be run from the commandline require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../config.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/repository/elisfiles/ELIS_files_factory.class.php'); $repo = repository_factory::factory('elisfiles'); if (!$repo) { mtrace(get_string('couldnotinitializerepository', 'repository_elisfiles')); exit; } set_time_limit(0); // This may take a long time. $errors = 0; $auths = elis_files_nopasswd_auths(); if (empty($auths) || count($auths) === 0) { exit; }
function elis_files_get_config() { global $CFG; require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/repository/elisfiles/ELIS_files_factory.class.php'); if (!$repo = repository_factory::factory()) { return false; } else { return $repo; } }
/** * Test uploading a file to Alfresco explicitly using the web services method. */ public function test_upload_file_via_ftp() { global $USER, $SESSION; $this->resetAfterTest(true); $this->setup_test_data_xml(); // Check if Alfresco is enabled, configured and running first if (!$repo = repository_factory::factory('elisfiles')) { $this->markTestSkipped('Repository not configured or enabled'); } // We need to create a user and then force the repository connection to be reinitialized $USER->email = '*****@*****.**'; $this->assertTrue($repo->migrate_user($USER, 'temppass')); unset($SESSION->repo); $this->testusercreated = true; $repo = repository_factory::factory('elisfiles'); // Explicitly set the file transfer method to FTP set_config('file_transfer_method', ELIS_FILES_XFER_FTP, 'elisfiles'); $targets = array( $repo->root->uuid, $repo->muuid, $repo->suuid, $repo->cuuid, $repo->uuuid, $repo->ouuid ); foreach ($targets as $uuid) { $filename = $this->generate_temp_file(1); $response = $this->call_upload_file($repo, '', $filename, $uuid); unlink($filename); $this->assertNotEquals(false, $response); $this->assertObjectHasAttribute('uuid', $response); } }
/** * Validate duplicate user set creation */ public function test_duplicate_userset_creation() { if (!self::$haspm) { $this->markTestSkipped('local_elisprogram is required for Userset testing'); } $this->resetAfterTest(true); $this->setup_test_data_xml(); $repo = repository_factory::factory('elisfiles'); $userset = new userset(array('name' => 'testuserset')); $userset->save(); $uuid = $repo->get_userset_store($userset->id); $uuidduplicate = $repo->get_userset_store($userset->id); $this->assertEquals($uuidduplicate, $uuid); }
/** * Handle the event when a user is created in Moodle. * * @uses $CFG * @param object $user Moodle user record object. * @return bool True on success, False otherwise. */ function elis_files_user_created($user) { global $CFG; // Only proceed here if the Alfresco plug-in is actually enabled. if (!($repo = repository_factory::factory('elisfiles')) || !$repo->is_configured() || !$repo->verify_setup()) { //error_log("elis_files_user_created(): Alfresco NOT enabled!"); } else { // create a random password for certain authentications $auths = elis_files_nopasswd_auths(); if (!empty($user->auth) && in_array($user->auth, $auths)) { $passwd = random_string(8); //$user->password = md5($passwd); // TBD: or reversible encrypt //update_record('user', $user); //error_log("elis_files_user_created(): generating password for {$user->id} ({$user->auth}) => {$passwd}"); $repo->migrate_user($user, $passwd); } } return true; }
/** * ELIS(TM): Enterprise Learning Intelligence Suite * Copyright (C) 2014 onwards Inc ( * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * @package repository_elisfiles * @author Inc * @license GNU GPL v3 or later * @copyright (C) 2008-2014 Inc ( * */ function xmldb_repository_elisfiles_install() { global $CFG, $DB; $result = true; $dbman = $DB->get_manager(); // Run upgrade steps from old plugin if applicable $oldversion = get_config('repository_elis_files', 'version'); if ($oldversion !== false) { require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/repository/elisfiles/lib/lib.php'); if ($oldversion < 2011110301) { $errors = false; $auths = elis_files_nopasswd_auths(); $authlist = "'". implode("', '", $auths) ."'"; $users = $DB->get_records_select('user', "auth IN ({$authlist})", array(), 'id, auth'); if (!empty($users)) { foreach ($users as $user) { $user = get_complete_user_data('id', $user->id); $migrate_ok = elis_files_user_created($user); if (!$migrate_ok) { $errors = true; // error_log("xmldb_block_elis_files_upgrade({$oldversion}) - failed migrating user ({$user->id}) to Alfresco."); } } } if (!$errors) { set_config('initialized', 1, ELIS_files::$plugin_name); } } if ($result && $oldversion < 2012042300) { //check that elis_files_organization_store exists and repository_elisfiles_userset does not exist if ($dbman->table_exists('elis_files_organization_store') && !$dbman->table_exists('elis_files_userset_store')) { $original_table = new xmldb_table('elis_files_organization_store'); //rename table $dbman->rename_table($original_table, 'elis_files_userset_store'); $new_table = new xmldb_table('elis_files_userset_store'); //drop the keys $original_uuid_index = new xmldb_index('elisfileorgastor_orguu_uix', XMLDB_INDEX_UNIQUE, array('organizationid', 'uuid')); $original_index = new xmldb_index('elisfileorgastor_org_ix', XMLDB_INDEX_NOTUNIQUE, array('organizationid')); $dbman->drop_index($new_table, $original_uuid_index); $dbman->drop_index($new_table, $original_index); //rename field $organization = new xmldb_field('organizationid', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', XMLDB_UNSIGNED, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, 0); $dbman->rename_field($new_table, $organization, 'usersetid'); //add the keys $new_uuid_index = new xmldb_index('elisfileuserstor_useuu_uix', XMLDB_INDEX_UNIQUE, array('usersetid', 'uuid')); $new_index = new xmldb_index('elisfileuserstor_use_ix', XMLDB_INDEX_NOTUNIQUE, array('usersetid')); $dbman->add_index($new_table, $new_uuid_index); $dbman->add_index($new_table, $new_index); } } if ($result && $oldversion < 2012042500) { defined('ELIS_FILES_BROWSE_USERSET_FILES') or define('ELIS_FILES_BROWSE_USERSET_FILES', 60); // ELIS-4676 ELIS UserSet Files is no longer valid, so change to default of ELIS User Files $select = "plugin = 'elis_files' AND name = 'default_browse'"; if ($record = $DB->get_record_select('config_plugins', $select)) { require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/repository/elisfiles/lib/ELIS_files.php'); $int_value = (int)$record->value; $valid_values = array( ELIS_FILES_BROWSE_SITE_FILES, ELIS_FILES_BROWSE_SHARED_FILES, ELIS_FILES_BROWSE_COURSE_FILES, ELIS_FILES_BROWSE_USER_FILES ); if (!in_array($int_value, $valid_values)) { $record->value = ELIS_FILES_BROWSE_USER_FILES; $DB->update_record('config_plugins', $record); } } } if ($result && $oldversion < 2012050200) { // Check for any plug-in settings using an incorrect plug-in name "ELIS_files" instead of "elis_files" if ($pcfgs = $DB->get_records('config_plugins', array('plugin' => 'ELIS_files'))) { foreach ($pcfgs as $pcfg) { $pcfg->plugin = 'elis_files'; $DB->update_record('config_plugins', $pcfg); } } } /* * This upgrade step removes any possible stale data in the repository_elisfiles_userset and * repository_elisfiles_course that not longer have relevant courses or user sets */ if ($result && $oldversion < 2012083000) { $haveuserset = false; if (file_exists($CFG->dirroot.'/local/elisprogram/lib/data/userset.class.php')) { require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/local/elisprogram/lib/data/userset.class.php'); $haveuserset = $dbman->table_exists(userset::TABLE); } $sql = 'DELETE FROM {elis_files_userset_store}'; if ($haveuserset) { $sql .= ' WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM {'.userset::TABLE.'} WHERE {elis_files_userset_store}.usersetid = {'.userset::TABLE.'}.id)'; } $DB->execute($sql); $sql = 'DELETE FROM {elis_files_course_store} WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM {course} WHERE {elis_files_course_store}.courseid = {course}.id)'; $DB->execute($sql); } /* * This upgrade step removes backslashes from category titles in the repository_elisfiles_cats */ if ($result && $oldversion < 2012090400) { require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/repository/elisfiles/ELIS_files_factory.class.php'); // Initialize the repo object. $repo = repository_factory::factory(); $table = 'elis_files_categories'; if ($repo && $dbman->table_exists($table) && $categories = elis_files_get_categories()) { $DB->delete_records($table); // Perform the back-end category refresh $categories = elis_files_get_categories(); $uuids = array(); $repo->process_categories($uuids, $categories); } } // If the pre-ELIS 2 Alfresco plugin was present and enabled on this site, then we need to automatically // enable the ELIS Files plugin $select1 = "name = 'repository' AND ".$DB->sql_compare_text('value')." = 'alfresco'"; $select2 = "name = 'repository_plugins_enabled' AND ".$DB->sql_compare_text('value')." = 'alfresco'"; if ($DB->record_exists_select('config', $select1) && $DB->record_exists_select('config', $select2)) { require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/repository/lib.php'); $elis_files = new repository_type('elisfiles', array(), true); if (!empty($elis_files)) { $elis_files->update_visibility(true); $elis_files->create(); } $DB->delete_records_select('config', "(name = 'repository' OR name = 'repository_plugins_enabled')"); } // ELIS-3677, ELIS-3802 Moodle files is no longer valid, so change to default of ELIS User Files $select = "plugin = 'elis_files' AND name = 'default_browse'"; if ($record = $DB->get_record_select('config_plugins', $select)) { require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/repository/elisfiles/lib/ELIS_files.php'); $int_value = (int)$record->value; $valid_values = array( ELIS_FILES_BROWSE_SITE_FILES, ELIS_FILES_BROWSE_SHARED_FILES, ELIS_FILES_BROWSE_COURSE_FILES, ELIS_FILES_BROWSE_USER_FILES ); if (!in_array($int_value, $valid_values)) { $record->value = ELIS_FILES_BROWSE_USER_FILES; $DB->update_record('config_plugins', $record); } } $ignoreresult = elis_files_update_references_in_database(); } // Convert old tables to new static $tablemap = array( 'elis_files_categories' => 'repository_elisfiles_cats', 'elis_files_course_store' => 'repository_elisfiles_course', 'elis_files_userset_store' => 'repository_elisfiles_userset' ); foreach ($tablemap as $oldtable => $newtable) { $oldtableobj = new xmldb_table($oldtable); if ($dbman->table_exists($oldtableobj)) { $newtableobj = new xmldb_table($newtable); $dbman->drop_table($newtableobj); $dbman->rename_table($oldtableobj, $newtable); } } // Migrate capabilities $oldcapprefix = 'repository/elis_files'; $newcapprefix = 'repository/elisfiles'; $sql = 'SELECT * FROM {role_capabilities} WHERE capability LIKE ?'; $params = array($oldcapprefix.'%'); $rolecaps = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, $params); foreach ($rolecaps as $rolecaprec) { $updaterec = new stdClass; $updaterec->id = $rolecaprec->id; $updaterec->capability = str_replace($oldcapprefix, $newcapprefix, $rolecaprec->capability); $DB->update_record('role_capabilities', $updaterec); } $sql = 'SELECT * FROM {capabilities} WHERE name LIKE ?'; $caps = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, $params); foreach ($caps as $cap) { $cap->name = str_replace($oldcapprefix, $newcapprefix, $cap->name); $cap->component = str_replace('repository_elis_files', 'repository_elisfiles', $cap->component); $DB->update_record('capabilities', $cap); } // Migrate language strings $migrator = new \local_eliscore\install\migration\migrator('repository_elis_files', 'repository_elisfiles'); $migrator->migrate_language_strings(); // Copy any settings from old plugin $oldconfig = get_config('elis_files'); foreach ($oldconfig as $name => $value) { set_config($name, $value, 'elisfiles'); } unset_all_config_for_plugin('elis_files'); unset_all_config_for_plugin('repository_elis_files'); // Update repository table $sql = 'UPDATE {repository} SET type = "elisfiles" WHERE type = "elis_files"'; $DB->execute($sql); return $result; }
/** * Validate that the "find_userset_folders" method respect site files * capabilities assigned at the system level * @uses $USER, $DB * @param string $capability The site files capabilility to assign to the test user * @param boolean $createonly The "create only" flag, as needed by the method * @param array $names The expected set of userset names that should be returned * @dataProvider userset_folders_provider */ public function test_find_userset_folders_respects_site_files($capability, $createonly, $names) { if (!class_exists('elispm')) { $this->markTestSkipped('local_elisprogram needed for test'); return false; } $this->resetAfterTest(true); $this->setup_test_data_xml(); global $DB, $USER; require_once(elis::lib('data/customfield.class.php')); require_once(elispm::lib('data/userset.class.php')); require_once(elispm::file('plugins/usetclassify/usersetclassification.class.php')); require_once(elispm::file('accesslib.php')); // Make sure the test user is not mistaken for a site admin or guest set_config('siteadmins', ''); set_config('siteguest', ''); $classification = new usersetclassification(array( 'shortname' => 'testclassification' )); $classification->param_elis_files_shared_folder = 1; $classification->save(); $userset = new userset(array( 'name' => 'testusersetname' )); $userset->save(); $userset->reset_custom_field_list(); $userset->load(); $userset->field__elis_userset_classification = 'testclassification'; $userset->save(); $this->setUser(100); // Assign the "site files" role to the test user $roleid = $this->assign_role_capability($capability); $systemcontext = context_system::instance(); role_assign($roleid, $USER->id, $systemcontext->id); // Assign the "view userset content" role to the test user $usersetcontext = \local_elisprogram\context\userset::instance($userset->id); $roleid = $this->assign_role_capability('repository/elisfiles:viewusersetcontent', 100); role_assign($roleid, $USER->id, $usersetcontext->id); // Obtain the set of userset folders $elisfiles = repository_factory::factory(); $folders = array(); $elisfiles->find_userset_folders($folders, $createonly); // Validate that the method returned the right number of folders $this->assertEquals(count($names), count($folders)); // Validate the specific names foreach ($names as $i => $name) { $this->assertEquals($name, $folders[$i]['name']); } }
$file = optional_param('file', '', PARAM_PATH); $wdir = optional_param('wdir', '/', PARAM_PATH); $category = optional_param('category', 0, PARAM_INT); $action = optional_param('action', '', PARAM_ACTION); $name = optional_param('name', '', PARAM_FILE); $oldname = optional_param('oldname', '', PARAM_FILE); $choose = optional_param('choose', '', PARAM_FILE); //in fact it is always 'formname.inputname' $userfile = optional_param('userfile', '', PARAM_FILE); $save = optional_param('save', 0, PARAM_BOOL); $text = optional_param('text', '', PARAM_RAW); $confirm = optional_param('confirm', 0, PARAM_BOOL); if (empty($CFG->repository)) { print_error('nodefaultrepositoryplugin', 'repository'); } if (!isset($CFG->repository_plugins_enabled) || strstr($CFG->repository_plugins_enabled, 'alfresco') === false || ($repo = repository_factory::factory($CFG->repository)) === false) { print_error('couldnotcreaterepositoryobject', 'repository'); } if (!alfresco_user_request()) { print_error('nopermissions'); } // If we don't have something explicitly to load and we didn't get here from the drop-down... if (empty($dd) && empty($uuid)) { if ($uuid = $repo->get_repository_location($id, $userid, $shared, $oid)) { redirect($CFG->wwwroot . '/file/repository/index.php?id=' . $id . '&choose=' . $choose . '&userid=' . $userid . '&shared=' . $shared . '&oid=' . $oid . '&uuid=' . $uuid, '', 0); } if ($uuid = $repo->get_default_browsing_location($id, $userid, $shared)) { redirect($CFG->wwwroot . '/file/repository/index.php?id=' . $id . '&choose=' . $choose . '&userid=' . $userid . '&shared=' . $shared . '&oid=' . $oid . '&uuid=' . $uuid, '', 0); } } if ($choose) {
/** * Validates that a filename is unique within the specified folder in Alfresco * * @param string $filename The filename we are checking, without the path included * @return mixed true if unique, otherwise a string error message */ function validate_unique_filename($filename) { require_once('ELIS_files_factory.class.php'); $uuid = required_param('uuid', PARAM_TEXT); if ($repo = repository_factory::factory()) { // look through the files in the current directory if ($dir = $repo->read_dir($uuid)) { if (!empty($dir->files)) { foreach ($dir->files as $file) { if ($file->title == $filename) { // found an existing file with the same name return get_string('erroruploadduplicatefilename', 'repository_elisfiles', $filename); } } } } } else { // this is unlikely but possible return get_string('errorupload', 'repository_elisfiles'); } // file not already found, so ok to upload return true; }
function get_content() { global $CFG, $USER; if ($this->content !== NULL) { return $this->content; } $this->content = new stdClass(); $this->content->text = ''; $this->content->footer = ''; $content = ''; $footer = ''; $nologin_auths = elis_files_nopasswd_auths(); if (!empty($USER->auth) && in_array($USER->auth, $nologin_auths)) { return ''; } // Only proceed here if the Alfresco plug-in is actually enabled. if (!isloggedin() || !file_exists($CFG->dirroot . '/repository/elisfiles/ELIS_files_factory.class.php')) { return $this->content; } require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/repository/elisfiles/ELIS_files_factory.class.php'; if (!($repo = repository_factory::factory())) { return $this->content; } // Get the ELIS Files plugin configuration values $pcfg = get_config('elisfiles'); $username = $USER->username == 'admin' ? $pcfg->admin_username : $USER->username; $username = $repo->alfresco_username_fix($username); $repo->set_alfresco_username($username); if ($repo->elis_files_userdir($username) !== false) { // So that we don't conflict with the default Alfresco admin account. // $username = $USER->username == 'admin' ? $pcfg->admin_username : $USER->username; $hastenant = false; // If the Moodle user's user name has an '@' symbol, then replace it with '_AT_' for Alfresco compatibility if (($tenantname = strpos($USER->username, '@')) > 0) { $username = $repo->get_alfresco_username_fix(); } // We must include the tenant portion of the username here. if (($tenantname = strpos(elis::$config->elisfiles->server_username, '@')) > 0) { $username .= substr(elis::$config->elisfiles->server_username, $tenantname); $hastenant = true; } // Display a link to access the Alfresco repository directly. $content .= get_string('webappaccess', 'block_repository', $repo->get_webapp_url()) . '<br /><br />'; // Display a link to the configured embedded WebDAV client (if defined). if (!empty($CFG->block_course_repository_webdav_client)) { $content .= get_string('embeddedwebdavlink', 'block_repository', $CFG->block_course_repository_webdav_client) . '<br /><br />'; } if ($hastenant || $username != $USER->username) { $content .= get_string('usernametenantinfo', 'block_repository', $username); } else { $content .= get_string('usernameinfo', 'block_repository', $username); } // Display a link to defined help files if (!empty($CFG->block_course_repository_help_link)) { $footer = get_string('helpfileslink', 'block_repository', $CFG->block_course_repository_help_link); } } // If there is no content and the current user can actually modify the site settings, display some text // in the block explaining what is happening. if (empty($content) && has_capability('moodle/site:config', context_system::instance())) { $url = $CFG->wwwroot . '/admin/repository.php?action=edit&repos=elisfiles&sesskey=' . sesskey(); $content = get_string('alfresconotconfigured', 'block_repository', $url); } $this->content->text = $content; $this->content->footer = $footer; return $this->content; }
/** * Post authentication hook. * This method is called from authenticate_user_login() for all enabled auth plugins. * * @uses $CFG * @param object $user user object, later used for $USER * @param string $username (with system magic quotes) * @param string $password plain text password (with system magic quotes) */ function user_authenticated_hook(&$user, $username, $password) { global $CFG; if (!$this->isactive) { return; } require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/repository/elisfiles/ELIS_files_factory.class.php'; if (!($repo = repository_factory::factory())) { return; } $repoisup = $repo->is_running() && $repo->verify_setup(); // Perform the proper setup / updating / migration of user information on Alfresco. if ($repoisup && $repo->migrate_user($user, $password)) { $repo->sync_permissions($user); } }
$action = optional_param('action', '', PARAM_ACTION); $name = optional_param('name', '', PARAM_FILE); $oldname = optional_param('oldname', '', PARAM_FILE); $usecheckboxes = optional_param('usecheckboxes', 1, PARAM_INT); $save = optional_param('save', 0, PARAM_BOOL); $text = optional_param('text', '', PARAM_RAW); $confirm = optional_param('confirm', 0, PARAM_BOOL); if (!($course = get_record('course', 'id', $id))) { print_error('invalidcourseid', 'repository_alfresco', '', $id); } require_login($course); // require_capability('moodle/course:managefiles', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $id)); if (empty($CFG->repository)) { print_error('nodefaultrepositoryplugin', 'repository'); } if (!($repo = repository_factory::factory($CFG->repository))) { print_error('couldnotcreaterepositoryobject', 'repository'); } /// Get the context instance for where we originated viewing this browser from. if (!empty($oid)) { $cluster_context = get_context_instance(context_level_base::get_custom_context_level('cluster', 'block_curr_admin'), $oid); } if ($id == SITEID) { $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM, SITEID); } else { $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $id); } /// Determine whether the current user has editing permissions. $canedit = false; if (empty($userid) && empty($shared)) { if ($id == SITEID && has_capability('block/repository:createsitecontent', $context, $USER->id) || $id != SITEID && has_capability('block/repository:createcoursecontent', $context, $USER->id) || !empty($oid) && has_capability('block/repository:createorganizationcontent', $cluster_context, $USER->id)) {
/** * Test the user migration functionality using an invalid user object * @uses $DB */ public function test_migrate_invalid_user_as_object() { $this->resetAfterTest(true); $this->setup_test_data_xml(); global $DB; $repo = repository_factory::factory('elisfiles'); $this->userstodelete[] = '__phpunit_test1__'; $user = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => 100)); $this->assertTrue($repo->migrate_user($user, 'password')); }
/** * Handle the event when a user is unassigned to a cluster. * * @uses $CFG * @param object $clusterinfo The Moodle role_assignment record object. * @return bool True on success or failure (event handlers must always return true). */ function block_repository_cluster_deassigned($clusterinfo) { global $CFG; // Only proceed here if the Alfresco plug-in is actually enabled. if (!isset($CFG->repository_plugins_enabled) || strstr($CFG->repository_plugins_enabled, 'alfresco') === false || !($repo = repository_factory::factory('alfresco'))) { return true; } // Get the Moodle user ID from the CM user ID. if (!($muserid = cm_get_moodleuserid($clusterinfo->userid))) { return true; } if (!($username = get_field('user', 'username', 'id', $muserid))) { return true; } if (!($cluster = get_record('crlm_cluster', 'id', $clusterinfo->clusterid))) { return true; } // Does this organization have an Alfresco storage space? if (!($uuid = $repo->get_organization_store($cluster->id, false))) { return true; } $context = get_context_instance(context_level_base::get_custom_context_level('cluster', 'block_curr_admin'), $cluster->id); $sql = "SELECT rc.*\n FROM {$CFG->prefix}role_capabilities rc\n INNER JOIN {$CFG->prefix}role r ON = rc.roleid\n INNER JOIN {$CFG->prefix}role_assignments ra ON ra.roleid =\n WHERE ra.contextid = {$context->id}\n AND ra.userid = {$muserid}\n AND rc.capability = 'block/repository:createorganizationcontent'\n AND rc.permission = " . CAP_ALLOW; // Check if the user has a specific role assignment on the cluster context with the editing capability if (!record_exists_sql($sql)) { // Remove all non-editing permissions for this user on the organization shared space. if ($permissions = alfresco_get_permissions($uuid, $username)) { foreach ($permissions as $permission) { // Do not remove editing permissions if this user still actually has a cluster membership. if ($permission == ALFRESCO_ROLE_COLLABORATOR) { continue; } alfresco_set_permission($username, $uuid, $permission, ALFRESCO_CAPABILITY_DENIED); } } // Remove all permissions for this user on the organization shared space. } else { if ($permissions = alfresco_get_permissions($uuid, $username)) { foreach ($permissions as $permission) { // Do not remove view permissions if this user still actually has a cluster membership. if ($permission == ALFRESCO_ROLE_CONSUMER && record_exists('crlm_usercluster', 'userid', $clusterinfo->userid, 'clusterid', $cluster->id, 'leader', 0)) { continue; } alfresco_set_permission($username, $uuid, $permission, ALFRESCO_CAPABILITY_DENIED); } } } return true; }
<?php /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // NOTICE OF COPYRIGHT // // // // Moodle - Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment // // // // // // Copyright (C) 2004 Martin Dougiamas // // // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // // (at your option) any later version. // // // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // // GNU General Public License for more details: // // // // // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// require_once '../../config.php'; require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/repository/repository.php'; $uuid = required_param('uuid', PARAM_CLEAN); /// Initialize the repository object and 'read' the file by redirecting to the /// file itself. $repo = repository_factory::factory('alfresco'); $repo->read_file($uuid);
*/ require_once '../../config.php'; require_once $CFG->libdir . '/adminlib.php'; admin_externalpage_setup('repositories'); $repository = required_param('repository', PARAM_ALPHA); $CFG->pagepath = 'repository/' . $repository; require_login(); if (!($site = get_site())) { redirect("index.php"); } if (!isadmin()) { error("Only the admin can use this page"); } require_once "{$CFG->dirroot}/file/repository/repository.class.php"; /// Open the factory class $repositoryobj = repository_factory::factory($repository); /// If data submitted, then process and store. if ($frm = data_submitted()) { if (!confirm_sesskey()) { error(get_string('confirmsesskeybad', 'error')); } if ($repositoryobj->process_config($frm)) { redirect("repository.php?repository={$repository}", get_string("changessaved"), 1); } } else { $frm = $CFG; } /// Otherwise fill and print the form. $modules = get_list_of_plugins('repository', '', $CFG->dirroot . '/file'); foreach ($modules as $module) { $options[$module] = get_string("repositoryname", "repository_{$module}");
/** * Post authentication hook. * This method is called from authenticate_user_login() for all enabled auth plugins. * * @uses $CFG * @param object $user user object, later used for $USER * @param string $username (with system magic quotes) * @param string $password plain text password (with system magic quotes) */ function user_authenticated_hook(&$user, $username, $password) { global $CFG; if (!$this->isactive || !file_exists($CFG->dirroot . '/file/repository/repository.class.php')) { return; } require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/file/repository/repository.class.php'; if (!($repo = repository_factory::factory('alfresco'))) { return; } if (!$repo->verify_setup() || !$repo->is_configured()) { return; } // Perform the proper setup / updating / migration of user information on Alfresco. if ($repo->migrate_user($user, $password)) { $repo->sync_permissions($user); } }
/** * Test that uploading a file to a specific folder generates a valid response * @dataProvider file_size_provider */ public function test_upload_to_folder_and_get_response($mb) { $this->resetAfterTest(true); $this->setup_test_data_xml(); $repo = repository_factory::factory('elisfiles'); // Used data provider to just generate one file $filesize = $mb * ONE_MB_BYTES; $filename = $this->generate_temp_file($mb); // Upload to a folder $uploadresponse = elis_files_upload_file('', $filename, $repo->muuid); unlink($filename); // Verify that we get a valid response $this->assertNotEquals(false, $uploadresponse); // Verify that response has a uuid $this->assertObjectHasAttribute('uuid', $uploadresponse); // Get info on the uploaded file's uuid... $response = $repo->get_info($uploadresponse->uuid); // Cleanup the uploaded file $this->cleanup_files($repo->muuid); // Verify that response has a type $this->assertObjectHasAttribute('type', $response); // Verify that type is folder $this->assertEquals(ELIS_files::$type_document, $response->type); // Verify that title is set $this->assertObjectHasAttribute('title', $response); // Verify that created is set $this->assertObjectHasAttribute('created', $response); // Verify that modified is set $this->assertObjectHasAttribute('modified', $response); // Verify that summary is set $this->assertObjectHasAttribute('summary', $response); // Verify that Owner is set $this->assertObjectHasAttribute('owner', $response); }
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * @package repository_elisfiles * @author Inc * @license GNU GPL v3 or later * @copyright (C) 2008-2013 Inc ( * */ require_once dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/config.php'; require_once('lib/lib.php'); require_once('ELIS_files_factory.class.php'); global $USER; $uuid = required_param('uuid', PARAM_CLEAN); $filename = optional_param('filename', '', PARAM_PATH); if (!$repo = repository_factory::factory()) { print_error('couldnotcreaterepositoryobject', 'repository'); } if (!$repo->permission_check($uuid, $USER->id)) { echo '<br>permission check failed for uuid: '.$uuid.' and userid: '.$USER->id.'**'; print_error('youdonothaveaccesstothisfunctionality', 'repository_alfresco'); } $repo->read_file($uuid, '', false, true, !empty($filename)); exit;
global $DB, $OUTPUT; if (!$site = get_site()) { redirect($CFG->wwwroot . '/'); } require_login(); $context = context_system::instance(); $PAGE->set_context($context); require_capability('moodle/site:config', $context); $strconfigcatfilter = get_string('configurecategoryfilter', 'repository_elisfiles'); // Initialize the repo object. $repo = repository_factory::factory(); /// Process any form data submission if (($data = data_submitted($CFG->wwwroot.'/repository/elisfiles/config-categories.php')) && confirm_sesskey()) { if (isset($data->reset)) { $DB->delete_records('repository_elisfiles_cats'); // Perform the back-end category refresh $categories = elis_files_get_categories(); $uuids = array(); $repo->process_categories($uuids, $categories); } else if (isset($data->categories)) { set_config('catfilter', serialize($data->categories), 'elisfiles'); } else { set_config('catfilter', '', 'elisfiles');
* */ require_once dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))) . '/config.php'; require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/file/repository/repository.class.php'; require_once $CFG->libdir . '/alfresco30/lib.php'; $id = optional_param('id', SITEID, PARAM_INT); $oid = optional_param('oid', '', PARAM_INT); $shared = optional_param('shared', '', PARAM_ALPHA); $userid = optional_param('userid', 0, PARAM_INT); $uuid = optional_param('uuid', '', PARAM_TEXT); $dd = optional_param('dd', 0, PARAM_INT); $upload_max_filesize = get_max_upload_file_size($CFG->maxbytes); require_course_login($id); // Make sure the plug-in is enabled and setup correctly. if (isset($CFG->repository_plugins_enabled) && strstr($CFG->repository_plugins_enabled, 'alfresco')) { if (!($repo = repository_factory::factory('alfresco'))) { debugging('Could not create repository object.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER); } // If we don't have something explicitly to load and we didn't get here from the drop-down... if (empty($uuid) && empty($dd)) { if ($uuid = $repo->get_repository_location($id, $userid, $shared, $oid)) { redirect($CFG->wwwroot . '/file/repository/alfresco/link.php?id=' . $id . '&userid=' . $userid . '&shared=' . $shared . '&oid=' . $oid . '&uuid=' . $uuid, '', 0); } if ($uuid = $repo->get_default_browsing_location($id, $userid, $shared)) { redirect($CFG->wwwroot . '/file/repository/alfresco/link.php?id=' . $id . '&userid=' . $userid . '&shared=' . $shared . '&oid=' . $oid . '&uuid=' . $uuid, '', 0); } } } @header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); if (!alfresco_user_request()) { print_error('nopermissions');
print_simple_box(get_string('configrepositoryplugins', 'file'), 'center', '700'); echo '<form target="' . $CFG->framename . '" name="repositorymenu" method="post" action="repositories.php">'; $table = new stdClass(); $table->head = array(get_string('name'), get_string('enable'), get_string('default'), get_string('settings')); $table->align = array('left', 'center', 'center', 'center'); $table->size = array('60%', '', '', '15%'); $table->width = '700'; $table->data = array(); $modules = get_list_of_plugins('repository', '', $CFG->dirroot . '/file'); foreach ($modules as $module) { // skip if directory is empty if (!file_exists("{$CFG->dirroot}/file/repository/{$module}/repository.php")) { continue; } $name = get_string('repository', "repository_{$module}"); $plugin = repository_factory::factory($module); $enable = '<input type="checkbox" name="enable[]" value="' . $module . '"'; if (stristr($CFG->repository_plugins_enabled, $module) !== false) { $enable .= ' checked="checked"'; } if ($module == 'manual') { $enable .= ' disabled="disabled"'; } $enable .= ' />'; $default = '<input type="radio" name="default" value="' . $module . '"'; if ($CFG->repository == $module) { $default .= ' checked="checked"'; } $default .= ' />'; if (file_exists($CFG->dirroot . '/file/repository/' . $module . '/settings.php')) { $settings = $CFG->wwwroot . '/admin/settings.php?section=repository' . $module;