* Joomla! is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant
* to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or
* is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or
* other free or open source software licenses.
* See COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details.
// no direct access
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
// Include the syndicate functions only once
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/helper.php';
$season_id = $params->get('season_id');
$match_count = $params->get('match_count');
$team_id = $params->get('team_id');
$embl_is = $params->get('embl_is');
$list = modBlNextHelper::getList($params);
$single = modBlNextHelper::getStype($params);
$result_layout_next = $params->get('result_layout_next');
$emblem_width_next = $params->get('emblem_width_next');
$emblem_height_next = $params->get('emblem_height_next');
$matchday_reference_next = $params->get('matchday_reference_next');
$align_matchday_ref_next = $params->get('align_matchday_ref_next');
$align_home_emblem_next = $params->get('align_home_emblem_next');
$align_away_emblem_next = $params->get('align_away_emblem_next');
$align_home_team_next = $params->get('align_home_team_next');
$align_away_team_next = $params->get('align_away_team_next');
$link_emblem_next = $params->get('link_emblem_next');
$tooltip_emblem_next = $params->get('tooltip_emblem_next');
$link_team_next = $params->get('link_team_next');
$link_score_next = $params->get('link_score_next');
$border_score_next = $params->get('border_score_next');
$left_margin_matchday_next = $params->get('left_margin_matchday_next');
예제 #2
                if ($old_md != $match->mdid || $old_date != $match->m_date . ' ' . $match->m_time) {
                    $date_matchday_ouput = date_bl($match->m_date, $match->m_time) . ' - ' . $match->m_name;
            case 3:
                // Matchday - Date output
                if ($old_md != $match->mdid || $old_date != $match->m_date . ' ' . $match->m_time) {
                    $date_matchday_ouput = $match->m_name . ' - ' . date_bl($match->m_date, $match->m_time);
        $old_date = $match->m_date . ' ' . $match->m_time;
        $old_md = $match->mdid;
        if ($single || isset($match->ssingle) && $match->ssingle) {
            $match->emb1 = modBlNextHelper::getPhoto($match->hm_id);
            $match->emb2 = modBlNextHelper::getPhoto($match->aw_id);
        switch ($result_layout_next) {
            case 0:
            case 1:
            case 2:

			<td colspan="<?php 
                echo $colspan_next;
" class="match_date_<?php 
                echo $align_matchday_ref_next;