//get path for original mp3file
$path = $upload_dir . '/' . $current_file_dir . ".mp3";
//read MP3
$mp3 = new mp3($path);
//create m3u8 header
$m3u8_file = "#EXTM3U \n#EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE:0 \n#EXT-X-TARGETDURATION:" . $partlenght . "\n";
//start on second 0
$position = 0;
//continue the loop while $continue_mp3split_loop = 1
$continue_mp3split_loop = 1;
while ($continue_mp3split_loop == 1) {
    //split the part
    $mp3_1 = $mp3->extract($position, $partlenght);
    //export and save the part as file
    $mp3_1->save($archive_path . "/" . $current_file_dir . '/' . 'file' . $position . '.mp3');
    //check if title has ended
    if (filesize($archive_path . "/" . $current_file_dir . '/' . 'file' . $position . '.mp3') < 2) {
        //stop the loop
        $continue_mp3split_loop = 0;
        //delete last empty file
        unlink($archive_path . "/" . $current_file_dir . '/' . 'file' . $position . '.mp3');
    } else {
        //write file URL to m3u8-index
        $m3u8_file = $m3u8_file . "#EXTINF:" . $partlenght . ", \n" . $extern_archive_path . "/" . $current_file_dir . '/' . 'file' . $position . '.mp3
    //count up the secondcounter for next part
    $position = $position + $partlenght;