public function fetchPage($action, $filter, $my_pager, $base_criteria = null)
     myDbHelper::$use_alternative_con = myDbHelper::DB_HELPER_CONN_PROPEL2;
     $keywords = @$_REQUEST["keywords"];
     // $sort_alias is what is sent from the browser
     $sort_alias = $this->sort_alias != null ? $this->sort_alias : @$_REQUEST["sort"];
     //		$keywords_array = mySearchUtils::getKeywordsFromStr ( $keywords );
     if ($base_criteria != null) {
         $c = $base_criteria;
     } else {
         $c = KalturaCriteria::create(entryPeer::OM_CLASS);
     $filter->addSearchMatchToCriteria($c, $keywords, $this->getSearchableColumnName());
     // each entity can do specific modifications to the criteria
     if ($this->skip_count) {
         $my_pager->attachCriteria($c, $this->getPeerMethod(), $this->getPeerCountMethod());
         //$res = $my_pager->fetchPage(null , true , 0);
         $res = $my_pager->fetchPage(null);
         // , true , 0);
     } else {
         $my_pager->attachCriteria($c, $this->getPeerMethod(), $this->getPeerCountMethod());
         $res = $my_pager->fetchPage();
     return $res;
 public function execute()
     myDbHelper::$use_alternative_con = null;
     $partnerId = $this->getRequestParameter("partnerId", null);
     $uiConfId = $this->getRequestParameter("uiConfId", null);
     $page = $this->getRequestParameter("page", 1);
     if ($partnerId !== null && $partnerId !== "") {
         $pageSize = 50;
         $c = new Criteria();
         $c->add(widgetPeer::PARTNER_ID, $partnerId);
         if ($uiConfId) {
             $c->add(widgetPeer::UI_CONF_ID, $uiConfId);
         $total = widgetPeer::doCount($c);
         $lastPage = ceil($total / $pageSize);
         $c->setOffset(($page - 1) * $pageSize);
         $widgets = widgetPeer::doSelect($c);
     } else {
         $total = 0;
         $lastPage = 0;
         $widgets = array();
     $this->uiConfId = $uiConfId;
     $this->page = $page;
     $this->lastPage = $lastPage;
     $this->widgets = $widgets;
     $this->partner = PartnerPeer::retrieveByPK($partnerId);
     $this->partnerId = $partnerId;
 public function execute()
     myDbHelper::$use_alternative_con = null;
     $uiConfId = $this->getRequestParameter("id");
     $uiConf = uiConfPeer::retrieveByPK($uiConfId);
     foreach ($subTypes as $subType) {
         if ($subType == uiconf::FILE_SYNC_UICONF_SUB_TYPE_DATA) {
             echo "Data:" . PHP_EOL;
         } else {
             if ($subType == uiconf::FILE_SYNC_UICONF_SUB_TYPE_FEATURES) {
                 echo "Features:" . PHP_EOL;
         $syncKey = $uiConf->getSyncKey($subType);
         if (kFileSyncUtils::file_exists($syncKey)) {
             echo "File sync already exists." . PHP_EOL;
         } else {
             list($rootPath, $filePath) = $uiConf->generateFilePathArr($subType);
             $fullPath = $rootPath . $filePath;
             if (file_exists($fullPath)) {
                 echo "Created successfully." . PHP_EOL;
             } else {
                 echo "File not found:" . PHP_EOL;
                 echo $fullPath . PHP_EOL;
                 echo "Not creating file sync." . PHP_EOL;
         echo PHP_EOL;
 public function execute()
     myDbHelper::$use_alternative_con = null;
     $go = $this->getP("go");
     $filter = new ConversionProfileFilter();
     $this->list = array();
     $fields_set = $filter->fillObjectFromRequest($_REQUEST, "filter_", null);
     if ($go) {
         $c = new Criteria();
         // filter
         //if ($order_by != -1) kshowPeer::setOrder( $c , $order_by );
         $this->list = ConversionProfilePeer::doSelect($c);
     $the_conv = myConversionProfileUtils::getConversionProfile($filter->get("_eq_partner_id"), $filter->get("_eq_profile_type"));
     $selected = false;
     if ($the_conv) {
         foreach ($this->list as &$conv) {
             if ($conv->getId() == $the_conv->getId()) {
                 $selected = true;
                 $conv->selected = true;
     // is none was selected - need to add the_conv to the list
     if (!$selected && $the_conv) {
         $the_conv->selected = true;
         $this->list[] = $the_conv;
     $this->filter = $filter;
예제 #5
  * List media info objects by filter and pager
  * @action list
  * @param KalturaMediaInfoFilter $filter
  * @param KalturaFilterPager $pager
  * @return KalturaMediaInfoListResponse
 function listAction(KalturaMediaInfoFilter $filter = null, KalturaFilterPager $pager = null)
     myDbHelper::$use_alternative_con = myDbHelper::DB_HELPER_CONN_PROPEL2;
     if (!$filter) {
         $filter = new KalturaMediaInfoFilter();
     if (!$pager) {
         $pager = new KalturaFilterPager();
     $mediaInfoFilter = new MediaInfoFilter();
     if ($filter->flavorAssetIdEqual) {
         // Since media_info table does not have partner_id column, enforce partner by getting the asset
         if (!assetPeer::retrieveById($filter->flavorAssetIdEqual)) {
             throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::FLAVOR_ASSET_ID_NOT_FOUND, $filter->flavorAssetIdEqual);
     $c = new Criteria();
     $totalCount = mediaInfoPeer::doCount($c);
     $dbList = mediaInfoPeer::doSelect($c);
     $list = KalturaMediaInfoArray::fromDbArray($dbList, $this->getResponseProfile());
     $response = new KalturaMediaInfoListResponse();
     $response->objects = $list;
     $response->totalCount = $totalCount;
     return $response;
  * Will anipulate a single entry
 public function execute()
     myDbHelper::$use_alternative_con = null;
     $command = $this->getP("command");
     if ($command == "updateEntry") {
         $id = $this->getP("id");
         $entry = entryPeer::retrieveByPK($id);
         if ($entry) {
             $name = $this->getP("name");
             $value = $this->getP("value");
             $obj_wrapper = objectWrapperBase::getWrapperClass($entry, 0);
             $updateable_fields = $obj_wrapper->getUpdateableFields("2");
             if (!in_array($name, $updateable_fields)) {
             if ($name) {
                 $setter = "set" . $name;
                 call_user_func(array($entry, $setter), $value);
  * Will investigate a single entry
 public function execute()
     myDbHelper::$use_alternative_con = myDbHelper::DB_HELPER_CONN_PROPEL2;
     $this->result = NULL;
     $kshow_ids = @$_REQUEST["kshow_ids"];
     $this->kshow_ids = $kshow_ids;
     $this->kshow = NULL;
     $entry_ids = @$_REQUEST["entry_ids"];
     $this->entry_ids = $entry_ids;
     $this->entry = NULL;
     $this->show_entry = null;
     $show_entry_list = array();
     if (!empty($kshow_ids)) {
         $ids_arr = explode(",", $kshow_ids);
         $kshows = kshowPeer::retrieveByPKs($ids_arr);
         if (!$kshows) {
             $this->result = "No kshows [{$kshow_ids}] in DB";
         foreach ($kshows as $kshow) {
             $show_entry = $kshow->getShowEntry();
             $show_entry_list[] = $show_entry;
     } else {
         if (empty($entry_ids)) {
             $this->result = "Submit an entry_id of a kshow_id to fix";
         $ids_arr = explode(",", $entry_ids);
         $entries = entryPeer::retrieveByPKs($ids_arr);
         if (!$entries) {
             $this->result = "No entries [{$entry_ids}] in DB";
         foreach ($entries as $entry) {
             if ($entry->getType() != entryType::MIX) {
             $show_entry_list[] = $entry;
     $fixed_data_list = array();
     foreach ($show_entry_list as $show_entry) {
         $fix_data = new fixData();
         $fix_data->show_entry = $show_entry;
         if ($show_entry->getType() != entryType::MIX) {
             $fix_data->error = "Entry is not a roughcut";
         } else {
             $fix_data->old_content = $show_entry->getMetadata();
             $fix_data->old_duration = $show_entry->getLengthInMsecs();
             $fix_data->fixed_content = $show_entry->fixMetadata(false);
             $fix_data->fixed_duration = $show_entry->getLengthInMsecs();
         $fixed_data_list[] = $fix_data;
     $this->fixed_data_list = $fixed_data_list;
예제 #8
  * Will investigate a single entry
 public function execute()
     myDbHelper::$use_alternative_con = null;
     $status_list = $this->getP("status");
     $mode = $this->getP("mode");
     if ($mode == "old") {
         $preconvert = glob(myContentStorage::getFSContentRootPath() . "/content/preconvert/data/*");
         $preconvert_indicators = glob(myContentStorage::getFSContentRootPath() . "/content/preconvert/files/*");
         // indicators or inproc
     } else {
         $preconvert = glob(myContentStorage::getFSContentRootPath() . "/content/new_preconvert/*");
         $preconvert_indicators = glob(myContentStorage::getFSContentRootPath() . "/new_content/preconvert/*.in*");
         // indicators or inproc
     $indicators = array();
     foreach ($preconvert_indicators as $file) {
         $file = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_BASENAME);
         $name = substr($file, 0, strpos($file, "."));
         $indicators[$name] = $name;
     $entry_ids = array();
     foreach ($preconvert as $file) {
         $file = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_BASENAME);
         $name = substr($file, 0, strpos($file, "."));
         if (!isset($indicators[$name])) {
             $entry_ids[] = $name;
             // only those that don't have indicators
     $ids_str = "'" . implode("','", $entry_ids) . "'";
     echo "<html><body style='font-family:arial; font-size:12px;'>";
     echo "preconvert files: [" . count($preconvert) . "]<br>";
     echo "preconvert indicators : [" . count($preconvert_indicators) . "] [" . count($indicators) . "]<br>";
     echo "entry_ids: [" . count($entry_ids) . "]<br>";
     if (count($entry_ids)) {
         if (!$status_list) {
             $status_list = "1";
         $connection = Propel::getConnection();
         $query = "SELECT id,partner_id,status,created_at FROM entry WHERE status IN ({$status_list}) AND id IN ({$ids_str}) ORDER BY created_at ASC ";
         echo "query: {$query}<br>";
         $statement = $connection->prepareStatement($query);
         $resultset = $statement->executeQuery();
         echo "<table cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 border=1 style='font-family:arial; font-size:12px;'>";
         echo "<tr><td>partner_id</td><td>id</td><td>status</td><td>created_at</td></tr>";
         $real_count = 0;
         while ($resultset->next()) {
             echo "<tr>" . "<td>" . $resultset->getInt('partner_id') . "</td>" . "<td>" . $resultset->getString('id') . "</td>" . "<td>" . $resultset->getInt('status') . "</td>" . "<td>" . $resultset->get('created_at') . "</td>" . "</tr>";
         echo "</table>";
         echo "count [{$real_count}]";
     echo "</body></html>";
 public function execute()
     myDbHelper::$use_alternative_con = null;
     $this->ok_to_save = $this->getP("oktosave");
     $conv_profile_id = $this->getP("convprofile_id");
     if ($conv_profile_id < 0) {
         $conv_profile_id = "";
     $this->message = "";
     $this->display_disabled = $this->getP("display_disabled");
     $command = $this->getP("command");
     if ($command == "removeCache") {
     } elseif ($command == "save") {
         $conv_profile = new ConversionProfile();
         $wrapper = objectWrapperBase::getWrapperClass($conv_profile, 0);
         $extra_fields = array("partnerId", "enabled");
         // add fields that cannot be updated using the API
         $allowed_params = array_merge($wrapper->getUpdateableFields(), $extra_fields);
         $fields_modified = baseObjectUtils::fillObjectFromMap($_REQUEST, $conv_profile, "convprofile_", $allowed_params, BasePeer::TYPE_PHPNAME, true);
         if ($conv_profile_id) {
             $conv_profile_from_db = ConversionProfilePeer::retrieveByPK($conv_profile_id);
             if ($conv_profile_from_db) {
                 baseObjectUtils::fillObjectFromObject($allowed_params, $conv_profile, $conv_profile_from_db, baseObjectUtils::CLONE_POLICY_PREFER_NEW, null, BasePeer::TYPE_PHPNAME, true);
         } else {
             $conv_profile_id = $conv_profile->getId();
     $this->conv_profile = ConversionProfilePeer::retrieveByPK($conv_profile_id);
     $this->conv_profile_id = $conv_profile_id;
     if ($this->conv_profile) {
         $this->conv_profile_type = $this->conv_profile->getProfileType();
         $this->fallback_mode = array();
         $this->conv_params_list = ConversionParamsPeer::retrieveByConversionProfile($this->conv_profile, $this->fallback_mode, false);
         // to see if there are any disabled params - call again with true
         $tmp_fallback = array();
         $tmp_conv_params_list = ConversionParamsPeer::retrieveByConversionProfile($this->conv_profile, $tmp_fallback, true);
         if ($tmp_fallback["mode"] == $this->fallback_mode["mode"]) {
             $this->fallback_mode = $tmp_fallback;
             $this->conv_params_list = $tmp_conv_params_list;
         } else {
             if ($this->display_disabled) {
                 $this->fallback_mode = $tmp_fallback;
                 $this->conv_params_list = $tmp_conv_params_list;
                 $this->message = "This display is missleading due to [dispaly disabled=true]<br>It shows params that are disabled for this profile and WOULD NOT be used at run-time";
     } else {
         $this->conv_profile_type = null;
         $this->conv_params_list = null;
 public function __construct($feedId)
     myDbHelper::$use_alternative_con = myDbHelper::DB_HELPER_CONN_PROPEL3;
     $microTimeStart = microtime(true);
     KalturaLog::info("syndicationFeedRenderer- initialize ");
     // initialize the database for all services
     $this->syndicationFeedDB = $syndicationFeedDB = syndicationFeedPeer::retrieveByPK($feedId);
     if (!$syndicationFeedDB) {
         throw new Exception("Feed Id not found");
     kEntitlementUtils::initEntitlementEnforcement($syndicationFeedDB->getPartnerId(), $syndicationFeedDB->getEnforceEntitlement());
     if (!is_null($syndicationFeedDB->getPrivacyContext()) && $syndicationFeedDB->getPrivacyContext() != '') {
     $tmpSyndicationFeed = KalturaSyndicationFeedFactory::getInstanceByType($syndicationFeedDB->getType());
     $this->syndicationFeed = $tmpSyndicationFeed;
     // add partner to default criteria
     categoryPeer::addPartnerToCriteria($this->syndicationFeed->partnerId, true);
     assetPeer::addPartnerToCriteria($this->syndicationFeed->partnerId, true);
     $this->baseCriteria = entryPeer::getDefaultCriteriaFilter();
     $startDateCriterion = $this->baseCriteria->getNewCriterion(entryPeer::START_DATE, time(), Criteria::LESS_EQUAL);
     $startDateCriterion->addOr($this->baseCriteria->getNewCriterion(entryPeer::START_DATE, null));
     $endDateCriterion = $this->baseCriteria->getNewCriterion(entryPeer::END_DATE, time(), Criteria::GREATER_EQUAL);
     $endDateCriterion->addOr($this->baseCriteria->getNewCriterion(entryPeer::END_DATE, null));
     $entryFilter = new entryFilter();
     $entryFilter->setTypeIn(array(entryType::MEDIA_CLIP, entryType::MIX));
     if ($this->syndicationFeed->playlistId) {
         $this->entryFilters = myPlaylistUtils::getPlaylistFiltersById($this->syndicationFeed->playlistId);
         foreach ($this->entryFilters as $entryFilter) {
             // partner scope already attached
         $playlist = entryPeer::retrieveByPK($this->syndicationFeed->playlistId);
         if ($playlist) {
             if ($playlist->getMediaType() != entry::ENTRY_MEDIA_TYPE_XML) {
                 $this->staticPlaylist = true;
                 $this->staticPlaylistEntriesIdsOrder = explode(',', $playlist->getDataContent());
     } else {
         $this->entryFilters = array();
     $microTimeEnd = microtime(true);
     KalturaLog::info("syndicationFeedRenderer- initialization done [" . ($microTimeEnd - $microTimeStart) . "]");
예제 #11
 protected function forceSystemAuthentication()
     myDbHelper::$use_alternative_con = myDbHelper::DB_HELPER_CONN_PROPEL3;
     $kal_sys_auth = @$_COOKIE[self::COOKIE_NAME];
     if ($kal_sys_auth == $this->authKey()) {
         return true;
     $this->setFlash('sign_in_referer', $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);
     //echo "forceSystemAuthentication - false";
     return $this->forward('system', 'login');
 public function execute()
     myDbHelper::$use_alternative_con = null;
     $entry_id = $this->getP("entry_id");
     echo "Creating new conversion profile for entry [{$entry_id}]<br>";
     $new_conversion_profile = myPartnerUtils::getConversionProfile2ForEntry($entry_id);
     echo "result:\n" . print_r($new_conversion_profile, true . "<br>");
 public function executeImpl($partner_id, $subp_id, $puser_id, $partner_prefix, $puser_kuser, $create_cachekey = false)
     myDbHelper::$use_alternative_con = myDbHelper::DB_HELPER_CONN_PROPEL3;
     // TODO -  verify permissions for viewing lists
     $detailed = $this->getP("detailed", false);
     $limit = $this->getP("page_size", 10);
     $limit = $this->maxPageSize($limit);
     $page = $this->getP("page", 1);
     $user_filter_prefix = $this->getP("fp", "filter");
     $offset = ($page - 1) * $limit;
     // TODO - should limit search to partner ??
     //		kuserPeer::setUseCriteriaFilter( false );
     //		entryPeer::setUseCriteriaFilter( false );
     $playlist_id = $this->getPM("playlist_id");
     $input_params = $this->getInputParams();
     $extra_filters = array();
     for ($i = 1; $i < self::MAX_FILTER_COUNT; $i++) {
         // filter
         $extra_filter = new entryFilter();
         $fields_set = $extra_filter->fillObjectFromRequest($input_params, "{$user_filter_prefix}{$i}_", null);
         if ($fields_set) {
             $extra_filters[$i] = $extra_filter;
     // this service is executed twice! (first time for the cache key, second time for the execution)
     if (is_null($this->playlist)) {
         $playlist = entryPeer::retrieveByPK($playlist_id);
         if (!$playlist) {
             throw new APIException(APIErrors::INVALID_ENTRY_ID, "Playlist", $playlist_id);
         myPartnerUtils::addPartnerToCriteria(new accessControlPeer(), $playlist->getPartnerId(), $this->getPrivatePartnerData(), $this->partnerGroup2(), null);
         $this->playlist = $playlist;
     if ($create_cachekey) {
         if ($this->isAdmin()) {
             return null;
         $cache_key_arr = array("playlist_id" => $playlist_id, "filters" => $extra_filters);
         $cahce_key = new executionCacheKey();
         $cahce_key->expiry = 600;
         $cahce_key->key = md5(print_r($cache_key_arr, true));
         return $cahce_key;
     if ($this->isAdmin()) {
     $entry_list = myPlaylistUtils::executePlaylistById($partner_id, $playlist_id, $extra_filters, $detailed);
     $level = $detailed ? objectWrapperBase::DETAIL_LEVEL_DETAILED : objectWrapperBase::DETAIL_LEVEL_REGULAR;
     $wrapper = objectWrapperBase::getWrapperClass($entry_list, $level);
     $this->addMsg("count", count($entry_list));
     $this->addMsg($this->getObjectPrefix(), $wrapper);
예제 #14
 protected function doGetListResponse(KalturaFilterPager $pager, array $types = null)
     myDbHelper::$use_alternative_con = myDbHelper::DB_HELPER_CONN_PROPEL2;
     // verify access to the relevant entries - either same partner as the KS or kaltura network
     if ($this->entryIdEqual) {
         $entryIds = array($this->entryIdEqual);
     } else {
         if ($this->entryIdIn) {
             $entryIds = explode(',', $this->entryIdIn);
         } else {
             throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::PROPERTY_VALIDATION_CANNOT_BE_NULL, 'KalturaAssetFilter::entryIdEqual/KalturaAssetFilter::entryIdIn');
     $entryIds = array_slice($entryIds, 0, baseObjectFilter::getMaxInValues());
     $c = KalturaCriteria::create(entryPeer::OM_CLASS);
     $c->addAnd(entryPeer::ID, $entryIds, Criteria::IN);
     $criterionPartnerOrKn = $c->getNewCriterion(entryPeer::PARTNER_ID, kCurrentContext::getCurrentPartnerId());
     $criterionPartnerOrKn->addOr($c->getNewCriterion(entryPeer::DISPLAY_IN_SEARCH, mySearchUtils::DISPLAY_IN_SEARCH_KALTURA_NETWORK));
     $dbEntries = entryPeer::doSelect($c);
     if (!$dbEntries) {
         return array(array(), 0);
     $entryIds = array();
     foreach ($dbEntries as $dbEntry) {
         $entryIds[] = $dbEntry->getId();
     $this->entryIdEqual = null;
     $this->entryIdIn = implode(',', $entryIds);
     // get the flavors
     $flavorAssetFilter = new AssetFilter();
     $c = new Criteria();
     if ($types) {
         $c->add(assetPeer::TYPE, $types, Criteria::IN);
     $list = assetPeer::doSelect($c);
     $resultCount = count($list);
     if ($resultCount && $resultCount < $pager->pageSize) {
         $totalCount = ($pager->pageIndex - 1) * $pager->pageSize + $resultCount;
     } else {
         $totalCount = assetPeer::doCount($c);
     myDbHelper::$use_alternative_con = null;
     return array($list, $totalCount);
 public function execute()
     myDbHelper::$use_alternative_con = null;
     $partnerId = $this->getRequestParameter("partnerId", null);
     if ($partnerId !== null) {
         $partnerId = (int) $partnerId;
     $c = new Criteria();
     $c->add(uiConfPeer::PARTNER_ID, $partnerId);
     $this->uiconfs = uiConfPeer::doSelect($c);
     $partner = PartnerPeer::retrieveByPK($partnerId);
     $this->partner = $partner;
     $this->partnerId = $partnerId;
 public function executeImpl($partner_id, $subp_id, $puser_id, $partner_prefix, $puser_kuser, $create_cachekey = false)
     myDbHelper::$use_alternative_con = myDbHelper::DB_HELPER_CONN_PROPEL3;
     // TODO -  verify permissions for viewing lists
     $detailed = $this->getP("detailed", false);
     if (!$detailed) {
         $detailed = false;
     $playlist_id = $this->getPM("playlist_id");
     if ($create_cachekey) {
         if ($this->isAdmin()) {
             return null;
         $ks_partner_id = null;
         $privileges = null;
         $ks = ks::fromSecureString(kCurrentContext::$ks);
         if ($ks) {
             $ks_partner_id = $ks->getPartnerId();
             $privileges = $ks->getPrivileges();
         $cache_key_arr = array("playlist_id" => $playlist_id, "partner_id" => $partner_id, "ks_partner_id" => $ks_partner_id, "detailed" => $detailed, "user" => kCurrentContext::$ks_uid, "privileges" => $privileges, "is_admin" => $this->isAdmin(), "protocol" => infraRequestUtils::getProtocol());
         $cahce_key = new executionCacheKey();
         $cahce_key->expiry = 600;
         $cahce_key->key = md5(print_r($cache_key_arr, true));
         return $cahce_key;
     // this service is executed twice! (first time for the cache key, second time for the execution)
     if (is_null($this->playlist)) {
         $playlist = entryPeer::retrieveByPK($playlist_id);
         if (!$playlist) {
             throw new APIException(APIErrors::INVALID_ENTRY_ID, "Playlist", $playlist_id);
         myPartnerUtils::addPartnerToCriteria('accessControl', $playlist->getPartnerId(), $this->getPrivatePartnerData(), $this->partnerGroup2(), null);
         $this->playlist = $playlist;
     if ($this->isAdmin()) {
     $entry_list = myPlaylistUtils::executePlaylistById($partner_id, $playlist_id, null, $detailed);
     $level = $detailed ? objectWrapperBase::DETAIL_LEVEL_DETAILED : objectWrapperBase::DETAIL_LEVEL_REGULAR;
     $wrapper = objectWrapperBase::getWrapperClass($entry_list, $level);
     $this->addMsg("count", count($entry_list));
     $this->addMsg($this->getObjectPrefix(), $wrapper);
예제 #17
 public function getListResponse(KalturaFilterPager $pager, KalturaDetachedResponseProfile $responseProfile = null)
     myDbHelper::$use_alternative_con = myDbHelper::DB_HELPER_CONN_PROPEL2;
     $c = new Criteria();
     $c->add(kvotePeer::PARTNER_ID, kCurrentContext::$ks_partner_id);
     if ($this->entryIdEqual) {
         $c->add(kvotePeer::ENTRY_ID, $this->entryIdEqual);
     if ($this->userIdEqual) {
         $c->add(kvotePeer::PUSER_ID, $this->userIdEqual);
     $list = kvotePeer::doSelect($c);
     $response = new KalturaLikeListResponse();
     $response->objects = KalturaLikeArray::fromDbArray($list, $responseProfile);
     $response->totalCount = count($list);
     return $response;
예제 #18
 public function execute()
     myDbHelper::$use_alternative_con = null;
     $this->partner_error = null;
     if (isset($_POST['partnerId']) && $_POST['partnerId'] !== null && $_POST['partnerId'] !== '') {
         $partner = PartnerPeer::retrieveByPK($_POST['partnerId']);
         if ($partner) {
             $uiConf = new uiConf();
             $this->redirect("system/editUiconf?id=" . $uiConf->getId());
         } else {
             $this->partner_error = 'Partner ID ' . $_POST['partnerId'] . ' not found !';
 public function execute()
     myDbHelper::$use_alternative_con = null;
     $this->saved = false;
     $uiConfId = $this->getRequestParameter("id");
     $this->uiConf = uiConfPeer::retrieveByPK($uiConfId);
     if ($this->uiConf->getObjType() != uiConf::UI_CONF_TYPE_CW) {
         die("Not a CW UIConf!");
     if ($this->uiConf->getCreationMode() != uiConf::UI_CONF_CREATION_MODE_ADVANCED) {
         die("Creation mode must be advanced!");
     if ($this->getRequest()->getMethodName() == "POST") {
         $this->redirect("system/editUiconf?id=" . $this->uiConf->getId());
 public function __construct($feedId)
     myDbHelper::$use_alternative_con = myDbHelper::DB_HELPER_CONN_PROPEL3;
     $microTimeStart = microtime(true);
     KalturaLog::info("syndicationFeedRenderer- initialize ");
     // initialize the database for all services
     $syndicationFeedDB = syndicationFeedPeer::retrieveByPK($feedId);
     if (!$syndicationFeedDB) {
         throw new Exception("Feed Id not found");
     $tmpSyndicationFeed = KalturaSyndicationFeedFactory::getInstanceByType($syndicationFeedDB->getType());
     $this->syndicationFeed = $tmpSyndicationFeed;
     // add partner to default criteria
     categoryPeer::addPartnerToCriteria($this->syndicationFeed->partnerId, true);
     flavorAssetPeer::addPartnerToCriteria($this->syndicationFeed->partnerId, true);
     $this->baseCriteria = KalturaCriteria::create(entryPeer::OM_CLASS);
     $startDateCriterion = $this->baseCriteria->getNewCriterion(entryPeer::START_DATE, time(), Criteria::LESS_EQUAL);
     $startDateCriterion->addOr($this->baseCriteria->getNewCriterion(entryPeer::START_DATE, null));
     $endDateCriterion = $this->baseCriteria->getNewCriterion(entryPeer::END_DATE, time(), Criteria::GREATER_EQUAL);
     $endDateCriterion->addOr($this->baseCriteria->getNewCriterion(entryPeer::END_DATE, null));
     $entryFilter = new entryFilter();
     $entryFilter->setTypeIn(array(entryType::MEDIA_CLIP, entryType::MIX));
     if ($this->syndicationFeed->playlistId) {
         $this->entryFilters = myPlaylistUtils::getPlaylistFiltersById($this->syndicationFeed->playlistId);
     } else {
         $this->entryFilters = array();
     $microTimeEnd = microtime(true);
     KalturaLog::info("syndicationFeedRenderer- initialization done [" . ($microTimeEnd - $microTimeStart) . "]");
예제 #21
 protected function doGetListResponse(KalturaFilterPager $pager, array $types = null)
     myDbHelper::$use_alternative_con = myDbHelper::DB_HELPER_CONN_PROPEL2;
     // verify access to the relevant entries - either same partner as the KS or kaltura network
     if ($this->entryIdEqual) {
         $entryIds = array($this->entryIdEqual);
     } else {
         if ($this->entryIdIn) {
             $entryIds = explode(',', $this->entryIdIn);
         } else {
             throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::PROPERTY_VALIDATION_CANNOT_BE_NULL, 'KalturaAssetFilter::entryIdEqual/KalturaAssetFilter::entryIdIn');
     $entryIds = entryPeer::filterEntriesByPartnerOrKalturaNetwork($entryIds, kCurrentContext::getCurrentPartnerId());
     if (!$entryIds) {
         return array(array(), 0);
     $this->entryIdEqual = null;
     $this->entryIdIn = implode(',', $entryIds);
     // get the flavors
     $flavorAssetFilter = new AssetFilter();
     $c = new Criteria();
     if ($types) {
         $c->add(assetPeer::TYPE, $types, Criteria::IN);
     $list = assetPeer::doSelect($c);
     $resultCount = count($list);
     if ($resultCount && $resultCount < $pager->pageSize) {
         $totalCount = ($pager->pageIndex - 1) * $pager->pageSize + $resultCount;
     } else {
         $totalCount = assetPeer::doCount($c);
     myDbHelper::$use_alternative_con = null;
     return array($list, $totalCount);
예제 #22
 public function executeImpl($partner_id, $subp_id, $puser_id, $partner_prefix, $puser_kuser)
     myDbHelper::$use_alternative_con = myDbHelper::DB_HELPER_CONN_PROPEL3;
     $entry_ids = str_replace(" ", "", $this->getPM("entry_ids"));
     $detailed = $this->getP("detailed", false);
     $separator = $this->getP("separator", ",");
     $id_arr = explode($separator, $entry_ids);
     $limit = 50;
     $id_arr = array_splice($id_arr, 0, $limit);
     $entries = entryPeer::retrieveByPKs($id_arr);
     if (!$entries) {
         $this->addError(APIErrors::INVALID_ENTRY_IDS, $entry_ids);
     } else {
         $level = $detailed ? objectWrapperBase::DETAIL_LEVEL_DETAILED : objectWrapperBase::DETAIL_LEVEL_REGULAR;
         $extra_fields = $this->getExtraFields();
         if ($extra_fields) {
             $this->addMsg("entries", objectWrapperBase::getWrapperClass($entries, $level, objectWrapperBase::DETAIL_VELOCITY_DEFAULT, 0, $extra_fields));
         } else {
             $this->addMsg("entries", objectWrapperBase::getWrapperClass($entries, $level));
  * Will reconvert an entry - should infact move to some utility function
 public function execute()
     ini_set("max_execution_time", 480);
     myDbHelper::$use_alternative_con = null;
     $this->conversion_profile_id = null;
     $entry_ids = trim($this->getP("entry_ids"));
     $this->priority = trim($this->getP("priority", 3));
     $this->entry_ids = $entry_ids;
     $this->dbBatchJob = null;
     $result = array();
     $entry_id_arr = preg_split("/[, \n]/", $entry_ids);
     foreach ($entry_id_arr as $entry_id) {
         if (!trim($entry_id)) {
         $result[] = $this->reconvertEntry(trim($entry_id), $this->conversion_profile_id, $this->priority);
         //			$result[] = array ( $entry_id , null , null , "err" . $entry_id );
     $this->entry_ids = $entry_ids;
     $this->result = $result;
예제 #24
  * Retrieve a list of available UIConfs  with no partner limitation
  * @action list
  * @param KalturaUiConfFilter $filter
  * @param KalturaFilterPager $pager
  * @return KalturaUiConfAdminListResponse
 function listAction(KalturaUiConfFilter $filter = null, KalturaFilterPager $pager = null)
     myDbHelper::$use_alternative_con = myDbHelper::DB_HELPER_CONN_PROPEL2;
     if (!$filter) {
         $filter = new KalturaUiConfFilter();
     $uiConfFilter = new uiConfFilter();
     $c = new Criteria();
     $count = uiConfPeer::doCount($c);
     if ($pager) {
     $list = uiConfPeer::doSelect($c);
     $newList = KalturaUiConfAdminArray::fromUiConfAdminArray($list);
     $response = new KalturaUiConfAdminListResponse();
     $response->objects = $newList;
     $response->totalCount = $count;
     return $response;
  * Will forward to the regular swf player according to the widget_id 
 public function execute()
     myDbHelper::$use_alternative_con = myDbHelper::DB_HELPER_CONN_PROPEL2;
     $entry_id = $this->getRequestParameter("entry_id");
     $widget_id = $this->getRequestParameter("widget_id", 0);
     $upload_token_id = $this->getRequestParameter("upload_token_id");
     $version = $this->getIntRequestParameter("version", null, 0, 10000000);
     $type = $this->getIntRequestParameter("type", 1, 1, 5);
     //Hack: if KMS sends thumbnail request containing "!" char, the type should be treated as 5.
     $width = $this->getRequestParameter("width", -1);
     $height = $this->getRequestParameter("height", -1);
     if (strpos($width, "!") || strpos($height, "!")) {
         $type = 5;
     $width = $this->getFloatRequestParameter("width", -1, -1, 10000);
     $height = $this->getFloatRequestParameter("height", -1, -1, 10000);
     $crop_provider = $this->getRequestParameter("crop_provider", null);
     $quality = $this->getIntRequestParameter("quality", 0, 0, 100);
     $src_x = $this->getFloatRequestParameter("src_x", 0, 0, 10000);
     $src_y = $this->getFloatRequestParameter("src_y", 0, 0, 10000);
     $src_w = $this->getFloatRequestParameter("src_w", 0, 0, 10000);
     $src_h = $this->getFloatRequestParameter("src_h", 0, 0, 10000);
     $vid_sec = $this->getFloatRequestParameter("vid_sec", -1, -1);
     $vid_slice = $this->getRequestParameter("vid_slice", -1);
     $vid_slices = $this->getRequestParameter("vid_slices", -1);
     $density = $this->getFloatRequestParameter("density", 0, 0);
     $stripProfiles = $this->getRequestParameter("strip", null);
     $flavor_id = $this->getRequestParameter("flavor_id", null);
     $file_name = $this->getRequestParameter("file_name", null);
     $file_name = basename($file_name);
     // actual width and height of image from which the src_* values were taken.
     // these will be used to multiply the src_* parameters to make them relate to the original image size.
     $rel_width = $this->getFloatRequestParameter("rel_width", -1, -1, 10000);
     $rel_height = $this->getFloatRequestParameter("rel_height", -1, -1, 10000);
     if ($width == -1 && $height == -1) {
         $width = 120;
         $height = 90;
     } else {
         if ($width == -1) {
             // if only either width or height is missing reset them to zero, and convertImage will handle them
             $width = 0;
         } else {
             if ($height == -1) {
                 $height = 0;
     $bgcolor = $this->getRequestParameter("bgcolor", "ffffff");
     $partner = null;
     // validating the inputs
     if (!is_numeric($quality) || $quality < 0 || $quality > 100) {
         KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::BAD_QUERY, 'quality must be between 20 and 100');
     if (!is_numeric($src_x) || $src_x < 0 || $src_x > 10000) {
         KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::BAD_QUERY, 'src_x must be between 0 and 10000');
     if (!is_numeric($src_y) || $src_y < 0 || $src_y > 10000) {
         KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::BAD_QUERY, 'src_y must be between 0 and 10000');
     if (!is_numeric($src_w) || $src_w < 0 || $src_w > 10000) {
         KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::BAD_QUERY, 'src_w must be between 0 and 10000');
     if (!is_numeric($src_h) || $src_h < 0 || $src_h > 10000) {
         KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::BAD_QUERY, 'src_h must be between 0 and 10000');
     if (!is_numeric($width) || $width < 0 || $width > 10000) {
         KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::BAD_QUERY, 'width must be between 0 and 10000');
     if (!is_numeric($height) || $height < 0 || $height > 10000) {
         KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::BAD_QUERY, 'height must be between 0 and 10000');
     if (!is_numeric($density) || $density < 0) {
         KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::BAD_QUERY, 'density must be positive');
     if (!is_numeric($vid_sec) || $vid_sec < -1) {
         KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::BAD_QUERY, 'vid_sec must be positive');
     if (!preg_match('/^[0-9a-fA-F]{1,6}$/', $bgcolor)) {
         KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::BAD_QUERY, 'bgcolor must be six hexadecimal characters');
     if ($upload_token_id) {
         $upload_token = UploadTokenPeer::retrieveByPK($upload_token_id);
         if ($upload_token) {
             $partnerId = $upload_token->getPartnerId();
             $partner = PartnerPeer::retrieveByPK($partnerId);
             if ($density == 0) {
                 $density = $partner->getDefThumbDensity();
             if (is_null($stripProfiles)) {
                 $stripProfiles = $partner->getStripThumbProfile();
             $thumb_full_path = myContentStorage::getFSCacheRootPath() . myContentStorage::getGeneralEntityPath("uploadtokenthumb", $upload_token->getIntId(), $upload_token->getId(), $upload_token->getId() . ".jpg");
             if (file_exists($upload_token->getUploadTempPath())) {
                 $src_full_path = $upload_token->getUploadTempPath();
                 $image_type = exif_imagetype($src_full_path);
                 if (!in_array($image_type, $valid_image_types)) {
                     // capture full frame
                     myFileConverter::captureFrame($src_full_path, $thumb_full_path, 1, "image2", -1, -1, 3);
                     if (!file_exists($thumb_full_path)) {
                         myFileConverter::captureFrame($src_full_path, $thumb_full_path, 1, "image2", -1, -1, 0);
                     $src_full_path = $thumb_full_path;
                 // and resize it
                 myFileConverter::convertImage($src_full_path, $thumb_full_path, $width, $height, $type, $bgcolor, true, $quality, $src_x, $src_y, $src_w, $src_h, $density, $stripProfiles);
             } else {
                 KalturaLog::debug("token_id [{$upload_token_id}] not found in DC [" . kDataCenterMgr::getCurrentDcId() . "]. dump url to romote DC");
                 $remoteUrl = kDataCenterMgr::getRemoteDcExternalUrlByDcId(1 - kDataCenterMgr::getCurrentDcId()) . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
     if ($entry_id) {
         $entry = entryPeer::retrieveByPKNoFilter($entry_id);
         if (!$entry) {
             // problem could be due to replication lag
             kFile::dumpApiRequest(kDataCenterMgr::getRemoteDcExternalUrlByDcId(1 - kDataCenterMgr::getCurrentDcId()));
     } else {
         // get the widget
         $widget = widgetPeer::retrieveByPK($widget_id);
         if (!$widget) {
         // get the kshow
         $kshow_id = $widget->getKshowId();
         $kshow = kshowPeer::retrieveByPK($kshow_id);
         if ($kshow) {
             $entry_id = $kshow->getShowEntryId();
         } else {
             $entry_id = $widget->getEntryId();
         $entry = entryPeer::retrieveByPKNoFilter($entry_id);
         if (!$entry) {
     $partner = $entry->getPartner();
     if ($density == 0) {
         $density = $partner->getDefThumbDensity();
     $thumbParams = new kThumbnailParameters();
     if (is_null($stripProfiles)) {
         $stripProfiles = $partner->getStripThumbProfile();
     //checks whether the thumbnail display should be restricted by KS
     $base64Referrer = $this->getRequestParameter("referrer");
     $referrer = base64_decode($base64Referrer);
     if (!is_string($referrer)) {
         $referrer = "";
     // base64_decode can return binary data
     if (!$referrer) {
         $referrer = kApiCache::getHttpReferrer();
     $ksStr = $this->getRequestParameter("ks");
     $securyEntryHelper = new KSecureEntryHelper($entry, $ksStr, $referrer, accessControlContextType::THUMBNAIL);
     // multiply the passed $src_* values so that they will relate to the original image size, according to $src_display_*
     if ($rel_width != -1) {
         $widthRatio = $entry->getWidth() / $rel_width;
         $src_x = $src_x * $widthRatio;
         $src_w = $src_w * $widthRatio;
     if ($rel_height != -1) {
         $heightRatio = $entry->getHeight() / $rel_height;
         $src_y = $src_y * $heightRatio;
         $src_h = $src_h * $heightRatio;
     $subType = entry::FILE_SYNC_ENTRY_SUB_TYPE_THUMB;
     if ($entry->getMediaType() == entry::ENTRY_MEDIA_TYPE_IMAGE) {
         $subType = entry::FILE_SYNC_ENTRY_SUB_TYPE_DATA;
     KalturaLog::debug("get thumbnail filesyncs");
     $dataKey = $entry->getSyncKey($subType);
     list($file_sync, $local) = kFileSyncUtils::getReadyFileSyncForKey($dataKey, true, false);
     $tempThumbPath = null;
     $entry_status = $entry->getStatus();
     // both 640x480 and 0x0 requests are probably coming from the kdp
     // 640x480 - old kdp version requesting thumbnail
     // 0x0 - new kdp version requesting the thumbnail of an unready entry
     // we need to distinguish between calls from the kdp and calls from a browser: <img src=...>
     // that can't handle swf input
     if (($width == 640 && $height == 480 || $width == 0 && $height == 0) && ($entry_status == entryStatus::PRECONVERT || $entry_status == entryStatus::IMPORT || $entry_status == entryStatus::ERROR_CONVERTING || $entry_status == entryStatus::DELETED)) {
         $contentPath = myContentStorage::getFSContentRootPath();
         $msgPath = $contentPath . "content/templates/entry/bigthumbnail/";
         if ($entry_status == entryStatus::DELETED) {
             $msgPath .= $entry->getModerationStatus() == moderation::MODERATION_STATUS_BLOCK ? "entry_blocked.swf" : "entry_deleted.swf";
         } else {
             $msgPath .= $entry_status == entryStatus::ERROR_CONVERTING ? "entry_error.swf" : "entry_converting.swf";
         kFile::dumpFile($msgPath, null, 0);
     if (!$file_sync) {
         $tempThumbPath = $entry->getLocalThumbFilePath($entry, $version, $width, $height, $type, $bgcolor, $crop_provider, $quality, $src_x, $src_y, $src_w, $src_h, $vid_sec, $vid_slice, $vid_slices, $density, $stripProfiles, $flavor_id, $file_name);
         if (!$tempThumbPath) {
     if (!$local && !$tempThumbPath && $file_sync) {
         if (!in_array($file_sync->getDc(), kDataCenterMgr::getDcIds())) {
             $remoteUrl = $file_sync->getExternalUrl($entry->getId());
             header("Location: {$remoteUrl}");
         $remoteUrl = kDataCenterMgr::getRedirectExternalUrl($file_sync, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
     // if we didnt return a template for the player die and dont return the original deleted thumb
     if ($entry_status == entryStatus::DELETED) {
     if (!$tempThumbPath) {
         try {
             $tempThumbPath = myEntryUtils::resizeEntryImage($entry, $version, $width, $height, $type, $bgcolor, $crop_provider, $quality, $src_x, $src_y, $src_w, $src_h, $vid_sec, $vid_slice, $vid_slices, null, $density, $stripProfiles, $thumbParams);
         } catch (Exception $ex) {
             if ($ex->getCode() != kFileSyncException::FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST_ON_CURRENT_DC) {
                 KalturaLog::log("Error - resize image failed");
             // get original flavor asset
             $origFlavorAsset = assetPeer::retrieveOriginalByEntryId($entry_id);
             if (!$origFlavorAsset) {
                 KalturaLog::log("Error - no original flavor for entry [{$entry_id}]");
             $syncKey = $origFlavorAsset->getSyncKey(flavorAsset::FILE_SYNC_FLAVOR_ASSET_SUB_TYPE_ASSET);
             $remoteFileSync = kFileSyncUtils::getOriginFileSyncForKey($syncKey, false);
             if (!$remoteFileSync) {
                 // file does not exist on any DC - die
                 KalturaLog::log("Error - no FileSync for entry [{$entry_id}]");
             if ($remoteFileSync->getDc() == kDataCenterMgr::getCurrentDcId()) {
                 KalturaLog::log("ERROR - Trying to redirect to myself - stop here.");
             if (!in_array($remoteFileSync->getDc(), kDataCenterMgr::getDcIds())) {
             $remoteUrl = kDataCenterMgr::getRedirectExternalUrl($remoteFileSync);
     $nocache = strpos($tempThumbPath, "_NOCACHE_") !== false;
     if ($securyEntryHelper->shouldDisableCache() || kApiCache::hasExtraFields() || !$securyEntryHelper->isKsWidget() && $securyEntryHelper->hasRules()) {
         $nocache = true;
     // notify external proxy, so it'll cache this url
     if (!$nocache && requestUtils::getHost() == kConf::get("apphome_url") && file_exists($tempThumbPath)) {
     // cache result
     if (!$nocache) {
         $requestKey = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
         $cache = new myCache("thumb", 86400 * 30);
         // 30 days
         $cache->put($requestKey, $tempThumbPath);
     kFile::dumpFile($tempThumbPath, null, $nocache ? 0 : null);
     // TODO - can delete from disk assuming we caneasily recreate it and it will anyway be cached in the CDN
     // however dumpfile dies at the end so we cant just write it here (maybe register a shutdown callback)
예제 #26
 protected function doGetListResponse(KalturaFilterPager $pager)
     myDbHelper::$use_alternative_con = myDbHelper::DB_HELPER_CONN_PROPEL3;
     $disableWidgetSessionFilters = false;
     if ($this && ($this->idEqual != null || $this->idIn != null || $this->referenceIdEqual != null || $this->redirectFromEntryId != null || $this->referenceIdIn != null || $this->parentEntryIdEqual != null)) {
         $disableWidgetSessionFilters = true;
     $c = $this->prepareEntriesCriteriaFilter($pager);
     if ($disableWidgetSessionFilters) {
     $list = entryPeer::doSelect($c);
     $totalCount = $c->getRecordsCount();
     if ($disableWidgetSessionFilters) {
     myDbHelper::$use_alternative_con = null;
     return array($list, $totalCount);
예제 #27
 public function execute()
     $this->pid = $this->getRequestParameter("pid", 0);
     if (!is_null($this->getRequestParameter("advanced"))) {
         $this->getResponse()->setCookie('flavor-params-advanced', $this->getRequestParameter("advanced"));
         $this->advanced = (int) $this->getRequestParameter("advanced");
     } else {
         $this->advanced = (int) $this->getRequest()->getCookie('flavor-params-advanced');
     myDbHelper::$use_alternative_con = null;
     $this->editFlavorParam = null;
     $this->editFlavorParam = assetParamsPeer::retrieveByPK($this->getRequestParameter("id"));
     if ($this->getRequestParameter("clone")) {
         $newFalvorParams = $this->editFlavorParam->copy();
         $this->redirect("system/flavorParams?pid=" . $this->pid . "&id=" . $newFalvorParams->getId());
     if ($this->getRequestParameter("delete")) {
         if ($this->advanced || $this->editFlavorParam->getPartnerId() != 0) {
         $this->redirect("system/flavorParams?pid=" . $this->pid);
     if ($this->getRequest()->getMethod() == sfRequest::POST) {
         if ($this->advanced || $this->editFlavorParam->getPartnerId() != 0) {
             $partnerId = $this->getRequestParameter("partner-id");
             if ($this->advanced) {
             } else {
                 if ($partnerId != 0) {
             if ($this->advanced >= 1) {
                 $this->editFlavorParam->setIsDefault($this->getRequestParameter("is-default", false));
                 $this->editFlavorParam->setTwoPass($this->getRequestParameter("two-pass", false));
                 $this->editFlavorParam->setRotate($this->getRequestParameter("rotate", false));
                 $this->editFlavorParam->setAspectRatioProcessingMode($this->getRequestParameter("aspectRatioProcessingMode", 0));
                 $this->editFlavorParam->setIsGopInSec($this->getRequestParameter("isGopInSec", 0));
                 $this->editFlavorParam->setForceFrameToMultiplication16($this->getRequestParameter("forceFrameToMultiplication16") ? "1" : "0");
                 $this->editFlavorParam->setIsAvoidVideoShrinkFramesizeToSource($this->getRequestParameter("isAvoidVideoShrinkFramesizeToSource", 0));
                 $this->editFlavorParam->setIsAvoidVideoShrinkBitrateToSource($this->getRequestParameter("isAvoidVideoShrinkBitrateToSource", 0));
                 $this->editFlavorParam->setIsVideoFrameRateForLowBrAppleHls($this->getRequestParameter("isVideoFrameRateForLowBrAppleHls", 0));
                 $this->editFlavorParam->setIsAvoidForcedKeyFrames($this->getRequestParameter("isAvoidForcedKeyFrames", 0));
                 $this->editFlavorParam->setMultiStream($this->getRequestParameter("multiStream", 0));
                 $this->editFlavorParam->setAnamorphicPixels($this->getRequestParameter("anamorphicPixels", 0));
                 $this->editFlavorParam->setWatermarkData($this->getRequestParameter("watermarkData", 0));
         $this->redirect("system/flavorParams?pid=" . $this->editFlavorParam->getPartnerId());
     $c = new Criteria();
     $c->add(assetParamsPeer::PARTNER_ID, array(0, $this->pid), Criteria::IN);
     $this->flavorParams = assetParamsPeer::doSelect($c);
     $this->formats = self::getEnumValues("flavorParams", "CONTAINER_FORMAT");
     $this->videoCodecs = self::getEnumValues("flavorParams", "VIDEO_CODEC");
     $this->audioCodecs = self::getEnumValues("flavorParams", "AUDIO_CODEC");
     $this->readyBehaviors = self::getEnumValues("flavorParamsConversionProfile", "READY_BEHAVIOR");
     $this->creationModes = self::getEnumValues("flavorParams", "CREATION_MODE");
 public function execute()
     myDbHelper::$use_alternative_con = null;
     $this->saved = false;
     $uiConfId = $this->getRequestParameter("id");
     if ($uiConfId) {
         $uiConf = uiConfPeer::retrieveByPK($uiConfId);
     } else {
         $uiConf = new uiConf();
     if ($this->getRequest()->getMethodName() == "POST") {
         $uiConf->setSubpId($uiConf->getPartnerId() * 100);
         $useCdn = $this->getRequestParameter("useCdn");
         $uiConf->setUseCdn($useCdn === "1" ? true : false);
         /* files: */
         if ($uiConf->getCreationMode() != uiConf::UI_CONF_CREATION_MODE_MANUAL) {
             $confFile = $this->getRequestParameter("uiconf_confFile");
             $confFileFeatures = $this->getRequestParameter("uiconf_confFileFeatures");
             if ($uiConf->getConfFile() != $confFile || $uiConf->getConfFileFeatures() != $confFileFeatures) {
         $this->saved = true;
     // so script won't die when uiconf is missing
     if (!$uiConf) {
         $uiConf = new uiConf();
     $partner = PartnerPeer::retrieveByPK($uiConf->getPartnerId());
     $types = $uiConf->getUiConfTypeMap();
     $c = new Criteria();
     $c->add(widgetPeer::UI_CONF_ID, $uiConf->getId());
     $widgets = widgetPeer::doSelect($c);
     $widgetsPerPartner = array();
     $this->tooMuchWidgets = false;
     if (count($widgets) == 1000) {
         $this->tooMuchWidgets = true;
     } else {
         if ($widgets) {
             foreach ($widgets as $widget) {
                 if (!array_key_exists($widget->getPartnerId(), $widgetsPerPartner)) {
                     $widgetsPerPartner[$widget->getPartnerId()] = 0;
     // find the FileSync
     $fileSyncs = array();
     $fileSyncs[] = array("key" => $uiConf->getSyncKey(uiConf::FILE_SYNC_UICONF_SUB_TYPE_DATA));
     $fileSyncs[] = array("key" => $uiConf->getSyncKey(uiConf::FILE_SYNC_UICONF_SUB_TYPE_FEATURES));
     foreach ($fileSyncs as &$fileSync) {
         $fileSync["fileSyncs"] = FileSyncPeer::retrieveAllByFileSyncKey($fileSync["key"]);
     $this->fileSyncs = $fileSyncs;
     $this->widgetsPerPartner = $widgetsPerPartner;
     $this->directoryMap = $uiConf->getDirectoryMap();
     $this->swfNames = $uiConf->getSwfNames();
     $this->types = $types;
     $this->uiConf = $uiConf;
     $this->partner = $partner;
 public function execute()
     myDbHelper::$use_alternative_con = null;
     // ajax stuff are here because there are too many actions in system module
     $ajax = $this->getRequestParameter("ajax", null);
     if ($ajax !== null) {
         switch ($ajax) {
             case "getPartnerName":
                 $name = "Unknown Partner";
                 $partnerId = $this->getRequestParameter("id");
                 $partner = PartnerPeer::retrieveByPK($partnerId);
                 if ($partner) {
                     $name = $partner->getName();
                 return $this->renderText(json_encode($name));
             case "validateWidgetIds":
                 $widgetIds = explode(",", $this->getRequestParameter("widgetIds"));
                 $existingIds = array();
                 if (is_array($widgetIds)) {
                     $widgets = widgetPeer::retrieveByPKs($widgetIds);
                     if ($widgets) {
                         foreach ($widgets as $widget) {
                             $id = $widget->getId();
                             if (in_array($id, $widgetIds)) {
                                 $existingIds[] = $id;
                 return $this->renderText(json_encode($existingIds));
     // end of ajax stuff
     $uiConfId = $this->getRequestParameter("uiConfId");
     $uiConf = uiConfPeer::retrieveByPK($uiConfId);
     if ($this->getRequest()->getMethodName() == "POST") {
         $numOfWidgets = (int) $this->getRequestParameter("numOfWidgets");
         $startIndex = (int) $this->getRequestParameter("startIndex");
         $partnerId = $this->getRequestParameter("partnerId");
         $uiConfId = $this->getRequestParameter("uiConfId");
         $entryId = $this->getRequestParameter("entryId");
         $securityType = $this->getRequestParameter("securityType");
         $securityPolicy = $this->getRequestParameter("securityPolicy");
         $prefix = $this->getRequestParameter("prefix");
         if ($prefix) {
             $prefix = "_";
         } else {
             $prefix = "";
         for ($i = $startIndex; $i < $startIndex + $numOfWidgets; $i++) {
             $widget = new widget();
             if (!$i) {
                 $widget->setId($prefix . $partnerId . "_" . $uiConfId);
             } else {
                 $widget->setId($prefix . $partnerId . "_" . $uiConfId . "_" . $i);
             $widget->setSubpId($partnerId * 100);
         $this->redirect("system/editUiconf?id=" . $uiConfId);
     if ($uiConf) {
         $partner = PartnerPeer::retrieveByPK($uiConf->getPartnerId());
     } else {
         $uiConf = new uiConf();
         $partner = new Partner();
     $this->widget = new widget();
     $this->uiConf = $uiConf;
     $this->partner = $partner;
예제 #30
  * This is not a regular service.
  * Because the caller is not a partner but rather a 3rd party provider that wishs to query our system,
  * The security is slightly different and the respons is in the format of mRss which is related to entries only.
 public function executeImpl($partner_id, $subp_id, $puser_id, $partner_prefix, $puser_kuser)
     myDbHelper::$use_alternative_con = myDbHelper::DB_HELPER_CONN_PROPEL2;
     header("Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8");
     // TODO -  verify permissions for viewing lists
     // validate the ks of the caller
     $code = $this->getP("code");
     if ($code != 'fsalh5423a43g') {
         return "<xml></xml>";
     $detailed = $this->getP("detailed", false);
     $limit = $this->getP("page_size", 100);
     $limit = $this->maxPageSize($limit);
     $operated_partner_id = $this->getP("operated_partner_id");
     $page = $this->getP("page", 1);
     $offset = ($page - 1) * $limit;
     //		kuserPeer::setUseCriteriaFilter( false );
     if ($operated_partner_id) {
     } else {
     // FOR now - display only 2 partners
     // 2460 - dorimedia
     $partner_list = array(593, 2460);
     $c = KalturaCriteria::create(entryPeer::OM_CLASS);
     $c->addAnd(entryPeer::STATUS, entryStatus::READY);
     // for now display only entries that are part of the kaltura network
     //		$c->addAnd ( entryPeer::DISPLAY_IN_SEARCH , mySearchUtils::DISPLAY_IN_SEARCH_KALTURA_NETWORK );
     // filter
     $filter = new entryFilter();
     $fields_set = $filter->fillObjectFromRequest($this->getInputParams(), "filter_", null);
     $offset = ($page - 1) * $limit;
     if ($offset > 0) {
     //if ($order_by != -1) entryPeer::setOrder( $c , $order_by );
     $c->addAnd(entryPeer::PARTNER_ID, $partner_list, Criteria::IN);
     $start_1 = microtime(true);
     if ($detailed) {
         // for some entry types - there are no kshow or kusers - don't join even when detailed
         if ($this->joinOnDetailed()) {
             $list = entryPeer::doSelectJoinAll($c);
         } else {
             $list = entryPeer::doSelect($c);
         $level = objectWrapperBase::DETAIL_LEVEL_DETAILED;
     } else {
         $list = entryPeer::doSelect($c);
         $level = objectWrapperBase::DETAIL_LEVEL_REGULAR;
     $count = $c->getRecordsCount();
     $end_1 = microtime(true);
     KalturaLog::log("benchmark db: [" . ($end_1 - $start_1) . "]");
     $result_count = count($list);
     $start_2 = microtime(true);
     $mrss_renderer = new kalturaRssRenderer(kalturaRssRenderer::TYPE_TABOOLA);
     $str = $mrss_renderer->renderMrssFeed($list, $page, $result_count);
     $end_2 = microtime(true);
     KalturaLog::log("benchmark render: [" . ($end_2 - $start_2) . "]");
     echo $str;
     // don't return to the rest of the implementation - the base class manipulates the content.