function saveField($option, $task)
     global $_CB_database, $_CB_framework, $_POST, $_PLUGINS;
     if ($task == 'showField' || !(isset($_POST['oldtabid']) && isset($_POST['fieldid']))) {
     $fieldOldTab = new moscomprofilerTabs($_CB_database);
     if (isset($_POST['oldtabid']) && $_POST['oldtabid']) {
         $fieldOldTab->load((int) $_POST['oldtabid']);
         // Check if user is a super user:
         if (!$_CB_framework->acl->amIaSuperAdmin()) {
             // Check if user belongs to useraccessgroupid:
             if (!in_array($fieldOldTab->useraccessgroupid, $_CB_framework->acl->get_groups_below_me(null, true))) {
                 echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\"> alert('" . addslashes(CBTxt::T('Unauthorized Access')) . "'); window.history.go(-1);</script>\n";
             // Check if user belongs to viewaccesslevel:
             if (!in_array($fieldOldTab->viewaccesslevel, CBuser::getMyInstance()->getAuthorisedViewLevelsIds(false))) {
                 echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\"> alert('" . addslashes(CBTxt::T('Unauthorized Access')) . "'); window.history.go(-1);</script>\n";
     $fid = (int) $_POST['fieldid'];
     $row = new moscomprofilerFields($_CB_database);
     if ($fid) {
         // load the row from the db table
         if (!$row->load((int) $fid)) {
             echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\"> alert('" . addslashes(CBTxt::T('Innexistant field')) . "'); window.history.go(-1);</script>\n";
         $fieldTab = new moscomprofilerTabs($_CB_database);
         // load the row from the db table
         $fieldTab->load((int) $row->tabid);
         // Check if user is a super user:
         if (!$_CB_framework->acl->amIaSuperAdmin()) {
             // Check if user belongs to useraccessgroupid:
             if (!in_array($fieldTab->useraccessgroupid, $_CB_framework->acl->get_groups_below_me(null, true))) {
                 echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\"> alert('" . addslashes(CBTxt::T('Unauthorized Access')) . "'); window.history.go(-1);</script>\n";
             // Check if user belongs to viewaccesslevel:
             if (!in_array($fieldTab->viewaccesslevel, CBuser::getMyInstance()->getAuthorisedViewLevelsIds(false))) {
                 echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\"> alert('" . addslashes(CBTxt::T('Unauthorized Access')) . "'); window.history.go(-1);</script>\n";
     $oldrow = new moscomprofilerFields($_CB_database);
     foreach (array_keys(get_object_vars($row)) as $k) {
         if (substr($k, 0, 1) != '_') {
             $oldrow->{$k} = $row->{$k};
     if (!$this->_prov_bind_CB_field($row, $fid)) {
         echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\"> alert('" . $row->getError() . "'); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n";
     // Set defaults if nothing is found
     // Also check if oldrow value to use its current value or default otherwise
     // This prevents a tab from storing to database with null values when some inputs are set disabled:
     if ($row->tabid == '') {
         $row->tabid = $oldrow->tabid != '' ? $oldrow->tabid : 11;
     if ($row->profile == '') {
         $row->profile = $oldrow->profile != '' ? $oldrow->profile : 1;
     if ($row->registration == '') {
         $row->registration = $oldrow->registration != '' ? $oldrow->registration : 1;
     if ($row->published == '') {
         $row->published = $oldrow->published != '' ? $oldrow->published : 1;
     if ($row->required == '') {
         $row->required = $oldrow->required != '' ? $oldrow->required : 0;
     if ($row->readonly == '') {
         $row->readonly = $oldrow->readonly != '' ? $oldrow->readonly : 0;
     if ($row->tablecolumns != '' && !in_array($row->type, array('password', 'userparams'))) {
         $searchable_default = 1;
     } else {
         $searchable_default = 0;
     if ($row->searchable == '') {
         $row->searchable = $oldrow->searchable != '' ? $oldrow->searchable : $searchable_default;
     // If the input is disabled we need to apply the default if the tabid isn't in POST:
     if (!isset($_POST['tabid'])) {
         $_POST['tabid'] = $row->tabid;
     // Moved above check here just encase it ends up being empty:
     if ($task == 'showField' || !isset($_POST['tabid'])) {
     // in case the above changed perms.... really ?
     $fieldTab = new moscomprofilerTabs($_CB_database);
     $fieldTab->load((int) $row->tabid);
     // Check if user is a super user:
     if (!$_CB_framework->acl->amIaSuperAdmin()) {
         // Check if user belongs to useraccessgroupid:
         if (!in_array($fieldTab->useraccessgroupid, $_CB_framework->acl->get_groups_below_me(null, true))) {
             echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\"> alert('" . addslashes(CBTxt::T('Unauthorized Access')) . "'); window.history.go(-1);</script>\n";
         // Check if user belongs to viewaccesslevel:
         if (!in_array($fieldTab->viewaccesslevel, CBuser::getMyInstance()->getAuthorisedViewLevelsIds(false))) {
             echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\"> alert('" . addslashes(CBTxt::T('Unauthorized Access')) . "'); window.history.go(-1);</script>\n";
     if ($row->type == 'webaddress') {
         $row->rows = $_POST['webaddresstypes'];
         if (!($row->rows == 0 || $row->rows == 2)) {
             $row->rows = 0;
     if ($_POST['oldtabid'] != $_POST['tabid']) {
         if ($_POST['oldtabid'] !== '') {
             //Re-order old tab
             $sql = "UPDATE #__comprofiler_fields SET ordering = ordering-1 WHERE ordering > " . (int) $_POST['ordering'] . " AND tabid = " . (int) $_POST['oldtabid'];
         //Select Last Order in New Tab
         $sql = "SELECT MAX(ordering) FROM #__comprofiler_fields WHERE tabid=" . (int) $_POST['tabid'];
         $max = $_CB_database->LoadResult();
         $row->ordering = max($max + 1, 1);
     if (cbStartOfStringMatch($row->name, 'cb_')) {
         $row->name = str_replace(" ", "", strtolower($row->name));
     if (!$row->check()) {
         echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\"> alert('" . $row->getError() . "'); window.history.go(-2); </script>\n";
     // Check if user is a super user:
     if (!$_CB_framework->acl->amIaSuperAdmin()) {
         $canEditState = CBuser::getMyInstance()->authoriseAction('core.edit.state');
         // Check if user belongs to useraccessgroupid
         if ($fieldTab->useraccessgroupid != '' && !in_array($fieldTab->useraccessgroupid, $_CB_framework->acl->get_groups_below_me(null, true))) {
             echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\"> alert('" . addslashes(CBTxt::T('Unauthorized Access')) . "'); window.history.go(-1);</script>\n";
         // Check if user belongs to viewaccesslevel
         if ($fieldTab->viewaccesslevel != '' && !in_array($fieldTab->viewaccesslevel, CBuser::getMyInstance()->getAuthorisedViewLevelsIds(false))) {
             echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\"> alert('" . addslashes(CBTxt::T('Unauthorized Access')) . "'); window.history.go(-1);</script>\n";
         // Check if user can edit status (and if not, that status are as expected):
         if (!$canEditState) {
             $failed = false;
             // Check if row exists and if tabid is different from existing row
             // Check if row doesn't exist and if tabid is different from default
             // Check if user can edit status:
             if ($oldrow->fieldid && ($row->tabid != '' && $oldrow->tabid != $row->tabid) || !$oldrow->fieldid && ($row->tabid != '' && $row->tabid != 11)) {
                 $failed = true;
             // Check if row exists and if profile is different from existing row
             // Check if row doesn't exist and if profile is different from default
             // Check if user can edit status:
             if ($oldrow->fieldid && ($row->profile != '' && $oldrow->profile != $row->profile) || !$oldrow->fieldid && ($row->profile != '' && $row->profile != 1)) {
                 $failed = true;
             // Check if row exists and if registration is different from existing row
             // Check if row doesn't exist and if registration is different from default
             // Check if user can edit status:
             if ($oldrow->fieldid && ($row->registration != '' && $oldrow->registration != $row->registration) || !$oldrow->fieldid && ($row->registration != '' && $row->registration != 1)) {
                 $failed = true;
             // Check if row exists and if published is different from existing row
             // Check if row doesn't exist and if published is different from default
             // Check if user can edit status:
             if ($oldrow->fieldid && ($row->published != '' && $oldrow->published != $row->published) || !$oldrow->fieldid && ($row->published != '' && $row->published != 1)) {
                 $failed = true;
             // Check if row exists and if required is different from existing row
             // Check if row doesn't exist and if required is different from default
             // Check if user can edit status:
             if ($oldrow->fieldid && ($row->required != '' && $oldrow->required != $row->required) || !$oldrow->fieldid && ($row->required != '' && $row->required != 0)) {
                 $failed = true;
             // Check if row exists and if readonly is different from existing row
             // Check if row doesn't exist and if readonly is different from default
             // Check if user can edit status:
             if ($oldrow->fieldid && ($row->readonly != '' && $oldrow->readonly != $row->readonly) || !$oldrow->fieldid && ($row->readonly != '' && $row->readonly != 0)) {
                 $failed = true;
             // Check if row exists and if searchable is different from existing row
             // Check if row doesn't exist and if searchable is different from default
             // Check if user can edit status:
             if ($oldrow->fieldid && ($row->searchable != '' && $oldrow->searchable != $row->searchable) || !$oldrow->fieldid && ($row->searchable != '' && $row->searchable != $searchable_default)) {
                 $failed = true;
             if ($failed) {
                 echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\"> alert('" . addslashes(CBTxt::T('Unauthorized Access')) . "'); window.history.go(-1);</script>\n";
     if (!$row->store((int) $fid)) {
         echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\"> alert('" . $row->getError() . "'); window.history.go(-2); </script>\n";
     $fieldNames = $_POST['vNames'];
     $j = 1;
     if ($row->fieldid > 0) {
         $_CB_database->setQuery("DELETE FROM #__comprofiler_field_values" . " WHERE fieldid = " . (int) $row->fieldid);
         if ($_CB_database->query() === false) {
             echo $_CB_database->getErrorMsg();
     } else {
         $_CB_database->setQuery("SELECT MAX(fieldid) FROM #__comprofiler_fields");
         $maxID = $_CB_database->loadResult();
         $row->fieldid = $maxID;
         echo $_CB_database->getErrorMsg();
     //for($i=0, $n=count( $fieldNames ); $i < $n; $i++) {
     foreach ($fieldNames as $fieldName) {
         if (trim($fieldName) != null || trim($fieldName) != '') {
             $_CB_database->setQuery("INSERT INTO #__comprofiler_field_values (fieldid,fieldtitle,ordering)" . " VALUES( " . (int) $row->fieldid . ",'" . cbGetEscaped(trim($fieldName)) . "', " . (int) $j . ")");
             if ($_CB_database->query() === false) {
                 echo $_CB_database->getErrorMsg();
     switch ($task) {
         case 'applyField':
             $msg = CBTxt::T('Successfully Saved changes to Field') . ': ' . $row->name;
             cbRedirect($_CB_framework->backendUrl("index.php?option={$option}&task=editField&cid={$row->fieldid}"), $msg);
         case 'saveField':
             $msg = CBTxt::T('Successfully Saved Field') . ': ' . $row->name;
             cbRedirect($_CB_framework->backendUrl("index.php?option={$option}&task=showField"), $msg);
예제 #2
function orderFields( $fid, $inc, $option ) {
	global $_CB_database, $_CB_framework;
	$row = new moscomprofilerFields( $_CB_database );
	$row->load( (int) $fid );

	$fieldTab = new moscomprofilerTabs( $_CB_database );
	$fieldTab->load( (int) $row->tabid );
	if ( ! in_array( $fieldTab->useraccessgroupid, getChildGIDS( userGID( $_CB_framework->myId() ) ) ) ) {
		echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\"> alert('" . addslashes( CBTxt::T('Unauthorized Access') ) . "'); window.history.go(-1);</script>\n";

	$row->move( $inc , "tabid='$row->tabid'");
	cbRedirect( $_CB_framework->backendUrl( "index.php?option=$option&task=showField" ) );
function orderFields($fid, $inc, $option)
    global $_CB_database, $_CB_framework;
    $row = new moscomprofilerFields($_CB_database);
    $row->load((int) $fid);
    $fieldTab = new moscomprofilerTabs($_CB_database);
    $fieldTab->load((int) $row->tabid);
    if (!$_CB_framework->acl->amIaSuperAdmin()) {
        if (!in_array($fieldTab->useraccessgroupid, $_CB_framework->acl->get_groups_below_me(null, true))) {
            echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\"> alert('" . addslashes(CBTxt::T('Unauthorized Access')) . "'); window.history.go(-1);</script>\n";
    $row->move($inc, "tabid='{$row->tabid}'");
예제 #4
	function saveField( $option, $task ) {
		global $_CB_database, $_CB_framework, $_POST, $_PLUGINS;
		if ( ( $task == 'showField' ) || ! ( isset( $_POST['oldtabid'] ) && isset( $_POST['tabid'] ) && isset( $_POST['fieldid'] ) ) ) {
			cbRedirect( $_CB_framework->backendUrl( "index.php?option=$option&task=$task" ) );
		$fid					=	(int) $_POST['fieldid'];
		$row					=	new moscomprofilerFields( $_CB_database );
		if ( $fid ) {
			// load the row from the db table
			if ( ! $row->load( (int) $fid ) ) {
				echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\"> alert('" . addslashes( CBTxt::T('Innexistant field') ) . "'); window.history.go(-1);</script>\n";
			$fieldTab			=	new moscomprofilerTabs( $_CB_database );
			// load the row from the db table
			$fieldTab->load( (int) $row->tabid );
			if ( ! in_array( $fieldTab->useraccessgroupid, getChildGIDS( userGID( $_CB_framework->myId() ) ) ) ) {
				echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\"> alert('" . addslashes( CBTxt::T('Unauthorized Access') ) ."'); window.history.go(-1);</script>\n";
		$_PLUGINS->loadPluginGroup( 'user' );
		if ( ! $this->_prov_bind_CB_field( $row, $fid ) ) {
			echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\"> alert('" . $row->getError() . "'); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n";
		// in case the above changed perms.... really ?
		$fieldTab				=	new moscomprofilerTabs( $_CB_database );
		$fieldTab->load( (int) $row->tabid );
		if ( ! in_array( $fieldTab->useraccessgroupid, getChildGIDS( userGID( $_CB_framework->myId() ) ) ) ) {
			echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\"> alert('" . addslashes( CBTxt::T('Unauthorized Access') ) . "'); window.history.go(-1);</script>\n";
		if ($row->type == 'webaddress') {
			$row->rows			=	$_POST['webaddresstypes'];
			if ( !(($row->rows == 0) || ($row->rows == 2)) ) {
				$row->rows = 0;
		if ( $_POST['oldtabid'] != $_POST['tabid'] ) {
			if ( $_POST['oldtabid'] !== '' ) {
				//Re-order old tab
				$sql			=	"UPDATE #__comprofiler_fields SET ordering = ordering-1 WHERE ordering > ".(int) $_POST['ordering']." AND tabid = ".(int) $_POST['oldtabid'];
			//Select Last Order in New Tab
			$sql				=	"SELECT MAX(ordering) FROM #__comprofiler_fields WHERE tabid=".(int) $_POST['tabid'];
			$max				=	$_CB_database->LoadResult();
			$row->ordering		=	max( $max + 1, 1 );
		if ( cbStartOfStringMatch( $row->name, 'cb_' ) ) {
			$row->name			=	str_replace(" ", "", strtolower($row->name));
		if ( ! $row->check() ) {
			echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\"> alert('".$row->getError()."'); window.history.go(-2); </script>\n";
		if ( ! $row->store( (int) $fid ) ) {
			echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\"> alert('".$row->getError()."'); window.history.go(-2); </script>\n";
		$fieldNames				=	$_POST['vNames'];
		$j						=	1;
		if( $row->fieldid > 0 ) {
			$_CB_database->setQuery( "DELETE FROM #__comprofiler_field_values"
				. " WHERE fieldid = " . (int) $row->fieldid );
			if( $_CB_database->query() === false ) {
				echo $_CB_database->getErrorMsg();
		} else {
			$_CB_database->setQuery( "SELECT MAX(fieldid) FROM #__comprofiler_fields");
			$maxID				=	$_CB_database->loadResult();
			$row->fieldid		=	$maxID;
			echo $_CB_database->getErrorMsg();
		//for($i=0, $n=count( $fieldNames ); $i < $n; $i++) {
		foreach ($fieldNames as $fieldName) {
			if(trim($fieldName)!=null || trim($fieldName)!='') {
				$_CB_database->setQuery( "INSERT INTO #__comprofiler_field_values (fieldid,fieldtitle,ordering)"
					. " VALUES( " . (int) $row->fieldid . ",'".cbGetEscaped(trim($fieldName))."', " . (int) $j . ")"
				if ( $_CB_database->query() === false ) {
					echo $_CB_database->getErrorMsg();
		switch ( $task ) {
			case 'applyField':
				$msg = CBTxt::T('Successfully Saved changes to Field') . ': '. $row->name;
				cbRedirect( $_CB_framework->backendUrl( "index.php?option=$option&task=editField&cid=$row->fieldid" ), $msg );
			case 'saveField':
				$msg = CBTxt::T('Successfully Saved Field') . ': '. $row->name;
				cbRedirect( $_CB_framework->backendUrl( "index.php?option=$option&task=showField" ), $msg );