?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="account_id" value="<?php echo $account['id']; ?> " /> <?php if ($account) { if ($mail->open($account['host'], $account['type'], $account['port'], $account['username'], $GO_CRYPTO->decrypt($account['password']), $mailbox, 0, $account['use_ssl'], $account['novalidate_cert'])) { //block email to spam folder if (isset($_REQUEST['spam_uid']) && $_REQUEST['spam_uid'] > 0) { $spam_folder = $account['spam']; if ($_REQUEST['spam_address'] != '' && $spam_folder != '') { $email->add_filter($account['id'], "sender", smart_addslashes($_REQUEST['spam_address']), addslashes($spam_folder)); $messages[] = $_REQUEST['spam_uid']; $mail->move($spam_folder, $messages); } } } else { echo '<p class="Error">' . $ml_connect_failed . ' \'' . $account['host'] . '\' ' . $ml_at_port . ': ' . $account['port'] . '</p>'; echo '<p class="Error">' . imap_last_error() . '</p>'; require $GO_THEME->theme_path . 'footer.inc'; exit; } require "navigation.inc"; } else { echo '<br /><h3>' . $ml_no_accounts . '</h3><p class="normal">' . $ml_text . '</p>'; } echo '</form>'; $mail->close(); require $GO_THEME->theme_path . "footer.inc";
$uid = isset($_REQUEST['uid']) ? $_REQUEST['uid'] : 0; $max_rows = isset($_REQUEST['max_rows']) ? $_REQUEST['max_rows'] : $_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['max_rows_list']; $first_row = isset($_REQUEST['first_row']) ? $_REQUEST['first_row'] : 0; $table_tabindex = isset($_REQUEST['table_tabindex']) ? $_REQUEST['table_tabindex'] : null; $return_to = isset($_REQUEST['return_to']) && $_REQUEST['return_to'] != '' ? $_REQUEST['return_to'] : null; $link_back = isset($_REQUEST['link_back']) && $_REQUEST['link_back'] != '' ? $_REQUEST['link_back'] : $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $task = isset($_REQUEST['task']) && $_REQUEST['task'] != '' ? $_REQUEST['task'] : ''; $print = isset($_REQUEST['print']) ? true : false; $part = isset($_REQUEST['part']) ? $_REQUEST['part'] : ''; $query = isset($_REQUEST['query']) ? $_REQUEST['query'] : ''; $account = $email->get_account($account_id); if ($account && $mail->open($account['host'], $account['type'], $account['port'], $account['username'], $GO_CRYPTO->decrypt($account['password']), $mailbox, 0, $account['use_ssl'], $account['novalidate_cert'])) { if ($task == 'move_mail') { $messages = array($uid); $move_to_mailbox = smartstrip($_REQUEST['move_to_mailbox']); if ($mail->move($move_to_mailbox, $messages) && $mail->reopen($move_to_mailbox)) { header('Location: ' . $GO_MODULES->url . 'index.php?account_id=' . $account_id . '&mailbox=' . $mailbox); exit; } } //sort messages for determination of previous and next message if ($query != '') { $mail->search($em_settings['sort_field'], $em_settings['sort_order'], base64_decode($query)); } else { $mail->sort($em_settings['sort_field'], $em_settings['sort_order']); } $content = $mail->get_message($uid, 'html', $part); $subject = !empty($content["subject"]) ? $content["subject"] : $ml_no_subject; } else { require $GO_THEME->theme_path . 'header.inc'; echo '<table border="0" cellpadding="10" width="100%"><tr><td>';
$image_string = '<img src="' . $GO_THEME->images['arrow_down'] . '" border="0" />'; $new_sort_order = 0; } else { $image_string = '<img src="' . $GO_THEME->images['arrow_up'] . '" border="0" />'; $new_sort_order = 1; } if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST" && isset($_POST['messages'])) { switch ($_POST['form_action']) { case 'delete': if ($mailbox == $account['trash'] || $account['type'] == 'pop3' || $account['trash'] == '') { $mail->delete($_POST['messages']); //set this var so we can check if unseen messages were deleted //if so, the auto mail checker must now too. $unseen_state_changed = true; } else { $mail->move($account['trash'], $_POST['messages']); } break; case 'move': $mail->move(smartstrip($_POST['folder']), $_POST['messages']); break; case 'set_flag': switch ($_POST['flag']) { case 'read': //set this var so we can check if unseen messages were deleted //if so, the auto mail checker must now too. $unseen_state_changed = true; $mail->set_message_flag($mailbox, $_POST['messages'], "\\Seen"); break; case 'unread': //set this var so we can check if unseen messages were deleted