예제 #1
$t->info('    Call ->setLabel() recursively.');
$otherMenu->callRecursively('setLabel', 'changed');
$t->is($otherMenu->getLabel(), 'changed', 'The label was changed at the root.');
$t->is($otherMenu['child']->getLabel(), 'changed', 'The label was changed on the child.');
$t->is($otherMenu['child']['grandchild']->getLabel(), 'changed', 'The label was changed on the grandchild.');
$t->info('  7.2 - Test getPathAsString()');
$t->is($gc1->getPathAsString('---'), 'root---Parent 2---Child 4---Grandchild 1', '->getPathAsString() returns the correct string path for gc1.');
$t->info('  7.3 - Test getBreadcrumbsArray()');
$breadcrumbsMenu = new ioMenuItem('Home', 'http://www.sympalphp.org');
$breadcrumbsMenu->addChild('Reference Manual', 'http://www.sympalphp.org/documentation/1_0/book/en');
$breadcrumbsMenu['Reference Manual']->addChild('Introduction', 'http://www.sympalphp.org/documentation/1_0/book/introduction/en');
$breadcrumbs1 = array('Home' => 'http://www.sympalphp.org');
$breadcrumbs2 = array('Home' => 'http://www.sympalphp.org', 'Reference Manual' => 'http://www.sympalphp.org/documentation/1_0/book/en');
$breadcrumbs3 = array('Home' => 'http://www.sympalphp.org', 'Reference Manual' => 'http://www.sympalphp.org/documentation/1_0/book/en', 'Introduction' => 'http://www.sympalphp.org/documentation/1_0/book/introduction/en');
$t->is($breadcrumbsMenu->getBreadcrumbsArray(), $breadcrumbs1, '->getBreadcrumbsMenu() on the root returns the correct array.');
$t->is($breadcrumbsMenu['Reference Manual']->getBreadcrumbsArray(), $breadcrumbs2, '->getBreadcrumbsMenu() on the child returns the correct array.');
$t->is($breadcrumbsMenu['Reference Manual']['Introduction']->getBreadcrumbsArray(), $breadcrumbs3, '->getBreadcrumbsMenu() on the grandchild returns the correct array.');
$t->is($breadcrumbsMenu->getBreadcrumbsArray('test'), array('Home' => 'http://www.sympalphp.org', 'test' => null), '->getBreadcrumbsArray() with a string parameter adds one entry to the array.');
$t->is($breadcrumbsMenu->getBreadcrumbsArray(array('test' => 'http://google.com')), array('Home' => 'http://www.sympalphp.org', 'test' => 'http://google.com'), '->getBreadcrumbsArray() with a name => route array parameter adds one entry to the array.');
$t->is($breadcrumbsMenu->getBreadcrumbsArray(array('test1', 'test2')), array('Home' => 'http://www.sympalphp.org', 'test1' => null, 'test2' => null), '->getBreadcrumbsArray() with an indexed array parameter adds each item to the array.');
$t->info('  7.4 - Test toArray(), fromArray()');
$t->info('    a) Test ->toArray() on pt2');
$menu['Parent 2']->isCurrent(true);
$menu['Parent 2']->setAttribute('class', 'parent2');
$menu['Parent 2']->setLinkOptions(array('class' => 'anchor_class'));
$menu['Parent 2']->setUrlOptions(array('foo' => 'bar'));
$t->is($menu['Parent 2']->toArray(), array('name' => 'Parent 2', 'label' => null, 'route' => null, 'attributes' => array('class' => 'parent2'), 'requires_auth' => false, 'requires_no_auth' => false, 'credentials' => array(), 'link_options' => array('class' => 'anchor_class'), 'url_options' => array('foo' => 'bar'), 'class' => 'ioMenuItemTest', 'children' => array('Child 4' => array('name' => 'Child 4', 'label' => null, 'route' => null, 'attributes' => array(), 'requires_auth' => false, 'requires_no_auth' => false, 'credentials' => array(), 'link_options' => array(), 'url_options' => array(), 'class' => 'ioMenuItemTest', 'children' => array('Grandchild 1' => array('name' => 'Grandchild 1', 'label' => null, 'route' => null, 'attributes' => array(), 'requires_auth' => false, 'requires_no_auth' => false, 'credentials' => array(), 'link_options' => array(), 'url_options' => array(), 'class' => 'ioMenuItemTest', 'children' => array()))))), 'Test toArray() on pt2');
$t->is($menu['Parent 2']->toArray(false), array('name' => 'Parent 2', 'label' => null, 'route' => null, 'attributes' => array('class' => 'parent2'), 'requires_auth' => false, 'requires_no_auth' => false, 'credentials' => array(), 'link_options' => array('class' => 'anchor_class'), 'url_options' => array('foo' => 'bar'), 'class' => 'ioMenuItemTest'), 'Test toArray() without children on pt2');
$t->info('    b) Test ->fromArray(), sourcing from p2');
$test = new ioMenuItemTest('Imported');