private function _send_reset($form) { $user_name = $form->reset->inputs["name"]->value; $user = user::lookup_by_name($user_name); if ($user && !empty($user->email)) { $user->hash = random::hash(); $user->save(); $message = new View("reset_password.html"); $message->confirm_url = url::abs_site("password/do_reset?key={$user->hash}"); $message->user = $user; Sendmail::factory()->to($user->email)->subject(t("Password Reset Request"))->header("Mime-Version", "1.0")->header("Content-type", "text/html; charset=UTF-8")->message($message->render())->send(); log::success("user", t("Password reset email sent for user %name", array("name" => $user->name))); } else { if (!$user) { // Don't include the username here until you're sure that it's XSS safe log::warning("user", t("Password reset email requested for user %user_name, which does not exist.", array("user_name" => $user_name))); } else { log::warning("user", t("Password reset failed for %user_name (has no email address on record).", array("user_name" => $user->name))); } } // Always pretend that an email has been sent to avoid leaking // information on what user names are actually real. message::success(t("Password reset email sent")); json::reply(array("result" => "success")); }
public function storeContent() { $name = $_POST['name']; $final = $_POST['final']; $advantages = $_POST['ad']; $disadvantages = $_POST['dis']; $retID = pass_passService::getUid(); if (!$retID) { $result['errNum'] = '0007'; $result['errMsg'] = errorcode::$error[$result['errNum']]; $this->renderJson($result); } $content = array('name' => $name, 'final' => $final, 'ad' => $advantages, 'dis' => $disadvantages); $redis = redisModel::getInstance(); $key = sprintf(self::REDIS_DECISION_USER_KEY, $retID); $ret = $redis::$redis->lPush($key, json_encode($content)); if (!$ret) { log::warning("redis write error", ""); $result['errNum'] = '0005'; $result['errMsg'] = errorcode::$error[$result['errNum']]; $this->renderJson($result); } $result['errNum'] = '0000'; $result['errMsg'] = errorcode::$error[$result['errNum']]; $this->renderJson($result); }
private function _send_reset() { $form = $this->_reset_form(); $valid = $form->validate(); if ($valid) { $user = user::lookup_by_name($form->reset->inputs["name"]->value); if (!$user->loaded || empty($user->email)) { $form->reset->inputs["name"]->add_error("no_email", 1); $valid = false; } } if ($valid) { $user->hash = md5(rand()); $user->save(); $message = new View("reset_password.html"); $message->confirm_url = url::abs_site("password/do_reset?key={$user->hash}"); $message->user = $user; Sendmail::factory()->to($user->email)->subject(t("Password Reset Request"))->header("Mime-Version", "1.0")->header("Content-type", "text/html; charset=iso-8859-1")->message($message->render())->send(); log::success("user", t("Password reset email sent for user %name", array("name" => $user->name))); } else { // Don't include the username here until you're sure that it's XSS safe log::warning("user", "Password reset email requested for bogus user"); } message::success(t("Password reset email sent")); print json_encode(array("result" => "success")); }
public function auth() { if (!identity::active_user()->admin) { access::forbidden(); } access::verify_csrf(); $form = self::_form(); $valid = $form->validate(); $user = identity::active_user(); if ($valid) { module::event("user_auth", $user); if (!request::is_ajax()) { message::success(t("Successfully re-authenticated!")); } url::redirect(Session::instance()->get_once("continue_url")); } else { $name = $user->name; log::warning("user", t("Failed re-authentication for %name", array("name" => $name))); module::event("user_auth_failed", $name); if (request::is_ajax()) { $v = new View("reauthenticate.html"); $v->form = $form; $v->user_name = identity::active_user()->name; json::reply(array("html" => (string) $v)); } else { self::_show_form($form); } } }
public function __construct() { $dbConfig = (require CONF_PATH . "db.conf.php"); $this->mysqli = mysqli_init(); $ret = $this->mysqli->real_connect($dbConfig["host"], $dbConfig["username"], $dbConfig["password"], $dbConfig["dbname"], $dbConfig["port"]); if (!$ret) { log::warning("mysql connect error", ""); } }
public function __construct() { $dbConfig = (require CONF_PATH . "redis.conf.php"); self::$redis = new redis(); $ret = self::$redis->connect($dbConfig["host"], $dbConfig["port"]); if (!$ret) { log::warning("redis connect error", ""); } }
public function selectUid($email) { $sql = "select userId from {$this->table} where email='{$email}' "; $ret = $this->db->mysqli->query($sql); if ($this->db->mysqli->error) { log::warning($sql, ""); return false; } log::notice($sql, ""); return $ret; }
/** * Show a list of all available, running and finished tasks. */ public function index() { $query = Database::instance()->query("UPDATE {tasks} SET `state` = 'stalled' " . "WHERE done = 0 " . "AND state <> 'stalled' " . "AND unix_timestamp(now()) - updated > 15"); $stalled_count = $query->count(); if ($stalled_count) { log::warning("tasks", t2("One task is stalled", "%count tasks are stalled", $stalled_count), t('<a href="%url">view</a>', array("url" => html::mark_clean(url::site("admin/maintenance"))))); } $view = new Admin_View("admin.html"); $view->content = new View("admin_maintenance.html"); $view->content->task_definitions = task::get_definitions(); $view->content->running_tasks = ORM::factory("task")->where("done", 0)->orderby("updated", "DESC")->find_all(); $view->content->finished_tasks = ORM::factory("task")->where("done", 1)->orderby("updated", "DESC")->find_all(); print $view; }
/** * Show a list of all available, running and finished tasks. */ public function index() { $query = db::build()->update("tasks")->set("state", "stalled")->where("done", "=", 0)->where("state", "<>", "stalled")->where(new Database_Expression("UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) - `updated` > 15"))->execute(); $stalled_count = $query->count(); if ($stalled_count) { log::warning("tasks", t2("One task is stalled", "%count tasks are stalled", $stalled_count), t('<a href="%url">view</a>', array("url" => html::mark_clean(url::site("admin/maintenance"))))); } $view = new Admin_View("admin.html"); $view->content = new View("admin_maintenance.html"); $view->content->task_definitions = task::get_definitions(); $view->content->running_tasks = ORM::factory("task")->where("done", "=", 0)->order_by("updated", "DESC")->find_all(); $view->content->finished_tasks = ORM::factory("task")->where("done", "=", 1)->order_by("updated", "DESC")->find_all(); print $view; }
/** * Show a list of all available, running and finished tasks. */ public function index() { $query = Database::instance()->query("UPDATE `tasks` SET `state` = 'stalled' " . "WHERE done = 0 " . "AND state <> 'stalled' " . "AND unix_timestamp(now()) - updated > 120"); $stalled_count = $query->count(); if ($stalled_count) { log::warning("tasks", t2("One task is stalled", "%count tasks are stalled", $stalled_count), t("%link_startview%link_end", array("link_start" => "<a href=\"" . url::site("admin/maintenance") . "\">", "link_start" => "</a>"))); } $view = new Admin_View("admin.html"); $view->content = new View("admin_maintenance.html"); $view->content->task_definitions = $this->_get_task_definitions(); $view->content->running_tasks = ORM::factory("task")->where("done", 0)->orderby("updated", "desc")->find_all(); $view->content->finished_tasks = ORM::factory("task")->where("done", 1)->orderby("updated", "desc")->find_all(); $view->content->csrf = access::csrf_token(); print $view; }
/** * Show a list of all available, running and finished tasks. */ public function index() { $query = db::build()->update("tasks")->set("state", "stalled")->where("done", "=", 0)->where("state", "<>", "stalled")->where(db::expr("UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) - `updated` > 15"))->execute(); $stalled_count = $query->count(); if ($stalled_count) { log::warning("tasks", t2("One task is stalled", "%count tasks are stalled", $stalled_count), t('<a href="%url">view</a>', array("url" => html::mark_clean(url::site("admin/maintenance"))))); } $view = new Admin_View("admin.html"); $view->page_title = t("Maintenance tasks"); $view->content = new View("admin_maintenance.html"); $view->content->task_definitions = task::get_definitions(); $view->content->running_tasks = ORM::factory("task")->where("done", "=", 0)->order_by("updated", "DESC")->find_all(); $view->content->finished_tasks = ORM::factory("task")->where("done", "=", 1)->order_by("updated", "DESC")->find_all(); print $view; // Do some maintenance while we're in here db::build()->delete("caches")->where("expiration", "<>", 0)->where("expiration", "<=", time())->execute(); module::deactivate_missing_modules(); }
private function _auth($url) { $form = auth::get_login_form($url); $valid = $form->validate(); if ($valid) { $user = identity::lookup_user_by_name($form->login->inputs["name"]->value); if (empty($user) || !identity::is_correct_password($user, $form->login->password->value)) { log::warning("user", t("Failed login for %name", array("name" => $form->login->inputs["name"]->value))); $form->login->inputs["name"]->add_error("invalid_login", 1); $valid = false; } } if ($valid) { auth::login($user); } // Either way, regenerate the session id to avoid session trapping Session::instance()->regenerate(); return array($valid, $form); }
private function _auth($url) { $form = user::get_login_form($url); $valid = $form->validate(); if ($valid) { $user = ORM::factory("user")->where("name", $form->login->inputs["name"]->value)->find(); if (!$user->loaded || !user::is_correct_password($user, $form->login->password->value)) { log::warning("user", t("Failed login for %name", array("name" => $form->login->inputs["name"]->value))); $form->login->inputs["name"]->add_error("invalid_login", 1); $valid = false; } } if ($valid) { user::login($user); log::info("user", t("User %name logged in", array("name" => $user->name))); } // Either way, regenerate the session id to avoid session trapping Session::instance()->regenerate(); return array($valid, $form); }
private function _try_login() { $form = $this->_login_form(); $valid = $form->validate(); if ($valid) { $user = ORM::factory("user")->where("name", $form->login->inputs["name"]->value)->find(); if (!$user->loaded || !user::is_correct_password($user, $form->login->password->value)) { log::warning("user", t("Failed login for %name", array("name" => $form->login->inputs["name"]->value))); $form->login->inputs["name"]->add_error("invalid_login", 1); $valid = false; } } if ($valid) { user::login($user); log::info("user", t("User %name logged in", array("name" => $user->name))); print json_encode(array("result" => "success")); } else { print json_encode(array("result" => "error", "form" => $form->__toString())); } }
public function auth() { if (!identity::active_user()->admin) { access::forbidden(); } access::verify_csrf(); $form = self::_form(); $valid = $form->validate(); $user = identity::active_user(); if ($valid) { message::success(t("Successfully re-authenticated!")); module::event("user_auth", $user); $continue_url = Session::instance()->get_once("continue_url", "admin"); url::redirect($continue_url); } else { $name = $user->name; log::warning("user", t("Failed re-authentication for %name", array("name" => $name))); module::event("user_auth_failed", $name); return self::_show_form($form); } }
/** * Requests a set of rows/objects from the data source. * * @param string $model The class of the model to give the results. * @param string $sql The query to run. * @param mixed $params Could be an array of scalar values for a parameterized query, or for some database types an array of additional options. May also be scalar values for a parameterized query. * * @return mixed The rows/objects as an object of type specified in $model or stdClass if $model does not exist. */ public function mquery($model, $sql, $params = array()) { if ($model === null) { $model = 'stdClass'; } elseif ($model != 'stdClass' && substr($model, -5) != 'Model') { $model .= 'Model'; } if (!class_exists($model)) { log::warning(sprintf('Class "%s" does not exist, falling back to stdClass.', $model)); $model = 'stdClass'; } $args = func_get_args(); if (count($args) > 2 && !is_array($params)) { array_shift($args); array_shift($args); $params = $args; } $results = $this->raw_query($sql, $params); return $this->to_model($model, $results); }
public function change_email($id) { $user = user::lookup($id); if (!$user || $user->guest || $user->id != identity::active_user()->id) { access::forbidden(); } $form = $this->_get_change_email_form($user); try { $valid = $form->validate(); $user->email = $form->change_email->email->value; $user->validate(); } catch (ORM_Validation_Exception $e) { // Translate ORM validation errors into form error messages foreach ($e->validation->errors() as $key => $error) { $form->change_email->inputs[$key]->add_error($error, 1); } $valid = false; } if ($valid) { $user->save(); module::event("user_change_email_form_completed", $user, $form); message::success(t("Email address changed")); module::event("user_auth", $user); json::reply(array("result" => "success", "resource" => url::site("users/{$user->id}"))); } else { log::warning("user", t("Failed email change for %name", array("name" => $user->name))); $name = $user->name; module::event("user_auth_failed", $name); json::reply(array("result" => "error", "html" => (string) $form)); } }
static function convert($input_file, $output_file) { $success = false; $dcraw = rawphoto_graphics::detect_dcraw(); if ($dcraw->installed) { // Use dcraw to convert from a raw image to a standard pixmap. $cmd = escapeshellcmd($dcraw->path) . " -c -w "; if (version_compare($dcraw->version, "6.00", ">=")) { $cmd .= "-t 0 "; } if (version_compare($dcraw->version, "8.81", ">=")) { $cmd .= "-W "; } $icc_path = module::get_var("rawphoto", "icc_path"); if (!empty($icc_path) && version_compare($dcraw->version, "8.00", ">=")) { $cmd .= "-p " . escapeshellarg($icc_path) . " "; } $cmd .= escapeshellarg($input_file); // Then use the graphics toolkit to convert the stream to a JPEG. $cmd .= " | "; $toolkit_id = module::get_var("gallery", "graphics_toolkit"); $toolkit_path = module::get_var("gallery", "graphics_toolkit_path"); $image_quality = module::get_var("gallery", "image_quality"); $toolkit_compat = false; switch ($toolkit_id) { case 'imagemagick': $cmd .= escapeshellcmd("{$toolkit_path}/convert"); $cmd .= " -quality " . escapeshellarg($image_quality . "%"); $cmd .= " - " . escapeshellarg($output_file); $toolkit_compat = true; break; case 'graphicsmagick': $cmd .= escapeshellcmd("{$toolkit_path}/gm"); $cmd .= " convert -quality " . escapeshellarg($image_quality . "%"); $cmd .= " - " . escapeshellarg($output_file); $toolkit_compat = true; break; default: log::warning("rawphoto", "Cannot convert raw photo with graphics toolkit: " . $toolkit_id->active); } if ($toolkit_compat) { exec($cmd, $output, $return_var); // Failure is common, because dcraw will abort unless the original image is a raw photo. $success = $return_var == 0; if (!$success) { @unlink($output_file); } } } return $success; }
/** * authenticate the user * * @param string $url * @return boolean */ private function _auth($url) { $form = auth::get_login_form($url); $validform = $form->validate(); $valid = false; if ($validform) { // retrieve the values from the form $name = $form->login->inputs["name"]->value; $pass = $form->login->password->value; // do we have a user? $user = identity::lookup_user_by_name($name); $validuser = empty($user) ? false : true; // is the user authentic? $checkpass = $this->_checkpass($name, $pass); /* * we are concerned with these three possibilities: * 1. there is no valid user or no valid password * 2. there is no valid user but a valid password * 3. there is a valid user and a valid password */ // 1. there is no valid user or no valid password: error if (!$validuser || !$checkpass) { $form->login->inputs["name"]->add_error("invalid_login", 1); $name = $form->login->inputs["name"]->value; log::warning("user", t("Failed login for %name", array("name" => $name))); module::event("user_auth_failed", $name); } // 2. there is no valid user but a valid password: create account if allowed if (!$validuser && $checkpass && $this->create_account) { $account = $this->pam_auth->getAccount(); if ($account) { $password = md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true)); $new_user = identity::create_user($account->name, $account->full_name, $password, $account->email); $new_user->url = ''; $new_user->admin = false; $new_user->guest = false; $new_user->save(); $user = identity::lookup_user_by_name($account->name); $validuser = empty($user) ? false : true; } } // 3. there is a valid user and a valid password: load user account if ($validuser && $checkpass) { auth::login($user); $valid = true; } } // regenerate the session id to avoid session trapping Session::instance()->regenerate(); return array($valid, $form); }
/** * Decrypts cipher encrypted by crypt::encrypt() previously. * * Encrypted cipher is decryptable in current session, only. * * crypt::encrypt() and crypt::decrypt() transparently work on systems * missing mcrypt support by always passing provided cleartext. * * @throws \RuntimeException raised on missing mcrypt * @throws \InvalidArgumentException raised on decrypting failed * @param string $cipher encrypted message * @return string decrypted message */ public function decrypt($cipher) { // test for tag on cipher and pass back provided cipher as is if tag is missing if (substr($cipher, 0, 8) !== 'TXF!CIPH') { log::warning('actually not decrypting since cipher is not properly encrypted'); return $cipher; } if (!is_callable('mcrypt_module_open')) { throw new \RuntimeException('missing mcrypt'); } // actually decrypt provided cipher mcrypt_generic_init($this->cryptModule, $this->preparedKey(), $this->preparedIV()); $decrypted = mdecrypt_generic($this->cryptModule, substr($cipher, 8)); mcrypt_generic_deinit($this->cryptModule); // check integrity of decrypted message $cleartext = substr($decrypted, 20); $hash = substr($decrypted, 0, 20); if (sha1($cleartext, true) !== $hash) { log::error('decryption failed'); throw new \InvalidArgumentException('decryption failed'); } return $cleartext; }
/** * Restores variable space from current snapshot made to be storable in * session. */ protected final function makeUsable() { if (trim($this->storable)) { if (data::autoType(config::get('session.encrypt', false), 'boolean')) { try { $space = unserialize(crypt::create()->decrypt($this->storable)); } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) { log::warning('session lost due to failed decryption, might be okay if browser lost cookie in between'); $space = array(); } } else { $space = unserialize($this->storable); } if (is_array($space)) { $this->usable = $space; } $this->storable = null; } if (!is_array($this->usable)) { $this->usable = array(); } }
/** * Iterates over given or configured list of user database providers invoking * provided callback on every provider until first callback is returning * properly without throwing exception. * * @param callable $callback callback to invoke per iterated user database provider * @param array|string $explicitSource set of provider names to iterate or name of first provider in a sequence to test * @return mixed|null result return from callback, null if all callbacks threw exception * @throws \RuntimeException on missing valid set of providers to iterate * @throws unauthorized_exception if callback is throwing in other case than "user isn't found" * @throws \InvalidArgumentException on missing callback */ public static final function findProvider($callback, $explicitSource = null) { if (!is_callable($callback)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('invalid callback on finding user provider'); } // get list of sources to look up for requested user if (is_array($explicitSource)) { $sources = $explicitSource; } else { $sources = func_get_args(); array_shift($sources); } if (!count($sources)) { $sources = config::getList('user.sources.enabled'); } if (!count($sources)) { throw new \RuntimeException('missing/invalid user sources configuration'); } // traverse list of sources ... foreach ($sources as $source) { if (trim($source) !== '' && ctype_alnum($source)) { // read its configuration $definition = config::get('user.sources.setup.' . $source); if (is_array($definition)) { // read name of class for managing user source from configuration $class = array_key_exists('class', $definition) ? data::isKeyword($definition['class']) : null; if (!$class) { $class = data::isKeyword($definition['type'] . '_user'); } if (txf::import($class)) { try { // create instance of managing class $factory = new \ReflectionClass($class); $user = $factory->newInstance(); if ($user instanceof self) { $user->configure($definition); return call_user_func($callback, $user); } } catch (unauthorized_exception $e) { if (!$e->isUserNotFound()) { throw $e; } } catch (\Exception $e) { log::warning('failed to search user source: ' . $e); } } } } } return null; }
/** * Import a single photo or movie. */ static function import_item(&$queue) { $g2_item_id = array_shift($queue); if (self::map($g2_item_id)) { return; } self::$current_g2_item = $g2_item = g2(GalleryCoreApi::loadEntitiesById($g2_item_id)); $parent = ORM::factory("item", self::map($g2_item->getParentId())); $g2_path = g2($g2_item->fetchPath()); $g2_type = $g2_item->getEntityType(); $corrupt = 0; if (!file_exists($g2_path)) { // If the Gallery2 source image isn't available, this operation is going to fail. That can // happen in cases where there's corruption in the source Gallery 2. In that case, fall // back on using a broken image. It's important that we import *something* otherwise // anything that refers to this item in Gallery 2 will have a dangling pointer in Gallery 3 // // Note that this will change movies to be photos, if there's a broken movie. Hopefully // this case is rare enough that we don't need to take any heroic action here. Kohana::log("alert", "{$g2_path} missing in import; replacing it"); $g2_path = MODPATH . "g2_import/data/broken-image.gif"; $g2_type = "GalleryPhotoItem"; $corrupt = 1; } switch ($g2_type) { case "GalleryPhotoItem": if (!in_array($g2_item->getMimeType(), array("image/jpeg", "image/gif", "image/png"))) { $g2_path = MODPATH . "g2_import/data/broken-image.gif"; Kohana::log("alert", "{$g2_path} unsupported image type; using a placeholder gif"); $corrupt = 1; } $item = photo::create($parent, $g2_path, $g2_item->getPathComponent(), $g2_item->getTitle(), self::extract_description($g2_item), self::map($g2_item->getOwnerId())); break; case "GalleryMovieItem": // @todo we should transcode other types into FLV if (in_array($g2_item->getMimeType(), array("video/mp4", "video/x-flv"))) { $item = movie::create($parent, $g2_path, $g2_item->getPathComponent(), $g2_item->getTitle(), self::extract_description($g2_item), self::map($g2_item->getOwnerId())); } break; default: // Ignore break; } if (!empty($item)) { self::import_keywords_as_tags($g2_item->getKeywords(), $item); } if (isset($item)) { self::set_map($g2_item_id, $item->id); } if ($corrupt) { $url_generator = $GLOBALS["gallery"]->getUrlGenerator(); // @todo we need a more persistent warning $g2_item_url = $url_generator->generateUrl(array("itemId" => $g2_item->getId())); // Why oh why did I ever approve the session id placeholder idea in G2? $g2_item_url = str_replace('&g2_GALLERYSID=TMP_SESSION_ID_DI_NOISSES_PMT', '', $g2_item_url); $warning = t("<a href=\"%g2_url\">%title</a> from Gallery 2 could not be processed; " . "(imported as <a href=\"%g3_url\">%title</a>)", array("g2_url" => $g2_item_url, "g3_url" => $item->url(), "title" => $g2_item->getTitle())); message::warning($warning); log::warning("g2_import", $warning); Kohana::log("alert", $warning); } self::$current_g2_item = null; }
/** * Gets the form to process, or given the form to process - processes it. * * @param string|null $form * The form identifier of the form to process. * * @return string|bool|null * When $form is null, returns either null or a string form identifier. * When a form identifier is passed, returns a boolean indicating the success or failure of the form processing. */ public static function process($form = null) { if (isset(self::$processed)) { log::warning('Invalid call to formHelper::process() - the form has already been processed.'); return false; } if (!isset($form)) { if (is::existset(munla::$session, 'forms')) { foreach (munla::$session['forms'] as $csrfName => $csrfForms) { foreach ($csrfForms as $formid => $f) { if (!is::existset($f, 'callback') || !is_callable($f['callback'])) { continue; } $_FORM = array(); switch (strtolower($f['method'])) { case 'post': $_FORM =& $_POST; break; case 'get': $_FORM =& $_GET; break; } if (!is::existset($_FORM, 'mnl_formid')) { unset($_FORM); continue; } if (substr($_FORM['mnl_formid'], 0, strlen($csrfName) + 1) == $csrfName . '-' && substr($_FORM['mnl_formid'], strlen($csrfName) + 1) == $formid) { unset($_FORM); return sprintf('%s::%s', $csrfName, $formid); } unset($_FORM); } } } $mnl_formaction = self::validateAction(is::existset($_POST, 'mnl_formaction') ? $_POST['mnl_formaction'] : (is::existset($_GET, 'mnl_formaction') ? $_GET['mnl_formaction'] : null)); if ($mnl_formaction) { return 'simpleForm::' . $mnl_formaction; } return $form; } if (!is_string($form) || strpos($form, '::') === false) { log::error(sprintf('Invalid form identifier "%s"', $form)); return false; } list($csrfName, $formid) = explode('::', $form, 2); if ($csrfName == 'simpleForm' && is_callable($formid)) { //$formid(); //trigger the callback - we don't know the values or form definition so no parameters $_FORM = array(); if (is::existset($_POST, 'mnl_formaction')) { $_FORM =& $_POST; } if (is::existset($_GET, 'mnl_formaction')) { $_FORM =& $_GET; } self::fixArrays(); unset($_FORM['mnl_formaction']); //normalize the file listing into a better array if any files were uploaded self::fixFileArray($_FORM); self::$processed = array('errors' => array(), 'fielderrors' => array(), 'msg' => null); self::$processed['form']['formid'] = $formid; $p = get::helper('form'); $processed = call_user_func($formid, $p, $_FORM); if ($processed === false) { self::$processed['errors'][] = 'Failed to process the form.'; } elseif ($processed !== true) { if (is_array($processed)) { foreach ($processed as $err) { $success = false; switch (substr($err, 0, 1)) { case '+': $err = substr($err, 1); $success = true; break; case '-': $err = substr($err, 1); break; } self::$processed[$success ? 'msg' : 'errors'][] = $err; } } else { $success = false; switch (substr($processed, 0, 1)) { case '+': $processed = substr($processed, 1); $success = true; break; case '-': $processed = substr($processed, 1); break; } self::$processed[$success ? 'msg' : 'errors'][] = $processed; } } return count(self::$processed['errors']) < 1; } if (!is::existset(munla::$session, 'forms') || !is::existset(munla::$session['forms'], $csrfName) || !is::existset(munla::$session['forms'][$csrfName], $formid)) { log::error(sprintf('Specified form definition "%s" was not found', $form)); return false; } $form = munla::$session['forms'][$csrfName][$formid]; if (!is::existset($form, 'callback') || !is_callable($form['callback'])) { log::error(sprintf('Form does not have a valid callback.')); return false; } $callback = explode('::', $form['callback']); $_FORM = array(); switch (strtolower($form['method'])) { case 'post': $_FORM =& $_POST; break; case 'get': $_FORM =& $_GET; break; } self::fixArrays(); self::$processed = array('errors' => array(), 'fielderrors' => array(), 'msg' => null); self::$processed['form'] = $form; if (is::existset($_FORM, 'mnl_formid')) { unset($_FORM['mnl_formid']); } //normalize the file listing into a better array if any files were uploaded self::fixFileArray($_FORM); //fix up special field types foreach ($form['fields'] as $field) { $type = get_class($field); if ($type == 'fe_image') { $name = $field->getName(); if (!is::existset($_FORM, $name) && is::existset($_FORM, $name . '_x')) { $_FORM[$name] = true; } } elseif ($type == 'fe_session') { $_FORM[$field->getName()] = $field->get_value(); } } $fields = new formFieldList($form['fields']); $validating = array($callback[0], $callback[1] . '_validating'); $validate = array($callback[0], $callback[1] . '_validate'); if (is_callable($validating)) { $validating($this, $fields, $_FORM); } $valid = is_callable($validate) ? $validate($_FORM) : self::validate($fields, $_FORM, strtolower($form['method']) == 'post' && !$form['nocsrf']); if ($valid) { $processed = $callback($_FORM); if (isset($processed)) { if ($processed === false) { self::$processed['errors'][] = 'Failed to process the form.'; } elseif ($processed !== true) { if (is_array($processed)) { foreach ($processed as $err) { $success = false; switch (substr($err, 0, 1)) { case '+': $err = substr($err, 1); $success = true; break; case '-': $err = substr($err, 1); break; } self::$processed[$success ? 'msg' : 'errors'][] = $err; } } else { $success = false; switch (substr($processed, 0, 1)) { case '+': $processed = substr($processed, 1); $success = true; break; case '-': $processed = substr($processed, 1); break; } self::$processed[$success ? 'msg' : 'errors'][] = $processed; } } } } elseif (count(self::$processed['errors']) < 1) { self::$processed['errors'][] = 'Failed form validation.'; } return count(self::$processed['errors']) < 1; }