예제 #1
 * Standard Debugging Function
 * Returns true if the current site debugging settings are equal or above specified level.
 * If passed a parameter it will emit a debugging notice similar to trigger_error(). The
 * routing of notices is controlled by $CFG->debugdisplay
 * eg use like this:
 * 1)  debugging('a normal debug notice');
 * 2)  debugging('something really picky', DEBUG_ALL);
 * 3)  debugging('annoying debug message only for developers', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
 * 4)  if (debugging()) { perform extra debugging operations (do not use print or echo) }
 * In code blocks controlled by debugging() (such as example 4)
 * any output should be routed via debugging() itself, or the lower-level
 * trigger_error() or error_log(). Using echo or print will break XHTML
 * JS and HTTP headers.
 * It is also possible to define NO_DEBUG_DISPLAY which redirects the message to error_log.
 * @param string $message a message to print
 * @param int $level the level at which this debugging statement should show
 * @param array $backtrace use different backtrace
 * @return bool
function debugging($message = '', $level = DEBUG_NORMAL, $backtrace = null)
    global $CFG, $USER;
    $forcedebug = false;
    if (!empty($CFG->debugusers) && $USER) {
        $debugusers = explode(',', $CFG->debugusers);
        $forcedebug = in_array($USER->id, $debugusers);
    if (!$forcedebug and empty($CFG->debug) || ($CFG->debug != -1 and $CFG->debug < $level)) {
        return false;
    if (!isset($CFG->debugdisplay)) {
        $CFG->debugdisplay = ini_get_bool('display_errors');
    if ($message) {
        if (!$backtrace) {
            $backtrace = debug_backtrace();
        $from = format_backtrace($backtrace, CLI_SCRIPT || NO_DEBUG_DISPLAY);
        if (PHPUNIT_TEST) {
            if (phpunit_util::debugging_triggered($message, $level, $from)) {
                // We are inside test, the debug message was logged.
                return true;
        if (NO_DEBUG_DISPLAY) {
            // Script does not want any errors or debugging in output,
            // we send the info to error log instead.
            error_log('Debugging: ' . $message . ' in ' . PHP_EOL . $from);
        } else {
            if ($forcedebug or $CFG->debugdisplay) {
                if (!defined('DEBUGGING_PRINTED')) {
                    define('DEBUGGING_PRINTED', 1);
                    // Indicates we have printed something.
                if (CLI_SCRIPT) {
                    echo "++ {$message} ++\n{$from}";
                } else {
                    echo '<div class="notifytiny debuggingmessage" data-rel="debugging">', $message, $from, '</div>';
            } else {
                trigger_error($message . $from, E_USER_NOTICE);
    return true;