$state_name = $dbs->f("state_name"); echo vmFormatAddress( array('name' => $db->f("first_name")." ".$db->f("last_name"), 'address_1' => $db->f("address_1"), 'address_2' => $db->f("address_2"), 'state' => $db->f("state"), 'state_name' => $state_name, 'zip' => $db->f("zip"), 'city' => $db->f("city"), 'country' => $db->f('country') ), true ); echo "</td></tr>"; } // Print out the Selected Shipping Method if(!ps_checkout::noShippingMethodNecessary()) { echo '<tr><td valign="top"><strong>'.$VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_INFO_MSG_SHIPPING_METHOD') . ":</strong></td>"; $rate_details = explode( "|", urldecode(urldecode(vmGet($_REQUEST,'shipping_rate_id'))) ); echo '<td>'; foreach( $rate_details as $k => $v ) { // thepisu: old sample data cointaned ">" instead of ">"... // so we don't have to make safe if ">" is found if (strpos($v,">")===false) { $v = shopMakeHtmlSafe($v); } if( $k == 3 ) { echo $CURRENCY_DISPLAY->getFullValue( $v )."; "; } elseif( $k > 0 && $k < 4) { echo $v.'; '; }
} else { $discount_word = $VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_FEE'); } $total -= $payment_discount; $payment_discount_display = $GLOBALS['CURRENCY_DISPLAY']->getFullValue($payment_discount - $payment_discount * 2); } // COUPON DISCOUNT $coupon_display = ''; if (PSHOP_COUPONS_ENABLE == '1' && @$_SESSION['coupon_redeemed'] == true) { $total -= $_SESSION['coupon_discount']; $coupon_discount_before = true; $coupon_display = "- " . $GLOBALS['CURRENCY_DISPLAY']->getFullValue($_SESSION['coupon_discount']); } } /* SHOW SHIPPING COSTS */ if (!empty($shipping_rate_id) && !ps_checkout::noShippingMethodNecessary() && !is_null($ps_checkout->_SHIPPING)) { $shipping = true; $vars["weight"] = $weight_total; $shipping_total = round($ps_checkout->_SHIPPING->get_rate($vars), 5); $shipping_taxrate = $ps_checkout->_SHIPPING->get_tax_rate(); // When the Shipping rate is shown including Tax // we have to extract the Tax from the Shipping Total if ($auth["show_price_including_tax"] == 1) { $shipping_tax = round($shipping_total - $shipping_total / (1 + $shipping_taxrate), 5); } else { $shipping_tax = round($shipping_total * $shipping_taxrate, 5); } $shipping_display = $GLOBALS['CURRENCY_DISPLAY']->getFullValue($shipping_total); } else { $shipping_total = 0; $shipping_display = "";
/** * Called to validate the form values before the order is stored * * @author gday * @author soeren * * @param array $d * @return boolean */ function validate_form(&$d) { global $VM_LANG, $PSHOP_SHIPPING_MODULES, $vmLogger; $db = new ps_DB(); $auth = $_SESSION['auth']; $cart = $_SESSION['cart']; if (!$cart["idx"]) { $q = "SELECT order_id FROM #__{vm}_orders WHERE user_id='" . $auth["user_id"] . "' "; $q .= "ORDER BY cdate DESC"; $db->query($q); $db->next_record(); $d["order_id"] = $db->f("order_id"); return False; } if (PSHOP_AGREE_TO_TOS_ONORDER == '1') { if (empty($d["agreed"])) { $vmLogger->warning($VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_AGREE_TO_TOS', false)); return false; } } if (!ps_checkout::noShippingMethodNecessary()) { if (!$this->validate_shipping_method($d)) { return False; } } if (!$this->validate_payment_method($d, false)) { return false; } if (CHECK_STOCK == '1') { for ($i = 0; $i < $cart["idx"]; $i++) { $quantity_in_stock = ps_product::get_field($cart[$i]["product_id"], 'product_in_stock'); $product_name = ps_product::get_field($cart[$i]["product_id"], 'product_name'); if ($cart[$i]["quantity"] > $quantity_in_stock) { $vmLogger->err('The Quantity for the Product "' . $product_name . '" in your Cart (' . $cart[$i]["quantity"] . ') exceeds the Quantity in Stock (' . $quantity_in_stock . '). We are very sorry for this Inconvenience, but you you need to lower the Quantity in Cart for this Product.'); return false; } } } // calculate the unix timestamp for the specified expiration date // default the day to the 1st $expire_timestamp = @mktime(0, 0, 0, $_SESSION["ccdata"]["order_payment_expire_month"], 15, $_SESSION["ccdata"]["order_payment_expire_year"]); $_SESSION["ccdata"]["order_payment_expire"] = $expire_timestamp; return True; }
<input type="image" name="delete" title="' . $VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_CART_DELETE') . '" src="' . VM_THEMEURL . 'images/remove_from_cart.png" alt="' . $VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_CART_DELETE') . '" align="middle" /> </form>'; } // End of for loop through the Cart vmRequest::setVar('zone_qty', $vars['zone_qty']); $total = $total_undiscounted = round($total, 5); $vars["total"] = $total; $subtotal_display = $GLOBALS['CURRENCY_DISPLAY']->getFullValue($grandSubtotal); if (!empty($_POST["do_coupon"]) || in_array(strtolower($func), array('cartadd', 'cartupdate', 'cartdelete')) && !empty($_SESSION['coupon_redeemed'])) { /* process the coupon */ require_once CLASSPATH . "ps_coupon.php"; $vars["total"] = $total; ps_coupon::process_coupon_code($vars); } /* HANDLE SHIPPING COSTS */ if (!empty($shipping_rate_id) && !ps_checkout::noShippingMethodNecessary()) { $shipping = true; $vars["weight"] = $weight_total; $shipping_total = round($ps_checkout->_SHIPPING->get_rate($vars), 5); $shipping_taxrate = $ps_checkout->_SHIPPING->get_tax_rate(); // When the Shipping rate is shown including Tax // we have to extract the Tax from the Shipping Total if ($auth["show_price_including_tax"] == 1) { $shipping_tax = round($shipping_total - $shipping_total / (1 + $shipping_taxrate), 5); } else { $shipping_tax = round($shipping_total * $shipping_taxrate, 5); } $shipping_display = $GLOBALS['CURRENCY_DISPLAY']->getFullValue($shipping_total); } else { $shipping_total = $shipping_taxrate = 0; $shipping_display = "";