public function afterIteration(array $list) { $list = parent::afterIteration($list); switch ($this->getProperty('image_url_schema')) { case 'base': $images_base_url = $this->getSourcePath(19); break; case 'full': $images_base_url = $this->modx->getOption('site_url'); $images_base_url .= preg_replace("/^\\/*/", "", $this->getSourcePath()); break; default: $images_base_url = ''; } foreach ($list as &$l) { // Картинка # = ''; if (!empty($l['author_avatar'])) { $l['author_avatar'] = $images_base_url . $l['author_avatar']; } else { # $l['imageDefault'] = $images_base_url . 'public/images/No-Photo.jpg'; $l['author_avatar_default'] = $images_base_url . 'avatarDefault.png'; } } return $list; }
protected function setSelection(xPDOQuery $c) { $c = parent::setSelection($c); $c->leftJoin('modResource', "Parent"); $c->select(array(" as `product_id`", " as category_id", "Parent.uri as category_uri", "Parent.pagetitle as category_title")); return $c; }
public function prepareQueryBeforeCount(xPDOQuery $c) { $c = parent::prepareQueryBeforeCount($c); $categories = array(); $where = array('id:in' => $this->getCategories((int) $this->getProperty('category_id'), $categories)); $c->where($where); return $c; }
public function outputArray(array $array, $count = false) { $result = parent::outputArray($array, $count); $objects = array(array("id" => 0, "pagetitle" => "Выберите из списка")); foreach ((array) $result['object'] as $object) { $objects[] = $object; } return json_encode(array("success" => $result['success'], "total" => count($objects), "results" => $objects)); }
public function prepareQueryBeforeCount(xPDOQuery $c) { $c = parent::prepareQueryBeforeCount($c); $alias = $c->getAlias(); $where = array("parent" => 80, "template" => 4); // Только для главной if ($this->getProperty('show_on_pain_page')) { $c->innerJoin('modTemplateVarResource', "tv_main_only", "tv_main_only.contentid = {$alias}.id AND tv_main_only.tmplvarid = 22 AND tv_main_only.value = '1'"); } $c->where($where); return $c; }
public function initialize() { $this->setDefaultProperties(array("sort" => "{$this->classKey}.publishedon", "dir" => "DESC", "parent" => 5, "getPage" => true, "limit" => 3, "cache_prefix" => "news/", "summary" => true, "truncLen" => 500)); return parent::initialize(); }
public function prepareQueryBeforeCount(xPDOQuery $c) { $c = parent::prepareQueryBeforeCount($c); $c->where(array('class_key' => 'ShopmodxResourceCurrency')); return $c; }