예제 #1
  * Gathers and assigns to new oxorder object customer data, payment, delivery
  * and shipping info, customer odere remark, currency, voucher, language data.
  * Additionally stores general discount and wrapping. Sets order status to "error"
  * and creates oxorderarticle objects and assigns to them basket articles.
  * @param oxBasket $oBasket Shopping basket object
  * @return null
 protected function _loadFromBasket(oxBasket $oBasket)
     $myConfig = $this->getConfig();
     // store IP Adress - default must be FALSE as it is illegal to store
     if ($myConfig->getConfigParam('blStoreIPs') && $this->oxorder__oxip->value === null) {
         $this->oxorder__oxip = new oxField(oxUtilsServer::getInstance()->getRemoteAddress(), oxField::T_RAW);
     // copying main price info
     $this->oxorder__oxtotalnetsum = new oxField(oxUtils::getInstance()->fRound($oBasket->getDiscountedNettoPrice()), oxField::T_RAW);
     $this->oxorder__oxtotalbrutsum = new oxField($oBasket->getProductsPrice()->getBruttoSum(), oxField::T_RAW);
     $this->oxorder__oxtotalordersum = new oxField($oBasket->getPrice()->getBruttoPrice(), oxField::T_RAW);
     // copying discounted VAT info
     $iVatIndex = 1;
     foreach ($oBasket->getProductVats(false) as $iVat => $dPrice) {
         $this->{"oxorder__oxartvat{$iVatIndex}"} = new oxField($this->_convertVat($iVat), oxField::T_RAW);
         $this->{"oxorder__oxartvatprice{$iVatIndex}"} = new oxField($dPrice, oxField::T_RAW);
     // payment costs if available
     if ($oPaymentCost = $oBasket->getCosts('oxpayment')) {
         $this->oxorder__oxpaycost = new oxField($oPaymentCost->getBruttoPrice(), oxField::T_RAW);
         $this->oxorder__oxpayvat = new oxField($oPaymentCost->getVAT(), oxField::T_RAW);
     // delivery info
     if ($oDeliveryCost = $oBasket->getCosts('oxdelivery')) {
         $this->oxorder__oxdelcost = new oxField($oDeliveryCost->getBruttoPrice(), oxField::T_RAW);
         //V #M382: Save VAT, not VAT value for delivery costs
         $this->oxorder__oxdelvat = new oxField($oDeliveryCost->getVAT(), oxField::T_RAW);
         //V #M382
         $this->oxorder__oxdeltype = new oxField($oBasket->getShippingId(), oxField::T_RAW);
     // user remark
     if (!isset($this->oxorder__oxremark) || $this->oxorder__oxremark->value === null) {
         $this->oxorder__oxremark = new oxField(oxSession::getVar('ordrem'), oxField::T_RAW);
     // currency
     $oCur = $myConfig->getActShopCurrencyObject();
     $this->oxorder__oxcurrency = new oxField($oCur->name);
     $this->oxorder__oxcurrate = new oxField($oCur->rate, oxField::T_RAW);
     // store voucherdiscount
     if ($oVoucherDiscount = $oBasket->getVoucherDiscount()) {
         $this->oxorder__oxvoucherdiscount = new oxField($oVoucherDiscount->getBruttoPrice(), oxField::T_RAW);
     // general discount
     if ($this->_blReloadDiscount) {
         $dDiscount = 0;
         $aDiscounts = $oBasket->getDiscounts();
         if (count($aDiscounts) > 0) {
             foreach ($aDiscounts as $oDiscount) {
                 $dDiscount += $oDiscount->dDiscount;
         $this->oxorder__oxdiscount = new oxField($dDiscount, oxField::T_RAW);
     //order language
     $this->oxorder__oxlang = new oxField($this->getOrderLanguage());
     // initial status - 'ERROR'
     $this->oxorder__oxtransstatus = new oxField('ERROR', oxField::T_RAW);
     // copies basket product info ...
     // copies wrapping info
     // copies TS protection info