예제 #1
  * Check the Quota under WPMU. Only needed for this case
  * @class nggWPMU
  * @return bool $result
 function check_quota()
     if (get_site_option('upload_space_check_disabled')) {
         return false;
     if (is_multisite() && nggWPMU::wpmu_enable_function('wpmuQuotaCheck')) {
         if ($error = upload_is_user_over_quota(false)) {
             nggGallery::show_error(__('Sorry, you have used your space allocation. Please delete some files to upload more files.', 'nggallery'));
             return true;
     return false;
예제 #2
  * Copy images to another gallery
  * @class nggAdmin
  * @param array|int $pic_ids ID's of the images
  * @param int $dest_gid destination gallery
  * @return void
 function copy_images($pic_ids, $dest_gid)
     require_once NGGALLERY_ABSPATH . '/lib/meta.php';
     $errors = $messages = '';
     if (!is_array($pic_ids)) {
         $pic_ids = array($pic_ids);
     // Get destination gallery
     $destination = nggdb::find_gallery($dest_gid);
     if ($destination == null) {
         nggGallery::show_error(__('The destination gallery does not exist', 'nggallery'));
     // Check for folder permission
     if (!is_writeable(WINABSPATH . $destination->path)) {
         $message = sprintf(__('Unable to write to directory %s. Is this directory writable by the server?', 'nggallery'), WINABSPATH . $destination->path);
     // Get pictures
     $images = nggdb::find_images_in_list($pic_ids);
     $destination_path = WINABSPATH . $destination->path;
     foreach ($images as $image) {
         // WPMU action
         if (nggWPMU::check_quota()) {
         $i = 0;
         $tmp_prefix = '';
         $destination_file_name = $image->filename;
         while (file_exists($destination_path . '/' . $destination_file_name)) {
             $tmp_prefix = 'copy_' . $i++ . '_';
             $destination_file_name = $tmp_prefix . $image->filename;
         $destination_file_path = $destination_path . '/' . $destination_file_name;
         $destination_thumb_file_path = $destination_path . '/' . $image->thumbFolder . $image->thumbPrefix . $destination_file_name;
         // Copy files
         if (!@copy($image->imagePath, $destination_file_path)) {
             $errors .= sprintf(__('Failed to copy image %1$s to %2$s', 'nggallery'), $image->filename, $destination_file_path) . '<br />';
         // Copy backup file, if possible
         @copy($image->imagePath . '_backup', $destination_file_path . '_backup');
         // Copy the thumbnail if possible
         @copy($image->thumbPath, $destination_thumb_file_path);
         // Create new database entry for the image
         $new_pid = nggdb::insert_image($destination->gid, $destination_file_name, $image->alttext, $image->description, $image->exclude);
         if (!isset($new_pid)) {
             $errors .= sprintf(__('Failed to copy database row for picture %s', 'nggallery'), $image->pid) . '<br />';
         // Copy tags
         nggTags::copy_tags($image->pid, $new_pid);
         // Copy meta information
         $meta = new nggMeta($image->pid);
         nggdb::update_image_meta($new_pid, $meta->image->meta_data);
         if ($tmp_prefix != '') {
             $messages .= sprintf(__('Image %1$s (%2$s) copied as image %3$s (%4$s) &raquo; The file already existed in the destination gallery.', 'nggallery'), $image->pid, $image->filename, $new_pid, $destination_file_name) . '<br />';
         } else {
             $messages .= sprintf(__('Image %1$s (%2$s) copied as image %3$s (%4$s)', 'nggallery'), $image->pid, $image->filename, $new_pid, $destination_file_name) . '<br />';
     // Finish by showing errors or success
     if ($errors == '') {
         $link = '<a href="' . admin_url() . 'admin.php?page=nggallery-manage-gallery&mode=edit&gid=' . $destination->gid . '" >' . $destination->title . '</a>';
         $messages .= '<hr />' . sprintf(__('Copied %1$s picture(s) to gallery: %2$s .', 'nggallery'), count($images), $link);
     if ($messages != '') {
     if ($errors != '') {
예제 #3
function nggallery_picturelist()
    // *** show picture list
    global $wpdb, $nggdb, $user_ID, $ngg;
    // Look if its a search result
    $is_search = isset($_GET['s']) ? true : false;
    $counter = 0;
    $wp_list_table = new _NGG_Images_List_Table('nggallery-manage-images');
    if ($is_search) {
        // fetch the imagelist
        $picturelist = $ngg->manage_page->search_result;
        // we didn't set a gallery or a pagination
        $act_gid = 0;
        $_GET['paged'] = 1;
        $page_links = false;
    } else {
        // GET variables
        $act_gid = $ngg->manage_page->gid;
        // Load the gallery metadata
        $gallery = $nggdb->find_gallery($act_gid);
        if (!$gallery) {
            nggGallery::show_error(__('Gallery not found.', 'nggallery'));
        // Check if you have the correct capability
        if (!nggAdmin::can_manage_this_gallery($gallery->author)) {
            nggGallery::show_error(__('Sorry, you have no access here', 'nggallery'));
        // look for pagination
        $_GET['paged'] = isset($_GET['paged']) && $_GET['paged'] > 0 ? absint($_GET['paged']) : 1;
        $start = ($_GET['paged'] - 1) * 50;
        // get picture values
        $picturelist = $nggdb->get_gallery($act_gid, $ngg->options['galSort'], $ngg->options['galSortDir'], false, 50, $start);
        // get the current author
        $act_author_user = get_userdata((int) $gallery->author);
    // list all galleries
    $gallerylist = $nggdb->find_all_galleries();
    //get the columns
    $image_columns = $wp_list_table->get_columns();
    $hidden_columns = get_hidden_columns('nggallery-manage-images');
    $num_columns = count($image_columns) - count($hidden_columns);
    $attr = nggGallery::current_user_can('NextGEN Edit gallery options') ? '' : 'disabled="disabled"';
<script type="text/javascript">
function showDialog( windowId, title ) {
	var form = document.getElementById('updategallery');
	var elementlist = "";
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					if (elementlist == "")
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						elementlist += "," + form.elements[i].value ;
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        resizable : false,
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        title: title,
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jQuery(function (){

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      jQuery('#spinner').position({ my: "center", at: "center", of: container });

      var dialog = jQuery('<div class="ngg-overlay-dialog" style="display:hidden"></div>').appendTo('body');
      // load the remote content
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                  width: width,
                  height: height,
                  modal: true,
                  resizable: false,
                  close: function() { dialog.remove(); }
              }).width(width - 30).height(height - 30);

      //prevent the browser to follow the link
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function checkAll(form)
	for (i = 0, n = form.elements.length; i < n; i++) {
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function getNumChecked(form)
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			if(form.elements[i].name == "doaction[]")
				if(form.elements[i].checked == true)
	return num;

// this function check for a the number of selected images, sumbmit false when no one selected
function checkSelected() {

	var numchecked = getNumChecked(document.getElementById('updategallery'));

    if (typeof document.activeElement == "undefined" && document.addEventListener) {
    	document.addEventListener("focus", function (e) {
    		document.activeElement = e.target;
    	}, true);

    if ( document.activeElement.name == 'post_paged' )
        return true;

	if(numchecked < 1) {
    echo esc_js(__('No images selected', 'nggallery'));
		return false;

	actionId = jQuery('#bulkaction').val();

	switch (actionId) {
		case "copy_to":
			showDialog('selectgallery', '<?php 
    echo esc_js(__('Copy image to...', 'nggallery'));
			return false;
		case "move_to":
			showDialog('selectgallery', '<?php 
    echo esc_js(__('Move image to...', 'nggallery'));
			return false;
		case "add_tags":
			showDialog('entertags', '<?php 
    echo esc_js(__('Add new tags', 'nggallery'));
			return false;
		case "delete_tags":
			showDialog('entertags', '<?php 
    echo esc_js(__('Delete tags', 'nggallery'));
			return false;
		case "overwrite_tags":
			showDialog('entertags', '<?php 
    echo esc_js(__('Overwrite', 'nggallery'));
			return false;
		case "resize_images":
			showDialog('resize_images', '<?php 
    echo esc_js(__('Resize images', 'nggallery'));
			return false;
		case "new_thumbnail":
			showDialog('new_thumbnail', '<?php 
    echo esc_js(__('Create new thumbnails', 'nggallery'));
			return false;

	return confirm('<?php 
    echo sprintf(esc_js(__("You are about to start the bulk edit for %s images \n \n 'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to proceed.", 'nggallery')), "' + numchecked + '");

jQuery(document).ready( function($) {
	if ($(this).data('ready')) return;

	// close postboxes that should be closed

	$(this).data('ready', true);

<div class="wrap">
    if ($is_search) {
        printf(__('Search results for &#8220;%s&#8221;', 'nggallery'), esc_html(get_search_query()));
<form class="search-form" action="" method="get">
<p class="search-box">
	<label class="hidden" for="media-search-input"><?php 
        _e('Search Images', 'nggallery');
	<input type="hidden" id="page-name" name="page" value="nggallery-manage-gallery" />
	<input type="text" id="media-search-input" name="s" value="<?php 
" />
	<input type="submit" value="<?php 
        _e('Search Images', 'nggallery');
" class="button" />

<br style="clear: both;" />

<form id="updategallery" class="nggform" method="POST" action="<?php 
        echo $ngg->manage_page->base_page . '&amp;mode=edit&amp;s=' . get_search_query();
" accept-charset="utf-8">
<input type="hidden" name="page" value="manage-images" />

    } else {
        echo _n('Gallery', 'Galleries', 1, 'nggallery');
 : <?php 
        echo esc_html(nggGallery::i18n($gallery->title));

<br style="clear: both;" />

<form id="updategallery" class="nggform" method="POST" action="<?php 
        echo $ngg->manage_page->base_page . '&amp;mode=edit&amp;gid=' . $act_gid . '&amp;paged=' . $_GET['paged'];
" accept-charset="utf-8">
<input type="hidden" name="page" value="manage-images" />

        if (nggGallery::current_user_can('NextGEN Edit gallery options')) {
<div id="poststuff">
            wp_nonce_field('closedpostboxes', 'closedpostboxesnonce', false);
	<div id="gallerydiv" class="postbox <?php 
            echo postbox_classes('gallerydiv', 'ngg-manage-gallery');
" >
            _e('Gallery settings', 'nggallery');
<small> (<?php 
            _e('Click here for more settings', 'nggallery');
		<div class="inside">
			<table class="form-table" >
					<th align="left"><?php 
					<th align="left"><input <?php 
            nggGallery::current_user_can_form('NextGEN Edit gallery title');
 type="text" size="50" name="title" value="<?php 
            echo esc_attr(stripslashes($gallery->title));
"  /></th>
					<th align="right"><?php 
            _e('Page Link to', 'nggallery');
					<th align="left">
					<select <?php 
            nggGallery::current_user_can_form('NextGEN Edit gallery page id');
  name="pageid" style="width:95%">
						<option value="0" ><?php 
            _e('Not linked', 'nggallery');
            foreach (get_pages() as $page) {
                            <option <?php 
                selected($gallery->pageid, $page->ID);
                echo esc_attr($page->ID);
                echo esc_html($page->post_title);
					<th align="left"><?php 
					<th align="left"><textarea  <?php 
            nggGallery::current_user_can_form('NextGEN Edit gallery description');
 name="gallerydesc" cols="30" rows="3" style="width: 95%" ><?php 
            echo esc_attr(stripslashes($gallery->galdesc));
					<th align="right"><?php 
            _e('Preview image', 'nggallery');
					<th align="left">
						<select <?php 
            nggGallery::current_user_can_form('NextGEN Edit gallery preview pic');
 name="previewpic" style="width:95%" >
							<option value="0" ><?php 
            _e('No Picture', 'nggallery');
            // ensure that a preview pic from a other page is still shown here
            if (intval($gallery->previewpic) != 0) {
                if (!array_key_exists($gallery->previewpic, $picturelist)) {
                    $previewpic = $nggdb->find_image($gallery->previewpic);
                    if ($previewpic) {
                        echo '<option value="' . $previewpic->pid . '" selected="selected" >' . $previewpic->pid . ' - ' . esc_attr($previewpic->filename) . '</option>' . "\n";
            if (is_array($picturelist)) {
                foreach ($picturelist as $picture) {
                    if ($picture->exclude) {
                    $selected = $picture->pid == $gallery->previewpic ? 'selected="selected" ' : '';
                    echo '<option value="' . $picture->pid . '" ' . $selected . '>' . $picture->pid . ' - ' . esc_attr($picture->filename) . '</option>' . "\n";
					<th align="left"><?php 
            _e('Path', 'nggallery');
					<th align="left"><input readonly="readonly" type="text" size="50" name="path" value="<?php 
            echo $gallery->path;
"  /></th>
					<th align="right"><?php 
            _e('Author', 'nggallery');
					<th align="left">
            $editable_ids = $ngg->manage_page->get_editable_user_ids($user_ID);
            if ($editable_ids && count($editable_ids) > 1 && nggGallery::current_user_can('NextGEN Edit gallery author')) {
                wp_dropdown_users(array('include' => $editable_ids, 'name' => 'author', 'selected' => empty($gallery->author) ? 0 : $gallery->author));
            } else {
                echo $act_author_user->display_name;
            if (current_user_can('publish_pages')) {
					<th align="left">&nbsp;</th>
					<th align="left">&nbsp;</th>
					<th align="right">
                        <label for='ngg_settings_parent_id'
                               title="Clicking <?php 
                _e('Add Page');
 will create a new page with the same name as this gallery and will display the gallery on that new page. You can create a sub-page by selecting the parent page from the drop down.">
                _e('Create new page', 'nggallery');
					<th align="left">
					<select name="parent_id" style="width:95%" id='ngg_settings_parent_id'>
						<option value="0"><?php 
                _e('Main page (No parent)', 'nggallery');
                foreach (get_pages() as $page) {
                        <option value="<?php 
                    echo esc_attr($page->ID);
                    echo esc_html($page->post_title);
					<input class="button-secondary action" type="submit" name="addnewpage" value="<?php 
                _e('Add page', 'nggallery');
" id="group"/>
            do_action('ngg_manage_gallery_settings', $act_gid);


			<div class="submit">
            if (wpmu_enable_function('wpmuScanFolder') && nggGallery::current_user_can('NextGEN Scan folder')) {
				<input type="submit" class="button-secondary" name="scanfolder" value="<?php 
                _e("Scan Folder for new images", 'nggallery');
 " />
				<input type="submit" class="button-primary action" name="updatepictures" value="<?php 
            _e("Save Changes", 'nggallery');
" />

</div> <!-- poststuff -->


<div class="tablenav top ngg-tablenav">
    $ngg->manage_page->pagination('top', $_GET['paged'], $nggdb->paged['total_objects'], $nggdb->paged['objects_per_page']);
	<div class="alignleft actions">
	<select id="bulkaction" name="bulkaction">
		<option value="no_action" ><?php 
    _e("Bulk actions", 'nggallery');
		<option value="set_watermark" ><?php 
    _e("Set watermark", 'nggallery');
		<option value="new_thumbnail" ><?php 
    _e("Create new thumbnails", 'nggallery');
		<option value="resize_images" ><?php 
    _e("Resize images", 'nggallery');
		<option value="recover_images" ><?php 
    _e("Recover from backup", 'nggallery');
		<option value="delete_images" ><?php 
    _e("Delete images", 'nggallery');
		<option value="import_meta" ><?php 
    _e("Import metadata", 'nggallery');
		<option value="rotate_cw" ><?php 
    _e("Rotate images clockwise", 'nggallery');
		<option value="rotate_ccw" ><?php 
    _e("Rotate images counter-clockwise", 'nggallery');
		<option value="copy_to" ><?php 
    _e("Copy to...", 'nggallery');
		<option value="move_to"><?php 
    _e("Move to...", 'nggallery');
		<option value="add_tags" ><?php 
    _e("Add tags", 'nggallery');
		<option value="delete_tags" ><?php 
    _e("Delete tags", 'nggallery');
		<option value="overwrite_tags" ><?php 
    _e("Overwrite tags", 'nggallery');
	<input class="button-secondary" type="submit" name="showThickbox" value="<?php 
    _e('Apply', 'nggallery');
" onclick="if ( !checkSelected() ) return false;" />

    if ($ngg->options['galSort'] == "sortorder" && !$is_search) {
		<input class="button-secondary" type="submit" name="sortGallery" value="<?php 
        _e('Sort gallery', 'nggallery');
" />

	<input type="submit" name="updatepictures" class="button-primary action"  value="<?php 
    _e('Save Changes', 'nggallery');
" />

<table id="ngg-listimages" class="widefat fixed" cellspacing="0" >

	<tbody id="the-list">
    if ($picturelist) {
        $thumbsize = '';
        if ($ngg->options['thumbfix']) {
            $thumbsize = 'width="' . $ngg->options['thumbwidth'] . '" height="' . $ngg->options['thumbheight'] . '"';
        foreach ($picturelist as $picture) {
            //for search result we need to check the capatibiliy
            if (!nggAdmin::can_manage_this_gallery($picture->author) && $is_search) {
            $pid = (int) $picture->pid;
            $alternate = !isset($alternate) || $alternate == 'alternate' ? '' : 'alternate';
            $exclude = $picture->exclude ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
            $date = mysql2date(get_option('date_format'), $picture->imagedate);
            $time = mysql2date(get_option('time_format'), $picture->imagedate);
		<tr id="picture-<?php 
            echo $pid;
" class="<?php 
            echo $alternate;
 iedit"  valign="top">
            foreach ($image_columns as $image_column_key => $column_display_name) {
                $class = "class='{$image_column_key} column-{$image_column_key}'";
                $style = '';
                if (in_array($image_column_key, $hidden_columns)) {
                    $style = ' style="display:none;"';
                $attributes = $class . $style;
                switch ($image_column_key) {
                    case 'cb':
                        $attributes = 'class="column-cb check-column"' . $style;
						<th <?php 
                        echo $attributes;
 scope="row"><input name="doaction[]" type="checkbox" value="<?php 
                        echo $pid;
" /></th>
                    case 'id':
						<td <?php 
                        echo $attributes;
                        echo $pid;
							<input type="hidden" name="pid[]" value="<?php 
                        echo $pid;
" />
                    case 'filename':
                        $attributes = 'class="title column-filename column-title"' . $style;
						<td <?php 
                        echo $attributes;
							<strong><a href="<?php 
                        echo nextgen_esc_url($picture->imageURL);
" class="thickbox" title="<?php 
                        echo esc_attr($picture->filename);
                        echo empty($picture->alttext) ? esc_html($picture->filename) : esc_html(stripslashes(nggGallery::i18n($picture->alttext)));
							<br /><?php 
                        echo $date;
                        if (!empty($picture->meta_data)) {
							<br /><?php 
                            echo $picture->meta_data['width'];
 x <?php 
                            echo $picture->meta_data['height'];
                            _e('pixel', 'nggallery');

                        $actions = array();
                        $actions['view'] = '<a class="shutter" href="' . nextgen_esc_url($picture->imageURL) . '" title="' . esc_attr(sprintf(__('View "%s"'), sanitize_title($picture->filename))) . '">' . __('View', 'nggallery') . '</a>';
                        $actions['meta'] = '<a class="ngg-dialog" href="' . NGGALLERY_URLPATH . 'admin/showmeta.php?id=' . $pid . '" title="' . __('Show Meta data', 'nggallery') . '">' . __('Meta', 'nggallery') . '</a>';
                        $actions['custom_thumb'] = '<a class="ngg-dialog" href="' . NGGALLERY_URLPATH . 'admin/edit-thumbnail.php?id=' . $pid . '" title="' . __('Customize thumbnail', 'nggallery') . '">' . __('Edit thumb', 'nggallery') . '</a>';
                        $actions['rotate'] = '<a class="ngg-dialog" href="' . NGGALLERY_URLPATH . 'admin/rotate.php?id=' . $pid . '" title="' . __('Rotate', 'nggallery') . '">' . __('Rotate', 'nggallery') . '</a>';
                        if (current_user_can('publish_posts')) {
                            $actions['publish'] = '<a class="ngg-dialog" href="' . NGGALLERY_URLPATH . 'admin/publish.php?id=' . $pid . '&h=230" title="' . __('Publish this image', 'nggallery') . '">' . __('Publish', 'nggallery') . '</a>';
                        if (file_exists($picture->imagePath . '_backup')) {
                            $actions['recover'] = '<a class="confirmrecover" href="' . wp_nonce_url("admin.php?page=nggallery-manage-gallery&amp;mode=recoverpic&amp;gid=" . $act_gid . "&amp;pid=" . $pid, 'ngg_recoverpicture') . '" title="' . __('Recover', 'nggallery') . '" onclick="javascript:check=confirm( \'' . esc_attr(sprintf(__('Recover "%s" ?', 'nggallery'), $picture->filename)) . '\');if(check==false) return false;">' . __('Recover', 'nggallery') . '</a>';
                        $actions['delete'] = '<a class="submitdelete" href="' . wp_nonce_url("admin.php?page=nggallery-manage-gallery&amp;mode=delpic&amp;gid=" . $act_gid . "&amp;pid=" . $pid, 'ngg_delpicture') . '" class="delete column-delete" onclick="javascript:check=confirm( \'' . esc_attr(sprintf(__('Delete "%s" ?', 'nggallery'), $picture->filename)) . '\');if(check==false) return false;">' . __('Delete') . '</a>';
                        $action_count = count($actions);
                        $i = 0;
                        echo '<div class="row-actions">';
                        foreach ($actions as $action => $link) {
                            $i == $action_count ? $sep = '' : ($sep = ' | ');
                            echo "<span class='{$action}'>{$link}{$sep}</span>";
                        echo '</div>';
                    case 'thumbnail':
                        $attributes = 'class="id column-thumbnail media-icon"' . $style;
						<td <?php 
                        echo $attributes;
><a href="<?php 
                        echo nextgen_esc_url(add_query_arg('i', mt_rand(), $picture->imageURL));
" class="shutter" title="<?php 
                        echo $picture->filename;
								<img class="thumb" src="<?php 
                        echo nextgen_esc_url(add_query_arg('i', mt_rand(), $picture->thumbURL));
" id="thumb<?php 
                        echo $pid;
" />
                    case 'alt_title_desc':
						<td <?php 
                        echo $attributes;
							<input name="alttext[<?php 
                        echo $pid;
]" type="text" style="width:95%; margin-bottom: 2px;" value="<?php 
                        echo esc_attr(stripslashes($picture->alttext));
" /><br/>
							<textarea name="description[<?php 
                        echo $pid;
]" style="width:95%; margin-top: 2px;" rows="2" ><?php 
                        echo esc_attr(stripslashes($picture->description));
                    case 'exclude':
						<td <?php 
                        echo $attributes;
><input name="exclude[<?php 
                        echo $pid;
]" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php 
                        echo $exclude;
                    case 'tags':
                        $picture->tags = wp_get_object_terms($pid, 'ngg_tag', 'fields=names');
                        if (is_array($picture->tags)) {
                            $picture->tags = implode(', ', $picture->tags);
						<td <?php 
                        echo $attributes;
><textarea name="tags[<?php 
                        echo $pid;
]" style="width:95%;" rows="2"><?php 
                        echo $picture->tags;
						<td <?php 
                        echo $attributes;
                        do_action('ngg_manage_image_custom_column', $image_column_key, $pid);
    // In the case you have no capaptibility to see the search result
    if ($counter == 0) {
        echo '<tr><td colspan="' . $num_columns . '" align="center"><strong>' . __('No entries found', 'nggallery') . '</strong></td></tr>';

    <div class="tablenav bottom">
    <input type="submit" class="button-primary action" name="updatepictures" value="<?php 
    _e('Save Changes', 'nggallery');
" />
    $ngg->manage_page->pagination('bottom', $_GET['paged'], $nggdb->paged['total_objects'], $nggdb->paged['objects_per_page']);
	<br class="clear"/>
	</div><!-- /#wrap -->

	<!-- #entertags -->
	<div id="entertags" style="display: none;" >
		<form id="form-tags" method="POST" accept-charset="utf-8">
		<input type="hidden" id="entertags_imagelist" name="TB_imagelist" value="" />
		<input type="hidden" id="entertags_bulkaction" name="TB_bulkaction" value="" />
		<input type="hidden" name="page" value="manage-images" />
		<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3" >
    _e("Enter the tags", 'nggallery');
 : <input name="taglist" type="text" style="width:90%" value="" /></th>
		  	<tr align="right">
		    	<td class="submit">
		    		<input class="button-primary" type="submit" name="TB_EditTags" value="<?php 
    _e("OK", 'nggallery');
" />
		    		<input class="button-secondary dialog-cancel" type="reset" value="&nbsp;<?php 
    _e("Cancel", 'nggallery');
&nbsp;" />
	<!-- /#entertags -->

	<!-- #selectgallery -->
	<div id="selectgallery" style="display: none;" >
		<form id="form-select-gallery" method="POST" accept-charset="utf-8">
		<input type="hidden" id="selectgallery_imagelist" name="TB_imagelist" value="" />
		<input type="hidden" id="selectgallery_bulkaction" name="TB_bulkaction" value="" />
		<input type="hidden" name="page" value="manage-images" />
		<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3" >
    _e('Select the destination gallery:', 'nggallery');
		    		<select name="dest_gid" style="width:90%" >
    foreach ($gallerylist as $gallery) {
        if ($gallery->gid != $act_gid) {
						<option value="<?php 
            echo $gallery->gid;
" ><?php 
            echo $gallery->gid;
 - <?php 
            echo esc_attr(stripslashes($gallery->title));
		  	<tr align="right">
		    	<td class="submit">
		    		<input type="submit" class="button-primary" name="TB_SelectGallery" value="<?php 
    _e("OK", 'nggallery');
" />
		    		<input class="button-secondary dialog-cancel" type="reset" value="<?php 
    _e("Cancel", 'nggallery');
" />
	<!-- /#selectgallery -->

	<!-- #resize_images -->
	<div id="resize_images" style="display: none;" >
		<form id="form-resize-images" method="POST" accept-charset="utf-8">
		<input type="hidden" id="resize_images_imagelist" name="TB_imagelist" value="" />
		<input type="hidden" id="resize_images_bulkaction" name="TB_bulkaction" value="" />
		<input type="hidden" name="page" value="manage-images" />
		<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3" >
			<tr valign="top">
    _e('Resize Images to', 'nggallery');
					<input type="text" size="5" name="imgWidth" value="<?php 
    echo $ngg->options['imgWidth'];
" /> x <input type="text" size="5" name="imgHeight" value="<?php 
    echo $ngg->options['imgHeight'];
" />
					<br /><small><?php 
    _e('Width x height (in pixel). NextGEN Gallery will keep ratio size', 'nggallery');
		  	<tr align="right">
		    	<td colspan="2" class="submit">
		    		<input class="button-primary" type="submit" name="TB_ResizeImages" value="<?php 
    _e('OK', 'nggallery');
" />
		    		<input class="button-secondary dialog-cancel" type="reset" value="&nbsp;<?php 
    _e('Cancel', 'nggallery');
&nbsp;" />
	<!-- /#resize_images -->

	<!-- #new_thumbnail -->
	<div id="new_thumbnail" style="display: none;" >
		<form id="form-new-thumbnail" method="POST" accept-charset="utf-8">
		<input type="hidden" id="new_thumbnail_imagelist" name="TB_imagelist" value="" />
		<input type="hidden" id="new_thumbnail_bulkaction" name="TB_bulkaction" value="" />
		<input type="hidden" name="page" value="manage-images" />
    <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3" >
			<tr valign="top">
				<th align="left"><?php 
    _e('Width x height (in pixel)', 'nggallery');
    include dirname(__FILE__) . '/thumbnails-template.php';
			<tr valign="top">
				<th align="left"><?php 
    _e('Set fix dimension', 'nggallery');
				<td><input type="checkbox" name="thumbfix" value="1" <?php 
    checked('1', $ngg->options['thumbfix']);
				<br /><small><?php 
    _e('Ignore the aspect ratio, no portrait thumbnails', 'nggallery');
		  	<tr align="right">
		    	<td colspan="2" class="submit">
		    		<input class="button-primary" type="submit" name="TB_NewThumbnail" value="<?php 
    _e('OK', 'nggallery');
" />
		    		<input class="button-secondary dialog-cancel" type="reset" value="&nbsp;<?php 
    _e('Cancel', 'nggallery');
&nbsp;" />
	<!-- /#new_thumbnail -->

	<script type="text/javascript">
	/* <![CDATA[ */
	/* ]]> */
예제 #4
function nggallery_picturelist($controller)
    // *** show picture list
    global $wpdb, $nggdb, $user_ID, $ngg;
    // Look if its a search result
    $is_search = isset($_GET['s']) ? true : false;
    $counter = 0;
    $wp_list_table = new _NGG_Images_List_Table('nggallery-manage-images');
    if ($is_search) {
        // fetch the imagelist
        $picturelist = $ngg->manage_page->search_result;
        // we didn't set a gallery or a pagination
        $act_gid = 0;
        $_GET['paged'] = 1;
        $page_links = false;
    } else {
        // GET variables
        $act_gid = $ngg->manage_page->gid;
        // Load the gallery metadata
        $mapper = C_Gallery_Mapper::get_instance();
        $gallery = $mapper->find($act_gid);
        if (!$gallery) {
            nggGallery::show_error(__('Gallery not found.', 'nggallery'));
        // Check if you have the correct capability
        if (!nggAdmin::can_manage_this_gallery($gallery->author)) {
            nggGallery::show_error(__('Sorry, you have no access here', 'nggallery'));
        // look for pagination
        $_GET['paged'] = isset($_GET['paged']) && $_GET['paged'] > 0 ? absint($_GET['paged']) : 1;
        $items_per_page = 50;
        $start = ($_GET['paged'] - 1) * $items_per_page;
        // get picture values
        $image_mapper = C_Image_Mapper::get_instance();
        $total_number_of_images = count($image_mapper->select($image_mapper->get_primary_key_column())->where(array("galleryid = %d", $act_gid))->run_query(FALSE, TRUE));
        $picturelist = $image_mapper->select()->where(array("galleryid = %d", $act_gid))->order_by($ngg->options['galSort'], $ngg->options['galSortDir'])->limit($items_per_page, $start)->run_query();
        // get the current author
        $act_author_user = get_userdata((int) $gallery->author);
    // list all galleries
    $gallerylist = $nggdb->find_all_galleries();
    //get the columns
    $image_columns = $wp_list_table->get_columns();
    $hidden_columns = get_hidden_columns('nggallery-manage-images');
    $num_columns = count($image_columns) - count($hidden_columns);
    $attr = nggGallery::current_user_can('NextGEN Edit gallery options') ? '' : 'disabled="disabled"';
<script type="text/javascript">
function showDialog( windowId, title ) {
	var form = document.getElementById('updategallery');
	var elementlist = "";
	for (i = 0, n = form.elements.length; i < n; i++) {
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			if(form.elements[i].name == "doaction[]")
				if(form.elements[i].checked == true)
					if (elementlist == "")
						elementlist = form.elements[i].value;
						elementlist += "," + form.elements[i].value ;
	jQuery("#" + windowId + "_bulkaction").val(jQuery("#bulkaction").val());
	jQuery("#" + windowId + "_imagelist").val(elementlist);
    // now show the dialog
	jQuery( "#" + windowId ).dialog({
		width: 640,
        resizable : false,
		modal: true,
        title: title,
		position: {
			my:		'center',
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    jQuery("#" + windowId + ' .dialog-cancel').click(function() { jQuery( "#" + windowId ).dialog("close"); });

jQuery(function (){

    jQuery('span.tooltip, label.tooltip').tooltip();

    // load a content via ajax
    jQuery('a.ngg-dialog').click(function() {
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      var results = new RegExp('[\\?&]h=([^&#]*)').exec(this.href);
	    var height = ( results ) ? results[1] : 440;
      var container = window;

      if (window.parent) {
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      jQuery('#spinner').position({ my: "center", at: "center", of: container });

      var dialog = jQuery('<div class="ngg-overlay-dialog" style="display:hidden"></div>').appendTo('body');
      // load the remote content
          function () {

                  title: ($this.attr('title')) ? $this.attr('title') : '',
                  position: { my: "center", at: "center", of: container },
                  width: width,
                  height: height,
                  modal: true,
                  resizable: false,
                  close: function() { dialog.remove(); }
              }).width(width - 30).height(height - 30);

      //prevent the browser to follow the link
      return false;

function checkAll(form)
	for (i = 0, n = form.elements.length; i < n; i++) {
		if(form.elements[i].type == "checkbox") {
			if(form.elements[i].name == "doaction[]") {
				if(form.elements[i].checked == true)
					form.elements[i].checked = false;
					form.elements[i].checked = true;

function getNumChecked(form)
	var num = 0;
	for (i = 0, n = form.elements.length; i < n; i++) {
		if(form.elements[i].type == "checkbox") {
			if(form.elements[i].name == "doaction[]")
				if(form.elements[i].checked == true)
	return num;

// this function check for a the number of selected images, sumbmit false when no one selected
function checkSelected() {

	var numchecked = getNumChecked(document.getElementById('updategallery'));

    if (typeof document.activeElement == "undefined" && document.addEventListener) {
    	document.addEventListener("focus", function (e) {
    		document.activeElement = e.target;
    	}, true);

    if ( document.activeElement.name == 'post_paged' )
        return true;

	if(numchecked < 1) {
    echo esc_js(__('No images selected', 'nggallery'));
		return false;

	actionId = jQuery('#bulkaction').val();

	switch (actionId) {
		case "copy_to":
			showDialog('selectgallery', '<?php 
    echo esc_js(__('Copy image to...', 'nggallery'));
			return false;
		case "move_to":
			showDialog('selectgallery', '<?php 
    echo esc_js(__('Move image to...', 'nggallery'));
			return false;
		case "add_tags":
			showDialog('entertags', '<?php 
    echo esc_js(__('Add new tags', 'nggallery'));
			return false;
		case "delete_tags":
			showDialog('entertags', '<?php 
    echo esc_js(__('Delete tags', 'nggallery'));
			return false;
		case "overwrite_tags":
			showDialog('entertags', '<?php 
    echo esc_js(__('Overwrite', 'nggallery'));
			return false;
		case "resize_images":
			showDialog('resize_images', '<?php 
    echo esc_js(__('Resize images', 'nggallery'));
			return false;
		case "new_thumbnail":
			showDialog('new_thumbnail', '<?php 
    echo esc_js(__('Create new thumbnails', 'nggallery'));
			return false;

	return confirm('<?php 
    echo sprintf(esc_js(__("You are about to start the bulk edit for %s images \n \n 'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to proceed.", 'nggallery')), "' + numchecked + '");

jQuery(document).ready( function($) {
	if ($(this).data('ready')) return;

	// close postboxes that should be closed

			jQuery(this).parent().find('.row-actions').css('visibility', 'hidden');
			jQuery(this).next('.row_actions:first').find('.row-actions:first').css('visibility', 'visible');

	$(this).data('ready', true);

<div class="wrap">
    if ($is_search) {
        printf(__('Search results for &#8220;%s&#8221;', 'nggallery'), esc_html(get_search_query()));
<form class="search-form" action="" method="get">
<p class="search-box">
	<label class="hidden" for="media-search-input"><?php 
        _e('Search Images', 'nggallery');
	<input type="hidden" id="page-name" name="page" value="nggallery-manage-gallery" />
	<input type="text" id="media-search-input" name="s" value="<?php 
" />
	<input type="submit" value="<?php 
        _e('Search Images', 'nggallery');
" class="button" />

<br style="clear: both;" />

<form id="updategallery" class="nggform" method="POST" action="<?php 
        echo $ngg->manage_page->base_page . '&amp;mode=edit&amp;s=' . get_search_query();
" accept-charset="utf-8">
<input type="hidden" name="page" value="manage-images" />

    } else {
        echo _n('Gallery', 'Galleries', 1, 'nggallery');
 : <?php 
        echo esc_html(nggGallery::i18n($gallery->title));

<br style="clear: both;" />

<form id="updategallery" class="nggform" method="POST" action="<?php 
        echo $ngg->manage_page->base_page . '&amp;mode=edit&amp;gid=' . $act_gid . '&amp;paged=' . esc_attr($_GET['paged']);
" accept-charset="utf-8">
<input type="hidden" name="page" value="manage-images" />

        if (nggGallery::current_user_can('NextGEN Edit gallery options')) {
<div id="poststuff">
            wp_nonce_field('closedpostboxes', 'closedpostboxesnonce', false);
	<div id="gallerydiv" class="postbox <?php 
            echo postbox_classes('gallerydiv', 'ngg-manage-gallery');
" >
            _e('Gallery settings', 'nggallery');
<small> (<?php 
            _e('Click here for more settings', 'nggallery');
		<div class="inside">

			<div class="submit">
            if (wpmu_enable_function('wpmuImportFolder') && nggGallery::current_user_can('NextGEN Import image folder')) {
				<input type="submit" class="button-secondary" name="scanfolder" value="<?php 
                _e("Scan Folder for new images", 'nggallery');
 " />
				<input type="submit" class="button-primary action" name="updatepictures" value="<?php 
            _e("Save Changes", 'nggallery');
" />

</div> <!-- poststuff -->


<div class="tablenav top ngg-tablenav">
    $ngg->manage_page->pagination('top', $_GET['paged'], $total_number_of_images, $items_per_page);
	<div class="alignleft actions">
	<select id="bulkaction" name="bulkaction">
		<option value="no_action" ><?php 
    _e("Bulk actions", 'nggallery');
		<option value="set_watermark" ><?php 
    _e("Set watermark", 'nggallery');
		<option value="new_thumbnail" ><?php 
    _e("Create new thumbnails", 'nggallery');
		<option value="resize_images" ><?php 
    _e("Resize images", 'nggallery');
		<option value="recover_images" ><?php 
    _e("Recover from backup", 'nggallery');
		<option value="delete_images" ><?php 
    _e("Delete images", 'nggallery');
		<option value="import_meta" ><?php 
    _e("Import metadata", 'nggallery');
		<option value="rotate_cw" ><?php 
    _e("Rotate images clockwise", 'nggallery');
		<option value="rotate_ccw" ><?php 
    _e("Rotate images counter-clockwise", 'nggallery');
		<option value="copy_to" ><?php 
    _e("Copy to...", 'nggallery');
		<option value="move_to"><?php 
    _e("Move to...", 'nggallery');
		<option value="add_tags" ><?php 
    _e("Add tags", 'nggallery');
		<option value="delete_tags" ><?php 
    _e("Delete tags", 'nggallery');
		<option value="overwrite_tags" ><?php 
    _e("Overwrite tags", 'nggallery');
	<input class="button-secondary" type="submit" name="showThickbox" value="<?php 
    _e('Apply', 'nggallery');
" onclick="if ( !checkSelected() ) return false;" />

    if ($ngg->options['galSort'] == "sortorder" && !$is_search) {
		<input class="button-secondary" type="submit" name="sortGallery" value="<?php 
        _e('Sort gallery', 'nggallery');
" />

	<input type="submit" name="updatepictures" class="button-primary action"  value="<?php 
    _e('Save Changes', 'nggallery');
" />
<table id="ngg-listimages" class="widefat fixed" cellspacing="0" >

	<tbody id="the-list">
    if ($picturelist) {
        $thumbsize = '';
        $storage = C_Gallery_Storage::get_instance();
        if ($ngg->options['thumbfix']) {
            $thumbsize = 'width="' . $ngg->options['thumbwidth'] . '" height="' . $ngg->options['thumbheight'] . '"';
        foreach ($picturelist as $picture) {
            //for search result we need to check the capatibiliy
            if (!nggAdmin::can_manage_this_gallery($gallery->author) && $is_search) {
            $picture->imageURL = $storage->get_image_url($picture);
            $picture->thumbURL = $storage->get_thumb_url($picture);
            $picture->imagePath = $storage->get_image_abspath($picture);
            $picture->thumbPath = $storage->get_thumb_abspath($picture);
            echo apply_filters('ngg_manage_images_row', $picture, $counter);
    // In the case you have no capaptibility to see the search result
    if ($counter == 0) {
        echo '<tr><td colspan="' . $num_columns . '" align="center"><strong>' . __('No entries found', 'nggallery') . '</strong></td></tr>';

    <div class="tablenav bottom">
    <input type="submit" class="button-primary action" name="updatepictures" value="<?php 
    _e('Save Changes', 'nggallery');
" />
    $ngg->manage_page->pagination('bottom', $_GET['paged'], $total_number_of_images, $items_per_page);
	<br class="clear"/>
	</div><!-- /#wrap -->

	<!-- #entertags -->
	<div id="entertags" style="display: none;" >
		<form id="form-tags" method="POST" accept-charset="utf-8">
		<input type="hidden" id="entertags_imagelist" name="TB_imagelist" value="" />
		<input type="hidden" id="entertags_bulkaction" name="TB_bulkaction" value="" />
		<input type="hidden" name="page" value="manage-images" />
		<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3" >
    _e("Enter the tags", 'nggallery');
 : <input name="taglist" type="text" style="width:90%" value="" /></th>
		  	<tr align="right">
		    	<td class="submit">
		    		<input class="button-primary" type="submit" name="TB_EditTags" value="<?php 
    _e("OK", 'nggallery');
" />
		    		<input class="button-secondary dialog-cancel" type="reset" value="&nbsp;<?php 
    _e("Cancel", 'nggallery');
&nbsp;" />
	<!-- /#entertags -->

	<!-- #selectgallery -->
	<div id="selectgallery" style="display: none;" >
		<form id="form-select-gallery" method="POST" accept-charset="utf-8">
		<input type="hidden" id="selectgallery_imagelist" name="TB_imagelist" value="" />
		<input type="hidden" id="selectgallery_bulkaction" name="TB_bulkaction" value="" />
		<input type="hidden" name="page" value="manage-images" />
		<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3" >
    _e('Select the destination gallery:', 'nggallery');
		    		<select name="dest_gid" style="width:90%" >
    foreach ($gallerylist as $gallery) {
        if ($gallery->gid != $act_gid) {
						<option value="<?php 
            echo $gallery->gid;
" ><?php 
            echo $gallery->gid;
 - <?php 
            echo esc_attr(stripslashes($gallery->title));
		  	<tr align="right">
		    	<td class="submit">
		    		<input type="submit" class="button-primary" name="TB_SelectGallery" value="<?php 
    _e("OK", 'nggallery');
" />
		    		<input class="button-secondary dialog-cancel" type="reset" value="<?php 
    _e("Cancel", 'nggallery');
" />
	<!-- /#selectgallery -->

	<!-- #resize_images -->
	<div id="resize_images" style="display: none;" >
		<form id="form-resize-images" method="POST" accept-charset="utf-8">
		<input type="hidden" id="resize_images_imagelist" name="TB_imagelist" value="" />
		<input type="hidden" id="resize_images_bulkaction" name="TB_bulkaction" value="" />
		<input type="hidden" name="page" value="manage-images" />
		<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3" >
			<tr valign="top">
    _e('Resize Images to', 'nggallery');
					<input type="text" size="5" name="imgWidth" value="<?php 
    echo $ngg->options['imgWidth'];
" /> x <input type="text" size="5" name="imgHeight" value="<?php 
    echo $ngg->options['imgHeight'];
" />
					<br /><small><?php 
    _e('Width x height (in pixel). NextGEN Gallery will keep ratio size', 'nggallery');
		  	<tr align="right">
		    	<td colspan="2" class="submit">
		    		<input class="button-primary" type="submit" name="TB_ResizeImages" value="<?php 
    _e('OK', 'nggallery');
" />
		    		<input class="button-secondary dialog-cancel" type="reset" value="&nbsp;<?php 
    _e('Cancel', 'nggallery');
&nbsp;" />
	<!-- /#resize_images -->

	<!-- #new_thumbnail -->
	<div id="new_thumbnail" style="display: none;" >
		<form id="form-new-thumbnail" method="POST" accept-charset="utf-8">
		<input type="hidden" id="new_thumbnail_imagelist" name="TB_imagelist" value="" />
		<input type="hidden" id="new_thumbnail_bulkaction" name="TB_bulkaction" value="" />
		<input type="hidden" name="page" value="manage-images" />
    <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3" >
			<tr valign="top">
				<th align="left"><?php 
    _e('Width x height (in pixel)', 'nggallery');
    include dirname(__FILE__) . '/thumbnails-template.php';
			<tr valign="top">
				<th align="left"><?php 
    _e('Set fix dimension', 'nggallery');
				<td><input type="checkbox" name="thumbfix" value="1" <?php 
    checked('1', $ngg->options['thumbfix']);
				<br /><small><?php 
    _e('Ignore the aspect ratio, no portrait thumbnails', 'nggallery');
		  	<tr align="right">
		    	<td colspan="2" class="submit">
		    		<input class="button-primary" type="submit" name="TB_NewThumbnail" value="<?php 
    _e('OK', 'nggallery');
" />
		    		<input class="button-secondary dialog-cancel" type="reset" value="&nbsp;<?php 
    _e('Cancel', 'nggallery');
&nbsp;" />
	<!-- /#new_thumbnail -->

	<script type="text/javascript">
	/* <![CDATA[ */
	/* ]]> */
예제 #5
  * nggAdmin::import_gallery()
  * TODO: Check permission of existing thumb folder & images
  * @class nggAdmin
  * @param string $galleryfolder contains relative path to the gallery itself
  * @return void
 static function import_gallery($galleryfolder, $gallery_id = NULL)
     global $wpdb, $user_ID;
     // get the current user ID
     $created_msg = '';
     // remove trailing slash at the end, if somebody use it
     $galleryfolder = untrailingslashit($galleryfolder);
     $fs = C_Fs::get_instance();
     if (is_null($gallery_id)) {
         $gallerypath = $fs->join_paths($fs->get_document_root('content'), $galleryfolder);
     } else {
         $storage = C_Gallery_Storage::get_instance();
         $gallerypath = $storage->get_gallery_abspath($gallery_id);
     if (!is_dir($gallerypath)) {
         nggGallery::show_error(sprintf(__("Directory <strong>%s</strong> doesn&#96;t exist!", 'nggallery'), esc_html($gallerypath)));
     // read list of images
     $new_imageslist = nggAdmin::scandir($gallerypath);
     if (empty($new_imageslist)) {
         nggGallery::show_message(sprintf(__("Directory <strong>%s</strong> contains no pictures", 'nggallery'), esc_html($gallerypath)));
     // take folder name as gallery name
     $galleryname = basename($galleryfolder);
     $galleryname = apply_filters('ngg_gallery_name', $galleryname);
     // check for existing gallery folder
     if (is_null($gallery_id)) {
         $gallery_id = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT gid FROM {$wpdb->nggallery} WHERE path = '{$galleryfolder}' ");
     if (!$gallery_id) {
         // now add the gallery to the database
         $gallery_id = nggdb::add_gallery($galleryname, $galleryfolder, '', 0, 0, $user_ID);
         if (!$gallery_id) {
             nggGallery::show_error(__('Database error. Could not add gallery!', 'nggallery'));
         } else {
             do_action('ngg_created_new_gallery', $gallery_id);
         $created_msg = sprintf(_n("Gallery <strong>%s</strong> successfully created!", 'Galleries <strong>%s</strong> successfully created!', 1, 'nggallery'), esc_html($galleryname));
     // Look for existing image list
     $old_imageslist = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT filename FROM {$wpdb->nggpictures} WHERE galleryid = '{$gallery_id}' ");
     // if no images are there, create empty array
     if ($old_imageslist == NULL) {
         $old_imageslist = array();
     // check difference
     $new_images = array_diff($new_imageslist, $old_imageslist);
     // all images must be valid files
     foreach ($new_images as $key => $picture) {
         // filter function to rename/change/modify image before
         $picture = apply_filters('ngg_pre_add_new_image', $picture, $gallery_id);
         $new_images[$key] = $picture;
         if (!@getimagesize($gallerypath . '/' . $picture)) {
             @unlink($gallerypath . '/' . $picture);
     // add images to database
     $image_ids = nggAdmin::add_Images($gallery_id, $new_images);
     do_action('ngg_after_new_images_added', $gallery_id, $image_ids);
     //add the preview image if needed
     // now create thumbnails
     nggAdmin::do_ajax_operation('create_thumbnail', $image_ids, __('Create new thumbnails', 'nggallery'));
     //TODO:Message will not shown, because AJAX routine require more time, message should be passed to AJAX
     $message = $created_msg . sprintf(_n('%s picture successfully added', '%s pictures successfully added', count($image_ids), 'nggallery'), count($image_ids));
     $message .= ' [<a href="' . admin_url() . 'admin.php?page=nggallery-manage-gallery&mode=edit&gid=' . $gallery_id . '" >';
     $message .= __('Edit gallery', 'nggallery');
     $message .= '</a>]';
예제 #6
  * Check UID in folder and Script
  * Read http://www.php.net/manual/en/features.safe-mode.php to understand safe_mode
  * @class nggAdmin
  * @param string $foldername
  * @return bool $result
 function check_safemode($foldername)
     if (SAFE_MODE) {
         $script_uid = ini_get('safe_mode_gid') ? getmygid() : getmyuid();
         $folder_uid = fileowner($foldername);
         if ($script_uid != $folder_uid) {
             $message = sprintf(__('SAFE MODE Restriction in effect! You need to create the folder <strong>%s</strong> manually', 'nggallery'), esc_html($foldername));
             $message .= '<br />' . sprintf(__('When safe_mode is on, PHP checks to see if the owner (%s) of the current script matches the owner (%s) of the file to be operated on by a file function or its directory', 'nggallery'), $script_uid, $folder_uid);
             return false;
     return true;
예제 #7
파일: style.php 프로젝트: valerol/korpus
     * Render the page content.
     * @since 1.9.22
    function controller()
        global $ngg;
        //the directions containing the css files
        if (file_exists(NGG_CONTENT_DIR . "/ngg_styles")) {
            $dir = array(NGGALLERY_ABSPATH . "css", NGG_CONTENT_DIR . "/ngg_styles");
        } else {
            $dir = array(NGGALLERY_ABSPATH . "css");
        //support for legacy location (in theme folder)
        if ($theme_css_exists = file_exists(get_stylesheet_directory() . "/nggallery.css")) {
            $act_cssfile = get_stylesheet_directory() . "/nggallery.css";
        //if someone uses the filter, don't display this page.
        if (!$theme_css_exists && ($set_css_file = nggGallery::get_theme_css_file())) {
            nggGallery::show_error(__('Your CSS file is set by a theme or another plugin.', 'nggallery') . "<br><br>" . __('This CSS file will be applied:', 'nggallery') . "<br>" . $set_css_file);
        //load all files
        if (!isset($act_cssfile)) {
            $csslist = NGG_Style::ngg_get_cssfiles($dir);
            $act_cssfile = $ngg->options['CSSfile'];
        //get the data from the file
        $act_css_data = NGG_Style::ngg_get_cssfiles_data($act_cssfile);
        $act_css_name = $act_css_data['Name'];
        $act_css_description = $act_css_data['Description'];
        $act_css_author = $act_css_data['Author'];
        $act_css_version = $act_css_data['Version'];
        $act_css_folder = $act_css_data['Folder'];
        // get the content of the file
        $error = !is_file($act_cssfile);
        if (!$error && filesize($act_cssfile) > 0) {
            $f = fopen($act_cssfile, 'r');
            $content = fread($f, filesize($act_cssfile));
            $content = htmlspecialchars($content);
		<div class="wrap">
			<div class="bordertitle">
        _e('Style Editor', 'nggallery');
				<div class="fileedit-sub">
        if (!$theme_css_exists) {
            //no need if there is a theme css
					<div class="alignright">
						<form id="themeselector" name="cssfiles" method="post">
            _e('Activate and use style sheet:', 'nggallery');
							<input type="checkbox" name="activateCSS" value="1" <?php 
            checked('1', $ngg->options['activateCSS']);
							<select name="css" id="theme" style="margin: 0pt; padding: 0pt;">
            self::output_css_files_dropdown($csslist, $act_cssfile);
							<input class="button" type="submit" name="activate" value="<?php 
            _e('Activate', 'nggallery');
 &raquo;" class="button" />
        if (!is_multisite() || is_super_admin()) {
					<div class="alignleft">
            $title = '<h3>';
            if (is_writeable($act_cssfile)) {
                $title .= sprintf(__('Editing %s', 'nggallery'), $act_css_name);
            } else {
                $title .= sprintf(__('Browsing %s', 'nggallery'), $act_css_name);
            if ($theme_css_exists) {
                $title .= ' ' . __('(from the theme folder)', 'nggallery');
            $title .= '</h3>';
            echo $title;
					<br class="clear" />
				</div> <!-- fileedit-sub -->
				<div id="templateside">
            if ($theme_css_exists) {
					<form id="filemover" name="filemover" method="post" style="background:white; padding: 1px 10px 10px;">
                _e('To ensure your css file stays safe during upgrades, please move it to the right folder.', 'nggallery');
						<input type="hidden" name="movecss" value="movecss" />
						<input type="hidden" name="oldpath" value="<?php 
                echo $act_cssfile;
" />
						<input class="button-primary action" type="submit" name="submit" value="<?php 
                _e('Move file', 'nggallery');
" />
					<br class="clear" />
            _e('Author', 'nggallery');
:</strong> <?php 
            echo $act_css_author;
            _e('Version', 'nggallery');
:</strong> <?php 
            echo $act_css_version;
            _e('Description', 'nggallery');
					<p class="description"><?php 
            echo $act_css_description;
            _e('File location', 'nggallery');
					<p class="description"><?php 
            echo $act_cssfile;
            if (!$error) {
				<form name="template" id="template" method="post">
						<textarea cols="70" rows="25" name="newcontent" id="newcontent" tabindex="1"  class="codepress css"><?php 
                echo $content;
						<input type="hidden" name="updatecss" value="updatecss" />
						<input type="hidden" name="folder" value="<?php 
                echo $act_css_folder;
" />
						<input type="hidden" name="file" value="<?php 
                echo $act_cssfile;
" />
                if (is_writeable($act_cssfile)) {
					<p class="submit"><input class="button-primary action" type="submit" name="submit" value="<?php 
                    _e('Update File', 'nggallery');
" tabindex="2" /></p>
                } else {
                    _e('If this file were writable you could edit it.', 'nggallery');
            } else {
                echo '<div class="error"><p>' . __('This file does not exist. Double check the name and try again.', 'nggallery') . '</p></div>';
				<div class="clear"> &nbsp; </div>
			</div> <!-- wrap-->
        //end if ( !is_multisite() || is_super_admin() )
예제 #8
function nggallery_picturelist()
    // *** show picture list
    global $wpdb, $user_ID, $ngg;
    // GET variables
    $act_gid = $ngg->manage_page->gid;
    $showTags = $ngg->manage_page->showTags;
    $hideThumbs = $ngg->manage_page->hideThumbs;
    // Load the gallery metadata
    $gallery = nggdb::find_gallery($act_gid);
    if (!$gallery) {
        nggGallery::show_error(__('Gallery not found.', 'nggallery'));
    // get picture values
    $picturelist = nggdb::get_gallery($act_gid, $ngg->options['galSort'], $ngg->options['galSortDir'], false);
    // get the current author
    $act_author_user = get_userdata((int) $gallery->author);
    // list all galleries
    $gallerylist = nggdb::find_all_galleries();

<script type="text/javascript"> 
	function showDialog( windowId ) {
		var form = document.getElementById('updategallery');
		var elementlist = "";
		for (i = 0, n = form.elements.length; i < n; i++) {
			if(form.elements[i].type == "checkbox") {
				if(form.elements[i].name == "doaction[]")
					if(form.elements[i].checked == true)
						if (elementlist == "")
							elementlist = form.elements[i].value
							elementlist += "," + form.elements[i].value ;
		jQuery("#" + windowId + "_bulkaction").val(jQuery("#bulkaction").val());
		jQuery("#" + windowId + "_imagelist").val(elementlist);
		// console.log (jQuery("#TB_imagelist").val());
		tb_show("", "#TB_inline?width=640&height=120&inlineId=" + windowId + "&modal=true", false);
<script type="text/javascript">
function checkAll(form)
	for (i = 0, n = form.elements.length; i < n; i++) {
		if(form.elements[i].type == "checkbox") {
			if(form.elements[i].name == "doaction[]") {
				if(form.elements[i].checked == true)
					form.elements[i].checked = false;
					form.elements[i].checked = true;

function getNumChecked(form)
	var num = 0;
	for (i = 0, n = form.elements.length; i < n; i++) {
		if(form.elements[i].type == "checkbox") {
			if(form.elements[i].name == "doaction[]")
				if(form.elements[i].checked == true)
	return num;

// this function check for a the number of selected images, sumbmit false when no one selected
function checkSelected() {

	var numchecked = getNumChecked(document.getElementById('updategallery'));
	if(numchecked < 1) { 
    echo js_escape(__("No images selected", 'nggallery'));
		return false; 
	//TODO: For copy to and move to we need some better way around
	if (jQuery('#bulkaction').val() == 'copy_to') {
		return false;
	if (jQuery('#bulkaction').val() == 'move_to') {
		return false;
	return confirm('<?php 
    echo sprintf(js_escape(__("You are about to start the bulk edit for %s images \n \n 'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to proceed.", 'nggallery')), "' + numchecked + '");

jQuery(document).ready( function() {
	// close postboxes that should be closed

	if (typeof postboxes != "undefined")
		postboxes.add_postbox_toggles('ngg-manage-gallery'); // WP 2.7
		add_postbox_toggles('ngg-manage-gallery'); 	// WP 2.6


<div class="wrap">

    echo __ngettext('Gallery', 'Galleries', 1, 'nggallery');
 : <?php 
    echo $gallery->title;

<br style="clear: both;" />

<form id="updategallery" class="nggform" method="POST" action="<?php 
    echo $ngg->manage_page->base_page . '&amp;mode=edit&amp;gid=' . $act_gid;
" accept-charset="utf-8">

    if ($showTags) {
<input type="hidden" name="showTags" value="true" /><?php 
    if ($hideThumbs) {
<input type="hidden" name="hideThumbs" value="true" /><?php 
<div id="poststuff">
    wp_nonce_field('closedpostboxes', 'closedpostboxesnonce', false);
	<div id="gallerydiv" class="postbox <?php 
    echo postbox_classes('gallerydiv', 'ngg-manage-gallery');
" >
    _e('Gallery settings', 'nggallery');
<small> (<?php 
    _e('Click here for more settings', 'nggallery');
		<div class="inside">
			<table class="form-table" >
					<th align="left"><?php 
					<th align="left"><input type="text" size="50" name="title" value="<?php 
    echo $gallery->title;
"  /></th>
					<th align="right"><?php 
    _e('Page Link to', 'nggallery');
					<th align="left">
					<select name="pageid" style="width:95%">
						<option value="0" ><?php 
    _e('Not linked', 'nggallery');
					<th align="left"><?php 
					<th align="left"><textarea name="gallerydesc" cols="30" rows="3" style="width: 95%" ><?php 
    echo $gallery->galdesc;
					<th align="right"><?php 
    _e('Preview image', 'nggallery');
					<th align="left">
						<select name="previewpic" style="width:95%" >
							<option value="0" ><?php 
    _e('No Picture', 'nggallery');
    if (is_array($picturelist)) {
        foreach ($picturelist as $picture) {
            $selected = $picture->pid == $gallery->previewpic ? 'selected="selected" ' : '';
            echo '<option value="' . $picture->pid . '" ' . $selected . '>' . $picture->pid . ' - ' . $picture->filename . '</option>' . "\n";
					<th align="left"><?php 
    _e('Path', 'nggallery');
					<th align="left"><input <?php 
    if (IS_WPMU) {
        echo 'readonly = "readonly"';
 type="text" size="50" name="path" value="<?php 
    echo $gallery->path;
"  /></th>
					<th align="right"><?php 
    _e('Author', 'nggallery');
					<th align="left"> 
    $editable_ids = $ngg->manage_page->get_editable_user_ids($user_ID);
    if ($editable_ids && count($editable_ids) > 1) {
        wp_dropdown_users(array('include' => $editable_ids, 'name' => 'author', 'selected' => empty($gallery->author) ? 0 : $gallery->author));
    } else {
        echo $act_author_user->display_name;
					<th align="left">&nbsp;</th>
					<th align="left">&nbsp;</th>				
					<th align="right"><?php 
    _e('Create new page', 'nggallery');
					<th align="left"> 
					<select name="parent_id" style="width:95%">
						<option value="0"><?php 
    _e('Main page (No parent)', 'nggallery');
					<input class="button-secondary action" type="submit" name="addnewpage" value="<?php 
    _e('Add page', 'nggallery');
" id="group"/>
			<div class="submit">
				<input type="submit" class="button-secondary" name="scanfolder" value="<?php 
    _e("Scan Folder for new images", 'nggallery');
 " />
				<input type="submit" class="button-primary action" name="updatepictures" value="<?php 
    _e("Save Changes", 'nggallery');
" />

</div> <!-- poststuff -->

<div class="tablenav ngg-tablenav">
	<div class="alignleft actions" style="float: left;">
	<select id="bulkaction" name="bulkaction">
		<option value="no_action" ><?php 
    _e("No action", 'nggallery');
    if (!$showTags) {
		<option value="set_watermark" ><?php 
        _e("Set watermark", 'nggallery');
		<option value="new_thumbnail" ><?php 
        _e("Create new thumbnails", 'nggallery');
		<option value="resize_images" ><?php 
        _e("Resize images", 'nggallery');
		<option value="delete_images" ><?php 
        _e("Delete images", 'nggallery');
		<option value="import_meta" ><?php 
        _e("Import metadata", 'nggallery');
		<option value="copy_to" ><?php 
        _e("Copy to...", 'nggallery');
		<option value="move_to"><?php 
        _e("Move to...", 'nggallery');
    } else {
		<option value="add_tags" ><?php 
        _e("Add tags", 'nggallery');
		<option value="delete_tags" ><?php 
        _e("Delete tags", 'nggallery');
		<option value="overwrite_tags" ><?php 
        _e("Overwrite tags", 'nggallery');
    if (!$showTags) {
		<input class="button-secondary" type="submit" name="doaction" value="<?php 
        _e("OK", 'nggallery');
" onclick="if ( !checkSelected() ) return false;" />
    } else {
		<input class="button-secondary" type="submit" name="showThickbox" value="<?php 
        _e("OK", 'nggallery');
" onclick="showDialog('tags'); return false;" />
    if (!$hideThumbs) {
		<input class="button-secondary" type="submit" name="togglethumbs" value="<?php 
        _e("Hide thumbnails ", 'nggallery');
" /> 
    } else {
		<input class="button-secondary" type="submit" name="togglethumbs" value="<?php 
        _e("Show thumbnails ", 'nggallery');
" />
    if (!$showTags) {
		<input class="button-secondary" type="submit" name="toggletags" value="<?php 
        _e("Show tags", 'nggallery');
" /> 
    } else {
		<input class="button-secondary" type="submit" name="toggletags" value="<?php 
        _e("Hide tags", 'nggallery');
" />
    if ($ngg->options['galSort'] == "sortorder") {
		<input class="button-secondary" type="submit" name="sortGallery" value="<?php 
        _e("Sort gallery", 'nggallery');
" />

	<span style="float:right; padding:2px 8px 0 0;"><input type="submit" name="updatepictures" class="button-primary action"  value="<?php 
    _e("Save Changes", 'nggallery');
" /></span>

<table id="ngg-listimages" class="widefat" >
    $gallery_columns = ngg_manage_gallery_columns();
    foreach ($gallery_columns as $gallery_column_key => $column_display_name) {
        switch ($gallery_column_key) {
            case 'cb':
                $class = ' class="check-column;"';
            case 'tags':
                $class = ' style="width:70%;"';
            case 'action':
                $class = ' colspan="3" style="text-align: center;"';
                $class = ' style="text-align: center;"';
			<th scope="col"<?php 
        echo $class;
        echo $column_display_name;
    foreach ($gallery_columns as $gallery_column_key => $column_display_name) {
        switch ($gallery_column_key) {
            case 'cb':
                $class = ' class="check-column;"';
            case 'tags':
                $class = ' style="width:70%;"';
            case 'action':
                $class = ' colspan="3" style="text-align: center;"';
                $class = ' style="text-align: center;"';
			<th scope="col"<?php 
        echo $class;
        echo $column_display_name;
    if ($picturelist) {
        $thumbsize = "";
        if ($ngg->options['thumbfix']) {
            $thumbsize = 'width="' . $ngg->options['thumbwidth'] . '" height="' . $ngg->options['thumbheight'] . '"';
        if ($ngg->options['thumbcrop']) {
            $thumbsize = 'width="' . $ngg->options['thumbwidth'] . '" height="' . $ngg->options['thumbwidth'] . '"';
        foreach ($picturelist as $picture) {
            $pid = (int) $picture->pid;
            $class = $class == 'class="alternate"' ? '' : 'class="alternate"';
            $exclude = $picture->exclude ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
            $date = mysql2date(get_option('date_format'), $picture->imagedate);
            $time = mysql2date(get_option('time_format'), $picture->imagedate);
		<tr id="picture-<?php 
            echo $pid;
" <?php 
            echo $class;
            foreach ($gallery_columns as $gallery_column_key => $column_display_name) {
                switch ($gallery_column_key) {
                    case 'cb':
						<td class="check-column" scope="row"><input name="doaction[]" type="checkbox" value="<?php 
                        echo $pid;
" /></td>
                    case 'id':
						<td class="id column-id" scope="row" style="text-align: center"><?php 
                        echo $pid;
                    case 'filename':
						<td class="media-icon" style="text-align: left;">
							<a href="<?php 
                        echo $picture->imageURL;
" class="thickbox" title="<?php 
                        echo $picture->filename;
                        echo $picture->filename;
							<br /><?php 
                        echo $date;
                    case 'thumbnail':
						<td class="thumbnail column-thumbnail"><a href="<?php 
                        echo $picture->imageURL;
" class="thickbox" title="<?php 
                        echo $picture->filename;
								<img class="thumb" src="<?php 
                        echo $picture->thumbURL;
" <?php 
                        echo $thumbsize;
							<br /><?php 
                        echo $date;
                    case 'alt_title_desc':
						<td class="altdesc column-altdesc" style="width:500px">
							<input name="alttext[<?php 
                        echo $pid;
]" type="text" style="width:95%; margin-bottom: 2px;" value="<?php 
                        echo stripslashes($picture->alttext);
" /><br/>
							<textarea name="description[<?php 
                        echo $pid;
]" style="width:95%; margin-top: 2px;" rows="2" ><?php 
                        echo stripslashes($picture->description);
                    case 'description':
						<td class="description column-description"><textarea name="description[<?php 
                        echo $pid;
]" class="textarea1" cols="42" rows="2" ><?php 
                        echo stripslashes($picture->description);
                    case 'alt_title_text':
						<td class="alttext column-alttext"><input name="alttext[<?php 
                        echo $pid;
]" type="text" size="30" value="<?php 
                        echo stripslashes($picture->alttext);
" /></td>
                    case 'exclude':
						<td class="exclude column-exclude"><input name="exclude[<?php 
                        echo $pid;
]" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php 
                        echo $exclude;
                    case 'tags':
                        $picture->tags = wp_get_object_terms($pid, 'ngg_tag', 'fields=names');
                        if (is_array($picture->tags)) {
                            $picture->tags = implode(', ', $picture->tags);
						<td class="tags column-tags" style="width:500px;"><textarea name="tags[<?php 
                        echo $pid;
]" style="width:95%;" rows="2"><?php 
                        echo $picture->tags;
                    case 'action':
						<td><a href="<?php 
                        echo NGGALLERY_URLPATH . "admin/showmeta.php?id=" . $pid;
" class="thickbox" title="<?php 
                        _e("Show Meta data", 'nggallery');
" ><?php 
						<td><a href="<?php 
                        echo wp_nonce_url("admin.php?page=nggallery-manage-gallery&amp;mode=delpic&amp;gid=" . $act_gid . "&amp;pid=" . $pid, 'ngg_delpicture');
" class="delete" onclick="javascript:check=confirm( '<?php 
                        _e("Delete this file ?", 'nggallery');
');if(check==false) return false;" ><?php 
                        do_action('ngg_manage_gallery_custom_column', $gallery_column_key, $pid);
    } else {
        echo '<tr><td colspan="8" align="center"><strong>' . __('No entries found', 'nggallery') . '</strong></td></tr>';
	<p class="submit"><input type="submit" class="button-primary action" name="updatepictures" value="<?php 
    _e("Save Changes", 'nggallery');
" /></p>
	<br class="clear"/>
	</div><!-- /#wrap -->

	<!-- #entertags -->
	<div id="tags" style="display: none;" >
		<form id="form-tags" method="POST" accept-charset="utf-8">
    if ($showTags) {
<input type="hidden" name="showTags" value="true" /><?php 
    if ($hideThumbs) {
<input type="hidden" name="hideThumbs" value="true" /><?php 
		<input type="hidden" id="tags_imagelist" name="TB_imagelist" value="" />
		<input type="hidden" id="tags_bulkaction" name="TB_bulkaction" value="" />
		<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3" >
    _e("Enter the tags", 'nggallery');
 : <input name="taglist" type="text" style="width:90%" value="" /></th>
		  	<tr align="right">
		    	<td class="submit">
		    		<input class="button-primary" type="submit" name="TB_EditTags" value="<?php 
    _e("OK", 'nggallery');
" onclick="var numchecked = getNumChecked(document.getElementById('updategallery')); if(numchecked < 1) { alert('<?php 
    echo js_escape(__("No images selected", 'nggallery'));
'); tb_remove(); return false } return confirm('<?php 
    echo sprintf(js_escape(__("You are about to start the bulk edit for %s images \n \n 'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to proceed.", 'nggallery')), "' + numchecked + '");
')" />
		    		<input class="button-secondary" type="reset" value="&nbsp;<?php 
    _e("Cancel", 'nggallery');
&nbsp;" onclick="tb_remove()"/>
	<!-- /#entertags -->

	<!-- #selectgallery -->
	<div id="selectgallery" style="display: none;" >
		<form id="form-select-gallery" method="POST" accept-charset="utf-8">
    if ($showTags) {
<input type="hidden" name="showTags" value="true" /><?php 
    if ($hideThumbs) {
<input type="hidden" name="hideThumbs" value="true" /><?php 
		<input type="hidden" id="selectgallery_imagelist" name="TB_imagelist" value="" />
		<input type="hidden" id="selectgallery_bulkaction" name="TB_bulkaction" value="" />
		<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3" >
    _e("Select the destination gallery:", 'nggallery');
		    		<select name="dest_gid" style="width:90%" >
    foreach ($gallerylist as $gallery) {
        if ($gallery->gid != $act_gid) {
						<option value="<?php 
            echo $gallery->gid;
" ><?php 
            echo $gallery->gid;
 - <?php 
            echo stripslashes($gallery->title);
		  	<tr align="right">
		    	<td class="submit">
		    		<input type="submit" class="button-primary" name="TB_SelectGallery" value="<?php 
    _e("OK", 'nggallery');
" onclick="var numchecked = getNumChecked(document.getElementById('updategallery')); if(numchecked < 1) { alert('<?php 
    echo js_escape(__("No images selected", 'nggallery'));
'); tb_remove(); return false } return confirm('<?php 
    echo sprintf(js_escape(__("You are about to copy or move %s images \n \n 'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to proceed.", 'nggallery')), "' + numchecked + '");
')" />
		    		<input class="button-secondary" type="reset" value="<?php 
    _e("Cancel", 'nggallery');
" onclick="tb_remove()"/>
	<!-- /#selectgallery -->
예제 #9
            $filepart['filename'] = substr($filepart["basename"], 0, strlen($filepart["basename"]) - (strlen($filepart["extension"]) + 1));
            $filename = time() . sanitize_title($filepart['filename']) . '.' . $filepart['extension'];
            // check for allowed extension
            $ext = array('jpeg', 'jpg', 'png', 'gif');
            if (!in_array($filepart['extension'], $ext)) {
                $display = 'block';
                $errormsg = 'sorry,the file is no valid image file!';
            } else {
                $dest_file = WINABSPATH . $gallerypath . '/' . $filename;
                // save temp file to gallery
                if (!@move_uploaded_file($_FILES['image']['tmp_name'], $dest_file)) {
                    nggGallery::show_error(__('Error, the file could not moved to : ', 'nggallery') . $dest_file);
                if (!foto_chmod($dest_file)) {
                    nggGallery::show_error(__('Error, the file permissions could not set', 'nggallery'));
                $pid = nggdb::insert_image($gid, $filename, $title, $description, 1);
                $tags = explode(",", $tags);
                wp_set_object_terms($pid, $tags, 'ngg_tag');
                $wpdb->query("UPDATE {$wpdb->nggpictures} SET imagedate = now()  WHERE pid = {$pid}");
                $display = 'block';
                $errormsg = 'your upload is successful,it will be reviewed.you can continue';
$keywords = $cfg['keywords'];
 public static function show_error($msg)
     if (is_user_logged_in() && apply_filters('uploader_ngg_admin_show_error', true)) {
예제 #11
function nggallery_picturelist()
    // *** show picture list
    global $wpdb, $nggdb, $user_ID, $ngg;
    // Look if its a search result
    $is_search = isset($_GET['s']) ? true : false;
    if ($is_search) {
        // fetch the imagelist
        $picturelist = $ngg->manage_page->search_result;
        // we didn't set a gallery or a pagination
        $act_gid = 0;
        $_GET['paged'] = 1;
        $page_links = false;
    } else {
        // GET variables
        $act_gid = $ngg->manage_page->gid;
        // Load the gallery metadata
        $gallery = $nggdb->find_gallery($act_gid);
        if (!$gallery) {
            nggGallery::show_error(__('Gallery not found.', 'nggallery'));
        // Check if you have the correct capability
        if (!nggAdmin::can_manage_this_gallery($gallery->author)) {
            nggGallery::show_error(__('Sorry, you have no access here', 'nggallery'));
        // look for pagination
        if (!isset($_GET['paged']) || $_GET['paged'] < 1) {
            $_GET['paged'] = 1;
        $start = ($_GET['paged'] - 1) * 50;
        // get picture values
        $picturelist = $nggdb->get_gallery($act_gid, $ngg->options['galSort'], $ngg->options['galSortDir'], false, 50, $start);
        // build pagination
        $page_links = paginate_links(array('base' => add_query_arg('paged', '%#%'), 'format' => '', 'prev_text' => __('&laquo;'), 'next_text' => __('&raquo;'), 'total' => $nggdb->paged['max_objects_per_page'], 'current' => $_GET['paged']));
        // get the current author
        $act_author_user = get_userdata((int) $gallery->author);
    // list all galleries
    $gallerylist = $nggdb->find_all_galleries();
    //get the columns
    $gallery_columns = ngg_manage_gallery_columns();
    $hidden_columns = get_hidden_columns('nggallery-manage-images');
    $num_columns = count($gallery_columns) - count($hidden_columns);
<!--[if IE]>
	<style type="text/css">
		.custom_thumb {
			display : none;

<script type="text/javascript"> 

function showDialog( windowId, height ) {
	var form = document.getElementById('updategallery');
	var elementlist = "";
	for (i = 0, n = form.elements.length; i < n; i++) {
		if(form.elements[i].type == "checkbox") {
			if(form.elements[i].name == "doaction[]")
				if(form.elements[i].checked == true)
					if (elementlist == "")
						elementlist = form.elements[i].value
						elementlist += "," + form.elements[i].value ;
	jQuery("#" + windowId + "_bulkaction").val(jQuery("#bulkaction").val());
	jQuery("#" + windowId + "_imagelist").val(elementlist);
	// console.log (jQuery("#TB_imagelist").val());
	tb_show("", "#TB_inline?width=640&height=" + height + "&inlineId=" + windowId + "&modal=true", false);

function checkAll(form)
	for (i = 0, n = form.elements.length; i < n; i++) {
		if(form.elements[i].type == "checkbox") {
			if(form.elements[i].name == "doaction[]") {
				if(form.elements[i].checked == true)
					form.elements[i].checked = false;
					form.elements[i].checked = true;

function getNumChecked(form)
	var num = 0;
	for (i = 0, n = form.elements.length; i < n; i++) {
		if(form.elements[i].type == "checkbox") {
			if(form.elements[i].name == "doaction[]")
				if(form.elements[i].checked == true)
	return num;

// this function check for a the number of selected images, sumbmit false when no one selected
function checkSelected() {

	var numchecked = getNumChecked(document.getElementById('updategallery'));
	if(numchecked < 1) { 
    echo js_escape(__('No images selected', 'nggallery'));
		return false; 
	actionId = jQuery('#bulkaction').val();
	switch (actionId) {
		case "copy_to":
		case "move_to":
			showDialog('selectgallery', 120);
			return false;
		case "add_tags":
		case "delete_tags":
		case "overwrite_tags":
			showDialog('entertags', 120);
			return false;
		case "resize_images":
			showDialog('resize_images', 120);
			return false;
		case "new_thumbnail":
			showDialog('new_thumbnail', 160);
			return false;
	return confirm('<?php 
    echo sprintf(js_escape(__("You are about to start the bulk edit for %s images \n \n 'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to proceed.", 'nggallery')), "' + numchecked + '");

jQuery(document).ready( function() {
	// close postboxes that should be closed



<div class="wrap">

    if ($is_search) {
        printf(__('Search results for &#8220;%s&#8221;', 'nggallery'), wp_specialchars(get_search_query()));
<form class="search-form" action="" method="get">
<p class="search-box">
	<label class="hidden" for="media-search-input"><?php 
        _e('Search Images', 'nggallery');
	<input type="hidden" id="page-name" name="page" value="nggallery-manage-gallery" />
	<input type="text" id="media-search-input" name="s" value="<?php 
" />
	<input type="submit" value="<?php 
        _e('Search Images', 'nggallery');
" class="button" />

<br style="clear: both;" />

<form id="updategallery" class="nggform" method="POST" action="<?php 
        echo $ngg->manage_page->base_page . '&amp;mode=edit&amp;s=' . $_GET['s'];
" accept-charset="utf-8">
<input type="hidden" name="page" value="manage-images" />

    } else {
        echo _n('Gallery', 'Galleries', 1, 'nggallery');
 : <?php 
        echo nggGallery::i18n($gallery->title);

<br style="clear: both;" />

<form id="updategallery" class="nggform" method="POST" action="<?php 
        echo $ngg->manage_page->base_page . '&amp;mode=edit&amp;gid=' . $act_gid . '&amp;paged=' . $_GET['paged'];
" accept-charset="utf-8">
<input type="hidden" name="page" value="manage-images" />

<div id="poststuff">
        wp_nonce_field('closedpostboxes', 'closedpostboxesnonce', false);
	<div id="gallerydiv" class="postbox <?php 
        echo postbox_classes('gallerydiv', 'ngg-manage-gallery');
" >
        _e('Gallery settings', 'nggallery');
<small> (<?php 
        _e('Click here for more settings', 'nggallery');
		<div class="inside">
			<table class="form-table" >
					<th align="left"><?php 
					<th align="left"><input type="text" size="50" name="title" value="<?php 
        echo $gallery->title;
"  /></th>
					<th align="right"><?php 
        _e('Page Link to', 'nggallery');
					<th align="left">
					<select name="pageid" style="width:95%">
						<option value="0" ><?php 
        _e('Not linked', 'nggallery');
					<th align="left"><?php 
					<th align="left"><textarea name="gallerydesc" cols="30" rows="3" style="width: 95%" ><?php 
        echo $gallery->galdesc;
					<th align="right"><?php 
        _e('Preview image', 'nggallery');
					<th align="left">
						<select name="previewpic" style="width:95%" >
							<option value="0" ><?php 
        _e('No Picture', 'nggallery');
        if (is_array($picturelist)) {
            foreach ($picturelist as $picture) {
                $selected = $picture->pid == $gallery->previewpic ? 'selected="selected" ' : '';
                echo '<option value="' . $picture->pid . '" ' . $selected . '>' . $picture->pid . ' - ' . $picture->filename . '</option>' . "\n";
					<th align="left"><?php 
        _e('Path', 'nggallery');
					<th align="left"><input <?php 
        if (IS_WPMU) {
            echo 'readonly = "readonly"';
 type="text" size="50" name="path" value="<?php 
        echo $gallery->path;
"  /></th>
					<th align="right"><?php 
        _e('Author', 'nggallery');
					<th align="left"> 
        $editable_ids = $ngg->manage_page->get_editable_user_ids($user_ID);
        if ($editable_ids && count($editable_ids) > 1) {
            wp_dropdown_users(array('include' => $editable_ids, 'name' => 'author', 'selected' => empty($gallery->author) ? 0 : $gallery->author));
        } else {
            echo $act_author_user->display_name;
        if (current_user_can("publish_pages")) {
					<th align="left">&nbsp;</th>
					<th align="left">&nbsp;</th>				
					<th align="right"><?php 
            _e('Create new page', 'nggallery');
					<th align="left"> 
					<select name="parent_id" style="width:95%">
						<option value="0"><?php 
            _e('Main page (No parent)', 'nggallery');
					<input class="button-secondary action" type="submit" name="addnewpage" value="<?php 
            _e('Add page', 'nggallery');
" id="group"/>
			<div class="submit">
				<input type="submit" class="button-secondary" name="scanfolder" value="<?php 
        _e("Scan Folder for new images", 'nggallery');
 " />
				<input type="submit" class="button-primary action" name="updatepictures" value="<?php 
        _e("Save Changes", 'nggallery');
" />

</div> <!-- poststuff -->

<div class="tablenav ngg-tablenav">
    if ($page_links) {
	<div class="tablenav-pages"><?php 
        $page_links_text = sprintf('<span class="displaying-num">' . __('Displaying %s&#8211;%s of %s') . '</span>%s', number_format_i18n(($_GET['paged'] - 1) * $nggdb->paged['objects_per_page'] + 1), number_format_i18n(min($_GET['paged'] * $nggdb->paged['objects_per_page'], $nggdb->paged['total_objects'])), number_format_i18n($nggdb->paged['total_objects']), $page_links);
        echo $page_links_text;
	<div class="alignleft actions">
	<select id="bulkaction" name="bulkaction">
		<option value="no_action" ><?php 
    _e("No action", 'nggallery');
		<option value="set_watermark" ><?php 
    _e("Set watermark", 'nggallery');
		<option value="new_thumbnail" ><?php 
    _e("Create new thumbnails", 'nggallery');
		<option value="resize_images" ><?php 
    _e("Resize images", 'nggallery');
		<option value="delete_images" ><?php 
    _e("Delete images", 'nggallery');
		<option value="import_meta" ><?php 
    _e("Import metadata", 'nggallery');
		<option value="rotate_cw" ><?php 
    _e("Rotate images clockwise", 'nggallery');
		<option value="rotate_ccw" ><?php 
    _e("Rotate images counter-clockwise", 'nggallery');
		<option value="copy_to" ><?php 
    _e("Copy to...", 'nggallery');
		<option value="move_to"><?php 
    _e("Move to...", 'nggallery');
		<option value="add_tags" ><?php 
    _e("Add tags", 'nggallery');
		<option value="delete_tags" ><?php 
    _e("Delete tags", 'nggallery');
		<option value="overwrite_tags" ><?php 
    _e("Overwrite tags", 'nggallery');
	<input class="button-secondary" type="submit" name="showThickbox" value="<?php 
    _e('Apply', 'nggallery');
" onclick="if ( !checkSelected() ) return false;" />
    if ($ngg->options['galSort'] == "sortorder" && !$is_search) {
		<input class="button-secondary" type="submit" name="sortGallery" value="<?php 
        _e('Sort gallery', 'nggallery');
" />
	<input type="submit" name="updatepictures" class="button-primary action"  value="<?php 
    _e('Save Changes', 'nggallery');
" />

<table id="ngg-listimages" class="widefat fixed" cellspacing="0" >

    print_column_headers('nggallery-manage-images', false);
    if ($picturelist) {
        $thumbsize = '';
        $counter = 0;
        if ($ngg->options['thumbfix']) {
            $thumbsize = 'width="' . $ngg->options['thumbwidth'] . '" height="' . $ngg->options['thumbheight'] . '"';
        foreach ($picturelist as $picture) {
            //for search result we need to check the capatibiliy
            if (!nggAdmin::can_manage_this_gallery($picture->author) && $is_search) {
            $pid = (int) $picture->pid;
            $alternate = !isset($alternate) || $alternate == 'alternate' ? '' : 'alternate';
            $exclude = $picture->exclude ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
            $date = mysql2date(get_option('date_format'), $picture->imagedate);
            $time = mysql2date(get_option('time_format'), $picture->imagedate);
		<tr id="picture-<?php 
            echo $pid;
" class="<?php 
            echo $alternate;
 iedit"  valign="top">
            foreach ($gallery_columns as $gallery_column_key => $column_display_name) {
                $class = "class=\"{$gallery_column_key} column-{$gallery_column_key}\"";
                $style = '';
                if (in_array($gallery_column_key, $hidden_columns)) {
                    $style = ' style="display:none;"';
                $attributes = "{$class}{$style}";
                switch ($gallery_column_key) {
                    case 'cb':
						<th <?php 
                        echo $attributes;
 scope="row"><input name="doaction[]" type="checkbox" value="<?php 
                        echo $pid;
" /></th>
                    case 'id':
						<td <?php 
                        echo $attributes;
 scope="row" style=""><?php 
                        echo $pid;
							<input type="hidden" name="pid[]" value="<?php 
                        echo $pid;
" />
                    case 'filename':
						<td <?php 
                        echo $attributes;
							<strong><a href="<?php 
                        echo $picture->imageURL;
" class="thickbox" title="<?php 
                        echo $picture->filename;
                        echo empty($picture->alttext) ? $picture->filename : stripslashes(nggGallery::i18n($picture->alttext));
							<br /><?php 
                        echo $date;
                        if (!empty($picture->meta_data)) {
							<br /><?php 
                            echo $picture->meta_data['width'];
 x <?php 
                            echo $picture->meta_data['height'];
                            _e('pixel', 'nggallery');
                        $actions = array();
                        //TODO:Add a JS edit option
                        //$actions['edit']   = '<a class="editinline" href="#">' . __('Edit') . '</a>';
                        $actions['view'] = '<a class="thickbox" href="' . $picture->imageURL . '" title="' . esc_attr(sprintf(__('View "%s"'), $picture->filename)) . '">' . __('View', 'nggallery') . '</a>';
                        $actions['meta'] = '<a class="thickbox" href="' . NGGALLERY_URLPATH . 'admin/showmeta.php?id=' . $pid . '" title="' . __('Show Meta data', 'nggallery') . '">' . __('Meta', 'nggallery') . '</a>';
                        $actions['custom_thumb'] = '<a class="thickbox" href="' . NGGALLERY_URLPATH . 'admin/edit-thumbnail.php?id=' . $pid . '" title="' . __('Customize thumbnail', 'nggallery') . '">' . __('Edit thumb', 'nggallery') . '</a>';
                        $actions['rotate'] = '<a class="thickbox" href="' . NGGALLERY_URLPATH . 'admin/rotate.php?id=' . $pid . '" title="' . __('Rotate', 'nggallery') . '">' . __('Rotate', 'nggallery') . '</a>';
                        $actions['delete'] = '<a class="submitdelete" href="' . wp_nonce_url("admin.php?page=nggallery-manage-gallery&amp;mode=delpic&amp;gid=" . $act_gid . "&amp;pid=" . $pid, 'ngg_delpicture') . '" class="delete column-delete" onclick="javascript:check=confirm( \'' . esc_attr(sprintf(__('Delete "%s"', 'nggallery'), $picture->filename)) . '\');if(check==false) return false;">' . __('Delete') . '</a>';
                        $action_count = count($actions);
                        $i = 0;
                        echo '<div class="row-actions">';
                        foreach ($actions as $action => $link) {
                            $i == $action_count ? $sep = '' : ($sep = ' | ');
                            echo "<span class='{$action}'>{$link}{$sep}</span>";
                        echo '</div>';
                    case 'thumbnail':
                        // generate the thumbnail size if the meta data available
                        if (is_array($size = $picture->meta_data['thumbnail'])) {
                            $thumbsize = 'width="' . $size['width'] . '" height="' . $size['height'] . '"';
						<td <?php 
                        echo $attributes;
><a href="<?php 
                        echo $picture->imageURL . '?' . mt_rand();
" class="thickbox" title="<?php 
                        echo $picture->filename;
								<img class="thumb" src="<?php 
                        echo $picture->thumbURL . '?' . mt_rand();
" <?php 
                        echo $thumbsize;
                        echo $pid;
" />
                    case 'alt_title_desc':
						<td <?php 
                        echo $attributes;
							<input name="alttext[<?php 
                        echo $pid;
]" type="text" style="width:95%; margin-bottom: 2px;" value="<?php 
                        echo stripslashes($picture->alttext);
" /><br/>
							<textarea name="description[<?php 
                        echo $pid;
]" style="width:95%; margin-top: 2px;" rows="2" ><?php 
                        echo stripslashes($picture->description);
                    case 'exclude':
						<td <?php 
                        echo $attributes;
><input name="exclude[<?php 
                        echo $pid;
]" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php 
                        echo $exclude;
                    case 'tags':
                        $picture->tags = wp_get_object_terms($pid, 'ngg_tag', 'fields=names');
                        if (is_array($picture->tags)) {
                            $picture->tags = implode(', ', $picture->tags);
						<td <?php 
                        echo $attributes;
><textarea name="tags[<?php 
                        echo $pid;
]" style="width:95%;" rows="2"><?php 
                        echo $picture->tags;
						<td <?php 
                        echo $attributes;
                        do_action('ngg_manage_gallery_custom_column', $gallery_column_key, $pid);
    // In the case you have no capaptibility to see the search result
    if ($counter == 0) {
        echo '<tr><td colspan="' . $num_columns . '" align="center"><strong>' . __('No entries found', 'nggallery') . '</strong></td></tr>';
	<p class="submit"><input type="submit" class="button-primary action" name="updatepictures" value="<?php 
    _e("Save Changes", 'nggallery');
" /></p>
	<br class="clear"/>
	</div><!-- /#wrap -->

	<!-- #entertags -->
	<div id="entertags" style="display: none;" >
		<form id="form-tags" method="POST" accept-charset="utf-8">
		<input type="hidden" id="entertags_imagelist" name="TB_imagelist" value="" />
		<input type="hidden" id="entertags_bulkaction" name="TB_bulkaction" value="" />
		<input type="hidden" name="page" value="manage-images" />
		<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3" >
    _e("Enter the tags", 'nggallery');
 : <input name="taglist" type="text" style="width:90%" value="" /></th>
		  	<tr align="right">
		    	<td class="submit">
		    		<input class="button-primary" type="submit" name="TB_EditTags" value="<?php 
    _e("OK", 'nggallery');
" />
		    		<input class="button-secondary" type="reset" value="&nbsp;<?php 
    _e("Cancel", 'nggallery');
&nbsp;" onclick="tb_remove()"/>
	<!-- /#entertags -->

	<!-- #selectgallery -->
	<div id="selectgallery" style="display: none;" >
		<form id="form-select-gallery" method="POST" accept-charset="utf-8">
		<input type="hidden" id="selectgallery_imagelist" name="TB_imagelist" value="" />
		<input type="hidden" id="selectgallery_bulkaction" name="TB_bulkaction" value="" />
		<input type="hidden" name="page" value="manage-images" />
		<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3" >
    _e('Select the destination gallery:', 'nggallery');
		    		<select name="dest_gid" style="width:90%" >
    foreach ($gallerylist as $gallery) {
        if ($gallery->gid != $act_gid) {
						<option value="<?php 
            echo $gallery->gid;
" ><?php 
            echo $gallery->gid;
 - <?php 
            echo stripslashes($gallery->title);
		  	<tr align="right">
		    	<td class="submit">
		    		<input type="submit" class="button-primary" name="TB_SelectGallery" value="<?php 
    _e("OK", 'nggallery');
" />
		    		<input class="button-secondary" type="reset" value="<?php 
    _e("Cancel", 'nggallery');
" onclick="tb_remove()"/>
	<!-- /#selectgallery -->

	<!-- #resize_images -->
	<div id="resize_images" style="display: none;" >
		<form id="form-resize-images" method="POST" accept-charset="utf-8">
		<input type="hidden" id="resize_images_imagelist" name="TB_imagelist" value="" />
		<input type="hidden" id="resize_images_bulkaction" name="TB_bulkaction" value="" />
		<input type="hidden" name="page" value="manage-images" />
		<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3" >
			<tr valign="top">
    _e('Resize Images to', 'nggallery');
					<input type="text" size="5" name="imgWidth" value="<?php 
    echo $ngg->options['imgWidth'];
" /> x <input type="text" size="5" name="imgHeight" value="<?php 
    echo $ngg->options['imgHeight'];
" />
					<br /><small><?php 
    _e('Width x height (in pixel). NextGEN Gallery will keep ratio size', 'nggallery');
		  	<tr align="right">
		    	<td colspan="2" class="submit">
		    		<input class="button-primary" type="submit" name="TB_ResizeImages" value="<?php 
    _e('OK', 'nggallery');
" />
		    		<input class="button-secondary" type="reset" value="&nbsp;<?php 
    _e('Cancel', 'nggallery');
&nbsp;" onclick="tb_remove()"/>
	<!-- /#resize_images -->

	<!-- #new_thumbnail -->
	<div id="new_thumbnail" style="display: none;" >
		<form id="form-new-thumbnail" method="POST" accept-charset="utf-8">
		<input type="hidden" id="new_thumbnail_imagelist" name="TB_imagelist" value="" />
		<input type="hidden" id="new_thumbnail_bulkaction" name="TB_bulkaction" value="" />
		<input type="hidden" name="page" value="manage-images" />
		<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3" >
			<tr valign="top">
				<th align="left"><?php 
    _e('Width x height (in pixel)', 'nggallery');
				<td><input type="text" size="5" maxlength="5" name="thumbwidth" value="<?php 
    echo $ngg->options['thumbwidth'];
" /> x <input type="text" size="5" maxlength="5" name="thumbheight" value="<?php 
    echo $ngg->options['thumbheight'];
" />
				<br /><small><?php 
    _e('These values are maximum values ', 'nggallery');
			<tr valign="top">
				<th align="left"><?php 
    _e('Set fix dimension', 'nggallery');
				<td><input type="checkbox" name="thumbfix" value="1" <?php 
    checked('1', $ngg->options['thumbfix']);
				<br /><small><?php 
    _e('Ignore the aspect ratio, no portrait thumbnails', 'nggallery');
		  	<tr align="right">
		    	<td colspan="2" class="submit">
		    		<input class="button-primary" type="submit" name="TB_NewThumbnail" value="<?php 
    _e('OK', 'nggallery');
" />
		    		<input class="button-secondary" type="reset" value="&nbsp;<?php 
    _e('Cancel', 'nggallery');
&nbsp;" onclick="tb_remove()"/>
	<!-- /#new_thumbnail -->	

	<script type="text/javascript">
	/* <![CDATA[ */
	/* ]]> */
예제 #12
파일: wpmu.php 프로젝트: valerol/korpus
function nggallery_wpmu_setup()
    //to be sure
    if (!is_super_admin()) {
        die('You are not allowed to call this page.');
    $messagetext = '';
    // get the options
    $ngg_options = get_site_option('ngg_options');
    if (isset($_POST['updateoption'])) {
        // get the hidden option fields, taken from WP core
        if ($_POST['page_options']) {
            $options = explode(',', stripslashes($_POST['page_options']));
        if ($options) {
            foreach ($options as $option) {
                $option = trim($option);
                $value = false;
                if (isset($_POST[$option])) {
                    $value = trim($_POST[$option]);
                    if ($value === "true") {
                        $value = true;
                    if (is_numeric($value)) {
                        $value = (int) $value;
                //		$value = sanitize_option($option, $value); // This does stripslashes on those that need it
                $ngg_options[$option] = $value;
        // the path should always end with a slash
        $ngg_options['gallerypath'] = trailingslashit($ngg_options['gallerypath']);
        update_site_option('ngg_options', $ngg_options);
        $messagetext = __('Update successfully', 'nggallery');
    global $ngg;
    //the directions containing the css files
    if (file_exists(NGG_CONTENT_DIR . "/ngg_styles")) {
        $dir = array(NGGALLERY_ABSPATH . "css", NGG_CONTENT_DIR . "/ngg_styles");
    } else {
        $dir = array(NGGALLERY_ABSPATH . "css");
    //support for legacy location (in theme folder)
    if ($theme_css_exists = file_exists(get_stylesheet_directory() . "/nggallery.css")) {
        $act_cssfile = get_stylesheet_directory() . "/nggallery.css";
    //if someone uses the filter, don't display this page.
    if (!$theme_css_exists && ($set_css_file = nggGallery::get_theme_css_file())) {
        nggGallery::show_error(__('Your CSS file is set by a theme or another plugin.', 'nggallery') . "<br><br>" . __('This CSS file will be applied:', 'nggallery') . "<br>" . $set_css_file);
    //load all files
    if (!isset($act_cssfile)) {
        $csslist = NGG_Style::ngg_get_cssfiles($dir);
        $act_cssfile = $ngg->options['CSSfile'];
    // message windows
    if (!empty($messagetext)) {
        echo '<!-- Last Action --><div id="message" class="updated fade"><p>' . $messagetext . '</p></div>';

	<div class="wrap">
    _e('Network Options', 'nggallery');
		<form name="generaloptions" method="post">
			<input type="hidden" name="page_options" value="silentUpgrade,gallerypath,wpmuQuotaCheck,wpmuZipUpload,wpmuImportFolder,wpmuStyle,wpmuRoles,wpmuCSSfile" />
			<table class="form-table">
					<th><label for="gallerypath"><?php 
    _e('Gallery path', 'nggallery');
						<input type="text" size="50" name="gallerypath" id="gallerypath" value="<?php 
    echo $ngg_options['gallerypath'];
						<p class="description">
    _e('This is the default path for all blogs. With the placeholder %BLOG_ID% you can organize the folder structure better.', 'nggallery');
    echo sprintf(__('The default setting should be %s.', 'nggallery'), '<code>wp-content/blogs.dir/%BLOG_ID%/files/</code>');
    _e('Silent database upgrade', 'nggallery');
						<input type="checkbox" name="silentUpgrade" id="silentUpgrade" value="true" <?php 
						<label for="silentUpgrade"><?php 
    _e('Update the database without notice.', 'nggallery');
    _e('Enable upload quota check', 'nggallery');
						<input name="wpmuQuotaCheck" id="wpmuQuotaCheck" type="checkbox" value="true" <?php 
						<label for="wpmuQuotaCheck"><?php 
    _e('Should work if the gallery is bellow the blog.dir', 'nggallery');
    _e('Enable zip upload option', 'nggallery');
						<input name="wpmuZipUpload" id="wpmuZipUpload" type="checkbox" value="true" <?php 
						<label for="wpmuZipUpload"><?php 
    _e('Allow users to upload zip folders.', 'nggallery');
    _e('Enable import function', 'nggallery');
						<input name="wpmuImportFolder" id="wpmuImportFolder" type="checkbox" value="true" <?php 
						<label for="wpmuImportFolder"><?php 
    _e('Allow users to import images folders from the server.', 'nggallery');
    _e('Enable style selection', 'nggallery');
						<input name="wpmuStyle" id="wpmuStyle" type="checkbox" value="true" <?php 
						<label for="wpmuStyle"><?php 
    _e('Allow users to choose a style for the gallery.', 'nggallery');
    _e('Enable roles/capabilities', 'nggallery');
						<input name="wpmuRoles" id="wpmuRoles" type="checkbox" value="true" <?php 
						<label for="wpmuRoles"><?php 
    _e('Allow users to change the roles for other blog authors.', 'nggallery');
					<th><label for="wpmuCSSfile"><?php 
    _e('Default style', 'nggallery');
					<select name="wpmuCSSfile" id="wpmuCSSfile">
    NGG_Style::output_css_files_dropdown($csslist, $act_cssfile);
					<p class="description">
    _e('Choose the default style for the galleries.', 'nggallery');
    _e('Note: between brackets is the folder in which the file is.', 'nggallery');
    submit_button(__('Save Changes'), 'primary', 'updateoption');
예제 #13
 * Function for uploading of images via the upload form
 * @class nggAdmin
 * @return void
function upload_images($galleryID, $image, $desc, $title)
    global $wpdb;
    $gallery = $wpdb->prefix . "spf_gallery";
    $pictures = $wpdb->prefix . "spf_pictures";
    if ($galleryID == 0) {
        show_error(__('No gallery selected !', 'nggallery'));
    $gid = $galleryID;
    $query = "SELECT * FROM " . $gallery . " WHERE gid='" . $gid . "'";
    $results = mysql_query($query);
    $count = mysql_num_rows($results);
    while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($results)) {
        //$id = $data['gid'];
        $fullpath = ABSPATH . stripslashes($data['path']);
        ///$quote = stripslashes($data['description']);
    $fullpath = str_replace("\\", "/", $fullpath);
    if (empty($fullpath)) {
        nggGallery::show_error(__('Failure in database, no gallery path set !', 'nggallery'));
    // read list of images
    //$dirlist = scandir($fullpath);
    $imagefiles = $image;
    // look only for uploded files
    if ($imagefiles['error'] == 0) {
        $temp_file = $imagefiles['tmp_name'];
        //clean filename and extract extension
        $filepart = fileinfo($imagefiles['name']);
        echo $filename = $filepart['basename'];
        // check for allowed extension and if it's an image file
        $ext = array('jpg', 'png', 'gif', 'bmp', 'jpeg');
        if (!in_array($filepart['extension'], $ext)) {
            show_error('<strong>' . $imagefiles['name'] . ' </strong>' . __('is no valid image file!', 'nggallery'));
        // check if this filename already exist in the folder
        if (file_exists($fullpath . $filename)) {
            $txt = "File ({$filename}) already exists.";
            return false;
        } else {
            echo $filename = $filepart['filename'] . '.' . $filepart['extension'];
        echo $dest_file = $fullpath . $filename;
        //check for folder permission
        if (!is_writeable($fullpath)) {
            echo "<br>" . $fullpath;
            chmod($fullpath, 0777);
            //$message = sprintf(__('Unable to write to directory %s. Is this directory writable by the server?'), $fullpath);
            //						show_error($message);
            //						return;
        // save temp file to gallery
        if (!@move_uploaded_file($temp_file, $dest_file)) {
            show_error(__('Error, the file could not moved to : ') . $dest_file);
        } else {
            $insert = "INSERT INTO " . $pictures . " (pid, gid, filename, description, title) \t \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . "VALUES ('', '" . $gid . "', " . $file_name . "', '" . $desc . "', '" . $title . "')";
            $results = $wpdb->query($insert);
            if ($results) {
								<div class="updated" id="message" style="background-color: rgb(255, 251, 204);"><p>      											 								<?php 
                echo 'New Gallery added successfully!';
        //if ( !chmod($dest_file) )
        //					{
        //						show_error(__('Error, the file permissions could not set'));
        //						continue;
        //					}
예제 #14
파일: core.php 프로젝트: ayoayco/upbeat
  * nggGallery::get_thumbnail_folder()
  * @param mixed $gallerypath
  * @param bool $include_Abspath
  * @return string $foldername
 static function create_thumbnail_folder($gallerypath, $include_Abspath = TRUE)
     if (!$include_Abspath) {
         $gallerypath = ABSPATH . $gallerypath;
     if (!file_exists($gallerypath)) {
         return FALSE;
     if (is_dir($gallerypath . '/thumbs/')) {
         return '/thumbs/';
     if (is_admin()) {
         if (!is_dir($gallerypath . '/thumbs/')) {
             if (!wp_mkdir_p($gallerypath . '/thumbs/')) {
                 if (SAFE_MODE) {
                     nggAdmin::check_safemode($gallerypath . '/thumbs/');
                 } else {
                     nggGallery::show_error(__('Unable to create directory ', 'nggallery') . $gallerypath . '/thumbs !');
                 return FALSE;
             return '/thumbs/';
     return FALSE;
예제 #15
function nggallery_admin_add_gallery()
    global $wpdb, $ngg;
    // same as $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], but should work under IIS 6.0
    $filepath = admin_url() . 'admin.php?page=' . $_GET['page'];
    // link for the flash file
    $swf_upload_link = NGGALLERY_URLPATH . 'admin/upload.php';
    $swf_upload_link = wp_nonce_url($swf_upload_link, 'ngg_swfupload');
    //flash doesn't seem to like encoded ampersands, so convert them back here
    $swf_upload_link = str_replace('&#038;', '&', $swf_upload_link);
    $defaultpath = $ngg->options['gallerypath'];
    if ($_POST['addgallery']) {
        $newgallery = attribute_escape($_POST['galleryname']);
        if (!empty($newgallery)) {
            nggAdmin::create_gallery($newgallery, $defaultpath);
    if ($_POST['zipupload']) {
        if ($_FILES['zipfile']['error'] == 0) {
            $messagetext = nggAdmin::import_zipfile(intval($_POST['zipgalselect']));
        } else {
            nggGallery::show_error(__('Upload failed!', 'nggallery'));
    if ($_POST['importfolder']) {
        $galleryfolder = $_POST['galleryfolder'];
        if (!empty($galleryfolder) and $defaultpath != $galleryfolder) {
    if ($_POST['uploadimage']) {
        if ($_FILES['MF__F_0_0']['error'] == 0) {
            $messagetext = nggAdmin::upload_images();
        } else {
            nggGallery::show_error(__('Upload failed!', 'nggallery'));
    if (isset($_POST['swf_callback'])) {
        if ($_POST['galleryselect'] == "0") {
            nggGallery::show_error(__('No gallery selected !', 'nggallery'));
        } else {
            // get the path to the gallery
            $galleryID = (int) $_POST['galleryselect'];
            $gallerypath = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT path FROM {$wpdb->nggallery} WHERE gid = '{$galleryID}' ");
    if (isset($_POST['disable_flash'])) {
        $ngg->options['swfUpload'] = false;
        update_option('ngg_options', $ngg->options);
    if (isset($_POST['enable_flash'])) {
        $ngg->options['swfUpload'] = true;
        update_option('ngg_options', $ngg->options);
    //get all galleries (after we added new ones)
    $gallerylist = nggdb::find_all_galleries();
    if ($ngg->options['swfUpload']) {
	<!-- SWFUpload script -->
	<script type="text/javascript">
		var ngg_swf_upload;
		window.onload = function () {
			ngg_swf_upload = new SWFUpload({
				// Backend settings
				upload_url : "<?php 
        echo $swf_upload_link;
				flash_url : "<?php 
				// Button Settings
				button_placeholder_id : "spanButtonPlaceholder",
				button_width: 300,
				button_height: 27,
				button_window_mode: SWFUpload.WINDOW_MODE.TRANSPARENT,
				button_cursor: SWFUpload.CURSOR.HAND,
				// File Upload Settings
				file_size_limit : "<?php 
        echo wp_max_upload_size();
				file_types : "*.jpg;*.gif;*.png",
				file_types_description : "<?php 
        _e('Image Files', 'nggallery');
				// Queue handler
				file_queued_handler : fileQueued,
				// Upload handler
				upload_start_handler : uploadStart,
				upload_progress_handler : uploadProgress,
				upload_error_handler : uploadError,
				upload_success_handler : uploadSuccess,
				upload_complete_handler : uploadComplete,
				post_params : {
					"auth_cookie" : "<?php 
        echo $_COOKIE[AUTH_COOKIE];
					"galleryselect" : "0"
				// i18names
				custom_settings : {
					"remove" : "<?php 
        _e('remove', 'nggallery');
					"browse" : "<?php 
        _e('Browse...', 'nggallery');
					"upload" : "<?php 
        _e('Upload images', 'nggallery');

				// Debug settings
				debug: false
			// on load change the upload to swfupload
	<div class="wrap" id="progressbar-wrap">
		<div class="progressborder">
			<div class="progressbar" id="progressbar">
    } else {
	<!-- MultiFile script -->
	<script type="text/javascript">	
				STRING: {
        _e('remove', 'nggallery');
	<!-- jQuery Tabs script -->
	<script type="text/javascript">
		jQuery(function() {
			jQuery('#slider > ul').tabs({ fxFade: true, fxSpeed: 'fast' });	
	<div id="slider" class="wrap">
		<ul id="tabs">
			<li><a href="#addgallery"><?php 
    _e('Add new gallery', 'nggallery');
    if (wpmu_enable_function('wpmuZipUpload')) {
			<li><a href="#zipupload"><?php 
        _e('Upload a Zip-File', 'nggallery');
    if (!IS_WPMU) {
			<li><a href="#importfolder"><?php 
        _e('Import image folder', 'nggallery');
			<li><a href="#uploadimage"><?php 
    _e('Upload Images', 'nggallery');

		<!-- create gallery -->
		<div id="addgallery">
    _e('Add new gallery', 'nggallery');
			<form name="addgallery" id="addgallery_form" method="POST" action="<?php 
    echo $filepath;
" accept-charset="utf-8" >
				<table class="form-table"> 
				<tr valign="top"> 
					<th scope="row"><?php 
    _e('New Gallery', 'nggallery');
					<td><input type="text" size="35" name="galleryname" value="" /><br />
    if (!IS_WPMU) {
        _e('Create a new , empty gallery below the folder', 'nggallery');
        echo $defaultpath;
</strong><br />
					<i>( <?php 
    _e('Allowed characters for file and folder names are', 'nggallery');
: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, -, _ )</i></td>
				<div class="submit"><input class="button-primary" type="submit" name= "addgallery" value="<?php 
    _e('Add gallery', 'nggallery');
    if (wpmu_enable_function('wpmuZipUpload')) {
		<!-- zip-file operation -->
		<div id="zipupload">
        _e('Upload a Zip-File', 'nggallery');
			<form name="zipupload" id="zipupload_form" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="<?php 
        echo $filepath . '#zipupload';
" accept-charset="utf-8" >
				<table class="form-table"> 
				<tr valign="top"> 
					<th scope="row"><?php 
        _e('Select Zip-File', 'nggallery');
					<td><input type="file" name="zipfile" id="zipfile" size="35" class="uploadform"/><br />
        _e('Upload a zip file with images', 'nggallery');
				<tr valign="top"> 
					<th scope="row"><?php 
        _e('in to', 'nggallery');
					<td><select name="zipgalselect">
					<option value="0" ><?php 
        _e('a new gallery', 'nggallery');
        foreach ($gallerylist as $gallery) {
            $name = empty($gallery->title) ? $gallery->name : $gallery->title;
            echo '<option value="' . $gallery->gid . '" >' . $name . '</option>' . "\n";
					<br /><?php 
        echo _e('Note : The upload limit on your server is ', 'nggallery') . "<strong>" . ini_get('upload_max_filesize') . "Byte</strong>\n";
					<br /><?php 
        if (IS_WPMU && wpmu_enable_function('wpmuQuotaCheck')) {
				<div class="submit"><input class="button-primary" type="submit" name= "zipupload" value="<?php 
        _e('Start upload', 'nggallery');
    if (!IS_WPMU) {
		<!-- import folder -->
		<div id="importfolder">
        _e('Import image folder', 'nggallery');
			<form name="importfolder" id="importfolder_form" method="POST" action="<?php 
        echo $filepath . '#importfolder';
" accept-charset="utf-8" >
				<table class="form-table"> 
				<tr valign="top"> 
					<th scope="row"><?php 
        _e('Import from Server path:', 'nggallery');
					<td><input type="text" size="35" name="galleryfolder" value="<?php 
        echo $defaultpath;
" /><br />
        _e('Import a folder with all images.', 'nggallery');
        if (SAFE_MODE) {
<br /><?php 
            _e(' Please note : For safe-mode = ON you need to add the subfolder thumbs manually', 'nggallery');
				<div class="submit"><input class="button-primary" type="submit" name= "importfolder" value="<?php 
        _e('Import folder', 'nggallery');
		<!-- upload images -->
		<div id="uploadimage">
    _e('Upload Images', 'nggallery');
			<form name="uploadimage" id="uploadimage_form" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="<?php 
    echo $filepath . '#uploadimage';
" accept-charset="utf-8" >
				<table class="form-table"> 
				<tr valign="top"> 
					<th scope="row"><?php 
    _e('Upload image', 'nggallery');
					<td><span id='spanButtonPlaceholder'></span><input type="file" name="imagefiles" id="imagefiles" size="35" class="imagefiles"/></td>
				<tr valign="top"> 
					<th scope="row"><?php 
    _e('in to', 'nggallery');
					<td><select name="galleryselect" id="galleryselect">
					<option value="0" ><?php 
    _e('Choose gallery', 'nggallery');
    foreach ($gallerylist as $gallery) {
        $name = empty($gallery->title) ? $gallery->name : $gallery->title;
        echo '<option value="' . $gallery->gid . '" >' . $name . '</option>' . "\n";
					<br /><?php 
    echo _e('Note : The upload limit on your server is ', 'nggallery') . "<strong>" . ini_get('upload_max_filesize') . "Byte</strong>\n";
					<br /><?php 
    if (IS_WPMU && wpmu_enable_function('wpmuQuotaCheck')) {
				<div class="submit">
    if ($ngg->options['swfUpload']) {
					<input type="submit" name="disable_flash" id="disable_flash" title="<?php 
        _e('The batch upload requires Adobe Flash 9, disable it if you have problems', 'nggallery');
" value="<?php 
        _e('Disable flash upload', 'nggallery');
" />
    } else {
					<input type="submit" name="enable_flash" id="enable_flash" title="<?php 
        _e('Upload multiple files at once by ctrl/shift-selecting in dialog', 'nggallery');
" value="<?php 
        _e('Enable flash based upload', 'nggallery');
" />
					<input class="button-primary" type="submit" name="uploadimage" id="uploadimage_btn" value="<?php 
    _e('Upload images', 'nggallery');
" />
예제 #16
  * Perform the upload and add a new hook for plugins
  * @return void
 function processor()
     global $wpdb, $ngg, $nggdb;
     $defaultpath = $ngg->options['gallerypath'];
     if (isset($_POST['addgallery'])) {
         if (!nggGallery::current_user_can('NextGEN Add new gallery')) {
             wp_die(__('Cheatin&#8217; uh?'));
         $newgallery = esc_attr($_POST['galleryname']);
         if (!empty($newgallery)) {
             nggAdmin::create_gallery($newgallery, $defaultpath);
     if (isset($_POST['zipupload'])) {
         if (!nggGallery::current_user_can('NextGEN Upload a zip')) {
             wp_die(__('Cheatin&#8217; uh?'));
         if ($_FILES['zipfile']['error'] == 0 || !empty($_POST['zipurl'])) {
         } else {
             nggGallery::show_error(__('Upload failed!', 'nggallery'));
     if (isset($_POST['importfolder'])) {
         if (!nggGallery::current_user_can('NextGEN Import image folder')) {
             wp_die(__('Cheatin&#8217; uh?'));
         $galleryfolder = $_POST['galleryfolder'];
         if (!empty($galleryfolder) and $defaultpath != $galleryfolder) {
     if (isset($_POST['uploadimage'])) {
         if (!nggGallery::current_user_can('NextGEN Upload in all galleries')) {
             wp_die(__('Cheatin&#8217; uh?'));
         if ($_FILES['imagefiles']['error'][0] == 0) {
             $messagetext = nggAdmin::upload_images();
         } else {
             nggGallery::show_error(__('Upload failed! ' . nggAdmin::decode_upload_error($_FILES['imagefiles']['error'][0]), 'nggallery'));
     if (isset($_POST['swf_callback'])) {
         if ($_POST['galleryselect'] == '0') {
             nggGallery::show_error(__('No gallery selected !', 'nggallery'));
         } else {
             if ($_POST['swf_callback'] == '-1') {
                 nggGallery::show_error(__('Upload failed! ', 'nggallery'));
             } else {
                 $gallery = $nggdb->find_gallery((int) $_POST['galleryselect']);
     if (isset($_POST['disable_flash'])) {
         $ngg->options['swfUpload'] = false;
         update_option('ngg_options', $ngg->options);
     if (isset($_POST['enable_flash'])) {
         $ngg->options['swfUpload'] = true;
         update_option('ngg_options', $ngg->options);
 function upload_images_widget()
     global $wpdb;
     // Image Array
     $imageslist = array();
     // Get Gallery ID
     $galleryID = (int) $_POST['galleryselect'];
     if ($galleryID == 0) {
         if (get_option('npu_default_gallery')) {
             $galleryID = get_option('npu_default_gallery');
         } else {
             nggGallery::show_error(__('No gallery selected.', 'nggallery'));
     // Get Gallery Path
     $gallerypath = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT path FROM {$wpdb->nggallery} WHERE gid = '{$galleryID}' ");
     if (!$gallerypath) {
         nggGallery::show_error(__('Failure in database, no gallery path set.', 'nggallery'));
     // Read Image List
     $dirlist = $this->scandir(WINABSPATH . $gallerypath);
     foreach ($_FILES as $key => $value) {
         if ($_FILES[$key]['error'] == 0) {
             $temp_file = $_FILES[$key]['tmp_name'];
             $filepart = pathinfo(strtolower($_FILES[$key]['name']));
             // Required Until PHP 5.2.0
             $filepart['filename'] = substr($filepart["basename"], 0, strlen($filepart["basename"]) - (strlen($filepart["extension"]) + 1));
             $filename = sanitize_title($filepart['filename']) . '.' . $filepart['extension'];
             // Allowed Extensions
             $ext = array('jpeg', 'jpg', 'png', 'gif');
             if (!in_array($filepart['extension'], $ext) || !@getimagesize($temp_file)) {
                 nggGallery::show_error('<strong>' . $_FILES[$key]['name'] . ' </strong>' . __('is not a valid file.', 'nggallery'));
             // Check If File Exists
             $i = 0;
             while (in_array($filename, $dirlist)) {
                 $filename = sanitize_title($filepart['filename']) . '_' . $i++ . '.' . $filepart['extension'];
             $dest_file = WINABSPATH . $gallerypath . '/' . $filename;
             // Check Folder Permissions
             if (!is_writeable(WINABSPATH . $gallerypath)) {
                 $message = sprintf(__('Unable to write to directory %s. Is this directory writable by the server?', 'nggallery'), WINABSPATH . $gallerypath);
             // Save Temporary File
             if (!@move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$key]['tmp_name'], $dest_file)) {
                 nggGallery::show_error(__('Error, the file could not moved to : ', 'nggallery') . $dest_file);
                 $this->check_safemode(WINABSPATH . $gallerypath);
             if (!$this->chmod($dest_file)) {
                 nggGallery::show_error(__('Error, the file permissions could not set.', 'nggallery'));
             // Add to Image and Dir List
             $imageslist[] = $filename;
             $dirlist[] = $filename;
     if (count($imageslist) > 0) {
         if (get_option('npu_exclude_select') == "Disabled") {
             $npu_exclude_id = 0;
         } else {
             $npu_exclude_id = 1;
         // Add Images to Database
         $image_ids = $this->add_Images($galleryID, $imageslist);
         $this->arrThumbReturn = array();
         foreach ($image_ids as $pid) {
             $wpdb->query("UPDATE {$wpdb->nggpictures} SET exclude = '{$npu_exclude_id}' WHERE pid = '{$pid}'");
             $this->arrThumbReturn[] = $this->create_thumbnail($pid);
         $this->arrImageIds = array();
         $this->arrImageIds = $image_ids;
         $this->arrImageNames = array();
         $this->arrImageNames = $imageslist;
         $this->strGalleryPath = $gallerypath;