예제 #1
function subscribers($action, $task, $userid, $listId, $cid, $front = false)
    $Itemid = JRequest::getInt('Itemid');
    $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
    $newSubscriber = null;
    $subscriberId = JRequest::getInt('subscriber_id');
    $message = JRequest::getVar('message', '');
    $css = '.icon-48-subscribers { background-image:url(' . JNEWS_PATH_ADMIN_IMAGES2 . 'header/subscribers.png)}';
    $doc = JFactory::getDocument();
    $doc->addStyleDeclaration($css, $type = 'text/css');
    $img = 'subscribers.png';
    $emailField = JRequest::getVar('email', '');
    $new = true;
    //new subscriber
    $my = JFactory::getUser();
    $subscriber = new stdClass();
    $subscriber->user_id = JRequest::getInt('user_id');
    $subscriber->name = JRequest::getVar('name', '');
    $subscriber->email = JRequest::getVar('email', '', '', 'STRING');
    if (!jNews_Subscribers::validEmail($subscriber->email)) {
        $subscriber->email = '';
    $subscriber->receive_html = JRequest::getInt('receive_html', 0);
    if (empty($subscriberId)) {
        //if it is a new user the confirmed depends if the require confirmation is turned on
        if ($GLOBALS[JNEWS . 'require_confirmation'] == '1') {
            $subscriber->confirmed = 0;
        } else {
            $subscriber->confirmed = JRequest::getInt('confirmed');
    } else {
        $subscriber->confirmed = JRequest::getInt('confirmed');
    $subscriber->blacklist = JRequest::getVar('blacklist', 0);
    $subscriber->timezone = JRequest::getVar('timezone', '');
    $subscriber->language_iso = JRequest::getVar('language_iso', '');
    if (empty($subscriber->ip)) {
        $subscriber->ip = jNews_Subscribers::getIP();
    if ($subscriber->ip == '') {
        $subscriber->ip = '0';
    $subscriber->subscribe_date = time();
    $subscriber->params = JRequest::getVar('params', '');
    if ($GLOBALS[JNEWS . 'level'] > 2) {
        $subscriber->column1 = JRequest::getVar('column1', '');
        $subscriber->column2 = JRequest::getVar('column2', '');
        $subscriber->column3 = JRequest::getVar('column3', '');
        $subscriber->column4 = JRequest::getVar('column4', '');
        $subscriber->column5 = JRequest::getVar('column5', '');
    //end check of version pro
    $doShowSubscribers = true;
    switch ($task) {
        case 'updateOneSub':
            JRequest::checkToken() or die('Invalid Token');
            $doShowSubscribers = true;
            $new = false;
            //we addslashes the name incase an ' is entered in the name
            $subscriber->name = addslashes($subscriber->name);
            $message = jnews::printYN(jNews_Subscribers::saveSubscriber($subscriber, $subscriberId, $new), _JNEWS_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY, _JNEWS_ERROR);
            backHTML::_header(_JNEWS_MENU_SUBSCRIBERS, $img, $message, $task, $action);
        case 'deleteOneSub':
            JRequest::checkToken() or die('Invalid Token');
            $doShowSubscribers = true;
            $message = jnews::printYN(jNews_Subscribers::deleteSubscriber($subscriberId), _JNEWS_SUBSCRIBER_DELETED, _JNEWS_ERROR);
            backHTML::_header(_JNEWS_MENU_SUBSCRIBERS, $img, $message, $task, $action);
        case 'cancelSub':
            $doShowSubscribers = true;
            backHTML::_header(_JNEWS_MENU_SUBSCRIBERS, $img, $message, $task, $action);
        case 'edit':
            foreach ($cid as $id) {
                jNews_Tools::redirect('index.php?option=' . JNEWS_OPTION . '&act=subscribers&task=show&userid=' . $id);
        case 'show':
            $doShowSubscribers = false;
            $qid[0] = $userid;
            $subscriber = jNews_Subscribers::getSubscribersFromId($qid, false);
            $lists = jNews_Lists::getLists(0, 0, 1, '', false, false);
            $queues = jNews_ListsSubs::getSubscriberLists($userid);
            $forms['main'] = " <form action='index.php' method='post' name='adminForm' id=\"adminForm\">";
            backHTML::_header(_JNEWS_MENU_SUBSCRIBERS, $img, $message, $task, $action);
            backHTML::formStart('', 0, '');
            echo jNews_SubscribersHTML::editSubscriber($subscriber, $lists, $queues, $forms, jnews::checkPermissions('admin'), false, false);
            $go[] = jnews::makeObj('act', $action);
            $go[] = jnews::makeObj('subscriber_id', $subscriber->id);
            $go[] = jnews::makeObj('user_id', $subscriber->user_id);
        case 'new':
        case 'add':
            $doShowSubscribers = false;
            $newSubscriber = new stdClass();
            $newSubscriber->id = '';
            $newSubscriber->user_id = 0;
            $newSubscriber->name = '';
            $newSubscriber->email = '';
            $newSubscriber->ip = jNews_Subscribers::getIP();
            $newSubscriber->receive_html = 1;
            $newSubscriber->confirmed = 1;
            $newSubscriber->blacklist = 0;
            $newSubscriber->timezone = '00:00:00';
            $newSubscriber->language_iso = 'eng';
            $newSubscriber->params = '';
            $newSubscriber->subscribe_date = time();
            if ($GLOBALS[JNEWS . 'level'] > 2) {
                //check if the version of jnews is pro
                $newSubscriber->column1 = '';
                $newSubscriber->column2 = '';
                $newSubscriber->column3 = '';
                $newSubscriber->column4 = '';
                $newSubscriber->column5 = '';
            $lists = jNews_Lists::getLists(0, 0, 1, '', false, false);
            $queues = '';
            $forms['main'] = " <form action='index.php' method='post' name=\"adminForm\" id=\"adminForm\">";
            if ($mainframe->isAdmin() || $GLOBALS[JNEWS . 'use_backendview']) {
                backHTML::_header(_JNEWS_MENU_SUBSCRIBERS, $img, $message, $task, $action);
                backHTML::formStart('addsubsback', 0, '');
                echo jNews_SubscribersHTML::editSubscriber($newSubscriber, $lists, $queues, $forms, jnews::checkPermissions('admin'), false, false);
            } else {
                backHTML::_header(_JNEWS_MENU_SUBSCRIBERS, $img, $message, $task, $action);
                backHTML::formStart('addsubsfront', 0, '');
                echo jNews_SubscribersHTML::editSubscriberFE($newSubscriber, $lists, $queues, $forms, jnews::checkPermissions('admin'), false, false);
            $go[] = jnews::makeObj('act', $action);
            $go[] = jnews::makeObj('subscriber_id', $newSubscriber->id);
            $go[] = jnews::makeObj('user_id', $newSubscriber->user_id);
        case 'doNew':
            JRequest::checkToken() or die('Invalid Token');
            $doShowSubscribers = true;
            if ($mainframe->isAdmin() || $GLOBALS[JNEWS . 'use_backendview']) {
                $message = jnews::printYN(jNews_Subscribers::saveSubscriber($subscriber, $subscriberId, $new), _JNEWS_NEW_SUBSCRIBER, _JNEWS_ERROR);
                backHTML::_header(_JNEWS_MENU_SUBSCRIBERS, $img, $message, $task, $action);
            } else {
                $status = jNews_Subscribers::importBis();
                if ($mainframe->isAdmin()) {
                    jNews_Tools::redirect('index.php?option=' . JNEWS_OPTION . '&act=subscribers&mid=2');
                } else {
                    $mainLink = JRoute::_('index.php?option=' . JNEWS_OPTION . '&act=subscribers&mid=2');
        case 'delete':
            JRequest::checkToken() or die('Invalid Token');
            if (!is_array($cid) || count($cid) < 1) {
                echo "<script> alert('Select an item to delete'); window.history.go(-1);</script>\n";
                return false;
            } else {
                $status = true;
                foreach ($cid as $id) {
                    if (!jNews_Subscribers::deleteSubscriber($id)) {
                        $status = false;
                $message = jnews::printYN($status, _JNEWS_SUBSCRIBER_DELETED, _JNEWS_ERROR);
                backHTML::_header(_JNEWS_MENU_SUBSCRIBERS, $img, $message, $task, $action);
        case 'update':
            JRequest::checkToken() or die('Invalid Token');
            if (!is_array($cid) || count($cid) < 1) {
                echo "<script> alert('Select an item to update'); window.history.go(-1);</script>\n";
                return false;
            } else {
                foreach ($cid as $id) {
                    $changes = JRequest::getVar($id, array(0));
                    if (!isset($changes['receive_html'])) {
                        $changes['receive_html'] = 0;
                    if (!isset($changes['confirmed'])) {
                        $changes['confirmed'] = 0;
            $message = jnews::print_message(_JNEWS_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY, 1);
        case 'export':
            $doShowSubscribers = false;
            backHTML::_header(_JNEWS_MENU_SUBSCRIBERS, $img, $message, $task, $action);
            jNews_SubscribersHTML::export($action, $listId);
        case 'doExport':
            $message = jnews::printYN(jNews_Subscribers::export($listId), _EXPORT, _JNEWS_ERROR);
            backHTML::_header(_JNEWS_MENU_SUBSCRIBERS, $img, $message, $task, $action);
        case 'import':
            $doShowSubscribers = false;
            backHTML::_header(_JNEWS_MENU_SUBSCRIBERS, $img, $message, $task, $action);
            $lists = jNews_Lists::getLists('', 0, '', '', false, true, true, false, false);
            jNews_SubscribersHTML::import($action, $lists, $listId);
        case 'doImport':
            JRequest::checkToken() or die('Invalid Token');
            $message = jNews_Subscribers::importBis();
            backHTML::_header(_JNEWS_MENU_SUBSCRIBERS, $img, $message, $task, $action);
            $message = !empty($message) && $message !== true ? $message : ($message === false ? 'Import failed' : _JNEWS_IMPORT_FINISHED);
            if ($mainframe->isAdmin()) {
                jNews_Tools::redirect('index.php?option=' . JNEWS_OPTION . '&act=subscribers', $message);
            } else {
                $mainLink = JRoute::_('index.php?option=' . JNEWS_OPTION . '&act=subscribers&mid=2');
        case 'subscribeAll':
        case 'unsubscribeAll':
            JRequest::checkToken() or die('Invalid Token');
        case 'cancel':
            if ($listId != 0) {
                $listId = 0;
            } else {
                jNews_Tools::redirect('index.php?option=' . JNEWS_OPTION);
            backHTML::_header(_JNEWS_MENU_SUBSCRIBERS, $img, $message, $task, $action);
        case 'cpanel':
            $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
            if ($mainframe->isAdmin()) {
            } else {
                jNews_Tools::redirect('index.php?option=' . JNEWS_OPTION);
            $doShowSubscribers = 0;
        case 'toggle':
            $subid = JRequest::getVar('subid');
            $column = JRequest::getVar('col');
            if (!empty($subid) && !empty($column)) {
                $passObj = new stdClass();
                $passObj->tableName = '#__jnews_subscribers';
                $passObj->columnName = $column;
                $passObj->whereColumn = 'id';
                $passObj->whereColumnValue = $subid;
                // change suspend status if column toggled is confirmed
                if ($column == 'confirmed') {
                    $passObj = new stdClass();
                    $passObj->tableName = '#__jnews_queue';
                    $passObj->columnName = 'suspend';
                    $passObj->whereColumn = 'subscriber_id';
                    $passObj->whereColumnValue = $subid;
            jNews_Tools::redirect('index.php?option=' . JNEWS_OPTION . '&act=subscribers&listid=' . $listId);
            backHTML::_header(_JNEWS_MENU_SUBSCRIBERS, $img, $message, $task, $action);
    if ($doShowSubscribers) {
        $limit = -1;
        $emailsearch = JRequest::getVar('emailsearch', '', '', 'STRING');
        $emailsearch = htmlentities($emailsearch, ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8");
        $paginationStart = JRequest::getVar('pg');
        $lll = JRequest::getVar('limitstart');
        if (empty($lll)) {
            JRequest::setVar('limitstart', 0, 'int');
        $app = JFactory::getApplication();
        $limitstart = $app->getUserStateFromRequest('limitstart', 'limitstart', 0, 'int');
        $limitend = $app->getUserStateFromRequest('limit', 'limit', 0, 'int');
        $subscirberTypeID = JRequest::getVar('subtype', 1);
        if (empty($listId) && in_array($subscirberTypeID, array(1, 2))) {
            $subscirberTypeID = 0;
        if (!empty($listId) && in_array($subscirberTypeID, array(3, 4))) {
            $subscirberTypeID = 0;
        if (!empty($my->id)) {
            $ownedlists = jNews_Lists::getOwnedlists($my->id);
        $ztozto = null;
        $limittotal = jNews_Subscribers::getSubscribers(0, 0, $emailsearch, $ztozto, $listId, '', '', '', 'sub_dateD', '', $ownedlists, '', $subscirberTypeID, true);
        //added one parameter for mailid
        $setLimit = new stdClass();
        $setLimit->total = !empty($limittotal) ? $limittotal : 0;
        $setLimit->start = !empty($limitstart) ? $limitstart : 0;
        $setLimit->end = !empty($limitend) ? $limitend : 20;
        $setSort = new stdClass();
        $setSort->orderValue = $app->getUserStateFromRequest(JNEWS_OPTION . '.subscribers.filter_order', 'filter_order', 'subscribe_date', 'cmd');
        $setSort->orderDir = $app->getUserStateFromRequest(JNEWS_OPTION . '.subscribers.filter_order_Dir', 'filter_order_Dir', 'desc', 'word');
        if (empty($limitstart)) {
            $limitstart = 0;
        if ($setLimit->end > 200) {
            $setLimit->end = 200;
        if ($setLimit->total == $setLimit->end) {
            $setLimit->start = 0;
        $subscribers = jNews_Subscribers::getSubscribers($setLimit->start, $setLimit->end, $emailsearch, $setLimit->total, $listId, '', '', '', 'sub_dateD', '', $ownedlists, $setSort, $subscirberTypeID);
        //added one parameter for mailid
        if ($listId != 0) {
            $showAdmin = true;
        } else {
            $showAdmin = false;
        $dropDownList = jNews_ListType::getListsDropList(0, '', '');
        $subTypeA = array();
        $subTypeA[0] = new stdClass();
        $subTypeA[0]->id = 0;
        $subTypeA[0]->subtype = _JNEWS_SUB_LISTTYPE_ALL;
        if ($listId != 0) {
            $subTypeA[1] = new stdClass();
            $subTypeA[1]->id = 1;
            $subTypeA[1]->subtype = _JNEWS_SUB_LISTTYPE_ONLY_SUBCRIBED;
            $subTypeA[2] = new stdClass();
            $subTypeA[2]->id = 2;
            $subTypeA[2]->subtype = _JNEWS_SUB_LISTTYPE_ONLY_UNSUBCRIBED;
        } else {
            $subTypeA[3] = new stdClass();
            $subTypeA[3]->id = 3;
            $subTypeA[3]->subtype = _JNEWS_SUB_LISTTYPE_ONLY_WAITINGCONF;
            $subTypeA[4] = new stdClass();
            $subTypeA[4]->id = 4;
            $subTypeA[4]->subtype = _JNEWS_SUB_LISTTYPE_ONLY_BLOCKED;
        $lists['listid'] = jnews::HTML_GenericList($dropDownList, 'listid', 'class="inputbox" size="1" onchange="document.adminForm.submit();"', 'id', 'list_name', $listId);
        $lists['subscirberType'] = jnews::HTML_GenericList($subTypeA, 'subtype', 'class="inputbox" size="1" onchange="document.adminForm.submit();"', 'id', 'subtype', $subscirberTypeID);
        if ($mainframe->isAdmin()) {
            $forms['main'] = " <form action='index.php' method='post' name=\"adminForm\" id=\"adminForm\">";
        } else {
            if (empty($setLimit->start)) {
                $setLimit->start = 0;
            $mainLink = JRoute::_('index.php?option=' . JNEWS_OPTION);
            $forms['main'] = "<form action='" . $mainLink . "' method='post' name=\"adminForm\" id=\"adminForm\">";
        $forms['select'] = " <form method='post' name='jNewsFilterForm'> \n";
        backHTML::formStart('show_mailing', 0, '');
        jNews_SubscribersHTML::showSubscribers($subscribers, $action, $listId, $lists, $setLimit->start, $setLimit->end, $setLimit->total, $showAdmin, $listId, $emailsearch, $forms, $setLimit, $front, $setSort);
    return true;
예제 #2
 public static function importBis()
     $returnMessage = '';
     //If memory_limit less than 128M
     $limit = jnews::convertToBytes(@ini_get('memory_limit'));
     if ($limit < jnews::convertToBytes('128M')) {
         @ini_set('memory_limit', '128M');
     $allAvailableListsA = JRequest::getVar('sub_list_id', '');
     $list2SubcribeToA = JRequest::getVar('subscribed', '');
     $filename = $_FILES['importfile']['name'];
     if (!empty($filename)) {
         //if we import a file
         //the flag is true coz we add subscribers in frontend through rows
         $saveSubsInRows = true;
         $path = JNEWS_JPATH_ROOT_NO_ADMIN . $GLOBALS[JNEWS . 'upload_url'];
         $path = str_replace(array('/', '\\'), DS, $path);
         if (!is_writable($path)) {
             $returnMessage .= '<br/>The file could not be imported because the folder is not writable.';
             $returnMessage .= '<br/>Please make sure the path "' . JNEWS_JPATH_ROOT_NO_ADMIN . $GLOBALS[JNEWS . 'upload_url'] . '" is writable';
             return $returnMessage;
         if (!@move_uploaded_file($_FILES['importfile']['tmp_name'], $path . $filename)) {
             $path .= DS;
             if (!@move_uploaded_file($_FILES['importfile']['tmp_name'], $path . $filename)) {
                 $returnMessage .= _JNEWS_ERROR_MOVING_UPLOAD;
                 $returnMessage .= '<br/>Please make sure the path "' . JNEWS_JPATH_ROOT_NO_ADMIN . $GLOBALS[JNEWS . 'upload_url'] . '" is writable';
                 return $returnMessage;
         $import = file_get_contents($path . $filename);
         $import = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r"), "\n", $import);
         $allLinesA = explode("\n", $import);
     } else {
         //if we add subscribers in frontend through rows
         //the flag is true coz we add subscribers in frontend through rows
         $saveSubsInRows = true;
         //we get the number of rows
         $rows = JRequest::getVar('count', '');
         $nRows = intval($rows) - 1;
         if ($nRows == 0) {
             $nRows = intval($GLOBALS[JNEWS . 'create_newsubsrows']);
         //we get the value of each element from the rows
         for ($count = 1; $count <= $nRows; $count++) {
             $allLinesA[$count] = JRequest::getVar('name' . $count, '') . ', ' . JRequest::getVar('email' . $count, '') . ', ' . JRequest::getVar('receive_html' . $count, '') . ', ' . JRequest::getVar('confirmed' . $count, '') . ', ' . JRequest::getVar('column1' . $count, '') . ', ' . JRequest::getVar('column2' . $count, '') . ', ' . JRequest::getVar('column3' . $count, '') . ', ' . JRequest::getVar('column4' . $count, '') . ', ' . JRequest::getVar('column5' . $count, '');
     if (empty($allLinesA)) {
         return false;
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     $insertQuery = '';
     $selectQuery = '';
     $firstValue = true;
     $time = time();
     $totalInsert = 0;
     $allSubscribersIDA = array();
     foreach ($allLinesA as $line) {
         $line = trim($line);
         if (empty($line)) {
         $line = str_replace(';', ',', $line);
         $subscriberA = explode(',', $line);
         $email = trim($subscriberA[1], ' "\'');
         if (!jNews_Subscribers::validEmail($email)) {
             if (!$saveSubsInRows) {
                 //if import of file is done
                 echo '<br />' . jnews::printM('red', _JNEWS_EMAIL_INVALID . ': ' . $email);
             } else {
         if ($GLOBALS[JNEWS . 'level'] > 2) {
             $column4 = !empty($subscriberA[4]) ? mysql_escape_string(trim($subscriberA[4], '"')) : '';
             $column5 = !empty($subscriberA[5]) ? mysql_escape_string(trim($subscriberA[5], '"')) : '';
             $column6 = !empty($subscriberA[6]) ? mysql_escape_string(trim($subscriberA[6], '"')) : '';
             $column7 = !empty($subscriberA[7]) ? mysql_escape_string(trim($subscriberA[7], '"')) : '';
             $column8 = !empty($subscriberA[8]) ? mysql_escape_string(trim($subscriberA[8], '"')) : '';
             $ip = !empty($subscriberA[9]) ? mysql_escape_string(trim($subscriberA[9], '"')) : '';
         $comfirmation = $GLOBALS[JNEWS . 'require_confirmation'] ? 0 : (int) trim($subscriberA[3], ' "\'');
         // i need to know if exist user
         $db = JFactory::getDBO();
         $quer = "SELECT id FROM `#__jnews_subscribers` WHERE `email` = '{$email}'";
         $res = $db->loadResult();
         if ($res) {
             //i need to update
             $isResiveHtml = (int) trim($subscriberA[2], ' "\'');
             $querUpdate = "UPDATE `#__jnews_subscribers` SET confirmed = '{$comfirmation}', receive_html= '{$isResiveHtml}',column1 = '{$column4}', column2 = '{$column5}', column3 = '{$column5}', column4 = '{$column7}', column5= '{$column8}',ip = '{$ip}' WHERE `email` = '{$email}'";
             if (!empty($allAvailableListsA) && !empty($list2SubcribeToA)) {
                 foreach ($list2SubcribeToA as $oneneedList => $noneed) {
                     $listId = $allAvailableListsA[$oneneedList];
                     $query = "INSERT IGNORE `#__jnews_listssubscribers` (`list_id`,`subscriber_id`,`subdate`) VALUES ({$listId}, {$res}, {$time})";
         if (!$firstValue) {
             $insertQuery .= ',';
         /*$insertQuery .= '(\''. htmlentities(trim($subscriberA[0],' "\'') ) . '\',\''.$email.'\','.$comfirmation.','.(int)trim($subscriberA[2],' "\'').',\''.$time.'\',\''.$column4.'\',\''.$column5.'\',\''.$column6.'' .
         $insertQuery .= '(\'' . addslashes(trim($subscriberA[0], ' "\'')) . '\',\'' . $email . '\',' . $comfirmation . ',' . (int) trim($subscriberA[2], ' "\'') . ',\'' . $time . '\',\'' . $column4 . '\',\'' . $column5 . '\',\'' . $column6 . '' . '\',\'' . $column7 . '\',\'' . $column8 . '\',\'' . $ip . '\')';
         if (!$firstValue) {
             $selectQuery .= ',';
         $selectQuery .= '\'' . $email . '\'';
         $firstValue = false;
         if ($totalInsert % 50 == 0) {
             if (empty($insertQuery)) {
             $db = JFactory::getDBO();
             $query = 'INSERT IGNORE `#__jnews_subscribers` (`name`,`email`,`confirmed`,`receive_html`,`subscribe_date`,`column1`,`column2`,`column3`,`column4`,`column5`,`ip`) VALUES ' . $insertQuery;
             $firstValue = true;
             $insertQuery = '';
             //get the id of the subscribers
             $query = 'SELECT `id` FROM `#__jnews_subscribers` WHERE `email` IN (' . $selectQuery . ')';
             $loadResultArray = $db->loadObjectList();
             $resultsSubClA = jnews::convertObjectList2Array($loadResultArray);
             $allSubscribersIDA = array_merge($allSubscribersIDA, $resultsSubClA);
             $selectQuery = '';
         } else {
             if (empty($insertQuery)) {
                 return false;
             $db = JFactory::getDBO();
             $query = 'INSERT IGNORE `#__jnews_subscribers` (`name`,`email`,`confirmed`,`receive_html`,`subscribe_date`,`column1`,`column2`,`column3`,`column4`,`column5`,`ip`) VALUES ' . $insertQuery;
     //send confirmation email if required
     if ($GLOBALS[JNEWS . 'require_confirmation'] && !empty($list2SubcribeToA)) {
         $list4Message = $allAvailableListsA[key($list2SubcribeToA)];
         $myList = jNews_Lists::getOneList($list4Message);
         $myList->subscribemessage = trim($myList->subscribemessage);
         if (empty($myList->subscribemessage) || substr_count($myList->subscribemessage, '{tag:confirm}') < 1) {
             $Sub_TAG = '{tag:confirm}';
         } else {
             $Sub_TAG = '';
         $mailing = new stdClass();
         if (!empty($myList->subscribemessage)) {
             $mailing->htmlcontent = $myList->subscribemessage;
             $mailing->textonly = $myList->subscribemessage;
         } else {
             // default message
             $mailing->textonly = 'Please confirm your subscription to our website by clicking on the following link.';
             $mailing->htmlcontent = '<br />' . $mailing->textonly . '<br /><br />';
         $mailing->textonly .= $Sub_TAG;
         $mailing->htmlcontent .= $Sub_TAG;
         //insert the mailing in the mailing table
         $mailing->mailing_type = 1;
         $mailing->template_id = 0;
         $mailing->senddate = $time;
         $mailing->subject = _JNEWS_SUBSCRIBE_SUBJECT_MESS;
         $mailing->attachments = '';
         $mailing->images = '';
         $mailing->published = 1;
         $mailing->html = 1;
         $mailing->visible = 0;
         $mailing->fromname = '';
         $mailing->fromemail = '';
         $mailing->frombounce = '';
         $mailing->author_id = 0;
         $mailing->delay = 0;
         $mailing->follow_up = 0;
         $mailing->cat_id = 0;
         $mailing->delay_min = 0;
         $mailing->delay_max = 0;
         $mailing->notify_id = 0;
         $mailing->next_date = 0;
         $mailing->start_date = $time - 2;
         $mailing->issue_nb = 0;
         $mailing->createdate = $time;
         $mailing->acc_level = 0;
         $mailingID = jNews_Mailing::insertMailingData($mailing);
         //enter the emails in the queue
         $query = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `#__jnews_queue` (`subscriber_id`,`mailing_id`,`send_date`,`priority`) ';
         $query .= 'SELECT `id`,' . intval($mailingID) . ',' . $time . ',1';
         $query .= ' FROM `#__jnews_subscribers` ';
         $query .= 'WHERE `subscribe_date`=' . $time . ' AND `confirmed`=0';
     if (!empty($selectQuery)) {
         //get the id of the subscribers
         $query = 'SELECT `id` FROM `#__jnews_subscribers` WHERE `email` IN (' . $selectQuery . ')';
         $loadResultArray = $db->loadObjectList();
         $resultsSubClA = jnews::convertObjectList2Array($loadResultArray);
         $allSubscribersIDA = array_merge($allSubscribersIDA, $resultsSubClA);
     if (!empty($allAvailableListsA)) {
         //if lists in checkbox are not empty
         if (empty($list2SubcribeToA)) {
             jnews::printM('red', 'You need to select at least one list. Emails have been imported but not subscribed.');
             if ($GLOBALS[JNEWS . 'require_confirmation']) {
                 return 'The confirmation email cannot be sent because there is not list selected to subscribe the users.';
             } else {
                 return _JNEWS_IMPORT_FINISHED;
         foreach ($list2SubcribeToA as $oneselected => $vval) {
             $seleeected[] = $allAvailableListsA[$oneselected];
         foreach ($list2SubcribeToA as $oneneedList => $noneed) {
             $listId = $allAvailableListsA[$oneneedList];
             $query = 'INSERT IGNORE `#__jnews_listssubscribers` (`list_id`,`subscriber_id`,`subdate`) VALUES ';
             $firstTime = true;
             if (!empty($allSubscribersIDA)) {
                 foreach ($allSubscribersIDA as $oneSubcriber) {
                     if (!$firstTime) {
                         $query .= ',';
                     $query .= '(' . $listId . ',' . $oneSubcriber . ',' . $time . ')';
                     $firstTime = false;
                     if (jNews_Lists::getListType($listId) == 2) {
                         //we add directly the imported subscribers to the queue if they are imported to an autoresponder type of list
                         jNews_ListsSubs::subscribeARtoQueue($oneSubcriber, $listId);
                     } else {
                         if (jNews_Lists::getListType($listId) == 1) {
                             $arrayFollowUp = jNews_Subscribers::followInSelected($listId);
                             if (!$arrayFollowUp) {
                             foreach ($arrayFollowUp as $onefollow_id) {
                                 if (in_array($onefollow_id, $seleeected)) {
                                 $query .= ',(' . $onefollow_id . ',' . $oneSubcriber . ',' . $time . ')';
                                 jNews_ListsSubs::subscribeARtoQueue($oneSubcriber, $onefollow_id);
     } else {
         //otherwise we get the value from dropdown box
         $listId = JRequest::getVar('opted_list', '');
         if ($listId) {
             $query = 'INSERT IGNORE `#__jnews_listssubscribers` (`list_id`,`subscriber_id`,`subdate`) VALUES ';
             $firstTime = true;
             if (!empty($allSubscribersIDA)) {
                 foreach ($allSubscribersIDA as $oneSubcriber) {
                     if (!$firstTime) {
                         $query .= ',';
                     $query .= '(' . $listId . ',' . $oneSubcriber . ',' . $time . ')';
                     $firstTime = false;
                     if (jNews_Lists::getListType($listId) == 2) {
                         //we add directly the imported subscribers to the queue if they are imported to an autoresponder type of list
                         jNews_ListsSubs::subscribeARtoQueue($oneSubcriber, $listId);
                     } else {
                         if (jNews_Lists::getListType($listId) == 1) {
                             $arrayFollowUp = jNews_Subscribers::followInSelected($listId);
                             if (!$arrayFollowUp) {
                             foreach ($arrayFollowUp as $onefollow_id) {
                                 if (in_array($onefollow_id, $seleeected)) {
                                 $query .= ',(' . $onefollow_id . ',' . $oneSubcriber . ',' . $time . ')';
                                 jNews_ListsSubs::subscribeARtoQueue($oneSubcriber, $onefollow_id);
     if ($saveSubsInRows) {
         //if adding subscribers in frontend through rows
         jnews::printM('green', count($allSubscribersIDA) . ' subscribers successfully added!');
     } else {
         //otherwise we import subscribers
         jnews::printM('green', count($allSubscribersIDA) . ' subscribers successfully imported!');
예제 #3
    public static function showSubscribers($subscribers, $action, $listId, &$lists, $start, $limit, $total, $showAdmin, $theLetterId, $emailsearch, $forms, $setLimit = null, $front = false, $setSort = null)
        $my = JFactory::getUser();
        $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();

	<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
	function jnewsletterselectall(){
		var i = 0;
		allcheck = document.getElementById("selectallcheck");
		if(allcheck.checked) checkedvalue = 1;
		else checkedvalue = 0;

		while(myelement = document.getElementById("cid["+i+"]")){
			myelement.checked = checkedvalue;

			document.getElementById("boxcount").value = i;
			document.getElementById("boxcount").value = 0;

        if ($listId == 0) {
            $message = _JNEWS_SUSCRIB_LIST;
        } else {
            $lt_name = jNews_Lists::getLists($listId, 0, null, '', false, false, true);
            $message = _JNEWS_SUSCRIB_LIST_UNIQUE . "<span style='color: rgb(51, 51, 51);'>" . @$lt_name[0]->list_name . "</span>";
        $filter = _JNEWS_SEL_LIST . '  ' . $lists['listid'] . ' ' . $lists['subscirberType'];
        $hidden = '<input type="hidden" name="listid" value="' . $listId . '" />';
        $hidden .= '<input type="hidden" name="limit" value="' . $limit . '" />';
        $pos = strpos($forms['main'], "<form");
        if ($pos !== false) {
            $forms['select'] = "";
        echo $forms['main'];
        // top portion before the table list
        // for search
        $toSearch = new stdClass();
        $toSearch->forms = $forms['select'];
        $toSearch->hidden = $hidden;
        $toSearch->listsearch = $emailsearch;
        $toSearch->id = 'emailsearch';
        echo jnews::setTop($toSearch, $message, $setLimit, $filter);

		<table class="<?php 
        echo jnews::myTheme();
			<th class="title">#</th>
			<th class="title"><input type="checkbox" id="selectallcheck" name="allchecked" onclick="jnewsletterselectall();"/></th>
			<th class="title"><?php 
        echo jnews::HTML_GridSort(_JNEWS_INPUT_NAME, 'name', $setSort->orderDir, $setSort->orderValue);
        if ($mainframe->isAdmin()) {
			<th class="title"><?php 
            echo jnews::HTML_GridSort(_JNEWS_INPUT_EMAIL, 'email', $setSort->orderDir, $setSort->orderValue);
        } else {
            if ($GLOBALS[JNEWS . 'show_sub_email']) {
				<th class="title"><?php 
                echo jnews::HTML_GridSort(_JNEWS_INPUT_EMAIL, 'email', $setSort->orderDir, $setSort->orderValue);
        if ($mainframe->isAdmin()) {
			<th class="title"><?php 
            echo jnews::HTML_GridSort(_JNEWS_SIGNUP_DATE, 'subscribe_date', $setSort->orderDir, $setSort->orderValue);
			<th class="title"><center><?php 
        echo jnews::HTML_GridSort(_JNEWS_REGISTERED, 'user_id', $setSort->orderDir, $setSort->orderValue);
			<th class="title"><center><?php 
        echo jnews::HTML_GridSort(_JNEWS_CONFIRMED, 'confirmed', $setSort->orderDir, $setSort->orderValue);
			<th class="title"><center><?php 
        echo jnews::HTML_GridSort(_JNEWS_HTML, 'receive_html', $setSort->orderDir, $setSort->orderValue);
        if ($GLOBALS[JNEWS . 'level'] > 2) {
            //check if the version of jnewsletter is pro
            if ($GLOBALS[JNEWS . 'show_column1'] == 1) {
				<th class="title"><center><?php 
                echo $GLOBALS[JNEWS . 'column1_name'];
            //<!--/center></th><!--column 1 in the subscribers list-BE-->
            if ($GLOBALS[JNEWS . 'show_column2'] == 1) {
				<th class="title"><center><?php 
                echo $GLOBALS[JNEWS . 'column2_name'];
            if ($GLOBALS[JNEWS . 'show_column3'] == 1) {
				<th class="title"><center><?php 
                echo $GLOBALS[JNEWS . 'column3_name'];
            if ($GLOBALS[JNEWS . 'show_column4'] == 1) {
				<th class="title"><center><?php 
                echo $GLOBALS[JNEWS . 'column4_name'];
            if ($GLOBALS[JNEWS . 'show_column5'] == 1) {
				<th class="title"><center><?php 
                echo $GLOBALS[JNEWS . 'column5_name'];
        if (jnews::checkPermissions('admin')) {
			<th class="title"><?php 
            echo jnews::HTML_GridSort('ID', 'id', $setSort->orderDir, $setSort->orderValue);
        $i = 0;
        if (!empty($subscribers)) {
            if (version_compare(JVERSION, '3.0.0', '<')) {
                $onClickFct = '';
            } else {
                $onClickFct = 'Joomla.';
            foreach ($subscribers as $subscriber) {
                $subscriber->email = trim($subscriber->email);
                if (!jNews_Subscribers::validEmail($subscriber->email)) {
                if ($subscriber->user_id != 0) {
                    $img = '16/status_g.png';
                    $alt = 'Registered';
                    jnews::getLegend('status_g.png', _JNEWS_REGISTERED . '/' . _JNEWS_CONFIRMED);
                } else {
                    $img = '16/status_r.png';
                    $alt = 'Unregistered';
                    jnews::getLegend('status_r.png', _JNEWS_SUBSCRIBERS_UNREGISTERED . '/' . _JNEWS_PIE_UNCONFIRMED);
                if ($subscriber->confirmed == 1) {
                    $imgC = '16/status_g.png';
                    $altC = 'Confirmed';
                    jnews::getLegend('status_g.png', _JNEWS_REGISTERED . '/' . _JNEWS_CONFIRMED);
                } else {
                    $imgC = '16/status_r.png';
                    $altC = 'Not confirmed';
                    jnews::getLegend('status_r.png', _JNEWS_SUBSCRIBERS_UNREGISTERED . '/' . _JNEWS_PIE_UNCONFIRMED);
                if ($subscriber->receive_html == 1) {
                    $imgH = '16/status_g.png';
                    $altH = 'HTML';
                    jnews::getLegend('status_g.png', _JNEWS_REGISTERED . '/' . _JNEWS_CONFIRMED);
                } else {
                    $imgH = '16/status_r.png';
                    $altH = 'TEXT';
                    jnews::getLegend('status_r.png', _JNEWS_SUBSCRIBERS_UNREGISTERED . '/' . _JNEWS_PIE_UNCONFIRMED);
					<tr class="row<?php 
                echo ($i + 1) % 2;
                echo $i + 1 + $start;

							<center><input type="checkbox" id="cid[<?php 
                echo $i;
]" name="cid[<?php 
                echo $i;
]" value="<?php 
                echo $subscriber->id;
" onclick="<?php 
                echo $onClickFct;
isChecked(this.checked);" /></center>

                if (!$front) {
                    $href = "index.php?option=" . JNEWS_OPTION . "&act=" . $action . "&task=show&userid=" . $subscriber->id;
                } else {
                    $link = "option=" . JNEWS_OPTION . "&act=" . $action . "&task=show&userid=" . $subscriber->id;
                    $href = jNews_Tools::completeLink($link, false, true);

						<a href=<?php 
                echo $href;
                echo $subscriber->name;
                if (!jNews_Subscribers::validEmail($subscriber->email)) {
                    $subscriber->email = '';
                if ($mainframe->isAdmin()) {
                    echo $subscriber->email;
                } else {
                    if ($GLOBALS[JNEWS . 'show_sub_email']) {
                        echo $subscriber->email;
                if ($mainframe->isAdmin()) {
						<td><div align="center">
                    echo date('D, d M Y H:i:s', jnews::getNow(0, true, $subscriber->subscribe_date));
						<td align="center">
							<img src="<?php 
                echo JNEWS_PATH_ADMIN_IMAGES2 . $img;
" width="12" height="12" border="0" alt="<?php 
                echo $alt;
" />

						<td align="center">
							<a href="<?php 
                echo jnews::createToggleLink('subscribers', 'confirmed', 'subid', $subscriber->id, 'toggle', $listId);
"> <img src="<?php 
                echo JNEWS_PATH_ADMIN_IMAGES2 . $imgC;
" width="12" height="12" border="0" alt="<?php 
                echo $altC;
" /> </a>
						<td align="center">
							<a href="<?php 
                echo jnews::createToggleLink('subscribers', 'receive_html', 'subid', $subscriber->id, 'toggle', $listId);
"> <img src="<?php 
                echo JNEWS_PATH_ADMIN_IMAGES2 . $imgH;
" width="12" height="12" border="0" alt="<?php 
                echo $altH;
" /> </a>
                if ($GLOBALS[JNEWS . 'level'] > 2) {
                    //check if the version of jnewsletter is 5.0.2
                    if ($GLOBALS[JNEWS . 'show_column1'] == 1) {
 <!--check to show/hide column 1 data in the subscribers list-->
							<td align="center"> <!--data for column1-->
                        echo $subscriber->column1;
                    if ($GLOBALS[JNEWS . 'show_column2'] == 1) {
 <!--check to show/hide column 2 data in the subscribers list-->
							<td align="center"> <!--data for column1-->
                        echo $subscriber->column2;
                    if ($GLOBALS[JNEWS . 'show_column3'] == 1) {
 <!--check to show/hide column 3 data in the subscribers list-->
							<td align="center"> <!--data for column3-->
                        echo $subscriber->column3;
                    if ($GLOBALS[JNEWS . 'show_column4'] == 1) {
 <!--check to show/hide column 4 data in the subscribers list-->
							<td align="center"> <!--data for column4-->
                        echo $subscriber->column4;
                    if ($GLOBALS[JNEWS . 'show_column5'] == 1) {
 <!--check to show/hide column 5 data in the subscribers list-->
							<td align="center"> <!--data for column5-->
                        echo $subscriber->column5;
                //end check of version
                if (jnews::checkPermissions('admin')) {
                    echo '<td align="center">' . $subscriber->id . '</td>';
		<input type="hidden" name="option" value="<?php 
        echo JNEWS_OPTION;
" />
		<input type="hidden" name="act" value="<?php 
        echo $action;
" />
		<input type="hidden" name="task" value="" />
		<input type="hidden" name="userid" value="" />
		<input type="hidden" name="filter_order" value="<?php 
        echo $setSort->orderValue;
" />
		<input type="hidden" name="filter_order_Dir" value="<?php 
        echo $setSort->orderDir;
" />
		<input type="hidden" id="boxcount" name="boxchecked" value="0" />
        if (version_compare(JVERSION, '3.0.0', '<')) {
            echo JHTML::_('form.token');
        } else {
            echo JHtml::_('form.token');
        echo '<br />';
        echo jnews::setLegend();
예제 #4
파일: jnews.php 프로젝트: naka211/kkvn
         die('Invalid password');
 $userid = intval(JRequest::getVar('userid', 0));
 if ($userid > 0) {
     $database = JFactory::getDBO();
     $query = 'SELECT * FROM `#__users` WHERE `id` = \'' . $userid . '\'';
     $user = $database->loadObject();
     if (!empty($user)) {
         $name = $user->name;
         $email = $user->email;
     } else {
 } elseif (!jNews_Subscribers::validEmail($email)) {
     echo '<br />' . jnews::printM('red', _JNEWS_EMAIL_INVALID);
     echo "<script>alert('" . addslashes(_JNEWS_EMAIL_INVALID) . "'); window.history.go(-1);</script>\n";
 if ($userid > 0) {
     $message_arr = frontEnd::newSubscriber($name, $email, true);
     $message = $message_arr['message'];
 } else {
     $security_captcha_enter = JRequest::getVar('security_code');
     if (isset($security_captcha_enter) && isset($_SESSION['captcha'])) {
         if ($_SESSION['captcha'] != strtolower($security_captcha_enter)) {
             echo '<br />' . jnews::printM('red', _JNEWS_CAPTCHA_MSG);
             echo "<script>alert('" . addslashes(_JNEWS_CAPTCHA_MSG) . "'); window.history.go(-1);</script>\n";
예제 #5
    public static function controlPanel()
        $doc = JFactory::getDocument();
        $doc->addStyleSheet(JNEWS_URL_ADMIN . 'cssadmin/jnews.css');
<div align="center" class="centermain">
<div id="jnews">
		<table class="">
         	<td width="58%" valign="top">
        echo backHTML::iconsPanel();
			<td width="42%" valign="top">

			<div style="width=100%;">

			<script type="text/javascript">
				function checkcid(myField) {
					myField.checked = true;

			<form action="index.php" method="post" name="adminForm" id="adminForm">
				<input type="hidden" name="option" value="<?php 
        echo JNEWS_OPTION;
" />
				<input type="hidden" name="act" value="jnews" />
				<input type="hidden" name="task" value="" />
				<input type="hidden" name="userid" value="" />
		    	<input type="hidden" name="boxchecked" value="0" />

        $tabs = new MosTabsjNews(1);
        $tabs->startTab(_JNEWS_MENU_TAB_SUM, "acaControlPanel.Summary");
			<table class="<?php 
        echo jnews::myTheme();
					 <th class="title" style="text-align: center;"><?php 
        echo '#';
					 <th class="title" style="text-align: center;"><?php 
        echo _JNEWS_MENU_TAB_LIST;
					 <th class="title" style="text-align: center;"><?php 
        $html = '';
        $totalist = 0;
        $totalmail = 0;
        $totalsub = $GLOBALS[JNEWS . 'act_totalsubcribers0'];
        $totalsent = 0;
        $nb = explode(',', $GLOBALS[JNEWS . 'activelist']);
        $size = sizeof($nb);
        $countOfLists[1] = jNews_Lists::countLists(1);
        $countOfLists[2] = jNews_Lists::countLists(2);
        $countOfLists[7] = jNews_Mailing::countMails(7, true);
        $countOfMailings[1] = jNews_Mailing::countMails(1);
        $countOfMailings[2] = jNews_Mailing::countMails(2);
        $countOfMailings[7] = jNews_Mailing::countMails(7);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) {
            $index = $nb[$i];
            if ($GLOBALS[JNEWS . 'listshow' . $index] > 0 and $GLOBALS[JNEWS . 'listype' . $index] == 1) {
                $row = ($i + 1) % 2;
                $html .= '<tr class="row' . $row . '">';
                $html .= '<td><b>' . @constant($GLOBALS[JNEWS . 'listnames' . $index]) . '</b></td>';
                //					$html .= '<td style="text-align: center; ">' .$GLOBALS[JNEWS.'act_totallist'.$index].'1 </td>';
                $html .= '<td style="text-align: center; ">' . $countOfLists[$index] . ' </td>';
                //if the value to be is less than 0 we will display 0
                if ($GLOBALS[JNEWS . 'act_totalmailing' . $index] > 0) {
                    //						$html .= '<td style="text-align: center; ">' .$GLOBALS[JNEWS.'act_totalmailing'.$index].' </td>';
                    $html .= '<td style="text-align: center; ">' . $countOfMailings[$index] . ' </td>';
                } else {
                    $html .= '<td style="text-align: center; ">0</td>';
                //					$html .= '<td style="text-align: center; ">' .$GLOBALS[JNEWS.'totalmailingsent'.$index].' </td>';
                $html .= '</tr>';
                //					$totalist = $totalist + $GLOBALS[JNEWS.'act_totallist'.$index];
                $totalist = array_sum($countOfLists);
                //					$totalmail = $totalmail + $GLOBALS[JNEWS.'act_totalmailing'.$index];
                $totalmail = array_sum($countOfMailings);
                $totalsent = $totalsent + $GLOBALS[JNEWS . 'totalmailingsent' . $index];
                if ($GLOBALS[JNEWS . 'act_totalsubcribers' . $index] > $totalsub) {
                    $totalsub = $GLOBALS[JNEWS . 'act_totalsubcribers' . $index];
        $html .= '<tr>';
        $html .= '<td style="background-color: #CCFFFF;"><b>' . _JNEWS_CP_TOTAL . '</b></td>';
        $html .= '<td style="text-align: center; text-decoration: bold; background-color: #CCFFFF; border-top: 1px solid #000; ">' . $totalist . ' </td>';
        $html .= '<td style="text-align: center; text-decoration: bold; background-color: #CCFFFF; border-top: 1px solid #000; ">' . $totalmail . ' </td>';
        //			$html .= '<td style="text-align: center; text-decoration: bold; background-color: #CCFFFF; border-top: 1px solid #000; ">' .$totalsent.' </td>';
        //$html .= '<td style="text-align: center; ">' .$totalsub.' </td>';
        $html .= '</tr>';
        echo $html;
			 <br />
        if (class_exists('jNews_Auto')) {
            echo jNews_Auto::showQueue();
        $tabs->startTab(_JNEWS_MENU_SUBSCRIBERS, "acaControlPanel.Subscribers");
        $emailsearch = '';
        $listId = 0;
        $limittotal = jNews_Subscribers::getSubscribersCount($listId);
        $setLimitSubs = jnews::setLimitPagination($limittotal);
			<input type="hidden" name="listid" value="<?php 
        echo $listId;
" />
			<input type="hidden" name="start" value="<?php 
        echo $setLimitSubs->start;
" />
			<input type="hidden" name="limit" value="<?php 
        echo $setLimitSubs->end;
" />
			<input type="hidden" name="listsearch" value="<?php 
        echo $emailsearch;
" />

			<div style="margin-top: 10px;"><?php 
        echo jnews::setTop('', '', $setLimitSubs);

			<table class="<?php 
        echo jnews::myTheme();
						<th class="title">#</th>
						<th class="title" style="text-align: left;"><?php 
        echo _JNEWS_INPUT_NAME;
						<th class="title" style="text-align: left;"><?php 
        echo _JNEWS_INPUT_EMAIL;
						<th class="title" style="text-align: center;"><?php 
        echo _JNEWS_SIGNUP_DATE;
        $subscribers = jNews_Subscribers::getSubscribers($setLimitSubs->start, $setLimitSubs->end, $emailsearch, $setLimitSubs->total, $listId, '', 0, 0, 'sub_dateD', 0, 0, null, 0);
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($subscribers as $subscriber) {
            if (!jNews_Subscribers::validEmail($subscriber->email)) {
				<tr class="row<?php 
            echo ($i + 2) % 2;
            echo $i + $setLimitSubs->start;
				<td style="text-align: left;">
				<a href="index.php?option=<?php 
            echo JNEWS_OPTION;
            echo $subscriber->id;
" >
            echo $subscriber->name;
				<td style="text-align: left;"><?php 
            echo $subscriber->email;
				<td style="text-align: center;">
            echo date('l, jS F Y h:i:s A', jnews::getNow(0, true, $subscriber->subscribe_date));

        $tabs->startTab(_JNEWS_MENU_TAB_LIST, "acaControlPanel.Lists");
        $listsearch = '';
        $lists = jNews_Lists::getLists(0, 0, 1, '', false, false, false);
        $limittotal = count($lists);
        $setLimitLists = jnews::setLimitPagination($limittotal);

			<input type="hidden" name="listid" value="<?php 
        echo $listId;
" />
			<input type="hidden" name="start" value="<?php 
        echo $setLimitLists->start;
" />
			<input type="hidden" name="limit" value="<?php 
        echo $setLimitLists->end;
" />
			<input type="hidden" name="listsearch" value="<?php 
        echo $listsearch;
" />

			<div style="margin-top: 10px;"><?php 
        echo jnews::setTop('', '', $setLimitLists);

			<table class="<?php 
        echo jnews::myTheme();
					<th class="title">#</th>
					<th class="title" width="65%"  style="text-align: left;"><?php 
        echo _JNEWS_LIST_NAME;
					<th class="title" width="25%"  style="text-align: left;"><?php 
        echo _JNEWS_LIST_TYPE;
					<th class="title"  style="text-align: center;">ID</th>
        $lists = jNews_Lists::getLists(0, 0, 1, 'listtypeA', false, false, false, false, false, $listsearch, $setLimitLists, 0, 0);
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($lists as $list) {
            $link = 'index.php?option=' . JNEWS_OPTION . '&act=mailing&task=show&listid=' . $list->id;
				<tr class="row<?php 
            echo ($i + 2) % 2;
            echo $i + $setLimitLists->start;
					<td  style="text-align: left;">
						<a href="<?php 
            echo $link;
            echo $list->list_name;
					<td  style="text-align: left;"><?php 
            if ($list->list_type == 1) {
                echo _JNEWS_LIST;
            } else {
                echo _JNEWS_AR;
					<td  style="text-align: center;"><?php 
            echo $list->id;
				<th colspan="4">
		<div style="clear:both; float:left; margin-top: 10px;">
        echo jnews::printM('ok', _JNEWS_SERVER_LOCAL_TIME . ' : ' . date('l, j F Y H:i:s', jnews::getNow(0, true)));
        // - date('Z')