public function testDuplicateIndexNamesThrowException()
        $xml = <<<XML
<schema name="public" owner="ROLE_OWNER">
  <table name="table1" owner="ROLE_OWNER" primaryKey="col1">
    <column name="col1" type="int"/>
    <index name="index1">
      <indexDimension name="index1_1">col1</indexDimension>
    <index name="index1">
      <indexDimension name="index1_1">col1</indexDimension>
        $schema = simplexml_load_string($xml);
        $table = $schema->table;
        try {
            pgsql8_index::get_table_indexes($schema, $table);
        } catch (Exception $ex) {
            $this->assertContains('Duplicate index name', $ex->getMessage());
        $this->fail("Expected an exception because a table had duplicate index names");
  * @group pgsql8
 public function testPgsql8IndexNameLengthNoColumnLongTable()
     $table = 'resource_device_type_locator_channel_type_list_id_holy_crap_dont_do_this';
     $column = '';
     $suffix = 'fkey';
     $actual = pgsql8_index::index_name($table, $column, $suffix);
     $this->assertEquals(pgsql8::MAX_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH, $l = strlen($actual), "Generated index name '{$actual}' has length {$l} but pgsql8 max is 63");
예제 #3
    public function testNoQuoteIndexIdentifierDimensions()
        $xml = <<<XML
<schema name="test">
  <table name="test">
    <index name="idx" using="btree" unique="false">
      <indexDimension name="idx_1">col1</indexDimension>
      <indexDimension name="idx_2" sql="true">x + 1</indexDimension>
      <indexDimension name="idx_3">x + 1</indexDimension>
        $schema = simplexml_load_string($xml);
        $sql = pgsql8_index::get_creation_sql($schema, $schema->table, $schema->table->index);
        $this->assertEquals('CREATE INDEX "idx" ON "test"."test" USING btree ("col1", x + 1, "x + 1");', $sql);
예제 #4
 public static function get_drop_check_sql($node_schema, $node_table, $column, $node_type)
     if (!is_object($node_type)) {
         throw new exception("node_type is not an object");
     if (!isset($node_type->enum)) {
         throw new exception("no enums defined for type " . $node_type['name']);
     $enum_values = mssql10_type::get_enum_values($node_type);
     $table_name = mssql10::get_quoted_schema_name($node_schema['name']) . '.' . mssql10::get_quoted_table_name($node_table['name']);
     $column_name = mssql10::get_quoted_column_name($column['name']);
     $constraint_name = pgsql8_index::index_name($node_table['name'], $column['name'], '_check_enum');
     $enum_list = "'" . implode("','", $enum_values) . "'";
     $ddl = "ALTER TABLE " . $table_name . "\n";
     $ddl .= "\tDROP CONSTRAINT " . $constraint_name . ";\n";
     return $ddl;
  * Parses all rows in CREATE TABLE command.
  * @param $node_schema   schema table belongs to
  * @param $node_table    table being parsed
  * @param $command  command without 'CREATE TABLE ... (' string
 private static function parse_rows(&$node_schema, &$node_table, $command)
     $line = $command;
     $post_columns = false;
     while (strlen($line) > 0) {
         $command_end = sql_parser::get_command_end($line, 0);
         $subCommand = trim(substr($line, 0, $command_end));
         if ($post_columns) {
             $line = self::parse_post_columns($node_table, $subCommand);
         } else {
             if (substr($line, $command_end, 1) == ')') {
                 $post_columns = true;
         // look for modifier tokens and act accordingly
         $tokens = preg_split("/[\\s]+/", $subCommand, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
         // start at 2, first is always name, second is always type
         for ($i = 2; $i < count($tokens); $i++) {
             if (strcasecmp($tokens[$i], 'UNIQUE') == 0) {
                 // CREATE TABLE test_table (
                 //   test_table_id varchar(64) PRIMARY KEY,
                 //   test_table_col_c varchar(100) UNIQUE NOT NULL
                 // );
                 // NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "test_table_pkey" for table "test_table"
                 // NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / UNIQUE will create implicit index "test_table_test_table_col_c_key" for table "test_table"
                 dbsteward::debug("NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE with UNIQUE column attribute -- creating implicit index \"" . pgsql8_index::index_name(sql_parser::get_object_name($node_table->get_name()), sql_parser::get_object_name($tokens[0]), 'key') . "\" for table \"" . $node_schema->get_name() . '.' . $node_table->get_name() . "\"");
                 $node_index =& dbx::create_table_index($node_table, pgsql8_index::index_name(sql_parser::get_object_name($node_table['name']), sql_parser::get_object_name($tokens[0]), 'key'));
                 dbx::set_attribute($node_index, 'unique', 'true');
                 dbx::set_attribute($node_index, 'using', 'btree');
                 $node_index->addChild('indexDimension', sql_parser::get_object_name($tokens[0]))->addAttribute('name', $tokens[0] . '_unq');
                 // make sure we don't process this token again
                 $tokens = array_merge($tokens);
             // @TODO: other cases?
             // other cases is how you would fix pgsql8_column::parse_definition() throwing 'column definition parse fail' exceptions
         $subCommand = implode(' ', $tokens);
         self::parse_column_defs($node_schema, $node_table, $subCommand);
         $line = $command_end >= strlen($line) ? "" : substr($line, $command_end + 1);
     $line = trim($line);
     if (strlen($line) > 0) {
         throw new exception("Cannot parse CREATE TABLE '" . $node_table['name'] . "' - do not know how to parse '" . $line . "'");
예제 #6
 public static function foreign_key($db_doc, $node_schema, $node_table, $column, &$foreign)
     $fschema = strlen($column['foreignSchema']) == 0 ? (string) $node_schema['name'] : (string) $column['foreignSchema'];
     $foreign['schema'] = dbx::get_schema($db_doc, $fschema);
     if (!$foreign['schema']) {
         throw new exception("Failed to find foreign schema '" . dbsteward::string_cast($column['foreignSchema']) . "' for " . dbsteward::string_cast($node_schema['name']) . "." . dbsteward::string_cast($node_table['name']) . "." . dbsteward::string_cast($column['name']));
     $foreign['table'] = dbx::get_table($foreign['schema'], $column['foreignTable']);
     if (!$foreign['table']) {
         throw new exception("Failed to find foreign table '" . $column['foreignTable'] . "' for " . $node_schema['name'] . "." . $node_table['name'] . "." . $column['name']);
     // if foreignColumn is not set
     // the column is assumed to be the same name as the referring column
     if (isset($column['foreignColumn']) && strlen($column['foreignColumn'])) {
         $foreignColumn = $column['foreignColumn'];
     } else {
         $foreignColumn = $column['name'];
     $foreign['column'] = dbx::get_table_column($foreign['table'], $foreignColumn);
     if (!$foreign['column']) {
         throw new exception("Failed to find foreign column '" . dbsteward::string_cast($foreignColumn) . "' for " . dbsteward::string_cast($node_schema['name']) . "." . dbsteward::string_cast($node_table['name']) . "." . dbsteward::string_cast($column['name']));
     // column type is missing, and resolved foreign is also a foreign key?
     // recurse and find the cascading foreign key
     if (strlen($foreign['column']['type']) == 0 && isset($foreign['column']['foreignColumn'])) {
         dbsteward::trace("Seeking nested foreign key for " . dbsteward::string_cast($foreign['schema']['name']) . "." . dbsteward::string_cast($foreign['table']['name']) . "." . $foreign['column']['name']);
         $nested_fkey = array();
         self::foreign_key($db_doc, $foreign['schema'], $foreign['table'], $foreign['column'], $nested_fkey);
         // make a separate clone of the column element because we are specifying the type only for foreign key type referencing
         $foreign['column'] = new SimpleXMLElement($foreign['column']->asXML());
         $foreign['column']['type'] = $nested_fkey['column']['type'];
     $foreign['name'] = pgsql8_index::index_name($node_table['name'], $column['name'], 'fkey');
     $table_name = format::get_fully_qualified_table_name($foreign['schema']['name'], $foreign['table']['name']);
     $column_name = format::get_quoted_column_name($foreign['column']['name']);
     $foreign['references'] = "{$table_name}({$column_name})";
  * Returns list of indexes that should be added.
  * @param old_table original table
  * @param new_table new table
  * @return list of indexes that should be added
 public static function get_new_indexes($old_schema, $old_table, $new_schema, $new_table)
     $list = array();
     if ($new_table != null) {
         if ($old_table == null) {
             foreach (format_index::get_table_indexes($new_schema, $new_table) as $index) {
                 $list[] = $index;
         } else {
             foreach (format_index::get_table_indexes($new_schema, $new_table) as $index) {
                 $old_index = dbx::get_table_index($old_schema, $old_table, $index['name']);
                 if (!pgsql8_table::contains_index($old_schema, $old_table, $index['name'])) {
                     $list[] = $index;
                 } else {
                     if (!pgsql8_index::equals($old_index, $index)) {
                         $list[] = $index;
     return $list;