예제 #1
 public function __construct()
     $cal_id = phpgw::get_var('cal_id', 'int', 'POST');
     if ($cal_id) {
         $this->cal_id = $cal_id;
     $this->bo = CreateObject('calendar.bocalendar', 1);
     $this->so = CreateObject('calendar.socalendar', 1);
     $this->tz_offset = phpgwapi_datetime::user_timezone();
     if ($this->debug) {
         echo "BO Owner : " . $this->bo->owner . "<br />\n";
     if ($this->bo->use_session) {
예제 #2
 function edit_id($values = array())
     if (!isset($values['select']) || !is_array($values['select'])) {
         return $receipt['message'][] = array('msg' => lang('Nothing to do'));
     foreach ($values['select'] as $field) {
         $start_date = phpgwapi_datetime::date_to_timestamp($values['start_date'][$field]);
         if ($start_date && $start_date < time()) {
             $receipt['error'][] = array('msg' => lang('Cannot go back in time for "%1"', $field));
         $sql = "SELECT value,descr, max(start_date) as start_date FROM fm_idgenerator WHERE name='{$field}' GROUP BY value, descr ORDER BY start_date ASC";
         $this->db->query($sql, __LINE__, __FILE__);
         while ($this->db->next_record()) {
             $value = $this->db->f('value');
             $descr = $this->db->f('descr');
             $old_start_date = $this->db->f('start_date');
         if ($start_date > $old_start_date) {
             $sql = "INSERT INTO fm_idgenerator (name, descr, value, start_date ) VALUES ('{$field}','{$descr}', '{$values[$field]}','{$start_date}')";
             $this->db->query($sql, __LINE__, __FILE__);
         } else {
             if ($start_date < $old_start_date) {
                 $sql = "DELETE FROM fm_idgenerator WHERE name = name AND start_date > {$start_date}";
                 $this->db->query($sql, __LINE__, __FILE__);
                 $sql = "INSERT INTO fm_idgenerator (name, descr, value, start_date ) VALUES ('{$field}','{$descr}', '{$values[$field]}','{$start_date}')";
                 $this->db->query($sql, __LINE__, __FILE__);
             } else {
                 $sql = "UPDATE fm_idgenerator SET value = '{$values[$field]}' WHERE name='{$field}' AND start_date  = {$start_date}";
                 $this->db->query($sql, __LINE__, __FILE__);
     $receipt['message'][] = array('msg' => lang('ID is updated'));
     return $receipt;
 function list_repeated_events($syear, $smonth, $sday, $eyear, $emonth, $eday, $owner_id = 0)
     if (!isset($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['calendar_type']) || isset($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['calendar_type']) && $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['calendar_type'] != 'sql') {
         return array();
     $user_timezone = phpgwapi_datetime::user_timezone();
     $starttime = mktime(0, 0, 0, $smonth, $sday, $syear) - $user_timezone;
     $endtime = mktime(23, 59, 59, $emonth, $eday, $eyear) - $user_timezone;
     //			$starttime = mktime(0,0,0,$smonth,$sday,$syear);
     //			$endtime = mktime(23,59,59,$emonth,$eday,$eyear);
     $sql = "AND (phpgw_cal.cal_type='M') " . 'AND (phpgw_cal_user.cal_login IN (';
     if ($owner_id) {
         if (is_array($owner_id)) {
             $ids = $owner_id;
         } else {
             $ids[] = $owner_id;
     } else {
         $ids = !$this->is_group ? array($this->owner) : $this->g_owner;
     $sql .= is_array($ids) && count($ids) ? implode(',', $ids) : 0;
     //			$member_groups = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->accounts->membership($this->user);
     //			@reset($member_groups);
     //			while(list($key,$group_info) = each($member_groups))
     //			{
     //				$member[] = $group_info['account_id'];
     //			}
     //			@reset($member);
     //			$sql .= ','.implode(',',$member).') ';
     //			$sql .= 'AND (phpgw_cal.datetime <= '.$starttime.') ';
     //			$sql .= 'AND (((phpgw_cal_repeats.recur_enddate >= '.$starttime.') AND (phpgw_cal_repeats.recur_enddate <= '.$endtime.')) OR (phpgw_cal_repeats.recur_enddate=0))) '
     $sql .= ') AND ((phpgw_cal_repeats.recur_enddate >= ' . $starttime . ') OR (phpgw_cal_repeats.recur_enddate=0))) ' . (strpos($this->filter, 'private') ? 'AND phpgw_cal.is_public=0 ' : '') . ($this->cat_id ? "AND phpgw_cal.category like '%" . $this->cat_id . "%' " : '') . 'ORDER BY phpgw_cal.datetime ASC, phpgw_cal.edatetime ASC, phpgw_cal.priority ASC';
     if ($this->debug) {
         echo '<!-- SO list_repeated_events : SQL : ' . $sql . ' -->' . "\n";
     return $this->get_event_ids(True, $sql);
예제 #4
 function import()
     if (!$this->acl_add) {
         $GLOBALS['phpgw']->redirect_link('/index.php', array('menuaction' => 'property.uilocation.stop', 'perm' => 2, 'acl_location' => $this->acl_location));
     $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['menu_selection'] .= '::import';
     $receipt = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->session->appsession('session_data', 'import_receipt');
     $GLOBALS['phpgw']->session->appsession('session_data', 'import_receipt', '');
     $art = phpgw::get_var('art', 'int');
     $type = phpgw::get_var('type');
     $dim_b = phpgw::get_var('dim_b', 'int');
     $invoice_num = phpgw::get_var('invoice_num');
     $kid_nr = phpgw::get_var('kid_nr');
     $vendor_id = phpgw::get_var('vendor_id', 'int');
     $vendor_name = phpgw::get_var('vendor_name');
     $janitor = phpgw::get_var('janitor');
     $supervisor = phpgw::get_var('supervisor');
     $budget_responsible = phpgw::get_var('budget_responsible');
     $invoice_date = urldecode(phpgw::get_var('invoice_date'));
     $num_days = phpgw::get_var('num_days', 'int');
     $payment_date = urldecode(phpgw::get_var('payment_date'));
     $cancel = phpgw::get_var('cancel', 'bool');
     $convert = phpgw::get_var('convert', 'bool');
     $conv_type = phpgw::get_var('conv_type');
     $sday = phpgw::get_var('sday', 'int');
     $smonth = phpgw::get_var('smonth', 'int');
     $syear = phpgw::get_var('syear', 'int');
     $eday = phpgw::get_var('eday', 'int');
     $emonth = phpgw::get_var('emonth', 'int');
     $eyear = phpgw::get_var('eyear', 'int');
     $download = phpgw::get_var('download', 'bool');
     $auto_tax = phpgw::get_var('auto_tax', 'bool');
     $tsvfile = $_FILES['tsvfile']['tmp_name'];
     if (!$tsvfile) {
         $tsvfile = phpgw::get_var('tsvfile');
     if ($cancel && $tsvfile) {
     if ($convert) {
         if ($conv_type == '') {
             $receipt['error'][] = array('msg' => lang('Please - select a import format !'));
         if (!$tsvfile) {
             $receipt['error'][] = array('msg' => lang('Please - select a file to import from !'));
         if (!$art) {
             $receipt['error'][] = array('msg' => lang('Please - select type invoice!'));
         if (!$vendor_id) {
             $receipt['error'][] = array('msg' => lang('Please - select Vendor!'));
         if (!$type) {
             $receipt['error'][] = array('msg' => lang('Please - select type order!'));
         if (!$budget_responsible) {
             $receipt['error'][] = array('msg' => lang('Please - select budget responsible!'));
         if (!$this->invoice->check_vendor($vendor_id)) {
             $receipt['error'][] = array('msg' => lang('That Vendor ID is not valid !') . ' : ' . $vendor_id);
         if (!$payment_date && !$num_days) {
             $receipt['error'][] = array('msg' => lang('Please - select either payment date or number of days from invoice date !'));
         if (!file_exists($tsvfile)) {
             $receipt['error'][] = array('msg' => lang('The file is empty or removed!'));
         if (!is_array($receipt['error'])) {
             if ($invoice_date) {
                 $sdateparts = phpgwapi_datetime::date_array($invoice_date);
                 $sday = $sdateparts['day'];
                 $smonth = $sdateparts['month'];
                 $syear = $sdateparts['year'];
                 $edateparts = phpgwapi_datetime::date_array($payment_date);
                 $eday = $edateparts['day'];
                 $emonth = $edateparts['month'];
                 $eyear = $edateparts['year'];
             $old = $tsvfile;
             $tsvfile = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['temp_dir'] . '/invoice_import_' . basename($tsvfile);
             rename($old, $tsvfile);
             $invoice_common = array('bilagsnr' => $this->invoice->next_bilagsnr(), 'art' => $art, 'type' => $type, 'dim_b' => $dim_b, 'invoice_num' => $invoice_num, 'kid_nr' => $kid_nr, 'vendor_id' => $vendor_id, 'vendor_name' => $vendor_name, 'janitor' => $janitor, 'supervisor' => $supervisor, 'budget_responsible' => $budget_responsible, 'num_days' => $num_days, 'sday' => $sday, 'smonth' => $smonth, 'syear' => $syear, 'eday' => $eday, 'emonth' => $emonth, 'eyear' => $eyear, 'tsvfile' => $tsvfile, 'conv_type' => $conv_type, 'invoice_date' => $invoice_date, 'payment_date' => $payment_date, 'auto_tax' => $auto_tax);
             $buffer = $this->bo->import($invoice_common, $download);
             if (!$download) {
                 $receipt = $buffer;
                 $GLOBALS['phpgw']->session->appsession('session_data', 'import_receipt', $receipt);
                 //						$GLOBALS['phpgw']->redirect_link('/index.php',array('menuaction'=> 'property.uiXport.import'));
             } else {
                 $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['noframework'] = true;
                 $this->debug_import($buffer, $invoice_common);
     $link_data = array('menuaction' => 'property.uiXport.import', 'sub' => $sub);
     $msgbox_data = $this->bocommon->msgbox_data($receipt);
     $data = array('menu' => $this->bocommon->get_menu(), 'msgbox_data' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->msgbox($msgbox_data), 'form_action' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php', $link_data), 'cancel_action' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php', array('menuaction' => 'property.uiinvoice.index', 'sub' => $sub)), 'lang_cancel' => lang('Cancel'), 'lang_cancel_statustext' => lang('cancel the import'), 'action_url' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php', array('menuaction' => 'property' . '.uiXport.import')), 'tsvfilename' => '', 'lang_debug' => lang('Debug output in browser'), 'lang_debug_statustext' => lang('Check this to have the output to screen before import (recommended)'), 'value_debug' => $download, 'lang_import' => lang('Import'), 'lang_import_statustext' => lang('click this button to start the import'), 'lang_invoice_date' => lang('invoice date'), 'lang_payment_date' => lang('Payment date'), 'lang_no_of_days' => lang('Days'), 'lang_invoice_number' => lang('Invoice Number'), 'lang_invoice_num_statustext' => lang('Enter Invoice Number'), 'lang_select' => lang('Select per button !'), 'lang_kidnr' => lang('KID nr'), 'lang_kid_nr_statustext' => lang('Enter Kid nr'), 'lang_vendor' => lang('Vendor'), 'addressbook_link' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php', array('menuaction' => 'property.uilookup.vendor')), 'lang_invoice_date_statustext' => lang('Enter the invoice date'), 'lang_num_days_statustext' => lang('Enter the payment date or the payment delay'), 'lang_payment_date_statustext' => lang('Enter the payment date or the payment delay'), 'lang_file_statustext' => lang('Select the file to import from'), 'lang_vendor_statustext' => lang('Select the vendor by clicking the button'), 'lang_vendor_name_statustext' => lang('Select the vendor by clicking the button'), 'lang_select_vendor_statustext' => lang('Select the vendor by clicking this button'), 'value_invoice_date' => $invoice_date, 'value_payment_date' => $payment_date, 'value_belop' => $belop, 'value_vendor_id' => $vendor_id, 'value_vendor_name' => $vendor_name, 'value_kid_nr' => $kid_nr, 'value_dim_b' => $dim_b, 'value_invoice_num' => $invoice_num, 'value_merknad' => $merknad, 'value_num_days' => $num_days, 'lang_file' => lang('File'), 'lang_conv' => lang('Conversion'), 'conv_list' => $this->bo->select_import_conv($conv_type), 'select_conv' => 'conv_type', 'lang_select_conversion' => lang('Select the type of conversion:'), 'lang_conv_statustext' => lang('You have to select the Conversion for this import'), 'lang_auto_tax' => lang('Auto TAX'), 'lang_auto_tax_statustext' => lang('Set tax during import'), 'lang_art' => lang('Art'), 'art_list' => $this->invoice->get_lisfm_ecoart($art), 'select_art' => 'art', 'lang_select_art' => lang('Select Invoice Type'), 'lang_art_statustext' => lang('You have to select type of invoice'), 'lang_type' => lang('Type invoice II'), 'type_list' => $this->invoice->get_type_list($type), 'select_type' => 'type', 'lang_no_type' => lang('No type'), 'lang_type_statustext' => lang('Select the type  invoice. To do not use type -  select NO TYPE'), 'lang_dimb' => lang('Dim B'), 'dimb_list' => $this->invoice->select_dimb_list($dim_b), 'select_dimb' => 'dim_b', 'lang_no_dimb' => lang('No Dim B'), 'lang_dimb_statustext' => lang('Select the Dim B for this invoice. To do not use Dim B -  select NO DIM B'), 'lang_janitor' => lang('Janitor'), 'janitor_list' => $this->bocommon->get_user_list_right(32, $janitor, '.invoice'), 'select_janitor' => 'janitor', 'lang_no_janitor' => lang('No janitor'), 'lang_janitor_statustext' => lang('Select the janitor responsible for this invoice. To do not use janitor -  select NO JANITOR'), 'lang_supervisor' => lang('Supervisor'), 'supervisor_list' => $this->bocommon->get_user_list_right(64, $supervisor, '.invoice'), 'select_supervisor' => 'supervisor', 'lang_no_supervisor' => lang('No supervisor'), 'lang_supervisor_statustext' => lang('Select the supervisor responsible for this invoice. To do not use supervisor -  select NO SUPERVISOR'), 'lang_budget_responsible' => lang('B - responsible'), 'budget_responsible_list' => $this->bocommon->get_user_list_right(128, $budget_responsible, '.invoice'), 'select_budget_responsible' => 'budget_responsible', 'lang_select_budget_responsible' => lang('Select B-Responsible'), 'lang_budget_responsible_statustext' => lang('You have to select a budget responsible for this invoice in order to make the import'));
     $appname = lang('Invoice');
     $function_msg = lang('Import from CSV');
     $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['app_header'] = lang('property') . ' - ' . $appname . ': ' . $function_msg;
     $GLOBALS['phpgw']->xslttpl->set_var('phpgw', array('import' => $data));
     //	$GLOBALS['phpgw']->xslttpl->pp();
예제 #5
  * Find recurring events for a period defined by the event
  * @return array schedule
 public function event_schedule_data()
     $id = phpgw::get_var('id', 'int');
     $event = $this->so->read_single($id);
     $criteria = array('start_date' => $event['start_date'], 'end_date' => $event['end_date'], 'location_id' => $event['location_id'], 'location_item_id' => $event['location_item_id']);
     $schedules = $this->cached_events;
     $total_records = 0;
     $lang_exception = lang('exception');
     $values = array();
     $i = 1;
     foreach ($schedules as $_date => $set) {
         $__date = substr($_date, 0, 4) . '-' . substr($_date, 4, 2) . '-' . substr($_date, 6, 2);
         $date = phpgwapi_datetime::convertDate($__date, 'Y-m-d', $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['dateformat']);
         foreach ($set as $entry) {
             $values[] = array('time' => $i, 'date' => array('exception' => $entry['exception'], 'lang_exception' => $lang_exception, 'type' => 'event', 'name' => $date, 'link' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php', array('menuaction' => 'booking.uievent.show', 'location_id' => $entry['location_id'], 'location_item_id' => $entry['location_item_id']))));
     $data = array('ResultSet' => array("totalResultsAvailable" => $total_records, "Result" => $values));
     return $data;
 function update_investment($values)
     $date_array = phpgwapi_datetime::date_array($values['date']);
     $date = mktime(2, 0, 0, $date_array['month'], $date_array['day'], $date_array['year']);
     $date = date($GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->date_format(), $date);
     $new_index = str_replace(",", ".", $values['new_index']);
     $update = array();
     foreach ($values['update'] as $entry) {
         $local_error = false;
         $n = $entry;
         if ($values['value'][$n]) {
             if (abs($values['value'][$n]) - abs($values['initial_value'][$n] * $new_index) < 0) {
                 $new_value = 0;
                 $new_index = $values['value'][$n] / $values['initial_value'][$n];
             } else {
                 $new_value = $values['value'][$n] - $values['initial_value'][$n] * $new_index;
             $update[] = array('entity_id' => $values['entity_id'][$n], 'invest_id' => $values['investment_id'][$n], 'new_index' => $new_index, 'new_value' => $new_value, 'initial_value' => $values['initial_value'][$n], 'date' => $date);
     return $this->so->update_investment($update);
  * Prepare an attribute value so it can be saved in the database
  * @param array $values_attribute an attribute structure
  * @return array the structure with the value prepared
  * @internal the name of this method is misleading
 public function convert_attribute_save($values_attribute = null)
     if (!is_array($values_attribute)) {
         return '';
     foreach ($values_attribute as &$attrib) {
         if (!$attrib['value']) {
         switch ($attrib['datatype']) {
             case 'CH':
                 $attrib['value'] = ',' . implode(',', $attrib['value']) . ',';
             case 'R':
                 $attrib['value'] = $attrib['value'][0];
             case 'N':
                 $attrib['value'] = str_replace(',', '.', $attrib['value']);
             case 'D':
                 $ts = phpgwapi_datetime::date_to_timestamp($attrib['value']) - phpgwapi_datetime::user_timezone();
                 $attrib['value'] = date($this->_dateformat, $ts);
             case 'DT':
                 if ($attrib['value']['date']) {
                     $date_array = phpgwapi_datetime::date_array($attrib['value']['date']);
                     $ts = mktime((int) $attrib['value']['hour'], (int) $attrib['value']['min'], 0, $date_array['month'], $date_array['day'], $date_array['year']) - phpgwapi_datetime::user_timezone();
                     $attrib['value'] = date($this->_datetimeformat, $ts);
                 } else {
                     $attrib['value'] = '';
     return $values_attribute;
  * Save responsibility contact
  * @param array $values values to be stored/edited and referencing ID if editing
  * @return array $receip with result on the action(failed/success)
 public function save_contact($values)
     if (isset($values['active_from'])) {
         $values['active_from'] = phpgwapi_datetime::date_to_timestamp($values['active_from']);
     if (isset($values['active_to'])) {
         $values['active_to'] = phpgwapi_datetime::date_to_timestamp($values['active_to']);
     if (isset($values['id']) && $values['id']) {
         $receipt = $this->so->edit_contact($values);
     } else {
         $receipt = $this->so->add_contact($values);
     return $receipt;
 function read($data)
     $start = isset($data['start']) && $data['start'] ? $data['start'] : 0;
     $filter = $data['filter'] ? (int) $data['filter'] : 0;
     $query = isset($data['query']) ? $data['query'] : '';
     $sort = isset($data['sort']) && $data['sort'] ? $data['sort'] : 'DESC';
     $order = isset($data['order']) ? $data['order'] : '';
     $cat_id = isset($data['cat_id']) && $data['cat_id'] ? $data['cat_id'] : 0;
     $status_id = isset($data['status_id']) && $data['status_id'] ? $data['status_id'] : 'open';
     $start_date = isset($data['start_date']) && $data['start_date'] ? (int) $data['start_date'] : 0;
     $end_date = isset($data['end_date']) && $data['end_date'] ? (int) $data['end_date'] : 0;
     $allrows = isset($data['allrows']) ? $data['allrows'] : '';
     $obligation = isset($data['obligation']) ? $data['obligation'] : '';
     $wo_hour_cat_id = isset($data['wo_hour_cat_id']) ? $data['wo_hour_cat_id'] : '';
     $b_group = isset($data['b_group']) ? $data['b_group'] : '';
     $ecodimb = isset($data['ecodimb']) ? $data['ecodimb'] : '';
     $paid = isset($data['paid']) ? $data['paid'] : '';
     $b_account = isset($data['b_account']) ? $data['b_account'] : '';
     $district_id = isset($data['district_id']) ? $data['district_id'] : '';
     $dry_run = isset($data['dry_run']) ? $data['dry_run'] : '';
     $criteria = isset($data['criteria']) && $data['criteria'] ? $data['criteria'] : array();
     $filter_year = isset($data['filter_year']) ? $data['filter_year'] : '';
     $tender_deadline = isset($data['tender_deadline']) && $data['tender_deadline'] ? (int) $data['tender_deadline'] : 0;
     $inspection_on_completion = isset($data['inspection_on_completion']) && $data['inspection_on_completion'] ? (int) $data['inspection_on_completion'] : 0;
     $sql = $this->bocommon->fm_cache('sql_workorder' . !!$search_vendor . '_' . !!$wo_hour_cat_id . '_' . !!$b_group);
     //echo $sql;
     if (!$sql) {
         $cols = "fm_project.id as project_id";
         $cols_return[] = 'project_id';
         $uicols['input_type'][] = 'text';
         $uicols['name'][] = 'project_id';
         $uicols['descr'][] = lang('Project');
         $uicols['statustext'][] = lang('Project ID');
         $uicols['exchange'][] = false;
         $uicols['align'][] = '';
         $uicols['datatype'][] = '';
         $uicols['formatter'][] = 'linktToProject';
         $uicols['classname'][] = '';
         $uicols['sortable'][] = true;
         $cols .= ",fm_workorder.id as workorder_id";
         $cols_return[] = 'workorder_id';
         $uicols['input_type'][] = 'text';
         $uicols['name'][] = 'workorder_id';
         $uicols['descr'][] = lang('Workorder');
         $uicols['statustext'][] = lang('Workorder ID');
         $uicols['exchange'][] = false;
         $uicols['align'][] = '';
         $uicols['datatype'][] = '';
         $uicols['formatter'][] = 'linktToOrder';
         $uicols['classname'][] = '';
         $uicols['sortable'][] = true;
         $cols .= ",fm_workorder.title as title";
         $cols_return[] = 'title';
         $uicols['input_type'][] = 'text';
         $uicols['name'][] = 'title';
         $uicols['descr'][] = lang('Title');
         $uicols['statustext'][] = lang('Workorder title');
         $uicols['exchange'][] = false;
         $uicols['align'][] = '';
         $uicols['datatype'][] = '';
         $uicols['formatter'][] = '';
         $uicols['classname'][] = '';
         $uicols['sortable'][] = '';
         $cols .= ",fm_workorder_status.descr as status";
         $cols_return[] = 'status';
         $uicols['input_type'][] = 'text';
         $uicols['name'][] = 'status';
         $uicols['descr'][] = lang('Status');
         $uicols['statustext'][] = lang('Workorder status');
         $uicols['exchange'][] = false;
         $uicols['align'][] = '';
         $uicols['datatype'][] = '';
         $uicols['formatter'][] = '';
         $uicols['classname'][] = '';
         $uicols['sortable'][] = '';
         $cols .= ",fm_workorder.entry_date as entry_date";
         $cols_return[] = 'entry_date';
         $cols .= ",fm_workorder.start_date as start_date";
         $cols_return[] = 'start_date';
         $cols .= ",fm_workorder.end_date as end_date";
         $cols_return[] = 'end_date';
         $cols .= ",fm_workorder.tender_deadline as tender_deadline";
         $cols_return[] = 'tender_deadline';
         $cols .= ",fm_workorder.tender_received as tender_received";
         $cols_return[] = 'tender_received';
         $cols .= ",fm_workorder.inspection_on_completion as inspection_on_completion";
         $cols_return[] = 'inspection_on_completion';
         $cols .= ",fm_project.ecodimb";
         $cols_return[] = 'ecodimb';
         $cols .= ",fm_workorder.contract_sum";
         $cols_return[] = 'contract_sum';
         $cols .= ",fm_workorder.approved";
         $cols_return[] = 'approved';
         $cols .= ",fm_workorder.account_id as b_account_id";
         $cols_return[] = 'b_account_id';
          $uicols['input_type'][]		= 'text';
          $uicols['name'][]			= 'entry_date';
          $uicols['descr'][]			= lang('Entry date');
          $uicols['statustext'][]		= lang('Workorder entry date');
          $uicols['exchange'][]		= false;
          $uicols['align'][] 			= '';
          $uicols['datatype'][]		= '';
          $uicols['formatter'][]		= '';
          $uicols['classname'][]		= '';
         $cols .= ",phpgw_accounts.account_lid as user_lid";
         $cols_return[] = 'user_lid';
         $uicols['input_type'][] = 'text';
         $uicols['name'][] = 'user_lid';
         $uicols['descr'][] = lang('User');
         $uicols['statustext'][] = lang('Workorder User');
         $uicols['exchange'][] = false;
         $uicols['align'][] = '';
         $uicols['datatype'][] = '';
         $uicols['formatter'][] = '';
         $uicols['classname'][] = '';
         $uicols['sortable'][] = '';
         $cols .= ',fm_workorder.vendor_id';
         $cols_return[] = 'vendor_id';
         $uicols['input_type'][] = 'text';
         $uicols['name'][] = 'vendor_id';
         $uicols['descr'][] = lang('Vendor ID');
         $uicols['statustext'][] = lang('Vendor ID');
         $uicols['exchange'][] = false;
         $uicols['align'][] = '';
         $uicols['datatype'][] = '';
         $uicols['formatter'][] = '';
         $uicols['classname'][] = '';
         $uicols['sortable'][] = '';
         $cols .= ",loc1_name";
         //				$cols_return[] 				= 'loc1_name';
          $uicols['input_type'][]		= 'hidden';
          $uicols['name'][]			= 'loc1_name';
          $uicols['descr'][]			= '';
          $uicols['statustext'][]		= '';
          $uicols['exchange'][]		= false;
          $uicols['align'][] 			= '';
          $uicols['datatype'][]		= '';
          $uicols['formatter'][]		= '';
          $uicols['classname'][]		= '';
          $uicols['sortable'][]		= '';
         $cols .= ",fm_project.user_id as project_owner";
         $joinmethod .= "{$this->join} fm_workorder ON (fm_project.id = fm_workorder.project_id) {$this->join} phpgw_accounts ON (fm_workorder.user_id = phpgw_accounts.account_id))";
         $paranthesis .= '(';
         $joinmethod .= " {$this->join} fm_workorder_status ON (fm_workorder.status = fm_workorder_status.id))";
         $paranthesis .= '(';
         $cols .= ',fm_workorder_status.closed';
         $cols .= ',fm_vendor.org_name';
         $cols_return[] = 'org_name';
         $uicols['input_type'][] = 'hidden';
         $uicols['name'][] = 'org_name';
         $uicols['descr'][] = lang('Vendor name');
         $uicols['statustext'][] = lang('Vendor name');
         $uicols['exchange'][] = false;
         $uicols['align'][] = '';
         $uicols['datatype'][] = '';
         $uicols['formatter'][] = '';
         $uicols['classname'][] = '';
         $uicols['sortable'][] = '';
         $cols .= ',fm_workorder.budget';
         $cols_return[] = 'budget';
         $uicols['input_type'][] = 'text';
         $uicols['name'][] = 'budget';
         $uicols['descr'][] = lang('budget');
         $uicols['statustext'][] = lang('budget');
         $uicols['exchange'][] = false;
         $uicols['align'][] = '';
         $uicols['datatype'][] = '';
         $uicols['formatter'][] = 'myFormatCount2';
         $uicols['classname'][] = 'rightClasss';
         $uicols['sortable'][] = false;
         //				$cols .= ',fm_workorder.combined_cost';
         //				$cols_return[] = 'combined_cost';
         $uicols['input_type'][] = 'text';
         $uicols['name'][] = 'obligation';
         $uicols['descr'][] = lang('sum orders');
         $uicols['statustext'][] = lang('Cost - either budget or calculation');
         $uicols['exchange'][] = false;
         $uicols['align'][] = '';
         $uicols['datatype'][] = '';
         $uicols['formatter'][] = 'myFormatCount2';
         $uicols['classname'][] = 'rightClasss';
         $uicols['sortable'][] = false;
         $cols .= ',fm_workorder.actual_cost';
         $cols_return[] = 'actual_cost';
         $uicols['input_type'][] = 'text';
         $uicols['name'][] = 'actual_cost';
         $uicols['descr'][] = lang('Actual cost');
         $uicols['statustext'][] = lang('Actual cost - paid so far');
         $uicols['exchange'][] = false;
         $uicols['align'][] = '';
         $uicols['datatype'][] = '';
         $uicols['formatter'][] = 'myFormatCount2';
         $uicols['classname'][] = 'rightClasss';
         $uicols['sortable'][] = true;
         $uicols['input_type'][] = 'text';
         $uicols['name'][] = 'diff';
         $uicols['descr'][] = lang('difference');
         $uicols['statustext'][] = lang('difference');
         $uicols['exchange'][] = false;
         $uicols['align'][] = '';
         $uicols['datatype'][] = '';
         $uicols['formatter'][] = 'myFormatCount2';
         $uicols['classname'][] = 'rightClasss';
         $uicols['sortable'][] = '';
         $joinmethod .= " {$this->left_join} fm_vendor ON (fm_workorder.vendor_id = fm_vendor.id))";
         $paranthesis .= '(';
         $joinmethod .= " {$this->left_join} fm_workorder_budget ON (fm_workorder.id = fm_workorder_budget.order_id))";
         $paranthesis .= '(';
         //----- wo_hour_status
         if ($wo_hour_cat_id) {
             $joinmethod .= " {$this->join} fm_wo_hours ON (fm_workorder.id = fm_wo_hours.workorder_id))";
             $paranthesis .= '(';
             $joinmethod .= " {$this->join} fm_wo_hours_category ON (fm_wo_hours.category = fm_wo_hours_category.id))";
             $paranthesis .= '(';
         $joinmethod .= " {$this->join} fm_b_account ON (fm_workorder.account_id =fm_b_account.id))";
         $paranthesis .= '(';
         //----- b_group
         $cols_return[] = 'location_code';
         $cols_return[] = 'billable_hours';
         $cols_return[] = 'continuous';
         $cols .= ',fm_workorder.billable_hours';
         $cols .= ',fm_workorder.continuous';
         $no_address = false;
         if (isset($GLOBALS['phpgw']->config->config_data['location_at_workorder']) && $GLOBALS['phpgw']->config->config_data['location_at_workorder']) {
             $no_address = true;
             $cols .= ',fm_workorder.location_code';
             $cols .= ',fm_workorder.address';
             $cols_return[] = 'address';
             $uicols['input_type'][] = 'text';
             $uicols['name'][] = 'address';
             $uicols['descr'][] = lang('address');
             $uicols['statustext'][] = lang('address');
             $uicols['exchange'][] = false;
             $uicols['align'][] = '';
             $uicols['datatype'][] = '';
             $uicols['formatter'][] = '';
             $uicols['classname'][] = '';
             $uicols['sortable'][] = true;
             $joinmethod .= "{$this->join} fm_locations ON (fm_workorder.location_code = fm_locations.location_code))";
             $paranthesis .= '(';
             $location_table = 'fm_locations';
         } else {
             $cols .= ",fm_project.location_code";
             $location_table = 'fm_project';
         $entity_table = 'fm_project';
         $sql = $this->bocommon->generate_sql(array('entity_table' => $entity_table, 'location_table' => $location_table, 'cols' => $cols, 'cols_return' => $cols_return, 'uicols' => $uicols, 'joinmethod' => $joinmethod, 'paranthesis' => $paranthesis, 'force_location' => true, 'no_address' => $no_address, 'location_level' => 0));
         $this->bocommon->fm_cache('sql_workorder' . !!$search_vendor . '_' . !!$wo_hour_cat_id . '_' . !!$b_group, $sql);
         $this->uicols = $this->bocommon->uicols;
         $cols_return = $this->bocommon->cols_return;
         $type_id = $this->bocommon->type_id;
         //				$this->cols_extra	= $this->bocommon->cols_extra;
         $this->bocommon->fm_cache('uicols_workorder' . !!$search_vendor . '_' . !!$wo_hour_cat_id . '_' . !!$b_group, $this->uicols);
         $this->bocommon->fm_cache('cols_return_workorder' . !!$search_vendor . '_' . !!$wo_hour_cat_id . '_' . !!$b_group, $cols_return);
         $this->bocommon->fm_cache('type_id_workorder' . !!$search_vendor . '_' . !!$wo_hour_cat_id . '_' . !!$b_group, $type_id);
         //				$this->bocommon->fm_cache('cols_extra_workorder'.!!$search_vendor . '_' . !!$wo_hour_cat_id . '_' . !!$b_group,$this->cols_extra);
     } else {
         $this->uicols = $this->bocommon->fm_cache('uicols_workorder' . !!$search_vendor . '_' . !!$wo_hour_cat_id . '_' . !!$b_group);
         $cols_return = $this->bocommon->fm_cache('cols_return_workorder' . !!$search_vendor . '_' . !!$wo_hour_cat_id . '_' . !!$b_group);
         $type_id = $this->bocommon->fm_cache('type_id_workorder' . !!$search_vendor . '_' . !!$wo_hour_cat_id . '_' . !!$b_group);
         //				$this->cols_extra	= $this->bocommon->fm_cache('cols_extra_workorder'.!!$search_vendor . '_' . !!$wo_hour_cat_id . '_' . !!$b_group);
     $location_table = 'fm_project';
     if (isset($GLOBALS['phpgw']->config->config_data['location_at_workorder']) && $GLOBALS['phpgw']->config->config_data['location_at_workorder']) {
         $location_table = 'fm_workorder';
     $order_field = '';
     if ($order) {
         $ordermethod = " ORDER BY {$order} {$sort}";
         switch ($order) {
             case 'workorder_id':
                 $ordermethod = " ORDER BY fm_workorder.id {$sort}";
             case 'actual_cost':
                 $order_field = ',fm_workorder.actual_cost';
             case 'address':
                 if (isset($GLOBALS['phpgw']->config->config_data['location_at_workorder']) && $GLOBALS['phpgw']->config->config_data['location_at_workorder']) {
                     $order_field = ", fm_workorder.address";
                 } else {
                     $order_field = ", fm_project.address";
             case 'entry_date':
                 $order_field = ", fm_workorder.entry_date";
                 $ordermethod = " ORDER BY fm_workorder.entry_date {$sort}, fm_workorder.id";
             case 'start_date':
                 $order_field = ", fm_workorder.start_date";
                 $ordermethod = " ORDER BY fm_workorder.start_date {$sort}, fm_workorder.id";
             case 'end_date':
                 $order_field = ", fm_workorder.end_date";
                 $ordermethod = " ORDER BY fm_workorder.end_date {$sort}, fm_workorder.id";
             case 'tender_deadline':
                 $order_field = ", fm_workorder.tender_deadline";
                 $ordermethod = " ORDER BY fm_workorder.tender_deadline {$sort}, fm_workorder.id";
             case 'tender_received':
                 $order_field = ", fm_workorder.tender_received";
                 $ordermethod = " ORDER BY fm_workorder.tender_received {$sort}, fm_workorder.id";
             case 'inspection_on_completion':
                 $order_field = ", fm_workorder.inspection_on_completion";
                 $ordermethod = " ORDER BY fm_workorder.inspection_on_completion {$sort}, fm_workorder.id";
             case 'ecodimb':
                 $order_field = ", fm_project.ecodimb";
                 $ordermethod = " ORDER BY fm_workorder.ecodimb {$sort}, fm_workorder.id";
             case 'budget':
                 $order_field = ", fm_workorder.budget";
                 $ordermethod = " ORDER BY fm_workorder.budget {$sort}, fm_workorder.id";
             case 'approved':
                 $order_field = ", fm_workorder.approved";
                 $ordermethod = " ORDER BY fm_workorder.approved {$sort}, fm_workorder.id";
             case 'b_account_id':
                 $order_field = ", fm_workorder.account_id";
                 $ordermethod = " ORDER BY fm_workorder.account_id {$sort}, fm_workorder.id";
                 $order_field = ", {$order}";
     } else {
         //			$ordermethod = ' ORDER BY fm_workorder.project_id DESC,fm_workorder.id DESC';
         $ordermethod = ' ORDER BY fm_workorder.id DESC';
     $where = 'WHERE';
     $filtermethod = '';
     if (isset($GLOBALS['phpgw']->config->config_data['acl_at_location']) && $GLOBALS['phpgw']->config->config_data['acl_at_location']) {
         $access_location = $this->bocommon->get_location_list(PHPGW_ACL_READ);
         $filtermethod = " WHERE fm_project.loc1 in ('" . implode("','", $access_location) . "')";
         $where = 'AND';
     if ($cat_id > 0) {
         $cats = CreateObject('phpgwapi.categories', -1, 'property', '.project');
         $cats->supress_info = true;
         $cat_list_project = $cats->return_sorted_array(0, false, '', '', '', false, $cat_id, false);
         $cat_filter = array($cat_id);
         foreach ($cat_list_project as $_category) {
             $cat_filter[] = $_category['id'];
         $filtermethod .= " {$where} fm_workorder.category IN (" . implode(',', $cat_filter) . ')';
         $where = 'AND';
     if ($status_id && $status_id != 'all') {
         if ($status_id == 'open') {
             $filtermethod .= " {$where} fm_workorder_status.closed IS NULL";
             /* 					$_status_filter = array();
             					  $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM fm_workorder_status WHERE closed IS NULL");
             					  $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM fm_workorder_status WHERE delivered IS NULL AND closed IS NULL");
             					  $_status_filter[] = $this->db->f('id');
             					  $filtermethod .= " $where fm_workorder.status IN ('" . implode("','", $_status_filter) . "')";
         } else {
             $filtermethod .= " {$where} fm_workorder.status='{$status_id}' ";
         $where = 'AND';
     $group_method = '';
     if ($wo_hour_cat_id) {
         $filtermethod .= " {$where} fm_wo_hours_category.id={$wo_hour_cat_id} ";
         $where = 'AND';
         $group_method = " group by fm_project.id,{$location_table}.location_code,fm_workorder.id,workorder_id,title,fm_workorder.status,fm_workorder.entry_date,user_lid,fm_workorder.vendor_id,project_owner,{$location_table}.address,fm_vendor.org_name,fm_workorder.combined_cost,fm_workorder.actual_cost,fm_workorder.act_vendor_cost";
     if ($b_group) {
         $filtermethod .= " {$where} fm_b_account.category='{$b_group}' ";
         $where = 'AND';
     if ($paid) {
         /* 0 => cancelled, 1 => obligation , 2 => paid */
         $filtermethod .= " {$where} fm_workorder.paid = {$paid} AND vendor_id > 0";
         $where = 'AND';
     if ($ecodimb) {
         $filtermethod .= " {$where} fm_project.ecodimb =" . (int) $ecodimb;
         $where = 'AND';
     if ($b_account) {
         $filtermethod .= " {$where} fm_workorder.account_id = '{$b_account}'";
         $where = 'AND';
     if ($district_id) {
         $filtermethod .= " {$where} district_id = {$district_id}";
         $where = 'AND';
     if (is_array($this->grants)) {
         $grants = $this->grants;
         while (list($user) = each($grants)) {
             $public_user_list[] = $user;
         $filtermethod .= " {$where} (fm_project.access='public' AND fm_project.user_id IN(" . implode(',', $public_user_list) . ")";
         $where = 'AND';
     if ($filter) {
         $filtermethod .= " {$where} fm_workorder.user_id={$filter}";
         $where = 'AND';
     if ($start_date) {
         $end_date = $end_date + 3600 * 16 + phpgwapi_datetime::user_timezone();
         $start_date = $start_date - 3600 * 8 + phpgwapi_datetime::user_timezone();
         $filtermethod .= " {$where} (fm_workorder.start_date >= {$start_date} AND fm_workorder.start_date <= {$end_date}";
         if ($obligation) {
             $filtermethod .= " OR fm_workorder_status.closed IS NULL)";
         } else {
             $filtermethod .= ')';
         $where = 'AND';
     if ($tender_deadline) {
         $tender_deadline = $tender_deadline - 3600 * 8 + phpgwapi_datetime::user_timezone();
         $filtermethod .= " {$where} (fm_workorder.tender_deadline IS NOT NULL AND fm_workorder.tender_deadline > 0" . " AND fm_workorder.tender_deadline <= {$tender_deadline} AND" . " (fm_workorder.tender_received  = 0 OR fm_workorder.tender_received  IS NULL))";
         $where = 'AND';
     if ($inspection_on_completion) {
         $inspection_on_completion = $inspection_on_completion - 3600 * 8 + phpgwapi_datetime::user_timezone();
         $filtermethod .= " {$where} (fm_workorder.tender_deadline IS NOT NULL  AND fm_workorder.tender_deadline > 0" . " AND fm_workorder.end_date IS NOT NULL AND fm_workorder.end_date > 0" . " AND fm_workorder.end_date <= {$inspection_on_completion} AND" . " (fm_workorder.inspection_on_completion  = 0 OR fm_workorder.inspection_on_completion  IS NULL))";
         $where = 'AND';
     if ($filter_year && $filter_year != 'all') {
         $filter_year = (int) $filter_year;
         $filtermethod .= " {$where} (fm_workorder_budget.year={$filter_year} OR fm_workorder_status.closed IS NULL)";
         $where = 'AND';
     $querymethod = '';
     if ($query) {
         $query = $this->db->db_addslashes($query);
         $query = str_replace(",", '.', $query);
         if (stristr($query, '.')) {
             $query = explode(".", $query);
             $querymethod = " {$where} ({$location_table}.location_code {$this->like} '{$query[0]}%' AND {$location_table}.location_code {$this->like} '%{$query[1]}')";
         } else {
             $matchtypes = array('exact' => '=', 'like' => $this->like);
             if (count($criteria) > 1) {
                 $_querymethod = array();
                 foreach ($criteria as $field_info) {
                     if ($field_info['type'] == int) {
                         $_query = (int) $query;
                     } else {
                         if ($field_info['type'] == 'bigint' && !ctype_digit($query)) {
                             $_query = 0;
                         } else {
                             $_query = $query;
                     $_querymethod[] = "{$field_info['field']} {$matchtypes[$field_info['matchtype']]} {$field_info['front']}{$_query}{$field_info['back']}";
                 $querymethod = $where . ' (' . implode(' OR ', $_querymethod) . ')';
             } else {
                 if ($criteria[0]['type'] == 'int') {
                     $_query = (int) $query;
                 } else {
                     if ($criteria[0]['type'] == 'bigint' && !ctype_digit($query)) {
                         $_query = 0;
                     } else {
                         $_query = $query;
                 $querymethod = "{$where} {$criteria[0]['field']} {$matchtypes[$criteria[0]['matchtype']]} {$criteria[0]['front']}{$_query}{$criteria[0]['back']}";
         $where = 'AND';
     $querymethod .= ')';
     $sql_full = "{$sql} {$filtermethod} {$querymethod}";
     $sql_base = substr($sql_full, strripos($sql_full, 'FROM'));
     if ($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['db_type'] == 'postgres') {
         $sql_minimized = "SELECT DISTINCT fm_workorder.id {$sql_base}";
         $sql_count = "SELECT count(id) as cnt FROM ({$sql_minimized}) as t";
         $this->db->query($sql_count, __LINE__, __FILE__);
         $this->total_records = $this->db->f('cnt');
     } else {
         $sql_count = 'SELECT DISTINCT fm_workorder.id ' . substr($sql_full, strripos($sql_full, 'FROM'));
         $this->db->query($sql_count, __LINE__, __FILE__);
         $this->total_records = $this->db->num_rows();
     $workorder_list = array();
     if ($dry_run) {
         return $workorder_list;
     $sql_end = str_replace('SELECT DISTINCT fm_workorder.id', "SELECT DISTINCT fm_workorder.id {$order_field}", $sql_minimized) . $ordermethod;
     //	_debug_array($sql_end);
     if (!$allrows) {
         $this->db->limit_query($sql_end, $start, __LINE__, __FILE__);
     } else {
         $_fetch_single = false;
         //FIXME: something wrong here...
         				  if($this->total_records > 200)
         				  $_fetch_single = true;
         				  $_fetch_single = false;
         $this->db->query($sql_end, __LINE__, __FILE__, false, $_fetch_single);
     $count_cols_return = count($cols_return);
     $_order_list = array();
     while ($this->db->next_record()) {
         $workorder_list[] = array('workorder_id' => $this->db->f('id'));
         $_order_list[] = $this->db->f('id');
     $_actual_cost_arr = array();
     $this->db->query('SELECT id, percent FROM fm_ecomva', __LINE__, __FILE__);
     $_taxcode = array(0 => 0);
     while ($this->db->next_record()) {
         $_taxcode[$this->db->f('id')] = $this->db->f('percent');
     foreach ($workorder_list as &$workorder) {
         $this->db->query("{$sql} WHERE fm_workorder.id = '{$workorder['workorder_id']}'");
         for ($i = 0; $i < $count_cols_return; $i++) {
             $workorder[$cols_return[$i]] = $this->db->f($cols_return[$i]);
         $workorder['actual_cost'] = 0;
         $workorder['obligation'] = 0;
         $workorder['combined_cost'] = 0;
         $workorder['budget'] = 0;
         $workorder['grants'] = (int) $this->grants[$this->db->f('project_owner')];
         $location_code = $this->db->f('location_code');
         $location = explode('-', $location_code);
         $count_location = count($location);
         for ($m = 0; $m < $count_location; $m++) {
             $workorder['loc' . ($m + 1)] = $location[$m];
             $workorder['query_location']['loc' . ($m + 1)] = implode("-", array_slice($location, 0, $m + 1));
     foreach ($workorder_list as &$workorder) {
         $order_budget = $this->get_budget($workorder['workorder_id']);
         foreach ($order_budget as $entry) {
             if ($entry['active'] == 2) {
             if ($filter_year && $filter_year != 'all') {
                 if ($entry['year'] == $filter_year) {
                     $workorder['actual_cost'] += $entry['actual_cost'];
                     $workorder['combined_cost'] += $entry['sum_orders'];
                     $workorder['budget'] += $entry['budget'];
                     $workorder['obligation'] += $entry['sum_oblications'];
             } else {
                 $workorder['actual_cost'] += $entry['actual_cost'];
                 if ($entry['active']) {
                     $workorder['combined_cost'] += $entry['sum_orders'];
                     $workorder['budget'] += $entry['budget'];
                     $workorder['obligation'] += $entry['sum_oblications'];
         $_diff_start = abs($workorder['budget']) > 0 ? $workorder['budget'] : $workorder['combined_cost'];
         $workorder['diff'] = $_diff_start - $workorder['obligation'] - $workorder['actual_cost'];
     return $workorder_list;
예제 #10
  * Based on Webcalendar by Craig Knudsen <*****@*****.**>               *
  *          http://www.radix.net/~cknudsen                                  *
  * Written by Mark Peters <*****@*****.**>                        *
  * --------------------------------------------                             *
  *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
  *  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the   *
  *  Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your  *
  *  option) any later version.                                              *
/* $Id$ */
if (!isset($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences']['calendar']['mainscreen_showevents']) || !$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences']['calendar']['mainscreen_showevents']) {
$GLOBALS['date'] = date('Ymd', phpgwapi_datetime::user_localtime());
$GLOBALS['g_year'] = substr($GLOBALS['date'], 0, 4);
$GLOBALS['g_month'] = substr($GLOBALS['date'], 4, 2);
$GLOBALS['g_day'] = substr($GLOBALS['date'], 6, 2);
$GLOBALS['owner'] = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['account_id'];
$GLOBALS['css'] = "\n<style type=\"text/css\">\n<!--\n" . "@import url('calendar/templates/base/css/base.css')\n-->\n</style>\n";
$page_ = explode('.', $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences']['calendar']['defaultcalendar']);
$_page = substr($page_[0], 0, 7);
// makes planner from planner_{user|category}
if ($_page == 'index' || $_page != 'day' && $_page != 'week' && $_page != 'month' && $_page != 'year' && $_page != 'planner') {
    $_page = 'month';
    $GLOBALS['phpgw']->preferences->add('calendar', 'defaultcalendar', 'month');
if (!@file_exists(PHPGW_INCLUDE_ROOT . '/calendar/inc/hook_home_' . $_page . '.inc.php')) {
예제 #11
  * phpGroupWare - Calendar                                                  *
  * http://www.phpgroupware.org                                              *
  * Based on Webcalendar by Craig Knudsen <*****@*****.**>               *
  *          http://www.radix.net/~cknudsen                                  *
  * Written by Mark Peters <*****@*****.**>                        *
  * --------------------------------------------                             *
  *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
  *  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the   *
  *  Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your  *
  *  option) any later version.                                              *
/* $Id$ */
global $calendar_id;
$d1 = strtolower(substr($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['app_inc'], 0, 3));
if ($d1 == 'htt' || $d1 == 'ftp') {
    echo 'Failed attempt to break in via an old Security Hole!<br />' . "\n";
if ($calendar_id) {
    $cal = CreateObject('calendar.uicalendar');
    //echo "Event ID: $calendar_id<br />\n";
    if ($event = $cal->bo->read_entry($calendar_id)) {
        echo $cal->timematrix(array('date' => phpgwapi_datetime::localdates(mktime(0, 0, 0, $event['start']['month'], $event['start']['mday'], $event['start']['year']) - $phpgw->calendar->tz_offset), 'starttime' => $cal->bo->splittime('000000', False), 'endtime' => 0, 'participants' => $event['participants'])) . '</td></tr><tr><td>' . $cal->view_event($event) . '</td></tr><tr><td align="center">' . $cal->get_response($calendar_id);
예제 #12
 public function populate()
     $this->set_title(phpgw::get_var('title', 'string'));
     $this->set_description(phpgw::get_var('description', 'html'));
     if (phpgw::get_var('start_date', 'string') != '') {
         $start_date_ts = phpgwapi_datetime::date_to_timestamp(phpgw::get_var('start_date', 'string'));
     } else {
     if (phpgw::get_var('end_date', 'string') != '') {
         $end_date_ts = phpgwapi_datetime::date_to_timestamp(phpgw::get_var('end_date', 'string'));
     } else {
     $this->set_repeat_type(phpgw::get_var('repeat_type', 'string'));
     $this->set_repeat_interval(phpgw::get_var('repeat_interval', 'string'));
     $this->set_procedure_id(phpgw::get_var('procedure_id', 'int'));
     $this->set_control_area_id(phpgw::get_var('control_area_id', 'int'));
     $this->set_responsibility_id(phpgw::get_var('responsibility_id', 'int'));
예제 #13
 public function read($dry_run = '')
     $start_date = phpgwapi_datetime::date_to_timestamp($this->start_date);
     $end_date = phpgwapi_datetime::date_to_timestamp($this->end_date);
     $valid_locations = $this->get_gallery_location();
     $values = $this->so->read(array('start' => $this->start, 'query' => $this->query, 'sort' => $this->sort, 'order' => $this->order, 'allrows' => $this->allrows, 'location_id' => $this->location_id, 'user_id' => $this->user_id, 'mime_type' => $this->mime_type, 'start_date' => $start_date, 'end_date' => $end_date, 'cat_id' => $this->cat_id, 'valid_locations' => $valid_locations, 'dry_run' => $dry_run));
     $img_types = array('image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/gif');
     static $locations = array();
     static $urls = array();
     $dateformat = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['dateformat'];
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($values as &$entry) {
         if (!$entry['mime_type']) {
             $entry['mime_type'] = $this->mime_magic->filename2mime($entry['name']);
         $entry['img_id'] = '';
         if (in_array($entry['mime_type'], $img_types)) {
             $entry['img_id'] = "img-{$i}";
         $entry['date'] = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->show_date(strtotime($entry['created']), $dateformat);
         $directory = explode('/', $entry['directory']);
         $location = $this->get_location($directory);
         $entry['location'] = $location['location'];
         $entry['location_item_id'] = $location['location_item_id'];
         $entry['url'] = $this->interlink->get_relation_link($entry['location'], $entry['location_item_id']);
         $entry['location_name'] = $this->interlink->get_location_name($entry['location']);
         $entry['document_url'] = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php', array('menuaction' => 'property.uigallery.view_file', 'file' => urlencode("{$entry['directory']}/{$entry['name']}")));
         $entry['user'] = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->accounts->get($entry['createdby_id'])->__toString();
     $this->total_records = $this->so->total_records;
     return $values;
예제 #14
 function add_manual_invoice($values, $skip_update_voucher_id = false)
     $orders_affected = array();
     $_dateformat = $this->db->date_format();
     if (!$this->supertransaction) {
     $num = $this->add($values, $skip_update_voucher_id);
     $this->voucher_id = $values[0]['bilagsnr'];
     $voucher = $this->get_voucher($values[0]['bilagsnr']);
     foreach ($voucher as &$line) {
         $line['overftid'] = date($_dateformat, phpgwapi_datetime::date_to_timestamp($values[0]['paid_date']));
         $line['ordrebelop'] = $line['godkjentbelop'];
         $line['filnavn'] = 'dummy';
         $line['oppsynsigndato'] = date($_dateformat);
         $line['saksigndato'] = date($_dateformat);
         $line['budsjettsigndato'] = date($_dateformat);
         $line['utbetalingsigndato'] = date($_dateformat);
         $line['utbetalingid'] = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->accounts->get($this->account_id)->lid;
         $line['manual_record'] = 1;
     if ($this->debug) {
         return true;
     foreach ($voucher as &$line) {
         if ($line['order_id']) {
             $amount = $line['godkjentbelop'] * 100;
             //Oppdater beløp på bestilling
             if ($line['dimd'] % 2 == 0) {
                 $actual_cost_field = 'act_mtrl_cost';
             } else {
                 $actual_cost_field = 'act_vendor_cost';
             $operator = '+';
             if (!$this->debug) {
                 //notify_coordinator_on_consumption is performed here..
                 $this->correct_actual_cost($line['order_id'], $amount, $actual_cost_field, $operator);
     if (!$this->supertransaction) {
         return $this->db->transaction_commit();
     } else {
         return $num;
예제 #15
$refer = explode('.', $GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']['menuaction']);
$referrer = $refer[2];
$templates = array('head_tpl' => 'head.tpl', 'form_button_dropdown' => 'form_button_dropdown.tpl', 'form_button_script' => 'form_button_script.tpl');
$tpl->set_block('head_tpl', 'head', 'head');
$tpl->set_block('head_tpl', 'head_table', 'head_table');
$tpl->set_block('head_tpl', 'head_col', 'head_col');
$tpl->set_block('form_button_script', 'form_button');
if (floor(phpversion()) >= 4) {
    $tpl->set_var('cols', 8);
} else {
    $tpl->set_var('cols', 7);
$today = date('Ymd', phpgwapi_datetime::user_localtime());
$col_width = 12;
add_col($tpl, '  <td width="2%">&nbsp;</td>');
add_col($tpl, '  <td width="2%">' . add_image_ahref($this->page('day', array('date' => $today)), 'today', lang('Today')) . '</td>');
add_col($tpl, '  <td width="2%" align="left">' . add_image_ahref($this->page('week', array('date' => $today)), 'week', lang('This week')) . '</td>');
add_col($tpl, '  <td width="2%" align="left">' . add_image_ahref($this->page('month', array('date' => $today)), 'month', lang('This month')) . '</td>');
add_col($tpl, '  <td width="2%" align="left">' . add_image_ahref($this->page('year', array('date' => $today)), 'year', lang('This Year')) . '</td>');
if (floor(phpversion()) >= 4) {
    add_col($tpl, '  <td width="2%" align="left">' . add_image_ahref($this->page('planner', array('date' => $today)), 'planner', lang('Planner')) . '</td>');
    $col_width += 2;
add_col($tpl, '  <td width="2%" align="left">' . add_image_ahref($this->page('matrixselect'), 'view', lang('Daily Matrix View')) . '</td>');
add_col($tpl, '  <td width="' . (100 - $col_width) . '%" align="left"' . (floor(phpversion()) < 4 ? ' colspan="2"' : '') . '>&nbsp;</td>');
$tpl->parse('row', 'head_table', True);
$tpl->set_var('header_column', '');
$tpl->set_var('cols', $cols);
예제 #16
 function date_to_timestamp($date)
     if ($date) {
         $date_array = phpgwapi_datetime::date_array($date);
         $date = mktime(8, 0, 0, $date_array['month'], $date_array['day'], $date_array['year']);
     return $date;
  * Show project that is overdue
  * @return void
 public function home_project_overdue_end_date()
     $accound_id = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['account_id'];
     $save_app = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['currentapp'];
     $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['currentapp'] = 'property';
     $maxmatches = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['maxmatchs'];
     $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['maxmatchs'] = 5;
     $prefs = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences'];
     if (isset($prefs['property']['mainscreen_show_project_overdue']) && $prefs['property']['mainscreen_show_project_overdue'] == 'yes') {
         $soproject = CreateObject('property.soproject');
         $values = $soproject->read(array('filter' => $accound_id, 'overdue' => time()));
         $total_records = $soproject->total_records;
         $portalbox = CreateObject('phpgwapi.listbox', array('title' => lang('end date delay') . " ({$total_records})", 'primary' => $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['theme']['navbar_bg'], 'secondary' => $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['theme']['navbar_bg'], 'tertiary' => $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['theme']['navbar_bg'], 'width' => '100%', 'outerborderwidth' => '0', 'header_background_image' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->image('phpgwapi', 'bg_filler', '.png', False)));
         $app_id = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->applications->name2id('property');
         if (!isset($GLOBALS['portal_order']) || !in_array($app_id, $GLOBALS['portal_order'])) {
             $GLOBALS['portal_order'][] = $app_id;
         $var = $this->get_controls($app_id);
         foreach ($var as $key => $value) {
             //				$portalbox->set_controls($key,$value);
         foreach ($values as $entry) {
             $entry['delay'] = ceil(phpgwapi_datetime::get_working_days($entry['end_date'], time()));
             $portalbox->data[] = array('text' => "Forsinkelse: {$entry['delay']} dager :: prosjekt nr:{$entry['project_id']} :: {$entry['location_code']} :: {$entry['address']}", 'link' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php', array('menuaction' => 'property.uiproject.edit', 'id' => $entry['project_id'], 'tab' => 'budget')));
         echo "\n" . '<!-- BEGIN ticket info -->' . "\n<div class='property_tickets' style='padding-left: 10px;'>" . $portalbox->draw() . "</div>\n" . '<!-- END ticket info -->' . "\n";
     $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['currentapp'] = $save_app;
     $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['maxmatchs'] = $maxmatches;
 function read_single($workorder_id)
     if (!$workorder_id) {
         return array();
     $contacts = CreateObject('property.sogeneric');
     $contacts->get_location_info('vendor', false);
     $workorder = $this->so->read_single($workorder_id);
     $dateformat = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['dateformat'];
     $workorder['tender_delay'] = phpgwapi_datetime::get_working_days($workorder['tender_deadline'], $workorder['tender_received']);
     $workorder['end_date_delay'] = phpgwapi_datetime::get_working_days($workorder['end_date'], $workorder['inspection_on_completion']);
     $workorder['start_date'] = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->show_date($workorder['start_date'], $dateformat);
     $workorder['end_date'] = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->show_date($workorder['end_date'], $dateformat);
     $workorder['tender_deadline'] = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->show_date($workorder['tender_deadline'], $dateformat);
     $workorder['tender_received'] = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->show_date($workorder['tender_received'], $dateformat);
     $workorder['inspection_on_completion'] = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->show_date($workorder['inspection_on_completion'], $dateformat);
     if (isset($workorder['vendor_id']) && $workorder['vendor_id']) {
         $custom = createObject('property.custom_fields');
         $vendor['attributes'] = $custom->find('property', '.vendor', 0, '', 'ASC', 'attrib_sort', true, true);
         $vendor = $contacts->read_single(array('id' => $workorder['vendor_id']), $vendor);
         foreach ($vendor['attributes'] as $attribute) {
             if ($attribute['name'] == 'org_name') {
                 $workorder['vendor_name'] = $attribute['value'];
             if ($attribute['name'] == 'email') {
                 $workorder['vendor_email'] = $attribute['value'];
     $workorder['b_account_name'] = $this->so->get_b_account_name($workorder['b_account_id']);
     $config = CreateObject('phpgwapi.config', 'property');
     $tax = 1 + $config->config_data['fm_tax'] / 100;
     $workorder['calculation'] = $workorder['calculation'] * $tax;
     $vfs = CreateObject('phpgwapi.vfs');
     $vfs->override_acl = 1;
     $workorder['files'] = $vfs->ls(array('string' => "/property/workorder/{$workorder_id}", 'relatives' => array(RELATIVE_NONE)));
     $vfs->override_acl = 0;
     $j = count($workorder['files']);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $j; $i++) {
         $workorder['files'][$i]['file_name'] = urlencode($workorder['files'][$i]['name']);
     $workorder['origin'] = $this->interlink->get_relation('property', '.project.workorder', $workorder_id, 'origin');
     $workorder['target'] = $this->interlink->get_relation('property', '.project.workorder', $workorder_id, 'target');
     if ($workorder['location_code']) {
         $solocation = CreateObject('property.solocation', $this->bocommon);
         $workorder['location_data'] = $solocation->read_single($workorder['location_code']);
     if ($workorder['tenant_id'] > 0) {
         $tenant_data = $this->bocommon->read_single_tenant($workorder['tenant_id']);
         $workorder['location_data']['tenant_id'] = $workorder['tenant_id'];
         $workorder['location_data']['contact_phone'] = $tenant_data['contact_phone'];
         $workorder['location_data']['last_name'] = $tenant_data['last_name'];
         $workorder['location_data']['first_name'] = $tenant_data['first_name'];
     } else {
     if ($workorder['p_num']) {
         $soadmin_entity = CreateObject('property.soadmin_entity');
         $category = $soadmin_entity->read_single_category($workorder['p_entity_id'], $workorder['p_cat_id']);
         $workorder['p'][$workorder['p_entity_id']]['p_num'] = $workorder['p_num'];
         $workorder['p'][$workorder['p_entity_id']]['p_entity_id'] = $workorder['p_entity_id'];
         $workorder['p'][$workorder['p_entity_id']]['p_cat_id'] = $workorder['p_cat_id'];
         $workorder['p'][$workorder['p_entity_id']]['p_cat_name'] = $category['name'];
     $event_criteria = array('appname' => 'property', 'location' => '.project.workorder', 'location_item_id' => $workorder_id);
     $events = execMethod('property.soevent.read_at_location', $event_criteria);
     $workorder['event_id'] = $events ? $events[0]['id'] : '';
     return $workorder;
 function save($values)
     $document_date = phpgwapi_datetime::date_array($values['document_date']);
     $values['document_date'] = mktime(2, 0, 0, $document_date['month'], $document_date['day'], $document_date['year']);
     if ($values['document_id']) {
         if ($values['document_id'] != 0) {
             $receipt = $this->so->edit($values);
     } else {
         $receipt = $this->so->add($values);
     return $receipt;
 function view_contact($contact_id = '', $contact_type = '', $referer = '')
     $contact_id = empty($contact_id) ? phpgw::get_var('ab_id') : $contact_id;
     $contact_type = $contact_type ? $contact_type : $this->bo->search_contact_type_id($this->bo->get_type_contact($contact_id));
     $referer = $referer == '' ? phpgw::get_var('referer') : $referer;
     $referer = urldecode($referer);
     if ($contact_type == $this->tab_main_persons) {
         $type = 'person';
         $contacts = $this->bo->get_principal_persons_data($contact_id);
         $userformat = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['dateformat'];
         if ($userformat != $this->bo->bday_internformat) {
             $contacts['org_name'] = '<a href="' . $contacts['org_link'] . '">' . htmlentities($contacts['org_name'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '</a>';
             $cat_link_url = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php', array('menuaction' => 'addressbook.uiaddressbook.index', 'section' => 'Persons', 'nonavbar' => $this->nonavbar));
             $contacts['per_birthday'] = phpgwapi_datetime::convertDate($contacts['per_birthday'], $this->bo->bday_internformat, $userformat);
     } else {
         if ($contact_type == $this->tab_main_organizations) {
             $cat_link_url = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php', array('menuaction' => 'addressbook.uiaddressbook.index', 'section' => 'Organizations', 'nonavbar' => $this->nonavbar));
             $type = 'org';
             $contacts = $this->bo->get_principal_organizations_data($contact_id);
     if (isset($contacts['tab_extra']) && is_array($contacts['tab_extra'])) {
         foreach ($contacts['tab_extra'] as $key => $value) {
             $contacts[$key] = $value;
     $owner = $contacts['owner'];
     $cats = $contacts['tab_cats']['my_cats'];
     $access = $contacts['access'];
     if (!$this->bo->check_read($contact_id, $owner)) {
         $GLOBALS['phpgw']->redirect_link('/index.php', array('menuaction' => 'addressbook.uiaddressbook.index', 'section' => $contact_type, 'nonavbar' => $this->nonavbar));
     $tmp_cats = array();
     foreach ($cats as $key => $cat_id) {
         if ($cat_id) {
             $catinfo = $this->cat->return_single(intval($cat_id));
             $tmp_cats[] = '<a href="' . $cat_link_url . '&fcat_id=' . $cat_id . '">' . $catinfo[0]['name'] . '</a>';
     $catname = implode(', ', $tmp_cats);
     $comms = $this->bo->get_comm_contact_data($contact_id);
     if (isset($comms[$contact_id]) && is_array($comms[$contact_id])) {
         $contacts = $contacts + $comms[$contact_id];
         $comms_media[] = array_keys($comms[$contact_id]);
     } else {
         $comms_media[0] = array();
     $addr = $this->bo->get_addr_contact_data($contact_id, array('addr_pref_val' => 'Y'));
     if (isset($addr) && isset($addr[0]) && is_array($addr[0])) {
         $contacts = array_merge($contacts, $addr[0]);
     $others = $this->bo->get_others_contact_data($contact_id);
     if (is_array($others)) {
         foreach ($others as $key => $other_data) {
             $contacts[$other_data['other_name']] = $other_data['other_value'];
     $this->template->set_file(array('view_t' => 'view.tpl'));
     $this->template->set_block('view_t', 'view_header', 'view_header');
     $this->template->set_block('view_t', 'view_row', 'view_row');
     $this->template->set_block('view_t', 'view_footer', 'view_footer');
     $this->template->set_block('view_t', 'view_buttons', 'view_buttons');
     $this->template->set_var('lang_viewpref', lang('Address book - view'));
     $tr_class = '';
     $row_cnt = 0;
     foreach ($contacts as $field => $data) {
         if ($field != 'org_name') {
             $data = htmlentities($data, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
         $ref = '';
         if (!is_numeric($field) && $data != '') {
             if (in_array($field, $comms_media[0])) {
                 $this->template->set_var('display_col', lang($field));
                 if (strpos($field, 'email')) {
                     if (isset($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['apps']['email']) && $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['apps']['email']) {
                         $ref = '<a href="' . $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/email/compose.php', array('to' => urlencode($data))) . '" target="_new">';
                     } else {
                         $ref = '<a href="mailto:' . $data . '">';
                     $data .= '</a>';
                 if ($field == 'website') {
                     if (!empty($data) && substr($data, 0, 7) != 'http://') {
                         $data = 'http://' . $data;
                     $ref = '<a href="' . $data . '" target="_new">';
                     $data .= '</a>';
             } else {
                 $this->template->set_var('display_col', $this->bo->display_name($field));
             $tr_class = $row_cnt % 2 ? 'row_off' : 'row_on';
             $this->template->set_var('tr_class', $tr_class);
             $this->template->set_var('ref_data', $ref . $data);
             $this->template->parse('cols', 'view_row', True);
     if ($contact_type == $this->tab_main_organizations) {
         $persons = $this->bo->get_person_orgs_data($contact_id);
         if ($persons && is_array($persons)) {
             $per_link = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php', array('menuaction' => 'addressbook.uiaddressbook.view_person', 'nonavbar' => $this->nonavbar));
             $ppl = array();
             foreach ($persons as $per) {
                 if ($per['per_first_name'] || $per['per_last_name']) {
                     $ppl[] = '<a href="' . $per_link . '&ab_id=' . $per['my_person_id'] . '">' . $per['per_first_name'] . ' ' . $per['per_last_name'] . '</a>';
             $tr_class = $row_cnt % 2 ? 'row_off' : 'row_on';
             $this->template->set_var('tr_class', $tr_class);
             $this->template->set_var('display_col', lang('contacts'));
             $this->template->set_var('ref_data', implode('<br />', $ppl));
             $this->template->parse('cols', 'view_row', True);
     /* Following cleans up view_row, since we were only using it to fill {cols} */
     $this->template->set_var('view_row', '');
     /* These are in the footer */
     if ($row_cnt % 2) {
         $this->template->set_var(array('access_class' => 'row_on', 'cat_class' => 'row_off', 'owner_class' => 'row_off'));
     } else {
         $this->template->set_var(array('access_class' => 'row_off', 'cat_class' => 'row_on', 'owner_class' => 'row_on'));
     $this->template->set_var('lang_owner', lang('Record owner'));
     if (isset($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['addressmaster']) && $owner == $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['addressmaster']) {
         $this->template->set_var('owner', 'addressmaster');
     } else {
         $this->template->set_var('owner', $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->grab_owner_name($owner));
     $this->template->set_var('lang_access', lang('Record access'));
     $this->template->set_var('access', $access);
     $this->template->set_var('lang_category', lang('Category'));
     $this->template->set_var('catname', $catname);
     if ($this->bo->check_edit($contact_id)) {
         $this->template->set_var('edit_button', $this->html_1button_form('edit', 'Edit', $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php', array('menuaction' => "addressbook.uiaddressbook.edit_{$type}", 'ab_id' => $contact_id, 'nonavbar' => $this->nonavbar))));
     } else {
         $this->template->set_var('edit_button', '');
     $this->template->set_var('copy_button', $this->html_1button_form('submit', 'copy', $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php', array('menuaction' => "addressbook.uiaddressbook.copy_{$type}", 'ab_id' => $contact_id, 'nonavbar' => $this->nonavbar))));
     if ($contacts['per_first_name'] && $contacts['per_last_name']) {
         $this->template->set_var('vcard_button', $this->html_1button_form('VCardForm', 'VCard', $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php', array('menuaction' => 'addressbook.uivcard.out', 'ab_id' => $contact_id, 'nonavbar' => $this->nonavbar))));
     } else {
         $this->template->set_var('vcard_button', lang('no vcard'));
     $this->template->set_var('done_button', $this->html_1button_form('DoneForm', 'Done', isset($referer) && $referer ? $referer : $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php', array('menuaction' => 'addressbook.uiaddressbook.index', 'action' => $contact_type, 'nonavbar' => $this->nonavbar))));
     $this->template->pparse('out', 'view_t');
     if ($contact_type == $this->tab_main_persons) {
         $GLOBALS['phpgw']->hooks->process(array('location' => 'addressbook_view', 'ab_id' => $contact_id));
예제 #21
 public function update_receipt($data)
     $add_receipt = array();
     $delete_receipt = array();
     if ($data['events_orig']) {
         foreach ($data['events_orig'] as $schedule_time_id => $event_id) {
             if (!$data['events'][$schedule_time_id]) {
                 $delete_receipt[$schedule_time_id] = $event_id;
     if ($data['events']) {
         foreach ($data['events'] as $schedule_time_id => $event_id) {
             if (!$data['events_orig'][$schedule_time_id]) {
                 $add_receipt[$schedule_time_id] = $event_id;
     foreach ($delete_receipt as $schedule_time_id => $event_id) {
         $schedule = explode('_', $schedule_time_id);
         $schedule_time = $schedule[1];
         $this->_db->query("DELETE FROM fm_event_receipt WHERE receipt_time = {$schedule_time} AND event_id = {$event_id}", __LINE__, __FILE__);
         $receipt['error'][] = array('msg' => "{$event_id}::{$schedule_time}");
     $entry_date = phpgwapi_datetime::user_localtime();
     foreach ($add_receipt as $schedule_time_id => $event_id) {
         $schedule = explode('_', $schedule_time_id);
         $schedule_time = $schedule[1];
         $vals = array($event_id, $schedule_time, $this->account, $entry_date);
         $vals = $this->_db->validate_insert($vals);
         $this->_db->query("INSERT INTO fm_event_receipt (event_id, receipt_time, user_id, entry_date) VALUES ({$vals})", __LINE__, __FILE__);
         $receipt['message'][] = array('msg' => "{$event_id}::{$schedule_time}");
     return $receipt;
예제 #22
 function update_control_serie()
     if ($start_date = phpgw::get_var('control_start_date', 'string')) {
         $start_date = phpgwapi_datetime::date_to_timestamp($start_date);
     $so_control = CreateObject('controller.socontrol');
     $values = array('ids' => phpgw::get_var('ids', 'int'), 'action' => phpgw::get_var('action', 'string'), 'assigned_to' => phpgw::get_var('control_responsible', 'int'), 'start_date' => $start_date, 'repeat_interval' => phpgw::get_var('repeat_interval', 'int'), 'controle_time' => phpgw::get_var('controle_time', 'float'), 'service_time' => phpgw::get_var('service_time', 'float'));
     $ret = $so_control->update_control_serie($values);
     if ($ret) {
         $result = array('status_kode' => 'ok', 'status' => 'Ok', 'msg' => lang('updated'));
     } else {
         $result = array('status_kode' => 'error', 'status' => lang('error'), 'msg' => 'Noe gikk galt');
     return $result;
  * Public function for saving a check list
  * @param HTTP:: location code, control id, status etc.. (check list details) 
  * @return data array
 function save_check_list()
     $check_list_id = phpgw::get_var('check_list_id');
     if (!$this->add && !$this->edit) {
         phpgwapi_cache::message_set('No access', 'error');
         $this->redirect(array('menuaction' => 'controller.uicheck_list.edit_check_list', 'check_list_id' => $check_list_id));
     $control_id = phpgw::get_var('control_id', 'int');
     $serie_id = phpgw::get_var('serie_id', 'int');
     $status = (int) phpgw::get_var('status');
     $type = phpgw::get_var('type');
     $deadline_date = phpgw::get_var('deadline_date', 'string');
     $planned_date = phpgw::get_var('planned_date', 'string');
     $completed_date = phpgw::get_var('completed_date', 'string');
     $comment = phpgw::get_var('comment', 'string');
     $assigned_to = phpgw::get_var('assigned_to', 'int');
     $billable_hours = phpgw::get_var('billable_hours', 'float');
     $deadline_date_ts = date_converter::date_to_timestamp($deadline_date);
     $error = false;
     if ($planned_date != '') {
         $planned_date_ts = date_converter::date_to_timestamp($planned_date);
     } else {
         $planned_date_ts = $deadline_date_ts;
     if ($completed_date != '') {
         $completed_date_ts = phpgwapi_datetime::date_to_timestamp($completed_date);
         $status = controller_check_list::STATUS_DONE;
     } else {
         $completed_date_ts = 0;
     if ($check_list_id > 0) {
         $check_list = $this->so->get_single($check_list_id);
         if ($status == controller_check_list::STATUS_DONE) {
             if (!$this->_check_for_required($check_list)) {
                 $this->redirect(array('menuaction' => 'controller.uicheck_list.edit_check_list', 'check_list_id' => $check_list_id));
     } else {
         if ($status == controller_check_list::STATUS_DONE) {
             $status = controller_check_list::STATUS_NOT_DONE;
             $completed_date_ts = 0;
             $error_message = "Status kunne ikke settes til utført - prøv igjen";
             $error = true;
             phpgwapi_cache::message_set($error_message, 'error');
         $check_list = new controller_check_list();
         $location_code = phpgw::get_var('location_code');
         if ($type == "component") {
             $location_id = phpgw::get_var('location_id');
             $component_id = phpgw::get_var('component_id');
     $orig_assigned_to = $check_list->get_assigned_to();
     $config = CreateObject('phpgwapi.config', 'controller');
     $required_actual_hours = isset($config->config_data['required_actual_hours']) && $config->config_data['required_actual_hours'] ? $config->config_data['required_actual_hours'] : false;
     if ($status == controller_check_list::STATUS_DONE && $required_actual_hours && $check_list->get_billable_hours() == 0 && !$billable_hours) {
         phpgwapi_cache::message_set(lang("Please enter billable hours"), 'error');
         $error = true;
     } else {
     if ($status == controller_check_list::STATUS_DONE && $this->_check_for_required($check_list) && !$error) {
     } else {
         if ($status == controller_check_list::STATUS_CANCELED && !$error) {
     if (!$error && $check_list->validate()) {
         $check_list_id = $this->so->store($check_list);
         $serie = $this->so_control->get_serie($check_list->get_serie_id());
          * Add an iCal-event if there is a serie - and the checklist is visited the first time - or assigned is changed
         if (phpgw::get_var('request_ical_event', 'bool') && $check_list_id && $serie) {
             $bocommon = CreateObject('property.bocommon');
             $current_prefs_user = $bocommon->create_preferences('property', $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['account_id']);
             $from_address = "{$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['fullname']}<{$current_prefs_user['email']}>";
             $from_name = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['fullname'];
             $to_name = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->accounts->id2name($assigned_to);
             $prefs_target = $bocommon->create_preferences('property', $assigned_to);
             $to_address = $prefs_target['email'];
             if (!($start_date = $check_list->get_planned_date())) {
                 $start_date = $check_list->get_deadline();
             $startTime = $start_date + 8 * 3600;
             $endTime = $startTime + (double) $serie['service_time'] * 3600 + (double) $serie['controle_time'] * 3600;
             if ($check_list->get_component_id() > 0) {
                 $component_arr = execMethod('property.soentity.read_single_eav', array('location_id' => $check_list->get_location_id(), 'id' => $check_list->get_component_id()));
                 $location_name = execMethod('property.bolocation.get_location_name', $component_arr['location_code']);
                 $short_desc = $location_name . '::' . execMethod('property.soentity.get_short_description', array('location_id' => $check_list->get_location_id(), 'id' => $check_list->get_component_id()));
                 $location = $location_name;
             $repeat_type_array = array("0" => lang('day'), "1" => lang('week'), "2" => lang('month'), "3" => lang('year'));
             $subject = "{$repeat_type_array[$serie['repeat_type']]}/{$serie['repeat_interval']}";
             $subject .= "::{$serie['title']}::{$short_desc}";
             $link_backend = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php', array('menuaction' => 'controller.uicheck_list.add_check_list', 'control_id' => $check_list->get_control_id(), 'location_id' => $check_list->get_location_id(), 'component_id' => $check_list->get_component_id(), 'serie_id' => $check_list->get_serie_id(), 'type' => 'component', 'assigned_to' => $check_list->get_assigned_to(), 'deadline_current' => true), false, true, true);
             $link_mobilefrontend = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/mobilefrontend/index.php', array('menuaction' => 'controller.uicheck_list.add_check_list', 'control_id' => $check_list->get_control_id(), 'location_id' => $check_list->get_location_id(), 'component_id' => $check_list->get_component_id(), 'serie_id' => $check_list->get_serie_id(), 'type' => 'component', 'assigned_to' => $check_list->get_assigned_to(), 'deadline_current' => true), false, true, true);
             $html_description = "<a href ='{$link_mobilefrontend}'>Serie#" . $check_list->get_serie_id() . '::Mobilefrontend</a><br/><br/>';
             $html_description .= "<a href ='{$link_backend}'>Serie#" . $check_list->get_serie_id() . '::Backend</a>';
             $_serie_id = $check_list->get_serie_id();
             $text_description = str_replace('&amp;', '&', "Serie#{$_serie_id}::Mobilefrontend:\\n{$link_mobilefrontend}\\n\\nSerie#{$_serie_id}::Backend:\\n{$link_backend}");
             if ($from_address && $to_address) {
                 $this->sendIcalEvent($from_name, $from_address, $to_name, $to_address, $startTime, $endTime, $subject, $html_description, $text_description, $location);
             } else {
                 phpgwapi_cache::message_set("Mangler epostadresse til avsender eller addresat - eller begge", 'error');
         if ($check_list_id > 0) {
             $this->redirect(array('menuaction' => 'controller.uicheck_list.edit_check_list', 'check_list_id' => $check_list_id));
         } else {
     } else {
         if ($check_list->get_id() > 0) {
         } else {
             $this->redirect(array('menuaction' => 'controller.uicheck_list.add_check_list', 'control_id' => $control_id, 'location_id' => $location_id, 'component_id' => $component_id, 'serie_id' => $serie_id, 'deadline_ts' => $deadline_date_ts, 'type' => $type, 'assigned_to' => $assigned_to, 'status' => $status));
예제 #24
 function add()
     if (!$this->acl_add) {
         $GLOBALS['phpgw']->redirect_link('/index.php', array('menuaction' => 'property.uilocation.stop', 'perm' => 2, 'acl_location' => $this->acl_location));
     $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['menu_selection'] .= '::add';
     $receipt = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->session->appsession('session_data', 'add_receipt');
     if (!$receipt) {
         $receipt = array();
     if (isset($receipt['voucher_id']) && $receipt['voucher_id']) {
         $link_receipt = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php', array('menuaction' => 'property.uiinvoice.receipt', 'voucher_id' => $receipt['voucher_id']));
     $GLOBALS['phpgw']->session->appsession('session_data', 'add_receipt', '');
     $bolocation = CreateObject('property.bolocation');
     $referer = parse_url(phpgw::get_var('HTTP_REFERER', 'string', 'SERVER'));
     // produce $menuaction
     if (phpgw::get_var('cancel', 'bool') || $menuaction != 'property.uiinvoice.add') {
         $GLOBALS['phpgw']->session->appsession('session_data', 'add_values', '');
     if (!$GLOBALS['phpgw']->session->appsession('session_data', 'add_values') && phpgw::get_var('add_invoice', 'bool')) {
         $values['art'] = phpgw::get_var('art', 'int');
         $values['type'] = phpgw::get_var('type');
         $values['dim_b'] = phpgw::get_var('dim_b', 'int');
         $values['invoice_num'] = phpgw::get_var('invoice_num');
         $values['kid_nr'] = phpgw::get_var('kid_nr');
         $values['vendor_id'] = phpgw::get_var('vendor_id', 'int');
         $values['vendor_name'] = phpgw::get_var('vendor_name');
         $values['janitor'] = phpgw::get_var('janitor');
         $values['supervisor'] = phpgw::get_var('supervisor');
         $values['budget_responsible'] = phpgw::get_var('budget_responsible');
         $values['invoice_date'] = urldecode(phpgw::get_var('invoice_date'));
         $values['num_days'] = phpgw::get_var('num_days', 'int');
         $values['payment_date'] = urldecode(phpgw::get_var('payment_date'));
         $values['sday'] = phpgw::get_var('sday', 'int');
         $values['smonth'] = phpgw::get_var('smonth', 'int');
         $values['syear'] = phpgw::get_var('syear', 'int');
         $values['eday'] = phpgw::get_var('eday', 'int');
         $values['emonth'] = phpgw::get_var('emonth', 'int');
         $values['eyear'] = phpgw::get_var('eyear', 'int');
         $values['auto_tax'] = phpgw::get_var('auto_tax', 'bool');
         $values['merknad'] = phpgw::get_var('merknad');
         $values['b_account_id'] = phpgw::get_var('b_account_id', 'int');
         $values['b_account_name'] = phpgw::get_var('b_account_name');
         $values['amount'] = phpgw::get_var('amount');
         // float - has to accept string until client side validation is in place.
         if (isset($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['currency'])) {
             $values['amount'] = str_ireplace($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['currency'], '', $values['amount']);
         $values['amount'] = str_replace(' ', '', $values['amount']);
         $values['amount'] = str_replace(',', '.', $values['amount']);
         $values['order_id'] = phpgw::get_var('order_id');
         $insert_record = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->session->appsession('insert_record', 'property');
         $values = $this->bocommon->collect_locationdata($values, $insert_record);
         $GLOBALS['phpgw']->session->appsession('session_data', 'add_values', $values);
     } else {
         $values = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->session->appsession('session_data', 'add_values');
         $GLOBALS['phpgw']->session->appsession('session_data', 'add_values', '');
     $location_code = phpgw::get_var('location_code');
     $debug = phpgw::get_var('debug', 'bool');
     $add_invoice = phpgw::get_var('add_invoice', 'bool');
     if ($location_code) {
         $values['location_data'] = $bolocation->read_single($location_code, array('tenant_id' => $tenant_id, 'p_num' => $p_num));
     if ($add_invoice && is_array($values)) {
         $order = false;
         if ($values['order_id'] && !ctype_digit($values['order_id'])) {
             $receipt['error'][] = array('msg' => lang('Please enter an integer for order!'));
         } else {
             if ($values['order_id']) {
                 $order = true;
         if (!$values['amount']) {
             $receipt['error'][] = array('msg' => lang('Please - enter an amount!'));
         if (!$values['art']) {
             $receipt['error'][] = array('msg' => lang('Please - select type invoice!'));
         if (!$values['vendor_id'] && !$order) {
             $receipt['error'][] = array('msg' => lang('Please - select Vendor!'));
         if (!$values['type']) {
             $receipt['error'][] = array('msg' => lang('Please - select type order!'));
         if (!$values['budget_responsible'] && (!isset($order) || !$order)) {
             $receipt['error'][] = array('msg' => lang('Please - select budget responsible!'));
         if (!$values['invoice_num']) {
             $receipt['error'][] = array('msg' => lang('Please - enter a invoice num!'));
         if (!$order && $values['vendor_id']) {
             if (!$this->bo->check_vendor($values['vendor_id'])) {
                 $receipt['error'][] = array('msg' => lang('That Vendor ID is not valid !') . ' : ' . $values['vendor_id']);
         if (!$values['payment_date'] && !$values['num_days']) {
             $receipt['error'][] = array('msg' => lang('Please - select either payment date or number of days from invoice date !'));
         if (!is_array($receipt['error'])) {
             if ($values['invoice_date']) {
                 $sdateparts = phpgwapi_datetime::date_array($values['invoice_date']);
                 $values['sday'] = $sdateparts['day'];
                 $values['smonth'] = $sdateparts['month'];
                 $values['syear'] = $sdateparts['year'];
                 $edateparts = phpgwapi_datetime::date_array($values['payment_date']);
                 $values['eday'] = $edateparts['day'];
                 $values['emonth'] = $edateparts['month'];
                 $values['eyear'] = $edateparts['year'];
             $values['regtid'] = date($GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->datetime_format());
             $_receipt = array();
             //local errors
             $receipt = $this->bo->add($values, $debug);
             if (!$receipt['message'] && $values['order_id'] && !$receipt[0]['spvend_code']) {
                 $_receipt['error'][] = array('msg' => lang('vendor is not defined in order %1', $values['order_id']));
                 $debug = false;
                 // try again..
                 if ($receipt[0]['location_code']) {
                     //					$values['location_data'] = $bolocation->read_single($receipt['location_code'],array('tenant_id'=>$tenant_id,'p_num'=>$p_num));
             if ($debug) {
             if (!$_receipt['error']) {
                 $GLOBALS['phpgw']->session->appsession('session_data', 'add_receipt', $receipt);
                 $GLOBALS['phpgw']->redirect_link('/index.php', array('menuaction' => 'property.uiinvoice.add'));
         } else {
             if ($values['location']) {
                 $location_code = implode("-", $values['location']);
                 $values['location_data'] = $bolocation->read_single($location_code, isset($values['extra']) ? $values['extra'] : '');
             $GLOBALS['phpgw']->session->appsession('session_data', 'add_values', '');
     if (isset($receipt['voucher_id']) && $receipt['voucher_id']) {
         $GLOBALS['phpgw']->redirect_link('/index.php', array('menuaction' => 'property.uiinvoice.list_sub', 'user_lid' => $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['account_lid'], 'voucher_id' => $receipt['voucher_id']));
     $location_data = $bolocation->initiate_ui_location(array('values' => isset($values['location_data']) ? $values['location_data'] : '', 'type_id' => -1, 'no_link' => false, 'tenant' => false, 'lookup_type' => 'form', 'lookup_entity' => false, 'entity_data' => false));
     $b_account_data = $this->bocommon->initiate_ui_budget_account_lookup(array('b_account_id' => isset($values['b_account_id']) ? $values['b_account_id'] : '', 'b_account_name' => isset($values['b_account_name']) ? $values['b_account_name'] : ''));
     $link_data = array('menuaction' => 'property.uiinvoice.add', 'debug' => true);
     if ($_receipt) {
         $receipt = array_merge($receipt, $_receipt);
     $msgbox_data = $this->bocommon->msgbox_data($receipt);
     $data = array('menu' => $this->bocommon->get_menu(), 'msgbox_data' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->msgbox($msgbox_data), 'form_action' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php', $link_data), 'cancel_action' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php', array('menuaction' => 'property.uiinvoice.index')), 'lang_cancel' => lang('Cancel'), 'lang_cancel_statustext' => lang('cancel'), 'action_url' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php', array('menuaction' => 'property' . '.uiinvoice.add')), 'tsvfilename' => '', 'lang_add' => lang('add'), 'lang_add_statustext' => lang('click this button to add a invoice'), 'lang_invoice_date' => lang('invoice date'), 'lang_payment_date' => lang('Payment date'), 'lang_no_of_days' => lang('Days'), 'lang_invoice_number' => lang('Invoice Number'), 'lang_invoice_num_statustext' => lang('Enter Invoice Number'), 'lang_select' => lang('Select per button !'), 'lang_kidnr' => lang('KID nr'), 'lang_kid_nr_statustext' => lang('Enter Kid nr'), 'lang_vendor' => lang('Vendor'), 'addressbook_link' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php', array('menuaction' => 'property.uilookup.vendor')), 'lang_invoice_date_statustext' => lang('Enter the invoice date'), 'lang_num_days_statustext' => lang('Enter the payment date or the payment delay'), 'lang_payment_date_statustext' => lang('Enter the payment date or the payment delay'), 'lang_vendor_statustext' => lang('Select the vendor by clicking the button'), 'lang_vendor_name_statustext' => lang('Select the vendor by clicking the button'), 'lang_select_vendor_statustext' => lang('Select the vendor by clicking this button'), 'value_invoice_date' => isset($values['invoice_date']) ? $values['invoice_date'] : '', 'value_payment_date' => isset($values['payment_date']) ? $values['payment_date'] : '', 'value_belop' => isset($values['belop']) ? $values['belop'] : '', 'value_vendor_id' => isset($values['vendor_id']) ? $values['vendor_id'] : '', 'value_vendor_name' => isset($values['vendor_name']) ? $values['vendor_name'] : '', 'value_kid_nr' => isset($values['kid_nr']) ? $values['kid_nr'] : '', 'value_dim_b' => isset($values['dim_b']) ? $values['dim_b'] : '', 'value_invoice_num' => isset($values['invoice_num']) ? $values['invoice_num'] : '', 'value_merknad' => isset($values['merknad']) ? $values['merknad'] : '', 'value_num_days' => isset($values['num_days']) ? $values['num_days'] : '', 'value_amount' => isset($values['amount']) ? $values['amount'] : '', 'value_order_id' => isset($values['order_id']) ? $values['order_id'] : '', 'lang_auto_tax' => lang('Auto TAX'), 'lang_auto_tax_statustext' => lang('Set tax'), 'lang_amount' => lang('Amount'), 'lang_amount_statustext' => lang('Amount of the invoice'), 'lang_order' => lang('Order ID'), 'lang_order_statustext' => lang('Order # that initiated the invoice'), 'lang_art' => lang('Art'), 'art_list' => $this->bo->get_lisfm_ecoart(isset($values['art']) ? $values['art'] : ''), 'select_art' => 'art', 'lang_select_art' => lang('Select Invoice Type'), 'lang_art_statustext' => lang('You have to select type of invoice'), 'lang_type' => lang('Type invoice II'), 'type_list' => $this->bo->get_type_list(isset($values['type']) ? $values['type'] : ''), 'select_type' => 'type', 'lang_no_type' => lang('No type'), 'lang_type_statustext' => lang('Select the type  invoice. To do not use type -  select NO TYPE'), 'lang_dimb' => lang('Dim B'), 'dimb_list' => $this->bo->select_dimb_list(isset($values['dim_b']) ? $values['dim_b'] : ''), 'select_dimb' => 'dim_b', 'lang_no_dimb' => lang('No Dim B'), 'lang_dimb_statustext' => lang('Select the Dim B for this invoice. To do not use Dim B -  select NO DIM B'), 'lang_janitor' => lang('Janitor'), 'janitor_list' => $this->bocommon->get_user_list_right(32, isset($values['janitor']) ? $values['janitor'] : '', '.invoice'), 'select_janitor' => 'janitor', 'lang_no_janitor' => lang('No janitor'), 'lang_janitor_statustext' => lang('Select the janitor responsible for this invoice. To do not use janitor -  select NO JANITOR'), 'lang_supervisor' => lang('Supervisor'), 'supervisor_list' => $this->bocommon->get_user_list_right(64, isset($values['supervisor']) ? $values['supervisor'] : '', '.invoice'), 'select_supervisor' => 'supervisor', 'lang_no_supervisor' => lang('No supervisor'), 'lang_supervisor_statustext' => lang('Select the supervisor responsible for this invoice. To do not use supervisor -  select NO SUPERVISOR'), 'lang_budget_responsible' => lang('B - responsible'), 'budget_responsible_list' => $this->bocommon->get_user_list_right(128, isset($values['budget_responsible']) ? $values['budget_responsible'] : '', '.invoice'), 'select_budget_responsible' => 'budget_responsible', 'lang_select_budget_responsible' => lang('Select B-Responsible'), 'lang_budget_responsible_statustext' => lang('You have to select a budget responsible for this invoice in order to add the invoice'), 'lang_merknad' => lang('Descr'), 'lang_merknad_statustext' => lang('Descr'), 'location_data' => $location_data, 'b_account_data' => $b_account_data, 'link_receipt' => isset($link_receipt) ? $link_receipt : '', 'lang_receipt' => lang('receipt'));
     $appname = lang('Invoice');
     $function_msg = lang('Add invoice');
     $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['app_header'] = lang('property') . ' - ' . $appname . ': ' . $function_msg;
     $GLOBALS['phpgw']->xslttpl->set_var('phpgw', array('add' => $data));
     //	$GLOBALS['phpgw']->xslttpl->pp();
  * Set pending action for items across the system.
  * @param array   $data array containing string  'appname'			- the name of the module being looked up
  *										string  'location'			- the location within the module to look up
  * 										integer 'id'				- id of the referenced item - could possibly be a bigint
  * 										integer 'responsible'		- the user_id asked for approval
  * 										string  'responsible_type'  - what type of responsible is asked for action (user,vendor or tenant)
  * 										string  'action'			- what type of action is pending
  * 										string  'remark'			- a general remark - if any
  * 										integer 'deadline'			- unix timestamp if any deadline is given.
  * @return integer $reminder  number of request for this action
 public function set_pending_action($data = array())
     $appname = $data['appname'];
     $location = $data['location'];
     $item_id = $data['id'];
     //possible bigint
     $responsible = (int) $data['responsible'];
     $action = $this->db->db_addslashes($data['action']);
     $remark = $this->db->db_addslashes($data['remark']);
     $deadline = (int) $data['deadline'];
     if (!$item_id) {
         throw new Exception("No item_id given");
     $responsible_type = isset($data['responsible_type']) && $data['responsible_type'] ? $data['responsible_type'] : 'user';
     if (!in_array($responsible_type, $this->valid_responsible_types)) {
         throw new Exception("'{$responsible_type}' is not a valid responsible_type");
     $sql = "SELECT id FROM fm_action_pending_category WHERE num = '{$action}'";
     $this->db->query($sql, __LINE__, __FILE__);
     $action_category = $this->db->f('id');
     if (!$action_category) {
         throw new Exception("'{$action}' is not a valid action_type");
     $location_id = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->locations->get_id($appname, $location);
     if (!$location_id) {
         throw new Exception("phpgwapi_locations::get_id ({$appname}, {$location}) returned 0");
     $reminder = 1;
     if ($this->db->get_transaction()) {
         $this->global_transaction = true;
     } else {
     $condition = " WHERE location_id = {$location_id}" . " AND item_id = {$item_id}" . " AND responsible = {$responsible}" . " AND action_category = {$action_category}" . " AND action_performed IS NULL" . " AND expired_on IS NULL";
     $sql = "SELECT id, reminder FROM fm_action_pending {$condition}";
     $this->db->query($sql, __LINE__, __FILE__);
     if ($this->db->f('reminder')) {
         $reminder = $this->db->f('reminder') + 1;
         $id = $this->db->f('id');
         $value_set = array('expired_on' => phpgwapi_datetime::user_localtime(), 'expired_by' => $this->account);
         if ($deadline > 0) {
             $value_set['deadline'] = $deadline;
         if (isset($data['close']) && $data['close']) {
             $value_set['action_performed'] = phpgwapi_datetime::user_localtime();
         $value_set = $this->db->validate_update($value_set);
         $sql = "UPDATE fm_action_pending SET {$value_set} WHERE id = {$id}";
         $ok = !!$this->db->query($sql, __LINE__, __FILE__);
         if (isset($data['close']) && $data['close']) {
             if (!$this->global_transaction) {
             return $ok;
     //if nothing found - and you want to close
     if (isset($data['close']) && $data['close']) {
         return 0;
     $values = array($item_id, $location_id, $responsible, $responsible_type, $action_category, phpgwapi_datetime::user_localtime(), $reminder, $deadline, phpgwapi_datetime::user_localtime(), $this->account, $remark);
     $values = $this->db->validate_insert($values);
     $sql = "INSERT INTO fm_action_pending (" . "item_id, location_id, responsible, responsible_type," . "action_category, action_requested, reminder, action_deadline," . "created_on, created_by, remark) VALUES ( {$values} {$vals})";
     $this->db->query($sql, __LINE__, __FILE__);
     if (!$this->global_transaction) {
     return $reminder;
예제 #26
 public function bulk_update_status($start_date, $end_date, $status_filter, $status_new, $execute, $type, $user_id = 0, $ids, $paid = false, $closed_orders = false, $ecodimb = 0, $transfer_budget_year = 0, $new_budget = array(), $b_account_id = 0)
     if ($transfer_budget_year && $execute && $new_budget) {
         //		echo "<H1> Overføre budsjett for valgte prosjekt/bestillinger til år {$transfer_budget_year} </H1>";
         $soworkorder = CreateObject('property.soworkorder');
         foreach ($ids as $_id) {
             if ((int) $new_budget[$_id]['latest_year'] >= (int) $transfer_budget_year) {
             switch ($type) {
                 case 'project':
                     try {
                         $this->transfer_budget($_id, $new_budget[$_id], $transfer_budget_year);
                     } catch (Exception $e) {
                         if ($e) {
                             phpgwapi_cache::message_set($e->getMessage(), 'error');
                 case 'workorder':
                     try {
                         $soworkorder->transfer_budget($_id, $new_budget[$_id], $transfer_budget_year);
                     } catch (Exception $e) {
                         if ($e) {
                             phpgwapi_cache::message_set($e->getMessage(), 'error');
                     throw new Exception('property_soproject::bulk_update_status() - not a valid type');
         //				die();
     $start_date = $start_date ? phpgwapi_datetime::date_to_timestamp($start_date) : time();
     $start_date -= 3600 * 24;
     $end_date = $end_date ? phpgwapi_datetime::date_to_timestamp($end_date) : time();
     $filter = '';
     if ($user_id) {
         $user_id = (int) $user_id;
         $filter .= "AND fm_{$type}.user_id = {$user_id}";
     if ($ecodimb) {
         $ecodimb = (int) $ecodimb;
         $filter .= "AND fm_{$type}.ecodimb = {$ecodimb}";
     if ($status_filter) {
         if ($status_filter == 'open') {
             $filter .= " AND fm_{$type}_status.closed IS NULL";
         } else {
             $filter .= " AND fm_{$type}.status='{$status_filter}' ";
     switch ($type) {
         case 'project':
             $sql_budget = "SELECT DISTINCT year, month, active, sum(budget) as amount FROM fm_project_budget WHERE ";
             $sql_budget .= 'project_id = %d GROUP BY year, month, active ORDER BY year';
             if ($closed_orders) {
                 $filter .= " AND fm_open_workorder_view.project_id IS NULL";
             $table = 'fm_project';
             $status_table = 'fm_project_status';
             $title_field = 'fm_project.name as title';
             $this->_update_status_project($execute, $status_new, $ids);
             $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT {$table}.id,{$status_table}.closed, {$status_table}.descr as status ,{$title_field},{$table}.start_date,{$table}.project_type_id, count(project_id) as num_open FROM {$table}" . " {$this->join} {$status_table} ON  {$table}.status = {$status_table}.id " . " {$this->left_join} fm_open_workorder_view ON {$table}.id = fm_open_workorder_view.project_id " . " WHERE ({$table}.start_date > {$start_date} AND {$table}.start_date < {$end_date} OR {$table}.start_date IS NULL)  {$filter}" . " GROUP BY {$table}.id, {$status_table}.closed, {$status_table}.descr ,{$table}.name, {$table}.start_date,project_type_id" . " ORDER BY {$table}.id DESC";
         case 'workorder':
             $sql_budget = "SELECT DISTINCT year, month, active, sum(combined_cost) as amount FROM fm_workorder_budget WHERE ";
             $sql_budget .= 'order_id = %d GROUP BY year, month, active ORDER BY year';
             if ($b_account_id) {
                 $filter .= " AND fm_workorder.account_id = '{$b_account_id}'";
             $table = 'fm_workorder';
             $status_table = 'fm_workorder_status';
             $title_field = 'fm_workorder.title';
             $actual_cost = ',actual_cost';
             $join_method = "{$this->join} {$status_table} ON  {$table}.status = {$status_table}.id";
             $join_method .= " {$this->join} fm_project ON  {$table}.project_id = fm_project.id";
             if ($paid) {
                 $join_method .= " {$this->join} fm_orders_actual_cost_view ON fm_workorder.id = fm_orders_actual_cost_view.order_id";
                 $actual_cost = ',fm_orders_actual_cost_view.actual_cost';
                 $group_method = '';
             } else {
                 $start_period = date('Y') - 1 . '00';
                 $end_period = date('Y') - 1 . 13;
                 $join_method .= " {$this->left_join} fm_ecobilagoverf ON ( fm_workorder.id = fm_ecobilagoverf.pmwrkord_code AND fm_ecobilagoverf.periode > {$start_period} AND fm_ecobilagoverf.periode < {$end_period})";
                 $actual_cost = ',sum(fm_ecobilagoverf.godkjentbelop) AS actual_cost';
                 $group_method = "GROUP BY fm_workorder.id, fm_workorder.project_id, fm_workorder.account_id, fm_workorder_status.closed,fm_workorder_status.descr,fm_project.project_type_id,fm_workorder.title,fm_workorder.start_date,fm_workorder.continuous";
             $this->_update_status_workorder($execute, $status_new, $ids);
             $sql = "SELECT {$table}.id, {$table}.project_id,{$status_table}.closed, {$table}.account_id, {$status_table}.descr as status ,{$title_field},{$table}.start_date {$actual_cost}," . " project_type_id, continuous" . " FROM {$table} {$join_method}" . " WHERE ({$table}.start_date > {$start_date} AND {$table}.start_date < {$end_date} {$filter}) OR {$table}.start_date is NULL" . " {$group_method} ORDER BY {$table}.id DESC";
             return array();
     $project_types = array(1 => lang('operation'), 2 => lang('investment'), 3 => lang('buffer'), 4 => lang('maintenance'));
     $this->db->query($sql, __LINE__, __FILE__);
     $values = array();
     $dateformat = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['dateformat'];
     while ($this->db->next_record()) {
         $values[] = array('id' => $this->db->f('id'), 'project_id' => $this->db->f('project_id'), 'closed' => $this->db->f('closed'), 'title' => $this->db->f('title', true), 'status' => $this->db->f('status', true), 'actual_cost' => (double) $this->db->f('actual_cost'), 'start_date' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->show_date($this->db->f('start_date'), $dateformat), 'num_open' => (int) $this->db->f('num_open'), 'project_type_id' => $this->db->f('project_type_id'), 'continuous' => $this->db->f('continuous') ? X : '', 'project_type' => $project_types[$this->db->f('project_type_id')], 'b_account_id' => $this->db->f('account_id'));
     foreach ($values as &$entry) {
         $sql = sprintf($sql_budget, $entry['id']);
         $this->db->query($sql, __LINE__, __FILE__);
         $budget = array();
         $_budget = array();
         $_year = 0;
         $_active_amount = array();
         while ($this->db->next_record()) {
             $_year = $this->db->f('year');
             $_amount = $this->db->f('amount');
             $_active = $this->db->f('active') ? X : 0;
             if ($_active) {
                 $_active_amount[$_year] += $_amount;
             $_budget[$_year] += $_amount;
         foreach ($_budget as $__year => $__budget) {
             $budget[] = $__year . ' [' . number_format((int) $_active_amount[$__year], 0, ',', '.') . '/' . number_format((int) $__budget, 0, ',', '.') . ']';
         $entry['budget'] = implode(' ;', $budget);
         $entry['latest_year'] = $_year;
         $entry['active_amount'] = array_sum($_active_amount);
     return $values;
예제 #27
 function save($project, $action = '', $values_attribute = array())
     while (is_array($project['location']) && (list(, $value) = each($project['location']))) {
         if ($value) {
             $location[] = $value;
     $project['location_code'] = implode("-", $location);
     $project['start_date'] = phpgwapi_datetime::date_to_timestamp($project['start_date']);
     $project['end_date'] = phpgwapi_datetime::date_to_timestamp($project['end_date']);
     if (is_array($values_attribute)) {
         $values_attribute = $this->custom->convert_attribute_save($values_attribute);
     // Custom rules - pre commit
     $criteria = array('appname' => 'property', 'location' => '.project', 'allrows' => true);
     $custom_functions = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->custom_functions->find($criteria);
     foreach ($custom_functions as $entry) {
         // prevent path traversal
         if (preg_match('/\\.\\./', $entry['file_name'])) {
         $file = PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT . "/property/inc/custom/{$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['domain']}/{$entry['file_name']}";
         if ($entry['active'] && is_file($file) && !$entry['client_side'] && $entry['pre_commit']) {
             require_once $file;
     if ($action == 'edit') {
         try {
             $receipt = $this->so->edit($project, $values_attribute);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             if ($e) {
                 phpgwapi_cache::message_set($e->getMessage(), 'error');
                 $receipt['id'] = $project['id'];
         if (isset($project['send_order']) && $project['send_order']) {
             $uiwo_hour = CreateObject('property.uiwo_hour');
             foreach ($project['send_order'] as $_order_id) {
                 try {
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     if ($e) {
                         phpgwapi_cache::message_set($e->getMessage(), 'error');
     } else {
         $receipt = $this->so->add($project, $values_attribute);
     foreach ($custom_functions as $entry) {
         // prevent path traversal
         if (preg_match('/\\.\\./', $entry['file_name'])) {
         $file = PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT . "/property/inc/custom/{$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['domain']}/{$entry['file_name']}";
         if ($entry['active'] && is_file($file) && !$entry['client_side'] && !$entry['pre_commit']) {
             require_once $file;
     return $receipt;
예제 #28
  * Show current date
  * @param integer $t Time, defaults to user preferences
  * @param string $format Date format, defaults to user preferences
  * @return string Formated date
 public function show_date($t = '', $format = '')
     if (!$t || substr(php_uname(), 0, 7) == "Windows" && intval($t) <= 0) {
         return '';
         // return nothing if not valid input
         //				$t = phpgwapi_datetime::gmtnow();
     //  + (date('I') == 1?3600:0)
     $t += phpgwapi_datetime::user_timezone();
     if (!$format) {
         $format = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['dateformat'] . ' - ';
         if ($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['timeformat'] == '12') {
             $format .= 'h:i a';
         } else {
             $format .= 'H:i';
     return date($format, $t);
 public function populate()
     if ($this->get_id() == '' | $this->get_id() == 0) {
         $user_id = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['id'];
     if (phpgw::get_var('start_date', 'string') != '') {
         $start_date_ts = phpgwapi_datetime::date_to_timestamp(phpgw::get_var('start_date', 'string'));
     if (phpgw::get_var('end_date', 'string') != '') {
         $end_date_ts = phpgwapi_datetime::date_to_timestamp(phpgw::get_var('end_date', 'string'));
 private function update_ticket($id, $project, $values_attribute)
     $_finnish_date = (int) $project['end_date'];
     if (!$_finnish_date) {
     $finnish_date = $_finnish_date;
     $note = 'FerdigDato er automatisk til prosjekt sluttDato';
     if ($project['b_account_id'] == 48) {
         //search for 2 working day delay
         for ($i = 2; $i < 10; $i++) {
             $finnish_date = $_finnish_date + 86400 * $i;
             $working_days = phpgwapi_datetime::get_working_days($_finnish_date, $finnish_date);
             if ($working_days == 2) {
                 $note = 'FerdigDato er automatisk oppdatert til 2 virkedager etter prosjekt sluttDato';
     $this->db->query("SELECT status, finnish_date, finnish_date2 FROM fm_tts_tickets WHERE id='{$id}'", __LINE__, __FILE__);
     $status = $this->db->f('status');
      * Kun oppdatere åpne meldinger
     if ($status == 'X') {
     $oldfinnish_date = (int) $this->db->f('finnish_date');
     $oldfinnish_date2 = (int) $this->db->f('finnish_date2');
     $update = false;
     if ($oldfinnish_date && $finnish_date && $oldfinnish_date2 != $finnish_date) {
         $this->db->query("UPDATE fm_tts_tickets SET finnish_date2='{$finnish_date}' WHERE id='{$id}'", __LINE__, __FILE__);
         $old_value = $oldfinnish_date2;
         $update = true;
     } else {
         if (!$oldfinnish_date && $finnish_date && $oldfinnish_date != $finnish_date) {
             $this->db->query("UPDATE fm_tts_tickets SET finnish_date='{$finnish_date}' , finnish_date2='{$finnish_date}' WHERE id='{$id}'", __LINE__, __FILE__);
             $old_value = $oldfinnish_date;
             $update = true;
     if ($update) {
         $fields_updated = array('finnish_date');
         $this->historylog->add('F', $id, $finnish_date, $old_value);
         $this->historylog->add('C', $id, $note);
         $this->botts->mail_ticket($id, $fields_updated, $receipt = array(), $project['location_code'], false, true);
         phpgwapi_cache::message_set(lang('finnish date changed'), 'message');