$image = $pdf->jfif_embed($data); */ /* Once the image is embedded in the PDF, it can be * placed as many or few times as you like. This is a * very nice feature of PDFs, as it allows you to place * the same image at (for example) different scalings, thus * saving space in the file. * The first parameter is an ID for an image * The second is the bottom edge of the image (in PDF units) * The third is the left edge (in PDF units) * The fourth is the page ID to place the image on * The fifth is a parameters array that can specify rotation * and scaling * Here are several example of image placement */ $pdf->image_place($image, 200, 300, $firstpage); $pdf->image_place($image, 300, 300, $firstpage, array('scale' => 10, 'rotation' => 30)); $pdf->image_place($image, 400, 300, $firstpage, array('scale' => 25, 'rotation' => 60)); /* A quick example for creating additional pages * and placing objects on them. */ $secondpage = $pdf->new_page("legal"); $pdf->draw_rectangle(998, 10, 10, 602, $secondpage); $pdf->draw_text(300, 450, "Page #2", $secondpage); $pdf->draw_text(300, 400, "backslashes (\\) cause no problems", $secondpage); /* Circle command is new to 2.1 */ $pdf->draw_circle(150, 200, 50, $secondpage, array('mode' => 'stroke', 'strokecolor' => $pdf->get_color('blue'), 'width' => 5)); $pdf->draw_circle(300, 200, 35, $secondpage, array('mode' => 'fill')); $pdf->draw_circle(450, 200, 50, $secondpage, array('mode' => 'fill+stroke', 'fillcolor' => $pdf->get_color('red'))); /* Uses the absolute page size notation to create
*/ /* The intent of this file is to show off just what * can be done with phppdflib */ require '../phppdflib.class.php'; $pdf = new pdffile(); $pdf->set_default('margin', 0); $data = ""; for ($i = 100; $i != 255; $i++) { $data .= chr($i) . "ÿ" . chr($i); } $image = $pdf->image_raw_embed($data, "/DeviceRGB", 8, 1, 154); $firstpage = $pdf->new_page("letter"); $p['scale']["x"] = 612 / 154; $p['scale']["y"] = 792; $pdf->image_place($image, 0, 0, $firstpage, $p); $p['scale']["x"] = 300 / 154; $p['scale']["y"] = 150; $p['rotation'] = 270; $pdf->image_place($image, 690, 400, $firstpage, $p); $p['fillcolor'] = $pdf->get_color('white'); $p['mode'] = 'fill'; $pdf->draw_rectangle(792, 0, 792 - 75, 612, $firstpage, $p); $param["height"] = 32; $param["font"] = "Times-Bold"; $param["mode"] = "fill+stroke"; $param['fillcolor']["red"] = 0; $param['fillcolor']["blue"] = 0; $param['fillcolor']["green"] = 0.5; $param['strokecolor']["red"] = 0; $param['strokecolor']["blue"] = 0;