if (category::isValid($category) == false) { rss_bailout(); } $channel_title = "PEAR: Latest releases in category " . $category; $channel_description = "The latest releases in the category " . $category; $items = category::getRecent(10, $category); break; case 'pepr': if ($argument == 'pepr') { $channel_title = "PEPr: Latest proposals."; $channel_description = "The latest PEPr proposals."; $obj_items = proposal::getAll($dbh, NULL, 10); } elseif (isset($proposalStatiMap[$argument])) { $channel_title = "PEPr: Latest proposals with status " . $proposalStatiMap[$argument]; $channel_description = "The latest PEPr proposals with status " . $proposalStatiMap[$argument]; $obj_items = proposal::getAll($dbh, $argument, 10); } elseif (substr($argument, 0, 6) == 'search') { $searchString = substr($argument, 7); $channel_title = "PEPr: Latest proposals containing " . $searchString; $channel_description = "The latest PEPr proposals containing " . $searchString; $obj_items = proposal::search($searchString); } else { rss_bailout(); } $items = array(); foreach ($obj_items as $id => $item) { $item = $item->toRSSArray(); $items[] = array('name' => $item['title'], 'link' => $item['link'], 'releasenotes' => $item['desc'], 'releasedate' => (int) $item['date'], 'version' => ''); } break; case 'bugs':
* @license http://www.php.net/license/3_0.txt PHP License * @version $Id$ */ set_include_path(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/include' . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path()); // Get common settings. require_once 'pear-prepend.php'; // Get the database class. require_once 'DB.php'; $options = array('persistent' => false, 'portability' => DB_PORTABILITY_ALL); $dbh =& DB::connect(PEAR_DATABASE_DSN, $options); if (DB::isError($dbh)) { die("Failed to connect: {$dsn}\n"); } // Obtain PEPr's common functions and classes. require_once 'pepr/pepr.php'; $proposals =& proposal::getAll($dbh, 'vote'); // This checks if a proposal should automatically be finished foreach ($proposals as $id => $proposal) { if ($proposal->getStatus() == 'vote') { $lastVoteDate = $proposal->longened_date > 0 ? $proposal->longened_date : $proposal->vote_date; if ($lastVoteDate + PROPOSAL_STATUS_VOTE_TIMELINE < time()) { if (ppVote::getCount($dbh, $proposal->id) > 4) { $proposals[$id]->status = 'finished'; $proposal->sendActionEmail('change_status_finished', 'pearweb', null); } else { if ($proposal->longened_date > 0) { $proposals[$id]->status = 'finished'; $proposal->sendActionEmail('change_status_finished', 'pearweb', null); } else { $proposals[$id]->longened_date = time(); $proposal->sendActionEmail('longened_timeline_sys', 'pearweb', null);
} if (isset($_GET['filter']) && isset($proposalStatiMap[$_GET['filter']])) { $selectStatus = $_GET['filter']; } else { $selectStatus = ''; } if ($selectStatus != '') { $order = ' pkg_category ASC, pkg_name ASC'; } if (isset($_GET['search'])) { $searchString = trim($_GET['search']); $searchString = preg_replace('/;/', '', $searchString); $proposals = proposal::search($searchString); $searchPostfix = '_search_' . urlencode($searchString); } else { $proposals =& proposal::getAll($dbh, @$selectStatus, null, @$order); $searchPostfix = ''; } response_header('PEPr :: Package Proposals'); echo '<h1>Package Proposals</h1>' . "\n"; if (empty($selectStatus)) { echo "<p>"; echo "PEPr is PEAR's system for managing the process of submitting "; echo "new packages. If you would like to submit your own package, "; echo "please have a look at the <a href=\"/manual/en/developers-newmaint.php\">New Maintainers' Guide</a>."; echo "</p>"; echo "<p>"; echo "<a href=\"/feeds/pepr{$searchPostfix}.rss\"><img src=\"/gifs/feed.png\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" alt=\"Aggregate this\" border=\"0\" /></a>"; echo "</p>"; } display_overview_nav();