예제 #1
 function setRanks($round_id, $force = false)
     global $database;
     if (!$round_id) {
         jTipsLogger::_log('setRanks - no round_id passed in!', 'ERROR');
     //only process this round if the number of users in the round (in history) does not equal the outof
     $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) total, outof from #__jtips_history WHERE round_id = " . $database->Quote($round_id) . " GROUP BY round_id";
     $rows = $database->loadAssocList();
     $row = array_shift($rows);
     if (!$force and $row['total'] == $row['outof']) {
         //no need to reprocess this round!
         jTipsLogger::_log('setRanks: round does not need to be processed');
     // BUG 87 - Incorrect User Ranks and Scores
     //$query = "SELECT user_id, SUM(`points`) AS total_points, SUM(`precision`) AS total_precision " .
     //"FROM #__jtips_history GROUP BY user_id ORDER BY total_points DESC, total_precision ASC";
     $getSeasonQuery = "SELECT season_id, `round` FROM #__jtips_rounds WHERE id = {$round_id}";
     $rounds = $database->loadAssocList();
     $round = array_shift($rounds);
     $roundIDQuery = "SELECT id FROM #__jtips_rounds WHERE season_id = '" . $round['season_id'] . "' AND `round` <= '" . $round['round'] . "'";
     //$roundIDQuery = "SELECT id FROM #__jtips_rounds WHERE season_id = '" .$round['season_id']. "' AND start_time <= '" .$round['start_time']. "'";
     $round_ids_array = $database->loadResultArray();
     if (empty($round_ids_array)) {
         jTipsLogger::_log('setRanks - no rounds found! Something went wrong!', 'ERROR');
     $round_ids = implode(', ', $round_ids_array);
     $query = "SELECT user_id, SUM(points) AS total_points, SUM(`precision`) AS total_precision " . "FROM #__jtips_history WHERE round_id IN ({$round_ids}) GROUP BY user_id " . "ORDER BY total_points DESC, total_precision ASC";
     // END BUG 87
     jTipsLogger::_log("SETRANKS QUERY: " . $query);
     $rows = $database->loadResultArray();
     $outof = count($rows);
     $rank = 1;
     foreach ($rows as $id) {
         $params = array('user_id' => $id, 'round_id' => $round_id);
         $jHistory = new jHistory($database);
         $jHistory->rank = $rank;
         $jHistory->outof = $outof;
         if (!$id) {
             jTipsLogger::_log("NO USER ID!: U:{$id} R:{$rank} O:{$outof} Q:{$query}");
         jTipsLogger::_log("Setting rank for user {$id} to {$rank} out of {$outof}");
         if (!empty($jHistory->_error)) {
             jTipsLogger::_log($jHistory->_error, 'ERROR');
예제 #2
 function getDefaultPoints($user_id)
     global $database, $jTips;
     if (!$this->default_points) {
         jTipsLogger::_log('no default points should be allocated. aborting');
     } else {
         if ($this->default_points == 'low') {
             $limit = "LIMIT 1";
         } else {
             $limit = "";
         jTipsLogger::_log('setting default points for user ' . $user_id . ' using method -' . $this->default_points . '-');
         $round_id = $this->getLastRound();
         $query = "SELECT id FROM #__jtips_rounds WHERE season_id = '" . $this->id . "'";
         $rids = $database->loadResultArray();
         $query = "SELECT SUM(points) lpt, SUM(`precision`) lpr FROM #__jtips_history WHERE round_id IN ('" . implode("', '", $rids) . "') GROUP BY user_id ORDER BY lpt ASC {$limit}";
         jTipsLogger::_log("getDefaultPoints: ({$user_id}) " . $query);
         //only create a jhistory record if at least 1 round is complete
         if ($database->getNumRows() > 0) {
             $jHistory = new jHistory($database);
             $jHistory->user_id = $user_id;
             $jHistory->round_id = $round_id;
             if ($limit) {
                 //BUG 279 - no such function as loadAssoc
                 $res = $database->loadAssocList();
                 $jHistory->points = $res[0]['lpt'];
                 $jHistory->precision = $res[0]['lpr'];
             } else {
                 $res = $database->loadAssocList();
                 //loop and get averages for each
                 $points = 0;
                 $precision = 0;
                 foreach ($res as $row) {
                     $points += $row['lpt'];
                     $precision += $row['lpr'];
                 $jHistory->points = $points / count($res);
                 $jHistory->precision = $precision / count($res);
                 //rank will be different for averages!
             //rank query
             $query = "SELECT outof FROM #__jtips_history WHERE round_id = '{$round_id}'";
             $max = $database->loadResult();
             $jHistory->outof = $max + 1;
             $jHistory->rank = $max + 1;
             $jHistory->setRanks($round_id, true);
             //update outof
             /*$query = "UPDATE #__jtips_history SET outof = '" .($max+1). "', updated = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE round_id = '$round_id'";
             		jTipsLogger::_log('update ranks after adding user');
     return 0;
예제 #3
 function process()
     global $database, $jTips, $mosConfig_absolute_path;
     $params = array('round_id' => $this->id);
     $jSeason = new jSeason($database);
     $jGame = new jGame($database);
     $jGames = forceArray($jGame->loadByParams($params));
     $params = array('season_id' => $this->season_id);
     $jTipsUser = new jTipsUser($database);
     $jTipsUsers = forceArray($jTipsUser->loadByParams($params));
     $noTips = $scores = $worst_precision = array();
     $played = count($jGames);
     foreach ($jTipsUsers as $jTipsUser) {
         jTipsLogger::_log("Processing scores for user " . $jTipsUser->id);
         $score = $matching = $precision = $allAwayScore = 0;
         if ($jTipsUser->hasTipped($this->id)) {
             jTipsLogger::_log($jTipsUser->id . " has tipped in round " . $this->id);
             foreach ($jGames as $jGame) {
                 jTipsLogger::_log("Processing game " . $jGame->id);
                 $params = array('user_id' => $jTipsUser->id, 'game_id' => $jGame->id);
                 $jTip = new jTip($database);
                 // make sure this is not a bye game
                 if (!$jGame->home_id or !$jGame->away_id or !$jGame->winner_id) {
                     jTipsLogger::_log('attempting to process tips on a bye game, skipping', 'INFO');
                  * Feature Request 101 - Team Starts
                  * Determine the winner when we take the starts into account
                  * We only care about the starts for picking the winner/draw
                  * For picking the margins and scores, use the actual winner
                 if ($jSeason->team_starts) {
                     jTipsLogger::_log('processing team starts');
                     $homeScore = $awayScore = 0;
                     $homeScore = $jGame->home_score + ($jGame->home_start + 0);
                     $awayScore = $jGame->away_score + ($jGame->away_start + 0);
                     if ($homeScore > $awayScore) {
                         $winnerID = $jGame->home_id;
                     } else {
                         if ($homeScore < $awayScore) {
                             $winnerID = $jGame->away_id;
                         } else {
                             if ($homeScore == $awayScore) {
                                 $winnerID = -1;
                     jTipsLogger::_log('feature 101: With starts, the winner is ' . $winnerID . ', otherwise the winner is ' . $jGame->winner_id . " HOME {$homeScore} v AWAY {$awayScore}");
                 } else {
                     $winnerID = $jGame->winner_id;
                 if ($jTip->tip_id == $winnerID) {
                     //User tipped right!
                     jTipsLogger::_log("CORRECT TIP by " . $jTipsUser->id . " in round_id " . $this->id . " in game_id " . $jGame->id);
                     //BUG 248 - Add ToughScore if enabled
                     if ($jSeason->tough_score and $jGame->tough_score) {
                         $score += $jGame->tough_score;
                     if ($winnerID == -1) {
                         $score += isset($jSeason->user_draw) ? $jSeason->user_draw : 0;
                         jTipsLogger::_log("Draw correctly picked!");
                     } else {
                         $score += isset($jSeason->user_correct) ? $jSeason->user_correct : 0;
                 if ($winnerID == $jGame->away_id) {
                     $allAwayScore += $jSeason->user_correct;
                 //Check for correct margins and handle precision score gathering
                 if ($jSeason->pick_margin == 1 and $jGame->has_margin == 1) {
                     $margin = abs($jGame->home_score - $jGame->away_score);
                     if ($jTip->margin == $margin) {
                         $score += isset($jSeason->user_pick_margin) ? $jSeason->user_pick_margin : 0;
                         jTipsLogger::_log("correct margin picked!");
                     if ($jSeason->precision_score == 1) {
                         if ($jGame->winner_id == $jTip->tip_id) {
                             $margin_offset = abs($margin - $jTip->margin);
                         } else {
                             $margin_offset = abs($margin + $jTip->margin);
                         if (isset($worst_precision[$jGame->id]) && $margin_offset > $worst_precision[$jGame->id] || empty($worst_precision[$jGame->id])) {
                             $worst_precision[$jGame->id] = $margin_offset;
                         $precision += $margin_offset;
                         jTipsLogger::_log("PICK_MARGIN: Adding {$margin_offset} to precision of {$precision}");
                 //Check for correct scores and handle precision score gathering
                 if ($jSeason->pick_score == 1 and $jGame->has_score == 1) {
                     $margin = abs($jGame->home_score - $jGame->away_score);
                     if ($jTip->home_score == $jGame->home_score and $jTip->away_score == $jGame->away_score) {
                         $score += isset($jSeason->user_pick_score) ? $jSeason->user_pick_score : 0;
                         jTipsLogger::_log("Correct scores picked!");
                     if ($jSeason->precision_score == 1) {
                         $pickedScoreMargin = abs($jTip->home_score - $jTips->away_score);
                         if ($jGame->winner_id == $jTip->tip_id) {
                             $score_offset = abs($margin - $pickedScoreMargin);
                         } else {
                             $score_offset = abs($margin + $pickedScoreMargin);
                         if (isset($worst_precision[$jGame->id]) and $score_offset > $worst_precision[$jGame->id] or empty($worst_precision[$jGame->id])) {
                             $worst_precision[$jGame->id] = $score_offset;
                         $precision += $score_offset;
                         jTipsLogger::_log("PICK_SCORE: Adding {$score_offset} to precision of {$precision}");
                         jTipsLogger::_log("PREC DEBUG: {$jTipsUser->id}-{$jTipsUser->user_id} Picked Margin: {$pickedScoreMargin}. Actual Margin: {$margin}. Applied Precision: {$score_offset}. Running Precision: {$precision}", 'INFO');
                 //Check for a bonus team selection
                 if ($jSeason->pick_bonus >= 1 and $jGame->has_bonus == 1) {
                     if ($jTip->bonus_id == $jGame->bonus_id && $jGame->bonus_id != -1) {
                         $score += isset($jSeason->user_pick_bonus) ? $jSeason->user_pick_bonus : 0;
             //was a perfect round picked?
             if ($matching == $played) {
                 $score += isset($jSeason->user_bonus) ? $jSeason->user_bonus : 0;
             //did the user use their 'doubleup'
             if ($jTipsUser->doubleup == $this->id and $jTips['DoubleUp'] == 1) {
                 $score = $score * 2;
             $scores[] = $score;
             //Save the data to the history object
             $jHistory = new jHistory($database);
             $jHistory->user_id = $jTipsUser->id;
             $jHistory->round_id = $this->id;
             jTipsLogger::_log("Score for user_id " . $jTipsUser->id . " in round_id " . $this->id . " is {$score}");
             $jHistory->points = $score;
             //Update rank after all users have been saved
             $jHistory->outof = count($jTipsUsers);
             //$jHistory->comment	= $jTipsUser->comment;
             if ($jSeason->precision_score == 1) {
                 jTipsLogger::_log("setting precision to {$precision} for user_id " . $jTipsUser->id . " in round_id " . $this->id);
                 $jHistory->precision = $precision;
             } else {
                 $jHistory->precision = 0;
             if ($jHistory->save() !== false) {
                 $results[] = 1;
             } else {
                 jTipsLogger::_log("Error saving history: " . $jHistory->_error);
                 $results[] = 0;
             //remove the current comment
             $jTipsUser->comment = null;
             // Check if the AlphaUserPoints config option is set
             if (isJoomla15()) {
                 $api_AUP = JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_alphauserpoints' . DS . 'helper.php';
             } else {
                 $api_AUP = $mosConfig_absolute_path . 'components/com_alphauserpoints/helper.php';
             if (!$this->scored and $jTips['AlphaUserPoints'] and jTipsFileExists($api_AUP)) {
                 require_once $api_AUP;
                 jTipsLogger::_log('sending ' . $score . ' points for user ' . $jTipsUser->user_id, 'INFO');
                 $refID = AlphaUserPointsHelper::getAnyUserReferreID($jTipsUser->user_id);
                 AlphaUserPointsHelper::newpoints('plgaup_jtips_total_points', $refID, '', '', $score);
             if (!$this->scored and $jTips['JomSocialActivities'] and $jTips['JomSocialUserResults']) {
                 global $mosConfig_absolute_path;
                 require_once $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/administrator/components/com_jtips/utils/jTipsJomSocial.php';
                 jTipsJomSocial::writeRoundResult($jSeason, $this, $jTipsUser->user_id, $score);
         } else {
             $noTips[] = $jTipsUser;
     if (count($noTips) > 0) {
         // Feature Request 71
         // Allow users that did not to be assigned
         // all the away teams
         /*if ($jSeason->user_none != -1) {
         		$thisRound = $jSeason->user_none;
         		} else if (is_array($scores) && count($scores) > 0) {
         		$thisRound = min($scores);
         		} else {
         		$thisRound = 0;
         if ($jSeason->user_none == -2) {
             //handle all away teams
             $thisRound = $allAwayScore;
             jTipsLogger::_log("didn't tip? You'll be stuck with the away teams. You got {$thisRound}");
         } else {
             if ($jSeason->user_none == -1) {
                 //handle lowest possible score
                 if (is_array($scores) and count($scores) > 0) {
                     $thisRound = min($scores);
                     jTipsLogger::_log("didn't tip? You'll be stuck with the lowest score this round, {$thisRound}");
                 } else {
                     $thisRound = 0;
                     jTipsLogger::_log("didn't tip? You'll be stuck {$thisRound}");
             } else {
                 //handle allocated score
                 $thisRound = $jSeason->user_none;
                 jTipsLogger::_log("didn't tip? You're getting {$thisRound}");
         // END Feature Request 71
         foreach ($noTips as $jTipsUser) {
             $jHistory = new jHistory($database);
             $jHistory->user_id = $jTipsUser->id;
             $jHistory->round_id = $this->id;
             $jHistory->points = $thisRound;
             $jHistory->precision = array_sum($worst_precision);
             //$jHistory->outof		= count($jTipsUsers);
             //$jHistory->comment	= $jTipsUser->comment;
             if ($jHistory->save() !== false) {
                 $results[] = 1;
             } else {
                 $results[] = 0;
             // Check if the AlphaUserPoints config option is set
             if (isJoomla15()) {
                 $api_AUP = JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_alphauserpoints' . DS . 'helper.php';
             } else {
                 $api_AUP = $mosConfig_absolute_path . 'components/com_alphauserpoints/helper.php';
             if (!$this->scored and $jTips['AlphaUserPoints'] and jTipsFileExists($api_AUP)) {
                 require_once $api_AUP;
                 jTipsLogger::_log('sending ' . $score . ' points for user ' . $jTipsUser->user_id, 'INFO');
                 $refID = AlphaUserPointsHelper::getAnyUserReferreID($jTipsUser->user_id);
                 AlphaUserPointsHelper::newpoints('plgaup_jtips_total_points', $refID, '', '', $thisRound);
             if (!$this->scored and $jTips['JomSocialActivities']) {
                 global $mosConfig_absolute_path;
                 require_once $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/administrator/components/com_jtips/utils/jTipsJomSocial.php';
                 if ($jTips['JomSocialUserResults']) {
                     jTipsJomSocial::writeRoundResult($jSeason, $this, $jTipsUser->user_id, $score);
                 if ($jTips['JomSocialOnNoTips']) {
                     jTipsJomSocial::writeOnNoTips($jTipsUser->user_id, $jSeason, $this);
     $jHistory = new jHistory($database);
     $jHistory->setRanks($this->id, true);
     if (!$this->scored and $jTips['JomSocialActivities']) {
         // find out who won the round and write it to the JomSocial stream
         $winners = $this->getRoundWinners();
         jTipsJomSocial::writeRoundWinners($winners, $this, $jSeason);
     $this->scored = 1;
     $result = $this->save();
     //if ($this->scored != 1) {
     jTeam::updateLadder($this, $jSeason);
     //$this->scored = 1;
     //return $this->save();
     return $result;