static function install()
     module::set_version("auto_date", 1);
     if (!module::get_var("auto_date", "template")) {
         module::set_var("auto_date", "template", "%Y%m%d_%H%M%S");
예제 #2
 static function upgrade($version)
     $db = Database::instance();
     if ($version == 1) {
         $db->query("ALTER TABLE {comments} CHANGE `state` `state` varchar(15) default 'unpublished'");
         module::set_version("comment", $version = 2);
     if ($version == 2) {
         module::set_var("comment", "access_permissions", "everybody");
         module::set_version("comment", $version = 3);
     if ($version == 3) {
         // 40 bytes for server_remote_addr is enough to swallow the longest
         // representation of an IPv6 addy.
         // 255 bytes for server_remote_host is enough to swallow the longest
         // legit DNS entry, with a few bytes to spare.
         $db->query("ALTER TABLE {comments} CHANGE `server_remote_addr` `server_remote_addr` varchar(40)");
         $db->query("ALTER TABLE {comments} CHANGE `server_remote_host` `server_remote_host` varchar(255)");
         module::set_version("comment", $version = 4);
     if ($version == 4) {
         module::set_var("comment", "rss_visible", "all");
         module::set_version("comment", $version = 5);
     // In version 5 we accidentally set the installer variable to rss_available when it should
     // have been rss_visible.  Migrate it over now, if necessary.
     if ($version == 5) {
         if (!module::get_var("comment", "rss_visible")) {
             module::set_var("comment", "rss_visible", module::get_var("comment", "rss_available"));
         module::clear_var("comment", "rss_available");
         module::set_version("comment", $version = 6);
예제 #3
 static function install()
     $version = module::get_version("akismet");
     if ($version == 0) {
         module::set_version("akismet", 1);
 static function install()
     $version = module::get_version("slideshow");
     if ($version == 0) {
         module::set_version("slideshow", 1);
예제 #5
 static function install()
     $version = module::get_version("recaptcha");
     if ($version == 0) {
         module::set_version("recaptcha", 1);
예제 #6
 static function initialize()
     $db = Database::instance();
     $db->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {users} (\n                 `id` int(9) NOT NULL auto_increment,\n                 `name` varchar(32) NOT NULL,\n                 `full_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,\n                 `password` varchar(64) NOT NULL,\n                 `login_count` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n                 `last_login` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n                 `email` varchar(64) default NULL,\n                 `admin` BOOLEAN default 0,\n                 `guest` BOOLEAN default 0,\n                 `hash` char(32) default NULL,\n                 `url` varchar(255) default NULL,\n                 `locale` char(10) default NULL,\n                 PRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n                 UNIQUE KEY(`hash`),\n                 UNIQUE KEY(`name`))\n               DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;");
     $db->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {groups} (\n                 `id` int(9) NOT NULL auto_increment,\n                 `name` char(64) default NULL,\n                 `special` BOOLEAN default 0,\n                 PRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n                 UNIQUE KEY(`name`))\n               DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;");
     $db->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {groups_users} (\n                 `group_id` int(9) NOT NULL,\n                 `user_id` int(9) NOT NULL,\n                 PRIMARY KEY (`group_id`, `user_id`),\n                 UNIQUE KEY(`user_id`, `group_id`))\n               DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;");
     $everybody = ORM::factory("group");
     $everybody->name = "Everybody";
     $everybody->special = true;
     $registered = ORM::factory("group");
     $registered->name = "Registered Users";
     $registered->special = true;
     $guest = ORM::factory("user");
     $guest->name = "guest";
     $guest->full_name = "Guest User";
     $guest->password = "";
     $guest->guest = true;
     $admin = ORM::factory("user");
     $admin->name = "admin";
     $admin->full_name = "Gallery Administrator";
     $admin->password = "******";
     $admin->email = "*****@*****.**";
     $admin->admin = true;
     $root = ORM::factory("item", 1);
     access::allow($everybody, "view", $root);
     access::allow($everybody, "view_full", $root);
     access::allow($registered, "view", $root);
     access::allow($registered, "view_full", $root);
     module::set_version("user", 2);
     module::set_var("user", "mininum_password_length", 5);
예제 #7
 static function upgrade($version)
     if ($version == 1) {
         block_manager::add("site.sidebar", "image_block", "random_image");
         module::set_version("image_block", 2);
예제 #8
 static function install()
     $db = Database::instance();
     $db->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {hidden_items} (\n                 `item_id` int(9) NOT NULL,\n               PRIMARY KEY (`item_id`))\n               DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;");
     module::set_var("hide", "access_permissions", hide::NONE);
     module::set_version("hide", 1);
 static function install()
     module::set_version("gwtorganise", 1);
 static function upgrade($version)
     if ($version == 1) {
         module::set_var("date_tag", "template", "F, Y");
     module::set_version("date_tag", $version = 2);
 static function upgrade($version)
     log::info("aws_s3", "Commencing module upgrade (" . $version . ")");
     switch ($version) {
         case 0:
             log::info("aws_s3", "Installing version 1");
             @mkdir(VARPATH . "modules/aws_s3");
             @mkdir(VARPATH . "modules/aws_s3/log");
             // installation's unique identifier - allows multiple g3's pointing to the same s3 bucket.
             if (!module::get_var("aws_s3", "g3id")) {
                 module::set_var("aws_s3", "g3id", md5(time()));
             module::set_var("aws_s3", "synced", false);
             module::set_var("aws_s3", "enabled", false);
             module::set_var("aws_s3", "access_key", "");
             module::set_var("aws_s3", "secret_key", "");
             module::set_var("aws_s3", "bucket_name", "");
             module::set_version("aws_s3", 1);
         case 1:
             log::info("aws_s3", "Upgrading to version 2");
             $db = Database::instance();
             $db->query("CREATE TABLE {aws_s3_meta} (\n                                `item_id` int(9) NOT NULL,\n                                `item_hash` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n                                `thumb_uploaded` smallint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n                                `resize_uploaded` smallint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n                                `fullsize_uploaded` smallint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n                                `local_deleted` smallint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n                                PRIMARY KEY (`item_id`)\n                ) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;");
             module::set_var("aws_s3", "upload_thumbs", true);
             module::set_var("aws_s3", "upload_resizes", true);
             module::set_var("aws_s3", "upload_fullsizes", true);
             module::set_var("aws_s3", "s3_storage_only", false);
             if (module::get_var("aws_s3", "synced")) {
                 // v1 has already synced this installation to s3. mark all the items with the relevant meta data
                 $items = ORM::factory("item")->find_all();
                 foreach ($items as $item) {
                     aws_s3::log("Updating S3 meta for item ID: " . $item->id);
                     $item->s3_thumb_uploaded = true;
                     if (!$item->is_album()) {
                         $item->s3_resize_uploaded = true;
                         $item->s3_fullsize_uploaded = true;
                     $item->s3_local_deleted = false;
                     $item->s3_item_hash = md5($item->relative_path());
             } else {
                 // check various states after upgrade from v1..
                 if (module::get_var("aws_s3", "access_key") != "" && module::get_var("aws_s3", "secret_key") != "" && module::get_var("aws_s3", "bucket_name") != "" && aws_s3::validate_access_details(module::get_var("aws_s3", "access_key"), module::get_var("aws_s3", "secret_key"), module::get_var("aws_s3", "bucket_name"))) {
                     // details are correct but hasn't been synced.
                     if (aws_s3::can_schedule()) {
                         // i can schedule this task
                         site_status::warning("Your site has been scheduled for full Amazon S3 re-synchronisation. This message will clear when this has been completed.", "aws_s3_not_synced");
                     } else {
                         // i CAN'T schedule it..
                         site_status::warning(t('Your site has not been synchronised to Amazon S3. Until it has, your server will continue to serve image content to your visitors.<br />Click <a href="%url" class="g-dialog-link">here</a> to start the synchronisation task.', array("url" => html::mark_clean(url::site("admin/maintenance/start/aws_s3_task::manual_sync?csrf=__CSRF__")))), "aws_s3_not_synced");
                 } else {
                     site_status::warning(t('Amazon S3 module needs configuration. Click <a href="%url">here</a> to go to the configuration page.', array("url" => html::mark_clean(url::site("admin/aws_s3")))), "aws_s3_not_configured");
             module::set_version("aws_s3", 2);
     log::info("aws_s3", "Module upgrade complete");
예제 #12
 static function install()
     $db = Database::instance();
     $db->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {tags} (\n                 `id` int(9) NOT NULL auto_increment,\n                 `name` varchar(64) NOT NULL,\n                 `count` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n                 PRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n                 UNIQUE KEY(`name`))\n               DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;");
     $db->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {items_tags} (\n                 `id` int(9) NOT NULL auto_increment,\n                 `item_id` int(9) NOT NULL,\n                 `tag_id` int(9) NOT NULL,\n                 PRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n                 KEY(`tag_id`, `id`),\n                 KEY(`item_id`, `id`))\n               DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;");
     module::set_version("tag", 1);
 static function install()
     $db = Database::instance();
     $db->query("CREATE TABLE {embedded_videos} (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`id` int(9) NOT NULL auto_increment,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`embed_code` varchar(2048) DEFAULT NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`source` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`item_id` int(9) NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tPRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n\t\t\t\t\t\tKEY (`item_id`, `id`))\n\t\t\t\t\t\tDEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;");
     module::set_version("embed_videos", 2);
     //exec("cd modules/gallery/controllers/; ln -s ../../embed/controllers/embeds.php embeds.php");
 static function upgrade($version)
     if ($version == 2) {
         access::register_permission("downloadalbum", "Download album");
         module::set_version("downloadalbum", 3);
 static function install()
     $defaults = array('jpg' => '1', 'png' => '2', 'gif' => '1');
     foreach ($defaults as $type => $optlevel) {
         // set default path as the pre-compiled versions in the lib
         module::set_var("image_optimizer", "path_" . $type, MODPATH . "image_optimizer/lib/" . image_optimizer::tool_name($type));
         // check config status (also sets configstatus_ variables and ensures that the permissions are set correctly)
         // set default optimization levels
         module::set_var("image_optimizer", "optlevel_thumb_" . $type, $optlevel);
         module::set_var("image_optimizer", "optlevel_resize_" . $type, $optlevel);
     module::set_var("image_optimizer", "rotate_jpg", true);
     module::set_var("image_optimizer", "enable_thumb", true);
     module::set_var("image_optimizer", "enable_resize", true);
     module::set_var("image_optimizer", "update_mode_thumb", false);
     module::set_var("image_optimizer", "update_mode_resize", false);
     module::set_var("image_optimizer", "metastrip_thumb", true);
     module::set_var("image_optimizer", "convert_thumb_png", "jpg");
     module::set_var("image_optimizer", "convert_resize_png", false);
     module::set_var("image_optimizer", "convert_thumb_gif", "jpg");
     module::set_var("image_optimizer", "convert_resize_gif", false);
     module::set_var("image_optimizer", "metastrip_resize", false);
     module::set_var("image_optimizer", "progressive_thumb", false);
     module::set_var("image_optimizer", "progressive_resize", true);
     module::set_version("image_optimizer", 1);
예제 #16
 static function install()
     $db = Database::instance();
     $db->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {subscriptions} (\n               `id` int(9) NOT NULL auto_increment,\n               `item_id` int(9) NOT NULL,\n               `user_id` int(9) NOT NULL,\n               PRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n               UNIQUE KEY (`item_id`, `user_id`),\n               UNIQUE KEY (`user_id`, `item_id`))\n               DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;");
     $db->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {pending_notifications} (\n               `id` int(9) NOT NULL auto_increment,\n               `email` varchar(128) NOT NULL,\n               `subject` varchar(255) NOT NULL,\n               `text` text,\n               PRIMARY KEY (`id`))\n               DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;");
     module::set_version("notification", 1);
예제 #17
 static function install()
     $version = module::get_version("info");
     if ($version == 0) {
         module::set_version("info", 1);
 static function install()
     Database::instance()->query("CREATE TABLE {twitter_tweets} (\n                `id` int(9) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n                `item_id` int(9) NOT NULL,\n                `sent` int(9) NULL,\n                `twitter_id` decimal(20,0) NULL,\n                `tweet` varchar(255) NOT NULL,\n                `user_id` int(9) NOT NULL,\n               PRIMARY KEY (`id`))\n               DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;");
     Database::instance()->query("CREATE TABLE {twitter_users} (\n                `id` int(9) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n                `oauth_token` varchar(64) NOT NULL,\n                `oauth_token_secret` varchar(64) NOT NULL,\n                `screen_name` varchar(16) NOT NULL,\n                `twitter_user_id` int(9) NOT NULL,\n                `user_id` int(9) NOT NULL,\n               PRIMARY KEY (`id`))\n               DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;");
     module::set_version("twitter", 1);
예제 #19
 static function install()
     $db = Database::instance();
     $version = module::get_version("user");
     if ($version == 0) {
         $db->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {users} (\n                   `id` int(9) NOT NULL auto_increment,\n                   `name` varchar(32) NOT NULL,\n                   `full_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,\n                   `password` varchar(64) NOT NULL,\n                   `login_count` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n                   `last_login` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n                   `email` varchar(64) default NULL,\n                   `admin` BOOLEAN default 0,\n                   `guest` BOOLEAN default 0,\n                   `hash` char(32) default NULL,\n                   `url` varchar(255) default NULL,\n                   `locale` char(10) default NULL,\n                   PRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n                   UNIQUE KEY(`hash`),\n                   UNIQUE KEY(`name`))\n                 ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;");
         $db->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {groups} (\n                   `id` int(9) NOT NULL auto_increment,\n                   `name` char(64) default NULL,\n                   `special` BOOLEAN default 0,\n                   PRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n                   UNIQUE KEY(`name`))\n                 ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;");
         $db->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {groups_users} (\n                   `group_id` int(9) NOT NULL,\n                   `user_id` int(9) NOT NULL,\n                   PRIMARY KEY (`group_id`, `user_id`),\n                   UNIQUE KEY(`user_id`, `group_id`))\n                 ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;");
         $everybody = group::create("Everybody");
         $everybody->special = true;
         $registered = group::create("Registered Users");
         $registered->special = true;
         $guest = user::create("guest", "Guest User", "");
         $guest->guest = true;
         $admin = user::create("admin", "Gallery Administrator", "admin");
         $admin->admin = true;
         // Let the admin own everything
         $db->update("items", array("owner_id" => $admin->id), array("owner_id" => "IS NULL"));
         module::set_version("user", 1);
         $root = ORM::factory("item", 1);
         access::allow($everybody, "view", $root);
         access::allow($everybody, "view_full", $root);
         access::allow($registered, "view", $root);
         access::allow($registered, "view_full", $root);
예제 #20
 static function install()
     $version = module::get_version("organize");
     if ($version == 0) {
         module::set_version("organize", 1);
예제 #21
 static function install()
     $db = Database::instance();
     $db->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {g2_maps} (\n                 `id` int(9) NOT NULL auto_increment,\n                 `g2_id` int(9) NOT NULL,\n                 `g3_id` int(9) NOT NULL,\n               PRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n               KEY (`g2_id`))\n               DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;");
     module::set_version("g2_import", 1);
     mkdir(VARPATH . "modules/g2_import");
 static function upgrade($version)
     if ($version == 2) {
         module::set_var("tagsmap", "restrict_maps", "0");
         module::set_version("tagsmap", 3);
예제 #23
 static function install()
     $db = Database::instance();
     $db->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {watermarks} (\n                 `id` int(9) NOT NULL auto_increment,\n                 `name` varchar(32) NOT NULL,\n                 `width` int(9) NOT NULL,\n                 `height` int(9) NOT NULL,\n                 `active` boolean default 0,\n                 `position` boolean default 0,\n                 `mime_type` varchar(64) default NULL,\n                 PRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n                 UNIQUE KEY(`name`))\n               DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;");
     @mkdir(VARPATH . "modules/watermark");
     module::set_version("watermark", 1);
 static function upgrade($version)
     // Set the default value for this module's behavior.
     module::set_var("albumpassword", "hideonly", true);
     // Set the module's version number.
     module::set_version("albumpassword", 2);
 static function install()
     $db = Database::instance();
     $db->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {item_links} (\n               `id` int(9) NOT NULL auto_increment,\n               `item_id` int(9) NOT NULL,\n               `url` text default NULL,\n               PRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n               KEY(`item_id`, `id`))\n               DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;");
     // Set the module's version number.
     module::set_version("item_links", 1);
예제 #26
 static function upgrade($version)
     $db = Database::instance();
     if ($version == 1) {
         // fix for allowing decimel place in money
         $db->query("ALTER TABLE {products} CHANGE COLUMN `cost` `cost` DECIMAL(10,2) default 0;");
         $db->query("ALTER TABLE {item_products} CHANGE COLUMN `cost` `cost` DECIMAL(10,2) default -1;");
         // postage bands
         $db->query("ALTER TABLE {products} ADD COLUMN `postage_band_id` int(9) default 1");
         $db->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {postage_bands} (\n                 `id` int(9) NOT NULL auto_increment,\n                 `name` TEXT NOT NULL,\n                 `flat_rate` DECIMAL(10,2) default 0,\n                 `per_item` DECIMAL(10,2) default 0,\n                 PRIMARY KEY (`id`))\n                 ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;");
         postage_band::create("No Postage", 0, 0);
         module::set_version("basket", $version = 2);
     if ($version == 2) {
         $db->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {orders} (\n                 `id` int(9) NOT NULL auto_increment,\n                 `text` TEXT NOT NULL,\n                 PRIMARY KEY (`id`))\n                 ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;");
         basket::setPaymentDetails("<p>Use the following options to pay for this order.</p>\n<p>Send a chequre to..</p>\n<p>Visit the shop..</p>\n<p>By using internet banking..</p>");
         basket::setOrderCompletePage("<p>Your order number is %order_number. To pay for this order please either:</p>\n<p> - Send a cheque for %total_cost to with reference %order_number..</p>\n<p> - Visit the shop and quote the order %order_number..</p>\n<p> - Transfer %total_cost using internet banking with reference %order_number..</p>\n<p>Order will be processed as soon as payment is received. You should receive an e-mail with your order details shortly.</p>");
         basket::setOrderCompleteEmail("Hi %name,\n\nThank you for your order the order details are below. To pay for this order please either:\n\n- Send a cheque for %total_cost to with reference %order_number..\n- Visit the shop and quote the order %order_number..\n- Transfer %total_cost using internet banking with reference %order_number..\n\nOrder will be processed as soon as payment is received. For order pick-ups please visit..\n\nOrder Details\n-------------\n%order_details\n\nThanks");
         basket::setOrderCompleteEmailSubject("Photography Order %order_number");
         module::set_version("basket", $version = 3);
     if ($version == 3) {
         $db->query("ALTER TABLE {orders} ADD COLUMN `status` int(9) DEFAULT 0;");
         $db->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {ipn_messages} (\n        `id` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n        `date`  int(11) NOT NULL,\n        `key` varchar(20) NOT NULL,\n        `txn_id` varchar(20) NOT NULL,\n        `status` varchar(20) NOT NULL,\n        `success` bool default false,\n        `text` text,\n        PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)\n      ) ENGINE=InnoDB  DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;");
         module::set_version("basket", $version = 4);
     if ($version == 4) {
         $db->query("ALTER TABLE {orders} ADD COLUMN `name` varchar(1024);");
         $db->query("ALTER TABLE {orders} ADD COLUMN `email` varchar(1024);");
         $db->query("ALTER TABLE {orders} ADD COLUMN `method` int(9) DEFAULT 0;");
         $db->query("ALTER TABLE {orders} ADD COLUMN `cost` DECIMAL(10,2) default 0");
         module::set_version("basket", $version = 5);
 static function upgrade($version)
     if ($version == 1) {
         Database::instance()->query("ALTER TABLE `picasa_faces` ADD `user_id` int(9) NOT NULL");
         module::set_version("picasa_faces", 2);
 static function install()
     $version = module::get_version("moduleupdates");
     if ($version == 0) {
         module::set_version("moduleupdates", 1);
예제 #29
 static function upgrade($version)
     if ($version == 1) {
         module::set_var("slideshow", "max_scale", 0);
         module::set_version("slideshow", $version = 2);
예제 #30
 static function install()
     $version = module::get_version("media_rss");
     if ($version == 0) {
         module::set_version("media_rss", 1);