예제 #1
 function __construct($chat)
     global $DB;
     //  Get course modules record
     $cm = $DB->get_record('course_modules', array('id' => $chat->cmid));
     //  Get course modules record
     $this->name = "[CHAT {$chat->cmid}:{$chat->name}]";
     $this->chat_view = 'mod/chat/view.php';
     $this->view_params = array('id' => $chat->cmid);
     if (!isset($chat->ajax) || !$chat->ajax) {
         $this->chat_post = 'mod/chat/gui_basic/index.php';
         $this->post_params = array('id' => $chat->id);
         $this->posts = 5;
         $this->newonly = 0;
         $this->courseid = $cm->course;
         //  Prepare all the regex's for insert into the post page hashtree
         $this->post_to_get = array('last', 'groupid', 'sesskey');
         $post_regex = array();
         foreach ($this->post_to_get as $name) {
             $post_regex[] = new regex("{$this->name} Get {$name}", $name, '<input.*?name="' . $name . '".*?value="(.*?)".*?\\/>');
         $this->post_regex = $post_regex;
         //  Prepare the vars to post to the site
         $this->post_arguments = array('message' => $this->wordgenerator->getContent(10, 'txt'), 'id' => $chat->id);
         foreach ($this->post_to_get as $name) {
             $this->post_arguments[$name] = '${' . $name . '}';
     } else {
         $this->chat_window = 'mod/chat/gui_ajax/index.php';
         $this->window_params = array('id' => $chat->id);
         $this->window_regex = array(new regex("{$this->name} Get SID", 'chat_sid', '"sid":"(\\w+)"'));
         // chat init
         $this->chat_init = 'mod/chat/chat_ajax.php';
         $this->init_params = array('action' => 'init', 'chat_init' => 1, 'chat_sid' => '${chat_sid}', 'theme' => 'undefined');
         // post chat message
         $this->chat_post = 'mod/chat/chat_ajax.php?action=chat';
         $this->post_params = array('chat_message' => $this->wordgenerator->getContent(10, 'txt'), 'chat_sid' => '${chat_sid}', 'theme' => 'compact');
         // update chat
         $this->chat_update = 'mod/chat/chat_ajax.php?action=update';
         $this->update_params = array('chat_lastrow' => 'false', 'chat_lasttime' => 0, 'chat_sid' => '${chat_sid}', 'theme' => 'compact');
         $this->posts = 5;
         $this->courseid = $cm->course;
         //  Prepare all the regex's for insert into the post page hashtree
         $this->post_to_get = array('lasttime', 'lastrow');
         $post_regex = array();
         foreach ($this->post_to_get as $name) {
             $post_regex[] = new regex("{$this->name} Get {$name}", 'chat_' . $name, '"' . $name . '":"(\\w+)"');
         $this->post_regex = $post_regex;
         //  Prepare the vars to post to the site
         $this->post_update = array('chat_sid' => '${chat_sid}', 'theme' => 'compact');
         foreach ($this->post_to_get as $name) {
             $this->post_update['chat_' . $name] = '${chat_' . $name . '}';
예제 #2
 function __construct($glossary)
     global $DB;
     //  Get course modules record
     $cm = $DB->get_record('course_modules', array('id' => $glossary->cmid));
     $this->name = "[GLOSSARY {$glossary->cmid}:{$glossary->name}]";
     // Various URLs and base params
     $this->viewurl = 'mod/glossary/view.php';
     $this->viewparams = array('id' => $cm->id);
     $this->addurl = 'mod/glossary/edit.php';
     $this->addparams = array('cmid' => $cm->id);
     $this->deleteurl = 'mod/glossary/deleteentry.php';
     $this->deleteparams = array('mode' => 'delete', 'id' => $cm->id, 'entry' => '${entryid}', 'prevmode' => '', 'hook' => 'ALL');
     $this->confirmdeleteparams = $this->deleteparams;
     $this->confirmdeleteparams['confirm'] = 1;
     $search = array('[', ']');
     $replace = array('\\[', '\\]');
     // Regex for adding/editing the glossary entry
     $this->addargstoget = array('id', 'sesskey', '_qf__mod_glossary_entry_form', 'definition_editor[itemid]');
     $addregex = array();
     foreach ($this->addargstoget as $name) {
         $regex_name = str_replace($search, $replace, $name);
         $addregex[] = new regex("{$this->name} Get {$name}", $name, '<input.*?name="' . $regex_name . '".*?value="(.*?)".*?\\/>');
     $this->addregex = $addregex;
     $this->courseid = $cm->course;
     //  Prepare the vars to post to the site
     $this->addargs = array('cmid' => $cm->id, 'MAX_FILE_SIZE' => 512000, 'definition_editor[text]' => $this->wordgenerator->getContent(50, 'html'), 'definition_editor[format]' => 1, 'usedynalink' => 1, 'submitbutton' => 'Save changes');
     // Now add the regex to the add variables
     foreach ($this->addargstoget as $name) {
         $this->addargs[$name] = '${' . $name . '}';
     $this->addargs['definition[itemid]'] = '${definition_editor[itemid]}';
     // The edit variables
     $this->editformargs = array('cmid' => $cm->id, 'id' => '${entryid}');
     $this->editargs = $this->addargs;
     $this->editargs['id'] = '${entryid}';
     $this->editargs['definition_editor[text]'] = $this->wordgenerator->getContent(50, 'html');
     // Regex to get the glossary entry id from the returned URL
     $this->viewregex = array();
     $this->viewregex[] = new regex("{$this->name} Get entryid", 'entryid', '^.*hook=(.*)[^0-9]?$', false, '$1$', false, 'URL');
     if (isset($glossary->entries) && is_numeric($glossary->entries)) {
         $this->entries = $glossary->entries;
     } else {
         $this->entries = 5;
예제 #3
 function __construct($forum)
     global $DB;
     //  Get course modules record
     $cm = $DB->get_record('course_modules', array('id' => $forum->cmid));
     $this->name = "[FORUM {$forum->cmid}:{$forum->name}]";
     $this->forum_view = 'mod/forum/view.php';
     $this->view_params = array('id' => $cm->id);
     $this->forum_post = 'mod/forum/post.php';
     $this->post_params = array('forum' => $cm->instance);
     $this->posts = 1;
     $this->replys = 2;
     $this->courseid = $cm->course;
     //  Prepare all the regex's for insert into the post page hashtree
     $this->post_to_get = array('message[itemid]', 'forum', 'discussion', 'parent', 'userid', 'groupid', 'edit', 'reply', 'timestart', 'timeend', 'sesskey', '_qf__mod_forum_post_form', 'course');
     $post_regex = array();
     $search = array('[', ']');
     $replace = array('\\[', '\\]');
     foreach ($this->post_to_get as $name) {
         $regex_name = str_replace($search, $replace, $name);
         $post_regex[] = new regex("{$this->name} Get {$name}", $name, '<input.*?name="' . $regex_name . '".*?value="(.*?)".*?\\/>');
     $this->post_regex = $post_regex;
     //  Prepare the vars to post to the site
     $this->post_arguments = array('MAX_FILE_SIZE' => 512000, 'message[text]' => $this->wordgenerator->getContent(50, 'html'), 'message[format]' => 1, 'subscribe' => 0, 'submitbutton' => 'Post to forum');
     foreach ($this->post_to_get as $name) {
         $this->post_arguments[$name] = '${' . $name . '}';
     $this->forum_discuss = 'mod/forum/discuss.php';
     $this->discuss_params = array('d' => '${discussionid}');
     $this->discuss_regex = array(new regex("{$this->name} Find random discussion", 'discussionid', 'discuss\\.php\\?d=(.+?)["\']>testing', '0'));
     $this->reply_regex = array(new regex("{$this->name} Find random reply", 'replyid', '\\/mod\\/forum\\/post\\.php\\?reply=([^\\\'"]*?)["\\\']', '0'));
     $this->reply_params = array('reply' => '${replyid}', 'draft' => 0);