<?php require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../module.inc.php'; $submitted = io::post('submit'); $name = io::post('name'); $description = io::post('description'); $property = io::post('property'); $expression = io::post('expression'); $mapping = array(); //get all properties (contact metadata) $allContactMetadata = $api->contactmetadata(array('Limit' => '-1')); if (isset($api->_response_code) && $api->_response_code === MailjetAPI::MAILJET_STATUS_CODE_OK_GET) { $properties = array(); foreach ($allContactMetadata->Data as $key => $oProperty) { $properties[$oProperty->Name] = $oProperty->Name; $mapping[$oProperty->Name] = $oProperty->Datatype; } } $errors = array(); $created = false; if ($submitted) { if (empty($name) || empty($expression)) { $errors[] = 'Veuillez remplir tous les champs obligatoires'; } $typeProperty = $mapping[$property]; switch ($typeProperty) { case 'str': $expression = '"' . $expression . '"'; break; case 'int': if ($expression !== '0' && intval($expression) === 0) {
$immediateSending = io::post('immediateSending'); if ($immediateSending) { $response = $api->newsletterSend($params); if (isset($api->_response_code) && $api->_response_code === MailjetAPI::MAILJET_STATUS_CODE_OK_POST) { $sent = true; } elseif (isset($api->_response_code) && $api->_response_code === MailjetAPI::MAILJET_STATUS_CODE_OK_ERROR) { $msg = 'Erreur pendant la programmation de l\'envoi.'; $immediateErrors[] = $msg; } else { $immediateErrors[] = 'Erreur interne pendant la programmation de l\'envoi.'; } } $programmed = io::post('programmedSending'); if ($programmed) { $date = io::post('date_submit'); $time = io::post('time'); if (empty($date) || empty($time)) { $programmedErrors[] = 'Veuillez remplir la date et l\'heure'; } if (empty($programmedErrors)) { $dateProgrammed = date_create($date . ' ' . $time)->format('c'); // now we can programme the newsletter sending $params = array('method' => 'POST', 'ID' => $campaignId, 'Date' => $dateProgrammed); $response = $api->newsletterSchedule($params); if (isset($api->_response_code) && $api->_response_code === MailjetAPI::MAILJET_STATUS_CODE_OK_POST) { $programmedSuccess = true; } elseif (isset($api->_response_code) && $api->_response_code === MailjetAPI::MAILJET_STATUS_CODE_OK_ERROR) { $msg = 'Erreur pendant la programmation de l\'envoi.'; $programmedErrors[] = $msg; } else { $programmedErrors[] = 'Erreur interne pendant la programmation de l\'envoi.';
<?php require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../module.inc.php'; $listId = io::get('id'); // Get the list using the listId (passed by parameters) $list = $api->contactslist(array('method' => 'VIEW', 'ID' => $listId))->Data[0]; // to get all contacts of the list, we use Limit = -1 $contacts = $api->contact(array('method' => 'GET', 'ContactsList' => $listId, 'Limit' => '-1')); $submitted = io::post('submit'); $errors = array(); $updated = false; if ($submitted) { $label = io::post('label'); $listId = io::post('id'); if (empty($label)) { $errors[] = 'Veuillez remplir tous les champs obligatoires'; } if (empty($errors)) { $response = $api->contactslist(array('method' => 'PUT', 'unique' => $listId, 'Name' => $label)); if (isset($api->_response_code) && $api->_response_code === MailjetAPI::MAILJET_STATUS_CODE_OK_PUT) { $updated = true; } } } else { if ($list) { // List's id (not listId), make with numbers and characters $name = $list->Address; // List's name $label = $list->Name; } }
if (!$archive->hasError()) { $cms_message .= $cms_language->getMessage(MESSAGE_PAGE_MODULE_EXTRACT_DONE) . "\n"; } else { $cms_message .= $cms_language->getMessage(MESSAGE_PAGE_MODULE_EXTRACT_ERROR) . "\n"; break; } unset($archive); $file = new CMS_file(PATH_TMP_FS . '/export.xml'); if (!$file->exists()) { $cms_message .= $cms_language->getMessage(MESSAGE_PAGE_MODULE_NO_EXPORT) . "\n"; break; } $importDatas = $file->getContent(); $format = 'xml'; } elseif (io::post('import')) { $importDatas = io::post('import'); if ($format == 'php') { //try to eval PHP Array try { $importDatas = eval('return ' . $importDatas . ';'); } catch (Exception $e) { } } } else { $cms_message .= $cms_language->getMessage(MESSAGE_PAGE_MODULE_ERROR_NO_IMPORT_DATA) . "\n"; break; } if (!$importDatas) { $cms_message .= $cms_language->getMessage(MESSAGE_PAGE_MODULE_ERROR_NO_IMPORT_DATA) . "\n"; break; }
$oembedDefinitionId = io::request("definition"); $oembedDefinition = CMS_polymod_oembed_definition_catalog::getById($oembedDefinitionId); if (!$oembedDefinition) { $oembedDefinition = new CMS_polymod_oembed_definition(); } if ($moduleCodename) { $polymod = CMS_modulesCatalog::getByCodename($moduleCodename); } $cms_message = ""; switch ($_POST["cms_action"]) { case "validate": $oembedDefinition->setObjectdefinition(io::post('objectdefinition')); $oembedDefinition->setCodename(io::post('codename')); $oembedDefinition->setHtml(io::post('html')); $oembedDefinition->setParameter(io::post('parameter')); $oembedDefinition->setLabel(io::post('label')); if ($oembedDefinition->validate()) { $oembedDefinition->writeToPersistence(); } else { $errors = $oembedDefinition->getValidationFailures(); foreach ($errors as $error) { $cms_message .= "\n" . $error; } } break; case "switchexplanation": break; } $dialog = new CMS_dialog(); $dialog->setTitle("Création / modification d'une définition oembed", 'picto_modules.gif'); $dialog->setBacklink("modules_admin.php?moduleCodename=" . $moduleCodename . "&object=" . $objectDefinition->getID());
$status = $campaign->Status; } $errors = array(); $updated = false; if ($submitted) { $campaignId = io::post('id'); $title = io::post('title'); $subject = io::post('subject'); $footer = io::post('footer'); $from = io::post('from'); $from_name = io::post('from_name'); $lang = io::post('lang'); $list_id = io::post('list_id'); $permalink = io::post('permalink'); $reply_to = io::post('reply_to'); $segment_id = io::post('segment_id'); if (empty($title) || empty($subject) || empty($list_id) || empty($lang) || empty($from) || empty($from_name) || empty($footer)) { $errors[] = 'Veuillez remplir tous les champs obligatoires'; } elseif (!filter_var($from, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { $errors[] = 'Veuillez saisir un email d\'expéditeur valide'; } elseif ($reply_to != '' && !filter_var($reply_to, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { $errors[] = 'Veuillez saisir un email de réponse valide'; } if (empty($errors)) { $params = array('method' => 'PUT', 'unique' => $campaignId, 'Title' => $title, 'Subject' => $subject, 'ContactsListID' => $list_id, 'Locale' => $lang, 'SenderEmail' => $from, 'SenderName' => $from_name, 'Footer' => $footer, 'Permalink' => $permalink, 'ReplyEmail' => $reply_to); if ($segment_id !== '') { $params['SegmentationID'] = $segment_id; } $response = $api->newsletter($params); if (isset($api->_response_code) && $api->_response_code === MailjetAPI::MAILJET_STATUS_CODE_OK_GET) { $updated = true;
$validateContentSubmitted = io::post('validate-content'); if ($validateContentSubmitted) { $params = array('method' => 'PUT', 'ID' => $campaignId, 'Html-part' => $htmlVersion, 'Text-part' => $textVersion); $response = $api->newsletterDetailContent($params); if (isset($api->_response_code) && $api->_response_code === MailjetAPI::MAILJET_STATUS_CODE_OK_VIEW) { $contentOk = true; } elseif (isset($api->_response_code) && $api->_response_code === MailjetAPI::MAILJET_STATUS_CODE_OK_ERROR) { $errors[] = 'Erreur pendant l\'envoi du code source de l\'email à Mailjet.'; } else { $errors[] = 'Erreur interne pendant l\'envoi du code source de l\'email à Mailjet.'; } } $testEmail = io::post('test-email'); if ($testEmail) { $recipient = io::post('test-recipient'); $name = io::post('name-recipient'); if (!filter_var($recipient, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { $errors[] = 'Veuillez saisir un email valide.'; } else { $params = array("method" => "POST", "ID" => $campaignId, "Recipients" => json_decode('[ { "Email": "' . $recipient . '", "Name": "' . $name . '" } ]', true)); $response = $api->newsletterTest($params); if (isset($api->_response_code) && $api->_response_code === MailjetAPI::MAILJET_STATUS_CODE_OK_POST) { $testMailOk = true; } elseif (isset($api->_response_code) && $api->_response_code === MailjetAPI::MAILJET_STATUS_CODE_OK_ERROR) { $msg = 'Erreur pendant l\'envoi du mail de test.'; $errors[] = $msg;
$content .= '<label> <input type="checkbox" name="options[]" value="' . $param . '"' . (in_array($param, $options) ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . ' /> ' . $label . ' </label><br />'; } $content .= ' </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Inclure une description</legend> <textarea style="width:100%;height:150px;" name="desc">' . io::htmlspecialchars(io::post('desc')) . '</textarea> </fieldset><br /><br /> <input type="submit" class="admin_input_submit" value="' . $cms_language->getMessage(MESSAGE_PAGE_EXPORT_MODULE) . '" /> </form>'; switch (io::post('action')) { case 'export': if (io::post('desc')) { $options['description'] = io::post('desc'); } //set export parameters $export->setParameters($options); //force default language loading to overwrite user language because datas is more accurate in default language $oldLanguage = $cms_language->getCode(); $cms_language = CMS_languagesCatalog::getDefaultLanguage(false); //export datas $exportDatas = $export->export($format); //reload user language $cms_language = CMS_languagesCatalog::getByCode($oldLanguage); switch ($format) { case 'php': $content .= ' <br /><a name="exportDatas"></a> <fieldset>
<?php require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../module.inc.php'; $submitted = io::post('submit'); $label = io::post('label'); //$name = io::post('name'); $errors = array(); $created = false; if ($submitted) { if (empty($label)) { $errors[] = 'Veuillez remplir tous les champs obligatoires'; } if (empty($errors)) { $params = array('method' => 'POST', 'Name' => $label); $response = $api->contactslist($params); if ($api->_response_code === MailjetAPI::MAILJET_STATUS_CODE_OK_POST) { $created = true; $id = $response->Data[0]->ID; } } } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <?php include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../partials/head.php'; ?> <body> <div id="header"> <h1><a href="index.php"><?php
<?php require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../module.inc.php'; $contactFilterId = io::get('id'); $contactFilter = $api->contactfilter(array("method" => "VIEW", "ID" => $contactFilterId)); if ($contactFilter) { $contactFilter = $contactFilter->Data[0]; } $submitted = io::post('submit'); $errors = array(); $deleted = false; if ($submitted) { $contactFilterId = io::post('id'); if (empty($errors)) { $response = $api->contactfilter(array('method' => 'DELETE', 'ID' => $contactFilterId)); echo '<pre>'; var_dump($api); echo '</pre>'; if (isset($api->_response_code) && $api->_response_code === MailjetAPI::MAILJET_STATUS_CODE_OK_DELETE) { $deleted = true; } } } else { if ($contactFilter) { $name = $contactFilter->Name; $description = $contactFilter->Description != '' ? $contactFilter->Description : '-'; $expression = $contactFilter->Expression; } } ?> <!DOCTYPE html>