예제 #1

	Example shows a custom class, use of load and make, coded string syntax for
	checkbox, radio and select options (which require assoc. arrays).
	To Do : Allow more control over labels/ tag attributes by using html5_core tag
require 'poform.php';
class form_class
    public $setting = array('form_type' => 'form', array('setting3' => 'select 1-Setting 1:2-Setting 2:3-Setting 3', 'setting2' => ''));
    // A blank parameter, will default to a text input w/o value.
    public $param;
    // to define a selection list set its value to something similar to below
    // a-  b- etc refers to the value, while the text after it and before the ':' defines
    // what appears in the selection list, or use helper function to convert assoc. arrays
    public $selection = 'select a-Value A:b-value B:c-value C';
    public $a = array('select:numbers' => array('1' => 'Value 1', '2' => 'Value 2', '3' => 'value 3'));
    public $checkbox = array('checkbox:fav_number' => array('1' => 'Value 1', '2' => 'Value 2', '3' => 'value 3'));
    public $radio = array('radio:preference' => array('y' => 'No', 'n' => 'Yes', 'm' => 'Maybe'));
    // this syntax needs improvement, but works with existing structures for special input tag types
    public $email = array('email:email_address' => array('' => 'email'));
// or create custom coded arrays that specify the action of the array (checkbox/radio/select)
$a = new form_class();
$b = poform::load($a);
echo poform::make($b);