예제 #1
 public function execute()
     $source_kshow_id = $this->getP("source_kshow_id");
     $target_kshow_id = $this->getP("target_kshow_id");
     $kuser_names = $this->getP("kuser_names");
     $reset = $this->getP("reset");
     if ($reset) {
         $source_kshow_id = null;
         $target_kshow_id = null;
         $kuser_names = null;
     $mode = 0;
     // view
     if ($source_kshow_id && $target_kshow_id && $kuser_names) {
         $mode = 1;
         // review
         $list_of_kuser_names = explode(",", $kuser_names);
         foreach ($list_of_kuser_names as &$name) {
             $name = trim($name);
         $source_kshow = kshowPeer::retrieveByPK($source_kshow_id);
         $target_kshow = kshowPeer::retrieveByPK($target_kshow_id);
         $target_partner_id = $target_kshow->getPartnerId();
         $target_subp_id = $target_kshow->getSubpId();
         $c = new Criteria();
         // select only the kusers of the correct partner_id
         $c->add(kuserPeer::SCREEN_NAME, $list_of_kuser_names, Criteria::IN);
         //$c->add ( kuserPeer::PARTNER_ID , $target_partner_id );
         $list_of_kusers = kuserPeer::doSelect($c);
         $producer = kuserPeer::retrieveByPK($target_kshow->getProducerId());
         $list_of_kusers[] = $producer;
         $c->add(kuserPeer::PARTNER_ID, $target_partner_id);
         $list_of_valid_kusers = kuserPeer::doSelect($c);
         $list_of_valid_kusers[] = $producer;
         $c = new Criteria();
         $c->add(entryPeer::KSHOW_ID, $source_kshow_id);
         $c->add(entryPeer::TYPE, entryType::MEDIA_CLIP);
         $c->add(entryPeer::STATUS, entryStatus::READY);
         $entries = entryPeer::doSelectJoinAll($c);
         $entry_kusers = array();
         // assign each entry to a kuser
         foreach ($entries as $entry) {
             $place_in_array = count($entry_kusers) % count($list_of_valid_kusers);
             $kuser = $list_of_valid_kusers[$place_in_array];
             $entry_kusers[$entry->getId()] = $kuser->getId();
         $clone = $this->getP("clone");
         if ($clone == 'true') {
             $mode = 2;
             // clone
             $entry_id_map = array();
             // will be used to map the source->target entries
             $entry_cache = array();
             // will be used to cache all relevat entries
             $new_entry_list = array();
             $failed_entry_list = array();
             foreach ($entries as $entry) {
                 try {
                     $kuser_id = $entry_kusers[$entry->getId()];
                     $override_fields = $entry->copy();
                     $new_entry = myEntryUtils::deepClone($entry, $target_kshow_id, $override_fields, false);
                     $new_entry_list[] = $new_entry;
                     // will help fix the metadata entries
                     $entry_id_map[$entry->getId()] = $new_entry->getId();
                     $entry_cache[$entry->getId()] = $entry;
                     $entry_cache[$new_entry->getId()] = $new_entry;
                 } catch (Exception $ex) {
                     $failed_entry_list[] = $entry;
                 //					echo "entry [{$entry->getId()}] copied<br>"; flush();
             // now clone the show_entry
             $new_show_entry = $target_kshow->getShowEntry();
             myEntryUtils::deepCloneShowEntry($source_kshow->getShowEntry(), $new_show_entry, $entry_id_map, $entry_cache);
             $new_entry_list[] = $new_show_entry;
             $entries = $new_entry_list;
             $entry_kusers = null;
         //			echo "ended!<bR>";			flush();
     $this->source_kshow_id = @$source_kshow_id;
     $this->target_kshow_id = @$target_kshow_id;
     $this->partner_id = @$target_partner_id;
     $this->source_kshow = @$source_kshow;
     $this->target_kshow = @$target_kshow;
     $this->kuser_names = @$kuser_names;
     $this->list_of_kusers = @$list_of_kusers;
     $this->entries = @$entries;
     $this->mode = $mode;
     $this->entry_kusers = @$entry_kusers;
     //		echo "going to template!<bR>";		flush();