예제 #1
   created above and some empty space between them */
$content = new jh_pdf_container_jhpci(&$pdf);
/* Make an instance of the table class */
$table = new jh_pdf_table(&$pdf, &$ypos, 3, 592, 25.5);
/* Set a function that will be called if a new page is necessary */
/* Make the row height static; this is useful for labels
   Bill, is this what you want? ;-) */
/* Hide table contents exceeding the table boundaries */
/* Define the columns; note that all the columns have "*"
   as their width which means that the whole table width
   will be divided up and assigned equally to the columns */
$col1 =& $table->addcolumn("", "*", false, $content);
$col1->normcellparam->leftpadding = 25;
$col1->normcellparam->rightpadding = 25;
$col1->normcellparam->toppadding = 10;
$col1->normcellparam->bottompadding = 0;
$col2 =& $table->addcolumn("", "*", false, $content);
$col2->normcellparam->leftpadding = 25;
$col2->normcellparam->rightpadding = 25;
$col2->normcellparam->toppadding = 10;
$col2->normcellparam->bottompadding = 0;
$col3 =& $table->addcolumn("", "*", false, $content);
$col3->normcellparam->leftpadding = 25;