function installClasses() { litepublisher::$urlmap = turlmap::i(); litepublisher::$urlmap->lock(); $posts = tposts::i(); $posts->lock(); $xmlrpc = TXMLRPC::i(); $xmlrpc->lock(); ttheme::$defaultargs = array(); $theme = ttheme::getinstance('default'); // $html = tadminhtml::i(); // $html->loadinstall(); foreach (litepublisher::$classes->items as $class => $item) { //echo "$class<br>\n"; if (preg_match('/^(titem|titem_storage|titemspostsowner|tcomment|IXR_Client|IXR_Server|tautoform|tchildpost|tchildposts|tlitememcache)$/', $class)) { continue; } $obj = getinstance($class); if (method_exists($obj, 'install')) { $obj->install(); } } $xmlrpc->unlock(); $posts->unlock(); litepublisher::$urlmap->unlock(); }
public static function init() { if (defined('litepublisher_mode') && litepublisher_mode == 'debug') { litepublisher::$debug = true; } if (!preg_match('/(www\\.)?([\\w\\.\\-]+)(:\\d*)?/', strtolower(trim($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])), $domain)) { die('cant resolve domain name'); } self::$domain = $domain[2]; $home = dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $storage = $home . 'storage' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $paths = new tpaths(); self::$paths = $paths; $paths->home = $home; $paths->lib = $home . 'lib' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $paths->data = $storage . 'data' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $paths->cache = $storage . 'cache' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $paths->libinclude = $home . 'lib' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'include' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $paths->languages = $home . 'lib' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'languages' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $paths->storage = $storage; $paths->backup = $storage . 'backup' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $paths->plugins = $home . 'plugins' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $paths->themes = $home . 'themes' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $paths->files = $home . 'files' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $paths->js = $home . 'js' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; self::$microtime = microtime(true); }
public static function i() { if (!isset(litepublisher::$classes)) { $class = __CLASS__; litepublisher::$classes = new $class(); litepublisher::$classes->instances[$class] = litepublisher::$classes; } return litepublisher::$classes; }
public static function init() { if (!preg_match('/(www\\.)?([\\w\\.\\-]+)(:\\d*)?/', strtolower(trim($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])), $domain)) { die('cant resolve domain name'); } self::$domain = $domain[2]; $home = dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; self::$_paths = array('home' => $home, 'lib' => $home . 'lib' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, 'libinclude' => $home . 'lib' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'include' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, 'languages' => $home . 'lib' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'languages' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, 'data' => $home . 'data' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . self::$domain . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, 'cache' => $home . 'cache' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . self::$domain . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, 'plugins' => $home . 'plugins' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, 'themes' => $home . 'themes' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, 'files' => $home . 'files' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, 'backup' => $home . 'backup' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, 'js' => $home . 'js' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); self::$paths = new tpaths(); self::$microtime = microtime(); }
<?php Header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate'); Header('Pragma: no-cache'); error_reporting(E_ALL | E_NOTICE | E_STRICT | E_WARNING); ini_set('display_errors', 1); define('litepublisher_mode', 'xmlrpc'); include 'index.php'; litepublisher::$debug = true; set_time_limit(300); $p = tmediaparser::i(); if ($p->maxwidth == 0 || $p->maxheight == 0) { die('0 max sizes'); } $files = tfiles::i(); if ($items = $files->db->getitems("media = 'image' and parent = 0 and (width > {$p->maxwidth} or height > {$p->maxheight})")) { echo count($items), ' count<br>'; foreach ($items as $item) { $srcfilename = litepublisher::$paths->files . $item['filename']; if ($source = tmediaparser::readimage($srcfilename)) { $sourcex = imagesx($source); $sourcey = imagesy($source); $x = $p->maxwidth; $y = $p->maxheight; $ratio = $sourcex / $sourcey; if ($x / $y > $ratio) { $x = $y * $ratio; } else { $y = $x / $ratio; } $dest = imagecreatetruecolor($x, $y);
<?php /** * Lite Publisher * Copyright (C) 2010 - 2015 Vladimir Yushko * Dual licensed under the MIT (mit.txt) * and GPL (gpl.txt) licenses. **/ litepublisher::$classes = tclasses::i(); litepublisher::$options = toptions::i(); litepublisher::$site = tsite::i(); if (!defined('litepublisher_mode')) { define('litepublisher_mode', 'install'); } /* if (litepublisher::$debug) { require_once(litepublisher::$paths->lib . 'filer.class.php'); if (is_dir(litepublisher::$paths->data)) tfiler::delete(litepublisher::$paths->data, true, true); } */ require_once litepublisher::$paths->lib . 'installer.class.php'; $installer = new tinstaller(); $installer->install(); if (litepublisher::$options instanceof toptions) { litepublisher::$options->savemodified(); if (!empty(litepublisher::$options->errorlog)) { echo litepublisher::$options->errorlog; } } exit;
//class class tmobiletemplate extends ttemplate { public static function i() { return getinstance(__CLASS__); } protected function get_view($context) { $views = tviews::i(); $idview = isset($views->defaults['mobile']) ? $views->defaults['mobile'] : 1; return tview::i($idview); } } //class litepublisher::$site = tmobilesite::i(); litepublisher::$paths->cache = litepublisher::$paths->cache . 'mobile.'; if (tfilestorage::$memcache) { litepublisher::$urlmap->cache->prefix .= 'mobile:'; } litepublisher::$classes->instances['ttemplate'] = tmobiletemplate::i(); $url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; if ($url == '/mobile') { $url = '/'; } elseif (strbegin($url, '/mobile/')) { $url = substr($url, strlen('/mobile')); } try { litepublisher::$urlmap->request(strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']), $url); } catch (Exception $e) { litepublisher::$options->handexception($e);
private function loadlang() { litepublisher::$options = $this; require_once litepublisher::$paths->lib . 'filer.class.php'; require_once litepublisher::$paths->lib . 'local.class.php'; require_once litepublisher::$paths->lib . 'htmlresource.class.php'; $ini = litepublisher::$paths->languages . litepublisher::$options->language . '.ini'; tlocal::loadini($ini); //tlocal::loadlang('admin'); $ini = litepublisher::$paths->languages . 'admin' . litepublisher::$options->language . '.ini'; tlocal::loadini($ini); date_default_timezone_set(tlocal::$data['installation']['timezone']); }
function installoptions($email, $language) { $options = toptions::i(); $options->lock(); $options->solt = md5uniq(); $usehost = isset($_REQUEST['usehost']) ? $_REQUEST['usehost'] == '1' : false; $options->data['dbconfig'] = array('driver' => 'mysqli', 'host' => $usehost ? $_REQUEST['dbhost'] : 'localhost', 'port' => $usehost ? (int) $_REQUEST['dbport'] : 0, 'dbname' => $_REQUEST['dbname'], 'login' => $_REQUEST['dblogin'], 'password' => '', 'prefix' => $_REQUEST['dbprefix']); $options->setdbpassword($_REQUEST['dbpassword']); try { litepublisher::$db = new tdatabase(); } catch (Exception $e) { die($e->GetMessage()); } if (litepublisher::$debug) { $db = litepublisher::$db; $list = $db->res2array($db->query("show tables from " . $options->dbconfig['dbname'])); foreach ($list as $row) { $table = $row[0]; if (strbegin($table, $db->prefix)) { $db->exec('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . $table); } } } $options->language = $language; $options->email = $email; $options->dateformat = ''; $options->password = ''; $password = md5uniq(); $options->changepassword($password); $options->authenabled = true; $options->cookiehash = ''; $options->cookieexpired = 0; $options->securecookie = false; $options->mailer = ''; $options->data['cache'] = true; $options->expiredcache = 3600; $options->admincache = false; $options->ob_cache = true; $options->compress = false; $options->filetime_offset = tfiler::get_filetime_offset(); $options->data['perpage'] = 10; $options->commentsdisabled = false; $options->comstatus = 'guest'; $options->pingenabled = true; $options->commentpages = true; $options->commentsperpage = 100; $options->comments_invert_order = false; $options->commentspull = false; $versions = strtoarray(file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'versions.txt')); $options->version = $versions[0]; $options->echoexception = true; $options->parsepost = true; $options->hidefilesonpage = false; $options->show_draft_post = false; $options->usersenabled = false; $options->reguser = false; $options->icondisabled = false; $options->crontime = time(); $options->show_file_perm = false; $options->xxxcheck = empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && isset($_POST) && count($_POST) > 0 ? false : true; $options->fromemail = 'litepublisher@' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $options->unlock(); return $password; }