예제 #1
    public static function render_page_process($PATH)
        echo '<div style="background: #CCC; padding: 10px; margin: 10px 20px;">Thanks for trying out the Phoronix Test Suite GUI. With Phoronix Test Suite 5.0 the GUI is still considered in an <strong>experimental / tech preview state</strong>. The GUI should be more end-user friendly and reach feature parity with the command-line interface in forthcoming releases. Your feedback is appreciated on the GUI while the command-line interface continues to be our primary focus along with remotely-managed enterprise features like <a href="http://www.phoromatic.com/">Phoromatic</a> and <a href="http://openbenchmarking.org/">OpenBenchmarking.org</a>. <a href="/early">Read more details on the GUI</a>.</div>';
        echo '<h1>' . pts_core::program_title(false) . '</h1>';
        echo '<div id="pts_side_pane">';
        $hw_component_modal = array('CPU' => phodevi::read_property('cpu', 'model'), 'Motherboard' => phodevi::read_property('motherboard', 'identifier'), 'Memory' => phodevi::read_property('memory', 'identifier'), 'Disk' => phodevi::read_property('disk', 'identifier'), 'GPU' => phodevi::read_property('gpu', 'model'));
        echo '<ul>';
        foreach ($hw_component_modal as $type => $component) {
            echo '<a href="/?component/' . $type . '"><li>' . $component . '</li></a>';
        echo '</ul>';
        echo '<hr />';
        $sw_component_modal = array(1 => phodevi::read_property('system', 'operating-system'), 2 => phodevi::read_property('system', 'kernel-string'), 3 => phodevi::read_property('system', 'display-driver-string'), 4 => phodevi::read_property('system', 'opengl-driver'), 5 => phodevi::read_property('system', 'compiler'));
        echo '<ul>';
        foreach ($sw_component_modal as $type => $component) {
            echo '<a href="/?component/Software"><li>' . $component . '</li></a>';
        echo '</ul>';
        echo '<div class="pts_pane_window"><strong>OpenBenchmarking.org</strong><br />Log-in to gain access to additional features.</div>';
        echo '<ul>';
        echo '<a href="/?settings"><li>Software Settings</li></a>';
        echo '<a href="/?about"><li>About The Phoronix Test Suite</li></a>';
        echo '</ul>';
        echo '</div>';
        echo '<div id="pts_search_bar">';
        echo 'SEARCH: <input type="text" size="30" id="pts_search" name="search" onkeydown="if(event.keyCode == 13) { if(document.getElementById(\'pts_search\').value.length < 3) { alert(\'Please enter a longer search query.\'); return false; } else { window.location.href = \'/?search/\' + document.getElementById(\'pts_search\').value; } return false; }" />';
        echo '</div>';
        // Graphs
        echo '<div id="svg_graphs" style="margin: 10px 0; text-align: right;"></div>';
        echo '<div style="overflow: hidden;">';
        echo '<div class="pts_list_box">';
        $results = pts_tests::test_results_by_date();
        $result_count = count($results);
        $results = array_slice($results, 0, 10, true);
        echo '<ol>';
        echo '<li><u>Recent Benchmark Results</u></li>';
        foreach ($results as $result) {
            $result_file = new pts_result_file($result);
            echo '<a href="?result/' . $result . '"><li>' . $result_file->get_title() . '</li></a>';
        echo '<a href="?results"><li><strong>' . $result_count . ' Results Saved</strong></li></a>';
        echo '</ol>';
        echo '</div>';
        echo '<div class="pts_list_box">';
        $tests = pts_openbenchmarking_client::recently_updated_tests(10);
        echo '<ol>';
        echo '<li><u>Recently Updated Tests</u></li>';
        foreach ($tests as $test) {
            $test_profile = new pts_test_profile($test);
            echo '<a href="?test/' . $test . '"><li>' . $test_profile->get_title() . '</li></a>';
        echo '<a href="?tests"><li><strong>' . pts_openbenchmarking_client::tests_available() . ' Tests Available</strong></li></a>';
        echo '</ol>';
        echo '</div>';
        echo '<div class="pts_list_box">';
        $tests = pts_openbenchmarking_client::popular_tests(10);
        echo '<ol>';
        echo '<li><u>Most Popular Tests</u></li>';
        foreach ($tests as $test) {
            $test_profile = new pts_test_profile($test);
            echo '<a href="?test/' . $test . '"><li>' . $test_profile->get_title() . '</li></a>';
        echo '<a href="?tests"><li><strong>' . pts_openbenchmarking_client::tests_available() . ' Tests Available</strong></li></a>';
        echo '</ol>';
        echo '</div>';
        echo '</div>';
        echo '<script text="text/javascript">

			setInterval(function(){if(pts_web_socket.is_connected()) { pts_web_socket.send("user-svg-system-graphs"); }},1000);
			pts_web_socket.add_onmessage_event("svg_graphs", "update_svg_graph_space");