예제 #1
// ContentForm
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// New project object to work with..
$project = new qa_project($project_id);
// Administrator status..
$have_admin = $project->qa_process->have_admin;
// Viewing approvals history?
if (!isset($view_history)) {
    $view_history = "no";
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Make sure we have a valid QA step..
if (!isset($qastep)) {
    if (isset($project_id) && isset($step_id)) {
        $qastep = new qa_project_step();
        $qastep->get($project_id, $step_id);
        if (!$qastep->valid) {
$s = "";
if (isset($qastep)) {
    if (isset($submit) && $submit == "Update") {
        if ($project->request_id > 0) {
            // Possible approval type updates..
            if ($project->POSTprocess_approval_updates($qastep->qa_step_id)) {
예제 #2
  * Render this QA process as an HTML table containing maintenance
  * widgets which allow the various possible QA steps to be enabled or
  * disabled for this QA process.
 function QAPlan()
     // Determine what status the QA Plan is in. It can be un-approved,
     // seeking approval, or approved.
     // NB: The step id for the QA Plan is always '1'..
     $qaplan_status = qa_approval_status($this->overall_approval_status(STEP_ID_QAPLAN));
     if ($qaplan_status == "") {
         $qaplan_status = "Unapproved";
     // For display of the approval status of this QA Plan..
     $thisplan = "This Quality Assurance Plan is";
     switch ($qaplan_status) {
         case "Approved":
             $qaplan_status_display = "<span style=\"color:green;font-size:12pt\">{$thisplan} Approved</span>";
         case "Unapproved":
             $qaplan_status_display = "<span style=\"color:red;font-size:12pt\">{$thisplan} Not Yet Approved</span>";
             $qaplan_status_display = "<span style=\"color:orange;font-size:12pt\">{$thisplan} Currently Seeking Approval</span>";
     // switch
     // Main QA Plan table..
     $s = "";
     $s .= "<table cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\n";
     $s .= "<tr>";
     $s .= "<td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">{$qaplan_status_display}</td>";
     $s .= "</tr>\n";
     $s .= "<tr><td height=\"15\" colspan=\"2\">&nbsp;</td></tr>\n";
     $s .= "<tr>";
     $s .= "<th style=\"text-align:left;font-weight:bold;border-bottom:solid black 1px;padding-left:3px\">Step</th>\n";
     $s .= "<th valign=\"top\">";
     $s .= " <table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" width=\"100%\">";
     $s .= " <tr>";
     $s .= "  <th width=\"80%\" style=\"text-align:left;font-weight:bold;border-bottom:solid black 1px\">Approval type</th>\n";
     $s .= "  <th width=\"20%\" style=\"text-align:center;font-weight:bold;border-bottom:solid black 1px\">Reqd.</th>\n";
     $s .= " </tr>\n";
     $s .= " </table>\n";
     $s .= "</th>\n";
     $s .= "</tr>\n";
     $rowclass = "row1";
     $last_phase = "";
     // We have to do ALL QA steps possible..
     $q = "SELECT * FROM qa_step s, qa_phase p";
     $q .= " WHERE p.qa_phase=s.qa_phase";
     $q .= " ORDER BY qa_phase_order, qa_step_order";
     $qry = new PgQuery($q);
     if ($qry->Exec("qa_process::configuration") && $qry->rows > 0) {
         while ($row = $qry->Fetch(true)) {
             $phase = $row["qa_phase_desc"];
             $qa_step_id = $row["qa_step_id"];
             if (isset($this->qa_steps[$qa_step_id])) {
                 // This step is part of our QA process..
                 $qastep = $this->qa_steps[$qa_step_id];
                 $step_required = true;
             } else {
                 if ($qaplan_status != "Unapproved") {
                     // Unless the QA Plan is un-approved, don't even bother listing the
                     // steps that aren't involved in it..
                 } else {
                     // Create a place-holder QA step..
                     $qastep = new qa_project_step($this->project_id, 0, $row);
                     $step_required = false;
             // Row styling - required steps are dark..
             $rowclass = $step_required ? "row1" : "row0";
             if ($phase != $last_phase) {
                 $s .= "<tr class=\"cols\">";
                 $s .= "<td colspan=\"2\" height=\"20\" valign=\"bottom\" style=\"font-weight:bold;color:white;padding-left:3px\">" . strtoupper($phase) . " PHASE</td>";
                 $s .= "</tr>\n";
                 $last_phase = $phase;
             $s .= "<tr class=\"{$rowclass}\">";
             // Step description
             $step_desc = $qastep->qa_step_desc;
             if ($step_required) {
                 // Bold the step description..
                 $step_desc = "<b>{$step_desc}</b>";
             // Clickable action links..
             $acts = array();
             // Snapshot statuses of this step..
             $overall_step_status = $qastep->overall_approval_status();
             $step_status = qa_status_coloured($overall_step_status);
             // Friendlier overall step status..
             $overall_step_status = qa_approval_status($overall_step_status);
             if ($overall_step_status == "") {
                 $overall_step_status = "Unapproved";
             if ($step_required) {
                 if ($overall_step_status != "Unapproved") {
                     $acts[] = $step_status;
                 if ($this->have_admin) {
                     // Step detail link..
                     $href = "/qams-step-detail.php";
                     $href .= "?project_id={$qastep->project_id}";
                     $href .= "&step_id={$qastep->qa_step_id}";
                     $label = "[detail]";
                     $title = "Go to the detail screen for this QA step";
                     $link = "<a href=\"{$href}\" title=\"{$title}\">{$label}</a>";
                     // Step description..
                     $step_desc = "<b>{$step_desc}</b>&nbsp;&nbsp" . $link;
                     // Only have actions if not fully approved..
                     if ($overall_step_status != "Approved") {
                         // Assignment action link..
                         $assignment = $qastep->assigned();
                         $href = "/qams-step-detail.php";
                         $href .= "?project_id={$qastep->project_id}";
                         $href .= "&step_id={$qastep->qa_step_id}";
                         if ($assignment === false) {
                             $label = "Assign to";
                             $title = "Assign responsibility for this QA step to someone";
                             $link = "<a href=\"{$href}\" title=\"{$title}\">{$label}</a>";
                             $acts[] = $link;
                         } else {
                             $fullname = $assignment["fullname"];
                             $label = "Re-assign from";
                             $title = "Re-assign responsibility for this QA step";
                             $link = "<a href=\"{$href}\" title=\"{$title}\">{$label}</a>";
                             $acts[] = "{$link} {$fullname}";
                         // Seek action link..
                         $href = "/qams-request-approval.php";
                         $href .= "?project_id={$qastep->project_id}";
                         $href .= "&step_id={$qastep->qa_step_id}";
                         $label = "Seek approval";
                         $title = "Seek approval for this QA step from someone";
                         $link = "<a href=\"{$href}\" title=\"{$title}\">{$label}</a>";
                         $acts[] = $link;
                         // Remove action link..
                         if ($qastep->mandatory) {
                             $acts[] = "(mandatory)";
                         } else {
                             // Can't remove if Plan is approved..
                             if ($qaplan_status == "Unapproved") {
                                 $remchk = "<input type=\"checkbox\"" . " name=\"step_removals[]\"" . " title=\"Tag this step for removal from the QA process\"" . " value=\"{$qastep->qa_step_id}\"" . ">";
                                 $acts[] = $remchk . "&nbsp;Remove";
                     } else {
                         // Allow for this step to be modified and then re-approved
                         $href = "{$REQUEST_URI}";
                         $href .= "?request_id={$qastep->project_id}";
                         $href .= "&step_id={$qastep->qa_step_id}";
                         $href .= "&qa_action=reapprove";
                         $label = "Re-approve";
                         $title = "Click if this step needs to be changed, and then re-approved";
                         $link = "<a href=\"{$href}\" title=\"{$title}\">{$label}</a>";
                         $acts[] = $link;
             } else {
                 if ($qaplan_status == "Unapproved") {
                     // Add action link..
                     $addchk = "<input type=\"checkbox\"" . " name=\"step_additions[]\"" . " title=\"Tag this step for adding to the QA process\"" . " value=\"{$qastep->qa_step_id}\"" . ">";
                     $acts[] = $addchk . "&nbsp;Add";
             // Render the description and any action links..
             $allacts = implode("<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;", $acts);
             if ($allacts != "") {
                 $step_desc .= "<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;" . $allacts;
             $s .= "<td width=\"50%\" valign=\"top\" style=\"padding-left:3px\">{$step_desc}</td>";
             // Approvals lists..
             if ($step_required) {
                 $s .= "<td width=\"50%\" valign=\"top\">";
                 $s .= $qastep->render_approval_types($this->have_admin && $qaplan_status == "Unapproved");
                 $s .= "<br></td>";
             } else {
                 $s .= "<td width=\"50%\">&nbsp;</td>";
             $s .= "</tr>\n";
             // Special notes..
             if ($step_required) {
                 if ($this->have_admin && $qaplan_status == "Unapproved") {
                     $F = "<textarea name=\"special_notes_" . $qastep->qa_step_id . "\" style=\"width:550px;height:65px\">";
                     $F .= $qastep->special_notes;
                     $F .= "</textarea>";
                     $s .= "<tr class=\"{$rowclass}\">";
                     $s .= "<td align=\"center\" valign=\"top\" colspan=\"2\" style=\"padding-bottom:3px\">";
                     $s .= "<table cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"0\" width=\"100%\" align=\"center\">\n";
                     $s .= "<tr>";
                     $s .= "<td width=\"20%\" align=\"right\" valign=\"top\">Special notes:</td>";
                     $s .= "<td width=\"80%\" valign=\"top\">" . $F . "</td>";
                     $s .= "</tr>\n";
                     $s .= "</table>\n";
                     $s .= "</td></tr>\n";
                 } elseif ($qastep->special_notes != "") {
                     $s .= "<tr class=\"{$rowclass}\">";
                     $s .= "<td>&nbsp;</td>";
                     $s .= "<td style=\"padding-right:10px\">";
                     $s .= "<p><b>Note:</b>&nbsp;" . $qastep->special_notes . "</p>";
                     $s .= "</td>";
                     $s .= "</td></tr>\n";
                 $s .= "<tr><td style=\"border-top:solid grey 1px;\" colspan=\"2\" height=\"6\">&nbsp;</td></tr>\n";
         // while
     $s .= "</table>\n";
     return $s;