function __construct($array = NULL) { parent::__construct($array, 'art_id', array('tags')); }
function __construct($array = NULL) { parent::__construct($array, 'ip_id'); }
function __construct($array = NULL) { parent::__construct($array, 'u_id', array('group')); }
function __construct($array = NULL) { parent::__construct($array, 'recordid'); }
function __construct($array = NULL) { parent::__construct($array, 'order_id', array('order_positions', 'delivery')); }
function __construct($array = NULL) { parent::__construct($array, 'vl_id', array('vv_values', 'ms_value')); }
function __construct($array = NULL) { parent::__construct($array, 'tre_id', array('child')); }
/** * Delete the record in DB by it struct * * @param $struct rad_struct * @param $tablename string * * @return integer number of deleted items */ public static function delete_struct(rad_struct $struct, $tablename) { $pr_key = $struct->getPrimaryKey(); if ($pr_key) { $res = self::$dbc->prepare('DELETE FROM ' . $tablename . ' WHERE `' . $pr_key . '`=?'); $res->execute(array($struct->{$pr_key})); if ($res and rad_config::getParam('cache.power', false)) { //rad_cacheutils::incTableVer($tablename); } return $res->rowCount(); } else { throw new rad_exception('Функция delete_struct работает ТОЛЬКО с теми структурами, у которых объявлен primary key как одно поле!'); $res = 0; return $res; } }
function __construct($array = NULL) { parent::__construct($array, 'rro_id', array('order_status', 'order_dt', 'order_currency')); }
function __construct($array = NULL) { parent::__construct($array, 'vt_id', array('vt_answers')); }
function __construct($array = NULL) { parent::__construct($array, 'id', array('original_params')); }
function __construct($array = NULL) { parent::__construct($array, 'bp_id', array('product')); }
function __construct($array = NULL) { parent::__construct($array, 'vtq_id', array('cnt_ans')); }
function __construct($array = NULL) { parent::__construct($array, 'rcm_id', array('subcomments')); }
function __construct($array = NULL) { parent::__construct($array, 'id', array('image', 'filename', 'includes', 'description', 'themeid', 'themefolder')); }
function __construct($array = NULL) { parent::__construct($array, 'cat_id', array('type_link', 'tree_link', 'cat_ct_name', 'currency_name', 'currency_indicate', 'price', 'img_filename', 'type_vl_link', 'images_link', 'tree_catin_link', 'cat_dateupdated', 'cat_special_sp', 'cat_special_spnews', 'cat_special_spoffer', 'cat_special_sphit', 'tags', 'download_files', 'comments', 'models_3d')); }
function __construct($array = NULL) { parent::__construct($array, 'inc_id', array('incinal_id', 'params_personal', 'original_params')); }