function save($id, $vars, &$errors) { global $cfg; //very basic checks $vars['name'] = Format::striptags(trim($vars['name'])); if ($id && $id != $vars['id']) { $errors['err'] = 'Internal error. Get technical help.'; } if (!$vars['email'] || !Validator::is_email($vars['email'])) { $errors['email'] = 'Valid email required'; } elseif (($eid = Email::getIdByEmail($vars['email'])) && $eid != $id) { $errors['email'] = 'Email already exits'; } elseif ($cfg && !strcasecmp($cfg->getAdminEmail(), $vars['email'])) { $errors['email'] = 'Email already used as admin email!'; } elseif (Staff::getIdByEmail($vars['email'])) { //make sure the email doesn't belong to any of the staff $errors['email'] = 'Email in-use by a staff member'; } if (!$vars['name']) { $errors['name'] = 'Email name required'; } if ($vars['mail_active'] || $vars['smtp_active'] && $vars['smtp_auth']) { if (!$vars['userid']) { $errors['userid'] = 'Username missing'; } if (!$id && !$vars['passwd']) { $errors['passwd'] = 'Password required'; } } if ($vars['mail_active']) { //Check pop/imapinfo only when enabled. if (!function_exists('imap_open')) { $errors['mail_active'] = 'IMAP doesn\'t exist. PHP must be compiled with IMAP enabled.'; } if (!$vars['mail_host']) { $errors['mail_host'] = 'Host name required'; } if (!$vars['mail_port']) { $errors['mail_port'] = 'Port required'; } if (!$vars['mail_protocol']) { $errors['mail_protocol'] = 'Select protocol'; } if (!$vars['mail_fetchfreq'] || !is_numeric($vars['mail_fetchfreq'])) { $errors['mail_fetchfreq'] = 'Fetch interval required'; } if (!$vars['mail_fetchmax'] || !is_numeric($vars['mail_fetchmax'])) { $errors['mail_fetchmax'] = 'Maximum emails required'; } if (!$vars['dept_id'] || !is_numeric($vars['dept_id'])) { $errors['dept_id'] = 'You must select a Dept.'; } if (!$vars['priority_id']) { $errors['priority_id'] = 'You must select a priority'; } if (!isset($vars['postfetch'])) { $errors['postfetch'] = 'Indicate what to do with fetched emails'; } elseif (!strcasecmp($vars['postfetch'], 'archive')) { if (!$vars['mail_archivefolder']) { $errors['postfetch'] = 'Valid folder required'; } } } if ($vars['smtp_active']) { if (!$vars['smtp_host']) { $errors['smtp_host'] = 'Host name required'; } if (!$vars['smtp_port']) { $errors['smtp_port'] = 'Port required'; } } //abort on errors if ($errors) { return false; } if (!$errors && ($vars['mail_host'] && $vars['userid'])) { $sql = 'SELECT email_id FROM ' . EMAIL_TABLE . ' WHERE mail_host=' . db_input($vars['mail_host']) . ' AND userid=' . db_input($vars['userid']); if ($id) { $sql .= ' AND email_id!=' . db_input($id); } if (db_num_rows(db_query($sql))) { $errors['userid'] = $errors['host'] = 'Host/userid combination already in-use.'; } } $passwd = $vars['passwd'] ? $vars['passwd'] : $vars['cpasswd']; if (!$errors && $vars['mail_active']) { //note: password is unencrypted at this point...MailFetcher expect plain text. $fetcher = new MailFetcher($vars['userid'], $passwd, $vars['mail_host'], $vars['mail_port'], $vars['mail_protocol'], $vars['mail_encryption']); if (!$fetcher->connect()) { $errors['err'] = 'Invalid login. Check ' . Format::htmlchars($vars['mail_protocol']) . ' settings'; $errors['mail'] = '<br>' . $fetcher->getLastError(); } elseif ($vars['mail_archivefolder'] && !$fetcher->checkMailbox($vars['mail_archivefolder'], true)) { $errors['postfetch'] = 'Invalid or unknown mail folder! >> ' . $fetcher->getLastError() . ''; if (!$errors['mail']) { $errors['mail'] = 'Invalid or unknown archive folder!'; } } } if (!$errors && $vars['smtp_active']) { //Check SMTP login only. require_once 'Mail.php'; // PEAR Mail package $smtp = mail::factory('smtp', array('host' => $vars['smtp_host'], 'port' => $vars['smtp_port'], 'auth' => $vars['smtp_auth'] ? true : false, 'username' => $vars['userid'], 'password' => $passwd, 'timeout' => 20, 'debug' => false)); $mail = $smtp->connect(); if (PEAR::isError($mail)) { $errors['err'] = 'Unable to login. Check SMTP settings.'; $errors['smtp'] = '<br>' . $mail->getMessage(); } else { $smtp->disconnect(); //Thank you, sir! } } if ($errors) { return false; } //Default to default priority and dept.. if (!$vars['priority_id'] && $cfg) { $vars['priority_id'] = $cfg->getDefaultPriorityId(); } if (!$vars['dept_id'] && $cfg) { $vars['dept_id'] = $cfg->getDefaultDeptId(); } $sql = 'updated=NOW(),mail_errors=0, mail_lastfetch=NULL' . ',email=' . db_input($vars['email']) . ',name=' . db_input(Format::striptags($vars['name'])) . ',dept_id=' . db_input($vars['dept_id']) . ',priority_id=' . db_input($vars['priority_id']) . ',noautoresp=' . db_input(isset($vars['noautoresp']) ? 1 : 0) . ',userid=' . db_input($vars['userid']) . ',mail_active=' . db_input($vars['mail_active']) . ',mail_host=' . db_input($vars['mail_host']) . ',mail_protocol=' . db_input($vars['mail_protocol'] ? $vars['mail_protocol'] : 'POP') . ',mail_encryption=' . db_input($vars['mail_encryption']) . ',mail_port=' . db_input($vars['mail_port'] ? $vars['mail_port'] : 0) . ',mail_fetchfreq=' . db_input($vars['mail_fetchfreq'] ? $vars['mail_fetchfreq'] : 0) . ',mail_fetchmax=' . db_input($vars['mail_fetchmax'] ? $vars['mail_fetchmax'] : 0) . ',smtp_active=' . db_input($vars['smtp_active']) . ',smtp_host=' . db_input($vars['smtp_host']) . ',smtp_port=' . db_input($vars['smtp_port'] ? $vars['smtp_port'] : 0) . ',smtp_auth=' . db_input($vars['smtp_auth']) . ',smtp_spoofing=' . db_input(isset($vars['smtp_spoofing']) ? 1 : 0) . ',notes=' . db_input($vars['notes']); //Post fetch email handling... if ($vars['postfetch'] && !strcasecmp($vars['postfetch'], 'delete')) { $sql .= ',mail_delete=1,mail_archivefolder=NULL'; } elseif ($vars['postfetch'] && !strcasecmp($vars['postfetch'], 'archive') && $vars['mail_archivefolder']) { $sql .= ',mail_delete=0,mail_archivefolder=' . db_input($vars['mail_archivefolder']); } else { $sql .= ',mail_delete=0,mail_archivefolder=NULL'; } if ($vars['passwd']) { //New password - encrypt. $sql .= ',userpass='******'passwd'], SECRET_SALT)); } if ($id) { //update $sql = 'UPDATE ' . EMAIL_TABLE . ' SET ' . $sql . ' WHERE email_id=' . db_input($id); if (db_query($sql) && db_affected_rows()) { return true; } $errors['err'] = 'Unable to update email. Internal error occurred'; } else { $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . EMAIL_TABLE . ' SET ' . $sql . ',created=NOW()'; if (db_query($sql) && ($id = db_insert_id())) { return $id; } $errors['err'] = 'Unable to add email. Internal error'; } return false; }
function send($to, $subject, $message, $options = null) { global $ost; //Get the goodies require_once PEAR_DIR . 'Mail.php'; // PEAR Mail package require_once PEAR_DIR . 'Mail/mime.php'; // PEAR Mail_Mime packge //do some cleanup $to = preg_replace("/(\r\n|\r|\n)/s", '', trim($to)); $subject = preg_replace("/(\r\n|\r|\n)/s", '', trim($subject)); //We're decoding html entities here becasuse we only support plain text for now - html support comming. $body = Format::htmldecode(preg_replace("/(\r\n|\r)/s", "\n", trim($message))); /* Message ID - generated for each outgoing email */ $messageId = sprintf('<%s%d-%s>', Misc::randCode(6), time(), $this->getEmail() ? $this->getEmail()->getEmail() : '@osTicketMailer'); $headers = array('From' => $this->getFromAddress(), 'To' => $to, 'Subject' => $subject, 'Date' => date('D, d M Y H:i:s O'), 'Message-ID' => $messageId, 'X-Mailer' => 'osTicket Mailer'); //Set bulk/auto-response headers. if ($options && ($options['autoreply'] or $options['bulk'])) { $headers += array('X-Autoreply' => 'yes', 'X-Auto-Response-Suppress' => 'ALL, AutoReply', 'Auto-Submitted' => 'auto-replied'); if ($options['bulk']) { $headers += array('Precedence' => 'bulk'); } else { $headers += array('Precedence' => 'auto_reply'); } } if ($options) { if (isset($options['inreplyto']) && $options['inreplyto']) { $headers += array('In-Reply-To' => $options['inreplyto']); } if (isset($options['references']) && $options['references']) { if (is_array($options['references'])) { $headers += array('References' => implode(' ', $options['references'])); } else { $headers += array('References' => $options['references']); } } } $mime = new Mail_mime(); $mime->setTXTBody($body); //XXX: Attachments if ($attachments = $this->getAttachments()) { foreach ($attachments as $attachment) { if ($attachment['file_id'] && ($file = AttachmentFile::lookup($attachment['file_id']))) { $mime->addAttachment($file->getData(), $file->getType(), $file->getName(), false); } elseif ($attachment['file'] && file_exists($attachment['file']) && is_readable($attachment['file'])) { $mime->addAttachment($attachment['file'], $attachment['type'], $attachment['name']); } } } //Desired encodings... $encodings = array('head_encoding' => 'quoted-printable', 'text_encoding' => 'base64', 'html_encoding' => 'base64', 'html_charset' => 'utf-8', 'text_charset' => 'utf-8', 'head_charset' => 'utf-8'); //encode the body $body = $mime->get($encodings); //encode the headers. $headers = $mime->headers($headers, true); if ($smtp = $this->getSMTPInfo()) { //Send via SMTP $mail = mail::factory('smtp', array('host' => $smtp['host'], 'port' => $smtp['port'], 'auth' => $smtp['auth'], 'username' => $smtp['username'], 'password' => $smtp['password'], 'timeout' => 20, 'debug' => false)); $result = $mail->send($to, $headers, $body); if (!PEAR::isError($result)) { return $messageId; } $alert = sprintf("Unable to email via SMTP:%s:%d [%s]\n\n%s\n", $smtp['host'], $smtp['port'], $smtp['username'], $result->getMessage()); $this->logError($alert); } //No SMTP or it failed....use php's native mail function. $mail = mail::factory('mail'); return PEAR::isError($mail->send($to, $headers, $body)) ? false : $messageId; }
function save($id, $vars, &$errors) { global $cfg; //very basic checks if ($id && $id != $vars['email_id']) { $errors['err'] = 'Internal error.'; } if (!$vars['email'] || !Validator::is_email($vars['email'])) { $errors['email'] = 'Valid email required'; } elseif (($eid = Email::getIdByEmail($vars['email'])) && $eid != $id) { $errors['email'] = 'Email already exits'; } elseif (!strcasecmp($cfg->getAdminEmail(), $vars['email'])) { $errors['email'] = 'Email already used as admin email!'; } else { //make sure the email doesn't belong to any of the staff $sql = 'SELECT staff_id FROM ' . STAFF_TABLE . ' WHERE email=' . db_input($vars['email']); if (($res = db_query($sql)) && db_num_rows($res)) { $errors['email'] = 'Email in-use by a staff member'; } } if (!$vars['dept_id'] || !is_numeric($vars['dept_id'])) { $errors['dept_id'] = 'You must select a Dept.'; } if (!$vars['priority_id']) { $errors['priority_id'] = 'You must select a priority'; } if ($vars['mail_active'] || $vars['smtp_active'] && $vars['smtp_auth']) { if (!$vars['userid']) { $errors['userid'] = 'Username missing'; } if (!$vars['userpass']) { $errors['userpass'] = '******'; } } if ($vars['mail_active']) { //Check pop/imapinfo only when enabled. if (!function_exists('imap_open')) { $errors['mail_active'] = 'IMAP doesn\'t exist. PHP must be compiled with IMAP enabled.'; } if (!$vars['mail_host']) { $errors['mail_host'] = 'Host name required'; } if (!$vars['mail_port']) { $errors['mail_port'] = 'Port required'; } if (!$vars['mail_protocol']) { $errors['mail_protocol'] = 'Select protocol'; } if (!$vars['mail_fetchfreq'] || !is_numeric($vars['mail_fetchfreq'])) { $errors['mail_fetchfreq'] = 'Fetch interval required'; } if (!$vars['mail_fetchmax'] || !is_numeric($vars['mail_fetchmax'])) { $errors['mail_fetchmax'] = 'Maximum emails required'; } } if ($vars['smtp_active']) { if (!$vars['smtp_host']) { $errors['smtp_host'] = 'Host name required'; } if (!$vars['smtp_port']) { $errors['smtp_port'] = 'Port required'; } } if (!$errors && ($vars['mail_host'] && $vars['userid'])) { $sql = 'SELECT email_id FROM ' . EMAIL_TABLE . ' WHERE mail_host=' . db_input($vars['mail_host']) . ' AND userid=' . db_input($vars['userid']); if ($id) { $sql .= ' AND email_id!=' . db_input($id); } if (db_num_rows(db_query($sql))) { $errors['userid'] = $errors['host'] = 'Another department using host/username combination.'; } } if (!$errors && $vars['mail_active']) { //note: password is unencrypted at this point...MailFetcher expect plain text. $fetcher = new MailFetcher($vars['userid'], $vars['userpass'], $vars['mail_host'], $vars['mail_port'], $vars['mail_protocol'], $vars['mail_encryption']); if (!$fetcher->connect()) { $errors['userpass'] = '******' . $vars['mail_protocol'] . ' settings'; $errors['mail'] = '<br>' . $fetcher->getLastError(); } } if (!$errors && $vars['smtp_active']) { //Check SMTP login only. require_once 'Mail.php'; // PEAR Mail package $smtp = mail::factory('smtp', array('host' => $vars['smtp_host'], 'port' => $vars['smtp_port'], 'auth' => $vars['smtp_auth'] ? true : false, 'username' => $vars['userid'], 'password' => $vars['userpass'], 'timeout' => 20, 'debug' => false)); $mail = $smtp->connect(); if (PEAR::isError($mail)) { $errors['userpass'] = '******'; $errors['smtp'] = '<br>' . $mail->getMessage(); } else { $smtp->disconnect(); //Thank you, sir! } } if (!$errors) { $sql = 'updated=NOW(),mail_errors=0, mail_lastfetch=NULL' . ',email=' . db_input($vars['email']) . ',name=' . db_input(Format::striptags($vars['name'])) . ',dept_id=' . db_input($vars['dept_id']) . ',priority_id=' . db_input($vars['priority_id']) . ',noautoresp=' . db_input(isset($vars['noautoresp']) ? 1 : 0) . ',userid=' . db_input($vars['userid']) . ',userpass='******'userpass'], SECRET_SALT)) . ',mail_active=' . db_input($vars['mail_active']) . ',mail_host=' . db_input($vars['mail_host']) . ',mail_protocol=' . db_input($vars['mail_protocol'] ? $vars['mail_protocol'] : 'POP') . ',mail_encryption=' . db_input($vars['mail_encryption']) . ',mail_port=' . db_input($vars['mail_port'] ? $vars['mail_port'] : 0) . ',mail_fetchfreq=' . db_input($vars['mail_fetchfreq'] ? $vars['mail_fetchfreq'] : 0) . ',mail_fetchmax=' . db_input($vars['mail_fetchmax'] ? $vars['mail_fetchmax'] : 0) . ',mail_delete=' . db_input(isset($vars['mail_delete']) ? $vars['mail_delete'] : 0) . ',smtp_active=' . db_input($vars['smtp_active']) . ',smtp_host=' . db_input($vars['smtp_host']) . ',smtp_port=' . db_input($vars['smtp_port'] ? $vars['smtp_port'] : 0) . ',smtp_auth=' . db_input($vars['smtp_auth']); if ($id) { //update $sql = 'UPDATE ' . EMAIL_TABLE . ' SET ' . $sql . ' WHERE email_id=' . db_input($id); if (!db_query($sql) || !db_affected_rows()) { $errors['err'] = 'Unable to update email. Internal error occured'; } } else { $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . EMAIL_TABLE . ' SET ' . $sql . ',created=NOW()'; if (!db_query($sql) or !($emailID = db_insert_id())) { $errors['err'] = 'Unable to add email. Internal error'; } else { return $emailID; } //newly created email. } } else { $errors['err'] = 'Error(s) Occured. Try again'; } return $errors ? FALSE : TRUE; }
function save($id, $vars, &$errors) { global $cfg; //very basic checks if ($id && $id != $vars['email_id']) { $errors['err'] = 'Erro interno.'; } if (!$vars['email'] || !Validator::is_email($vars['email'])) { $errors['email'] = 'Email válido obrigatório'; } elseif (($eid = Email::getIdByEmail($vars['email'])) && $eid != $id) { $errors['email'] = 'Email já existe.'; } elseif (!strcasecmp($cfg->getAdminEmail(), $vars['email'])) { $errors['email'] = 'Email já usado como email do administrador!'; } else { //make sure the email doesn't belong to any of the staff $sql = 'SELECT staff_id FROM ' . STAFF_TABLE . ' WHERE email=' . db_input($vars['email']); if (($res = db_query($sql)) && db_num_rows($res)) { $errors['email'] = 'Email em uso por um membro do suporte.'; } } if (!$vars['dept_id'] || !is_numeric($vars['dept_id'])) { $errors['dept_id'] = 'Você deve selecionar um departamento.'; } if (!$vars['priority_id']) { $errors['priority_id'] = 'Você deve selecionar uma prioridade'; } if ($vars['mail_active'] || $vars['smtp_active'] && $vars['smtp_auth']) { if (!$vars['userid']) { $errors['userid'] = 'Nome de usuário ausente'; } if (!$vars['userpass']) { $errors['userpass'] = '******'; } } if ($vars['mail_active']) { //Check pop/imapinfo only when enabled. if (!function_exists('imap_open')) { $errors['mail_active'] = 'IMAP não existe. PHP deve ser compilado com IMAP habilitado.'; } if (!$vars['mail_host']) { $errors['mail_host'] = 'Nome do host obrigatório'; } if (!$vars['mail_port']) { $errors['mail_port'] = 'Porta obrigatória'; } if (!$vars['mail_protocol']) { $errors['mail_protocol'] = 'Selecione protocolo'; } if (!$vars['mail_fetchfreq'] || !is_numeric($vars['mail_fetchfreq'])) { $errors['mail_fetchfreq'] = 'Buscar intervalo obrigatório'; } if (!$vars['mail_fetchmax'] || !is_numeric($vars['mail_fetchmax'])) { $errors['mail_fetchmax'] = 'Máximo de emails exigidos'; } } if ($vars['smtp_active']) { if (!$vars['smtp_host']) { $errors['smtp_host'] = 'Nome do host obrigatório'; } if (!$vars['smtp_port']) { $errors['smtp_port'] = 'Porta obrigatória'; } } if (!$errors && ($vars['mail_host'] && $vars['userid'])) { $sql = 'SELECT email_id FROM ' . EMAIL_TABLE . ' WHERE mail_host=' . db_input($vars['mail_host']) . ' AND userid=' . db_input($vars['userid']); if ($id) { $sql .= ' AND email_id!=' . db_input($id); } if (db_num_rows(db_query($sql))) { $errors['userid'] = $errors['host'] = 'Outro departamento está usando combinação de nome/host.'; } } if (!$errors && $vars['mail_active']) { //note: password is unencrypted at this point...MailFetcher expect plain text. $fetcher = new MailFetcher($vars['userid'], $vars['userpass'], $vars['mail_host'], $vars['mail_port'], $vars['mail_protocol'], $vars['mail_encryption']); if (!$fetcher->connect()) { $errors['userpass'] = '******' . $vars['mail_protocol'] . ' configurações'; $errors['mail'] = '<br>' . $fetcher->getLastError(); } } if (!$errors && $vars['smtp_active']) { //Check SMTP login only. require_once 'Mail.php'; // PEAR Mail package $smtp = mail::factory('smtp', array('host' => $vars['smtp_host'], 'port' => $vars['smtp_port'], 'auth' => $vars['smtp_auth'] ? true : false, 'username' => $vars['userid'], 'password' => $vars['userpass'], 'timeout' => 20, 'debug' => false)); $mail = $smtp->connect(); if (PEAR::isError($mail)) { $errors['userpass'] = '******'; $errors['smtp'] = '<br>' . $mail->getMessage(); } else { $smtp->disconnect(); //Thank you, sir! } } if (!$errors) { $sql = 'updated=NOW(),mail_errors=0, mail_lastfetch=NULL' . ',email=' . db_input($vars['email']) . ',name=' . db_input(Format::striptags($vars['name'])) . ',dept_id=' . db_input($vars['dept_id']) . ',priority_id=' . db_input($vars['priority_id']) . ',noautoresp=' . db_input(isset($vars['noautoresp']) ? 1 : 0) . ',userid=' . db_input($vars['userid']) . ',userpass='******'userpass'], SECRET_SALT)) . ',mail_active=' . db_input($vars['mail_active']) . ',mail_host=' . db_input($vars['mail_host']) . ',mail_protocol=' . db_input($vars['mail_protocol'] ? $vars['mail_protocol'] : 'POP') . ',mail_encryption=' . db_input($vars['mail_encryption']) . ',mail_port=' . db_input($vars['mail_port'] ? $vars['mail_port'] : 0) . ',mail_fetchfreq=' . db_input($vars['mail_fetchfreq'] ? $vars['mail_fetchfreq'] : 0) . ',mail_fetchmax=' . db_input($vars['mail_fetchmax'] ? $vars['mail_fetchmax'] : 0) . ',mail_delete=' . db_input(isset($vars['mail_delete']) ? $vars['mail_delete'] : 0) . ',smtp_active=' . db_input($vars['smtp_active']) . ',smtp_host=' . db_input($vars['smtp_host']) . ',smtp_port=' . db_input($vars['smtp_port'] ? $vars['smtp_port'] : 0) . ',smtp_auth=' . db_input($vars['smtp_auth']); if ($id) { //update $sql = 'UPDATE ' . EMAIL_TABLE . ' SET ' . $sql . ' WHERE email_id=' . db_input($id); if (!db_query($sql) || !db_affected_rows()) { $errors['err'] = 'Não é possível atualizar e-mail. Erro interno'; } } else { $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . EMAIL_TABLE . ' SET ' . $sql . ',created=NOW()'; if (!db_query($sql) or !($emailID = db_insert_id())) { $errors['err'] = 'Não é possível adicionar e-mail. Erro interno'; } else { return $emailID; } //newly created email. } } else { $errors['err'] = 'Erro(s). Tente novamente'; } return $errors ? FALSE : TRUE; }
function send($to, $subject, $message, $options = null) { global $ost; //Get the goodies require_once PEAR_DIR . 'Mail.php'; // PEAR Mail package require_once PEAR_DIR . 'Mail/mime.php'; // PEAR Mail_Mime packge //do some cleanup $to = preg_replace("/(\r\n|\r|\n)/s", '', trim($to)); $subject = stripslashes(preg_replace("/(\r\n|\r|\n)/s", '', trim($subject))); $body = stripslashes(preg_replace("/(\r\n|\r)/s", "\n", trim($message))); /* Message ID - generated for each outgoing email */ $messageId = sprintf('<%s%d-%s>', Misc::randCode(6), time(), $this->getEmail() ? $this->getEmail()->getEmail() : '@osTicketMailer'); $headers = array('From' => $this->getFromAddress(), 'To' => $to, 'Subject' => $subject, 'Date' => date('D, d M Y H:i:s O'), 'Message-ID' => $messageId, 'X-Mailer' => 'osTicket Mailer', 'Content-Type' => 'text/html; charset="UTF-8"'); $mime = new Mail_mime(); $mime->setTXTBody($body); //XXX: Attachments if ($attachments = $this->getAttachments()) { foreach ($attachments as $attachment) { if ($attachment['file_id'] && ($file = AttachmentFile::lookup($attachment['file_id']))) { $mime->addAttachment($file->getData(), $file->getType(), $file->getName(), false); } elseif ($attachment['file'] && file_exists($attachment['file']) && is_readable($attachment['file'])) { $mime->addAttachment($attachment['file'], $attachment['type'], $attachment['name']); } } } //Desired encodings... $encodings = array('head_encoding' => 'quoted-printable', 'text_encoding' => 'quoted-printable', 'html_encoding' => 'base64', 'html_charset' => 'utf-8', 'text_charset' => 'utf-8', 'head_charset' => 'utf-8'); //encode the body $body = $mime->get($encodings); //encode the headers. $headers = $mime->headers($headers); if ($smtp = $this->getSMTPInfo()) { //Send via SMTP $mail = mail::factory('smtp', array('host' => $smtp['host'], 'port' => $smtp['port'], 'auth' => $smtp['auth'], 'username' => $smtp['username'], 'password' => $smtp['password'], 'timeout' => 20, 'debug' => false)); $result = $mail->send($to, $headers, $body); if (!PEAR::isError($result)) { return $messageId; } $alert = sprintf("Unable to email via SMTP:%s:%d [%s]\n\n%s\n", $smtp['host'], $smtp['port'], $smtp['username'], $result->getMessage()); $this->logError($alert); } //No SMTP or it failed....use php's native mail function. $mail = mail::factory('mail'); return PEAR::isError($mail->send($to, $headers, $body)) ? false : $messageId; }
function send($to, $subject, $message, $options = null) { global $ost, $cfg; //Get the goodies require_once PEAR_DIR . 'Mail.php'; // PEAR Mail package require_once PEAR_DIR . 'Mail/mime.php'; // PEAR Mail_Mime packge //do some cleanup $to = preg_replace("/(\r\n|\r|\n)/s", '', trim($to)); $subject = preg_replace("/(\r\n|\r|\n)/s", '', trim($subject)); /* Message ID - generated for each outgoing email */ $messageId = sprintf('<%s-%s-%s>', substr(md5('mail' . SECRET_SALT), -9), Misc::randCode(9), $this->getEmail() ? $this->getEmail()->getEmail() : '@osTicketMailer'); $headers = array('From' => $this->getFromAddress(), 'To' => $to, 'Subject' => $subject, 'Date' => date('D, d M Y H:i:s O'), 'Message-ID' => $messageId, 'X-Mailer' => 'osTicket Mailer'); // Add in the options passed to the constructor $options = ($options ?: array()) + $this->options; if (isset($options['nobounce']) && $options['nobounce']) { $headers['Return-Path'] = '<>'; } elseif ($this->getEmail() instanceof Email) { $headers['Return-Path'] = $this->getEmail()->getEmail(); } //Bulk. if (isset($options['bulk']) && $options['bulk']) { $headers += array('Precedence' => 'bulk'); } //Auto-reply - mark as autoreply and supress all auto-replies if (isset($options['autoreply']) && $options['autoreply']) { $headers += array('Precedence' => 'auto_reply', 'X-Autoreply' => 'yes', 'X-Auto-Response-Suppress' => 'DR, RN, OOF, AutoReply', 'Auto-Submitted' => 'auto-replied'); } //Notice (sort of automated - but we don't want auto-replies back if (isset($options['notice']) && $options['notice']) { $headers += array('X-Auto-Response-Suppress' => 'OOF, AutoReply', 'Auto-Submitted' => 'auto-generated'); } if ($options) { if (isset($options['inreplyto']) && $options['inreplyto']) { $headers += array('In-Reply-To' => $options['inreplyto']); } if (isset($options['references']) && $options['references']) { if (is_array($options['references'])) { $headers += array('References' => implode(' ', $options['references'])); } else { $headers += array('References' => $options['references']); } } } // The Suhosin patch will muck up the line endings in some // cases // // References: // // // if ((extension_loaded('suhosin') || defined("SUHOSIN_PATCH")) && !$this->getSMTPInfo()) { $mime = new Mail_mime("\n"); } else { // Use defaults $mime = new Mail_mime(); } // If the message is not explicitly declared to be a text message, // then assume that it needs html processing to create a valid text // body $isHtml = true; $mid_token = isset($options['thread']) ? $options['thread']->asMessageId($to) : ''; if (!(isset($options['text']) && $options['text'])) { if ($cfg && $cfg->stripQuotedReply() && ($tag = $cfg->getReplySeparator()) && (!isset($options['reply-tag']) || $options['reply-tag'])) { $message = "<div style=\"display:none\"\n data-mid=\"{$mid_token}\">{$tag}<br/><br/></div>{$message}"; } $txtbody = rtrim(Format::html2text($message, 90, false)) . ($mid_token ? "\nRef-Mid: {$mid_token}\n" : ''); $mime->setTXTBody($txtbody); } else { $mime->setTXTBody($message); $isHtml = false; } if ($isHtml && $cfg && $cfg->isHtmlThreadEnabled()) { // Pick a domain compatible with pear Mail_Mime $matches = array(); if (preg_match('#(@[0-9a-zA-Z\\-\\.]+)#', $this->getFromAddress(), $matches)) { $domain = $matches[1]; } else { $domain = '@localhost'; } // Format content-ids with the domain, and add the inline images // to the email attachment list $self = $this; $message = preg_replace_callback('/cid:([\\w.-]{32})/', function ($match) use($domain, $mime, $self) { if (!($file = AttachmentFile::lookup($match[1]))) { return $match[0]; } $mime->addHTMLImage($file->getData(), $file->getType(), $file->getName(), false, $match[1] . $domain); // Don't re-attach the image below unset($self->attachments[$file->getId()]); return $match[0] . $domain; }, $message); // Add an HTML body $mime->setHTMLBody($message); } //XXX: Attachments if ($attachments = $this->getAttachments()) { foreach ($attachments as $attachment) { if ($attachment['file_id'] && ($file = AttachmentFile::lookup($attachment['file_id']))) { $mime->addAttachment($file->getData(), $file->getType(), $file->getName(), false); } } } //Desired encodings... $encodings = array('head_encoding' => 'quoted-printable', 'text_encoding' => 'base64', 'html_encoding' => 'base64', 'html_charset' => 'utf-8', 'text_charset' => 'utf-8', 'head_charset' => 'utf-8'); //encode the body $body = $mime->get($encodings); //encode the headers. $headers = $mime->headers($headers, true); // Cache smtp connections made during this request static $smtp_connections = array(); if ($smtp = $this->getSMTPInfo()) { //Send via SMTP $key = sprintf("%s:%s:%s", $smtp['host'], $smtp['port'], $smtp['username']); if (!isset($smtp_connections[$key])) { $mail = mail::factory('smtp', array('host' => $smtp['host'], 'port' => $smtp['port'], 'auth' => $smtp['auth'], 'username' => $smtp['username'], 'password' => $smtp['password'], 'timeout' => 20, 'debug' => false, 'persist' => true)); if ($mail->connect()) { $smtp_connections[$key] = $mail; } } else { // Use persistent connection $mail = $smtp_connections[$key]; } $result = $mail->send($to, $headers, $body); if (!PEAR::isError($result)) { return $messageId; } // Force reconnect on next ->send() unset($smtp_connections[$key]); $alert = sprintf("Unable to email via SMTP:%s:%d [%s]\n\n%s\n", $smtp['host'], $smtp['port'], $smtp['username'], $result->getMessage()); $this->logError($alert); } //No SMTP or it failed....use php's native mail function. $mail = mail::factory('mail'); return PEAR::isError($mail->send($to, $headers, $body)) ? false : $messageId; }
function send($to, $subject, $message, $options = null) { global $ost, $cfg; //Get the goodies require_once PEAR_DIR . 'Mail.php'; // PEAR Mail package require_once PEAR_DIR . 'Mail/mime.php'; // PEAR Mail_Mime packge $messageId = $this->getMessageId($to, $options); if (is_object($to) && is_callable(array($to, 'getEmail'))) { // Add personal name if available if (is_callable(array($to, 'getName'))) { $to = sprintf('"%s" <%s>', $to->getName()->getOriginal(), $to->getEmail()); } else { $to = $to->getEmail(); } } //do some cleanup $to = preg_replace("/(\r\n|\r|\n)/s", '', trim($to)); $subject = preg_replace("/(\r\n|\r|\n)/s", '', trim($subject)); $headers = array('From' => $this->getFromAddress(), 'To' => $to, 'Subject' => $subject, 'Date' => date('D, d M Y H:i:s O'), 'Message-ID' => $messageId, 'X-Mailer' => 'osTicket Mailer'); // Add in the options passed to the constructor $options = ($options ?: array()) + $this->options; if (isset($options['nobounce']) && $options['nobounce']) { $headers['Return-Path'] = '<>'; } elseif ($this->getEmail() instanceof Email) { $headers['Return-Path'] = $this->getEmail()->getEmail(); } //Bulk. if (isset($options['bulk']) && $options['bulk']) { $headers += array('Precedence' => 'bulk'); } //Auto-reply - mark as autoreply and supress all auto-replies if (isset($options['autoreply']) && $options['autoreply']) { $headers += array('Precedence' => 'auto_reply', 'X-Autoreply' => 'yes', 'X-Auto-Response-Suppress' => 'DR, RN, OOF, AutoReply', 'Auto-Submitted' => 'auto-replied'); } //Notice (sort of automated - but we don't want auto-replies back if (isset($options['notice']) && $options['notice']) { $headers += array('X-Auto-Response-Suppress' => 'OOF, AutoReply', 'Auto-Submitted' => 'auto-generated'); } if ($options) { if (isset($options['inreplyto']) && $options['inreplyto']) { $headers += array('In-Reply-To' => $options['inreplyto']); } if (isset($options['references']) && $options['references']) { if (is_array($options['references'])) { $headers += array('References' => implode(' ', $options['references'])); } else { $headers += array('References' => $options['references']); } } } // Make the best effort to add In-Reply-To and References headers $reply_tag = $mid_token = ''; if (isset($options['thread']) && $options['thread'] instanceof ThreadEntry) { if ($irt = $options['thread']->getEmailMessageId()) { // This is an response from an email, like and autoresponse. // Web posts will not have a email message-id $headers += array('In-Reply-To' => $irt, 'References' => $options['thread']->getEmailReferences()); } elseif ($parent = $options['thread']->getParent()) { // Use the parent item as the email information source. This // will apply for staff replies $headers += array('In-Reply-To' => $parent->getEmailMessageId(), 'References' => $parent->getEmailReferences()); } // Configure the reply tag and embedded message id token $mid_token = $options['thread']->asMessageId($to); if ($cfg && $cfg->stripQuotedReply() && (!isset($options['reply-tag']) || $options['reply-tag'])) { $reply_tag = $cfg->getReplySeparator() . '<br/><br/>'; } } // Use general failsafe default initially $eol = "\n"; // MAIL_EOL setting can be defined in `ost-config.php` if (defined('MAIL_EOL') && is_string(MAIL_EOL)) { $eol = MAIL_EOL; } $mime = new Mail_mime($eol); // If the message is not explicitly declared to be a text message, // then assume that it needs html processing to create a valid text // body $isHtml = true; if (!(isset($options['text']) && $options['text'])) { if ($reply_tag || $mid_token) { $message = "<div style=\"display:none\"\n class=\"mid-{$mid_token}\">{$reply_tag}</div>{$message}"; } $txtbody = rtrim(Format::html2text($message, 90, false)) . ($mid_token ? "\nRef-Mid: {$mid_token}\n" : ''); $mime->setTXTBody($txtbody); } else { $mime->setTXTBody($message); $isHtml = false; } if ($isHtml && $cfg && $cfg->isHtmlThreadEnabled()) { // Pick a domain compatible with pear Mail_Mime $matches = array(); if (preg_match('#(@[0-9a-zA-Z\\-\\.]+)#', $this->getFromAddress(), $matches)) { $domain = $matches[1]; } else { $domain = '@localhost'; } // Format content-ids with the domain, and add the inline images // to the email attachment list $self = $this; $message = preg_replace_callback('/cid:([\\w.-]{32})/', function ($match) use($domain, $mime, $self) { if (!($file = AttachmentFile::lookup($match[1]))) { return $match[0]; } $mime->addHTMLImage($file->getData(), $file->getType(), $file->getName(), false, $match[1] . $domain); // Don't re-attach the image below unset($self->attachments[$file->getId()]); return $match[0] . $domain; }, $message); // Add an HTML body $mime->setHTMLBody($message); } //XXX: Attachments if ($attachments = $this->getAttachments()) { foreach ($attachments as $attachment) { if ($attachment['file_id'] && ($file = AttachmentFile::lookup($attachment['file_id']))) { $mime->addAttachment($file->getData(), $file->getType(), $file->getName(), false); } } } //Desired encodings... $encodings = array('head_encoding' => 'quoted-printable', 'text_encoding' => 'base64', 'html_encoding' => 'base64', 'html_charset' => 'utf-8', 'text_charset' => 'utf-8', 'head_charset' => 'utf-8'); //encode the body $body = $mime->get($encodings); //encode the headers. $headers = $mime->headers($headers, true); // Cache smtp connections made during this request static $smtp_connections = array(); if ($smtp = $this->getSMTPInfo()) { //Send via SMTP $key = sprintf("%s:%s:%s", $smtp['host'], $smtp['port'], $smtp['username']); if (!isset($smtp_connections[$key])) { $mail = mail::factory('smtp', array('host' => $smtp['host'], 'port' => $smtp['port'], 'auth' => $smtp['auth'], 'username' => $smtp['username'], 'password' => $smtp['password'], 'timeout' => 20, 'debug' => false, 'persist' => true)); if ($mail->connect()) { $smtp_connections[$key] = $mail; } } else { // Use persistent connection $mail = $smtp_connections[$key]; } $result = $mail->send($to, $headers, $body); if (!PEAR::isError($result)) { return $messageId; } // Force reconnect on next ->send() unset($smtp_connections[$key]); $alert = sprintf(__("Unable to email via SMTP:%1\$s:%2\$d [%3\$s]\n\n%4\$s\n"), $smtp['host'], $smtp['port'], $smtp['username'], $result->getMessage()); $this->logError($alert); } //No SMTP or it failed....use php's native mail function. $mail = mail::factory('mail'); return PEAR::isError($mail->send($to, $headers, $body)) ? false : $messageId; }
function sendIcalEvent($from_name, $from_address, $to_name, $to_address, $startTime, $endTime, $subject, $description, $location, $cal_method, $cal_unique_id) { try { $domain = ''; //Create Email Headers $mime_boundary = "----Meeting Booking----" . MD5(TIME()); $headers = array("From" => $from_name . " <" . $from_address . ">", "Reply-To" => $from_name . " <" . $from_address . ">", "MIME-Version" => "1.0", "Content-Type" => "multipart/alternative; boundary=\"{$mime_boundary}\"", "Content-class" => "urn:content-classes:calendarmessage"); //Create Email Body (HTML) $message = "--{$mime_boundary}\r\n"; $message .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\n"; $message .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n\n"; $message .= "<html>\n"; $message .= "<body>\n"; $message .= '<p>Dear ' . $to_name . ',</p>'; $message .= '<p>' . $description . '</p>'; $message .= "</body>\n"; $message .= "</html>\n"; $message .= "--{$mime_boundary}\r\n"; $ical = 'BEGIN:VCALENDAR' . "\r\n" . 'PRODID:-//Microsoft Corporation//Outlook 10.0 MIMEDIR//EN' . "\r\n" . 'VERSION:2.0' . "\r\n" . 'METHOD:' . $cal_method . "\r\n" . 'BEGIN:VTIMEZONE' . "\r\n" . 'TZID:(UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi' . "\r\n" . 'BEGIN:STANDARD' . "\r\n" . 'DTSTART:20091101T020000' . "\r\n" . 'RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;INTERVAL=1;BYDAY=1SU;BYMONTH=11' . "\r\n" . 'TZOFFSETFROM:-0400' . "\r\n" . 'TZOFFSETTO:-0500' . "\r\n" . 'TZNAME:EST' . "\r\n" . 'END:STANDARD' . "\r\n" . 'BEGIN:DAYLIGHT' . "\r\n" . 'DTSTART:20090301T020000' . "\r\n" . 'RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;INTERVAL=1;BYDAY=2SU;BYMONTH=3' . "\r\n" . 'TZOFFSETFROM:-0500' . "\r\n" . 'TZOFFSETTO:-0400' . "\r\n" . 'TZNAME:EDST' . "\r\n" . 'END:DAYLIGHT' . "\r\n" . 'END:VTIMEZONE' . "\r\n" . 'BEGIN:VEVENT' . "\r\n" . 'ORGANIZER;CN="' . $from_name . '":MAILTO:' . $from_address . "\r\n" . 'ATTENDEE;CN="' . $to_name . '";ROLE=REQ-PARTICIPANT;RSVP=TRUE:MAILTO:' . $to_address . "\r\n" . 'LAST-MODIFIED:' . date("Ymd\\TGis") . "\r\n" . 'UID:' . $cal_unique_id . "\r\n" . 'DTSTAMP:' . date("Ymd\\TGis") . "\r\n" . 'DTSTART;TZID="(UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi":' . date("Ymd\\THis", strtotime($startTime)) . "\r\n" . 'DTEND;TZID="(UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi":' . date("Ymd\\THis", strtotime($endTime)) . "\r\n" . 'TRANSP:OPAQUE' . "\r\n" . 'SEQUENCE:1' . "\r\n" . 'SUMMARY:' . $subject . "\r\n" . 'LOCATION:' . $location . "\r\n" . 'CLASS:PUBLIC' . "\r\n" . 'PRIORITY:5' . "\r\n" . 'BEGIN:VALARM' . "\r\n" . 'TRIGGER:-PT15M' . "\r\n" . 'ACTION:DISPLAY' . "\r\n" . 'DESCRIPTION:Reminder' . "\r\n" . 'END:VALARM' . "\r\n" . 'END:VEVENT' . "\r\n" . 'END:VCALENDAR' . "\r\n"; $message .= 'Content-Type: text/calendar;name="meeting.ics";method=' . $cal_method . "\n"; $message .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n\n"; $message .= $ical; /* $smtp = Mail::factory('smtp', array( 'host' => 'ssl://', 'port' => '465', 'auth' => true, 'username' => '*****@*****.**', //your gmail account 'password' => 'Delta#123' // your password )); */ $smtp = mail::factory('smtp', array('host' => MAIL_TLS . '://' . MAIL_SMTP, 'port' => MAIL_PORT, 'auth' => true, 'username' => MAIL_USERNAME, 'password' => MAIL_PASSWORD)); $mailsent = $smtp->send($to_address, $headers, $message); if (!$mailsent) { $resultMsg = "Mailer Error: " . $mailsent->ErrorInfo; } else { //$resultMsg = $mailsent->getMessage(); $resultMsg = "Email sent...!"; } //return ($mailsent) ? (true) : (false); } catch (phpmailerException $e) { $resultMsg = $e->errorMessage(); } return $resultMsg; }
$validate = new Validation(); $validate = $validate->check($_POST, array('Username' => array('required' => true, 'min' => 4, 'max' => 25, 'unique' => 'users'), 'Password' => array('required' => true, 'min' => 6), 'ConfPassword' => array('required' => true, 'matches' => 'Password'), 'Email' => array('required' => true, 'unique' => 'users'))); $data = array(); $data['Success'] = false; if ($validate->passed()) { $user = new User(); $emailHash = Hash::make($_POST['Email']); try { $user->create(array('Username' => $_POST['Username'], 'Password' => Hash::make($_POST['Password']), 'Email' => $_POST['Email'], 'Joined' => date('Y-m-d H:m:s'), 'Ehash' => $emailHash)); $data['Success'] = true; require_once 'Mail.php'; $from = '*****@*****.**'; $to = $_POST['Email']; $email = "Thank you for registering for DeckBuilder.\n In order to use our service activate your account http://localhost/DeckBuilder/BackEnd/LoginAndRegistrationActions/Activate.php?Ehash='" . $emailHash . "'"; $subject = "Email vertification for DeckBuilder"; $headers = array('from' => $from, 'to' => $to, 'subject' => $subject); $smtp = mail::factory('smtp', array('host' => 'ssl://', 'port' => '465', 'auth' => true, 'username' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => 'monitorius25')); $mail = $smtp->send($to, $headers, $email); $data['Redirect'] = 'Index.php'; //redirect to a page you want ! echo json_encode($data); } catch (Exception $e) { die($e->getMessage()); } } else { $data['Errors'] = $validate->Errors(); $data['Success'] = false; echo json_encode($data); } //} }
function save($id, $vars, &$errors) { global $cfg; //very basic checks if ($id && $id != $vars['email_id']) { $errors['err'] = 'Error Interno.'; } if (!$vars['email'] || !Validator::is_email($vars['email'])) { $errors['email'] = 'Se Requiere un Email Valido'; } elseif (($eid = Email::getIdByEmail($vars['email'])) && $eid != $id) { $errors['email'] = 'Este Email ya existe'; } elseif (!strcasecmp($cfg->getAdminEmail(), $vars['email'])) { $errors['email'] = 'Este Email ya se esta usando en la cuenta de Administrador'; } else { //make sure the email doesn't belong to any of the staff $sql = 'SELECT staff_id FROM ' . STAFF_TABLE . ' WHERE email=' . db_input($vars['email']); if (($res = db_query($sql)) && db_num_rows($res)) { $errors['email'] = 'Este Email ya se esta usando por un miembro del Staff'; } } if (!$vars['dept_id'] || !is_numeric($vars['dept_id'])) { $errors['dept_id'] = 'Debes seleccionar un Departamento'; } if (!$vars['priority_id']) { $errors['priority_id'] = 'Debes seleccionar prioridad'; } if ($vars['mail_active'] || $vars['smtp_active'] && $vars['smtp_auth']) { if (!$vars['userid']) { $errors['userid'] = 'Falta nombre de Usuario'; } if (!$vars['userpass']) { $errors['userpass'] = '******'; } } if ($vars['mail_active']) { //Check pop/imapinfo only when enabled. if (!function_exists('imap_open')) { $errors['mail_active'] = 'IMAP no existe. PHP debe ser compilado con IMAP.'; } if (!$vars['mail_host']) { $errors['mail_host'] = 'Se requiere nombre del Host'; } if (!$vars['mail_port']) { $errors['mail_port'] = 'Se requiere numero de Puerto'; } if (!$vars['mail_protocol']) { $errors['mail_protocol'] = 'Selecciona Protocolo'; } if (!$vars['mail_fetchfreq'] || !is_numeric($vars['mail_fetchfreq'])) { $errors['mail_fetchfreq'] = 'Se requiere frecuencia de captura'; } if (!$vars['mail_fetchmax'] || !is_numeric($vars['mail_fetchmax'])) { $errors['mail_fetchmax'] = 'Se requiere numero máximo de correos por captura'; } } if ($vars['smtp_active']) { if (!$vars['smtp_host']) { $errors['smtp_host'] = 'Se requiere nombre del Host'; } if (!$vars['smtp_port']) { $errors['smtp_port'] = 'Se requiere numero de puerto'; } } if (!$errors && ($vars['mail_host'] && $vars['userid'])) { $sql = 'SELECT email_id FROM ' . EMAIL_TABLE . ' WHERE mail_host=' . db_input($vars['mail_host']) . ' AND userid=' . db_input($vars['userid']); if ($id) { $sql .= ' AND email_id!=' . db_input($id); } if (db_num_rows(db_query($sql))) { $errors['userid'] = $errors['host'] = 'La combinacion Host/Nombre de usuario ya esta en uso por otro departamento.'; } } if (!$errors && $vars['mail_active']) { //note: password is unencrypted at this point...MailFetcher expect plain text. $fetcher = new MailFetcher($vars['userid'], $vars['userpass'], $vars['mail_host'], $vars['mail_port'], $vars['mail_protocol'], $vars['mail_encryption']); if (!$fetcher->connect()) { $errors['userpass'] = '******' . $vars['mail_protocol'] . ''; $errors['mail'] = '<br>' . $fetcher->getLastError(); } } if (!$errors && $vars['smtp_active']) { //Check SMTP login only. require_once 'Mail.php'; // PEAR Mail package $smtp = mail::factory('smtp', array('host' => $vars['smtp_host'], 'port' => $vars['smtp_port'], 'auth' => $vars['smtp_auth'] ? true : false, 'username' => $vars['userid'], 'password' => $vars['userpass'], 'timeout' => 20, 'debug' => false)); $mail = $smtp->connect(); if (PEAR::isError($mail)) { $errors['userpass'] = '******'; $errors['smtp'] = '<br>' . $mail->getMessage(); } else { $smtp->disconnect(); //Thank you, sir! } } if (!$errors) { $sql = 'updated=NOW(),mail_errors=0, mail_lastfetch=NULL' . ',email=' . db_input($vars['email']) . ',name=' . db_input(Format::striptags($vars['name'])) . ',dept_id=' . db_input($vars['dept_id']) . ',priority_id=' . db_input($vars['priority_id']) . ',noautoresp=' . db_input(isset($vars['noautoresp']) ? 1 : 0) . ',userid=' . db_input($vars['userid']) . ',userpass='******'userpass'], SECRET_SALT)) . ',mail_active=' . db_input($vars['mail_active']) . ',mail_host=' . db_input($vars['mail_host']) . ',mail_protocol=' . db_input($vars['mail_protocol'] ? $vars['mail_protocol'] : 'POP') . ',mail_encryption=' . db_input($vars['mail_encryption']) . ',mail_port=' . db_input($vars['mail_port'] ? $vars['mail_port'] : 0) . ',mail_fetchfreq=' . db_input($vars['mail_fetchfreq'] ? $vars['mail_fetchfreq'] : 0) . ',mail_fetchmax=' . db_input($vars['mail_fetchmax'] ? $vars['mail_fetchmax'] : 0) . ',mail_delete=' . db_input(isset($vars['mail_delete']) ? $vars['mail_delete'] : 0) . ',smtp_active=' . db_input($vars['smtp_active']) . ',smtp_host=' . db_input($vars['smtp_host']) . ',smtp_port=' . db_input($vars['smtp_port'] ? $vars['smtp_port'] : 0) . ',smtp_auth=' . db_input($vars['smtp_auth']); if ($id) { //update $sql = 'UPDATE ' . EMAIL_TABLE . ' SET ' . $sql . ' WHERE email_id=' . db_input($id); if (!db_query($sql) || !db_affected_rows()) { $errors['err'] = 'No se a podido actualizar el Email, Error interno'; } } else { $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . EMAIL_TABLE . ' SET ' . $sql . ',created=NOW()'; if (!db_query($sql) or !($emailID = db_insert_id())) { $errors['err'] = 'No se a podido añadir el Email, Error interno '; } else { return $emailID; } //newly created email. } } else { $errors['err'] = 'Se an producido Errores, intentelo de nuevo'; } return $errors ? FALSE : TRUE; }