function StartBubble() { $q = new mysql(); if (!$q->test_mysql_connection()) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " Postfix Bubble Mysql is not ready aborting...\n"; return; } $ip = new iptables_exec(); $ip->buildrules(); }
} if ($argv[1] == "--patterns") { BuildPatterns(); echo "\n"; die; } if ($argv[1] == "--clean-db") { CleanDB(); echo "\n"; die; } //exec.dansguardian.compile.php --patterns echo "\n"; echo "Starting......: Dansguardian reconfigure settings\n"; $q = new mysql(); if (!$q->test_mysql_connection()) { echo "Starting......: Dansguardian Mysql error\n"; die; } $q->CheckTable_dansguardian(); LoadGlobal_exceptionsitelist(); $dans = new dansguardian(); $dans->SaveSettings(); $cmd = LOCATE_PHP5_BIN2() . " " . dirname(__FILE__) . "/exec.web-community-filter.php --patterns{$GLOBALS["cmdlineadd"]}"; events("MAIN:: {$cmd}"); system($cmd); HtmlTemplate(); BuildPersonalCategories(); bannedsitelist_userdefined(); weightedphraselist_userdefined(); BuildRules();
function metaevents_client_scan($uuid) { $unix = new unix(); $sock = new sockets(); $q = new mysql(); if (!$q->test_mysql_connection()) { return; } $ArticaMetaStorage = $sock->GET_INFO("ArticaMetaStorage"); if ($ArticaMetaStorage == null) { $ArticaMetaStorage = "/home/artica-meta"; } $destdir = "{$ArticaMetaStorage}/{$uuid}/META_EVENTS"; $files = $unix->DirFiles($destdir); if (!$q->FIELD_EXISTS("meta_admin_mysql", "zmd5", "artica_events")) { meta_events("Patching meta_admin_mysql"); $meta = new mysql_meta(); $q->QUERY_SQL("DROP TABLE `meta_admin_mysql`", "artica_events"); $meta->create_table_meta_admin_mysql(); } while (list($filename, $ARRAY) = each($files)) { $sourcefile = "{$destdir}/{$filename}"; $destfile = "{$destdir}/{$filename}.sql"; meta_events("{$uuid}: Uncompress {$sourcefile}..."); $unix->uncompress($sourcefile, $destfile); if (!is_file($destfile)) { continue; } $q->QUERY_SQL(@file_get_contents($destfile), "artica_events"); if (!$q->ok) { meta_events("{$uuid}:{$q->mysql_error}"); @unlink($destfile); continue; } @unlink($sourcefile); @unlink($destfile); } }
function vsftpd_admin_mysql_check($nopid = false) { $f = array(); $unix = new unix(); if ($nopid) { $pidfile = "/etc/artica-postfix/pids/" . basename(__FILE__) . "." . __FUNCTION__ . ".pid"; $pid = @file_get_contents($pidfile); if ($unix->process_exists($pid)) { writelogs("Already running pid {$pid}", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); return; } $t = 0; } $sock = new sockets(); $users = new usersMenus(); $hostname = $unix->hostname_g(); $BaseWorkDir = "{$GLOBALS["ARTICALOGDIR"]}/vsftpd_admin_mysql"; if (!is_dir($BaseWorkDir)) { return; } if (!($handle = opendir($BaseWorkDir))) { echo "Failed open {$BaseWorkDir}\n"; return; } $hostname = $unix->hostname_g(); $q = new mysql(); if (!$q->test_mysql_connection()) { return; } $sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `artica_events`.`vsftpd_admin_mysql` (\n\t\t`ID` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n\t\t`zDate` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL ,\n\t\t`content` MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL ,\n\t\t`hostname` VARCHAR( 255 ),\n\t\t`subject` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,\n\t\t`function` VARCHAR( 60 ) NOT NULL ,\n\t\t`filename` VARCHAR( 50 ) NOT NULL ,\n\t\t`line` INT( 10 ) NOT NULL ,\n\t\t`severity` smallint( 1 ) NOT NULL ,\n\t\t`TASKID` BIGINT UNSIGNED ,\n\t\tPRIMARY KEY (`ID`),\n\t\t KEY `zDate` (`zDate`),\n\t\t KEY `subject` (`subject`),\n\t\t KEY `hostname` (`hostname`),\n\t\t KEY `function` (`function`),\n\t\t KEY `filename` (`filename`),\n\t\t KEY `severity` (`severity`)\n\t\t) ENGINE=MYISAM;"; $q->QUERY_SQL($sql, "artica_events"); if (!$q->ok) { echo $q->mysql_error . "\n"; return; } while (false !== ($filename = readdir($handle))) { if ($filename == ".") { continue; } if ($filename == "..") { continue; } $targetFile = "{$BaseWorkDir}/{$filename}"; if ($unix->file_time_min($targetFile) > 240) { @unlink($targetFile); continue; } $array = unserialize(@file_get_contents($targetFile)); if (!is_array($array)) { @unlink($targetFile); continue; } if (!is_numeric($array["TASKID"])) { $array["TASKID"] = 0; } $content = mysql_escape_string2($array["text"]); $subject = mysql_escape_string2($array["subject"]); $zdate = $array["zdate"]; $function = $array["function"]; $file = $array["file"]; $line = $array["line"]; $TASKID = $array["TASKID"]; $severity = $array["severity"]; $q->QUERY_SQL("INSERT IGNORE INTO `vsftpd_admin_mysql`\n\t\t\t\t(`zDate`,`content`,`subject`,`function`,`filename`,`line`,`severity`,`hostname`) VALUES\n\t\t\t\t('{$zdate}','{$content}','{$subject}','{$function}','{$file}','{$line}','{$severity}','{$hostname}')", "artica_events"); if (!$q->ok) { return; } @unlink($targetFile); } }
function mysql_status() { $q = new mysql(); if (!$q->test_mysql_connection()) { echo " ********* FAILED **************\n"; echo $q->mysql_error . "\n"; echo "\n\nType Enter key to exit.\n"; $answer = trim(strtolower(fgets(STDIN))); menu(); } echo "Connecting to MySQL server success\n"; echo "MySQL Paramaters:\n*******************************\n"; echo "MySQL username..: {$q->mysql_admin}\n"; echo "MySQL Password..: {$q->mysql_password}\n"; echo "MySQL server....: {$q->mysql_server}\n"; echo "MySQL Port......: {$q->mysql_port}\n"; echo "MySQL SocketName: {$q->SocketName}\n"; echo "\n\nType Enter key to continue.\n"; $answer = trim(strtolower(fgets(STDIN))); $GLOBALS["VERBOSE"] = true; $q->BuildTables(); $GLOBALS["VERBOSE"] = false; echo "\n\nType Enter key to exit.\n"; $answer = trim(strtolower(fgets(STDIN))); menu(); }