예제 #1
 function _commonForm(&$object)
     pathos_lang_loadDictionary('standard', 'core');
     pathos_lang_loadDictionary('modules', 'navigationmodule');
     // Create a new blank form.
     $form = new form();
     if (!isset($object->id)) {
         // This is a new section, so we need to set up some defaults.
         $object->name = '';
         $object->active = 1;
         $object->public = 1;
         $object->new_window = 0;
         $object->subtheme = '';
         $object->page_title = SITE_TITLE;
         $object->keywords = SITE_KEYWORDS;
         $object->description = SITE_DESCRIPTION;
         if (!isset($object->parent)) {
             // This is another precaution.  The parent attribute
             // should ALWAYS be set by the caller.
             $object->parent = 0;
     } else {
         // If we are editing the section, we should store the section's id
         // in a hidden value, so that it comes through when the form is
         // submitted.
         $form->meta('id', $object->id);
     // The name of the section, as it will be linked in the section hierarchy.
     $form->register('name', TR_NAVIGATIONMODULE_NAME, new textcontrol($object->name));
     if (!isset($object->id)) {
         // This is a new section, so we can add the positional dropdown
         // Pull the database object in from the global scope.
         global $db;
         // Retrieve all of the sections that are siblings of the new section
         $sections = $db->selectObjects('section', 'parent=' . $object->parent);
         if (count($sections) && $object->parent >= 0) {
             // Initialize the sorting subsystem so that we can order the sections
             // by rank, ascending, and get the proper ordering.
             if (!defined('SYS_SORTING')) {
                 require_once BASE . 'subsystems/sorting.php';
             usort($sections, 'pathos_sorting_byRankAscending');
             // Generate the Position dropdown array.
             $positions = array(TR_NAVIGATIONMODULE_ATTOP);
             foreach ($sections as $section) {
                 $positions[] = sprintf(TR_NAVIGATIONMODULE_POSAFTER, $section->name);
             $form->register('rank', TR_NAVIGATIONMODULE_POSITION, new dropdowncontrol(count($positions) - 1, $positions));
         } else {
             // If there are no siblings, the new section gets the first
             // slot, with a rank of 0.
             $form->meta('rank', 0);
         // Store the section's parent in a hidden field, so that it comes through
         // when the form is submitted.
         $form->meta('parent', $object->parent);
     } else {
         if ($object->parent >= 0) {
             // Allow them to change parents, but not if the section is outside of the hiearchy (parent < 0)
             $form->register('parent', TR_NAVIGATIONMODULE_PARENTSECTION, new dropdowncontrol($object->parent, navigationmodule::hierarchyDropdownControlArray(0, array($object->id))));
     $form->register('new_window', 'Open in New Window', new checkboxcontrol($object->new_window, true));
     // Return the form to the calling scope, which should always be a
     // member method of this class.
     return $form;