function ImportCsv($file_lines, $delims = array(";", ",", "\t"), $quotes = array('"', "'")) { function maxChar($chars, $testString) { $max_count = 0; $the_char = count($chars) > 0 ? $chars[0] : " "; foreach ($chars as $char) { $new_count = substr_count($testString, $char); if ($new_count > $max_count) { $max_count = $new_count; $the_char = $char; } } return $the_char; } $test_line = $file_lines[0]; // // Detect the most probable delimiter. // $delim = maxChar($delims, $test_line); $quote = maxChar($quotes, $test_line); // // Re-Conncat the file-lines // $input = implode("\n", $file_lines) . "\n"; // // Setup and run the parser // include "lib/parsecsv.lib.php"; $csv = new parseCSV(); $csv->delimiter = $delim; $csv->enclosure = $quote; $csv->file_data =& $input; $this->data = $csv->parse_string(); // // Convert the array to addresses // $this->convertToAddresses(); }
public function parse_attendee_list($csv_text) { $csv = new parseCSV(); $csv->delimiter = "\t"; $csv->data = $csv->parse_string($csv_text); return $csv->data; }
/** * import events from CSV upload * @param string $filepath */ protected function importEventsCSV($filepath) { global $wpdb; $fp = fopen($filepath, 'r'); if ($fp === false) { throw new EM_ImpExpImportException('error opening CSV file'); } // read first line of CSV to make sure it's the correct format -- fgetscsv is fine for this simple task! $header = fgetcsv($fp); if ($header === false) { throw new EM_ImpExpImportException('error reading import file or file is empty'); } if (is_null($header)) { throw new EM_ImpExpImportException('import file handle is null'); } if (!is_array($header)) { throw new EM_ImpExpImportException('import file did not scan as CSV'); } if (!in_array('summary', $header)) { throw new EM_ImpExpImportException('import file does not contain a field "summary"'); } $wpdb->query('start transaction'); $records = 0; $rows = 0; $attrs = array(); $eventCategories = self::getEventCategories(); $eventCountries = self::getEventCountries(); $csv = new parseCSV(); $csv->fields = $header; while ($line = fgets($fp)) { $line = "\n{$line}\n"; // fix up line so that it can be parsed correctly $cols = $csv->parse_string($line); if ($cols) { $rows++; $cols = $cols[0]; // collect standard event properties $data = array('uid' => isset($cols['uid']) ? trim($cols['uid']) : '', 'url' => isset($cols['url']) ? self::safeURL($cols['url']) : '', 'summary' => isset($cols['summary']) ? $cols['summary'] : '', 'dtstart' => isset($cols['dtstart']) ? $cols['dtstart'] : '', 'dtend' => isset($cols['dtend']) ? $cols['dtend'] : '', 'categories' => isset($cols['categories']) ? $cols['categories'] : '', 'freq' => isset($cols['freq']) ? $cols['freq'] : '', 'byday' => isset($cols['byday']) ? $cols['byday'] : '', 'interval' => isset($cols['interval']) ? $cols['interval'] : '', 'until' => isset($cols['until']) ? $cols['until'] : '', 'post_content' => isset($cols['post_content']) ? $cols['post_content'] : '', 'post_excerpt' => isset($cols['post_excerpt']) ? $cols['post_excerpt'] : '', 'event_spaces' => isset($cols['event_spaces']) ? $cols['event_spaces'] : '', 'location_name' => isset($cols['location_name']) ? $cols['location_name'] : '', 'location_address' => isset($cols['location_address']) ? $cols['location_address'] : '', 'location_town' => isset($cols['location_town']) ? $cols['location_town'] : '', 'location_state' => isset($cols['location_state']) ? $cols['location_state'] : '', 'location_postcode' => isset($cols['location_postcode']) ? $cols['location_postcode'] : '', 'location_country' => isset($cols['location_country']) ? $cols['location_country'] : '', 'location_region' => isset($cols['location_region']) ? $cols['location_region'] : '', 'location_latitude' => isset($cols['location_latitude']) ? $cols['location_latitude'] : '', 'location_longitude' => isset($cols['location_longitude']) ? $cols['location_longitude'] : ''); if (isset($eventCountries[strtolower($data['location_country'])])) { $data['location_country'] = $eventCountries[strtolower($data['location_country'])]; } // collect custom event attributes, being columns not found in standard event properties $attrs = array(); foreach ($cols as $key => $value) { if (strlen($value) > 0 && !isset($data[$key])) { $attrs[$key] = $value; } } // if we have location, try to either retrieve it by name, or create a new location object $location = false; if (self::hasLocation($data)) { if ($data['location_name']) { // try to find location by name $location = $this->getLocationByName($data['location_name']); } if (!$location) { // must create a new location object $location = new EM_Location(); $location->location_name = empty($data['location_name']) ? self::fudgeLocationName($data) : $data['location_name']; $location->location_address = empty($data['location_address']) ? $data['location_name'] : $data['location_address']; $location->location_town = $data['location_town']; $location->location_state = $data['location_state']; $location->location_postcode = $data['location_postcode']; $location->location_country = $data['location_country']; $location->location_region = $data['location_region']; $location->location_latitude = $data['location_latitude']; $location->location_longitude = $data['location_longitude']; self::maybeSetCoordinates($location); $location->save(); } } // try to find existing event with matching unique ID first, so can update it $event = false; if ($data['uid']) { add_filter('em_events_get_default_search', array(__CLASS__, 'filterEventArgs'), 10, 2); add_filter('em_events_build_sql_conditions', array(__CLASS__, 'filterEventSQL'), 10, 2); $event = EM_Events::get(array('em_impexp_uid' => $data['uid'])); $event = count($event) > 0 ? $event[0] : false; remove_filter('em_events_get_default_search', array(__CLASS__, 'filterEventArgs'), 10, 2); remove_filter('em_events_build_sql_conditions', array(__CLASS__, 'filterEventSQL'), 10, 2); } if (!$event) { // must create a new event $event = new EM_Event(); } $event->location_id = $location ? $location->location_id : 0; $event->event_attributes['em_impexp_uid'] = $data['uid']; $event->event_attributes['em_impexp_url'] = $data['url']; $event->event_name = $data['summary']; $event->post_content = $data['post_content']; $event->post_excerpt = $data['post_excerpt']; if (preg_match('@^\\d\\d/\\d\\d/\\d\\d\\d\\d$@', $data['dtstart'])) { $data['dtstart'] .= ' 00:00:00'; $event->start = date_create_from_format('d/m/Y H:i:s', $data['dtstart'])->getTimestamp(); $event->event_start_date = date('Y-m-d', $event->start); $event->event_start_time = date('H:i:s', $event->start); } if (preg_match('@^\\d\\d/\\d\\d/\\d\\d\\d\\d$@', $data['dtend'])) { $data['dtend'] .= ' 00:00:00'; $event->end = date_create_from_format('d/m/Y H:i:s', $data['dtend'])->getTimestamp(); $event->event_end_date = date('Y-m-d', $event->end); $event->event_end_time = date('H:i:s', $event->end); } else { $event->end = $event->start; $event->event_end_date = $event->event_start_date; $event->event_end_time = $event->event_start_time; } $event->event_date_modified = current_time('mysql'); $event->event_all_day = $event->event_start_time === '00:00:00' && $event->event_end_time === '00:00:00' ? 1 : 0; foreach ($attrs as $attrName => $value) { $event->event_attributes[$attrName] = $value; } // TODO: recurring events switch ($data['freq']) { case 'DAILY': break; case 'WEEKLY': //~ $event->freq = $data['freq']; //~ $event->byday = $data['byday']; //~ $event->interval = $data['interval']; //~ $event->until = $data['until']; break; case 'MONTHLY': break; } if ($event) { $event->save(); $event->save_meta(); if ($data['categories']) { $categories = explode(',', $data['categories']); $eventcats = $event->get_categories(); foreach ($categories as $category) { $category = trim($category); if (isset($eventCategories[$category])) { $cat = $eventCategories[$category]; } else { $cat = wp_insert_term($category, 'event-categories'); if (is_array($cat)) { $cat = new EM_Category($cat['term_id']); $eventCategories[$category] = $cat; } } if ($cat) { $eventcats->categories[$cat->id] = $cat; } } $eventcats->save(); } } $records++; } } $wpdb->query('commit'); $this->plugin->showMessage($records === 1 ? '1 events loaded' : "{$records} events loaded"); }
} $database = new MeekroDB(DB_HOST, DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME, DB_PORT, DB_CHARSET); $database->throw_exception_on_error = true; $database->error_handler = false; $zipArchiveLocation = $fileName; $zipContentsQueryable = getZipContentsAsQueryable($zipArchiveLocation); $csvEntry = $zipContentsQueryable->where(function ($v) { return endsWith($v["name"], "csv"); })->single(); $csvData = getZipContentOfFile($zipArchiveLocation, $csvEntry['name']); while (ord($csvData[0]) > 127) { $csvData = substr($csvData, 1); } $csvParser = new parseCSV(); $csvParser->delimiter = ";"; $csvContentsQueryable = from($csvParser->parse_string(utf8_decode($csvData))); try { $database->startTransaction(); $existingRecordsQueryable = from($database->query("SELECT * FROM dealer")); $oldRecords = $existingRecordsQueryable->where('$v["IsDeleted"] == 0')->where(function ($row) use($csvContentsQueryable) { return $csvContentsQueryable->all('$v["Reg No."] != ' . $row['RegistrationNumber']); })->toArray(); Log::info(sprintf("Soft deleting old records on '%s'", 'dealer')); from($oldRecords)->each(function ($row) use($database) { Log::info(sprintf("Deleting %s", $row['RegistrationNumber'])); $database->update("dealer", array("LastChangeDateTimeUtc" => $database->sqleval("utc_timestamp()"), "IsDeleted" => 1), "Id=%s", $row["Id"]); }); Log::info(sprintf("Inserting / updating records on '%s'", 'dealer')); from($csvContentsQueryable)->each(function ($record) use($database, $existingRecordsQueryable, $zipArchiveLocation) { $row = array("LastChangeDateTimeUtc" => $database->sqleval("utc_timestamp()"), "IsDeleted" => "0", "RegistrationNumber" => $record["Reg No."], "AttendeeNickname" => $record["Nick"], "DisplayName" => $record["Display Name"], "ShortDescription" => $record["Short Description"], "AboutTheArtistText" => $record["About the Artist"], "AboutTheArtText" => $record["About the Art"], "WebsiteUri" => $record["Website Reg"], "ArtPreviewCaption" => $record["Art Preview Caption"]); $zipContentsQueryable = getZipContentsAsQueryable($zipArchiveLocation);