예제 #1
//  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//  GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
//  You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
//  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// File: attack.php
include "config/config.php";
if (checklogin()) {
$sql_manager = new manage_table();
$ship_manager = new manage_ship();
$player_manager = new manage_player();
$title = $l_att_title;
include "header.php";
<div class="tablecell content both-border">
	<div class="pad">
// Kami Multi Browser Window Attack Fix
if (array_key_exists('ship_selected', $_SESSION) == false || $_SESSION['ship_selected'] != $ship_id) {
    echo "You need to Click on the ship first.<BR><BR>";
예제 #2
 public function process_xenobes()
     global $db_prefix;
     $sql_manager = new manage_table();
     $ship_manager = new manage_ship();
     $chance_xenobe_does_somthing = 20;
     $count_xenobes = 0;
     $count_xenobes_sentinal = 0;
     $count_xenobes_sentinal_attacking = 0;
     $count_xenobes_roam = 0;
     $count_xenobes_roam_attacking = 0;
     $count_xenobes_roamandtrade = 0;
     $count_xenobes_roamandtrade_attacking = 0;
     $count_xenobes_roamandhunt = 0;
     $count_xenobes_roamandhunt_attacking = 0;
     $count_xenobes_roamandhunt_hunting = 0;
     /*First we want to lock the tables*/
     $tables_to_lock_array = array('xenobe', 'ships', 'sector_defence', 'player_logs', 'security_logs');
     $tables_to_read_array = array('zones', 'universe', 'links');
     if ($sql_manager->lock_table($tables_to_lock_array, $tables_to_read_array)) {
         /*Now the table is locked, we can have some fun with the xenobes*/
         echo "<b>SCHEDULE - XENOBE<b><br/>";
         /*Cycle through all the xenobes and do somthing with them*/
         $join_query = "SELECT * FROM " . $db_prefix . "ships JOIN " . $db_prefix . "xenobe WHERE email=xenobe_id and active='Y' and ship_destroyed='N' ORDER BY ship_id;";
         $xenobe_pilots = $sql_manager->process_query($join_query);
         if ($xenobe_pilots) {
             foreach ($xenobe_pilots as $row) {
                 /*Xenobe is alive at the beginning of this function*/
                 $xenobeisdead = 'N';
                 /*Refresh the Xenobe, but make it pay for its own upgrades out of the credits it has onboard!*/
                 $this->regenerate_xenobe($row['ship_id'], $xenobeisdead);
                 /*Do somthing with each Xenobe Pilot*/
                 if (mt_rand(1, 100) > $chance_xenobe_does_somthing) {
                     # ORDERS = 0 = SENTINAL																		#
                     if ($row['orders'] == 0) {
                         echo "<b>Sentinal<b><br/>";
                         $target_found = $this->check_for_target($row['ship_id'], $row['sector'], $row['email']);
                         if ($target_found) {
                             /*Load target Data*/
                             $target_data = $sql_manager->playerinfo($target_found, "");
                             if ($row['aggression'] == 0) {
                                 /*Do nothing*/
                             } else {
                                 if ($row['aggression'] == 1) {
                                     if ($row['ship_fighters'] > $target_data['ship_fighters']) {
                                         /*Xenobe has more fighters then the target ship... launch an attack*/
                                         # 	LAUNCH ATTACK 	#
                                         echo $ship_manager->attack_target_ship($target_found, $row['ship_id']);
                                         $xenobeisdead = $sql_manager->check_player_alive($row['ship_id']);
                                         if ($xenobeisdead == 'Y') {
                                             /*Xenobe dead, skip to the next xenobe*/
                                 } else {
                                     if ($row['aggression'] == 2) {
                                         /*Xenobe has decided the target shouldnt be alive, attacks without any care for its own ship*/
                                         # 	LAUNCH ATTACK 	#
                                         echo $ship_manager->attack_target_ship($target_found, $row['ship_id']);
                                         $xenobeisdead = $sql_manager->check_player_alive($row['ship_id']);
                                         if ($xenobeisdead == 'Y') {
                                             /*Xenobe dead, skip to the next xenobe*/
                     } else {
                         if ($row['orders'] == 1) {
                             echo "<b>Roam<b><br/>";
                             $this->move_xenobe($row['ship_id'], $row['aggression'], $row['turns']);
                         } else {
                             if ($row['orders'] == 2) {
                                 echo "<b>Roam And Trade<b><br/>";
                             } else {
                                 if ($row['orders'] == 3) {
                                     echo "<b>Roam And Hunt<b><br/>";
                     # END ORDERS																				#
         } else {
             /*No Xenobes Found, they're either all dead or somthing has gone wrong!*/
     } else {
         /*Somthing went wrong*/
         echo "boo boo";
     /*Now unlock the tables*/
     $sql_manager = new manage_table();
     if ($sql_manager->unlock_table()) {
         /*Now we have finished, unlock the tables.*/
         echo "<b>Unlocked</b><br/>";
     } else {
         /*Somthing went wrong*/
         echo "bo bo version 2";
예제 #3
 public function sector_defence_challange($sector, $id)
     global $db_prefix;
     global $torp_dmg_rate;
     global $level_factor;
     $sql_manager = new manage_table();
     $player_manager = new manage_player();
     $ship_manager = new manage_ship();
     $manage_log = new manage_log();
     /*load player information*/
     $player_data = $sql_manager->playerinfo($id, "");
     /*Load sector information - Team defences are removed from the quantities, so if there are any left, it must be hostile, take the apropriate action*/
     $total_sector_mines = $sql_manager->sector_defence_quantities($sector, 'M', $id, "investigate");
     $total_sector_fighters = $sql_manager->sector_defence_quantities($sector, 'F', $id, "investigate");
     $total_sector_fighters = (int) $total_sector_fighters;
     $total_sector_mines = (int) $total_sector_mines;
     if ($total_sector_fighters > 0 || $total_sector_mines > 0 || $total_sector_fighters > 0 && $total_sector_mines > 0) {
         ##Hostile defences detected!##
         /*Mark player as in combat*/
         if ($sql_manager->ship_in_sector_defence_combat($sector, $id)) {
             ##Log this##
             /*Log player engaging sector defences*/
         } else {
             ##log this##
             /*Failed to update ship and set to in combat*/
         $sector_defence_fighters = $total_sector_fighters;
         $playerbeams = $ship_manager->number_beams($player_data['beams']);
         if ($playerbeams > $player_data['ship_energy']) {
             /*Player Beams Armed*/
             $playerbeams = $player_data['ship_energy'];
         $player_data['ship_energy'] = $player_data['ship_energy'] - $playerbeams;
         $playershields = $ship_manager->number_shields($player_data['shields']);
         if ($playershields > $player_data['ship_energy']) {
             /*Player Shields Raised*/
             $playershields = $player_data['ship_energy'];
         $playertorpnum = round(pow($level_factor, $player_data['torp_launchers'])) * 2;
         if ($playertorpnum > $player_data['torps']) {
             /*Torpedos places in firing tubes*/
             $playertorpnum = $player_data['torps'];
         /*Torpedo warheads armed*/
         $playertorpdmg = $torp_dmg_rate * $playertorpnum;
         /*polerize the armour plating*/
         $playerarmor = $player_data['armor_pts'];
         /*pilots to fighter bays*/
         $playerfighters = $player_data['ship_fighters'];
         /*fetch amount of sector mines in minefield*/
         $sector_defence_minefield = $total_sector_mines;
         if ($sector_defence_minefield > 1) {
             /*change of getting through minefield*/
             $roll = mt_rand(1, $sector_defence_minefield);
         } else {
             $roll = 1;
         /*total mines which are attracted to the hull of the players ship*/
         $sector_defence_minefield = $sector_defence_minefield - $roll;
         /*prepare mine deflectors for launch*/
         $playerminedeflect = $player_data['dev_minedeflector'];
         /*Where are the fighters? inside or outside the fighter formation?*/
         $fighter_or_mines_first = mt_rand(1, 100);
         if ($fighter_or_mines_first > 50) {
             /*Engages the fighters first*/
             $fighter_results = $this->sector_fighter_engaged($playerbeams, $sector_defence_fighters, $playertorpdmg, $playerarmor, $playerfighters, $playershields, $id);
             $playerbeams = $fighter_results[0];
             $sector_defence_fighters = $fighter_results[1];
             $playertorpdmg = $fighter_results[2];
             $playerarmor = $fighter_results[3];
             $playerfighters = $fighter_results[4];
             $playershields = $fighter_results[5];
             if ($playerarmor > 0) {
                 if ($playerminedeflect >= $roll) {
                     /*do nothing... players fought off the fighters, and found a hole in minefield*/
                     /*ship is in sector \o/*/
                     if ($sql_manager->ship_in_sector_defence_combat("", $id)) {
                         ## Update Sector Information
                         $sql_manager->manage_sector_defences($sector, $sector_defence_fighters, $sector_defence_minefield, $id);
                         ## Update Player Stats
                         /*Leftover torpedoes?*/
                         $y = $playertorpdmg / $torp_dmg_rate;
                         $torpedoes_left = $y;
                         /*Leftover energy?*/
                         $t = $playershields + $playerbeams;
                         $energy_left = $player_data['ship_energy'] - $t;
                         if ($energy_left < 0) {
                             $energy_left = 0;
                         $updated_stats = array('cleared_defences' => ' ', 'ship_energy' => $energy_left, 'dev_minedeflector' => $playerminedeflect, 'armor_pts' => $playerarmor, 'ship_fighters' => $playerfighters, 'torps' => $torpedoes_left);
                         if ($sql_manager->updatePlayer($id, "ships", $updated_stats)) {
                             ##Log this##
                             /*Log player got passed sector defences*/
                             return true;
                         } else {
                             ##Log this##
                             /*Log player failed to update their stats*/
                             return false;
                     } else {
                         ##log this##
                         /*Failed to update ship setting got into sector - fail entire move*/
                         return false;
                 } else {
                     $minefield_results = $this->sector_minefield_engaged($playerminedeflect, $playershields, $playerarmor, $sector_defence_minefield, $id);
                     $playerminedeflect = $minefield_results[0];
                     $playershields = $minefield_results[1];
                     $playerarmor = $minefield_results[2];
                     $sector_defence_minefield = $minefield_results[3];
                     if ($playerarmor > 0) {
                         /*ship is in sector \o/*/
                         if ($sql_manager->ship_in_sector_defence_combat("", $id)) {
                             ## Update Sector Information
                             $sql_manager->manage_sector_defences($sector, $sector_defence_fighters, $sector_defence_minefield, $id);
                             ## Update Player Stats
                             /*Leftover torpedoes?*/
                             $y = $playertorpdmg / $torp_dmg_rate;
                             $torpedoes_left = $y;
                             /*Leftover energy?*/
                             $t = $playershields + $playerbeams;
                             $energy_left = $player_data['ship_energy'] - $t;
                             if ($energy_left < 0) {
                                 $energy_left = 0;
                             $updated_stats = array('cleared_defences' => ' ', 'ship_energy' => $energy_left, 'dev_minedeflector' => $playerminedeflect, 'armor_pts' => $playerarmor, 'ship_fighters' => $playerfighters, 'torps' => $torpedoes_left);
                             if ($sql_manager->updatePlayer($id, "ships", $updated_stats)) {
                                 ##Log this##
                                 /*Log player got passed sector defences*/
                                 return true;
                             } else {
                                 ##Log this##
                                 /*Log player failed to update their stats*/
                                 return false;
                         } else {
                             ##log this##
                             /*Failed to update ship setting got into sector - fail entire move*/
                             return false;
                     } else {
                         ## Update Sector Information
                         $sql_manager->manage_sector_defences($sector, $sector_defence_fighters, $sector_defence_minefield, $id);
                         //ship destroyed!
                         return false;
             } else {
                 echo "player died";
                 ## Update Sector Information
                 $sql_manager->manage_sector_defences($sector, $sector_defence_fighters, $sector_defence_minefield, $id);
                 echo "passed function";
                 //ship destroyed!
                 return false;
         } else {
             /*Engages the minefield first*/
             if ($playerminedeflect >= $roll) {
                 /*do nothing... hole in minefield sucessfully found. Now lets go and get those fighters...*/
             } else {
                 $minefield_results = $this->sector_minefield_engaged($playerminedeflect, $playershields, $playerarmor, $sector_defence_minefield, $id);
                 $playerminedeflect = $minefield_results[0];
                 $playershields = $minefield_results[1];
                 $playerarmor = $minefield_results[2];
                 $sector_defence_minefield = $minefield_results[3];
             if ($playerarmor > 0) {
                 $fighter_results = $this->sector_fighter_engaged($playerbeams, $sector_defence_fighters, $playertorpdmg, $playerarmor, $playerfighters, $playershields, $id);
                 $playerbeams = $fighter_results[0];
                 $sector_defence_fighters = $fighter_results[1];
                 $playertorpdmg = $fighter_results[2];
                 $playerarmor = $fighter_results[3];
                 $playerfighters = $fighter_results[4];
                 $playershields = $fighter_results[5];
                 if ($playerarmor > 0) {
                     /*ship is in sector \o/*/
                     if ($sql_manager->ship_in_sector_defence_combat("", $id)) {
                         ## Update Sector Information
                         $sql_manager->manage_sector_defences($sector, $sector_defence_fighters, $sector_defence_minefield, $id);
                         ## Update Player Stats
                         /*Leftover torpedoes?*/
                         $y = $playertorpdmg / $torp_dmg_rate;
                         $torpedoes_left = $y;
                         /*Leftover energy?*/
                         $t = $playershields + $playerbeams;
                         $energy_left = $player_data['ship_energy'] - $t;
                         if ($energy_left < 0) {
                             $energy_left = 0;
                         $updated_stats = array('cleared_defences' => ' ', 'ship_energy' => $energy_left, 'dev_minedeflector' => $playerminedeflect, 'armor_pts' => $playerarmor, 'ship_fighters' => $playerfighters, 'torps' => $torpedoes_left);
                         if ($sql_manager->updatePlayer($id, "ships", $updated_stats)) {
                             ##Log this##
                             /*Log player got passed sector defences*/
                             return true;
                         } else {
                             ##Log this##
                             /*Log player failed to update their stats*/
                             return false;
                     } else {
                         ##log this##
                         /*Failed to update ship setting got into sector - fail entire move*/
                         return false;
                 } else {
                     ## Update Sector Information
                     $sql_manager->manage_sector_defences($sector, $sector_defence_fighters, $sector_defence_minefield, $id);
                     //ship destroyed!
                     return false;
             } else {
                 ## Update Sector Information
                 $sql_manager->manage_sector_defences($sector, $sector_defence_fighters, $sector_defence_minefield, $id);
                 //ship destroyed!
                 return false;
     } else {
         /*NO sector defences, or sector defences belong to self or friend. Player in sector.*/
         return true;