예제 #1
// or if this is a new record, it returns the defaults
$therecord = $import->processImportPage();
//make sure that we set the status message id the processing returned one
// (e.g. "Record Updated")
if (isset($therecord["phpbmsStatus"])) {
    $statusmessage = $therecord["phpbmsStatus"];
$pageTitle = $therecord["title"] ? $therecord["title"] : "General Table Import";
$phpbms->cssIncludes[] = "pages/imports.css";
$phpbms->jsIncludes[] = "modules/bms/javascript/clients_import.js";
// We need to define them here in the head
// so that any necessay javascript is loaded appropriately.
//Form Elements
// Create the form
$theform = new importForm();
$theform->enctype = "multipart/form-data";
//if you need to set specific form vaiables (like enctype, or extra onsubmit
// you can set those form properties here.
// for each field we will use, create the field object and add it to
// the forms list.
$list = array("phpBMS csv file" => 0, "Sugar CRM (v5.5.0)" => 1);
$default = 0;
if (isset($_POST["importType"])) {
    $default = (int) $_POST["importType"];
$theinput = new inputBasicList("importType", $default, $list, "File Type");
// lastly, use the jsMerge method to create the final Javascript formatting
예제 #2
//Next we process the form (if submitted) and
// return the current record as an array ($therecord)
// or if this is a new record, it returns the defaults
$therecord = $import->processImportPage();
//make sure that we set the status message id the processing returned one
// (e.g. "Record Updated")
if (isset($therecord["phpbmsStatus"])) {
    $statusmessage = $therecord["phpbmsStatus"];
$pageTitle = $therecord["title"] ? $therecord["title"] : "General Table Import";
$phpbms->cssIncludes[] = "pages/imports.css";
//Form Elements
// Create the form
$theform = new importForm();
$theform->enctype = "multipart/form-data";
// lastly, use the jsMerge method to create the final Javascript formatting
//End Form Elements
include "header.php";
<div class="bodyline">
		Next we start the form.  This also prints the H1 with title, and top save,cancel buttons
		If you need to have other buttons, or need a specific top, you will need to create your form manually.
$theform->startForm($pageTitle, $import->pageType, count($import->transactionRecords));