예제 #1
 public function initialize(sfEventDispatcher $dispatcher, $parameters = array(), $attributes = array(), $options = array())
     parent::initialize($dispatcher, $parameters, $attributes, $options);
     if (null === self::$initialPathArrayKeys) {
         self::$initialPathArrayKeys = array_keys($this->getPathInfoArray());
예제 #2
 public function initialize(sfEventDispatcher $dispatcher, $parameters = array(), $attributes = array(), $options = array())
     if (isset($options['content_custom_only_for_test'])) {
         $this->content = $options['content_custom_only_for_test'];
     parent::initialize($dispatcher, $parameters, $attributes, $options);
     if (null === self::$initialPathArrayKeys) {
         self::$initialPathArrayKeys = array_keys($this->getPathInfoArray());
예제 #3
$t->ok($filter->callNeedToRetrieveMobileUID('member', 'configUID'), 'member/configUID redirects user to HTTP');
$t->ok($filter->callNeedToRetrieveMobileUID('member', 'configUID', 0), 'member/configUID does not redirects user to HTTP when it does not retrieve uid');
$t->ok(!$filter->callNeedToRetrieveMobileUID('member', 'home'), 'member/home does not redirect user to HTTP');
$t->ok(!$filter->callNeedToRetrieveMobileUID('member', 'login'), 'member/login does not redirect user to HTTP');
$t->ok($filter->callNeedToRetrieveMobileUID('member', 'login', 1, array('authMode' => 'MobileUID')), 'member/login redirect user to HTTP when the authMode is MobileUID');
sfConfig::set('op_use_ssl', true);
myRequest::$isSecure = false;
sfConfig::set('sf_app', 'secure_application');
$t->ok($filter->callHandleSsl('anything', 'anything'), 'ssl-required-application redirects user HTTP to HTTPS');
sfConfig::set('sf_app', 'insecure_application');
$t->ok($filter->callHandleSsl('secure', 'login'), 'ssl-required-action redirects user HTTP to HTTPS');
$t->ok(!$filter->callHandleSsl('selectable', 'login'), 'ssl-selectable-action does not redirect user HTTP to HTTPS');
sfConfig::set('sf_app', 'mobile_frontend');
$t->ok(!$filter->callHandleSsl('member', 'configUID'), 'member/configUID does not redirect user HTTP to HTTPS');
$t->ok(!$filter->callHandleSsl('anything', 'anything'), 'no ssl providable action does not redirect user HTTP to HTTPS');
myRequest::$isSecure = true;
sfConfig::set('sf_app', 'secure_application');
$t->ok(!$filter->callHandleSsl('anything', 'anything'), 'ssl-required-application does not redirects user HTTPS to HTTP');
sfConfig::set('sf_app', 'insecure_application');
$t->ok(!$filter->callHandleSsl('secure', 'login'), 'ssl-required-action does not redirects user HTTPS to HTTP');
$t->ok(!$filter->callHandleSsl('selectable', 'login'), 'ssl-selectable-action does not redirect user HTTPS to HTTP');
sfConfig::set('sf_app', 'mobile_frontend');
$t->ok($filter->callHandleSsl('member', 'configUID'), 'member/configUID redirect user HTTPS to HTTP');
$t->ok($filter->callHandleSsl('anything', 'anything'), 'no ssl providable action redirect user HTTPS to HTTP');
sfConfig::set('op_use_ssl', false);
myRequest::$isSecure = false;
$t->ok(!$filter->callHandleSsl('anything', 'anything'), 'action does not redirect user HTTP to HTTPS if op_use_ssl is "false"');
myRequest::$isSecure = true;
$t->ok(!$filter->callHandleSsl('anything', 'anything'), 'action does not redirect user HTTPS to HTTP if op_use_ssl is "false"');
예제 #4
    return $this->dispatcher;

class fakeRequest

$t = new lime_test(36);

$dispatcher = new sfEventDispatcher();

// ->initialize()
$request = new myRequest($dispatcher);
$t->is($dispatcher, $request->getEventDispatcher(), '->initialize() takes a sfEventDispatcher object as its first argument');
$request->initialize($dispatcher, array('foo' => 'bar'));
$t->is($request->getParameter('foo'), 'bar', '->initialize() takes an array of parameters as its second argument');

$options = $request->getOptions();
$t->is($options['logging'], false, '->getOptions() returns options for request instance');

// ->getMethod() ->setMethod()
$t->diag('->getMethod() ->setMethod()');
$t->is($request->getMethod(), sfRequest::GET, '->getMethod() returns the current request method');

예제 #5
$t->is(isset($request['foo2']), false, '->offsetExists() returns false if request parameter does not exist');
$t->is($request['foo3'], false, '->offsetGet() returns false if parameter does not exist');
$t->is($request['foo'], 'foo', '->offsetGet() returns parameter by name');
$request['foo2'] = 'foo2';
$t->is($request['foo2'], 'foo2', '->offsetSet() sets parameter by name');
$t->is(isset($request['foo2']), false, '->offsetUnset() unsets parameter by name');
// ->getOption()
$request = new myRequest($dispatcher, array(), array(), array('val_1' => 'value', 'val_2' => false));
$t->is($request->getOption('val_1'), 'value', '->getOption() returns the option value if exists');
$t->is($request->getOption('val_2'), false, '->getOption() returns the option value if exists');
$t->is($request->getOption('none'), null, '->getOption() returns the option value if not exists');
// ->getOption()
$request = new myRequest($dispatcher);
$requestClone = clone $request;
$t->ok($request->getParameterHolder() !== $requestClone->getParameterHolder(), '->__clone() clone parameterHolder');
$t->ok($request->getAttributeHolder() !== $requestClone->getAttributeHolder(), '->__clone() clone attributeHolder');
$request = new myRequest($dispatcher);
// parameter holder proxy
require_once $_test_dir . '/unit/sfParameterHolderTest.class.php';
$pht = new sfParameterHolderProxyTest($t);
$pht->launchTests($request, 'parameter');
// attribute holder proxy
$pht = new sfParameterHolderProxyTest($t);
$pht->launchTests($request, 'attribute');
// new methods via sfEventDispatcher
require_once $_test_dir . '/unit/sfEventDispatcherTest.class.php';
$dispatcherTest = new sfEventDispatcherTest($t);
$dispatcherTest->launchTests($dispatcher, $request, 'request');
    public function getCSRFToken($secret = null)
        return '==TOKEN==';
$request = new myRequest($dispatcher);
try {
    $t->fail('->checkCSRFProtection() throws a validator error if CSRF protection fails');
} catch (sfValidatorErrorSchema $error) {
    $t->pass('->checkCSRFProtection() throws a validator error if CSRF protection fails');
$request = new myRequest($dispatcher);
$request->setParameter('_csrf_token', '==TOKEN==');
try {
    $t->pass('->checkCSRFProtection() checks token from BaseForm');
} catch (sfValidatorErrorSchema $error) {
    $t->fail('->checkCSRFProtection() checks token from BaseForm');
// ->getContentType()
$_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE'] = 'text/html';
$request = new myRequest($dispatcher);
$t->is($request->getContentType(), 'text/html', '->getContentType() returns the content type');
$_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE'] = 'text/html; charset=UTF-8';
$request = new myRequest($dispatcher);
$t->is($request->getContentType(), 'text/html', '->getContentType() strips the charset information by default');
$t->is($request->getContentType(false), 'text/html; charset=UTF-8', '->getContentType() does not strip the charset information by defaultif you pass false as the first argument');
예제 #7
$_SERVER['HTTPS'] = 'on';
$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] = '443';
$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = 'symfony-project.org:443';
$t->is($request->getUriPrefix(), 'https://symfony-project.org', '->getUriPrefix() returns no port for standard https port');
$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = 'symfony-project.org';
$t->is($request->getUriPrefix(), 'https://symfony-project.org', '->getUriPrefix() works fine with no port in HTTP_HOST');
$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = 'symfony-project.org:8043';
$t->is($request->getUriPrefix(), 'https://symfony-project.org:8043', '->getUriPrefix() works for nonstandard https ports');
// ->getRemoteAddress()
$t->is($request->getRemoteAddress(), '', '->getRemoteAddress() returns the remote address');
// ->getForwardedRemoteAddress()
$t->is($request->getForwardedRemoteAddress(), null, '->getForwardedRemoteAddress() returns null if the request was not forwarded.');
$t->is($request->getForwardedRemoteAddress(), '', '->getForwardedRemoteAddress() returns the value from HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR');
// methods
$_POST['sf_method'] = 'PUT';
$request = new myRequest($dispatcher);
$t->is($request->getMethod(), 'PUT', '->getMethod() returns the "sf_method" parameter value if it exists and if the method is POST');
$_POST['sf_method'] = 'PUT';
$request = new myRequest($dispatcher);
$t->is($request->getMethod(), 'GET', '->getMethod() returns the "sf_method" parameter value if it exists and if the method is POST');
$request = new myRequest($dispatcher);
$t->is($request->getMethod(), 'POST', '->getMethod() returns the "sf_method" parameter value if it exists and if the method is POST');
예제 #8
 public function basicGet($url, $data = NULL)
     $token = $this->getToken();
     if (!$token) {
         return false;
     $reqUrl = 'https://' . $this->host . $url;
     $request = new myRequest();
     if ($data) {
     $request->setHeaders(['Content-type' => 'application/json', 'Authorization' => $token]);
     $response = $request->sendRequest($reqUrl);
     if ($response->getStatus() == myResponse::STATUS_FORBIDDEN) {
         // try to regenerate token
         $request->setHeaders(['Content-type' => 'application/json', 'Authorization' => $this->generateToken()]);
         // retry request
         $response = $request->sendRequest($reqUrl);
     return $response->getBody(true);
예제 #9
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../bootstrap/unit.php';
class myRequest extends sfRequest
    public function getEventDispatcher()
        return $this->dispatcher;
$t = new lime_test(15, new lime_output_color());
$dispatcher = new sfEventDispatcher();
$dispatcher->connect('request.method_not_found', array('sfRequestCompat10', 'call'));
$request = new myRequest($dispatcher);
// ->setError() ->hasError() ->hasErrors() ->getError() ->removeError() ->getErrorNames()
$t->diag('->setError() ->hasError() ->hasErrors() ->getError() ->removeError() ->getErrorNames()');
// single error
$key = "test";
$value = "error";
$request->setError($key, $value, '->setError() add an error message for the given parameter');
$t->is($request->hasError($key), true, '->hasError() returns true if an error exists for the given parameter');
$t->is($request->hasErrors(), true, '->hasErrors() returns true if there are some errors');
$t->is($request->getError($key), $value, '->getError() returns the error text for the given parameter');
$t->is($request->removeError($key), $value, '->removeError() removes the error for the given parameter');
$t->is($request->hasError($key), false, '->hasError() returns false if no error exists for the given parameter');
$t->is($request->hasErrors(), false, '->hasErrors() returns false if there is no error');
// multiple errors
$key1 = "test1";
$value_key1_1 = "error1_1";
예제 #10
$request = new myRequest($dispatcher);
$t->is($request->getPathInfo(), '/test/klaus', '->getPathInfo() returns the url path value');
$_SERVER['SPECIAL'] = '/special';
$request = new myRequest($dispatcher, array(), array(), array('path_info_key' => 'SPECIAL'));
$t->is($request->getPathInfo(), '/special', '->getPathInfo() returns the url path value use path_info_key');
$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] = '/frontend_test.php';
$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = '/frontend_test.php/test/klaus2';
$request = new myRequest($dispatcher);
$t->is($request->getPathInfo(), '/test/klaus2', '->getPathInfo() returns the url path value if it not exists use default REQUEST_URI');
$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = 'test';
$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = '/frontend_test.php/test/klaus2?test';
$request = new myRequest($dispatcher);
$t->is($request->getPathInfo(), '/test/klaus2', '->getPathInfo() returns the url path value if it not exists use default REQUEST_URI without query');
$request = new myRequest($dispatcher);
$t->is($request->getPathInfo(), '/', '->getPathInfo() returns the url path value if it not exists use default /');
// ->addRequestParameters() ->getRequestParameters() ->fixParameters()
$request = new myRequest($dispatcher);
$t->is($request->getRequestParameters(), array(), '->getRequestParameters() returns the request parameters default array');
$request->addRequestParameters(array('test' => 'test'));
$t->is($request->getRequestParameters(), array('test' => 'test'), '->getRequestParameters() returns the request parameters');
$request->addRequestParameters(array('test' => 'test'));
$t->is($request->getRequestParameters(), array('test' => 'test'), '->getRequestParameters() returns the request parameters allready exists');
$request->addRequestParameters(array('_sf_ignore_cache' => 1, 'test2' => 'test2'));
$t->is($request->getRequestParameters(), array('test' => 'test', 'test2' => 'test2', '_sf_ignore_cache' => 1), '->getRequestParameters() returns the request parameters check fixParameters call for special _sf_ params');
$t->is($request->getAttribute('sf_ignore_cache'), 1, '->getAttribute() check special param is set as attribute');