unset($_SESSION['table_id']); } $_SESSION['mno'] = $mc->get_cookie('mno', 136); $mno = $mc->get_cookie('mno', 136); header_remove(); # INITIALIZE echo "<br><BR><BR><BR><BR>"; $nno = !empty($_GET['nno']) ? intval($_GET['nno']) : 0; $table_id = !empty($_GET['id']) ? intval($_GET['id']) : 0; $table_name = 'fs_postedarticles'; $modal['table_id'] = $_GET['id']; $modal['table_name'] = $table_name; echo " id " . $table_id; # UPDATE NOTIFICATION AS VIEWED # GET THE SPECIFIC MODAL INFO $modal['modal'] = $mc->fs_postedarticles(array('aticle_type' => 'select', 'limit_start' => 0, 'limit_end' => 1, 'orderby' => 'artno desc', 'where' => "artno = {$table_id}")); $modal['mno'] = $modal['modal'][0]['mno']; # GET MORE MODALS $modal['modal_more'] = $mc->fs_postedarticles(array('aticle_type' => 'select', 'limit_start' => 0, 'limit_end' => 30, 'orderby' => 'artno desc', 'where' => "mno = {$modal['mno']}")); // print_r($modal['modal_more']); # GET SPECIFIC MODAL COMMENT # get first latest comment by cno $modal['comments'] = $mc->posted_modals_comment_Query(array('table_name' => $table_name, 'table_id' => $table_id, 'orderby' => 'cno asc', 'limit_start' => 0, 'limit_end' => 10, 'comment_query' => 'get-comment-modal')); # get total comment $modal['comments_all'] = $mc->posted_modals_comment_Query(array('table_name' => $table_name, 'table_id' => $table_id, 'orderby' => 'cno asc', 'limit_start' => 0, 'limit_end' => 1000, 'comment_query' => 'get-comment-modal')); $modal['comments_len'] = count($modal['comments_all']); # get next prev $modal['nextprev'] = $mc->db_result_next_prev($modal['table_name'], $modal['table_id'], $modal['modal_more'], 'all'); // $mc->print_r1( $modal['modal_more']); // $modal['next'] // $modal['prev']
break; case 'upload-article-and-resize': echo " This is the file name " . $_POST['file_name']; $fileName = ( !empty($_POST['fileName']) ) ? $_POST['fileName'] : null ; $fileUrl = ( !empty($_POST['fileUrl']) ) ? $_POST['fileUrl'] : null ; // echo " upload new article image and resize to thumbnail , home and so on. . ."; /** get latest article uploaded */ $response = $mc->fs_postedarticles( array( 'aticle_type'=> 'select', "where mno = $mno" ) ); $mc->print_r1( $response ); $artno = $response[0]['artno']; $type = $response[0]['type']; /* $id = $artno; /** get post attribute */ /* $dataDb = $database->selectV1('fs_post_attribute', '*', "table_id = $id"); print_r($dataDb); $file_name = $dataDb[0]['file_name']; $slug = $dataDb[0]['slug'];