예제 #1
  * Checks the decsep and thousandssep config strings are set correctly
  * @link http://tracker.moodle.org/browse/MDL-31332
  * @return bool check success flag
 protected function check_decsep_thousandssep()
     $details = array();
     $langnames = array();
     $tree = mlang_tools::components_tree(array('component' => 'langconfig'));
     foreach ($tree as $branch => $languages) {
         $version = mlang_version::by_code($branch);
         foreach (array_keys($languages) as $language) {
             $langconfig = mlang_component::from_snapshot('langconfig', $language, $version);
             if ($langname = $langconfig->get_string('thislanguageint')) {
                 $langnames[$language] = $langname->text;
             } else {
                 $langnames[$language] = $language;
             if ($decsep = $langconfig->get_string('decsep')) {
                 $decsep = $decsep->text;
             if ($thousandssep = $langconfig->get_string('thousandssep')) {
                 $thousandssep = $thousandssep->text;
             if (empty($decsep) and empty($thousandssep)) {
                 $details[$language][$version->label] = 1;
             } else {
                 if (empty($decsep) or empty($thousandssep)) {
                     $details[$language][$version->label] = 2;
                 } else {
                     if ($decsep === $thousandssep) {
                         $details[$language][$version->label] = 3;
     foreach ($details as $language => $branches) {
         $msg = sprintf('Invalid decsep and/or thousandssep in %s {%s} at', $langnames[$language], $language);
         foreach ($branches as $branch => $severity) {
             $msg .= ' ' . $branch . str_repeat('!', $severity);
         $this->output($msg, true);
     if (empty($details)) {
         return 0;
     return 1;
예제 #2
 // dump the given revision of the file to a temporary area
 $checkout = $commithash . '_' . str_replace('/', '_', $file);
 if (in_array($checkout, $MLANG_BROKEN_CHECKOUTS)) {
     fputs(STDERR, "BROKEN {$checkout}\n");
 $checkout = $tmp . '/' . $checkout;
 exec(AMOS_PATH_GIT . " show {$commithash}:{$file} > {$checkout}");
 // push the string on all branches where the English original is currently (or has ever been) defined
 // note that all English strings history must already be registered in AMOS repository
 // pushing into Moodle 1.x branches only to prevent conflicts with translations done via web
 foreach (array('MOODLE_19_STABLE') as $branch) {
     $version = mlang_version::by_branch($branch);
     // get the translated strings from PHP file - the lang repository in in 1.x format
     $component = mlang_component::from_phpfile($checkout, $langcode, $version, $timemodified, mlang_component::name_from_filename($file), 1);
     $encomponent = mlang_component::from_snapshot($component->name, 'en', $version, $timemodified);
     // keep just those defined in English on that branch - this is where we are reconstruct branching of lang packs.
     // langconfig.php is not compared with English because it may contain extra string like parentlanguage.
     if ($component->name !== 'langconfig') {
     } elseif ($version->code >= mlang_version::MOODLE_20) {
         if ($parentlanguage = $component->get_string('parentlanguage')) {
             if (substr($parentlanguage->text, -5) == '_utf8') {
                 $parentlanguage->text = substr($parentlanguage->text, 0, -5);
예제 #3
// Let us get an information about existing components
$sql = "SELECT branch,lang,component,COUNT(stringid) AS numofstrings\n          FROM {amos_repository}\n         WHERE deleted=0\n      GROUP BY branch,lang,component\n      ORDER BY branch,lang,component";
$rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql);
$tree = array();
// [branch][language][component] => numofstrings
foreach ($rs as $record) {
    $tree[$record->branch][$record->lang][$record->component] = $record->numofstrings;
remove_dir(AMOS_EXPORT_DIR, true);
foreach ($tree as $vercode => $languages) {
    $version = mlang_version::by_code($vercode);
    foreach ($languages as $langcode => $components) {
        if ($langcode == 'en') {
        foreach ($components as $componentname => $unused) {
            $component = mlang_component::from_snapshot($componentname, $langcode, $version);
            if ($component->has_string()) {
                $file = AMOS_EXPORT_DIR . '/' . $version->dir . '/' . $langcode . '/' . $component->get_phpfile_location(false);
                if (!file_exists(dirname($file))) {
                    mkdir(dirname($file), 0755, true);
                echo "{$file}\n";
echo "DONE\n";
예제 #4
 * needed during the very first steps of installation. This file was
 * generated automatically by export-installer.php (which is part of AMOS
 * {@link http://docs.moodle.org/dev/Languages/AMOS}) using the
 * list of strings defined in /install/stringnames.txt.
 * @package   installer
 * @license   http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later

    $status = 0;
    // exit status, 0 means no problems
    foreach ($list as $componentname => $stringids) {
        foreach ($langs as $lang) {
            $component = mlang_component::from_snapshot($componentname, $lang, $version, null, false, false, array_keys($stringids));
            if ($component->has_string()) {
                $file = AMOS_EXPORT_INSTALLER_DIR . '/' . $version->dir . '/install/lang/' . $lang . '/' . $component->name . '.php';
                if (!file_exists(dirname($file))) {
                    mkdir(dirname($file), 0755, true);
                $component->export_phpfile($file, $phpdoc);
            if ($lang == 'en') {
                // check that all string were exported
                foreach (array_keys($stringids) as $stringid) {
                    if (!$component->has_string($stringid)) {
                        fputs(STDERR, "ERROR Unknown {$stringid},{$componentname}\n");
                        $status = 1;
예제 #5
    $filenameorig = basename($importform->get_new_filename('importfile'));
    $filename = $filenameorig . '-' . md5(time() . '-' . $USER->id . '-' . random_string(20));
    $pathname = $tmpdir . '/' . $filename;
    if ($importform->save_file('importfile', $pathname)) {
        if (substr($filenameorig, -4) === '.php') {
            $name = mlang_component::name_from_filename($filenameorig);
            $version = mlang_version::by_code($data->version);
            $component = new mlang_component($name, $data->language, $version);
            $parser = mlang_parser_factory::get_parser('php');
            try {
                $parser->parse(file_get_contents($pathname), $component);
            } catch (mlang_parser_exception $e) {
                notice($e->getMessage(), new moodle_url('/local/amos/stage.php'));
            $encomponent = mlang_component::from_snapshot($component->name, 'en', $version);
            if (!$component->has_string()) {
                notice(get_string('nostringtoimport', 'local_amos'), new moodle_url('/local/amos/stage.php'));
            $stage = mlang_persistent_stage::instance_for_user($USER->id, sesskey());
            $stage->add($component, true);
        } else {
            notice(get_string('nostringtoimport', 'local_amos'), new moodle_url('/local/amos/stage.php'));
    } else {
        notice(get_string('nofiletoimport', 'local_amos'), new moodle_url('/local/amos/stage.php'));
예제 #6
 $sourceversion = mlang_version::by_code($data->sourceversion);
 $targetversion = mlang_version::by_code($data->targetversion);
 if (is_null($sourceversion) or is_null($targetversion)) {
     notice('Invalid version selected', new moodle_url('/local/amos/stage.php'));
 $tree = mlang_tools::components_tree(array('branch' => $sourceversion->code, 'lang' => $data->language));
 $sourcecomponentnames = array_keys(reset(reset($tree)));
 foreach ($sourcecomponentnames as $sourcecomponentname) {
     // get a snapshot of both components and merge source into target
     $sourcecomponent = mlang_component::from_snapshot($sourcecomponentname, $data->language, $sourceversion);
     $targetcomponent = mlang_component::from_snapshot($sourcecomponent->name, $sourcecomponent->lang, $targetversion);
     mlang_tools::merge($sourcecomponent, $targetcomponent);
     // keep just strings that are defined in english
     $englishcomponent = mlang_component::from_snapshot($sourcecomponent->name, 'en', $targetversion);
     // stage the target
 // prune the stage so that only committable strings are staged
 $allowed = mlang_tools::list_allowed_languages($USER->id);
 // keep just really modified (that is new in this case) strings
 // and store the persistant stage
 // if no new strings are merged, inform the user
 if (!$stage->has_component()) {
예제 #7
 echo $OUTPUT->header();
 $progressbar = new progress_bar();
 // prints the HTML code of the progress bar
 // we may need a bit of extra execution time and memory here
 // number of differences
 $num = 0;
 foreach ($componentnames as $i => $componentname) {
     $progressbar->update($i, $total, get_string('diffprogress', 'local_amos'));
     // the most recent snapshots
     $englisha = mlang_component::from_snapshot($componentname, 'en', $versiona);
     $englishb = mlang_component::from_snapshot($componentname, 'en', $versionb);
     $translateda = mlang_component::from_snapshot($componentname, $data->language, $versiona);
     $translatedb = mlang_component::from_snapshot($componentname, $data->language, $versionb);
     // working components that holds the strings to be staged
     $worka = new mlang_component($componentname, $data->language, $versiona);
     $workb = new mlang_component($componentname, $data->language, $versionb);
     foreach ($englisha->get_iterator() as $strenglisha) {
         $strenglishb = $englishb->get_string($strenglisha->id);
         $strtranslateda = $translateda->get_string($strenglisha->id);
         $strtranslatedb = $translatedb->get_string($strenglisha->id);
         // nothing compares to you, my dear null string
         if (is_null($strenglishb) or is_null($strtranslateda) or is_null($strtranslatedb)) {
         // in case we will need it, decide which of the translations is the more recent
         if ($strtranslateda->timemodified >= $strtranslatedb->timemodified) {
             $strtranslatedrecent = $strtranslateda;
         } else {
예제 #8
 $mem = memory_get_usage();
 $memdiff = $memprev < $mem ? '+' : '-';
 $memdiff = $memdiff . abs($mem - $memprev);
 $english = mlang_component::from_snapshot($componentname, 'en', $version, null, true, true);
 foreach ($english->get_iterator() as $string) {
     if (empty($options['full']) and $string->timemodified < time() - DAYSECS) {
     if ($string->deleted) {
         // propagate removal of this string to all other languages where it is present
         $stage = new mlang_stage();
         foreach (array_keys($tree[$vercode]) as $otherlang) {
             if ($otherlang == 'en') {
             $other = mlang_component::from_snapshot($componentname, $otherlang, $version, null, true, false, array($string->id));
             if ($other->has_string($string->id)) {
                 $current = $other->get_string($string->id);
                 if (!$current->deleted) {
                     $current->deleted = true;
                     $current->timemodified = time();
         if ($stage->has_component()) {
             $string->timemodified = local_amos_renderer::commit_datetime($string->timemodified);
             $msg = <<<EOF
예제 #9
foreach ($plugins as $versionnumber => $plugintypes) {
    $version = mlang_version::by_dir($versionnumber);
    if ($version->branch == 'MOODLE_23_STABLE') {
        $gitbranch = 'origin/master';
    } else {
        $gitbranch = 'origin/' . $version->branch;
    foreach ($plugintypes as $legacyname => $frankenstylename) {
        // moodle.org was replaced with a local plugin and strings were dropped from 2.0 and 2.1
        if ($legacyname == 'moodle.org') {
        // prepare an empty component containing the fixes
        $fixcomponent = new mlang_component($legacyname, 'en', $version);
        // get the most recent snapshot from the AMOS repository
        $amoscomponent = mlang_component::from_snapshot($legacyname, 'en', $version);
        // get the location of the plugin
        if ($frankenstylename == 'core') {
            $plugintype = 'core';
            $pluginname = null;
        } else {
            $plugintype = substr($frankenstylename, 0, strpos($frankenstylename, '_'));
            $pluginname = substr($frankenstylename, strpos($frankenstylename, '_') + 1);
        // very hacky way to get plugin basedirs for all versions
        $basedirs = array('mod' => 'mod', 'auth' => 'auth', 'enrol' => 'enrol', 'message' => 'message/output', 'block' => 'blocks', 'filter' => 'filter', 'editor' => 'lib/editor', 'format' => 'course/format', 'profilefield' => 'user/profile/field', 'report' => 'report', 'coursereport' => 'course/report', 'gradeexport' => 'grade/export', 'gradeimport' => 'grade/import', 'gradereport' => 'grade/report', 'mnetservice' => 'mnet/service', 'webservice' => 'webservice', 'repository' => 'repository', 'portfolio' => 'portfolio', 'qtype' => 'question/type', 'qformat' => 'question/format', 'qbehaviour' => 'question/behaviour', 'plagiarism' => 'plagiarism', 'theme' => 'theme', 'assignment' => 'mod/assignment/type', 'datafield' => 'mod/data/field', 'datapreset' => 'mod/data/preset', 'quiz' => 'mod/quiz/report', 'quizaccess' => 'mod/quiz/accessrule', 'scormreport' => 'mod/scorm/report', 'workshopform' => 'mod/workshop/form', 'workshopallocation' => 'mod/workshop/allocation', 'workshopeval' => 'mod/workshop/eval', 'local' => 'local', 'tool' => 'admin/tool', 'gradingform' => 'grade/grading/form');
        if ($version->code <= mlang_version::MOODLE_21) {
            // since 2.2 beta, reports have moved
            $basedirs['report'] = 'admin/report';
        if ($plugintype == 'core') {
예제 #10
  * Initialize data
  * @param mlang_version $version we are generating page for
  * @param array $packinfo data structure prepared by cli/export-zip.php
 public function __construct(mlang_version $version, array $packinfo)
     $this->version = $version;
     $this->packinfo = fullclone($packinfo);
     $this->timemodified = time();
     $this->percents = array('0' => 0, '40' => 0, '60' => 0, '80' => 0);
     // percents => number of langpacks
     // get the number of strings for standard plugins
     // only the standard plugins are taken into statistics calculation
     $standard = local_amos_standard_plugins();
     $english = array();
     // holds the number of English strings per component
     $nontranslatable = array();
     // holds the number of strings per component that can not be translated via AMOS
     // and therefore we should consider them as translated when calculating the ratio
     foreach ($standard[$this->version->dir] as $componentname => $unused) {
         $component = mlang_component::from_snapshot($componentname, 'en', $this->version);
         $english[$componentname] = $component->get_number_of_strings();
         $this->totalenglish += $english[$componentname];
         foreach ($component->get_iterator() as $string) {
             if (substr($string->id, -5) === '_link') {
                 if (isset($nontranslatable[$componentname])) {
                 } else {
                     $nontranslatable[$componentname] = 1;
     foreach ($this->packinfo as $langcode => $info) {
         if ($langcode !== 'en') {
         $langpack = new stdclass();
         $langpack->langname = $info['langname'];
         $langpack->filename = $langcode . '.zip';
         $langpack->filesize = $info['filesize'];
         $langpack->modified = $info['modified'];
         if (!empty($info['parent'])) {
             $langpack->parent = $info['parent'];
         } else {
             $langpack->parent = 'en';
         // calculate the translation statistics
         if ($langpack->parent == 'en') {
             $langpack->totaltranslated = 0;
             foreach ($info['numofstrings'] as $component => $translated) {
                 if (!empty($nontranslatable[$component])) {
                     $translated += $nontranslatable[$component];
                 if (isset($standard[$this->version->dir][$component])) {
                     $langpack->totaltranslated += min($translated, $english[$component]);
             if ($this->totalenglish == 0) {
                 $langpack->ratio = null;
             } else {
                 $langpack->ratio = $langpack->totaltranslated / $this->totalenglish;
                 if ($langpack->ratio > 0.8) {
                 } elseif ($langpack->ratio > 0.6) {
                 } elseif ($langpack->ratio > 0.4) {
                 } else {
         } else {
             $langpack->totaltranslated = 0;
             foreach ($info['numofstrings'] as $component => $translated) {
                 $langpack->totaltranslated += $translated;
             $langpack->ratio = null;
         $this->langpacks[$langcode] = $langpack;
예제 #11
    public function test_execution_strings_move()
        $stage = new mlang_stage();
        $version = mlang_version::by_branch('MOODLE_20_STABLE');
        $now = time();
        // this block emulates parse-core.php
        $component = new mlang_component('admin', 'en', $version);
        $component->add_string(new mlang_string('configsitepolicy', 'OLD', $now - 2));
        $stage->rebase($now - 2, true, $now - 2);
        $stage->commit('Committed initial English string', array('source' => 'unittest'), true, $now - 2);
        // this block emulates parse-lang.php
        $component = new mlang_component('admin', 'cs', $version);
        $component->add_string(new mlang_string('configsitepolicy', 'OLD in cs', $now - 1));
        $stage->commit('Committed initial Czech translation', array('source' => 'unittest'), true, $now - 1);
        // this block emulates parse-core.php again later
        // now the string is moved in the English pack by the developer who provides AMOS script in commit message
        // this happened in b593d49d593ee778f525b4074f5ee7978c5e2960
        $component = new mlang_component('admin', 'en', $version);
        $component->add_string(new mlang_string('sitepolicy_help', 'NEW', $now));
        $component->add_string(new mlang_string('configsitepolicy', 'OLD', $now, true));
        $commitmsg = 'MDL-24570 multiple sitepolicy fixes + adding new separate guest user policy
 MOV [configsitepolicy,core_admin],[sitepolicy_help,core_admin]
        $stage->rebase($now, true, $now);
        $stage->commit($commitmsg, array('source' => 'unittest'), true, $now);
        // execute AMOS script if the commit message contains some
        if ($version->code >= mlang_version::MOODLE_20) {
            $instructions = mlang_tools::extract_script_from_text($commitmsg);
            if (!empty($instructions)) {
                foreach ($instructions as $instruction) {
                    $changes = mlang_tools::execute($instruction, $version, $now);
                    $changes->commit($commitmsg, array('source' => 'commitscript'), true, $now);
        // check the results
        $component = mlang_component::from_snapshot('admin', 'cs', $version, $now);
        $this->assertEqual('OLD in cs', $component->get_string('sitepolicy_help')->text);
        $this->assertEqual(1, $component->get_number_of_strings());
예제 #12
  * Migrate help file into a help string if such one does not exist yet
  * This is a temporary method and will be dropped once we have all English helps migrated. It does not do anything
  * yet. It is intended to be run once upon a checkout of 1.9 language files prepared just for this purpose.
  * @param mixed         $helpfile
  * @param mixed         $tostring
  * @param mixed         $tocomponent
  * @param mixed         $timestamp
  * @return mlang_stage
 protected static function migrate_helpfile($version, $helpfile, $tostring, $tocomponent, $timestamp = null)
     global $CFG;
     require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/local/amos/cli/config.php';
     $stage = new mlang_stage();
     foreach (array_keys(self::list_languages(false)) as $lang) {
         $fullpath = AMOS_REPO_LANGS . '/' . $lang . '_utf8/help/' . $helpfile;
         if (!is_readable($fullpath)) {
         $helpstring = file_get_contents($fullpath);
         $helpstring = preg_replace('|<h1>.*</h1>|i', '', $helpstring);
         $helpstring = iconv('UTF-8', 'UTF-8//IGNORE', $helpstring);
         $helpstring = trim($helpstring);
         if (empty($helpstring)) {
         $to = mlang_component::from_snapshot($tocomponent, $lang, $version, $timestamp, false, false, array($tostring));
         if (!$to->has_string($tostring)) {
             $to->add_string(new mlang_string($tostring, $helpstring, $timestamp));
     return $stage;