public function index($args) { $db = $this->database(); $s = new model_section($db); $p = new model_page($db); $md = new markdown_parser(); $rt = explode("/", $args["_url"]); $s->load_from_name(strlen($rt[0]) > 0 ? $rt[0] : "home"); array_shift($rt); $rt = implode("/", $rt); $cur_url = strlen($rt) > 0 ? $args["_url"] : $s->default_page(); $p->load_from_url($cur_url); $navs = MODEL_SECTION::get_sections($db); $subnavs = $s->get_pages(); $tpl = new view($this->registry); $tpl->set("cur_url", $cur_url); $tpl->set("title", $p->title); $tpl->set("navs", $navs); $tpl->set("subnavs", $subnavs); $tpl->set("page", $s->name); $tpl->set("content", $p->is_markdown ? array("markdown" => $md->transform($p->content)) : array("html" => $p->content)); $tpl->set("s_intro", $md->transform($s->introduction)); $tpl->set("s_img", $s->image); $tpl->show("default"); }
public function index($args) { $db = $this->database(); $s = new model_section($db); $p = new model_page($db); $md = new markdown_parser(); $rt = explode("/", $args["_url"]); $s->load_from_name(strlen($rt[0]) > 0 ? $rt[0] : "home"); array_shift($rt); $rt = implode("/", $rt); $cur_url = strlen($rt) > 0 ? $args["_url"] : $s->default_page(); $p->load_from_url($cur_url); $navs = MODEL_SECTION::get_sections($db); $subnavs = $s->get_pages(); $tpl = new view($this->registry); if ($args["article"]) { # Loading and displaying an article. $a = new model_article($db, $args["article"]); $tpl->set("content", array("markdown" => $md->transform($a->body))); $tpl->set("title", $a->title); } else { # Listing articles. switch ($args["_url"]) { case "projects/other.html": $listed = array(8, 9, 14); $subtitle = "Other"; break; default: $listed = array(13, 12, 11, 10, 15, 16, 17); $subtitle = "KT-EQUAL"; break; } $projects = array(); $projects = MODEL_ARTICLE::get_articles($db, $listed); $tpl->set("include", "subviews/project_list.php"); $tpl->set("projects", $projects); $tpl->set("title", $subtitle . " Projects"); } $tpl->set("cur_url", $cur_url); $tpl->set("navs", $navs); $tpl->set("subnavs", $subnavs); $tpl->set("page", $s->name); $tpl->set("s_intro", $md->transform($s->introduction)); $tpl->set("s_img", $s->image); $tpl->show("default"); }
public function view($args) { $template = new view($this->registry); $db = $this->database(); $sth = $db->prepare("\n\t\t\tSELECT \tid, title, body, author, date, publisher\n\t\t\tFROM \tarticles\n\t\t\tWHERE\tid = :id\n\t\t\tLIMIT \t1\n\t\t"); $sth->execute(array(":id" => $args["id"])); $article = $sth->fetch(); $template->set("page_title", "Look At That F***ing Title"); $template->set("title", utf8_encode($article["title"])); $p = new markdown_parser(); $s = new markdown_smartypantstypographer(); include SITE_PATH . DIRSEP . "definitions" . DIRSEP . "article.php"; $body_text = $p->transform($s->transform($article["body"])); $article_info = sprintf(HTML_ARTICLE_INFO, $article["author"], $article["date"], $article["publisher"]); $template->set("info", $article_info); $template->set("body", utf8_encode(sprintf(HTML_ARTICLE_BODY, $body_text))); $template->show("home"); }