function task_confirm_timeout() { $task_list = db_factory::query(sprintf("select * from %switkey_task where task_status =6 and end_time<'%s' and model_id=12", TABLEPRE, time())); if (is_array($task_list)) { foreach ($task_list as $v) { $task_obj = new match_task_class($v); $task_obj->task_other_timeout(); } } }
left join %switkey_task_work b on a.obj_id=b.work_id where b.work_id=%d', TABLEPRE, TABLEPRE, $work_id)); break; } require keke_tpl_class::template('task/' . $model_info['model_dir'] . '/admin/tpl/task_edit_ext'); die; } else { $page or $page = 1; $page_size or $page_size = 10; $page_obj = $kekezu->_page_obj; $page_obj->setAjax(1); $page_obj->setAjaxDom('ajax_dom'); $sql = sprintf("select w_basic.*, w_match.`wiki_deposit`,w_match.`deposit_cash`,w_match.`witkey_contact`,w_match.`deposit_credit` from %switkey_task_work w_basic left join %switkey_task_match_work w_match on w_basic.`task_id`=w_match.`work_id` where w_basic.task_id=%d", TABLEPRE, TABLEPRE, $task_id); $tmp = db_factory::query($sql); $pages = $page_obj->page_by_arr($tmp, $page_size, $page, $url); $list = $pages['data']; $satus_arr = match_task_class::get_work_status(); $platform_arr = keke_glob_class::get_oauth_type(); } break; case 'comm': if ($ac && $comm_id) { $id = intval($comm_id); switch ($ac) { case 'del': $sql = ' delete from %switkey_comment where comment_id=%d'; $type == 1 and $sql .= ' or p_id=%d'; $res = db_factory::execute(sprintf($sql, TABLEPRE, $id, $id)); $res and kekezu::echojson('', 1) or kekezu::echojson('', 0); die; break; case 'load':
<?php $regionCfg = keke_glob_class::getRegionConfig(); $arrDistrictInfo = db_factory::get_one("select * from " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_task where task_id=" . intval($id)); $province = CommonClass::getDistrictById($arrDistrictInfo['province']); $city = CommonClass::getDistrictById($arrDistrictInfo['city']); $area = CommonClass::getDistrictById($arrDistrictInfo['area']); $page and $page = intval($page); $page = intval($page) ? $page : 1; $pagesize = intval($pagesize) ? $pagesize : 10; $p['page'] = $page; $p['page_size'] = $pagesize; $p['url'] = $strUrl . "&view=" . $view . "&page=" . $p['page'] . "&pagesize=" . ($p['page_size'] .= "&s=" . $s); $p['anchor'] = '#detail'; $objTask = match_task_class::get_instance($arrTaskInfo); $arrTaskInfo = $objTask->_task_info; $objTask->plus_view_num(); $arrTaskFiles = $objTask->get_task_file(); $arrTimeDesc = $objTask->get_task_timedesc(); $arrProjectProgress = $objTask->getProjectProgressDesc(); $arrProcess_can = $objTask->process_can(); $arrWorkStatus = $objTask->get_work_status(); if (strtoupper(CHARSET) == 'GBK') { $arrWorkStatus = kekezu::gbktoutf($arrWorkStatus); } $jsonWorkStatus = json_encode($arrWorkStatus); if ($arrTaskInfo['task_pic']) { $arrTaskPics = explode(',', $arrTaskInfo['task_pic']); } $arrPayitemShow = $objTask->getPayitemShow(); $intGuid = $arrTaskInfo['uid'];
function order_charge() { $task_info = db_factory::get_one(sprintf("select * from %switkey_task where task_id='%d'", TABLEPRE, $this->_obj_id)); $task_obj = match_task_class::get_instance($task_info); return $task_obj->dispose_order($this->_order_id); }
<?php defined('ADMIN_KEKE') or exit('Access Denied'); kekezu::admin_check_role('m1222'); $task_config = unserialize($model_info['config']); $cash_rule_arr = kekezu::get_table_data("*", "witkey_task_cash_cove", "", "", '', '', "cash_rule_id"); $model_list = $kekezu->_model_list; $task_status = match_task_class::get_task_status(); $table_obj = keke_table_class::get_instance('witkey_task'); $page and $page = intval($page) or $page = 1; $page_size and $page_size = intval($page_size) or $page_size = 10; $wh = "model_id={$model_info['model_id']}"; if ($w['task_id']) { $wh .= " and task_id = " . intval($w['task_id']); } if ($w['task_title']) { $wh .= ' and task_title like ' . '"%' . $w['task_title'] . '%" '; } if ($w['task_status']) { $wh .= " and task_status = " . $w['task_status']; } $w['task_status'] === '0' and $wh .= " and task_status = 0"; $ord[0] && $ord[1] and $wh .= " order by {$ord['0']} {$ord['1']}" or $wh .= " order by task_id desc "; $url_str = "index.php?do=model&model_id=12&view=list&w[task_id]={$w['task_id']}&w[task_title]={$w['task_title']}&w[task_status]={$w['task_status']}&ord[0]={$ord['0']}&ord[1]={$ord['1']}&page={$page}&page_size={$page_size}"; $table_arr = $table_obj->get_grid($wh, $url_str, $page, $page_size, null, 1, 'ajax_dom'); $task_arr = $table_arr['data']; $pages = $table_arr['pages']; if ($task_id) { $task_audit_arr = get_task_info($task_id); $start_time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $task_audit_arr['start_time']); $end_time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $task_audit_arr['end_time']);