예제 #1
     echo "</div>";
 $temp = ob_get_contents();
 $temp = $temp . "\n\n";
 $smarty->assign("PUBLICITE_" . $pub_emplacement . $pub_emplacement_numero, $temp);
 $mySelect = new mySelect(__FILE__);
 $mySelect->tables = $thisSite->PREFIXE_TBL_PUB . "stats";
 $mySelect->where = "id_bandeau=:id_bandeau AND aa=:aa AND mm=:mm AND jj=:jj AND lg=:lg";
 $mySelect->whereValue["id_bandeau"] = array($bandeauChoisi, PDO::PARAM_INT);
 $mySelect->whereValue["aa"] = array(date(Y), PDO::PARAM_STR);
 $mySelect->whereValue["mm"] = array(date(m), PDO::PARAM_STR);
 $mySelect->whereValue["jj"] = array(date(d), PDO::PARAM_STR);
 $mySelect->whereValue["lg"] = array($thisSite->current_lang, PDO::PARAM_STR);
 if ($mySelect->count() == 0) {
     $myInsert = new myInsert(__FILE__);
     $myInsert->table = $thisSite->PREFIXE_TBL_PUB . "stats";
     $myInsert->field["id_emplacement"] = $pub_emplacement;
     $myInsert->field["lg"] = $thisSite->current_lang;
     $myInsert->field["id_campagne"] = $id_campagne;
     $myInsert->field["id_bandeau"] = $bandeauChoisi;
     $myInsert->field["aa"] = date(Y);
     $myInsert->field["mm"] = date(m);
     $myInsert->field["jj"] = date(d);
     $myInsert->field["nb_aff"] = 1;
     $result = $myInsert->execute();
 } else {
     $myUpdate = new myUpdate(__FILE__);
     $myUpdate->table = $thisSite->PREFIXE_TBL_PUB . "stats";
     $myUpdate->field["nb_aff"] = "LITERAL:nb_aff+1";
예제 #2

// Chargement total element à updater en ligne pour controle
foreach ($listCols as $col => $datasCol) {
    if ($datasCol["update"] > 0) {
        $mySelect = new mySelect(__FILE__);
        $mySelect->tables = $myTable;
        $mySelect->fields = $datasCol["field"];
        if ($formList->where == "") {
            $mySelect->where = $datasCol["field"] . "=1";
        } else {
            $mySelect->where = $formList->where . " AND " . $datasCol["field"] . "=1";
        $countTrue = $mySelect->count();
        $listCols[$col]["countTrue"] = $countTrue;
// recherche des colonnes existant dans la table et qui donc peuvent être utilisé pour le tri par colonne
foreach ($listCols as $col => $datasCol) {
    if ($datasCol["field"] != "") {
        $field = $datasCol["field"];
        $oneDatasList = current($formList->datasList);
        if (isset($oneDatasList[$field]) && !isset($listCols[$col]["orderOk"])) {
            $listCols[$col]["orderOk"] = 1;
예제 #3

$pathBatch = "../";
include $pathBatch . "init_pages/" . "batch.php";
// récupération données standard
$table = $__GET["table"];
$valOrigin = $__GET["valOrigin"];
$field = key($__GET);
$valField = $__GET[$field];
// champ de la base de donnée: on enleve l'extension langue du champ si existe
if (in_array(substr($field, strrpos($field, "_")), $myAdmin->LIST_LANG_EXTENSION_FIELD)) {
    $BdDfield = substr($field, 0, strrpos($field, "_"));
} else {
    $BdDfield = $field;
$mySelect = new mySelect(__FILE__);
$mySelect->tables = $table;
$mySelect->fields = "id," . $BdDfield;
$mySelect->where = $BdDfield . "='" . addslashes($valField) . "' AND " . $BdDfield . "!='" . addslashes($valOrigin) . "'";
$qt = $mySelect->count();
if ($qt > 0) {
    echo "false";
} else {
    echo "true";
예제 #4

include DOS_INC_ADMIN . "controle_login.php";
// ajout selecteur de variables
$mySelect = new mySelect(__FILE__);
$mySelect->tables = $thisSite->PREFIXE_TBL_GEN . "variables";
$mySelect->fields = "*";
$mySelect->where = "lg>=:lg";
$mySelect->whereValue["lg"] = array($myAdmin->LANG_ADMIN, PDO::PARAM_STR);
$nb_variables = $mySelect->count();
if ($nb_variables > 0) {
    $result = $mySelect->query();
    $data_variables = "";
    $data_variables .= "<div id='show_variables'>";
    $data_variables .= "<select id='liste_variables' onChange=\"javascript:select_variables();\" >";
    $data_variables .= "<option>Choisissez une variable...</option>";
    foreach ($result as $row) {
        $codevar = $thisSite->SEPVAR . stripslashes($row["code"]) . $thisSite->SEPVAR;
        $titrevar = stripslashes($row["titre"]);
        $data_variables .= "<option  value='{$codevar}'>{$titrevar}</option>";
    $data_variables .= "</select>";
    $data_variables .= "</div>";
    $smarty->assign("data_variables", $data_variables);
예제 #5
 public function addPage()
     global $myAdmin;
     global $PDO;
     global $__POST;
     global $thisSite;
     if ($this->idCurrent == 0) {
         return false;
     if ($this->page_type == "") {
         $this->page_type = "page";
     if ($this->page_recherche == "") {
         $this->page_recherche = 1;
     if ($this->page_parent == "") {
         $this->page_parent = 0;
     if ($this->show_sousmenu == "") {
         $this->show_sousmenu = 0;
     if ($this->show_in_arbo == "") {
         $this->show_in_arbo = 0;
     if ($this->page_php == "") {
         $this->page_php = "";
     if ($this->page_tpl == "") {
         $this->page_tpl = "";
     if ($this->page_genre == "") {
         $this->page_genre = "";
     $mySelect = new mySelect(__FILE__);
     $mySelect->tables = $this->table;
     $mySelect->fields = "id_page";
     $mySelect->where = "id=:idCurrent";
     $mySelect->whereValue["idCurrent"] = array($this->idCurrent, PDO::PARAM_INT);
     $mySelect->limit = 1;
     $result = $mySelect->query();
     $row = current($result);
     $this->idPage = $row["id_page"];
     if ($this->idPage > 0) {
         $mySelect = new mySelect(__FILE__);
         $mySelect->tables = $thisSite->PREFIXE_TBL_GEN . "pages";
         $mySelect->fields = "id";
         $mySelect->where = "id=:id_page AND lg=:lg";
         $mySelect->whereValue["id_page"] = array($this->idPage, PDO::PARAM_INT);
         $mySelect->whereValue["lg"] = array($myAdmin->LANG_DEF, PDO::PARAM_STR);
         $result = $mySelect->count();
         if ($result > 0) {
             $mode = "update";
         } else {
             $mode = "insert";
     } else {
         if ($this->idPage == 0) {
             $this->idPage = $PDO->getNextID($thisSite->PREFIXE_TBL_GEN . "pages", $this->nextIdMin, $this->nextIdMax);
             $mode = "insert";
         } else {
             $mode = "update";
     $actif = $__POST["actif"];
     if ($actif != "1" && $actif != "0") {
         $actif = 1;
     foreach ($myAdmin->LIST_LANG_EXTENSION_FIELD as $clg => $extLg) {
         if ($mode == "update") {
             $myUpdate = new myUpdate(__FILE__);
             $myUpdate->table = $thisSite->PREFIXE_TBL_GEN . "pages";
             if ($__POST["titre" . $extLg] != "") {
                 $myUpdate->field["titre"] = $__POST["titre" . $extLg];
             if ($__POST["titre" . $extLg] != "") {
                 $myUpdate->field["page_titre"] = $__POST["titre" . $extLg];
             $myUpdate->field["actif"] = $actif;
             $myUpdate->where = "id=:id_page AND lg=:lg";
             $myUpdate->whereValue["id_page"] = array($this->idPage, PDO::PARAM_INT);
             $myUpdate->whereValue["lg"] = array($clg, PDO::PARAM_STR);
             $result = $myUpdate->execute();
         if ($mode == "insert") {
             $page_url = sanitize_string_for_url($__POST["titre" . $extLg]);
             $myInsert = new myInsert(__FILE__);
             $myInsert->table = $thisSite->PREFIXE_TBL_GEN . "pages";
             $myInsert->field["id"] = $this->idPage;
             $myInsert->field["lg"] = $clg;
             $myInsert->field["titre"] = $__POST["titre" . $extLg];
             $myInsert->field["page_titre"] = $__POST["titre" . $extLg];
             $myInsert->field["actif"] = $actif;
             $myInsert->field["page_genre"] = $this->page_genre;
             $myInsert->field["page_type"] = $this->page_type;
             $myInsert->field["page_url"] = $page_url;
             $myInsert->field["page_php"] = $this->page_php;
             $myInsert->field["page_tpl"] = $this->page_tpl;
             $myInsert->field["page_tag_title"] = $__POST["titre" . $extLg];
             $myInsert->field["page_tag_keywords"] = "";
             $myInsert->field["page_tag_description"] = "";
             $myInsert->field["page_tag_robots"] = "index,follow";
             $myInsert->field["page_sitemap_changefreq"] = "monthly";
             $myInsert->field["page_recherche"] = $this->page_recherche;
             $myInsert->field["page_parent"] = $this->page_parent;
             $myInsert->field["show_sousmenu"] = $this->show_sousmenu;
             $myInsert->field["show_in_arbo"] = $this->show_in_arbo;
             $myInsert->field["article_tableId"] = $this->table . "." . $this->idCurrent;
             $result = $myInsert->execute();
             $myUpdate = new myUpdate(__FILE__);
             $myUpdate->table = $this->table;
             $myUpdate->field["id_page"] = $this->idPage;
             $myUpdate->where = "id=:idCurrent AND lg=:lg";
             $myUpdate->whereValue["idCurrent"] = array($this->idCurrent, PDO::PARAM_INT);
             $myUpdate->whereValue["lg"] = array($clg, PDO::PARAM_STR);
             $result = $myUpdate->execute();
     if ($mode == "insert" && $this->show_in_arbo == 1) {
     return $this->idPage;
예제 #6
 public function count_datas($clg)
     global $myAdmin;
     $mySelect = new mySelect(__FILE__);
     $mySelect->tables = $this->tables;
     $mySelect->where = $this->whereFull;
     $mySelect->whereValue = $this->whereValuebyLg[$clg];
     $result = $mySelect->count();
     return $result;