public static function saveuser($user_id, $item_id, $str_x1, $str_y1, $str_x2, $str_y2, $description) { //Since we are associating a user we will remove any old annotation of this user on this photo $item_old_users = ORM::factory("items_user")->where("user_id", "=", $user_id)->where("item_id", "=", $item_id)->find_all(); if (count($item_old_users) > 1) { foreach ($item_old_users as $item_old_user) { $item_old_user->delete(); } $item_user = ORM::factory("items_user"); } elseif (count($item_old_users) == 1) { $item_user = ORM::factory("items_user", $item_old_users[0]->id); } else { $item_user = ORM::factory("items_user"); photoannotation::send_notifications($user_id, $item_id, "newtag"); } $item_user->user_id = $user_id; $item_user->item_id = $item_id; $item_user->x1 = $str_x1; $item_user->y1 = $str_y1; $item_user->x2 = $str_x2; $item_user->y2 = $str_y2; $item_user->description = $description; $item_user->save(); return $item_user->id; }
static function get($block_id, $theme) { $block = ""; if (!identity::active_user()->guest || module::get_var("photoannotation", "allowguestsearch", false)) { switch ($block_id) { case "photoannotation": $block = new Block(); $block->css_id = "g-photoannotation"; $block->title = t("People"); $block->content = new View("photoannotation_block.html"); $block->content->cloud = photoannotation::cloud(30); $block->content->form = photoannotation::get_user_search_form("g-user-cloud-form"); } } return $block; }
public function converthandler() { access::verify_csrf(); $form = $this->_get_converter_form(); if ($form->validate()) { //Load the source tag $sourcetag = ORM::factory("tag", $form->sourcetag->value); if (!$sourcetag->loaded()) { message::error(t("The specified tag could not be found")); url::redirect("admin/photoannotation/converter"); } //Load the target user $targetuser = ORM::factory("user", $form->targetuser->value); if (!$targetuser->loaded()) { message::error(t("The specified person could not be found")); url::redirect("admin/photoannotation/converter"); } //Load all existing tag annotations $tag_annotations = ORM::factory("items_face")->where("tag_id", "=", $sourcetag->id)->find_all(); //Disable user notifications so that users don't get flooded with mails $old_notification_setting = module::get_var("photoannotation", "nonotifications", false); module::set_var("photoannotation", "nonotifications", true, true); foreach ($tag_annotations as $tag_annotation) { photoannotation::saveuser($targetuser->id, $tag_annotation->item_id, $tag_annotation->x1, $tag_annotation->y1, $tag_annotation->x2, $tag_annotation->y2, $tag_annotation->description); //Delete the old annotation $tag_annotation->delete(); } //Remove and delete old tag if ($form->deletetag->value) { $this->_remove_tag($sourcetag, true); } elseif ($form->removetag->value) { $this->_remove_tag($sourcetag, false); } module::set_var("photoannotation", "nonotifications", $old_notification_setting, true); message::success(t("%count tag annotations (%tagname) have been converted to user annotations (%username)", array("count" => count($tag_annotations), "tagname" => $sourcetag->name, "username" => $targetuser->display_name()))); url::redirect("admin/photoannotation/converter"); } print $this->_get_converter_view($form); }
</th> <td colspan="2"><?php echo photoannotation::annotation_count($user->id); ?> </td> </tr> <?php if (module::is_active("comment")) { ?> <tr> <th style="width: 20%"><?php echo t("Comments"); ?> </th> <td colspan="2"><?php echo photoannotation::comment_count($user->id); ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody></table> </div> </div> <?php } ?> <?php echo $paginator; ?>
static function comment_updated($comment) { //Check if there are any user annotations on the photo and send notification if applicable $item_users = ORM::factory("items_user")->where("item_id", "=", $comment->item_id)->find_all(); if (count($item_users) > 0) { foreach ($item_users as $item_user) { //Don't send if the commenter is the user to be notified if ($comment->author_id != $item_user->user_id && module::is_active("notification")) { photoannotation::send_notifications($item_user->user_id, $comment->item_id, "updatedcomment"); } } } }
public function save($item_id) { // Prevent Cross Site Request Forgery access::verify_csrf(); //Get form data $item = ORM::factory("item", $item_id); $annotate_id = $_POST["noteid"]; $notetype = $_POST["notetype"]; $str_y1 = $_POST["top"]; $str_x1 = $_POST["left"]; $str_y2 = $_POST["height"] + $str_y1; //Annotation uses area size, tagfaces uses positions $str_x2 = $_POST["width"] + $str_x1; //Annotation uses area size, tagfaces uses positions $item_title = $_POST["text"]; $tag_data = $_POST["tagsList"]; $user_id = ""; $user_id = $_POST["userlist"]; $description = $_POST["desc"]; $error_noselection = t("Please select a person or tag or specify a title."); $redir_uri = url::abs_site("{$item->type}s/{$item->id}"); //If this is a user then get the id if ($user_id != "") { $getuser = photoannotation::getuser($user_id); if (!$getuser->found) { json::reply(array("result" => "error", "message" => (string) t("Could not find anyone with the name %user.", array("user" => $user_id)))); return; } if ($getuser->isguest) { json::reply(array("result" => "error", "message" => (string) t("You cannot create an annotation for the guest user."))); return; } $user_id = $getuser->user->id; } //Add tag to item, create tag if not exists if ($tag_data != "") { $tag = ORM::factory("tag")->where("name", "=", $tag_data)->find(); if (!$tag->loaded()) { $tag->name = $tag_data; $tag->count = 0; } $tag->add($item); $tag->count++; $tag->save(); $tag_data = $tag->id; } else { $tag_data = ""; } //Save annotation if ($annotate_id == "new") { //This is a new annotation $annotate_id = -1; if ($user_id != "") { //Save user $new_id = photoannotation::saveuser($user_id, $item_id, $str_x1, $str_y1, $str_x2, $str_y2, $description); $dest_type = "user"; } elseif ($tag_data != "") { //Save face $new_id = photoannotation::saveface($tag_data, $item_id, $str_x1, $str_y1, $str_x2, $str_y2, $description); $dest_type = "face"; } elseif ($item_title != "") { //Save note $new_id = photoannotation::savenote($item_title, $item_id, $str_x1, $str_y1, $str_x2, $str_y2, $description); $dest_type = "note"; } else { //Something's wrong json::reply(array("result" => "error", "message" => (string) $error_noselection)); return; } } else { //This is an update to an existing annotation switch ($notetype) { case "user": //the original annotation is a user $updateduser = ORM::factory("items_user")->where("id", "=", $annotate_id)->find(); if ($user_id != "") { //Conversion user -> user $new_id = photoannotation::saveuser($user_id, $item_id, $str_x1, $str_y1, $str_x2, $str_y2, $description); $dest_type = "user"; } elseif ($tag_data != "") { //Conversion user -> face $new_id = photoannotation::saveface($tag_data, $item_id, $str_x1, $str_y1, $str_x2, $str_y2, $description); $dest_type = "face"; $updateduser->delete(); //delete old user } elseif ($item_title != "") { //Conversion user -> note $new_id = photoannotation::savenote($item_title, $item_id, $str_x1, $str_y1, $str_x2, $str_y2, $description); $dest_type = "note"; $updateduser->delete(); //delete old user } else { //Somethings wrong json::reply(array("result" => "error", "message" => (string) $error_noselection)); return; } break; case "face": //the original annotation is a face $updatedface = ORM::factory("items_face")->where("id", "=", $annotate_id)->find(); if ($user_id != "") { //Conversion face -> user $new_id = photoannotation::saveuser($user_id, $item_id, $str_x1, $str_y1, $str_x2, $str_y2, $description); $dest_type = "user"; $updatedface->delete(); //delete old face } elseif ($tag_data != "") { //Conversion face -> face $new_id = photoannotation::saveface($tag_data, $item_id, $str_x1, $str_y1, $str_x2, $str_y2, $description, $annotate_id); $dest_type = "face"; } elseif ($item_title != "") { //Conversion face -> note $new_id = photoannotation::savenote($item_title, $item_id, $str_x1, $str_y1, $str_x2, $str_y2, $description); $dest_type = "note"; $updatedface->delete(); //delete old face } else { //Somethings wrong json::reply(array("result" => "error", "message" => (string) $error_noselection)); return; } break; case "note": //the original annotation is a note $updatednote = ORM::factory("items_note")->where("id", "=", $annotate_id)->find(); if ($user_id != "") { //Conversion note -> user $new_id = photoannotation::saveuser($user_id, $item_id, $str_x1, $str_y1, $str_x2, $str_y2, $description); $dest_type = "user"; $updatednote->delete(); //delete old note } elseif ($tag_data != "") { //Conversion note -> face $new_id = photoannotation::saveface($tag_data, $item_id, $str_x1, $str_y1, $str_x2, $str_y2, $description); $dest_type = "face"; $updatednote->delete(); //delete old note } elseif ($item_title != "") { //Conversion note -> note $new_id = photoannotation::savenote($item_title, $item_id, $str_x1, $str_y1, $str_x2, $str_y2, $description, $annotate_id); $dest_type = "note"; } else { //Somethings wrong json::reply(array("result" => "error", "message" => (string) $error_noselection)); return; } break; default: json::reply(array("result" => "error", "message" => (string) $error_noselection)); return; } } $int_text = ""; $editable = true; switch ($dest_type) { case "user": $fullname = module::get_var("photoannotation", "fullname", false); $int_text = $getuser->user->display_name() . " (" . $getuser->user->name . ")"; if ($fullname) { $note_text = $getuser->user->display_name(); } else { $note_text = $getuser->user->name; } $note_url = user_profile::url($getuser->user->id); break; case "face": $note_text = $tag->name; $note_url = $tag->url(); break; case "note": $note_text = $item_title; $note_url = ""; $editable = false; } if ($annotate_id == -1) { $annotation_id = ""; } else { $annotation_id = "photoannotation-area-" . $notetype . "-" . $annotate_id; } $reply = array("result" => "success", "notetype" => (string) $dest_type, "description" => (string) $description, "height" => (int) $_POST["height"], "internaltext" => (string) $int_text, "left" => (int) $str_x1, "noteid" => (int) $new_id, "text" => (string) $note_text, "top" => (int) $str_y1, "url" => (string) $note_url, "width" => (int) $_POST["width"], "editable" => (bool) $editable, "annotationid" => (string) $annotation_id, "oldid" => (string) $annotate_id, "oldtype" => (string) $notetype); json::reply($reply); }