public function method() { if (!empty($this->_params['token']) && !empty($this->_params['type'])) { $printer = new orderPrint(); return $printer->printit($this->_params['token'], $this->_params['companyid'], $this->_params['type'], $this->_params['content'], $this->_params['paid'], $this->_params['qr']); } }
public function index($orderid, $paytype = '', $third_id = '') { $wecha_id = ''; $token = ''; if ($order = M('dish_order')->where(array('orderid' => $orderid))->find()) { //TODO 发货的短信提醒 $token = $order['token']; $wecha_id = $order['wecha_id']; //$order['paid']=1; $Dishcompany = M('Dish_company')->where(array('cid' => $order['cid']))->find(); $kconoff = $Dishcompany['kconoff']; if ($order['paid']) { $temp = unserialize($order['info']); $tmparr = array('token' => $token, 'cid' => $order['cid'], 'order_id' => $order['id'], 'paytype' => $order['paytype']); $log_db = M('Dishout_salelog'); if (!empty($temp) && is_array($temp)) { $DishDb = M('Dish'); $mDishSet = ThirdPayDishOut::getDishMainCompany($token); foreach ($temp as $kk => $vv) { $did = isset($vv['did']) ? $vv['did'] : $kk; $dishofcid = $order['cid']; if ($mDishSet['cid'] != $order['cid'] && $mDishSet['dishsame'] == 1) { $dishofcid = $mDishSet['cid']; $kconoff = $mDishSet['kconoff']; } $tmpdish = $DishDb->where(array('id' => $did, 'cid' => $dishofcid))->find(); if ($kconoff && !empty($tmpdish) && $tmpdish['instock'] > 0) { $DishDb->where(array('id' => $did, 'cid' => $dishofcid))->setDec('instock', $vv['num']); } $logarr = array('did' => isset($vv['did']) ? $vv['did'] : $kk, 'nums' => $vv['num'], 'unitprice' => $vv['price'], 'money' => $vv['num'] * $vv['price'], 'dname' => $vv['name'], 'addtime' => $order['time'], 'addtimestr' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $order['time']), 'comefrom' => 0); $savelogarr = array_merge($tmparr, $logarr); $log_db->add($savelogarr); } } $company = M('Company')->where(array('token' => $token, 'id' => $order['cid']))->find(); if (empty($company) || !is_array($company)) { header('Location:' . U('DishOut/index', array('token' => $token, 'wecha_id' => $wecha_id))); } Sms::sendSms($token, "顾客{$order['name']}刚刚对订单号:{$orderid}的订单进行了支付,请您注意查看并处理", $company['mp']); $model = new templateNews(); $siteurl = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $siteurl = strtolower($siteurl); if (strpos($siteurl, "http:") === false && strpos($siteurl, "https:") === false) { $siteurl = 'http://' . $siteurl; } $siteurl = rtrim($siteurl, '/'); /*$model->sendTempMsg('OPENTM202521011', array('href' =>U('DishOut/myOrder', array('token' => $token, 'wecha_id' => $wecha_id, 'cid' => $order['cid']), true, false, true), 'wecha_id' => $wecha_id, 'first' => '外卖订餐交易提醒', 'keyword1' => $orderid, 'keyword2' => date("Y年m月d日H时i分s秒"), 'remark' => '支付成功,感谢您的光临,欢迎下次再次光临!'));*/ $model->sendTempMsg('OPENTM202521011', array('href' => $siteurl . '/index.php?g=Wap&m=DishOut&a=myOrder&token=' . $token . '&wecha_id=' . $wecha_id . '&cid=' . $order['cid'], 'wecha_id' => $wecha_id, 'first' => '外卖订餐交易提醒', 'keyword1' => $orderid, 'keyword2' => date("Y年m月d日H时i分s秒"), 'remark' => '支付成功,感谢您的光临,欢迎下次再次光临!')); $op = new orderPrint(); $msg = array('companyname' => $company['name'], 'des' => htmlspecialchars_decode($order['des'], ENT_QUOTES), 'companytel' => $company['tel'], 'truename' => htmlspecialchars_decode($order['name'], ENT_QUOTES), 'tel' => $order['tel'], 'address' => htmlspecialchars_decode($order['address'], ENT_QUOTES), 'buytime' => $order['time'], 'orderid' => $order['orderid'], 'sendtime' => $order['reservetime'] > 0 ? $order['reservetime'] : '尽快送达', 'price' => $order['price'], 'total' => $order['total'], 'typename' => '外卖', 'ptype' => $order['paytype'], 'list' => $temp); $msg = ArrayToStr::array_to_str($msg, $order['paid']); $op->printit($token, $order['cid'], 'DishOut', $msg, $order['paid']); } header('Location:' . U('DishOut/myOrder', array('token' => $token, 'wecha_id' => $wecha_id, 'cid' => $order['cid']))); } else { exit('抱歉,订单信息出错'); } }
public function index($orderid, $paytype = '', $third_id = '') { if ($order = M('Product_cart')->where(array('orderid' => $orderid))->find()) { //TODO 发货的短信提醒 if ($order['paid']) { $userInfo = D('Userinfo')->where(array('token' => $order['token'], 'wecha_id' => $order['wecha_id']))->find(); $carts = unserialize($order['info']); $tdata = self::getCat($carts, $order['token'], $order['cid'], $userInfo['getcardtime']); $list = array(); $info = ''; $pre = ''; foreach ($tdata[0] as $va) { $t = array(); $salecount = 0; if (!empty($va['detail'])) { foreach ($va['detail'] as $v) { $t = array('num' => $v['count'], 'colorName' => $v['colorName'], 'formatName' => $v['formatName'], 'price' => $v['price'], 'name' => $va['name']); $list[] = $t; $salecount += $v['count']; } } else { $t = array('num' => $va['count'], 'price' => $va['price'], 'name' => $va['name']); $list[] = $t; $salecount = $va['count']; } $info .= $pre . $va['name']; $pre = ','; D("Product")->where(array('id' => $va['id']))->setInc('salecount', $salecount); } if ($order['twid']) { if ($set = M("Twitter_set")->where(array('token' => $order['token'], 'cid' => $order['cid']))->find()) { $price = $set['percent'] * 0.01 * $order['totalprice']; $info = $info ? '购买' . $info . '等产品,订单号:' . $orderid : '购买订单号:' . $orderid; D("Twitter_log")->add(array('token' => $order['token'], 'cid' => $order['cid'], 'twid' => $order['twid'], 'type' => 3, 'dateline' => time(), 'param' => $order['totalprice'], 'price' => $price, 'wecha_id' => $order['wecha_id'], 'info' => $info)); if ($count = M("Twitter_count")->where(array('token' => $order['token'], 'cid' => $order['cid'], 'twid' => $order['twid']))->find()) { D("Twitter_count")->where(array('id' => $count['id']))->setInc('total', $price); } else { D("Twitter_count")->add(array('token' => $order['token'], 'cid' => $order['cid'], 'twid' => $order['twid'], 'total' => $price, 'remove' => 0)); } } } $company = D('Company')->where(array('token' => $order['token'], 'id' => $order['cid']))->find(); $op = new orderPrint(); $msg = array('companyname' => $company['name'], 'companytel' => $company['tel'], 'truename' => $order['truename'], 'tel' => $order['tel'], 'address' => $order['address'], 'buytime' => $order['time'], 'orderid' => $order['orderid'], 'sendtime' => '', 'price' => $order['price'], 'total' => $order['total'], 'list' => $list); $msg = ArrayToStr::array_to_str($msg, 1); $op->printit($order['token'], $order['cid'], 'Store', $msg, 1); $userInfo = D('Userinfo')->where(array('token' => $order['token'], 'wecha_id' => $order['wecha_id']))->find(); Sms::sendSms($order['token'], "您的顾客{$userInfo['truename']}刚刚对订单号:{$orderid}的订单进行了支付,请您注意查看并处理"); $model = new templateNews(); $model->sendTempMsg('OPENTM202521011', array('href' => U('Store/my', array('token' => $order['token'], 'wecha_id' => $order['wecha_id'], 'twid' => $order['twid']), true, false, true), 'wecha_id' => $order['wecha_id'], 'first' => '购买商品提醒', 'keyword1' => $orderid, 'keyword2' => date("Y年m月d日H时i分s秒"), 'remark' => '购买成功,感谢您的光临,欢迎下次再次光临!')); } header('Location:/index.php?g=Wap&m=Store&a=my&token=' . $order['token'] . '&wecha_id=' . $order['wecha_id'] . '&twid=' . $order['twid']); } else { exit('订单不存在:' . $out_trade_no); exit('订单不存在'); } }
public function index($orderid, $paytype = '', $third_id = ''){ if ($order = M('Hotels_order')->where(array('orderid' => $orderid))->find()) { //TODO 发货的短信提醒 if ($order['paid']) { $userInfo = D('Userinfo')->where(array('token' => $order['token'], 'wecha_id' => $order['wecha_id']))->find(); $sort = M('Hotels_house_sort')->where(array('id' => $order['sid'], 'token' => $order['token']))->find(); $days = (strtotime($order['enddate']) - strtotime($order['startdate'])) / 86400; $price = $userInfo['getcardtime'] > 0 ? ($sort['vprice'] ? $sort['vprice'] : $sort['price']) : $sort['price']; $company = M('Company')->where(array('id' => $order['cid'], 'token' => $order['token']))->find(); $op = new orderPrint(); $msg = array('companyname' => $company['name'], 'companytel' => $company['tel'], 'truename' => $order['name'], 'tel' => $order['tel'], 'address' => '', 'buytime' => $order['time'], 'orderid' => $order['orderid'], 'sendtime' => '', 'price' => $order['price'], 'total' => $order['nums'], 'list' => array(array('name' => $sort['name'], 'day' => $days, 'price' => $price, 'num' => $order['nums'], 'startdate' => $order['startdate'], 'enddate' => $order['enddate']))); $msg = ArrayToStr::array_to_str($msg, 1); $op->printit($order['token'], $order['cid'], 'Hotel', $msg, 1); Sms::sendSms($order['token'] . "_" . $order['cid'], "顾客{$order['name']}刚刚对订单号:{$orderid}的订单进行了支付,请您注意查看并处理"); $model = new templateNews(); $href = C('site_url').'/index.php?g=Wap&m=Hotels&a=my&token=' . $order['token'] . '&wecha_id=' . $order['wecha_id'] . '&cid=' . $order['cid']; $model->sendTempMsg('OPENTM202521011', array('href' => $href, 'wecha_id' => $order['wecha_id'], 'first' => '预订房间提醒', 'keyword1' => $orderid, 'keyword2' => date("Y年m月d日H时i分s秒"), 'remark' => '预订房间成功,感谢您的光临,欢迎下次再次光临!')); } header('Location:/index.php?g=Wap&m=Hotels&a=my&token='.$order['token'].'&wecha_id='.$order['wecha_id'].'&cid='.$order['cid']); // $this->redirect(U('Hotels/my', array('token'=>$this->token, 'wecha_id' => $this->wecha_id))); }else{ exit('订单不存在'); } // $product_cart_model=M('product_cart'); // $out_trade_no=$orderid; // $order=$product_cart_model->where(array('orderid'=>$out_trade_no))->find(); // if (!$this->wecha_id){ // $this->wecha_id=$order['wecha_id']; // } // $sepOrder=0; // if (!$order){ // $order=$product_cart_model->where(array('id'=>$out_trade_no))->find(); // $sepOrder=1; // } // if($order){ // if($order['paid']!=1){exit('该订单还未支付');} // /************************************************/ // Sms::sendSms($this->token,'您的微信里有团购订单已经付款'); // /************************************************/ // header('Location:/index.php?g=Wap&m=Groupon&a=myOrders&token='.$order['token'].'&wecha_id='.$order['wecha_id']); // }else{ // exit('订单不存在:'.$out_trade_no); // } }
public function cart() { $this->wapIsLogin(); if (IS_POST) { $phone = isset($_POST['phone']) ? htmlspecialchars($_POST['phone']) : ''; $name = isset($_POST['name']) ? htmlspecialchars($_POST['name']) : ''; $address = isset($_POST['address']) ? htmlspecialchars($_POST['address']) : ''; $note = isset($_POST['note']) ? htmlspecialchars($_POST['note']) : ''; if (empty($name)) { $this->error('联系人不能为空'); } if (empty($phone)) { $this->error('联系电话不能为空'); } $goodsData = isset($_POST['goodsData']) ? htmlspecialchars($_POST['goodsData']) : ''; if (empty($goodsData)) { $this->error('您还没有点菜'); } $products = explode(";", $goodsData); $dish = array(); $meal = array(); foreach ($products as $p) { $t = explode(",", $p); $dish[$t[0]] = $t[1]; $meal[] = $t[0]; } $total = $price = 0; if ($meal) { $meals = M("Meal")->where(array('meal_id' => array('in', $meal), 'store_id' => $this->store_id))->select(); $info = array(); foreach ($meals as $m) { $info[] = array('id' => $m['meal_id'], 'name' => $m['name'], 'num' => $dish[$m['meal_id']], 'price' => $m['price']); $total += $dish[$m['meal_id']]; $price += $dish[$m['meal_id']] * $m['price']; } } $data = array('mer_id' => $this->mer_id, 'store_id' => $this->store_id, 'name' => $name, 'phone' => $phone, 'address' => $address, 'note' => $note, 'info' => serialize($info), 'dateline' => time(), 'total' => $total, 'price' => $price); $data['orderid'] = $this->mer_id . $this->store_id . date("YmdHis") . rand(1000000, 9999999); // $data['wecha_id'] = $this->wecha_id; $data['uid'] = $this->user_session['uid']; $data['note'] = isset($_POST['note']) ? htmlspecialchars($_POST['note']) : ''; $orderid = D("Meal_order")->add($data); if ($orderid) { if ($this->user_session['openid']) { $keyword2 = ''; $pre = ''; foreach (unserialize($data['info']) as $menu) { $keyword2 .= $pre . $menu['name'] . ':' . $menu['price'] . '*' . $menu['num']; $pre = '\\n\\t\\t\\t'; } $href = C('config.site_url') . '/wap.php?c=Meal&a=detail&orderid=' . $orderid . '&mer_id=' . $data['mer_id'] . '&store_id=' . $data['store_id']; $model = new templateNews(C('config.wechat_appid'), C('config.wechat_appsecret')); $model->sendTempMsg('OPENTM201682460', array('href' => $href, 'wecha_id' => $this->user_session['openid'], 'first' => '您好,您的订单已生成', 'keyword3' => $orderid, 'keyword1' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'keyword2' => $keyword2, 'remark' => '您的该次' . $this->config['meal_alias_name'] . '下单成功,感谢您的使用!')); } $msg = array(); $msg['user_name'] = $data['name']; $msg['user_phone'] = $data['phone']; $msg['user_address'] = $data['address']; $msg['user_message'] = $data['note']; $msg['buy_time'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $data['dateline']); $msg['goods_list'] = $info; $msg['goods_count'] = $data['total']; $msg['goods_price'] = $data['price']; $msg['orderid'] = $orderid; $msg['pay_status'] = ''; $msg['pay_type'] = ''; $msg['store_name'] = $this->_store['name']; $msg['store_phone'] = $this->_store['phone']; $msg['store_address'] = $this->_store['adress']; $msg = ArrayToStr::array_to_str($msg, 0, $this->config['print_format']); $op = new orderPrint($this->config['print_server_key'], $this->config['print_server_topdomain']); $op->printit($this->mer_id, $this->store_id, $msg, 0); /* 粉丝行为分析 */ $this->behavior(array('mer_id' => $this->mer_id, 'biz_id' => $orderid)); redirect(U('Pay/check', array('order_id' => $orderid, 'type' => 'meal'))); //$this->success('订餐成功', U("Meal/detail", array('mer_id' => $this->mer_id, 'store_id' => $this->store_id, 'orderid' => $orderid))); } } else { $now_group['user_adress'] = D('User_adress')->get_one_adress($this->user_session['uid'], intval($_GET['adress_id'])); $this->assign('now_group', $now_group); $sorts = M("Meal_sort")->where(array('store_id' => $this->store_id))->select(); $temp = array(); foreach ($sorts as $sort) { $temp[$sort['sort_id']] = $sort['sort_name']; } $this->assign("categories", json_encode($temp)); $this->assign('class', 3); $this->assign('title', '购物车'); $this->display(); } }
/** * 保存订餐人的信息到session */ public function OrderPay() { $disharr = $_POST['dish']; /* * 菜品id 数组*id 份数 */ $shopid = intval($_POST['mycid']); $shopidd = $shopid; //下单时写回自己的分店ID /////自行 $Mcompany = $this->getDishMainCompany(); if (($Mcompany['cid'] != $shopid) && ($Mcompany['dishsame'] == 1)) { $dishofcid = $Mcompany['cid']; /* * *开启分店统一主店 菜品功能** */ $shopid = $dishofcid; } //// $totalmoney = floatval(trim($_POST['totalmoney'])); $totalnum = intval(trim($_POST['totalnum'])); $ouserName = htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST['ouserName']), ENT_QUOTES); $ouserSex = intval(trim($_POST['ouserSex'])); $ouserTel = htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST['ouserTel']), ENT_QUOTES); $ouserAddres = htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST['ouserAddres']), ENT_QUOTES); $oarrivalTime = htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST['oarrivalTime']), ENT_QUOTES); $omark = htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST['omark']), ENT_QUOTES); if ($shopid > 0) { $jumpurl = U('DishOut/dishMenu', array('token' => $this->token, 'cid' => $shopid, 'wecha_id' => $this->wecha_id)); if (empty($disharr) || !($totalmoney > 0) || !($totalnum > 0)) { $this->exitdisplay('订单信息出错!', $jumpurl); } if (empty($ouserName) || empty($ouserTel) || empty($ouserAddres)) { $this->exitdisplay('订单中相关联系地址:姓名或联系电话或送货地址有没写的', $jumpurl); } if (preg_match('/\-\d{2}\s\d{2}\:/', $oarrivalTime)) { /** **如果选择了明日的时间 是带上日期的** */ $oarrivalTime = strtotime($oarrivalTime); } else { $oarrivalTime = $oarrivalTime ? strtotime(date('Y-m-d ') . $oarrivalTime) : 0; } $tmparr = array(); $tmpsubnum = 0; $tmpsubmoney = 0; /**************************************************/ $disharr && $idarr = array_keys($disharr); if ($idarr) { $dishs = M('Dish')->where(array('id' => array('in', $idarr), 'cid' => $shopid, 'isopen' => 1))->select(); foreach ($dishs as $dh) { if (isset($disharr[$dh['id']]['num']) && $disharr[$dh['id']]['num']) { $tmpnum = $disharr[$dh['id']]['num']; $discount = trim($disharr[$dh['id']]['discount']); if ($discount > 0) { $tmpprice = ($discount * $dh['price']) / 10; } else { $tmpprice = $dh['price']; } //$tmpprice = $discount > 0 ? $discount * floatval($dv['price']) / 10 : floatval($dv['price']); $tmparr[$dh['id']] = array(); $tmparr[$dh['id']]['did'] = $dh['id']; $tmparr[$dh['id']]['num'] = $tmpnum; $tmparr[$dh['id']]['discount'] = $discount; $tmparr[$dh['id']]['price'] = $tmpprice; $tmparr[$dh['id']]['name'] = $dh['name']; $tmparr[$dh['id']]['kitchen_id'] = $dh['kitchen_id']; $tmparr[$dh['id']]['omark'] = htmlspecialchars(trim($disharr[$dh['id']]['omark']), ENT_QUOTES); $tmpsubnum += $tmpnum; $tmpsubmoney += ($tmpprice * $tmpnum); } } } /**************************************************/ /*foreach ($disharr as $dk => $dv) { if (!empty($dv)) { $tmpnum = intval($dv['num']); if ($tmpnum > 0) { $tmpprice = floatval($dv['price']); $tmparr[$dk] = array(); $tmparr[$dk]['did'] = $dk; $tmparr[$dk]['num'] = $tmpnum; $tmparr[$dk]['price'] = $tmpprice; $tmparr[$dk]['name'] = $dv['name']; $tmpsubnum+=$tmpnum; $tmpsubmoney+=($tmpprice * $tmpnum); } } }*/ if (empty($tmparr)) { $this->exitdisplay('没有订单信息', $jumpurl); } $tmpsubmoney=number_format($tmpsubmoney,2); $t_tmpsubmoney = (int) ($tmpsubmoney * 10000); $t_totalmoney = (int) ($totalmoney * 10000); if (($tmpsubnum != $totalnum) || ($t_tmpsubmoney != $t_totalmoney)) { $this->error('订单的金额或点的菜的份数不对', $jumpurl); } $outset = $this->outManage($shopid); if (($outset['stype'] == 2) && ($tmpsubmoney < $outset['pricing'])) { $tmpsubmoney = $outset['pricing']; /* * 处理起步价方式订单金额不足起步价按起步价收取* */ } $wecha_id = $this->wecha_id ? $this->wecha_id : 'DishOutm_' . $ouserTel; $orderid = substr($wecha_id, -5) . date("YmdHis"); $Orderarr = array('cid' => $shopidd, 'wecha_id' => $wecha_id, 'token' => $this->token, 'total' => $tmpsubnum, 'price' => $tmpsubmoney, 'nums' => 1, 'info' => serialize($tmparr), 'name' => $ouserName, 'sex' => $ouserSex, 'tel' => $ouserTel, 'address' => $ouserAddres, 'tableid' => 0, 'time' => time(), 'reservetime' => $oarrivalTime, 'stype' => $outset['stype'], 'paid' => 0, 'isuse' => 0, 'orderid' => $orderid, 'printed' => 0, 'des' => $omark, 'takeaway' => 1, 'comefrom' => 'dishout' );//$cid => $shopidd $orid = D('Dish_order')->add($Orderarr); if ($orid) { $_SESSION[$this->session_dish_info] = ''; //TODO 短信提示 $company = $this->getCompany($shopid); Sms::sendSms($this->token, "顾客{$ouserName}刚刚叫了一份外卖,订单号:{$orderid},请您注意查看并处理", $company['mp']); //给商家发站内信 $params = array(); $params['site'] = array('token'=>$this->token, 'from'=>'微外卖消息','content'=>"顾客{$ouserName}刚刚叫了一份外卖,订单号:{$orderid},请您注意查看并处理"); MessageFactory::method($params, 'SiteMessage'); // $printer_set = $this->getPrinter_set($shopid); // if (!empty($printer_set) && ($printer_set['paid'] == 0)) { $op = new orderPrint(); $msg = array('companyname' => $company['name'], 'des' => trim($_POST['omark']), 'companytel' => $company['tel'], 'truename' => trim($_POST['ouserName']), 'tel' => trim($_POST['ouserTel']), 'address' => trim($_POST['ouserAddres']), 'buytime' => $Orderarr['time'], 'orderid' => $Orderarr['orderid'], 'sendtime' => $oarrivalTime > 0 ? $oarrivalTime : '尽快送达', 'price' => $Orderarr['price'], 'total' => $Orderarr['total'], 'typename' => '外卖', 'list' => $tmparr); $msg = ArrayToStr::array_to_str($msg, 0); $op->printit($this->token, $shopid, 'DishOut', $msg, 0); /*厨房打印菜单*/ if ($kitchens_list = D('Dish_kitchen')->where(array('cid' => $this->_cid))->select()) { $t_list = array(); foreach ($tmparr as $dish) $t_list[$dish['kitchen_id']][] = $dish; $kitchens = array(); foreach ($kitchens_list as $kit_row) $kitchens[$kit_row['id']] = $kit_row; $print_msg = array('des' => trim($_POST['omark']), 'truename' => trim($_POST['ouserName']), 'tel' => trim($_POST['ouserTel']), 'address' => trim($_POST['ouserAddres']), 'buytime' => $Orderarr['time'], 'orderid' => $Orderarr['orderid'], 'sendtime' => $oarrivalTime > 0 ? $oarrivalTime : '尽快送达'); foreach ($t_list as $k => $rowset) { if ($k) { if (isset($kitchens[$k]) && $kitchens[$k]['status']) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($rowset); $i++) { $msg = $print_msg; $msg['list'][] = $rowset[$i]; $msg = ArrayToStr::array_to_str($msg, 0); $op->printit($this->token, $this->_cid, 'DishOut', $msg, 0, '', $k); } } else { $msg = $print_msg; $msg['list'] = $rowset; $msg = ArrayToStr::array_to_str($msg, 0); $op->printit($this->token, $this->_cid, 'DishOut', $msg, 0, '', $k); } } } } /*厨房打印菜单*/ // } $alipayConfig = M('Alipay_config')->where(array('token' => $this->token))->find(); if ($alipayConfig['open']) { $this->success('正在提交中...', U('Alipay/pay', array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $wecha_id, 'success' => 1, 'from' => 'DishOut', 'orderName' => $orderid, 'single_orderid' => $orderid, 'price' => $tmpsubmoney))); } /* elseif ($this->fans['balance']) { $this->success('正在提交中...', U('CardPay/pay',array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $wecha_id, 'success' => 1, 'from'=> 'DishOut', 'orderName' => $orderid, 'single_orderid' => $orderid, 'price' => $tmpsubmoney))); } */ else { $this->exitdisplay('商家尚未开启支付功能', $jumpurl); } } else { $this->exitdisplay('订单录入系统出错,抱歉给您的带来了不便。请重新下单吧', $jumpurl); } if (!empty($this->wecha_id)) { /* 保存个人信息 */ $userinfo_model = M('Userinfo'); $thisUser = $userinfo_model->where(array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $this->wecha_id))->find(); if (empty($thisUser)) { $userRow = array('tel' => $ouserTel, 'truename' => $ouserName, 'address' => $ouserAddres); $userRow['token'] = $this->token; $userRow['wecha_id'] = $this->wecha_id; $userRow['wechaname'] = ''; $userRow['qq'] = 0; $userRow['sex'] = $ouserSex; $userRow['age'] = 0; $userRow['birthday'] = ''; $userRow['info'] = ''; $userRow['total_score'] = 0; $userRow['sign_score'] = 0; $userRow['expend_score'] = 0; $userRow['continuous'] = 0; $userRow['add_expend'] = 0; $userRow['add_expend_time'] = 0; $userRow['live_time'] = 0; $userinfo_model->add($userRow); } } } else { $jumpurl = U('DishOut/index', array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $this->wecha_id)); $this->exitdisplay('订单信息中店面信息出错', $jumpurl); } }
public function saveorder() { //判断登录 if (empty($this->user_session)) { $this->assign('jumpUrl', U('Index/Login/index')); $this->error('请先登录!'); } $store_id = intval($_POST['store_id']); $store = D('Merchant_store')->where(array('store_id' => $store_id))->find(); if (empty($store)) { exit(json_encode(array('error_code' => 1, 'msg' => '您查看的餐厅不存在!'))); } if (empty($this->user_session)) { exit(json_encode(array('error_code' => 1, 'msg' => '请先进行登录!', 'data' => U('Login/index')))); } // $phone = isset($_POST['phone']) ? htmlspecialchars($_POST['phone']) : ''; // $name = isset($_POST['name']) ? htmlspecialchars($_POST['name']) : ''; $address_id = isset($_POST['address_id']) ? intval($_POST['address_id']) : 0; $note = isset($_POST['note']) ? htmlspecialchars($_POST['note']) : ''; if (empty($address_id)) { exit(json_encode(array('error_code' => 1, 'msg' => '联系信息不能为空'))); } $now_adress = D('User_adress')->get_one_adress($this->user_session['uid'], $address_id); if (empty($now_adress)) { exit(json_encode(array('error_code' => 1, 'msg' => '请先添加联系信息!'))); } $products = isset($_POST['products']) ? $_POST['products'] : ''; if (empty($products)) { exit(json_encode(array('error_code' => 1, 'msg' => '您还没有点菜'))); } $total = $price = 0; if ($products) { // $info = array(); // foreach ($products as $m) { // $info[] = array('id' => $m['id'],'name' => $m['name'], 'num' => $m['number'], 'price' => $m['price']); // $total += $m['number']; // $price += $m['number'] * $m['price']; // } $temp = explode(":", $products); $store_id = $temp[0]; $menus = explode("|", $temp[1]); $ids = $list = array(); $food_count = 0; foreach ($menus as $m) { $t = explode(",", $m); $ids[] = $t[0]; $list[$t[0]] = $t[1]; $food_count += $t[1]; } $meals = D("Meal")->field(true)->where(array('store_id' => $store_id, 'meal_id' => array('in', $ids)))->select(); $info = array(); foreach ($meals as $m) { $info[] = array('id' => $m['meal_id'], 'name' => $m['name'], 'num' => $list[$m['meal_id']], 'price' => $m['price']); $total += $list[$m['meal_id']]; $price += $list[$m['meal_id']] * $m['price']; } } //用户等级 优惠 $finaltotalprice = 0; $level_off = false; $store_meal = D('Merchant_store_meal')->where(array('store_id' => $store_id))->find(); if (!empty($this->user_level) && !empty($store_meal) && !empty($store_meal['leveloff'])) { $leveloff = unserialize($store_meal['leveloff']); if (!empty($this->user_session) && isset($this->user_session['level'])) { /****type:0无优惠 1百分比 2立减*******/ if (!empty($leveloff) && is_array($leveloff) && isset($this->user_level[$this->user_session['level']]) && isset($leveloff[$this->user_session['level']])) { $level_off = $leveloff[$this->user_session['level']]; if ($level_off['type'] == 1) { $finaltotalprice = $price * ($level_off['vv'] / 100); $finaltotalprice = $finaltotalprice > 0 ? $finaltotalprice : 0; $level_off['offstr'] = '按此次总价' . $level_off['vv'] . '%来结算'; } elseif ($level_off['type'] == 2) { $finaltotalprice = $price - $level_off['vv']; $finaltotalprice = $finaltotalprice > 0 ? $finaltotalprice : 0; $level_off['offstr'] = '此次总价立减' . $level_off['vv'] . '元'; } } } unset($leveloff); } $price = $finaltotalprice > 0 ? round($finaltotalprice, 2) : $price; $total_price = $price; $minus_price = 0; if ($store_meal && !empty($store_meal['minus_money']) && $price > $store_meal['full_money']) { $price = $price - $store_meal['minus_money']; $minus_price = $store_meal['minus_money']; } is_array($level_off) && ($level_off['totalprice'] = $price); $data = array('mer_id' => $store['mer_id'], 'store_id' => $store_id, 'name' => $now_adress['name'], 'phone' => $now_adress['phone'], 'address' => $now_adress['province_txt'] . $now_adress['city_txt'] . $now_adress['area_txt'] . $now_adress['adress'], 'note' => $note, 'info' => serialize($info), 'dateline' => time(), 'total' => $total, 'price' => $price); $data['total_price'] = $total_price; $data['minus_price'] = $minus_price; $data['orderid'] = $store['mer_id'] . $store_id . date("YmdHis") . rand(1000000, 9999999); $data['uid'] = $this->user_session['uid']; $level_off && is_array($level_off) && ($data['leveloff'] = serialize($level_off)); $orderid = D("Meal_order")->add($data); if ($orderid) { $msg = array(); $msg['user_name'] = $data['name']; $msg['user_phone'] = $data['phone']; $msg['user_address'] = $data['address']; $msg['user_message'] = $data['note']; $msg['buy_time'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $data['dateline']); $msg['goods_list'] = $info; $msg['goods_count'] = $data['total']; $msg['goods_price'] = $data['price']; $msg['orderid'] = $orderid; $msg['pay_status'] = ''; $msg['pay_type'] = ''; $msg['store_name'] = $store['name']; $msg['store_phone'] = $store['phone']; $msg['store_address'] = $store['adress']; $msg = ArrayToStr::array_to_str($msg, 0, $this->config['print_format']); $op = new orderPrint($this->config['print_server_key'], $this->config['print_server_topdomain']); $op->printit($store['mer_id'], $store['store_id'], $msg, 0); $sms_data = array('mer_id' => $store['mer_id'], 'store_id' => $store['store_id'], 'type' => 'food'); if ($this->config['sms_place_order'] == 1 || $this->config['sms_place_order'] == 3) { $sms_data['uid'] = $this->user_session['uid']; $sms_data['mobile'] = $data['phone']; $sms_data['sendto'] = 'user'; $sms_data['content'] = '您在' . $store['name'] . '中下单成功,订单号:' . $orderid; Sms::sendSms($sms_data); } if ($this->config['sms_place_order'] == 2 || $this->config['sms_place_order'] == 3) { $sms_data['uid'] = 0; $sms_data['mobile'] = $store['phone']; $sms_data['sendto'] = 'merchant'; $sms_data['content'] = '客户' . $data['name'] . '刚刚下了一个订单,订单号:' . $orderid . ',请您注意查看并处理'; Sms::sendSms($sms_data); } session('shop_cart', null); exit(json_encode(array('error_code' => 0, 'msg' => '', 'data' => U('Index/Pay/check', array('order_id' => $orderid, 'type' => 'meal'))))); } else { exit(json_encode(array('error_code' => 1, 'msg' => D("Meal_order")->getError()))); } }
/** * 提交订单 */ public function saveorder() { $dataBase = D('Hotels_order'); if (IS_POST) { $price = 0; if ($sort = M('Hotels_house_sort')->where(array('cid' => $this->_cid, 'token' => $this->token, 'id' => $_POST['sid']))->find()) { if ($this->fans['getcardtime'] > 0) { $price = $sort['vprice'] ? $sort['vprice'] : $sort['price']; } else { $price = $sort['price']; } } $days = (strtotime($_POST['enddate']) - strtotime($_POST['startdate'])) / 86400; $sday = date("Y年m月d日", strtotime($_POST['startdate'])); $eday = date("Y年m月d日", strtotime($_POST['enddate'])); if ($_POST['startdate'] < date("Ymd") || $days < 1) { $this->error('您预定的时间不正确'); } //处理预定房间的数量 $in = date("Ymd", strtotime($_POST['startdate'])); $etime = strtotime($_POST['enddate']); $hotelSort = M("Hotels_house_sort")->where(array('id' => $_POST['sid'], 'token' => $this->token))->find(); $time = strtotime($_POST['startdate']); for (; $time < $etime;) { $order = M('Hotels_order')->field('sum(nums) as num')->where(array('startdate' => array('ELT', date('Ymd', $time)), 'enddate' => array('GT', date('Ymd', $time)), 'token' => $this->token, 'cid' => $this->_cid, 'sid' => $_POST['sid'], 'status' => array('ELT', 1)))->find(); $oldnum = isset($order['num']) ? $order['num'] : 0; $total = $_POST['nums'] + $oldnum; if ($total > $hotelSort['houses']) { $this->error('您预定的房间数在' . date('Y年m月d日', strtotime($time)) . '超出总房间数了,请重新预定'); } else { $time += 86400; } } $_POST['orderid'] = $orderid = substr($this->wecha_id, -1, 4) . date("YmdHis"); $_POST['price'] = $_POST['nums'] * $days * $price; $_POST['time'] = time(); //保存个人信息 $userinfo_model = M('Userinfo'); $thisUser = $userinfo_model->where(array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $this->wecha_id))->find(); if (empty($thisUser)) { $userRow = array('tel' => $_POST['tel'], 'truename' => $_POST['name'], 'address' => ''); $userRow['token'] = $this->token; $userRow['wecha_id'] = $this->wecha_id; $userRow['wechaname'] = ''; $userRow['qq'] = 0; $userRow['sex'] = -1; $userRow['age'] = 0; $userRow['birthday'] = ''; $userRow['info'] = ''; $userRow['total_score'] = 0; $userRow['sign_score'] = 0; $userRow['expend_score'] = 0; $userRow['continuous'] = 0; $userRow['add_expend'] = 0; $userRow['add_expend_time'] = 0; $userRow['live_time'] = 0; $userinfo_model->add($userRow); } if ($dataBase->create() !== false) { $action = $dataBase->add(); if ($action != false) { $company = M('Company')->where(array('id' => $this->_cid, 'token' => $this->token))->find(); $op = new orderPrint(); $msg = array('companyname' => $company['name'], 'companytel' => $company['tel'], 'truename' => $_POST['name'], 'tel' => $_POST['tel'], 'address' => '', 'buytime' => time(), 'orderid' => $_POST['orderid'], 'sendtime' => '', 'price' => $_POST['price'], 'total' => $_POST['nums'], 'list' => array(array('name' => $sort['name'], 'day' => $days, 'price' => $price, 'num' => $_POST['nums'], 'startdate' => $_POST['startdate'], 'enddate' => $_POST['enddate']))); $msg = ArrayToStr::array_to_str($msg); $op->printit($this->token, $this->_cid, 'Hotel', $msg, 0); Sms::sendSms($this->token . "_" . $this->_cid, "顾客{$_POST['name']}刚刚预定了{$sday}到{$eday},{$days}天的{$sort['name']},请您注意查看并处理"); // $alipayConfig = M('Alipay_config')->where(array('token' => $this->token))->find(); // if ($_POST['paymode'] == 1 && $alipayConfig['open']) { // $this->success('正在提交中...', U('Alipay/pay',array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $this->wecha_id, 'from'=> 'Hotels', 'orderName' => $orderid, 'single_orderid' => $orderid, 'price' => $_POST['price']))); // } elseif ($_POST['paymode'] == 4 && $this->fans['balance']) { // $this->success('正在提交中...', U('CardPay/pay',array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $this->wecha_id, 'from'=> 'Hotels', 'orderName' => $orderid, 'single_orderid' => $orderid, 'price' => $_POST['price']))); // } else { // $model = new templateNews(); // $model->sendTempMsg('TM00820', array('href' => U('Hotels/my',array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $this->wecha_id)), 'wecha_id' => $this->wecha_id, 'first' => '预订房间提醒', 'keynote1' => '订单未支付', 'keynote2' => date("Y年m月d日H时i分s秒"), 'remark' => '预订房间成功,感谢您的光临,欢迎下次再次光临!')); // $this->success('预定成功,进入您的订单页', U('Hotels/my',array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $this->wecha_id))); // } $config = M('Alipay_config')->where(array('token' => $this->token))->find(); $model = new templateNews(); $model->sendTempMsg('TM00184', array('href' => U('Hotels/my', array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $this->wecha_id), true, false, true), 'wecha_id' => $this->wecha_id, 'first' => '预订房间提醒', 'ordertape' => date("Y年m月d日H时i分s秒"), 'ordeID' => $orderid, 'remark' => '预订房间成功,感谢您的光临,欢迎下次再次光临!')); if ($_POST['paymode'] == 4 && $this->fans['balance']) { $this->success('正在提交中...', U('CardPay/pay', array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $this->wecha_id, 'from' => 'Hotels', 'orderName' => $orderid, 'single_orderid' => $orderid, 'price' => $_POST['price']))); } elseif ($config['open']) { $this->success('正在提交中...', U('Alipay/pay', array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $this->wecha_id, 'from' => 'Hotels', 'orderName' => $orderid, 'single_orderid' => $orderid, 'price' => $_POST['price']))); } else { $this->success('预定成功,进入您的订单页', U('Hotels/my', array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $this->wecha_id))); } } else { $this->error('操作失败'); } } else { $this->error($dataBase->getError()); } } }
public function orderInfo() { $this->product_model = M('Product'); $this->product_cat_model = M('Product_cat'); $product_cart_model = M('product_cart'); $thisOrder = $product_cart_model->where(array('id' => intval($_GET['id']), 'token' => $this->token))->find(); //检查权限 if (strtolower($thisOrder['token']) != strtolower($this->_session('token'))) { exit; } if (IS_POST) { if (intval($_POST['sent'])) { $_POST['handled'] = 1; } $company = M('Company')->where(array('token' => $this->token, 'isbranch' => 0))->find(); $save = array('sent' => intval($_POST['sent']), 'logistics' => $_POST['logistics'], 'logisticsid' => $_POST['logisticsid'], 'handled' => 1); if ($company['id'] != $this->_cid) { empty($thisOrder['paid']) && ($save['paid'] = intval($_POST['paid'])); } else { $save['paid'] = intval($_POST['paid']); } $product_cart_model->where(array('id' => $thisOrder['id']))->save($save); //TODO 发货的短信提醒 $company = D('Company')->where(array('token' => $thisOrder['token'], 'id' => $thisOrder['cid']))->find(); if ($_POST['sent']) { $userInfo = D('Userinfo')->where(array('token' => $thisOrder['token'], 'wecha_id' => $thisOrder['wecha_id']))->find(); Sms::sendSms($this->token, "您在{$company['name']}商城购买的商品,商家已经给您发货了,请您注意查收", $userInfo['tel']); } $carts = unserialize($thisOrder['info']); $tdata = $this->getCat($carts); if (intval($_POST['paid']) && empty($thisOrder['paid'])) { $list = array(); $info = ''; $pre = ''; foreach ($tdata[0] as $va) { $t = array(); if (!empty($va['detail'])) { foreach ($va['detail'] as $v) { $t = array('num' => $v['count'], 'colorName' => $v['colorName'], 'formatName' => $v['formatName'], 'price' => $v['price'], 'name' => $va['name']); $list[] = $t; } } else { $t = array('num' => $va['count'], 'price' => $va['price'], 'name' => $va['name']); $list[] = $t; } $info .= $pre . $va['name']; $pre = ','; } if (intval($thisOrder['price'])) { //支付订单打印 $op = new orderPrint(); $msg = array('companyname' => $company['name'], 'companytel' => $company['tel'], 'truename' => $thisOrder['truename'], 'tel' => $thisOrder['tel'], 'address' => $thisOrder['address'], 'buytime' => $thisOrder['time'], 'orderid' => $thisOrder['orderid'], 'sendtime' => '', 'price' => $thisOrder['price'], 'total' => $thisOrder['total'], 'list' => $list); $msg = ArrayToStr::array_to_str($msg, 1); $op->printit($this->token, $this->_cid, 'Store', $msg, 1); } if ($thisOrder['twid']) { //给分佣者增加分佣记录 if ($set = M("Twitter_set")->where(array('token' => $this->token, 'cid' => $thisOrder['cid']))->find()) { $price = $set['percent'] * 0.01 * $thisOrder['totalprice']; $info = $info ? '购买' . $info . '等产品,订单号:' . $thisOrder['orderid'] : '购买订单号:' . $thisOrder['orderid']; D("Twitter_log")->add(array('token' => $this->token, 'cid' => $thisOrder['cid'], 'twid' => $thisOrder['twid'], 'type' => 3, 'dateline' => time(), 'param' => $thisOrder['totalprice'], 'price' => $price, 'wecha_id' => $thisOrder['wecha_id'], 'info' => $info)); if ($count = M("Twitter_count")->where(array('token' => $this->token, 'cid' => $thisOrder['cid'], 'twid' => $thisOrder['twid']))->find()) { D("Twitter_count")->where(array('id' => $count['id']))->setInc('total', $price); } else { D("Twitter_count")->add(array('token' => $this->token, 'cid' => $thisOrder['cid'], 'twid' => $thisOrder['twid'], 'total' => $price, 'remove' => 0)); } } } } /*******************销量的增加******************************/ if (intval($_POST['paid']) && empty($thisOrder['paid'])) { foreach ($carts as $k => $c) { $this->product_model->where(array('id' => $k))->setInc('salecount', $tdata[1][$k]['total']); } } /*******************销量的增加******************************/ $this->success('修改成功', U('Store/orderInfo', array('token' => session('token'), 'id' => $thisOrder['id']))); } else { //订餐信息 $product_diningtable_model = M('product_diningtable'); if ($thisOrder['tableid']) { $thisTable = $product_diningtable_model->where(array('id' => $thisOrder['tableid']))->find(); $thisOrder['tableName'] = $thisTable['name']; } $this->assign('thisOrder', $thisOrder); $carts = unserialize($thisOrder['info']); $totalFee = 0; $totalCount = 0; $data = $this->getCat($carts); if (isset($data[1])) { foreach ($data[1] as $pid => $row) { $totalCount += $row['total']; $totalFee += $row['totalPrice']; $listNum[$pid] = $row['total']; } } $list = $data[0]; $this->assign('products', $list); $this->assign('totalFee', $totalFee); $this->assign('totalCount', $totalCount); $this->assign('mailprice', $data[2]); $this->display(); } }
public function orderInfo() { $this->product_model = M('Product'); $this->product_cat_model = M('Product_cat'); $product_cart_model = M('product_cart'); $thisOrder = $product_cart_model->where(array('id' => intval($_GET['id']), 'token' => $this->token))->find(); if (strtolower($thisOrder['token']) != strtolower($this->_session('token'))) { exit(); } if (IS_POST) { if (intval($_POST['sent'])) { $_POST['handled'] = 1; } $company = M('Company')->where(array('token' => $this->token, 'isbranch' => 0))->find(); $save = array('sent' => intval($_POST['sent']), 'logistics' => $_POST['logistics'], 'logisticsid' => $_POST['logisticsid'], 'handled' => 1); if ($company['id'] != $this->_cid) { empty($thisOrder['paid']) && $save['paid'] = intval($_POST['paid']); } else { $save['paid'] = intval($_POST['paid']); } $product_cart_model->where(array('id' => $thisOrder['id']))->save($save); $company = D('Company')->where(array('token' => $thisOrder['token'], 'id' => $thisOrder['cid']))->find(); if ($_POST['sent']) { $userInfo = D('Userinfo')->where(array('token' => $thisOrder['token'], 'wecha_id' => $thisOrder['wecha_id']))->find(); Sms::sendSms($this->token, '您在' . $company['name'] . '商城购买的商品,商家已经给您发货了,请您注意查收', $userInfo['tel']); } $carts = unserialize($thisOrder['info']); $tdata = $this->getCat($carts); if (intval($_POST['paid']) && empty($thisOrder['paid'])) { $list = array(); $info = ''; $pre = ''; foreach ($tdata[0] as $va) { $t = array(); if (!empty($va['detail'])) { foreach ($va['detail'] as $v) { $t = array('num' => $v['count'], 'colorName' => $v['colorName'], 'formatName' => $v['formatName'], 'price' => $v['price'], 'name' => $va['name']); $list[] = $t; } } else { $t = array('num' => $va['count'], 'price' => $va['price'], 'name' => $va['name']); $list[] = $t; } $info .= $pre . $va['name']; $pre = ','; } if (intval($thisOrder['price'])) { $op = new orderPrint(); $msg = array('companyname' => $company['name'], 'companytel' => $company['tel'], 'truename' => $thisOrder['truename'], 'tel' => $thisOrder['tel'], 'address' => $thisOrder['address'], 'buytime' => $thisOrder['time'], 'orderid' => $thisOrder['orderid'], 'sendtime' => '', 'price' => $thisOrder['price'], 'total' => $thisOrder['total'], 'list' => $list); $msg = ArrayToStr::array_to_str($msg, 1); $op->printit($this->token, $this->_cid, 'Store', $msg, 1); } if ($thisOrder['twid']) { if ($set = M('Twitter_set')->where(array('token' => $this->token, 'cid' => $thisOrder['cid']))->find()) { $price = $set['percent'] * 0.01 * $thisOrder['totalprice']; $info = ($info ? '购买' . $info . '等产品,订单号:' . $thisOrder['orderid'] : '购买订单号:' . $thisOrder['orderid']); D('Twitter_log')->add(array('token' => $this->token, 'cid' => $thisOrder['cid'], 'twid' => $thisOrder['twid'], 'type' => 3, 'dateline' => time(), 'param' => $thisOrder['totalprice'], 'price' => $price, 'wecha_id' => $thisOrder['wecha_id'], 'info' => $info)); if ($count = M('Twitter_count')->where(array('token' => $this->token, 'cid' => $thisOrder['cid'], 'twid' => $thisOrder['twid']))->find()) { D('Twitter_count')->where(array('id' => $count['id']))->setInc('total', $price); } else { D('Twitter_count')->add(array('token' => $this->token, 'cid' => $thisOrder['cid'], 'twid' => $thisOrder['twid'], 'total' => $price, 'remove' => 0)); } $userinfo = D('Userinfo')->where(array('twid' => $thisOrder['twid']))->find(); $messages = $params = array(); if ($userinfo['tel']) { $messages[] = 'SmsMessage'; $params['sms'] = array('token' => $this->token, 'content' => '您分享的商城被您的朋友点击查看,您将从商家哪儿获得' . $price . '元的佣金,请您查看', 'moblie' => $userinfo['tel']); } $messages[] = 'TemplateMessage'; $params['template'] = array(); $params['template']['template_id'] = 'OPENTM201812627'; $params['template']['template_data']['href'] = C('site_url') . '/index.php?g=Wap&m=Store&a=detail&token=' . $this->token . '&wecha_id=' . $userinfo['wecha_id'] . '&twid=' . $userinfo['twid']; $params['template']['template_data']['wecha_id'] = $userinfo['wecha_id']; $params['template']['template_data']['first'] = '您获得了一笔新的佣金'; $params['template']['template_data']['keyword1'] = $price; $params['template']['template_data']['keyword2'] = date('Y年m月d日 H:i'); $params['template']['template_data']['remark'] = '请进入店铺查看详情'; MessageFactory::method($params, $messages); } } } if (intval($_POST['paid']) && empty($thisOrder['paid'])) { foreach ($carts as $k => $c) { $this->product_model->where(array('id' => $k))->setInc('salecount', $tdata[1][$k]['total']); } } $this->success('修改成功', U('Store/orderInfo', array('token' => session('token'), 'id' => $thisOrder['id']))); } else { $product_diningtable_model = M('product_diningtable'); if ($thisOrder['tableid']) { $thisTable = $product_diningtable_model->where(array('id' => $thisOrder['tableid']))->find(); $thisOrder['tableName'] = $thisTable['name']; } $this->assign('thisOrder', $thisOrder); $carts = unserialize($thisOrder['info']); $totalFee = 0; $totalCount = 0; $data = $this->getCat($carts); if (isset($data[1])) { foreach ($data[1] as $pid => $row) { $totalCount += $row['total']; $totalFee += $row['totalPrice']; $listNum[$pid] = $row['total']; } } $list = $data[0]; $this->assign('products', $list); $this->assign('totalFee', $totalFee); $this->assign('totalCount', $totalCount); $this->assign('mailprice', $data[2]); $this->display(); } }
public function meal_order_check_refund() { if (empty($this->user_session)) { $this->error_tips('请先进行登录!'); } $orderid = intval($_GET['orderid']); $store_id = intval($_GET['store_id']); $now_order = M("Meal_order")->where(array('order_id' => $orderid, 'mer_id' => $this->mer_id, 'store_id' => $store_id))->find(); if (empty($now_order)) { $this->error_tips('当前订单不存在'); } if (empty($now_order['paid'])) { $this->error_tips('当前订单还未付款!'); } if (!empty($now_order['status'])) { if ($now_order['meal_type']) { $this->error_tips('订单必须是未消费状态才能取消!', U('Takeout/order_detail', array('order_id' => $now_order['order_id'], 'store_id' => $store_id, 'mer_id' => $this->mer_id))); } else { $this->error_tips('订单必须是未消费状态才能取消!', U('Food/order_detail', array('order_id' => $now_order['order_id'], 'store_id' => $store_id, 'mer_id' => $this->mer_id))); } } $now_order['price'] = $now_order['pay_money']; $data_meal_order['pay_money'] = 0; $data_meal_order['paid'] = 0; //在线付款退款 if ($now_order['pay_type'] == 'offline') { $data_meal_order['order_id'] = $now_order['order_id']; $data_meal_order['refund_detail'] = serialize(array('refund_time' => time())); $data_meal_order['status'] = 3; if (D('Meal_order')->data($data_meal_order)->save()) { if ($now_order['meal_type']) { $this->success_tips('您使用的是线下支付!订单状态已修改为已退款。', U('Takeout/order_detail', array('order_id' => $now_order['order_id'], 'store_id' => $store_id, 'mer_id' => $this->mer_id))); } else { $this->success_tips('您使用的是线下支付!订单状态已修改为已退款。', U('Food/order_detail', array('order_id' => $now_order['order_id'], 'store_id' => $store_id, 'mer_id' => $this->mer_id))); } exit; } else { $this->error_tips('取消订单失败!请重试。'); } } if ($now_order['payment_money'] != '0.00') { $pay_method = D('Config')->get_pay_method(); if (empty($pay_method)) { $this->error_tips('系统管理员没开启任一一种支付方式!'); } if (empty($pay_method[$now_order['pay_type']])) { $this->error_tips('您选择的支付方式不存在,请更新支付方式!'); } $pay_class_name = ucfirst($now_order['pay_type']); $import_result = import('' . $pay_class_name); if (empty($import_result)) { $this->error_tips('系统管理员暂未开启该支付方式,请更换其他的支付方式'); } $now_order['order_type'] = 'meal'; $pay_class = new $pay_class_name($now_order, $now_order['payment_money'], $now_order['pay_type'], $pay_method[$now_order['pay_type']]['config'], $this->user_session, 1); $go_refund_param = $pay_class->refund(); $data_meal_order['order_id'] = $now_order['order_id']; $data_meal_order['refund_detail'] = serialize($go_refund_param['refund_param']); if (empty($go_refund_param['error']) && $go_refund_param['type'] == 'ok') { $data_meal_order['status'] = 3; } D('Meal_order')->data($data_meal_order)->save(); if ($data_meal_order['status'] != 3) { $this->error_tips($go_refund_param['msg']); } } //如果使用了优惠券 if ($now_order['card_id']) { $result = D('Member_card_coupon')->add_card($now_order['card_id'], $now_order['mer_id'], $now_order['uid']); $param = array('refund_time' => time()); if ($result['error_code']) { $param['err_msg'] = $result['msg']; } else { $param['refund_id'] = $now_order['order_id']; } $data_meal_order['order_id'] = $now_order['order_id']; $data_meal_order['refund_detail'] = serialize($param); $result['error_code'] || ($data_meal_order['status'] = 3); D('Meal_order')->data($data_meal_order)->save(); if ($result['error_code']) { $this->error_tips($result['msg']); } $go_refund_param['msg'] = $result['msg']; } //平台余额退款 if ($now_order['balance_pay'] != '0.00') { $add_result = D('User')->add_money($now_order['uid'], $now_order['balance_pay'], '退款 ' . $now_order['order_name'] . ' 增加余额'); $param = array('refund_time' => time()); if ($result['error_code']) { $param['err_msg'] = $result['msg']; } else { $param['refund_id'] = $now_order['order_id']; } $data_meal_order['order_id'] = $now_order['order_id']; $data_meal_order['refund_detail'] = serialize($param); $result['error_code'] || ($data_meal_order['status'] = 3); D('Meal_order')->data($data_meal_order)->save(); if ($result['error_code']) { $this->error_tips($result['msg']); } $go_refund_param['msg'] = $result['msg']; // if($add_result['error_code']){ // $this->error_tips($add_result['msg']); // } // $go_refund_param['msg'] = $add_result['msg']; // $data_meal_order['order_id'] = $now_order['order_id']; // $data_meal_order['refund_detail'] = serialize(array('refund_time'=>time())); // $data_meal_order['status'] = 3; // D('Meal_order')->data($data_meal_order)->save(); } //商家会员卡余额退款 if ($now_order['merchant_balance'] != '0.00') { $result = D('Member_card')->add_card($now_order['uid'], $now_order['mer_id'], $now_order['merchant_balance'], '退款 ' . $now_order['order_name'] . ' 增加余额'); $param = array('refund_time' => time()); if ($result['error_code']) { $param['err_msg'] = $result['msg']; } else { $param['refund_id'] = $now_order['order_id']; } $data_meal_order['order_id'] = $now_order['order_id']; $data_meal_order['refund_detail'] = serialize($param); $result['error_code'] || ($data_meal_order['status'] = 3); D('Meal_order')->data($data_meal_order)->save(); if ($result['error_code']) { $this->error_tips($result['msg']); } $go_refund_param['msg'] = $result['msg']; } //退款打印 $mer_store = D('Merchant_store')->where(array('mer_id' => $this->mer_id, 'store_id' => $store_id))->find(); $msg = array(); $msg['user_name'] = $now_order['name']; $msg['user_phone'] = $now_order['phone']; $msg['user_address'] = $now_order['address']; $msg['user_message'] = $now_order['note']; $msg['buy_time'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $now_order['dateline']); $msg['goods_list'] = unserialize($now_order['info']); $msg['goods_count'] = $now_order['total']; $msg['goods_price'] = $now_order['price']; $msg['orderid'] = $now_order['order_id']; $msg['pay_status'] = '客户退款'; $msg['pay_type'] = $now_order['pay_type']; $msg['store_name'] = $mer_store['name']; $msg['store_phone'] = $mer_store['phone']; $msg['store_address'] = $mer_store['adress']; $msg = ArrayToStr::array_to_str($msg, 0, $this->config['print_format']); $op = new orderPrint($this->config['print_server_key'], $this->config['print_server_topdomain']); $op->printit($this->mer_id, $store_id, $msg, 1); $sms_data = array('mer_id' => $mer_store['mer_id'], 'store_id' => $mer_store['store_id'], 'type' => 'food'); if ($this->config['sms_cancel_order'] == 1 || $this->config['sms_cancel_order'] == 3) { $sms_data['uid'] = $now_order['uid']; $sms_data['mobile'] = $now_order['phone']; $sms_data['sendto'] = 'user'; $sms_data['content'] = '您在 ' . $mer_store['name'] . '店中下的订单(订单号:' . $now_order['order_id'] . '),在' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . '时已被您取消并退款,欢迎再次光临!'; Sms::sendSms($sms_data); } if ($this->config['sms_cancel_order'] == 2 || $this->config['sms_cancel_order'] == 3) { $sms_data['uid'] = 0; $sms_data['mobile'] = $merchant['phone']; $sms_data['sendto'] = 'merchant'; $sms_data['content'] = '顾客' . $now_order['name'] . '的预定订单(订单号:' . $now_order['order_id'] . '),在' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . '时已客户取消并退款!'; Sms::sendSms($sms_data); } if ($now_order['meal_type']) { $this->success_tips($go_refund_param['msg'], U('Takeout/order_detail', array('order_id' => $now_order['order_id'], 'store_id' => $store_id, 'mer_id' => $this->mer_id))); } else { $this->success_tips($go_refund_param['msg'], U('Food/order_detail', array('order_id' => $now_order['order_id'], 'store_id' => $store_id, 'mer_id' => $this->mer_id))); } }
/** * 保存订餐人的信息到session */ public function OrderPay() { $disharr = $_POST['dish']; /* * 菜品id 数组*id 份数 */ $shopid = intval($_POST['mycid']); $totalmoney = floatval(trim($_POST['totalmoney'])); $totalnum = intval(trim($_POST['totalnum'])); $ouserName = htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST['ouserName']), ENT_QUOTES); $ouserSex = intval(trim($_POST['ouserSex'])); $ouserTel = htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST['ouserTel']), ENT_QUOTES); $ouserAddres = htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST['ouserAddres']), ENT_QUOTES); $oarrivalTime = htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST['oarrivalTime']), ENT_QUOTES); $omark = htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST['omark']), ENT_QUOTES); if ($shopid > 0) { $jumpurl = U('DishOut/dishMenu', array('token' => $this->token, 'cid' => $shopid, 'wecha_id' => $this->wecha_id)); if (empty($disharr) || !($totalmoney > 0) || !($totalnum > 0)) { $this->exitdisplay('订单信息出错!', $jumpurl); } if (empty($ouserName) || empty($ouserTel) || empty($ouserAddres)) { $this->exitdisplay('订单中相关联系地址:姓名或联系电话或送货地址有没写的', $jumpurl); } $oarrivalTime = $oarrivalTime ? strtotime(date('Y-m-d ') . $oarrivalTime) : 0; $tmparr = array(); $tmpsubnum = 0; $tmpsubmoney = 0; foreach ($disharr as $dk => $dv) { if (!empty($dv)) { $tmpnum = intval($dv['num']); if ($tmpnum > 0) { $tmpprice = floatval($dv['price']); $tmparr[$dk] = array(); $tmparr[$dk]['did'] = $dk; $tmparr[$dk]['num'] = $tmpnum; $tmparr[$dk]['price'] = $tmpprice; $tmparr[$dk]['name'] = $dv['name']; $tmpsubnum += $tmpnum; $tmpsubmoney += $tmpprice * $tmpnum; } } } if (empty($tmparr)) { $this->exitdisplay('没有订单信息', $jumpurl); } $t_tmpsubmoney = (int) $tmpsubmoney * 10000; $t_totalmoney = (int) $totalmoney * 10000; if ($tmpsubnum != $totalnum || $t_tmpsubmoney != $t_totalmoney) { $this->error('订单的金额或点的菜的份数不对', $jumpurl); } $outset = $this->outManage($shopid); if ($outset['stype'] == 2 && $tmpsubmoney < $outset['pricing']) { $tmpsubmoney = $outset['pricing']; /* * 处理起步价方式订单金额不足起步价按起步价收取* */ } $wecha_id = $this->wecha_id ? $this->wecha_id : 'DishOutm_' . $ouserTel; $orderid = substr($wecha_id, -5) . date("YmdHis"); $Orderarr = array('cid' => $shopid, 'wecha_id' => $wecha_id, 'token' => $this->token, 'total' => $tmpsubnum, 'price' => $tmpsubmoney, 'nums' => 1, 'info' => serialize($tmparr), 'name' => $ouserName, 'sex' => $ouserSex, 'tel' => $ouserTel, 'address' => $ouserAddres, 'tableid' => 0, 'time' => time(), 'reservetime' => $oarrivalTime, 'stype' => $outset['stype'], 'paid' => 0, 'isuse' => 0, 'orderid' => $orderid, 'printed' => 0, 'des' => $omark, 'takeaway' => 1, 'comefrom' => 'dishout'); $orid = D('Dish_order')->add($Orderarr); if ($orid) { $_SESSION[$this->session_dish_info] = ''; //TODO 短信提示 $company = $this->getCompany($shopid); Sms::sendSms($this->token, "顾客{$ouserName}刚刚叫了一份外卖,订单号:{$orderid},请您注意查看并处理", $company['mp']); $printer_set = $this->getPrinter_set($shopid); if (!empty($printer_set) && $printer_set['paid'] == 0) { $op = new orderPrint(); $msg = array('companyname' => $company['name'], 'des' => trim($_POST['omark']), 'companytel' => $company['tel'], 'truename' => trim($_POST['ouserName']), 'tel' => trim($_POST['ouserTel']), 'address' => trim($_POST['ouserAddres']), 'buytime' => $Orderarr['time'], 'orderid' => $Orderarr['orderid'], 'sendtime' => $oarrivalTime > 0 ? $oarrivalTime : '尽快送达', 'price' => $Orderarr['price'], 'total' => $Orderarr['total'], 'typename' => '外卖', 'list' => $tmparr); $msg = ArrayToStr::array_to_str($msg, 0); $op->printit($this->token, $shopid, 'DishOut', $msg, 0); } $alipayConfig = M('Alipay_config')->where(array('token' => $this->token))->find(); if ($alipayConfig['open']) { $this->success('正在提交中...', U('Alipay/pay', array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $wecha_id, 'success' => 1, 'from' => 'DishOut', 'orderName' => $orderid, 'single_orderid' => $orderid, 'price' => $tmpsubmoney))); } else { $this->exitdisplay('商家尚未开启支付功能', $jumpurl); } } else { $this->exitdisplay('订单录入系统出错,抱歉给您的带来了不便。请重新下单吧', $jumpurl); } if (!empty($this->wecha_id)) { /* 保存个人信息 */ $userinfo_model = M('Userinfo'); $thisUser = $userinfo_model->where(array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $this->wecha_id))->find(); if (empty($thisUser)) { $userRow = array('tel' => $ouserTel, 'truename' => $ouserName, 'address' => $ouserAddres); $userRow['token'] = $this->token; $userRow['wecha_id'] = $this->wecha_id; $userRow['wechaname'] = ''; $userRow['qq'] = 0; $userRow['sex'] = $ouserSex; $userRow['age'] = 0; $userRow['birthday'] = ''; $userRow['info'] = ''; $userRow['total_score'] = 0; $userRow['sign_score'] = 0; $userRow['expend_score'] = 0; $userRow['continuous'] = 0; $userRow['add_expend'] = 0; $userRow['add_expend_time'] = 0; $userRow['live_time'] = 0; $userinfo_model->add($userRow); } } } else { $jumpurl = U('DishOut/index', array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $this->wecha_id)); $this->exitdisplay('订单信息中店面信息出错', $jumpurl); } }
public function ordersave() { $row = array(); $wecha_id = $this->wecha_id ? $this->wecha_id : session('twid'); $row['truename'] = $this->_post('truename'); $row['tel'] = $this->_post('tel'); $row['address'] = $this->_post('address'); $row['token'] = $this->token; $row['wecha_id'] = $wecha_id; $row['paymode'] = isset($_POST['paymode']) ? intval($_POST['paymode']) : 0; $row['cid'] = $cid = $this->_isgroup ? $this->mainCompany['id'] : $this->_cid; //积分 $score = isset($_POST['score']) ? intval($_POST['score']) : 0; $orid = isset($_POST['orid']) ? intval($_POST['orid']) : 0; $product_cart_model = D('Product_cart'); if ($cartObj = $product_cart_model->where(array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $wecha_id, 'id' => $orid))->find()) { $carts = unserialize($cartObj['info']); } else { $carts = $this->_getCart(); } $normal_rt = 0; $info = array(); if ($carts) { $calCartInfo = $this->calCartInfo($carts); foreach ($carts as $pid => $rowset) { $total = 0; $tmp = M('product')->where(array('id' => $pid))->find(); //setDec('num', $total); if (is_array($rowset)) { foreach ($rowset as $did => $ro) { $temp = M('Product_detail')->where(array('id' => $did, 'pid' => $pid))->find(); //setDec('num', $ro['count']); if ($temp['num'] < $ro['count'] && empty($cartObj)) { $this->error('购买的量超过了库存'); } $total += $ro['count']; $price = $this->fans['getcardtime'] ? $temp['vprice'] ? $temp['vprice'] : $temp['price'] : $temp['price']; $info[$pid][$did] = array('count' => $ro['count'], 'price' => $price); } } else { $total = $rowset; $price = $this->fans['getcardtime'] ? $tmp['vprice'] ? $tmp['vprice'] : $tmp['price'] : $tmp['price']; $info[$pid] = $rowset . "|" . $price; } if ($tmp['num'] < $total && empty($cartObj)) { $this->error('购买的量超过了库存'); } } $setting = M('Product_setting')->where(array('token' => $this->token, 'cid' => $cid))->find(); $saveprice = $totalprice = $calCartInfo[1] + $calCartInfo[2]; if ($score && $setting && $setting['score'] > 0 && $this->fans['total_score'] >= $score) { $s = isset($cartObj['score']) ? intval($cartObj['score']) : 0; $totalprice -= ($score + $s) / $setting['score']; if ($totalprice <= 0) { $score = ($calCartInfo[1] + $calCartInfo[2]) * $setting['score']; $totalprice = 0; $row['paid'] = 1; $row['paymode'] = 5; $row['paytype'] = 'score'; } else { $score += $s; } } $row['total'] = $calCartInfo[0]; $row['price'] = $totalprice; $row['diningtype'] = 0; $row['buytime'] = ''; $row['tableid'] = 0; $row['info'] = serialize($info); $row['groupon'] = 0; $row['dining'] = 0; $row['score'] = $score; $row['twid'] = $this->_twid; $row['totalprice'] = $saveprice; if ($cartObj) { //$row['score'] = $cartObj['score'] + $score; $row['time'] = $time = time(); $normal_rt = $product_cart_model->where(array('id' => $orid))->save($row); $orderid = $cartObj['orderid']; } else { //删除库存 foreach ($carts as $pid => $rowset) { $total = 0; if (is_array($rowset)) { foreach ($rowset as $did => $ro) { M('Product_detail')->where(array('id' => $did, 'pid' => $pid))->setDec('num', $ro['count']); $total += $ro['count']; } } else { if (strstr($rowset, '|')) { $a = explode("|", $rowset); $total = $a[0]; } else { $total = $rowset; } } $product_model = M('product'); $product_model->where(array('id' => $pid))->setDec('num', $total); } $row['time'] = $time = time(); $row['orderid'] = $orderid = date("YmdHis") . rand(100000, 999999); $normal_rt = $product_cart_model->add($row); } $_SESSION[$this->session_cart_name] = null; unset($_SESSION[$this->session_cart_name]); //TODO 发货的短信提醒 if ($normal_rt && empty($orid)) { $tdata = $this->getCat($carts); $list = array(); foreach ($tdata[0] as $va) { $t = array(); if (!empty($va['detail'])) { foreach ($va['detail'] as $v) { $t = array('num' => $v['count'], 'colorName' => $v['colorName'], 'formatName' => $v['formatName'], 'price' => $v['price'], 'name' => $va['name']); $list[] = $t; } } else { $t = array('num' => $va['count'], 'price' => $va['price'], 'name' => $va['name']); $list[] = $t; } } $company = D('Company')->where(array('token' => $this->token, 'id' => $cid))->find(); $op = new orderPrint(); $msg = array('companyname' => $company['name'], 'companytel' => $company['tel'], 'truename' => $row['truename'], 'tel' => $row['tel'], 'address' => $row['address'], 'buytime' => $row['time'], 'orderid' => $row['orderid'], 'sendtime' => '', 'price' => $row['price'], 'total' => $row['total'], 'list' => $list); $msg = ArrayToStr::array_to_str($msg); $op->printit($this->token, $this->_cid, 'Store', $msg, 0); $userInfo = D('Userinfo')->where(array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $wecha_id))->find(); Sms::sendSms($this->token, "您的顾客{$row['truename']}刚刚下了一个订单,订单号:{$orderid},手机号:{$row['tel']}请您注意查看并处理"); } } if ($normal_rt) { $product_model = M('product'); $product_cart_list_model = M('product_cart_list'); $userinfo_model = M('Userinfo'); $thisUser = $userinfo_model->where(array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $wecha_id))->find(); if (empty($cartObj)) { $crow = array(); $tdata = $this->getCat($carts); foreach ($carts as $k => $c) { $crow['cartid'] = $normal_rt; $crow['productid'] = $k; $crow['price'] = $tdata[1][$k]['totalPrice']; //$c['price']; $crow['total'] = $tdata[1][$k]['total']; $crow['wecha_id'] = $row['wecha_id']; $crow['token'] = $row['token']; $crow['cid'] = $row['cid']; $crow['time'] = $time; $product_cart_list_model->add($crow); //增加销量 $totalprice || $product_model->where(array('id' => $k))->setInc('salecount', $tdata[1][$k]['total']); } //保存个人信息 if ($_POST['saveinfo']) { $this->assign('thisUser', $thisUser); $userRow = array('tel' => $row['tel'], 'truename' => $row['truename'], 'address' => $row['address']); if ($thisUser) { $userinfo_model->where(array('id' => $thisUser['id']))->save($userRow); // $userinfo_model->where(array('id' => $thisUser['id'], 'total_score' => array('egt', $score)))->setDec('total_score', $score); S('fans_' . $this->token . '_' . $this->wecha_id, null); } else { $userRow['token'] = $this->token; $userRow['wecha_id'] = $wecha_id; $userRow['wechaname'] = ''; $userRow['qq'] = 0; $userRow['sex'] = -1; $userRow['age'] = 0; $userRow['birthday'] = ''; $userRow['info'] = ''; $userRow['total_score'] = 0; $userRow['sign_score'] = 0; $userRow['expend_score'] = 0; $userRow['continuous'] = 0; $userRow['add_expend'] = 0; $userRow['add_expend_time'] = 0; $userRow['live_time'] = 0; $userinfo_model->add($userRow); } } if ($thisUser) { // $userinfo_model->where(array('id' => $thisUser['id']))->save($userRow); $userinfo_model->where(array('id' => $thisUser['id'], 'total_score' => array('egt', $score)))->setDec('total_score', $score); S('fans_' . $this->token . '_' . $this->wecha_id, null); } } else { $userinfo_model->where(array('id' => $thisUser['id'], 'total_score' => array('egt', $score - $cartObj['score'])))->setDec('total_score', $score - $cartObj['score']); S('fans_' . $this->token . '_' . $this->wecha_id, null); } //购买商品时的推广记录 // if ($this->_twid) { // $this->savelog(3, $this->_twid, $this->token, $this->_cid, $saveprice); // } // $alipayConfig = M('Alipay_config')->where(array('token' => $this->token))->find(); // if ($totalprice) { // if ($alipayConfig['open'] && $totalprice && $row['paymode'] == 1) { // $this->success('正在提交中...', U('Alipay/pay', array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $this->wecha_id, 'success' => 1, 'from'=> 'Store', 'orderName' => $orderid, 'single_orderid' => $orderid, 'price' => $totalprice))); // die; // } elseif ($this->fans['balance'] > 0 && $row['paymode'] == 4) { // $this->success('正在提交中...', U('CardPay/pay', array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $this->wecha_id, 'success' => 1, 'from'=> 'Store', 'orderName' => $orderid, 'single_orderid' => $orderid, 'price' => $totalprice))); // die; // } // } $model = new templateNews(); $model->sendTempMsg('TM00184', array('href' => U('Store/my', array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $wecha_id, 'success' => 1, 'twid' => $this->_twid), true, false, true), 'wecha_id' => $wecha_id, 'first' => '购买商品提醒', 'ordertape' => date("Y年m月d日H时i分s秒"), 'ordeID' => $orderid, 'remark' => '购买成功,感谢您的光临,欢迎下次再次光临!')); if ($totalprice) { if ($this->fans['balance'] > 0 && $row['paymode'] == 4) { $this->success('正在提交中...', U('CardPay/pay', array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $this->wecha_id, 'success' => 1, 'from' => 'Store', 'orderName' => $orderid, 'single_orderid' => $orderid, 'price' => $totalprice))); die; } else { $notOffline = $setting['paymode'] == 1 ? 0 : 1; $this->success('正在提交中...', U('Alipay/pay', array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $this->wecha_id, 'success' => 1, 'from' => 'Store', 'orderName' => $orderid, 'single_orderid' => $orderid, 'price' => $totalprice, 'notOffline' => $notOffline))); die; } } $this->success('预定成功,进入您的订单页', U('Store/my', array('token' => $_GET['token'], 'wecha_id' => $wecha_id, 'success' => 1, 'twid' => $this->_twid))); } else { $this->error('订单生产失败'); } }
public function saveOrderAndToPay() { $sessionDK = "session_Ordishs{$this->_cid}_{$this->token}"; $tmpOrderdata = $_SESSION[$sessionDK]; $tmpOrderdata = !empty($tmpOrderdata) ? unserialize($tmpOrderdata) : false; $DishC = $this->getDishCompany($this->_cid); $isjiacai = false; if (is_array($tmpOrderdata)) { $orid = $this->_get('orid') ? intval($this->_get('orid', "trim")) : 0; $sessionoridK = "session_orid{$this->_cid}_{$this->token}"; $sessionorid = $_SESSION[$sessionoridK]; $allmark = $_SESSION["allmark" . $this->_cid . $this->token]; if (($orid > 0) && ($orid == $sessionorid)) { $takeaway = 2; $Dish_order = D('Dish_order'); $myorder = $Dish_order->where(array('id' => $orid, 'token' => $this->token, 'cid' => $this->_cid))->find(); if ($myorder) { $orderdish = array(); $takeaway = $myorder['takeaway']; $myorderinfo = !empty($myorder['info']) ? unserialize($myorder['info']) : false; if ((empty($myorderinfo) || ((count($myorderinfo) == 1) && isset($myorderinfo['table']))) && ($myorder['total'] == 0)) { $orderdish = $tmpOrderdata['orderdish']; $orderdish['table'] = array('tableid' => $myorder['tableid'], 'num' => 1, 'price' => $myorder['price']); } else { $myorderinfo = unserialize($myorder['info']); $mc = count($myorderinfo); $mc = $mc > 0 ? $mc : 1; foreach ($tmpOrderdata['orderdish'] as $key => $val) { $val['j_c'] = 1; $val['flag'] = $mc; $myorderinfo[$mc . 'jc' . $key] = $val; } $orderdish = $myorderinfo; } $orderid = $myorder['orderid']; $tmporderid = 'order' . date("YmdHis"); $tmpOrderarr = array('total' => $tmpOrderdata['totalnum'] + $myorder['total'], 'price' => $tmpOrderdata['totalmoney'] + $myorder['price'], 'info' => serialize($orderdish), 'paid' => 0, 'allmark' => $allmark, 'tmporderid' => $tmporderid); if ($myorder['paid'] == 1) { //$tmpOrderarr['havepaid'] = $myorder['price'] + $myorder['havepaid']; 注销此处, $tmpOrderarr['paid'] = 0; } $Dish_order->where(array('id' => $orid, 'token' => $this->token, 'cid' => $this->_cid))->save($tmpOrderarr); $Orderarr = array('nums' => $myorder['nums'], 'time' => time(), 'allmark' => $allmark, 'orderid' => $myorder['orderid'], 'name' => $myorder['name'], 'tel' => $myorder['tel'], 'wecha_id' => $myorder['wecha_id'], 'tableid' => $myorder['tableid'], 'des' => '', 'sex' => $myorder['sex'], 'tmporderid' => $tmporderid); unset($myorder, $orderdish); $_SESSION[$sessionoridK] = ''; $isjiacai = true; } else { $jumpurl = U('Repast/dishMenu', array('token' => $this->token, 'cid' => $this->_cid, 'wecha_id' => $this->wecha_id, 'orid' => $orid)); $this->error('订单信息出错了', $jumpurl); } } else { $data = $_POST; $takeaway = intval($data['takeaway']); $youtel = htmlspecialchars(trim($data['youtel']), ENT_QUOTES); $youname = htmlspecialchars(trim($data['youname']), ENT_QUOTES); $youremark = htmlspecialchars(trim($data['youremark']), ENT_QUOTES); $youtableid = isset($data['youtable']) ? intval(trim($data['youtable'])) : 0; $isallpay = isset($_POST['isallpay']) ? intval($_POST['isallpay']) : 1; /* * 是否要立刻全额支付0不是1是* */ if (empty($youtel) || empty($youname)) { $this->error('手机号码或顾客姓名没有填写!'); } if (!($youtableid > 0) && ($DishC['offtable'] == 0)) { $this->error('请选择一个餐桌!'); } $wecha_id = $this->wecha_id ? $this->wecha_id : 'Repastm_' . $youtel; $orderid = substr($wecha_id, -5) . date("YmdHis"); $Orderarr = array('cid' => $this->_cid, 'wecha_id' => $wecha_id, 'token' => $this->token, 'total' => $tmpOrderdata['totalnum'], 'price' => $tmpOrderdata['totalmoney'], 'tmporderid' => $orderid); if ($takeaway == 0) { /* $date=trim($data['date']); $time=trim($data['time']); $number=intval(trim($data['number'])); if(empty($date) || empty($time)){ $this->error('就餐时间没有填写完整!'); } if(!($number>0)){ $this->error('就餐人数填写有误!'); } */ $Orderarr['nums'] = $number; $Orderarr['reservetime'] = strtotime($date . ' ' . $time); } else { $Orderarr['nums'] = 1; $Orderarr['reservetime'] = time(); } $Orderarr['info'] = serialize($tmpOrderdata['orderdish']); $Orderarr['name'] = $youname; $Orderarr['sex'] = intval(trim($data['yousex'])); $Orderarr['tel'] = $youtel; $Orderarr['address'] = ''; $Orderarr['tableid'] = $youtableid; $Orderarr['time'] = time(); $Orderarr['stype'] = 0; $Orderarr['paid'] = 0; $Orderarr['isuse'] = 0; $Orderarr['orderid'] = $orderid; $Orderarr['printed'] = 0; $Orderarr['des'] = $youremark; $Orderarr['allmark'] = $allmark; $Orderarr['takeaway'] = $takeaway; $Orderarr['advancepay'] = !($isallpay > 0) ? $DishC['advancepay'] : 0; $Orderarr['isover'] = !($isallpay > 0) ? 1 : 0; /* * 订单支付是否结束1进行2结束* */ $orid = M('Dish_order')->add($Orderarr); $datas['wechaname'] = $this->_POST('youname'); $datas['sex'] = $this->_POST('yousex'); $datas['tel'] = $this->_POST('youtel'); $wheres['token']=$this->token; $wheres['wecha_id']=$this->wecha_id; $dbs=M('Userinfo'); $find=$dbs->where($where)->find(); if($find == null){ $dbs->add($datas); }else{ $dbs->where($wheres)->save($datas); } } if ($orid) { $_SESSION[$sessionDK] = ''; $sessionK = "session_dishs{$this->_cid}_{$this->token}"; $_SESSION[$sessionK] = ''; /* * 更新餐桌状态* */ if ($takeaway == 2) { M('Dining_table')->where(array('cid' => $this->_cid, 'id' => $Orderarr['tableid']))->save(array('status' => 1)); } $t_table = M("Dining_table")->where(array('cid' => $this->_cid, 'id' => $Orderarr['tableid']))->find(); //TODO 短信提示 $company = $this->getCompany($this->_cid); $msgstr = "顾客{$youname}他刚刚点了一份餐,订单号:{$orderid},请您注意查看并处理"; if ($isjiacai) $msgstr = "顾客{$youname}他刚刚在订单号为 {$orderid} 里加了菜,请您注意查看并处理"; Sms::sendSms($this->token, $msgstr, $company['mp']); //给商家发站内信 $params = array(); if($isjiacai){ $siteMessage = "顾客{$youname}他刚刚在订单号为 {$orderid} 里加了菜,请您注意查看并处理"; }else{ $siteMessage = "顾客{$youname}他刚刚点了一份餐,订单号:{$orderid},请您注意查看并处理"; } $params['site'] = array('token'=>$this->token, 'from'=>'微餐饮消息','content'=>$siteMessage); MessageFactory::method($params, 'SiteMessage'); // $printer_set = $this->getPrinter_set($this->_cid); // if (!empty($printer_set) && ($printer_set['paid'] == 0)) { $op = new orderPrint(); $msg = array('companyname' => $company['name'], 'des' => $Orderarr['allmark'] ? $Orderarr['allmark'] : $Orderarr['des'], 'companytel' => $company['tel'], 'truename' => $Orderarr['name'], 'tel' => $Orderarr['tel'], 'address' => '', 'buytime' => $Orderarr['time'], 'orderid' => $Orderarr['orderid'], 'price' => $tmpOrderdata['totalmoney'], 'total' => $tmpOrderdata['totalnum'], 'typename' => $takeaway == 2 ? '现场点餐' : '预约点餐', 'tablename' => $t_table['name'], 'list' => $tmpOrderdata['orderdish']); if (isset($isallpay) && ($isallpay == 0)) { $advancepay = $msg['advancepay'] = $DishC['advancepay']; } $msg = ArrayToStr::array_to_str($msg, 0); $op->printit($this->token, $this->_cid, 'Repast', $msg, 0); /*厨房打印菜单*/ if ($kitchens_list = D('Dish_kitchen')->where(array('cid' => $this->_cid))->select()) { $t_list = array(); foreach ($tmpOrderdata['orderdish'] as $dish) $t_list[$dish['kitchen_id']][] = $dish; $kitchens = array(); foreach ($kitchens_list as $kit_row) $kitchens[$kit_row['id']] = $kit_row; $print_msg = array('des' => $Orderarr['allmark'] ? $Orderarr['allmark'] : $Orderarr['des'], 'truename' => $Orderarr['name'], 'buytime' => $Orderarr['time'], 'orderid' => $Orderarr['orderid'], 'typename' => $takeaway == 2 ? '现场点餐' : '预约点餐', 'tablename' => $t_table['name']); foreach ($t_list as $k => $rowset) { if ($k) { if (isset($kitchens[$k]) && $kitchens[$k]['status']) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($rowset); $i++) { $msg = $print_msg; $msg['list'][] = $rowset[$i]; $msg = ArrayToStr::array_to_str($msg, 0); $op->printit($this->token, $this->_cid, 'Repast', $msg, 0, '', $k); } } else { $msg = $print_msg; $msg['list'] = $rowset; $msg = ArrayToStr::array_to_str($msg, 0); $op->printit($this->token, $this->_cid, 'Repast', $msg, 0, '', $k); } } } } /*厨房打印菜单*/ // } $alipayConfig = M('Alipay_config')->where(array('token' => $this->token))->find(); if ($alipayConfig['open']) { $msgstr = isset($advancepay) ? '需要支付 ' . $advancepay . ' 元就餐预定金<br/>正在提交中...' : '正在提交中...'; $paydata = array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $Orderarr['wecha_id'], 'success' => 1, 'from' => 'Repast', 'orderName' => $Orderarr['tmporderid'], 'single_orderid' => $Orderarr['tmporderid'], 'price' => $tmpOrderdata['totalmoney']); if (isset($advancepay) && ($advancepay > 0)) { $paydata['price'] = $advancepay; $paydata['advancepay'] = 1; } $this->success($msgstr, U('Alipay/pay', $paydata)); } /* elseif ($this->fans['balance']) { $this->success('正在提交中...', U('CardPay/pay',array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $wecha_id, 'success' => 1, 'from'=> 'Repast', 'orderName' => $orderid, 'single_orderid' => $orderid, 'price' => $tmpOrderdata['totalmoney']))); } */ else { $this->error('商家尚未开启支付功能', $jumpurl); } } else { $this->error('订单录入系统出错,抱歉给您的带来了不便。请重新下单吧', $jumpurl); } if (!empty($this->wecha_id)) { /* 保存个人信息 */ $userinfo_model = M('Userinfo'); $thisUser = $userinfo_model->where(array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $this->wecha_id))->find(); if (empty($thisUser)) { $userRow = array('tel' => $Orderarr['tel'], 'truename' => $Orderarr['name'], 'address' => ''); $userRow['token'] = $this->token; $userRow['wecha_id'] = $this->wecha_id; $userRow['wechaname'] = ''; $userRow['qq'] = 0; $userRow['sex'] = $Orderarr['sex'] == 1 ? 1 : 2; $userRow['age'] = 0; $userRow['birthday'] = ''; $userRow['info'] = ''; $userRow['total_score'] = 0; $userRow['sign_score'] = 0; $userRow['expend_score'] = 0; $userRow['continuous'] = 0; $userRow['add_expend'] = 0; $userRow['add_expend_time'] = 0; $userRow['live_time'] = 0; $userinfo_model->add($userRow); } } } else { $jumpurl = U('Repast/index', array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $this->wecha_id)); $this->error('没有点菜', $jumpurl); } }
public function add_recevice() { $queue_type = $this->_post('type', 'trim'); $token = $this->_post('token', 'trim'); $store_id = $this->_post('store_id', 'intval'); if (empty($queue_type) || empty($token) || empty($store_id)) { echo json_encode(array('stat' => 'FAIL', 'data' => '')); exit; } $store_info = M('numqueue_store')->where(array('id' => $store_id))->find(); $opentime = mktime((int) $store_info['opentime'], 0, 0, date('m'), date('d'), date('Y')); $closetime = mktime((int) $store_info['closetime'], 0, 0, date('m'), date('d'), date('Y')); if (time() < $opentime || $closetime < time()) { echo json_encode(array('stat' => 'FAIL', 'data' => '营业时间未到')); exit; } $where = array(); $where['store_id'] = $store_id; $where['token'] = $token; $where['queue_type'] = $queue_type; $where['add_time'] = array('egt', strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', time()))); $total = M('numqueue_receive')->where($where)->count(); $data = array(); $data['store_id'] = $store_id; $data['queue_type'] = $queue_type; $data['queue_number'] = $queue_type . ($total + 1); $data['token'] = $token; $data['add_time'] = time(); $data['status'] = 1; $add = M('numqueue_receive')->add($data); if ($add) { $wait_type = unserialize($store_info['type_name']); $msg = ''; $msg .= chr(10) . '餐厅名称:' . $store_info['name']; $msg .= chr(10) . '排号类型:' . $wait_type[$queue_type]; $msg .= chr(10) . '等待位数:' . $total; $msg .= chr(10) . '排队号码:' . $data['queue_number']; $msg .= chr(10) . '取号时间:' . date('YmdHis'); $msg .= chr(10) . '联系电话:' . $store_info['tel']; $msg .= chr(10) . '*******************************'; $msg .= chr(10) . '谢谢惠顾,欢迎下次光临!'; $op = new orderPrint(); $op->printit($token, 0, 'Numqueue', $msg, 0); $first_number = M('numqueue_receive')->where(array('store_id' => $store_id, 'queue_type' => $queue_type, 'status' => 1))->order('add_time asc')->limit(1)->getField('queue_number'); echo json_encode(array('stat' => 'DONE', 'data' => $first_number)); exit; } else { echo json_encode(array('stat' => 'FAIL', 'data' => '增加失败')); exit; } }
public function meal_edit() { $order_id = isset($_GET['order_id']) ? intval($_GET['order_id']) : 0; $store_id = intval($this->store['store_id']); if (IS_POST) { if (isset($_POST['status'])) { $status = intval($_POST['status']); if ($order = D("Meal_order")->where(array('mer_id' => $this->store['mer_id'], 'order_id' => $order_id, 'store_id' => $store_id))->find()) { $data = array('store_uid' => $this->staff_session['id'], 'status' => $status, 'use_time' => time(), 'last_staff' => $this->staff_session['name']); if (empty($order['third_id']) && $order['pay_type'] == 'offline') { $order['paid'] = 0; } if ($status && $order['paid'] == 0) { //将未支付的订单,由店员改成已消费,其订单状态则修改成线下已支付! $data['third_id'] = $order['order_id']; $data['pay_type'] = 'offline'; $data['paid'] = 1; } if (D("Meal_order")->where(array('mer_id' => $this->store['mer_id'], 'order_id' => $order_id, 'store_id' => $store_id))->save($data)) { if ($status && $order['status'] == 0) { $mer_store = D('Merchant_store')->where(array('mer_id' => $this->store['mer_id'], 'store_id' => $store_id))->find(); $msg = array(); $msg['user_name'] = $order['name']; $msg['user_phone'] = $order['phone']; $msg['user_address'] = $order['address']; $msg['user_message'] = $order['note']; $msg['buy_time'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $order['dateline']); $msg['goods_list'] = unserialize($order['info']); $msg['goods_count'] = $order['total']; $msg['goods_price'] = $order['price']; $msg['orderid'] = $order['order_id']; $msg['pay_status'] = '客户已消费'; $msg['pay_type'] = $order['pay_type']; $msg['store_name'] = $mer_store['name']; $msg['store_phone'] = $mer_store['phone']; $msg['store_address'] = $mer_store['adress']; $msg = ArrayToStr::array_to_str($msg, 0, $this->config['print_format']); $op = new orderPrint($this->config['print_server_key'], $this->config['print_server_topdomain']); $op->printit($this->store['mer_id'], $store_id, $msg, 1); D('User')->add_score($order['uid'], floor($order['price'] * C('config.user_score_get')), '在 ' . $mer_store['name'] . ' 中消费' . floatval($order['price']) . '元 获得积分'); if ($order['merchant_balance'] > 0) { D('Userinfo')->add_score($order['uid'], $order['mer_id'], $order['merchant_balance'], '在 ' . $mer_store['name'] . ' 中消费' . floatval($order['merchant_balance']) . '元 获得积分'); } $sms_data = array('mer_id' => $mer_store['mer_id'], 'store_id' => $mer_store['store_id'], 'type' => 'food'); if ($this->config['sms_finish_order'] == 1 || $this->config['sms_finish_order'] == 3) { $sms_data['uid'] = $order['uid']; $sms_data['mobile'] = $order['phone']; $sms_data['sendto'] = 'user'; $sms_data['content'] = '您在 ' . $mer_store['name'] . '店中下的订单(订单号:' . $order['order_id'] . '),已经完成了消费,如有任何疑意,请您及时联系本店,欢迎再次光临!'; Sms::sendSms($sms_data); } if ($this->config['sms_finish_order'] == 2 || $this->config['sms_finish_order'] == 3) { $sms_data['uid'] = 0; $sms_data['mobile'] = $merchant['phone']; $sms_data['sendto'] = 'merchant'; $sms_data['content'] = '顾客购买的' . $order['name'] . '的订单(订单号:' . $order['order_id'] . '),已经完成了消费!'; Sms::sendSms($sms_data); } } $this->success_tips('更新成功', U('Storestaff/meal_edit', array('order_id' => $order['order_id']))); } else { $this->error_tips('更新失败,稍后再试'); } } else { $this->error_tips('不合法的请求'); } } else { $this->redirect(U('Storestaff/meal_list')); } } else { $order = D("Meal_order")->where(array('mer_id' => $this->store['mer_id'], 'order_id' => $order_id, 'store_id' => $store_id))->find(); $order['info'] = unserialize($order['info']); if ($order['store_uid']) { $staff = D("Merchant_store_staff")->where(array('id' => $order['store_uid']))->find(); $order['store_uname'] = $staff['name']; } if (empty($order['third_id']) && $order['pay_type'] == 'offline') { $order['paid'] = 0; } if (!empty($order['pay_type'])) { $order['paytypestr'] = D('Pay')->get_pay_name($order['pay_type']); if ($order['pay_type'] == 'offline' && !empty($order['third_id']) && $order['paid'] == 1) { $order['paytypestr'] .= '<span style="color:green"> 已支付</span>'; } else { if ($order['pay_type'] != 'offline' && $order['paid'] == 1) { $order['paytypestr'] .= '<span style="color:green"> 已支付</span>'; } else { $order['paytypestr'] .= '<span style="color:red"> 未支付</span>'; } } } else { $order['paytypestr'] = '未知'; } $this->assign('order', $order); $this->display(); } }
public function ordersave() { $row = array(); $wecha_id = $this->wecha_id; $row['truename'] = $this->_post('truename'); $row['tel'] = $this->_post('tel'); $row['address'] = $this->_post('address'); $row['note'] = $this->_post('note'); $row['token'] = $this->token; $row['wecha_id'] = $wecha_id; $row['paymode'] = isset($_POST['paymode']) ? intval($_POST['paymode']) : 0; $row['cid'] = $cid = $this->_isgroup ? $this->mainCompany['id'] : $this->_cid; if (empty($row['address'])) { $this->error('未填写收货地址'); } if (empty($row['tel'])) { $this->error('未填写联系电话'); } if (empty($row['truename'])) { $this->error('未填写收货人姓名'); } //积分 $score = isset($_POST['score']) ? intval($_POST['score']) : 0; $orid = isset($_POST['orid']) ? intval($_POST['orid']) : 0; $product_cart_model = D('New_product_cart'); if ($cartObj = $product_cart_model->where(array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $wecha_id, 'id' => $orid))->find()) { $carts = unserialize($cartObj['info']); } else { $carts = $this->_getCart(); } $normal_rt = 0; $info = array(); if ($carts) { $calCartInfo = $this->calCartInfo($carts); foreach ($carts as $pid => $rowset) { $total = 0; $tmp = M('New_product')->where(array('id' => $pid))->find(); //setDec('num', $total); if (is_array($rowset)) { foreach ($rowset as $did => $ro) { $temp = M('New_product_detail')->where(array('id' => $did, 'pid' => $pid))->find(); //setDec('num', $ro['count']); if ($temp['num'] < $ro['count'] && empty($cartObj)) { $this->error('购买的量超过了库存'); } $total += $ro['count']; $price = $this->fans['getcardtime'] ? $temp['vprice'] ? $temp['vprice'] : $temp['price'] : $temp['price']; $info[$pid][$did] = array('count' => $ro['count'], 'price' => $price); } } else { $total = $rowset; $price = $this->fans['getcardtime'] ? $tmp['vprice'] ? $tmp['vprice'] : $tmp['price'] : $tmp['price']; $info[$pid] = $rowset . "|" . $price; } if ($tmp['num'] < $total && empty($cartObj)) { $this->error('购买的量超过了库存'); } } $setting = M('New_product_setting')->where(array('token' => $this->token, 'cid' => $cid))->find(); $saveprice = $totalprice = $calCartInfo[1] + $calCartInfo[2]; if ($score && $setting && $setting['score'] > 0 && $this->fans['total_score'] >= $score) { $s = isset($cartObj['score']) ? intval($cartObj['score']) : 0; $totalprice -= ($score + $s) / $setting['score']; if ($totalprice <= 0) { $score = ($calCartInfo[1] + $calCartInfo[2]) * $setting['score']; $totalprice = 0; $row['paid'] = 1; $row['paymode'] = 5; } else { $score += $s; } } $row['total'] = $calCartInfo[0]; $row['price'] = $totalprice; $row['diningtype'] = 0; $row['buytime'] = ''; $row['tableid'] = 0; $row['info'] = serialize($info); $row['groupon'] = 0; $row['dining'] = 0; $row['score'] = $score; $row['twid'] = $this->_twid; $row['totalprice'] = $saveprice; if ($cartObj) { //$row['score'] = $cartObj['score'] + $score; $row['time'] = $time = time(); $normal_rt = $product_cart_model->where(array('id' => $orid))->save($row); $orderid = $cartObj['orderid']; } else { //删除库存 foreach ($carts as $pid => $rowset) { $total = 0; if (is_array($rowset)) { foreach ($rowset as $did => $ro) { M('New_product_detail')->where(array('id' => $did, 'pid' => $pid))->setDec('num', $ro['count']); $total += $ro['count']; } } else { if (strstr($rowset, '|')) { $a = explode("|", $rowset); $total = $a[0]; } else { $total = $rowset; } } $product_model = M('New_product'); $product_model->where(array('id' => $pid))->setDec('num', $total); } $row['time'] = $time = time(); $row['orderid'] = $orderid = date("YmdHis") . rand(100000, 999999); $normal_rt = $product_cart_model->add($row); } $_SESSION[$this->session_cart_name] = null; unset($_SESSION[$this->session_cart_name]); //TODO 发货的短信提醒 if ($normal_rt && empty($orid)) { $tdata = $this->getCat($carts); $list = array(); foreach ($tdata[0] as $va) { $t = array(); if (!empty($va['detail'])) { foreach ($va['detail'] as $v) { $t = array('num' => $v['count'], 'colorName' => $v['colorName'], 'formatName' => $v['formatName'], 'price' => $v['price'], 'name' => $va['name']); $list[] = $t; } } else { $t = array('num' => $va['count'], 'price' => $va['price'], 'name' => $va['name']); $list[] = $t; } } $company = D('Company')->where(array('token' => $this->token, 'id' => $cid))->find(); $op = new orderPrint(); $msg = array('companyname' => $company['name'], 'companytel' => $company['tel'], 'truename' => $row['truename'], 'tel' => $row['tel'], 'address' => $row['address'], 'buytime' => $row['time'], 'orderid' => $row['orderid'], 'sendtime' => '', 'price' => $row['price'], 'total' => $row['total'], 'list' => $list); $msg = ArrayToStr::array_to_str($msg); $op->printit($this->token, $this->_cid, 'Store', $msg, 0); $userInfo = D('Userinfo')->where(array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $wecha_id))->find(); Sms::sendSms($this->token, "您的顾客{$row['truename']}刚刚下了一个订单,订单号:{$orderid},手机号:{$row['tel']}请您注意查看并处理"); } } if ($normal_rt) { $product_model = M('New_product'); $product_cart_list_model = M('New_product_cart_list'); $userinfo_model = M('Userinfo'); $thisUser = $userinfo_model->where(array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $wecha_id))->find(); if (empty($cartObj)) { $crow = array(); $tdata = $this->getCat($carts); foreach ($carts as $k => $c) { $crow['cartid'] = $normal_rt; $crow['productid'] = $k; $crow['price'] = $tdata[1][$k]['totalPrice']; //$c['price']; $crow['total'] = $tdata[1][$k]['total']; $crow['wecha_id'] = $row['wecha_id']; $crow['token'] = $row['token']; $crow['cid'] = $row['cid']; $crow['time'] = $time; $product_cart_list_model->add($crow); //增加销量 $totalprice || $product_model->where(array('id' => $k))->setInc('salecount', $tdata[1][$k]['total']); } //保存个人信息 if ($_POST['saveinfo']) { $this->assign('thisUser', $thisUser); $userRow = array('tel' => $row['tel'], 'truename' => $row['truename'], 'address' => $row['address']); if ($thisUser) { $userinfo_model->where(array('id' => $thisUser['id']))->save($userRow); // $userinfo_model->where(array('id' => $thisUser['id'], 'total_score' => array('egt', $score)))->setDec('total_score', $score); F('fans_token_wechaid', NULL); } else { $userRow['token'] = $this->token; $userRow['wecha_id'] = $wecha_id; $userRow['wechaname'] = ''; $userRow['qq'] = 0; $userRow['sex'] = -1; $userRow['age'] = 0; $userRow['birthday'] = ''; $userRow['info'] = ''; $userRow['total_score'] = 0; $userRow['sign_score'] = 0; $userRow['expend_score'] = 0; $userRow['continuous'] = 0; $userRow['add_expend'] = 0; $userRow['add_expend_time'] = 0; $userRow['live_time'] = 0; $userinfo_model->add($userRow); } } if ($thisUser) { // $userinfo_model->where(array('id' => $thisUser['id']))->save($userRow); $userinfo_model->where(array('id' => $thisUser['id'], 'total_score' => array('egt', $score)))->setDec('total_score', $score); F('fans_token_wechaid', NULL); } } else { $userinfo_model->where(array('id' => $thisUser['id'], 'total_score' => array('egt', $score - $cartObj['score'])))->setDec('total_score', $score - $cartObj['score']); F('fans_token_wechaid', NULL); } //购买商品时的推广记录 // if ($this->_twid) { // $this->savelog(3, $this->_twid, $this->token, $this->_cid, $saveprice); // } // $alipayConfig = M('Alipay_config')->where(array('token' => $this->token))->find(); // if ($totalprice) { // if ($alipayConfig['open'] && $totalprice && $row['paymode'] == 1) { // $this->success('正在提交中...', U('Alipay/pay', array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $this->wecha_id, 'success' => 1, 'from'=> 'Store', 'orderName' => $orderid, 'single_orderid' => $orderid, 'price' => $totalprice))); // die; // } elseif ($this->fans['balance'] > 0 && $row['paymode'] == 4) { // $this->success('正在提交中...', U('CardPay/pay', array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $this->wecha_id, 'success' => 1, 'from'=> 'Store', 'orderName' => $orderid, 'single_orderid' => $orderid, 'price' => $totalprice))); // die; // } // } $model = new templateNews(); $model->sendTempMsg('TM00184', array('href' => U('Storenew/my', array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $wecha_id), true, false, true), 'wecha_id' => $wecha_id, 'first' => '' . $row['truename'] . ',您好!您的订单未支付', 'ordertape' => date("Y年m月d日H时i分s秒"), 'ordeID' => $orderid, 'remark' => '本次订单金额:' . $row['price'] . '元,备注信息:' . $row['note'] . ',请及时付款,点击查看详情!')); //测试消息服务 //$where=array('token'=>$this->token); //$this->thisWxUser=M('Wxuser')->where($where)->find(); //$url_get=''.$this->thisWxUser['appid'].'&secret='.$this->thisWxUser['appsecret']; //$access_token=json_decode($this->curlGet($url_get)); //$a = $access_token->access_token; //客服接口,24小时内发送过内容的用户才有 //$url = ''.$a; //消息预览接口 //$url = ''.$a; //$data = '{"touser":"******","msgtype":"text", "text":{"content":"'.$row['truename'].'你订购了商品,电话:'.$row['tel'].',收获地址:'.$row['address'].',订单号:'.$orderid.',订单金额:'.$row['price'].',请及时付款,谢谢!"}}'; //$this->postCurl($url,$data); // if ($totalprice) { if ($this->fans['balance'] > 0 && $row['paymode'] == 4) { $this->success('正在提交中...', U('CardPay/pay', array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $this->wecha_id, 'success' => 1, 'from' => 'Storenew', 'orderName' => $orderid, 'single_orderid' => $orderid, 'price' => $totalprice))); die; } else { $notOffline = $setting['paymode'] == 1 ? 0 : 1; $this->success('正在提交中...', U('Alipay/pay', array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $this->wecha_id, 'success' => 1, 'from' => 'Storenew', 'orderName' => $orderid, 'single_orderid' => $orderid, 'price' => $totalprice, 'notOffline' => $notOffline))); die; } } $this->success('预定成功,进入您的订单页', U('Storenew/my', array('token' => $_GET['token'], 'wecha_id' => $wecha_id, 'success' => 1, 'twid' => $this->_twid))); } else { $this->error('订单生产失败'); } }
public function printOrder($orderid) { $thisOrder = M('product_cart')->where(array('orderid' => $orderid))->find(); $msg = ''; $msg = $msg . chr(10) . '姓名:' . $thisOrder['truename'] . chr(10) . '电话:' . $thisOrder['tel'] . chr(10) . '地址:' . $thisOrder['address'] . chr(10) . '下单时间:' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $thisOrder['time']) . chr(10) . '配送时间:' . $thisOrder['buytime'] . chr(10) . '*******************************' . chr(10) . $product_list . chr(10) . '*******************************' . chr(10) . '品种数量:' . $thisOrder['total'] . chr(10) . '合计:' . $thisOrder['price'] . '元' . chr(10) . '※※※※※※※※※※※※※※' . chr(10) . '谢谢惠顾,欢迎下次光临' . chr(10) . '订单编号:' . $thisOrder['orderid']; $op = new orderPrint(); $op->printit($this->token, 0, 'Store', $msg); }
/** * 支付成功后的回调函数 */ public function payReturn() { $orderid = $_GET['orderid']; if ($order = M('Hotels_order')->where(array('orderid' => $orderid, 'token' => $this->token))->find()) { //TODO 发货的短信提醒 if ($order['paid']) { $sort = M('Hotels_house_sort')->where(array('id' => $order['sid'], 'token' => $this->token))->find(); $days = (strtotime($order['enddate']) - strtotime($order['startdate'])) / 86400; $price = $this->fans['getcardtime'] > 0 ? $sort['vprice'] ? $sort['vprice'] : $sort['price'] : $sort['price']; $company = M('Company')->where(array('id' => $order['cid'], 'token' => $this->token))->find(); $op = new orderPrint(); $msg = array('companyname' => $company['name'], 'companytel' => $company['tel'], 'truename' => $order['name'], 'tel' => $order['tel'], 'address' => '', 'buytime' => $order['time'], 'orderid' => $order['orderid'], 'sendtime' => '', 'price' => $order['price'], 'total' => $order['nums'], 'list' => array(array('name' => $sort['name'], 'day' => $days, 'price' => $price, 'num' => $order['nums']))); $msg = ArrayToStr::array_to_str($msg, 1); $op->printit($this->token, $this->_cid, 'Hotel', $msg, 1); Sms::sendSms($this->token . "_" . $order['cid'], "顾客{$order['name']}刚刚对订单号:{$orderid}的订单进行了支付,请您注意查看并处理"); $model = new templateNews(); $model->sendTempMsg('TM00820', array('href' => U('Hotels/my', array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $this->wecha_id)), 'wecha_id' => $this->wecha_id, 'first' => '预订房间提醒', 'keynote1' => '订单已支付', 'keynote2' => date("Y年m月d日H时i分s秒"), 'remark' => '预订房间成功,感谢您的光临,欢迎下次再次光临!')); } $this->redirect(U('Hotels/my', array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $this->wecha_id))); } else { exit('订单不存在'); } }
/** * 提交订单 */ public function saveorder() { $dataBase = D('Hotels_order'); if (IS_POST) { $price = 0; if ($sort = M('Hotels_house_sort')->where(array('cid' => $this->_cid, 'token' => $this->token, 'id' => $_POST['sid']))->find()) { if ($this->fans['getcardtime'] > 0) { $price = $sort['vprice'] ? $sort['vprice'] : $sort['price']; } else { $price = $sort['price']; } } $days = (strtotime($_POST['enddate']) - strtotime($_POST['startdate'])) / 86400; $sday = date("Y年m月d日", strtotime($_POST['startdate'])); $eday = date("Y年m月d日", strtotime($_POST['enddate'])); if ($_POST['startdate'] < date("Ymd") || $days < 1) { $this->error('您预定的时间不正确'); } //处理预定房间的数量 $in = date("Ymd", strtotime($_POST['startdate'])); $etime = strtotime($_POST['enddate']); $hotelSort = M("Hotels_house_sort")->where(array('id' => $_POST['sid'], 'token' => $this->token))->find(); $time = strtotime($_POST['startdate']); for (; $time < $etime;) { $order = M('Hotels_order')->field('sum(nums) as num')->where(array('startdate' => array('ELT', date('Ymd', $time)), 'enddate' => array('GT', date('Ymd', $time)), 'token' => $this->token, 'cid' => $this->_cid, 'sid' => $_POST['sid'], 'status' => array('ELT', 1)))->find(); $oldnum = isset($order['num']) ? $order['num'] : 0; $total = $_POST['nums'] + $oldnum; if ($total > $hotelSort['houses']) { $this->error('您预定的房间数在' . date('Y年m月d日', strtotime($time)) . '超出总房间数了,请重新预定'); } else { $time += 86400; } } $_POST['orderid'] = $orderid = substr($this->wecha_id, -1, 4) . date("YmdHis"); $_POST['price'] = $_POST['nums'] * $days * $price; $_POST['time'] = time(); //保存个人信息 $userinfo_model = M('Userinfo'); $thisUser = $userinfo_model->where(array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $this->wecha_id))->find(); if (empty($thisUser)) { $userRow = array('tel' => $_POST['tel'], 'truename' => $_POST['name'], 'address' => ''); $userRow['token'] = $this->token; $userRow['wecha_id'] = $this->wecha_id; $userRow['wechaname'] = ''; $userRow['qq'] = 0; $userRow['sex'] = -1; $userRow['age'] = 0; $userRow['birthday'] = ''; $userRow['info'] = ''; $userRow['total_score'] = 0; $userRow['sign_score'] = 0; $userRow['expend_score'] = 0; $userRow['continuous'] = 0; $userRow['add_expend'] = 0; $userRow['add_expend_time'] = 0; $userRow['live_time'] = 0; $userinfo_model->add($userRow); } if ($dataBase->create() !== false) { $action = $dataBase->add(); if ($action != false) { $info = M('deliemail')->where(array('token' => $_POST['token']))->find(); $mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8'; //设定邮件编码,默认ISO-8859-1,如果发中文此项必须设置,否则乱码 $emailstatus = $info['jdbg']; $emailreceive = $info['receive']; $content = $this->sms(); if ($info['type'] == 1) { $emailsmtpserver = $info['smtpserver']; $emailport = $info['port']; $emailsend = $info['name']; $emailpassword = $info['password']; } else { $emailsmtpserver = C('email_server'); $emailport = C('email_port'); $emailsend = C('email_user'); $emailpassword = C('email_pwd'); } $emailuser = explode('@', $emailsend); $emailuser = $emailuser[0]; if ($emailstatus == 1) { if ($content) { date_default_timezone_set('PRC'); require "class.phpmailer.php"; $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->IsSMTP(); // set mailer to use SMTP $mail->Host = "{$emailsmtpserver}"; // specify main and backup server $mail->SMTPAuth = true; // turn on SMTP authentication $mail->Username = "******"; // SMTP username $mail->Password = "******"; // SMTP password $mail->From = $emailsend; $mail->FromName = C('site_name'); $mail->AddAddress("{$emailreceive}", "商户"); //$mail->AddAddress("*****@*****.**"); // name is optional $mail->AddReplyTo($emailsend, "Information"); $mail->WordWrap = 50; // set word wrap to 50 characters //$mail->AddAttachment("/var/tmp/file.tar.gz"); // add attachments //$mail->AddAttachment("/tmp/image.jpg", "new.jpg"); // optional name $mail->IsHTML(false); // set email format to HTML $mail->Subject = '您有新的房间订单产生'; $mail->Body = $content; $mail->AltBody = ""; if (!$mail->Send()) { echo "Message could not be sent. <p>"; echo "Mailer Error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo; exit; } //echo "Message has been sent"; } } $company = M('Company')->where(array('id' => $this->_cid, 'token' => $this->token))->find(); $op = new orderPrint(); $msg = array('companyname' => $company['name'], 'companytel' => $company['tel'], 'truename' => $_POST['name'], 'tel' => $_POST['tel'], 'address' => '', 'buytime' => time(), 'orderid' => $_POST['orderid'], 'sendtime' => '', 'price' => $_POST['price'], 'total' => $_POST['nums'], 'list' => array(array('name' => $sort['name'], 'day' => $days, 'price' => $price, 'num' => $_POST['nums'], 'startdate' => $_POST['startdate'], 'enddate' => $_POST['enddate']))); $msg = ArrayToStr::array_to_str($msg); $op->printit($this->token, $this->_cid, 'Hotel', $msg, 0); Sms::sendSms($this->token . "_" . $this->_cid, "顾客{$_POST['name']}刚刚预定了{$sday}到{$eday},{$days}天的{$sort['name']},请您注意查看并处理"); // $alipayConfig = M('Alipay_config')->where(array('token' => $this->token))->find(); // if ($_POST['paymode'] == 1 && $alipayConfig['open']) { // $this->success('正在提交中...', U('Alipay/pay',array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $this->wecha_id, 'from'=> 'Hotels', 'orderName' => $orderid, 'single_orderid' => $orderid, 'price' => $_POST['price']))); // } elseif ($_POST['paymode'] == 4 && $this->fans['balance']) { // $this->success('正在提交中...', U('CardPay/pay',array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $this->wecha_id, 'from'=> 'Hotels', 'orderName' => $orderid, 'single_orderid' => $orderid, 'price' => $_POST['price']))); // } else { // $model = new templateNews(); // $model->sendTempMsg('TM00820', array('href' => U('Hotels/my',array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $this->wecha_id)), 'wecha_id' => $this->wecha_id, 'first' => '预订房间提醒', 'keynote1' => '订单未支付', 'keynote2' => date("Y年m月d日H时i分s秒"), 'remark' => '预订房间成功,感谢您的光临,欢迎下次再次光临!')); // $this->success('预定成功,进入您的订单页', U('Hotels/my',array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $this->wecha_id))); // } $config = M('Alipay_config')->where(array('token' => $this->token))->find(); $model = new templateNews(); $model->sendTempMsg('TM00184', array('href' => U('Hotels/my', array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $this->wecha_id), true, false, true), 'wecha_id' => $this->wecha_id, 'first' => '预订房间提醒', 'ordertape' => date("Y年m月d日H时i分s秒"), 'ordeID' => $orderid, 'remark' => '预订房间成功,感谢您的光临,欢迎下次再次光临!')); if ($_POST['paymode'] == 4 && $this->fans['balance']) { $this->success('正在提交中...', U('CardPay/pay', array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $this->wecha_id, 'from' => 'Hotels', 'orderName' => $orderid, 'single_orderid' => $orderid, 'price' => $_POST['price']))); } elseif ($config['open']) { $this->success('正在提交中...', U('Alipay/pay', array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $this->wecha_id, 'from' => 'Hotels', 'orderName' => $orderid, 'single_orderid' => $orderid, 'price' => $_POST['price']))); } else { $this->success('预定成功,进入您的订单页', U('Hotels/my', array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $this->wecha_id))); } } else { $this->error('操作失败'); } } else { $this->error($dataBase->getError()); } } }
public function saveOrderAndToPay() { $sessionDK = 'session_Ordishs' . $this->_cid . '_' . $this->token; $tmpOrderdata = $_SESSION[$sessionDK]; $tmpOrderdata = !empty($tmpOrderdata) ? unserialize($tmpOrderdata) : false; $DishC = $this->getDishCompany($this->_cid); $isjiacai = false; if (is_array($tmpOrderdata)) { $orid = $this->_get('orid') ? intval($this->_get('orid', 'trim')) : 0; $sessionoridK = 'session_orid' . $this->_cid . '_' . $this->token; $sessionorid = $_SESSION[$sessionoridK]; $allmark = $_SESSION['allmark' . $this->_cid . $this->token]; if (0 < $orid && $orid == $sessionorid) { $takeaway = 2; $Dish_order = D('Dish_order'); $myorder = $Dish_order->where(array('id' => $orid, 'token' => $this->token, 'cid' => $this->_cid))->find(); if ($myorder) { $orderdish = array(); $takeaway = $myorder['takeaway']; $myorderinfo = !empty($myorder['info']) ? unserialize($myorder['info']) : false; if ((empty($myorderinfo) || count($myorderinfo) == 1 && isset($myorderinfo['table'])) && $myorder['total'] == 0) { $orderdish = $tmpOrderdata['orderdish']; $orderdish['table'] = array('tableid' => $myorder['tableid'], 'num' => 1, 'price' => $myorder['price']); } else { $myorderinfo = unserialize($myorder['info']); $mc = count($myorderinfo); $mc = 0 < $mc ? $mc : 1; foreach ($tmpOrderdata['orderdish'] as $key => $val) { $val['j_c'] = 1; $val['flag'] = $mc; $myorderinfo[$mc . 'jc' . $key] = $val; } $orderdish = $myorderinfo; } $orderid = $myorder['orderid']; $tmporderid = 'order' . date('YmdHis'); $tmpOrderarr = array('total' => $tmpOrderdata['totalnum'] + $myorder['total'], 'price' => $tmpOrderdata['totalmoney'] + $myorder['price'], 'info' => serialize($orderdish), 'paid' => 0, 'allmark' => $allmark, 'tmporderid' => $tmporderid); if ($myorder['paid'] == 1) { //$tmpOrderarr['havepaid'] = $myorder['price'] + $myorder['havepaid']; //自行修改 导致加菜出错不正常 $tmpOrderarr['paid'] = 0; } $Dish_order->where(array('id' => $orid, 'token' => $this->token, 'cid' => $this->_cid))->save($tmpOrderarr); $Orderarr = array('nums' => $myorder['nums'], 'time' => time(), 'allmark' => $allmark, 'orderid' => $myorder['orderid'], 'name' => $myorder['name'], 'tel' => $myorder['tel'], 'wecha_id' => $myorder['wecha_id'], 'tableid' => $myorder['tableid'], 'des' => '', 'sex' => $myorder['sex'], 'tmporderid' => $tmporderid); unset($myorder); unset($orderdish); $_SESSION[$sessionoridK] = ''; $isjiacai = true; } else { $jumpurl = U('Repast/dishMenu', array('token' => $this->token, 'cid' => $this->_cid, 'wecha_id' => $this->wecha_id, 'orid' => $orid)); $this->error('订单信息出错了', $jumpurl); } } else { $data = $_POST; $takeaway = intval($data['takeaway']); $youtel = htmlspecialchars(trim($data['youtel']), ENT_QUOTES); $youname = htmlspecialchars(trim($data['youname']), ENT_QUOTES); $youremark = htmlspecialchars(trim($data['youremark']), ENT_QUOTES); $youtableid = isset($data['youtable']) ? intval(trim($data['youtable'])) : 0; $isallpay = isset($_POST['isallpay']) ? intval($_POST['isallpay']) : 1; if (empty($youtel) || empty($youname)) { $this->error('手机号码或顾客姓名没有填写!'); } if (!(0 < $youtableid) && $DishC['offtable'] == 0) { $this->error('请选择一个餐桌!'); } $wecha_id = $this->wecha_id ? $this->wecha_id : 'Repastm_' . $youtel; $orderid = substr($wecha_id, -5) . date('YmdHis'); $Orderarr = array('cid' => $this->_cid, 'wecha_id' => $wecha_id, 'token' => $this->token, 'total' => $tmpOrderdata['totalnum'], 'price' => $tmpOrderdata['totalmoney'], 'tmporderid' => $orderid); if ($takeaway == 0) { $Orderarr['nums'] = $number; $Orderarr['reservetime'] = strtotime($date . ' ' . $time); } else { $Orderarr['nums'] = 1; $Orderarr['reservetime'] = time(); } $Orderarr['info'] = serialize($tmpOrderdata['orderdish']); $Orderarr['name'] = $youname; $Orderarr['sex'] = intval(trim($data['yousex'])); $Orderarr['tel'] = $youtel; $Orderarr['address'] = ''; $Orderarr['tableid'] = $youtableid; $Orderarr['time'] = time(); $Orderarr['stype'] = 0; $Orderarr['paid'] = 0; $Orderarr['isuse'] = 0; $Orderarr['orderid'] = $orderid; $Orderarr['printed'] = 0; $Orderarr['des'] = $youremark; $Orderarr['allmark'] = $allmark; $Orderarr['takeaway'] = $takeaway; $Orderarr['advancepay'] = !(0 < $isallpay) ? $DishC['advancepay'] : 0; $Orderarr['isover'] = !(0 < $isallpay) ? 1 : 0; $orid = M('Dish_order')->add($Orderarr); } if ($orid) { $_SESSION[$sessionDK] = ''; $sessionK = 'session_dishs' . $this->_cid . '_' . $this->token; $_SESSION[$sessionK] = ''; if ($takeaway == 2) { M('Dining_table')->where(array('cid' => $this->_cid, 'id' => $Orderarr['tableid']))->save(array('status' => 1)); } $t_table = M('Dining_table')->where(array('cid' => $this->_cid, 'id' => $Orderarr['tableid']))->find(); $company = $this->getCompany($this->_cid); $msgstr = '顾客' . $youname . '他刚刚点了一份餐,订单号:' . $orderid . ',请您注意查看并处理'; if ($isjiacai) { $msgstr = '顾客' . $youname . '他刚刚在订单号为 ' . $orderid . ' 里加了菜,请您注意查看并处理'; } Sms::sendSms($this->token, $msgstr, $company['mp']); $printer_set = $this->getPrinter_set($this->_cid); if (!empty($printer_set) && $printer_set['paid'] == 0) { $op = new orderPrint(); $msg = array('companyname' => $company['name'], 'des' => $Orderarr['allmark'] ? $Orderarr['allmark'] : $Orderarr['des'], 'companytel' => $company['tel'], 'truename' => $Orderarr['name'], 'tel' => $Orderarr['tel'], 'address' => '', 'buytime' => $Orderarr['time'], 'orderid' => $Orderarr['orderid'], 'price' => $tmpOrderdata['totalmoney'], 'total' => $tmpOrderdata['totalnum'], 'typename' => $takeaway == 2 ? '现场点餐' : '预约点餐', 'tablename' => $t_table['name'], 'list' => $tmpOrderdata['orderdish']); if (isset($isallpay) && $isallpay == 0) { $advancepay = $msg['advancepay'] = $DishC['advancepay']; } $msg = ArrayToStr::array_to_str($msg, 0); $op->printit($this->token, $this->_cid, 'Repast', $msg, 0); } $alipayConfig = M('Alipay_config')->where(array('token' => $this->token))->find(); if ($alipayConfig['open']) { $msgstr = isset($advancepay) ? '需要支付 ' . $advancepay . ' 元就餐预定金<br/>正在提交中...' : '正在提交中...'; $paydata = array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $Orderarr['wecha_id'], 'success' => 1, 'from' => 'Repast', 'orderName' => $Orderarr['tmporderid'], 'single_orderid' => $Orderarr['tmporderid'], 'price' => $tmpOrderdata['totalmoney']); if (isset($advancepay) && 0 < $advancepay) { $paydata['price'] = $advancepay; $paydata['advancepay'] = 1; } $this->success($msgstr, U('Alipay/pay', $paydata)); } else { $this->error('商家尚未开启支付功能', $jumpurl); } } else { $this->error('订单录入系统出错,抱歉给您的带来了不便。请重新下单吧', $jumpurl); } if (!empty($this->wecha_id)) { $userinfo_model = M('Userinfo'); $thisUser = $userinfo_model->where(array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $this->wecha_id))->find(); if (empty($thisUser)) { $userRow = array('tel' => $Orderarr['tel'], 'truename' => $Orderarr['name'], 'address' => ''); $userRow['token'] = $this->token; $userRow['wecha_id'] = $this->wecha_id; $userRow['wechaname'] = ''; $userRow['qq'] = 0; $userRow['sex'] = $Orderarr['sex'] == 1 ? 1 : 2; $userRow['age'] = 0; $userRow['birthday'] = ''; $userRow['info'] = ''; $userRow['total_score'] = 0; $userRow['sign_score'] = 0; $userRow['expend_score'] = 0; $userRow['continuous'] = 0; $userRow['add_expend'] = 0; $userRow['add_expend_time'] = 0; $userRow['live_time'] = 0; $userinfo_model->add($userRow); } } } else { $jumpurl = U('Repast/index', array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $this->wecha_id)); $this->error('没有点菜', $jumpurl); } }
public function OrderPay() { $this->isLogin(); if (IS_POST) { $phone = isset($_POST['ouserTel']) ? htmlspecialchars($_POST['ouserTel']) : ''; $name = isset($_POST['ouserName']) ? htmlspecialchars($_POST['ouserName']) : ''; $address = isset($_POST['ouserAddres']) ? htmlspecialchars($_POST['ouserAddres']) : ''; $arrive_time = isset($_POST['oarrivalTime']) ? htmlspecialchars($_POST['oarrivalTime']) : 0; $note = isset($_POST['omark']) ? htmlspecialchars($_POST['omark']) : ''; if (empty($name)) { $this->error('联系人不能为空'); } if (empty($phone)) { $this->error('联系电话不能为空'); } $goodsData = isset($_POST['dish']) ? $_POST['dish'] : null; if (empty($goodsData)) { $this->error('您还没有点菜'); } $meal = array_keys($goodsData); $total = $price = 0; if ($meal) { $meals = M("Meal")->where(array('meal_id' => array('in', $meal), 'store_id' => $this->store_id))->select(); $info = array(); foreach ($meals as $m) { $info[] = array('id' => $m['meal_id'], 'name' => $m['name'], 'num' => $goodsData[$m['meal_id']]['num'], 'price' => $m['price']); $total += $goodsData[$m['meal_id']]['num']; $price += $goodsData[$m['meal_id']]['num'] * $m['price']; } } if (empty($this->_store['delivery_fee_valid']) && $price < $this->_store['basic_price']) { $this->error('您的外卖总金额没有达到起步价'); } $delivery_fee = 0; if ($this->_store['delivery_fee'] > 0) { //外卖费 if ($this->_store['reach_delivery_fee_type'] == 1) { $delivery_fee = $this->_store['delivery_fee']; } else { if ($price < $this->_store['basic_price']) { //不足起送价 if ($this->_store['delivery_fee_valid']) { $delivery_fee = $this->_store['delivery_fee']; } } else { if ($this->_store['reach_delivery_fee_type'] == 2 && $price < $this->_store['no_delivery_fee_value']) { $delivery_fee = $this->_store['delivery_fee']; } } } } $price += $delivery_fee; $total_price = $price; $minus_price = 0; if ($store_meal = D('Merchant_store_meal')->where(array('store_id' => $this->store_id))->find()) { if (!empty($store_meal['minus_money']) && $price > $store_meal['full_money']) { $price = $price - $store_meal['minus_money']; $minus_price = $store_meal['minus_money']; } } $arrive_time && ($arrive_time = strtotime(date("Y-m-d " . $arrive_time . ":00"))); $data = array('arrive_time' => $arrive_time, 'mer_id' => $this->mer_id, 'store_id' => $this->store_id, 'name' => $name, 'phone' => $phone, 'address' => $address, 'note' => $note, 'info' => serialize($info), 'dateline' => time(), 'total' => $total, 'price' => $price, 'meal_type' => 1); $data['orderid'] = $this->mer_id . $this->store_id . date("YmdHis") . rand(1000000, 9999999); $data['uid'] = $this->user_session['uid']; $data['meal_type'] = 1; $data['delivery_fee'] = $delivery_fee; $data['total_price'] = $total_price; $data['minus_price'] = $minus_price; $orderid = D("Meal_order")->add($data); if ($orderid) { if ($this->user_session['openid']) { $keyword2 = ''; $pre = ''; foreach (unserialize($data['info']) as $menu) { $keyword2 .= $pre . $menu['name'] . ':' . $menu['price'] . '*' . $menu['num']; $pre = '\\n\\t\\t\\t'; } $href = C('config.site_url') . '/wap.php?c=Takeout&a=order_detail&order_id=' . $orderid . '&mer_id=' . $data['mer_id'] . '&store_id=' . $data['store_id']; $model = new templateNews(C('config.wechat_appid'), C('config.wechat_appsecret')); $model->sendTempMsg('OPENTM201682460', array('href' => $href, 'wecha_id' => $this->user_session['openid'], 'first' => '您好,您的订单已生成', 'keyword3' => $orderid, 'keyword1' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'keyword2' => $keyword2, 'remark' => '您的该次' . $this->config['meal_alias_name'] . '下单成功,感谢您的使用!')); } $msg = array(); $msg['user_name'] = $data['name']; $msg['user_phone'] = $data['phone']; $msg['user_address'] = $data['address']; $msg['user_message'] = $data['note']; $msg['buy_time'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $data['dateline']); $msg['goods_list'] = $info; $msg['goods_count'] = $data['total']; $msg['goods_price'] = $data['price']; $msg['orderid'] = $orderid; $msg['pay_status'] = ''; $msg['pay_type'] = ''; $msg['store_name'] = $this->_store['name']; $msg['store_phone'] = $this->_store['phone']; $msg['store_address'] = $this->_store['adress']; $msg = ArrayToStr::array_to_str($msg, 0, $this->config['print_format']); $op = new orderPrint($this->config['print_server_key'], $this->config['print_server_topdomain']); $op->printit($this->mer_id, $this->store_id, $msg, 0); $sms_data = array('mer_id' => $this->mer_id, 'store_id' => $this->store_id, 'type' => 'food'); if ($this->config['sms_place_order'] == 1 || $this->config['sms_place_order'] == 3) { $sms_data['uid'] = $this->user_session['uid']; $sms_data['mobile'] = $data['phone']; $sms_data['sendto'] = 'user'; $sms_data['content'] = '您' . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $data['dateline']) . '在【' . $this->_store['name'] . '】中预定了一份外卖,订单号:' . $orderid; Sms::sendSms($sms_data); } if ($this->config['sms_place_order'] == 2 || $this->config['sms_place_order'] == 3) { $sms_data['uid'] = 0; $sms_data['mobile'] = $this->_store['phone']; $sms_data['sendto'] = 'merchant'; $sms_data['content'] = '顾客【' . $data['name'] . '】在' . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $data['dateline']) . '时预定了一份外卖,订单号:' . $orderid . '请您注意查看并处理!'; Sms::sendSms($sms_data); } /* 粉丝行为分析 */ $this->behavior(array('mer_id' => $this->mer_id, 'biz_id' => $orderid)); $_SESSION[$this->session_index] = null; redirect(U('Pay/check', array('order_id' => $orderid, 'type' => 'takeout'))); } } else { $this->error(); } }
/** * 订单详情 */ public function orderInfo() { $id = isset($_REQUEST['id']) ? intval($_REQUEST['id']) : 0; $fd = $this->_get('fd') ? $this->_get('fd', 'trim') : ''; $cidd = $this->_get('cidd') ? intval($this->_get('cidd', 'trim')) : 0; $cid = $this->_cid; if ($fd == 'on' && $cidd > 0) { $cid = $cidd; $this->assign('isfd', true); } $dishOrder = M('Dish_order'); if ($thisOrder = $dishOrder->where(array('id' => $id, 'cid' => $cid, 'token' => $this->token, 'comefrom' => 'dish'))->find()) { if (IS_POST) { $isuse = isset($_POST['isuse']) ? intval($_POST['isuse']) : 0; $paid = isset($_POST['paid']) ? intval($_POST['paid']) : 0; $dishOrder->where(array('id' => $thisOrder['id']))->save(array('isuse' => $isuse, 'paid' => $paid)); if ($thisOrder['tableid'] && $isuse) { D('Dish_table')->where(array('orderid' => $thisOrder['id']))->save(array('isuse' => 1)); } $company = M('Company')->where(array('token' => $this->token, 'id' => $thisOrder['cid']))->find(); if ($paid && empty($thisOrder['paid'])) { $temp = unserialize($thisOrder['info']); $temp = isset($temp['list']) ? $temp['list'] : $temp; $this->saleLog(array('cid' => $cid, 'oid' => $thisOrder['id'], 'paytype' => $thisOrder['paytype'], 'dish' => $temp, 'time' => $thisOrder['time'], 'paycount' => $thisOrder['paycount'])); $takeAwayPrice = isset($temp['takeAwayPrice']) ? $temp['takeAwayPrice'] : ''; $bookTable = false; if (isset($temp['table']) && !empty($temp['table'])) { $bookTable = $temp['table']['price']; unset($temp['table']); } $op = new orderPrint(); $msg = array('companyname' => $company['name'], 'des' => $thisOrder['des'], 'companytel' => $company['tel'], 'truename' => $thisOrder['name'], 'tel' => $thisOrder['tel'], 'takeAwayPrice' => $takeAwayPrice, 'address' => $thisOrder['address'], 'buytime' => $thisOrder['time'], 'orderid' => $thisOrder['orderid'], 'price' => $thisOrder['price'], 'total' => $thisOrder['nums'], 'ptype' => $thisOrder['paytype'], 'list' => $temp, 'bookTable' => $bookTable); $msg['typename'] = $thisOrder['takeaway'] == 1 ? '外卖' : ($thisOrder['takeaway'] == 2 ? '现在点餐' : '预约点餐'); if ($thisOrder['takeaway'] == 0) { $tmpstr = $this->GetCanTimeByoid($cid, $thisOrder['id'], $thisOrder['tableid']); $msg['reservestr'] = $tmpstr ? date('Y-m-d', $order['reservetime']) . ' ' . $tmpstr : date('Y-m-d H:i', $thisOrder['reservetime']); } if ($thisOrder['tableid']) { $t_table = M("Dining_table")->where(array('id' => $thisOrder['tableid']))->find(); $msg['tablename'] = isset($t_table['name']) ? $t_table['name'] : ''; } $msg = ArrayToStr::array_to_str($msg, 1); $op->printit($this->token, $this->_cid, 'Repast', $msg, 1); } Sms::sendSms($this->token, "{$company['name']}欢迎您,本店对您的订单号为:{$thisOrder['orderid']}的订单状态进行了修改,如有任何疑意,请您及时联系本店!", $thisOrder['tel']); $this->success('修改成功', U('Repast/orderInfo', array('token' => session('token'), 'id' => $thisOrder['id']))); } else { $payarr = array('alipay' => '支付宝', 'weixin' => '微信支付', 'tenpay' => '财付通[wap手机]', 'tenpaycomputer' => '财付通[即时到帐]', 'yeepay' => '易宝支付', 'allinpay' => '通联支付', 'daofu' => '货到付款', 'dianfu' => '到店付款', 'chinabank' => '网银在线'); $paystr = strtolower($thisOrder['paytype']); $thisOrder['paystr'] = !empty($paystr) && array_key_exists($paystr, $payarr) ? $payarr[$paystr] : '其他'; $dishList = unserialize($thisOrder['info']); $dishList = isset($dishList['list']) ? $dishList['list'] : $dishList; $this->assign('thisOrder', $thisOrder); $this->assign('dishList', $dishList); $this->display(); } } }
public function orderInfo() { $this->product_model = M('Product'); $this->product_cat_model = M('Product_cat'); $product_cart_model = M('product_cart'); $thisOrder = $product_cart_model->where(array('id' => intval($_GET['id']), 'token' => $this->token))->find(); //检查权限 if (strtolower($thisOrder['token']) != strtolower($this->_session('token'))) { exit; } if (IS_POST) { if (intval($_POST['sent'])) { $_POST['handled'] = 1; } $product_cart_model->where(array('id' => $thisOrder['id']))->save(array('sent' => intval($_POST['sent']), 'paid' => intval($_POST['paid']), 'logistics' => $_POST['logistics'], 'logisticsid' => $_POST['logisticsid'], 'handled' => 1)); //TODO 发货的短信提醒 $company = D('Company')->where(array('token' => $thisOrder['token'], 'id' => $thisOrder['cid']))->find(); if ($_POST['sent']) { $userInfo = D('Userinfo')->where(array('token' => $thisOrder['token'], 'wecha_id' => $thisOrder['wecha_id']))->find(); Sms::sendSms($this->token, "您在{$company['name']}商城购买的商品,商家已经给您发货了,请您注意查收", $userInfo['tel']); } /*******************支付订单打印*****************************/ if (intval($_POST['paid']) && intval($thisOrder['price'])) { $carts = unserialize($thisOrder['info']); $tdata = $this->getCat($carts); $list = array(); foreach ($tdata[0] as $va) { $t = array(); if (!empty($va['detail'])) { foreach ($va['detail'] as $v) { $t = array('num' => $v['count'], 'colorName' => $v['colorName'], 'formatName' => $v['formatName'], 'price' => $v['price'], 'name' => $va['name']); $list[] = $t; } } else { $t = array('num' => $va['count'], 'price' => $va['price'], 'name' => $va['name']); $list[] = $t; } } $op = new orderPrint(); $msg = array('companyname' => $company['name'], 'companytel' => $company['tel'], 'truename' => $thisOrder['truename'], 'tel' => $thisOrder['tel'], 'address' => $thisOrder['address'], 'buytime' => $thisOrder['time'], 'orderid' => $thisOrder['orderid'], 'sendtime' => '', 'price' => $thisOrder['price'], 'total' => $thisOrder['total'], 'list' => $list); $msg = ArrayToStr::array_to_str($msg, 1); $op->printit($this->token, $this->_cid, 'Store', $msg, 1); } /*******************支付订单打印*****************************/ $this->success('修改成功', U('Store/orderInfo', array('token' => session('token'), 'id' => $thisOrder['id']))); } else { //订餐信息 $product_diningtable_model = M('product_diningtable'); if ($thisOrder['tableid']) { $thisTable = $product_diningtable_model->where(array('id' => $thisOrder['tableid']))->find(); $thisOrder['tableName'] = $thisTable['name']; } $this->assign('thisOrder', $thisOrder); $carts = unserialize($thisOrder['info']); $totalFee = 0; $totalCount = 0; $data = $this->getCat($carts); if (isset($data[1])) { foreach ($data[1] as $pid => $row) { $totalCount += $row['total']; $totalFee += $row['totalPrice']; $listNum[$pid] = $row['total']; } } $list = $data[0]; $this->assign('products', $list); $this->assign('totalFee', $totalFee); $this->assign('totalCount', $totalCount); $this->assign('mailprice', $data[2]); $this->display(); } }
public function index($orderid, $paytype = '', $third_id = '') { $wecha_id = ''; $token = ''; $cid = 0; $dish_order_db = M('dish_order'); if ($order = $dish_order_db->where(array('tmporderid' => $orderid))->find()) { //TODO 发货的短信提醒 $token = $order['token']; $wecha_id = $order['wecha_id']; $cid = $order['cid']; $company = M('Company')->where(array('token' => $token, 'id' => $cid))->find(); $Dishcompany = M('Dish_company')->where(array('cid' => $cid))->find(); $kconoff = $Dishcompany['kconoff']; $orderid = $order['orderid']; if (empty($company) || !is_array($company)) { header('Location:' . U('Repast/myOrders', array('token' => $token, 'wecha_id' => $wecha_id))); } $temp = !empty($order['info']) ? unserialize($order['info']) : array(); $temp = isset($temp['list']) ? $temp['list'] : $temp; //$order['paid'] = 1; if ($order['paid']) { if (!empty($temp) && is_array($temp)) { $log_db = M('Dishout_salelog'); $tmparr = array('token' => $token, 'cid' => $order['cid'], 'order_id' => $order['id'], 'paytype' => $order['paytype']); $DishDb = M('Dish'); $mDishSet = ThirdPayRepast::getDishMainCompany($token); foreach ($temp as $kk => $vv) { $did = isset($vv['did']) ? $vv['did'] : $kk; if ($did > 0) { $flag = isset($vv['flag']) ? $vv['flag'] : ''; $newk = $flag . 'jc' . $did; if (!($order['paycount'] > 0) || $kk == $newk) { $dishofcid = $cid; if ($mDishSet['cid'] != $cid && $mDishSet['dishsame'] == 1) { $dishofcid = $mDishSet['cid']; $kconoff = $mDishSet['kconoff']; } $tmpdish = $DishDb->where(array('id' => $did, 'cid' => $dishofcid))->find(); if ($kconoff && !empty($tmpdish) && $tmpdish['instock'] > 0) { $DishDb->where(array('id' => $did, 'cid' => $dishofcid))->setDec('instock', $vv['num']); } $logarr = array('did' => $did, 'nums' => $vv['num'], 'unitprice' => $vv['price'], 'money' => $vv['num'] * $vv['price'], 'dname' => $vv['name'], 'addtime' => $order['time'], 'addtimestr' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $order['time']), 'comefrom' => 1); $savelogarr = array_merge($tmparr, $logarr); $log_db->add($savelogarr); } } } $dish_order_db->where(array('id' => $order['id'], 'cid' => $order['cid']))->setInc('paycount', 1); } if ($order['takeaway'] == 2 && $order['isover'] == 2) { M('Dining_table')->where(array('id' => $order['tableid'], 'cid' => $order['cid']))->save(array('status' => 0)); } elseif ($order['takeaway'] == 2 && $order['isover'] == 1) { $dish_order_db->where(array('id' => $order['id'], 'cid' => $order['cid']))->save(array('paid' => 0)); } if ((empty($temp) || count($temp) == 1 && isset($temp['table'])) && $temp['total'] == 0) { $temp = false; $order['total'] = 1; $bookTable = $order['price']; } elseif ($order['takeaway'] == 2 && $order['advancepay'] > 0) { $bookTable = false; if ($order['paycount'] == 1) { $realpay = $myorder['price'] - $myorder['havepaid']; } elseif ($order['paycount'] == 0) { $advancepay = $order['advancepay']; } $dish_order_db->where(array('id' => $order['id'], 'cid' => $order['cid']))->save(array('havepaid' => $order['advancepay'], 'advancepay' => 0)); } else { $bookTable = false; if (isset($temp['table']) && !empty($temp['table'])) { $bookTable = $temp['table']['price']; unset($temp['table']); } $realpay = $myorder['price'] - $myorder['havepaid']; } $op = new orderPrint(); $msg = array('companyname' => $company['name'], 'des' => $order['des'], 'companytel' => $company['tel'], 'truename' => $order['name'], 'tel' => $order['tel'], 'address' => $order['address'], 'buytime' => $order['time'], 'orderid' => $order['orderid'], 'bookTable' => $bookTable, 'price' => $order['price'], 'total' => $order['total'], 'ptype' => $order['paytype'], 'list' => $temp, 'advancepay' => isset($advancepay) ? $advancepay : false, 'realpay' => isset($realpay) ? $realpay : false); $msg['typename'] = $order['takeaway'] == 2 ? '现场点餐' : '预约点餐'; if ($order['takeaway'] == 1) { $msg['sendtime'] = $order['reservetime']; $msg['typename'] = '外卖'; } elseif ($order['takeaway'] == 0) { $tmpstr = ThirdPayRepast::GetCanTimeByoid($cid, $order['id'], $order['tableid']); $msg['reservestr'] = $tmpstr ? date('Y-m-d', $order['reservetime']) . ' ' . $tmpstr : date('Y-m-d H:i', $order['reservetime']); } if ($order['tableid']) { $t_table = M("Dining_table")->where(array('id' => $order['tableid']))->find(); $msg['tablename'] = isset($t_table['name']) ? $t_table['name'] : ''; } $msg = ArrayToStr::array_to_str($msg, 1); $op->printit($token, $cid, 'Repast', $msg, 1); Sms::sendSms($token . "_" . $cid, "顾客{$order['name']}刚刚对订单号:{$orderid}的订单进行了支付,请您注意查看并处理"); $siteurl = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $siteurl = strtolower($siteurl); if (strpos($siteurl, "http:") === false && strpos($siteurl, "https:") === false) { $siteurl = 'http://' . $siteurl; } $siteurl = rtrim($siteurl, '/'); $model = new templateNews(); /*$model->sendTempMsg('OPENTM202521011', array('href' =>U('Repast/myOrders', array('token' => $token, 'wecha_id' => $wecha_id, 'cid' => $cid), true, false, true), 'wecha_id' => $wecha_id, 'first' => '餐饮订餐交易提醒', 'keyword1' => $orderid, 'keyword2' => date("Y年m月d日H时i分s秒"), 'remark' => '支付成功,感谢您的光临,欢迎下次再次光临!'));*/ $model->sendTempMsg('OPENTM202521011', array('href' => $siteurl . '/index.php?g=Wap&m=Repast&a=myOrders&token=' . $token . '&wecha_id=' . $wecha_id . '&cid=' . $cid, 'wecha_id' => $wecha_id, 'first' => '餐饮订餐交易提醒', 'keyword1' => $orderid, 'keyword2' => date("Y年m月d日H时i分s秒"), 'remark' => '支付成功,感谢您的光临,欢迎下次再次光临!')); } header('Location:' . U('Repast/myOrders', array('token' => $token, 'wecha_id' => $wecha_id, 'cid' => $cid))); } else { exit('订单不存在'); } }
public function index($orderid, $paytype = '', $third_id = '') { if ($order = M('New_product_cart')->where(array('orderid' => $orderid))->find()) { //TODO 发货的短信提醒 if ($order['paid']) { $userInfo = D('Userinfo')->where(array('token' => $order['token'], 'wecha_id' => $order['wecha_id']))->find(); if ($order['jingpai'] == 0) { $carts = unserialize($order['info']); $tdata = $this->getCat($carts, $order['token'], $order['cid'], $userInfo['getcardtime']); $list = array(); foreach ($tdata[0] as $va) { $t = array(); $salecount = 0; if (!empty($va['detail'])) { foreach ($va['detail'] as $v) { $t = array('num' => $v['count'], 'colorName' => $v['colorName'], 'formatName' => $v['formatName'], 'price' => $v['price'], 'name' => $va['name']); $list[] = $t; $salecount += $v['count']; } } else { $t = array('num' => $va['count'], 'price' => $va['price'], 'name' => $va['name']); $list[] = $t; $salecount = $va['count']; } D("New_product")->where(array('id' => $va['id']))->setInc('salecount', $salecount); } } else { //竞拍内容 $order = M('New_product_cart')->where(array('token' => $order['token'], 'cid' => $order['cid'], 'id' => $order['id']))->find(); $orderlist = M('New_product_cart_list')->where(array('token' => $order['token'], 'cid' => $order['cid'], 'cartid' => $order['id']))->find(); if ($order['jingpai'] == 1) { $produtcdb = M("New_product_jingpai"); } else { if ($order['groupon'] == 1) { $produtcdb = M("New_product"); } } $jingpai = $produtcdb->where(array('token' => $order['token'], 'cid' => $order['cid'], 'id' => $orderlist['productid']))->find(); $list = array($orderlist['productid'] => array('num' => '1', 'price' => $jingpai['price'], 'name' => $jingpai['name'])); if ($order['jingpai'] == 1) { $order['note'] = '' . $order['note'] . '(竞拍订单)'; } else { if ($order['groupon'] == 1) { $order['note'] = '' . $order['note'] . '(团购订单)'; //修改团购记录已付款 M('New_product_groupon')->where(array('orderid' => $order['orderid']))->setField('paid', 1); } } } if ($order['twid']) { $userInfo = D('Userinfo')->where(array('token' => $order['token'], 'wecha_id' => $order['wecha_id']))->find(); $twid = $order['twid']; if ($twid == $userInfo['fromtwid']) { $addtwid = $userInfo['addtwid']; } else { $addtwid = $userInfo['fromtwid']; } } else { $userInfo = D('Userinfo')->where(array('token' => $order['token'], 'wecha_id' => $order['wecha_id']))->find(); $twid = $userInfo['fromtwid']; $addtwid = $userInfo['addtwid']; } //dump($twid); //die; if ($twid && $twid != $userInfo['twid']) { $token = $order['token']; $cid = $order['cid']; $orderid = $order['orderid']; $totalprice = $order['totalprice']; $type = 3; $param = 1; $set = M("New_twitter_set")->where(array('token' => $token, 'cid' => $cid))->find(); if (empty($set)) { return false; } //获取单一产品的1、2级佣金 $yongjinlist = M('New_product_cart_list')->where(array('token' => $token, 'cid' => $cid, 'cartid' => $order['id']))->select(); foreach ($yongjinlist as $key => $row) { $products = M('New_product')->where(array('token' => $this->token, 'cid' => $this->_cid, 'id' => $row['productid']))->find(); if ($products['allow_distribution'] == '1') { //一级佣金 switch ($products['commission_type']) { default: $yongjinlist[$key]['commission'] = $set['percent'] * 0.01 * $products['price'] * $row['total']; break; case 'fixed': $yongjinlist[$key]['commission'] = $products['commission'] * $row['total']; break; case 'float': $products['commission'] = $products['price'] * ($products['commission'] * 0.01) * $row['total']; $yongjinlist[$key]['commission'] = $products['commission']; break; } //二级佣金 switch ($products['addcommission_type']) { default: $yongjinlist[$key]['addcommission'] = $set['addpercent'] * 0.01 * $products['price'] * $row['total']; break; case 'fixed': $yongjinlist[$key]['addcommission'] = $products['addcommission'] * $row['total']; break; case 'float': $products['addcommission'] = $products['price'] * ($products['addcommission'] * 0.01) * $row['total']; $yongjinlist[$key]['addcommission'] = $products['addcommission']; break; } //产品总佣金 $commission += $yongjinlist[$key]['commission']; $addcommission += $yongjinlist[$key]['addcommission']; } else { $yongjinlist[$key]['addcommission'] = '0'; $yongjinlist[$key]['commission'] = '0'; $commission += $yongjinlist[$key]['commission']; $addcommission += $yongjinlist[$key]['addcommission']; } } //佣金判断结束 if ($twid && $token && $cid && $commission != '0' && $addcommission != '0') { $db = D("New_twitter_log"); // 1.点击, 2.注册会员, 3.购买商品 //判断佣金分成 $price = $commission; $addprice = $addcommission; //上级分成记录 if ($type == 3) { //购买商品,上级分成 $db->add(array('token' => $token, 'cid' => $cid, 'twid' => $twid, 'addtwid' => $addtwid, 'orderid' => $orderid, 'type' => 3, 'dateline' => time(), 'param' => $param, 'price' => $price, 'wecha_id' => $order['wecha_id'], 'orderprice' => $order['price'])); //上级的上级参与分成记录 if (!empty($addtwid) && $addtwid != $twid) { $db->add(array('token' => $token, 'cid' => $cid, 'twid' => $addtwid, 'type' => 4, 'orderid' => $orderid, 'dateline' => time(), 'param' => $param, 'price' => $addprice, 'wecha_id' => $order['wecha_id'], 'orderprice' => $order['price'])); } } //统计总收入 if ($count = M("New_twitter_count")->where(array('token' => $token, 'cid' => $cid, 'twid' => $twid))->find()) { D("New_twitter_count")->where(array('id' => $count['id']))->setInc('total', $price); } else { D("New_twitter_count")->add(array('twid' => $twid, 'fromtwid' => $fromtwid, 'token' => $token, 'cid' => $cid, 'total' => $price, 'remove' => 0)); } //上级的上级参与分成记录,统计总收入 if (!empty($addtwid) && $addtwid != $twid) { if ($count = M("New_twitter_count")->where(array('token' => $token, 'cid' => $cid, 'twid' => $addtwid))->find()) { D("New_twitter_count")->where(array('id' => $count['id']))->setInc('total', $addprice); } else { D("New_twitter_count")->add(array('twid' => $addtwid, 'token' => $token, 'cid' => $cid, 'total' => $addprice, 'remove' => 0)); } } //分佣写入结束 //查询分销人的信息,如果没有直接写入 $twiduserinfo = D('Userinfo')->where(array('token' => $order['token'], 'twid' => $twid))->find(); $twiduser = D('New_twitter_userinfo')->where(array('token' => $order['token'], 'twid' => $twid))->find(); if (empty($twiduser)) { $userdata = array('token' => $order['token'], 'cid' => $order['cid'], 'wecha_id' => $twiduserinfo['wecha_id'], 'twid' => $twiduserinfo['twid'], 'truename' => $twiduserinfo['truename'], 'status' => '0', 'dateline' => time()); D("New_twitter_userinfo")->add($userdata); } //查询分销人的上家的上家信息,如果没有直接写入 $addtwiduserinfo = D('Userinfo')->where(array('token' => $order['token'], 'twid' => $addtwid))->find(); $addtwiduser = D('New_twitter_userinfo')->where(array('token' => $order['token'], 'twid' => $addtwid))->find(); if (empty($addtwiduser)) { $adduserdata = array('token' => $order['token'], 'cid' => $order['cid'], 'wecha_id' => $addtwiduserinfo['wecha_id'], 'twid' => $addtwiduserinfo['twid'], 'truename' => $addtwiduserinfo['truename'], 'status' => '0', 'dateline' => time()); D("New_twitter_userinfo")->add($adduserdata); } } //$this->savelog(3, $order['twid'], $order['token'], $order['cid'], $order['totalprice']); } //分佣判断END $userInfo = D('Userinfo')->where(array('token' => $order['token'], 'wecha_id' => $order['wecha_id']))->find(); //获取配置信息 $where = array('token' => $order['token']); $this->thisWxUser = M('Wxuser')->where($where)->find(); $url_get = '' . $this->thisWxUser['appid'] . '&secret=' . $this->thisWxUser['appsecret']; $access_token = json_decode($this->curlGet($url_get)); $url = '' . $access_token->access_token; //获取用户openID $where = array('token' => $order['token'], 'cid' => $order['cid']); $sendwecha_id = M('New_product_set_reply')->where($where)->field('wecha_id')->find(); //准备发送请求的数据 $data = '{"touser":"******","msgtype":"text", "text":{"content":"您的用户:' . $userInfo['truename'] . '订购了商品,电话:' . $order['tel'] . ',收货地址:' . $order['address'] . ',备注信息:' . $order['note'] . ',订单号:' . $orderid . ',订单金额:' . $order['price'] . '元,已经付款成功!"}}'; $this->postCurl($url, $data); //打印请求 $company = D('Company')->where(array('token' => $order['token'], 'id' => $order['cid']))->find(); $op = new orderPrint(); $msg = array('companyname' => $company['name'], 'companytel' => $company['tel'], 'truename' => $order['truename'], 'tel' => $order['tel'], 'address' => $order['address'], 'buytime' => $order['time'], 'orderid' => $order['orderid'], 'sendtime' => '', 'price' => $order['price'], 'total' => $order['total'], 'des' => $order['note'], 'ptype' => $order['paytype'], 'list' => $list); $msg = ArrayToStr::array_to_str($msg, 1); $op->printit($order['token'], $order['cid'], 'Store', $msg, 1); Sms::sendSms($order['token'], "您的顾客{$userInfo['truename']}刚刚对订单号:{$orderid}的订单进行了支付,请您注意查看并处理", $company['mp']); $model = new templateNews(); $model->sendTempMsg('OPENTM202521011', array('href' => U('Storenew/myinfo', array('token' => $order['token'], 'wecha_id' => $order['wecha_id'], 'twid' => $order['twid']), true, false, true), 'wecha_id' => $order['wecha_id'], 'first' => '购买商品提醒', 'keyword1' => $orderid, 'keyword2' => date("Y年m月d日H时i分s秒"), 'remark' => '购买成功,感谢您的光临,欢迎下次再次光临!')); } header('Location:/index.php?g=Wap&m=Storenew&a=myinfo&token=' . $order['token'] . '&wecha_id=' . $order['wecha_id'] . '&twid=' . $order['twid']); } else { exit('订单不存在:' . $out_trade_no); exit('订单不存在'); } }
public function toPrint() { $id = $this->_post('oid') ? intval($this->_post('oid', 'trim')) : 0; $dishOrder = M('Dish_order'); if ($thisOrder = $dishOrder->where(array('id' => $id, 'cid' => $this->_cid, 'token' => $this->token, 'comefrom' => 'dishout'))->find()) { $company = M('Company')->where(array('token' => $this->token, 'id' => $thisOrder['cid']))->find(); $temp = unserialize($thisOrder['info']); $op = new orderPrint(); $msg = array('companyname' => $company['name'], 'des' => htmlspecialchars_decode($thisOrder['des'], ENT_QUOTES), 'companytel' => $company['tel'], 'truename' => htmlspecialchars_decode($thisOrder['name'], ENT_QUOTES), 'tel' => $thisOrder['tel'], 'address' => htmlspecialchars_decode($thisOrder['address'], ENT_QUOTES), 'buytime' => $thisOrder['time'], 'orderid' => $thisOrder['orderid'], 'sendtime' => $thisOrder['reservetime'], 'price' => $thisOrder['price'], 'total' => $thisOrder['total'], 'typename' => '外卖', 'list' => $temp); $msg = ArrayToStr::array_to_str($msg, $thisOrder['paid']); $op->printit($this->token, $this->_cid, 'DishOut', $msg, 1); echo json_encode(array('error' => 0)); } }
public function payReturn() { $tb_resbook = D('Medical_user'); $orderid = filter_var($this->_get('orderid'), FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $token = filter_var($this->_get('token'), FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $checkOrder = $tb_resbook->where(array('orderid' => $orderid, 'token' => $token))->find(); if ($checkOrder) { if ($checkOrder['paid'] == '1') { $this->assign('token', $checkOrder['token']); $this->assign('wecha_id', $checkOrder['wecha_id']); Sms::sendSms($checkOrder['token'], '您的会员 ' . $checkOrder['truename'] . ',已经预约了' . $checkOrder['orderName'] . ' 并付款成功,金额为' . $checkOrder['price'] . ',订单号为' . $checkOrder['orderid'] . '. ' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time())); Sms::sendSms($checkOrder['token'], ' ' . $checkOrder['truename'] . ',您购买的' . $checkOrder['orderName'] . ' 已经付款成功,金额为' . $checkOrder['price'] . ',订单号为' . $checkOrder['orderid'] . '! ' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()), $checkOrder['utel']); $op = new orderPrint(); $msg = $this->content_layout($checkOrder); $op->printit($token, 0, 'Medical', $msg, 1); $this->redirect('Medical/ReserveBooking', array('token' => $token, 'wecha_id' => $wecha_id), 1, '恭喜预约成功,请不要重复刷新页面...'); exit(); } else { $this->redirect('Medical/registered', array('token' => $token, 'wecha_id' => $checkOrder['wecha_id']), 3, '您好,支付失败,请重新下单,请不要重复刷新页面,请耐心等待...'); } } else { exit('订单不存在!'); } }
/** * 订单详情 */ public function orderInfo() { $id = isset($_REQUEST['id']) ? intval($_REQUEST['id']) : 0; $hotelOrder = M('Hotels_order'); if ($thisOrder = $hotelOrder->where(array('id' => $id, 'token' => $this->token, 'cid' => $this->_cid))->find()) { if (IS_POST) { $status = isset($_POST['status']) ? intval($_POST['status']) : 0; $paid = isset($_POST['paid']) ? intval($_POST['paid']) : 0; $hotelOrder->where(array('id' => $thisOrder['id']))->save(array('status' => $status, 'paid' => $paid)); $company = M('Company')->where(array('token' => $this->token, 'id' => $thisOrder['cid']))->find(); if ($paid && empty($thisOrder['paid'])) { $sort = M('Hotels_house_sort')->where(array('id' => $thisOrder['sid'], 'token' => $this->token))->find(); $days = (strtotime($thisOrder['enddate']) - strtotime($thisOrder['startdate'])) / 86400; $price = $this->fans['getcardtime'] > 0 ? ($sort['vprice'] ? $sort['vprice'] : $sort['price']) : $sort['price']; $op = new orderPrint(); $msg = array('companyname' => $company['name'], 'companytel' => $company['tel'], 'truename' => $thisOrder['name'], 'tel' => $thisOrder['tel'], 'address' => '', 'buytime' => $thisOrder['time'], 'orderid' => $thisOrder['orderid'], 'sendtime' => '', 'price' => $thisOrder['price'], 'total' => $thisOrder['nums'], 'list' => array(array('name' => $sort['name'], 'day' => $days, 'price' => $price, 'num' => $thisOrder['nums'], 'startdate' => $thisOrder['startdate'], 'enddate' => $thisOrder['enddate']))); $msg = ArrayToStr::array_to_str($msg, 1); $op->printit($this->token, $this->_cid, 'Hotel', $msg, 1); } Sms::sendSms($this->token, "{$company['name']}欢迎您,本店对您的订单号为:{$thisOrder['orderid']}的订单状态进行了修改,如有任何疑意,请您及时联系本店!", $thisOrder['tel']); $this->success('修改成功',U('Hotels/orderInfo',array('token'=>session('token'),'id'=>$thisOrder['id']))); } else { $sort = M('Hotels_house_sort')->where(array('cid' => $this->_cid, 'token' => $this->token, 'id' => $thisOrder['sid']))->find(); $thisOrder['housename'] = isset($sort['name']) ? $sort['name'] : ''; $this->assign('thisOrder', $thisOrder); $this->display(); } } }
/** * 保存订单 */ public function saveorder() { if (empty($this->user_session)) { exit(json_encode(array('status' => 1, 'message' => '请先进行登录!', 'url' => U('Login/index')))); } $orid = isset($_REQUEST['orid']) ? intval($_REQUEST['orid']) : 0; $total = $price = $tmpprice = 0; $disharr = unserialize($_SESSION[$this->session_index]); $idarr = array_keys($disharr); $store_meal = D('Merchant_store_meal')->where(array('store_id' => $this->store_id))->find(); if ($old_order = $this->check_order($orid)) { //加菜 $info = $old_order['info'] ? unserialize($old_order['info']) : array(); $isadd = empty($info) ? 0 : 1; if ($idarr) { $dish = M("Meal")->where(array('store_id' => $this->store_id, 'meal_id' => array('in', $idarr), 'status' => 1))->select(); foreach ($dish as $val) { $num = isset($disharr[$val['meal_id']]['num']) ? intval($disharr[$val['meal_id']]['num']) : 0; $omark = isset($disharr[$val['meal_id']]['omark']) ? htmlspecialchars($disharr[$val['meal_id']]['omark']) : ''; $info[] = array('id' => $val['meal_id'], 'name' => $val['name'], 'price' => $val['price'], 'num' => $num, 'omark' => $omark, 'isadd' => $isadd); $total += $num; $tmpprice += $val['price'] * $num; // $price += $val['price'] * $num; } //会员等级优惠 $level_off = false; $finaltotalprice = 0; if (!empty($this->user_level) && !empty($this->leveloff) && !empty($this->user_session) && isset($this->user_session['level'])) { /****type:0无优惠 1百分比 2立减*******/ if (isset($this->leveloff[$this->user_session['level']]) && isset($this->user_level[$this->user_session['level']])) { $level_off = $this->leveloff[$this->user_session['level']]; if ($level_off['type'] == 1) { $finaltotalprice = $tmpprice * ($level_off['vv'] / 100); $finaltotalprice = $finaltotalprice > 0 ? $finaltotalprice : 0; $level_off['offstr'] = '按此次总价' . $level_off['vv'] . '%来结算'; } elseif ($level_off['type'] == 2) { $finaltotalprice = $tmpprice - $level_off['vv']; $finaltotalprice = $finaltotalprice > 0 ? $finaltotalprice : 0; $level_off['offstr'] = '此次总价立减' . $level_off['vv'] . '元'; } } } if (!empty($old_order['leveloff'])) { $leveloff = unserialize($old_order['leveloff']); $price = $finaltotalprice > 0 ? $leveloff['totalprice'] + $finaltotalprice : $leveloff['totalprice'] + $tmpprice; $price = round($price, 2); is_array($level_off) && ($level_off['totalprice'] = $price); } else { foreach ($info as $v) { $price += $v['price'] * $v['num']; } $price = max($price, $old_order['price']); } $total_price = $price; $minus_price = 0; if ($store_meal && !empty($store_meal['minus_money']) && $price > $store_meal['full_money']) { $price = $price - $store_meal['minus_money']; $minus_price = $store_meal['minus_money']; } $data = array('total' => $total + $old_order['total'], 'price' => $price, 'dateline' => time()); $data['orderid'] = date("YmdHis") . sprintf("%08d", $this->user_session['uid']); $data['info'] = $info ? serialize($info) : ''; $data['total_price'] = $total_price; $data['minus_price'] = $minus_price; $data['paid'] = $old_order['paid'] == 1 ? 2 : 0; !empty($level_off) && ($data['leveloff'] = serialize($level_off)); if ($return = D("Meal_order")->where(array('order_id' => $orid, 'uid' => $this->user_session['uid']))->save($data)) { $_SESSION[$this->session_index] = null; $_SESSION["allmark" . $this->store_id . $this->mer_id] = null; redirect(U('Pay/check', array('order_id' => $orid, 'type' => 'food'))); } else { $this->error('服务器繁忙,稍后重试'); } } else { $jumpurl = U('Food/menu', array('mer_id' => $this->mer_id, 'store_id' => $this->store_id, 'orid' => $orid)); $this->error('还没有加菜呢', $jumpurl); } } else { //点菜的新单信息 $phone = isset($_POST['tel']) ? htmlspecialchars($_POST['tel']) : ''; $name = isset($_POST['name']) ? htmlspecialchars($_POST['name']) : ''; $address = isset($_POST['address']) ? htmlspecialchars($_POST['address']) : ''; $note = isset($_POST['mark']) ? htmlspecialchars($_POST['mark']) : ''; $date = isset($_POST['date']) ? htmlspecialchars($_POST['date']) : ''; $time = isset($_POST['time']) ? htmlspecialchars($_POST['time']) : ''; $sex = isset($_POST['sex']) ? intval($_POST['sex']) : 1; $num = isset($_POST['num']) ? intval($_POST['num']) : 2; $tableid = isset($_POST['seattype']) ? intval($_POST['seattype']) : 0; if (empty($date)) { exit(json_encode(array('status' => 1, 'message' => '就餐日期不能为空'))); } if (empty($time)) { exit(json_encode(array('status' => 1, 'message' => '就餐时间不能为空'))); } if (empty($name)) { exit(json_encode(array('status' => 1, 'message' => '您的姓名不能为空'))); } if (empty($phone)) { exit(json_encode(array('status' => 1, 'message' => '您的电话不能为空'))); } $arrive_time = strtotime($date . ' ' . $time . ":00"); $info = array(); if ($idarr) { //点餐 $dish = M("Meal")->where(array('store_id' => $this->store_id, 'meal_id' => array('in', $idarr), 'status' => 1))->select(); foreach ($dish as $val) { $num = isset($disharr[$val['meal_id']]['num']) ? intval($disharr[$val['meal_id']]['num']) : 0; $omark = isset($disharr[$val['meal_id']]['omark']) ? htmlspecialchars($disharr[$val['meal_id']]['omark']) : ''; $info[] = array('id' => $val['meal_id'], 'name' => $val['name'], 'price' => $val['price'], 'num' => $num, 'omark' => $omark, 'isadd' => 0); $total += $num; $price += $val['price'] * $num; } //会员等级优惠 $level_off = false; $finaltotalprice = 0; if (!empty($this->user_level) && !empty($this->leveloff) && !empty($this->user_session) && isset($this->user_session['level'])) { /****type:0无优惠 1百分比 2立减*******/ if (isset($this->leveloff[$this->user_session['level']]) && isset($this->user_level[$this->user_session['level']])) { $level_off = $this->leveloff[$this->user_session['level']]; if ($level_off['type'] == 1) { $finaltotalprice = $price * ($level_off['vv'] / 100); $finaltotalprice = $finaltotalprice > 0 ? $finaltotalprice : 0; $level_off['offstr'] = '按此次总价' . $level_off['vv'] . '%来结算'; } elseif ($level_off['type'] == 2) { $finaltotalprice = $price - $level_off['vv']; $finaltotalprice = $finaltotalprice > 0 ? $finaltotalprice : 0; $level_off['offstr'] = '此次总价立减' . $level_off['vv'] . '元'; } } } $price = $finaltotalprice > 0 ? round($finaltotalprice, 2) : $price; $level_off && is_array($level_off) && ($level_off['totalprice'] = $price); } else { //预定 $price = $this->_store['deposit']; } $total_price = $price; $minus_price = 0; if ($store_meal && !empty($store_meal['minus_money']) && $price > $store_meal['full_money']) { $price = $price - $store_meal['minus_money']; $minus_price = $store_meal['minus_money']; } $isdeposit = isset($_POST['isdeposit']) ? intval($_POST['isdeposit']) : 0; /***isdeposit 1 支付预定经***/ $price = $isdeposit ? $this->_store['deposit'] : $price; if (isset($level_off) && $isdeposit && $level_off['totalprice'] < $price) { $level_off['totalprice'] = $price; } $data = array('mer_id' => $this->mer_id, 'tableid' => $tableid, 'store_id' => $this->store_id, 'name' => $name, 'phone' => $phone, 'address' => $address, 'note' => $note, 'dateline' => time(), 'total' => $total, 'price' => $price, 'arrive_time' => $arrive_time); $data['orderid'] = date("YmdHis") . sprintf("%08d", $this->user_session['uid']); $data['uid'] = $this->user_session['uid']; $data['sex'] = $sex; $data['num'] = $num; $data['info'] = $info ? serialize($info) : ''; $data['total_price'] = $total_price; $data['minus_price'] = $minus_price; isset($level_off) && !empty($level_off) && ($data['leveloff'] = serialize($level_off)); $orderid = D("Meal_order")->add($data); if ($orderid) { $_SESSION[$this->session_index] = null; $_SESSION["allmark" . $this->store_id . $this->mer_id] = null; if ($this->user_session['openid']) { $keyword2 = ''; $pre = ''; foreach (unserialize($data['info']) as $menu) { $keyword2 .= $pre . $menu['name'] . ':' . $menu['price'] . '*' . $menu['num']; $pre = '\\n\\t\\t\\t'; } $href = C('config.site_url') . '/wap.php?c=Food&a=order_detail&order_id=' . $orderid . '&mer_id=' . $data['mer_id'] . '&store_id=' . $data['store_id']; $model = new templateNews(C('config.wechat_appid'), C('config.wechat_appsecret')); $model->sendTempMsg('OPENTM201682460', array('href' => $href, 'wecha_id' => $this->user_session['openid'], 'first' => '您好,您的订单已生成', 'keyword3' => $orderid, 'keyword1' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'keyword2' => $keyword2, 'remark' => '您的该次' . $this->config['meal_alias_name'] . '下单成功,感谢您的使用!')); } $msg = array(); $msg['user_name'] = $data['name']; $msg['user_phone'] = $data['phone']; $msg['user_address'] = $data['address']; $msg['user_message'] = $data['note']; $msg['buy_time'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $data['dateline']); $msg['goods_list'] = $info; $msg['goods_count'] = $data['total']; $msg['goods_price'] = $data['price']; $msg['orderid'] = $orderid; $msg['pay_status'] = ''; $msg['pay_type'] = ''; $msg['store_name'] = $this->_store['name']; $msg['store_phone'] = $this->_store['phone']; $msg['store_address'] = $this->_store['adress']; $msg = ArrayToStr::array_to_str($msg, 0, $this->config['print_format']); $op = new orderPrint($this->config['print_server_key'], $this->config['print_server_topdomain']); $op->printit($this->mer_id, $this->store_id, $msg, 0); $sms_data = array('mer_id' => $this->mer_id, 'store_id' => $this->store_id, 'type' => 'food'); if ($this->config['sms_place_order'] == 1 || $this->config['sms_place_order'] == 3) { $sms_data['uid'] = $this->user_session['uid']; $sms_data['mobile'] = $data['phone']; $sms_data['sendto'] = 'user'; $sms_data['content'] = '您在' . $this->_store['name'] . '中预定的用餐的订单生产成功,订单号:' . $orderid; Sms::sendSms($sms_data); } if ($this->config['sms_place_order'] == 2 || $this->config['sms_place_order'] == 3) { $sms_data['uid'] = 0; $sms_data['mobile'] = $this->_store['phone']; $sms_data['sendto'] = 'merchant'; $sms_data['content'] = '顾客' . $data['name'] . '刚刚下了一个订单,订单号:' . $orderid . '请您注意查看并处理'; Sms::sendSms($sms_data); } /* 粉丝行为分析 */ $this->behavior(array('mer_id' => $this->mer_id, 'biz_id' => $orderid)); exit(json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'url' => U('Pay/check', array('order_id' => $orderid, 'type' => 'food'))))); } else { exit(json_encode(array('status' => 1, 'message' => '服务器繁忙,稍后重试'))); } } // ( // [date] => 2015-05-23 // [time] => 10:11 // [num] => 2 // [seattype] => 1 // [tel] => 15209838315 // [name] => hf // [sex] => 1 // [mark] => 55 // [table_fee] => 0 // [dishes_status] => 1 // [order_sn] => // [utype] => 1 // ) }