예제 #1
  * Adds a new user login data record
  * @param unknown_type $loginEmail
  * @param unknown_type $password
  * @param unknown_type $partnerId
  * @param unknown_type $firstName
  * @param unknown_type $lastName
  * @param bool $checkPasswordStructure backward compatibility - some extensions are registering a partner and setting its first password without checking its structure
  * @throws kUserException::INVALID_EMAIL
  * @throws kUserException::INVALID_PARTNER
  * @throws kUserException::PASSWORD_STRUCTURE_INVALID
  * @throws kUserException::LOGIN_ID_ALREADY_USED
  * @throws kUserException::ADMIN_LOGIN_USERS_QUOTA_EXCEEDED
 public static function addLoginData($loginEmail, $password, $partnerId, $firstName, $lastName, $isAdminUser, $checkPasswordStructure = true, &$alreadyExisted = null)
     if (!kString::isEmailString($loginEmail)) {
         throw new kUserException('', kUserException::INVALID_EMAIL);
     $partner = partnerPeer::retrieveByPK($partnerId);
     if (!$partner) {
         throw new kUserException('', kUserException::INVALID_PARTNER);
     if ($isAdminUser) {
         $userQuota = $partner->getAdminLoginUsersQuota();
         $adminLoginUsersNum = $partner->getAdminLoginUsersNumber();
         // check if login users quota exceeded - value -1 means unlimited
         if ($adminLoginUsersNum && (is_null($userQuota) || $userQuota != -1 && $userQuota <= $adminLoginUsersNum)) {
             throw new kUserException('', kUserException::ADMIN_LOGIN_USERS_QUOTA_EXCEEDED);
     $existingData = self::getByEmail($loginEmail);
     if (!$existingData) {
         if ($checkPasswordStructure && !UserLoginDataPeer::isPasswordStructureValid($password)) {
             throw new kUserException('', kUserException::PASSWORD_STRUCTURE_INVALID);
         // create a new login data record
         $loginData = new UserLoginData();
         // now $loginData has an id and hash key can be generated
         $hashKey = $loginData->newPassHashKey();
         $alreadyExisted = false;
         return $loginData;
     } else {
         // add existing login data if password is valid
         $existingKuser = kuserPeer::getByLoginDataAndPartner($existingData->getId(), $partnerId);
         if ($existingKuser) {
             // partner already has a user with the same login data
             throw new kUserException('', kUserException::LOGIN_ID_ALREADY_USED);
         KalturaLog::debug('Existing login data with the same email & password exists - returning id [' . $existingData->getId() . ']');
         $alreadyExisted = true;
         if ($isAdminUser && !$existingData->isLastLoginPartnerIdSet()) {
         return $existingData;
예제 #2
 private function getLoginPartners()
     $c = new Criteria();
     $c1 = $c->getNewCriterion(PartnerPeer::SERVICE_CONFIG_ID, 'services-paramount-mobile.ct');
     $c2 = $c->getNewCriterion(PartnerPeer::SERVICE_CONFIG_ID, 'services-disney-mediabowl.ct');
     $partners = partnerPeer::doSelect($c);
     $ids = array();
     foreach ($partners as $par) {
         $ids[] = $par->getId();
     return $ids;
예제 #3
  * $notification_type -
  * $puser_id - the puser_id of the kuser that caused the modification
  * $object_data - can be either an object or an object id (if the object no longer exists
  * $partner_id - if exists, use this (usually in case of $object_data is an id), if not - use the partner_id from the object
  * $entry_id is optional
 public static function createNotification($notification_type, $object_data, $partner_id = null, $puser_id = null, $prefix = null, $extra_notification_data = null, $entry_id = null)
     if (!$entry_id && $object_data instanceof entry) {
         $entry_id = $object_data->getId();
     if (!$partner_id) {
         if ($object_data instanceof BaseObject) {
             $partner_id = $object_data->getPartnerId();
         } else {
             KalturaLog::log("Cannot create notification [{$notification_type}] [{$object_data}] [{$partner_id}]");
             return false;
     //		echo "[$partner_id]";
     $nofication_config_str = null;
     list($nofity, $nofication_config_str) = myPartnerUtils::shouldNotify($partner_id);
     if (!$nofity) {
         return false;
     $nofication_config = myNotificationsConfig::getInstance($nofication_config_str);
     $nofity_send_type = $nofication_config->shouldNotify($notification_type);
     //echo "nofication_config_str: $nofication_config_str<br>notification_type:$notification_type<br>";
     if ($nofity_send_type == self::NOTIFICATION_MGR_NO_SEND) {
         return false;
     //echo "nofity_send_type: $nofity_send_type<br>";
     // now check what type of notification to use - none / synch / a-synch
     //		Remarked by Tan-Tan, Nov 5 2009 to support the new batches
     //		$not = new notification();
     //		$not->setType( $notification_type );
     //		if (  $nofity_send_type == self::NOTIFICATION_MGR_SEND_ASYNCH || $nofity_send_type == self::NOTIFICATION_MGR_SEND_BOTH)
     //		{
     //			// the notification should be in status pending so it will be sent in the
     //			$not->setStatus( BatchJob::BATCHJOB_STATUS_PENDING );
     //		}
     //		elseif (  $nofity_send_type == self::NOTIFICATION_MGR_SEND_SYNCH  )
     //		{
     //			$not->setStatus( BatchJob::BATCHJOB_STATUS_FINISHED );
     //		}
     //		// return the notification to the caller
     //		$retrun_notification = ( $nofity_send_type == self::NOTIFICATION_MGR_SEND_SYNCH || $nofity_send_type == self::NOTIFICATION_MGR_SEND_BOTH );
     ////echo "retrun_notification: $retrun_notification<br>";
     //		$not->setPartnerId( $partner_id );
     //		$not->setPuserId( $puser_id );
     //		$not->setDc ( kDataCenterMgr::getCurrentDcId() );
     //		if ( $object_data instanceof BaseObject )
     //		{
     //			$not->setObjectId($object_data->getId() );
     //			$not->setData( self::createNotificationData ( $notification_type , $object_data, $extra_notification_data  ) );
     //			if ( $object_data instanceof entry )
     //			{
     //				if (defined("KALTURA_API_V3"))
     //					$puser_id = $object_data->getKuser()->getPuserId();
     //				else
     //					$puser_id = PuserKuserPeer::getByKuserId( $object_data->getKuserId() , 1 );
     //				$not->setPuserId( $puser_id );
     //			}
     //		}
     //		else
     //		{
     //			// in this case all we have is the object data which is the id
     //			// this is probably the case of some delete and we mifght not have the object in hand but only the id
     //			$not->setObjectId( $object_data );
     //		}
     //		$not->save();
     //		Added by Tan-Tan, Nov 2009 to support the new batches
     //		if (  $nofity_send_type == self::NOTIFICATION_MGR_SEND_ASYNCH || $nofity_send_type == self::NOTIFICATION_MGR_SEND_BOTH)
     //		{
     //			// the notification should be in status pending so it will be sent in the
     //			$job->setStatus( BatchJob::BATCHJOB_STATUS_PENDING );
     //		}
     //		else
     $dontSend = false;
     if ($nofity_send_type == self::NOTIFICATION_MGR_SEND_SYNCH) {
         $dontSend = true;
     // return the notification to the caller
     $retrun_notification = $nofity_send_type == self::NOTIFICATION_MGR_SEND_SYNCH || $nofity_send_type == self::NOTIFICATION_MGR_SEND_BOTH;
     $objectId = null;
     $notificationData = null;
     if ($object_data instanceof BaseObject) {
         $objectId = $object_data->getId();
         $notificationData = self::createNotificationData($notification_type, $object_data, $extra_notification_data);
         if ($object_data instanceof entry) {
             if (defined("KALTURA_API_V3")) {
                 $kuser = $object_data->getKuser();
                 if ($kuser) {
                     $puser_id = $kuser->getPuserId();
                 } else {
                     $puser_id = null;
                     KalturaLog::log(__CLASS__ . '::' . __METHOD__ . ' [line: ' . __LINE__ . '] could not find kuser [' . $object_data->getKuserId() . '] from object [' . $object_data->getId() . ']');
             } else {
                 $puser_id = PuserKuserPeer::getByKuserId($object_data->getKuserId(), 1);
                 // in flatten (or maybe other old batches), KALTURA_API_V3 is not defined, but entry user could have
                 // been created through api v3, in that case there will not be a record in puser_kuser table
                 if (is_null($puser_id)) {
                     $puser_id = $object_data->getPuserId();
                     // if entry was created on PS2 and from some reason puserId is still missing
                     if (is_null($puser_id)) {
                         $kuser = kuserPeer::retrieveByPK($object_data->getKuserId());
                         if ($kuser) {
                             $puser_id = $kuser->getPuserId();
                 if (is_null($puser_id)) {
                     KalturaLog::log(__CLASS__ . '::' . __METHOD__ . ' [line: ' . __LINE__ . '] could not get puser_id out of api_v3 context puserId from entry:[' . $object_data->getPuserId() . '] kuser ID:[' . $object_data->getKuserId() . '] entry:[' . $object_data->getId() . ']');
     } else {
         // in this case all we have is the object data which is the id
         // this is probably the case of some delete and we mifght not have the object in hand but only the id
         $objectId = $object_data;
     $job = kJobsManager::addNotificationJob(null, $entry_id, $partner_id, $notification_type, $nofity_send_type, $puser_id, $objectId, $notificationData);
     if ($retrun_notification) {
         // return the notification id, notification object , url & the serialized data
         $partner = partnerPeer::retrieveByPK($partner_id);
         list($url, $signature_key) = self::getPartnerNotificationInfo($partner);
         list($params, $raw_signature) = self::prepareNotificationData($url, $signature_key, $job, $prefix);
         $serialized_params = http_build_query($params, "", "&");
         return array($job->getId(), $job, $url, $params, $serialized_params);
     } else {
         return $job->getId();