예제 #1
  * return the value of the right on the given subject (and on the optional resource).
  * The resource "-" (meaning 'all resources') has the priority over specific resources.
  * It means that if you give a specific resource, it will be ignored if there is a positive right
  * with "-". The right on the given resource will be checked if there is no rights for "-".
  * @param string $subject the key of the subject
  * @param string $resource the id of a resource
  * @return boolean true if the user has the right on the given subject
 public function getRight($subject, $resource = '-')
     if (!jAuth::isConnected()) {
         return $this->getAnonymousRight($subject, $resource);
     if (empty($resource)) {
         $resource = '-';
     $login = jCache::normalizeKey(jAuth::getUserSession()->login);
     $rightkey = 'acl2db/' . $login . '/rights';
     $groups = null;
     if ($this->acl === null) {
         $rights = jCache::get($rightkey, 'acl2db');
         if ($rights === false) {
             $this->acl = array();
             // let's load all rights for the groups on which the current user is attached
             $groups = jAcl2DbUserGroup::getGroups();
             if (count($groups)) {
                 $dao = jDao::get('jacl2db~jacl2rights', 'jacl2_profile');
                 foreach ($dao->getRightsByGroups($groups) as $rec) {
                     // if there is already a right on a same subject on an other group
                     // we should take care when this rights says "cancel"
                     if (isset($this->acl[$rec->id_aclsbj])) {
                         if ($rec->canceled) {
                             $this->acl[$rec->id_aclsbj] = false;
                     } else {
                         $this->acl[$rec->id_aclsbj] = $rec->canceled ? false : true;
             jCache::set($rightkey, $this->acl, null, 'acl2db');
         } else {
             $this->acl = $rights;
     if (!isset($this->acl[$subject])) {
         $this->acl[$subject] = false;
         jCache::set($rightkey, $this->acl, null, 'acl2db');
     // no resource given, just return the global right for the given subject
     if ($resource == '-') {
         return $this->acl[$subject];
     $rightreskey = 'acl2db/' . $login . '/rightsres/' . $subject;
     if (!isset($this->aclres[$subject])) {
         $rights = jCache::get($rightreskey, 'acl2db');
         if ($rights !== false) {
             $this->aclres[$subject] = $rights;
     // if we already have loaded the corresponding right, returns it
     if (isset($this->aclres[$subject][$resource])) {
         return $this->aclres[$subject][$resource];
     // default right for the resource is the global right
     $this->aclres[$subject][$resource] = $this->acl[$subject];
     // if the general right is not given, check the specific right for the resource
     if (!$this->acl[$subject]) {
         if ($groups === null) {
             $groups = jAcl2DbUserGroup::getGroups();
         if (count($groups)) {
             $dao = jDao::get('jacl2db~jacl2rights', 'jacl2_profile');
             $right = $dao->getRightWithRes($subject, $groups, $resource);
             $this->aclres[$subject][$resource] = $right != false ? $right->canceled ? false : true : false;
         jCache::set($rightreskey, $this->aclres[$subject], null, 'acl2db');
         return $this->aclres[$subject][$resource];
     } else {
         jCache::set($rightreskey, $this->aclres[$subject], null, 'acl2db');
         return true;