예제 #1
 public function exportQuestion($a_ref_id, $a_image_path = null, $a_output_mode = "presentation")
     if ($a_ref_id != "") {
         $inst_id = ilInternalLink::_extractInstOfTarget($a_ref_id);
         if (!($inst_id > 0)) {
             $q_id = ilInternalLink::_extractObjIdOfTarget($a_ref_id);
     $this->q_gui = assQuestionGUI::_getQuestionGUI("", $q_id);
     if (!is_object($this->q_gui->object)) {
         return "Error: Question not found.";
     $type = $this->q_gui->object->getQuestionType();
     if (method_exists($this, $type)) {
         $this->json = $this->q_gui->object->toJSON();
         $this->json_decoded = json_decode($this->json);
         self::$exported[$this->json_decoded->id] = $this->json;
         self::$mobs[$this->json_decoded->id] = $this->json_decoded->mobs;
         return $this->{$type}();
     } else {
         return "Error: Question Type not implemented/Question editing not finished";
  * Set node (and media object node)
 function setNode($a_node)
     // this is the PageContent node
     $this->iim_node = $a_node->first_child();
     $this->med_alias_node = $this->iim_node->first_child();
     if (is_object($this->med_alias_node) && $this->med_alias_node->myDOMNode != null) {
         $id = $this->med_alias_node->get_attribute("OriginId");
         $mob_id = ilInternalLink::_extractObjIdOfTarget($id);
         if (ilObject::_lookupType($mob_id) == "mob") {
             $this->setMediaObject(new ilObjMediaObject($mob_id));
     include_once "./Services/COPage/classes/class.ilMediaAliasItem.php";
     $this->std_alias_item = new ilMediaAliasItem($this->dom, $this->readHierId(), "Standard", $this->readPCId(), "InteractiveImage");
  * Get all media objects linked in map areas of this media object
 function getLinkedMediaObjects($a_ignore = "")
     $linked = array();
     if (!is_array($a_ignore)) {
         $a_ignore = array();
     // get linked media objects (map areas)
     $med_items = $this->getMediaItems();
     foreach ($med_items as $med_item) {
         $int_links = ilMapArea::_getIntLinks($med_item->getId());
         foreach ($int_links as $k => $int_link) {
             if ($int_link["Type"] == "MediaObject") {
                 include_once "./Services/COPage/classes/class.ilInternalLink.php";
                 $l_id = ilInternalLink::_extractObjIdOfTarget($int_link["Target"]);
                 if (ilObject::_exists($l_id)) {
                     if (!in_array($l_id, $linked) && !in_array($l_id, $a_ignore)) {
                         $linked[] = $l_id;
     return $linked;
예제 #4
  * Get glossary term ids in sco
  * @param
  * @return
 function getGlossaryTermIds()
     include_once "./Modules/Glossary/classes/class.ilGlossaryTerm.php";
     $childs = $this->tree->getChilds($this->getId());
     $ids = array();
     foreach ($childs as $c) {
         $links = ilInternalLink::_getTargetsOfSource("sahs" . ":pg", $c["child"]);
         foreach ($links as $l) {
             if ($l["type"] == "git" && (int) $l["inst"] == 0 && !isset($ids[$l["id"]])) {
                 $ids[$l["id"]] = ilGlossaryTerm::_lookGlossaryTerm($l["id"]);
     return $ids;
예제 #5
  * Check if internal link refers to a valid target
  * @param	string		$a_type			target type ("PageObject" | "StructureObject" |
  *										"GlossaryItem" | "MediaObject")
  * @param	string		$a_target		target id, e.g. "il__pg_244")
  * @return	boolean		true/false
 function _exists($a_type, $a_target)
     global $tree;
     switch ($a_type) {
         case "PageObject":
         case "StructureObject":
             return ilLMObject::_exists($a_target);
         case "GlossaryItem":
             return ilGlossaryTerm::_exists($a_target);
         case "MediaObject":
             return ilObjMediaObject::_exists($a_target);
         case "WikiPage":
             include_once "./Modules/Wiki/classes/class.ilWikiPage.php";
             return ilWikiPage::_exists("wiki", (int) $a_target);
         case "RepositoryItem":
             if (is_int(strpos($a_target, "_"))) {
                 $ref_id = ilInternalLink::_extractObjIdOfTarget($a_target);
                 return $tree->isInTree($ref_id);
     return false;
  * delete wiki page and al related data	
  * @access	public
 function delete()
     global $ilDB;
     // delete internal links information to this page
     include_once "./Services/COPage/classes/class.ilInternalLink.php";
     ilInternalLink::_deleteAllLinksToTarget("user", $this->getId());
     // delete record of table usr_ext_profile_page
     $query = "DELETE FROM usr_ext_profile_page" . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId(), "integer");
     // delete co page
     return true;
  * export all pages of learning module to html file
 function exportHTMLPages(&$a_lm_gui, $a_target_dir)
     global $tpl, $ilBench, $ilLocator;
     $pages = ilLMPageObject::getPageList($this->getId());
     $lm_tree =& $this->getLMTree();
     $first_page = $lm_tree->fetchSuccessorNode($lm_tree->getRootId(), "pg");
     $this->first_page_id = $first_page["child"];
     // iterate all learning module pages
     $mobs = array();
     $int_links = array();
     $this->offline_files = array();
     include_once "./Services/COPage/classes/class.ilPageContentUsage.php";
     include_once "./Services/MediaObjects/classes/class.ilObjMediaObject.php";
     // get html export id mapping
     $lm_set = new ilSetting("lm");
     $exp_id_map = array();
     if ($lm_set->get("html_export_ids")) {
         foreach ($pages as $page) {
             $exp_id = ilLMPageObject::getExportId($this->getId(), $page["obj_id"]);
             if (trim($exp_id) != "") {
                 $exp_id_map[$page["obj_id"]] = trim($exp_id);
     foreach ($pages as $page) {
         if (ilLMPage::_exists($this->getType(), $page["obj_id"])) {
             $ilBench->start("ExportHTML", "exportHTMLPage");
             $ilBench->start("ExportHTML", "exportPageHTML");
             $this->exportPageHTML($a_lm_gui, $a_target_dir, $page["obj_id"], "", $exp_id_map);
             $ilBench->stop("ExportHTML", "exportPageHTML");
             // get all snippets of page
             $pcs = ilPageContentUsage::getUsagesOfPage($page["obj_id"], $this->getType() . ":pg");
             foreach ($pcs as $pc) {
                 if ($pc["type"] == "incl") {
                     $incl_mobs = ilObjMediaObject::_getMobsOfObject("mep:pg", $pc["id"]);
                     foreach ($incl_mobs as $incl_mob) {
                         $mobs[$incl_mob] = $incl_mob;
             // get all media objects of page
             $pg_mobs = ilObjMediaObject::_getMobsOfObject($this->getType() . ":pg", $page["obj_id"]);
             foreach ($pg_mobs as $pg_mob) {
                 $mobs[$pg_mob] = $pg_mob;
             // get all internal links of page
             $pg_links = ilInternalLink::_getTargetsOfSource($this->getType() . ":pg", $page["obj_id"]);
             $int_links = array_merge($int_links, $pg_links);
             // get all files of page
             include_once "./Modules/File/classes/class.ilObjFile.php";
             $pg_files = ilObjFile::_getFilesOfObject($this->getType() . ":pg", $page["obj_id"]);
             $this->offline_files = array_merge($this->offline_files, $pg_files);
             $ilBench->stop("ExportHTML", "exportHTMLPage");
     $this->offline_mobs = $mobs;
     $this->offline_int_links = $int_links;
예제 #8
  * resolve internal links of an item id
 function _resolveIntLinks($a_item_id)
     global $ilDB;
     //echo "maparea::resolve<br>";
     $q = "SELECT * FROM map_area WHERE item_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_item_id, "integer");
     $area_set = $ilDB->query($q);
     while ($area_rec = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($area_set)) {
         $target = $area_rec["target"];
         $type = $area_rec["type"];
         $item_id = $area_rec["item_id"];
         $nr = $area_rec["nr"];
         if ($area_rec["link_type"] == IL_INT_LINK && !is_int(strpos($target, "__"))) {
             $new_target = ilInternalLink::_getIdForImportId($type, $target);
             if ($new_target !== false) {
                 $query = "UPDATE map_area SET " . "target = " . $ilDB->quote($new_target, "text") . " " . "WHERE item_id = " . $ilDB->quote($item_id, "integer") . " AND nr = " . $ilDB->quote($nr, "integer");
  * Set tabs
 function setTabs()
     global $ilTabs, $ilCtrl, $lng;
     include_once "./Modules/TestQuestionPool/classes/class.assQuestion.php";
     if ($this->content_obj != "") {
         $q_ref = $this->content_obj->getQuestionReference();
     if ($q_ref != "") {
         $inst_id = ilInternalLink::_extractInstOfTarget($q_ref);
         if (!($inst_id > 0)) {
             $q_id = ilInternalLink::_extractObjIdOfTarget($q_ref);
     $ilTabs->addTarget("question", $ilCtrl->getLinkTarget($this, "edit"), array("editQuestion", "save", "cancel", "addSuggestedSolution", "cancelExplorer", "linkChilds", "removeSuggestedSolution", "addPair", "addTerm", "delete", "deleteTerms", "editMode", "upload", "saveEdit", "uploadingImage", "uploadingImagemap", "addArea", "deletearea", "saveShape", "back", "saveEdit", "changeGapType", "createGaps", "addItem", "addYesNo", "addTrueFalse", "toggleGraphicalAnswers", "setMediaMode"), "");
     if ($q_id > 0) {
         if (assQuestion::_getQuestionType($q_id) != "assTextQuestion") {
             $ilTabs->addTarget("feedback", $ilCtrl->getLinkTarget($this, "feedback"), array("feedback", "saveFeedback"), "");
예제 #10
  * display content of page
 function showPage()
     global $tree, $ilUser, $lng, $ilCtrl, $ilSetting, $ilTabs;
     // jquery and jquery ui are always provided for components
     include_once "./Services/jQuery/classes/class.iljQueryUtil.php";
     //		$this->initSelfAssessmentRendering();
     include_once "./Services/MediaObjects/classes/class.ilObjMediaObjectGUI.php";
     // needed for overlays in iim
     include_once "./Services/UIComponent/Overlay/classes/class.ilOverlayGUI.php";
     include_once "./Services/MediaObjects/classes/class.ilPlayerUtil.php";
     // init template
     if ($this->getOutputMode() == "edit") {
         //echo ":".$this->getTemplateTargetVar().":";
         $tpl = new ilTemplate("tpl.page_edit_wysiwyg.html", true, true, "Services/COPage");
         //$this->tpl->addBlockFile($this->getTemplateTargetVar(), "adm_content", "tpl.page_edit_wysiwyg.html", "Services/COPage");
         // to do: status dependent class
         $tpl->setVariable("CLASS_PAGE_TD", "ilc_Page");
         // user comment
         if ($this->isEnabledChangeComments()) {
             $tpl->setVariable("TXT_ADD_COMMENT", $this->lng->txt("cont_add_change_comment"));
         $tpl->setVariable("WYSIWYG_ACTION", $ilCtrl->getFormActionByClass("ilpageeditorgui", "", "", true));
         // determine media, html and javascript mode
         $sel_media_mode = $ilUser->getPref("ilPageEditor_MediaMode") == "disable" ? "disable" : "enable";
         $sel_html_mode = $ilUser->getPref("ilPageEditor_HTMLMode") == "disable" ? "disable" : "enable";
         $sel_js_mode = "disable";
         //if($ilSetting->get("enable_js_edit", 1))
         $sel_js_mode = ilPageEditorGUI::_doJSEditing() ? "enable" : "disable";
         // show prepending html
         $tpl->setVariable("PREPENDING_HTML", $this->getPrependingHtml());
         $tpl->setVariable("TXT_CONFIRM_DELETE", $lng->txt("cont_confirm_delete"));
         // presentation view
         if ($this->getViewPageLink() != "") {
             $ilTabs->addNonTabbedLink("pres_view", $this->lng->txt("cont_presentation_view"), $this->getViewPageLink(), $this->getViewPageTarget());
         // show actions drop down
         $this->addActionsMenu($tpl, $sel_media_mode, $sel_html_mode, $sel_js_mode);
         // get js files for JS enabled editing
         if ($sel_js_mode == "enable") {
             include_once "./Services/YUI/classes/class.ilYuiUtil.php";
             include_once './Services/Style/classes/class.ilObjStyleSheet.php';
             $GLOBALS["tpl"]->addOnloadCode("var preloader = new Image();\n\t\t\t\t\t\tpreloader.src = './templates/default/images/loader.svg';\n\t\t\t\t\t\tilCOPage.setContentCss('" . ilObjStyleSheet::getContentStylePath((int) $this->getStyleId()) . ", " . ilUtil::getStyleSheetLocation() . ", ./Services/COPage/css/tiny_extra.css" . "')");
             $cfg = $this->getPageConfig();
             $tpl->setVariable("IL_TINY_MENU", self::getTinyMenu($this->getPageObject()->getParentType(), $cfg->getEnableInternalLinks(), $cfg->getEnableWikiLinks(), $cfg->getEnableKeywords(), $this->getStyleId(), true, true, $cfg->getEnableAnchors()));
             // add int link parts
             include_once "./Services/Link/classes/class.ilInternalLinkGUI.php";
             $tpl->setVariable("INT_LINK_PREP", ilInternalLinkGUI::getInitHTML($ilCtrl->getLinkTargetByClass(array("ilpageeditorgui", "ilinternallinkgui"), "", false, true, false)));
             include_once "./Services/YUI/classes/class.ilYuiUtil.php";
         // multiple actions
         $cnt_pcs = $this->getPageObject()->countPageContents();
         if ($cnt_pcs > 1 || $this->getPageObject()->getParentType() != "qpl" && $cnt_pcs > 0) {
             if ($sel_js_mode == "enable") {
                 $tpl->setVariable("ONCLICK_DE_ACTIVATE_SELECTED", 'onclick="return ilEditMultiAction(\'activateSelected\');"');
                 $tpl->setVariable("ONCLICK_DELETE_SELECTED", 'onclick="return ilEditMultiAction(\'deleteSelected\');"');
                 $tpl->setVariable("ONCLICK_ASSIGN_CHARACTERISTIC", 'onclick="return ilEditMultiAction(\'assignCharacteristicForm\');"');
                 $tpl->setVariable("ONCLICK_COPY_SELECTED", 'onclick="return ilEditMultiAction(\'copySelected\');"');
                 $tpl->setVariable("ONCLICK_CUT_SELECTED", 'onclick="return ilEditMultiAction(\'cutSelected\');"');
                 $tpl->setVariable("TXT_SELECT_ALL", $this->lng->txt("select_all"));
                 $tpl->setVariable("ONCLICK_SELECT_ALL", 'onclick="return ilEditMultiAction(\'selectAll\');"');
             $tpl->setVariable("TXT_DE_ACTIVATE_SELECTED", $this->lng->txt("cont_ed_enable"));
             $tpl->setVariable("TXT_ASSIGN_CHARACTERISTIC", $this->lng->txt("cont_assign_characteristic"));
             $tpl->setVariable("TXT_DELETE_SELECTED", $this->lng->txt("cont_delete_selected"));
             $tpl->setVariable("TXT_COPY_SELECTED", $this->lng->txt("copy"));
             $tpl->setVariable("TXT_CUT_SELECTED", $this->lng->txt("cut"));
             $tpl->setVariable("IMG_ARROW", ilUtil::getImagePath("arrow_downright.svg"));
     } else {
         // presentation or preview here
         $tpl = new ilTemplate("tpl.page.html", true, true, "Services/COPage");
         if ($this->getEnabledPageFocus()) {
         include_once "./Services/User/classes/class.ilUserUtil.php";
         // presentation
         if ($this->isPageContainerToBeRendered()) {
         // history
         $c_old_nr = $this->getPageObject()->old_nr;
         if ($c_old_nr > 0 || $this->getCompareMode() || $_GET["history_mode"] == 1) {
             $hist_info = $this->getPageObject()->getHistoryInfo($c_old_nr);
             if (!$this->getCompareMode()) {
                 $ilCtrl->setParameter($this, "history_mode", "1");
                 // previous revision
                 if (is_array($hist_info["previous"])) {
                     $tpl->setVariable("TXT_PREV_REV", $lng->txt("cont_previous_rev"));
                     $ilCtrl->setParameter($this, "old_nr", $hist_info["previous"]["nr"]);
                     $tpl->setVariable("HREF_PREV", $ilCtrl->getLinkTarget($this, "preview"));
                 } else {
                     $tpl->setVariable("TXT_PREV_REV", $lng->txt("cont_previous_rev"));
                 // next revision
                 if ($c_old_nr > 0) {
                     $tpl->setVariable("TXT_NEXT_REV", $lng->txt("cont_next_rev"));
                     $ilCtrl->setParameter($this, "old_nr", $hist_info["next"]["nr"]);
                     $tpl->setVariable("HREF_NEXT", $ilCtrl->getLinkTarget($this, "preview"));
                     // latest revision
                     $tpl->setVariable("TXT_LATEST_REV", $lng->txt("cont_latest_rev"));
                     $ilCtrl->setParameter($this, "old_nr", "");
                     $tpl->setVariable("HREF_LATEST", $ilCtrl->getLinkTarget($this, "preview"));
                 $ilCtrl->setParameter($this, "history_mode", "");
                 // rollback
                 if ($c_old_nr > 0 && $ilUser->getId() != ANONYMOUS_USER_ID) {
                     $ilCtrl->setParameter($this, "old_nr", $c_old_nr);
                     $tpl->setVariable("HREF_ROLLBACK", $ilCtrl->getLinkTarget($this, "rollbackConfirmation"));
                     $ilCtrl->setParameter($this, "old_nr", "");
                     $tpl->setVariable("TXT_ROLLBACK", $lng->txt("cont_rollback"));
             $tpl->setVariable("TXT_REVISION", $lng->txt("cont_revision"));
             $tpl->setVariable("VAL_REVISION_DATE", ilDatePresentation::formatDate(new ilDateTime($hist_info["current"]["hdate"], IL_CAL_DATETIME)));
             $tpl->setVariable("VAL_REV_USER", ilUserUtil::getNamePresentation($hist_info["current"]["user_id"]));
     if ($this->getOutputMode() != IL_PAGE_PRESENTATION && $this->getOutputMode() != IL_PAGE_OFFLINE && $this->getOutputMode() != IL_PAGE_PREVIEW && $this->getOutputMode() != IL_PAGE_PRINT) {
         $tpl->setVariable("FORMACTION", $this->ctrl->getFormActionByClass("ilpageeditorgui"));
     // output media object edit list (of media links)
     if ($this->getOutputMode() == "edit") {
         $links = ilInternalLink::_getTargetsOfSource($this->obj->getParentType() . ":pg", $this->obj->getId(), $this->obj->getLanguage());
         $mob_links = array();
         foreach ($links as $link) {
             if ($link["type"] == "mob") {
                 if (ilObject::_exists($link["id"]) && ilObject::_lookupType($link["id"]) == "mob") {
                     $mob_links[$link["id"]] = ilObject::_lookupTitle($link["id"]) . " [" . $link["id"] . "]";
         // linked media objects
         if (count($mob_links) > 0) {
             $tpl->setVariable("TXT_LINKED_MOBS", $this->lng->txt("cont_linked_mobs"));
             $tpl->setVariable("SEL_MED_LINKS", ilUtil::formSelect(0, "mob_id", $mob_links, false, true));
             $tpl->setVariable("TXT_EDIT_MEDIA", $this->lng->txt("cont_edit_mob"));
             $tpl->setVariable("TXT_COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD", $this->lng->txt("cont_copy_to_clipboard"));
             //$this->tpl->setVariable("TXT_COPY_TO_POOL", $this->lng->txt("cont_copy_to_mediapool"));
         // content snippets used
         include_once "./Services/COPage/classes/class.ilPCContentInclude.php";
         $snippets = ilPCContentInclude::collectContentIncludes($this->getPageObject(), $this->getPageObject()->getDomDoc());
         if (count($snippets) > 0) {
             foreach ($snippets as $s) {
                 include_once "./Modules/MediaPool/classes/class.ilMediaPoolPage.php";
                 $sn_arr[$s["id"]] = ilMediaPoolPage::lookupTitle($s["id"]);
             $tpl->setVariable("TXT_CONTENT_SNIPPETS_USED", $this->lng->txt("cont_snippets_used"));
             $tpl->setVariable("SEL_SNIPPETS", ilUtil::formSelect(0, "ci_id", $sn_arr, false, true));
             $tpl->setVariable("TXT_SHOW_INFO", $this->lng->txt("cont_show_info"));
         // scheduled activation?
         if (!$this->getPageObject()->getActive() && $this->getPageObject()->getActivationStart() != "" && $this->getPageConfig()->getEnableScheduledActivation()) {
             $tpl->setVariable("TXT_SCHEDULED_ACTIVATION", $lng->txt("cont_scheduled_activation"));
             $tpl->setVariable("SA_FROM", ilDatePresentation::formatDate(new ilDateTime($this->getPageObject()->getActivationStart(), IL_CAL_DATETIME)));
             $tpl->setVariable("SA_TO", ilDatePresentation::formatDate(new ilDateTime($this->getPageObject()->getActivationEnd(), IL_CAL_DATETIME)));
     if ($_GET["reloadTree"] == "y") {
         if ($this->obj->getParentType() == "dbk") {
             $tpl->setVariable("LINK_TREE", $this->ctrl->getLinkTargetByClass("ilobjdlbookgui", "explorer", "", false, false));
         } else {
             $tpl->setVariable("LINK_TREE", $this->ctrl->getLinkTargetByClass("ilobjlearningmodulegui", "explorer", "", false, false));
     //		}
     // get content
     $builded = $this->obj->buildDom();
     // manage hierarchical ids
     if ($this->getOutputMode() == "edit") {
         // add pc ids, if necessary
         if (!$this->obj->checkPCIds()) {
             $this->obj->update(true, true);
         $hids = $this->obj->getHierIds();
         $row1_ids = $this->obj->getFirstRowIds();
         $col1_ids = $this->obj->getFirstColumnIds();
         $litem_ids = $this->obj->getListItemIds();
         $fitem_ids = $this->obj->getFileItemIds();
         // standard menues
         $hids = $this->obj->getHierIds();
         foreach ($hids as $hid) {
             $tpl->setVariable("CONTEXTMENU", "contextmenu_" . $hid);
         // column menues for tables
         foreach ($col1_ids as $hid) {
             $tpl->setVariable("CONTEXTMENU", "contextmenu_r" . $hid);
         // row menues for tables
         foreach ($row1_ids as $hid) {
             $tpl->setVariable("CONTEXTMENU", "contextmenu_c" . $hid);
         // list item menues
         foreach ($litem_ids as $hid) {
             $tpl->setVariable("CONTEXTMENU", "contextmenu_i" . $hid);
         // file item menues
         foreach ($fitem_ids as $hid) {
             $tpl->setVariable("CONTEXTMENU", "contextmenu_i" . $hid);
     } else {
     //echo "<br>-".htmlentities($this->obj->getXMLContent())."-<br><br>";
     //echo "<br>-".htmlentities($this->getLinkXML())."-";
     // set default link xml, if nothing was set yet
     if (!$this->link_xml_set) {
     //$content = $this->obj->getXMLFromDom(false, true, true,
     //	$this->getLinkXML().$this->getQuestionXML().$this->getComponentPluginsXML());
     $link_xml = $this->getLinkXML();
     // disable/enable auto margins
     if ($this->getStyleId() > 0) {
         if (ilObject::_lookupType($this->getStyleId()) == "sty") {
             include_once "./Services/Style/classes/class.ilObjStyleSheet.php";
             $style = new ilObjStyleSheet($this->getStyleId());
             $template_xml = $style->getTemplateXML();
             $disable_auto_margins = "n";
             if ($style->lookupStyleSetting("disable_auto_margins")) {
                 $disable_auto_margins = "y";
     if ($this->getAbstractOnly()) {
         $content = "<dummy><PageObject><PageContent><Paragraph>" . $this->obj->getFirstParagraphText() . $link_xml . "</Paragraph></PageContent></PageObject></dummy>";
     } else {
         $content = $this->obj->getXMLFromDom(false, true, true, $link_xml . $this->getQuestionXML() . $template_xml . $this->getComponentPluginsXML());
     // check validation errors
     if ($builded !== true) {
     } else {
     if (isset($_SESSION["citation_error"])) {
     // get title
     $pg_title = $this->getPresentationTitle();
     $col_path = ilUtil::getImagePath("col.svg");
     $row_path = ilUtil::getImagePath("row.svg");
     $item_path = ilUtil::getImagePath("item.svg");
     if ($this->getOutputMode() != "offline") {
         $enlarge_path = ilUtil::getImagePath("enlarge.svg");
         $wb_path = ilUtil::getWebspaceDir("output") . "/";
     } else {
         $enlarge_path = "images/enlarge.svg";
         $wb_path = "";
     $pg_title_class = $this->getOutputMode() == "print" ? "ilc_PrintPageTitle" : "";
     // page splitting only for learning modules and
     // digital books
     $enable_split_new = $this->obj->getParentType() == "lm" || $this->obj->getParentType() == "dbk" ? "y" : "n";
     // page splitting to next page only for learning modules and
     // digital books if next page exists in tree
     if (($this->obj->getParentType() == "lm" || $this->obj->getParentType() == "dbk") && ilObjContentObject::hasSuccessorPage($this->obj->getParentId(), $this->obj->getId())) {
         $enable_split_next = "y";
     } else {
         $enable_split_next = "n";
     $img_path = ilUtil::getImagePath("", false, $this->getOutputMode(), $this->getOutputMode() == "offline");
     if ($this->getPageConfig()->getEnablePCType("Tabs")) {
         include_once "./Services/Accordion/classes/class.ilAccordionGUI.php";
     $file_download_link = $this->determineFileDownloadLink();
     $fullscreen_link = $this->determineFullscreenLink();
     $this->sourcecode_download_script = $this->determineSourcecodeDownloadScript();
     // default values for various parameters (should be used by
     // all instances in the future)
     $media_mode = $this->getOutputMode() == "edit" ? $ilUser->getPref("ilPageEditor_MediaMode") : "enable";
     include_once "./Modules/LearningModule/classes/class.ilEditClipboard.php";
     $paste = ilEditClipboard::getAction() == "copy" && $this->getOutputMode() == "edit";
     include_once "./Services/MediaObjects/classes/class.ilPlayerUtil.php";
     $flv_video_player = $this->getOutputMode() != "offline" ? ilPlayerUtil::getFlashVideoPlayerFilename(true) : ilPlayerUtil::getFlashVideoPlayerFilename(true);
     $cfg = $this->getPageConfig();
     // added UTF-8 encoding otherwise umlaute are converted too
     include_once "./Services/Maps/classes/class.ilMapUtil.php";
     $params = array('mode' => $this->getOutputMode(), 'pg_title' => htmlentities($pg_title, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8"), 'enable_placeholder' => $cfg->getEnablePCType("PlaceHolder") ? "y" : "n", 'pg_id' => $this->obj->getId(), 'pg_title_class' => $pg_title_class, 'webspace_path' => $wb_path, 'enlarge_path' => $enlarge_path, 'img_col' => $col_path, 'img_row' => $row_path, 'img_item' => $item_path, 'enable_split_new' => $enable_split_new, 'enable_split_next' => $enable_split_next, 'link_params' => $this->link_params, 'file_download_link' => $file_download_link, 'fullscreen_link' => $fullscreen_link, 'img_path' => $img_path, 'parent_id' => $this->obj->getParentId(), 'download_script' => $this->sourcecode_download_script, 'encoded_download_script' => urlencode($this->sourcecode_download_script), 'bib_id' => $this->getBibId(), 'citation' => (int) $this->isEnabledCitation(), 'pagebreak' => $this->lng->txt('dgl_pagebreak'), 'page' => $this->lng->txt('page'), 'citate_page' => $this->lng->txt('citate_page'), 'citate_from' => $this->lng->txt('citate_from'), 'citate_to' => $this->lng->txt('citate_to'), 'citate' => $this->lng->txt('citate'), 'enable_rep_objects' => $cfg->getEnablePCType("Resources") ? "y" : "n", 'enable_login_page' => $cfg->getEnablePCType("LoginPageElement") ? "y" : "n", 'enable_map' => $cfg->getEnablePCType("Map") && ilMapUtil::isActivated() ? "y" : "n", 'enable_tabs' => $cfg->getEnablePCType("Tabs") ? "y" : "n", 'enable_sa_qst' => $cfg->getEnableSelfAssessment() ? "y" : "n", 'enable_file_list' => $cfg->getEnablePCType("FileList") ? "y" : "n", 'enable_content_includes' => $cfg->getEnablePCType("ContentInclude") ? "y" : "n", 'enable_content_templates' => count($this->getPageObject()->getContentTemplates()) > 0 ? "y" : "n", 'paste' => $paste ? "y" : "n", 'media_mode' => $media_mode, 'javascript' => $sel_js_mode, 'paragraph_plugins' => $paragraph_plugin_string, 'disable_auto_margins' => $disable_auto_margins, 'page_toc' => $cfg->getEnablePageToc() ? "y" : "n", 'enable_profile' => $cfg->getEnablePCType("Profile") ? "y" : "n", 'enable_verification' => $cfg->getEnablePCType("Verification") ? "y" : "n", 'enable_blog' => $cfg->getEnablePCType("Blog") ? "y" : "n", 'enable_skills' => $cfg->getEnablePCType("Skills") ? "y" : "n", 'enable_qover' => $cfg->getEnablePCType("QuestionOverview") ? "y" : "n", 'enable_consultation_hours' => $cfg->getEnablePCType("ConsultationHours") ? "y" : "n", 'enable_my_courses' => $cfg->getEnablePCType("MyCourses") ? "y" : "n", 'enable_amd_page_list' => $cfg->getEnablePCType("AMDPageList") ? "y" : "n", 'flv_video_player' => $flv_video_player);
     if ($this->link_frame != "") {
         // todo other link types
         $params["pg_frame"] = $this->link_frame;
     //$content = str_replace("&nbsp;", "", $content);
     // this ensures that cache is emptied with every update
     $params["version"] = ILIAS_VERSION;
     // ensure no cache hit, if included files/media objects have been changed
     $params["incl_elements_date"] = $this->obj->getLastUpdateOfIncludedElements();
     // run xslt
     $md5 = md5(serialize($params) . $link_xml . $template_xml);
     //$a = microtime();
     // check cache (same parameters, non-edit mode and rendered time
     // > last change
     if (($this->getOutputMode() == "preview" || $this->getOutputMode() == "presentation") && !$this->getCompareMode() && !$this->getAbstractOnly() && $md5 == $this->obj->getRenderMd5() && $this->obj->getLastChange() < $this->obj->getRenderedTime() && $this->obj->getRenderedTime() != "" && $this->obj->old_nr == 0) {
         // cache hit
         $output = $this->obj->getRenderedContent();
     } else {
         $xsl = file_get_contents("./Services/COPage/xsl/page.xsl");
         $args = array('/_xml' => $content, '/_xsl' => $xsl);
         $xh = xslt_create();
         //		echo "<b>XSLT</b>:".htmlentities($xsl).":<br>";
         //		echo "mode:".$this->getOutputMode().":<br>";
         $output = xslt_process($xh, "arg:/_xml", "arg:/_xsl", NULL, $args, $params);
         if (($this->getOutputMode() == "presentation" || $this->getOutputMode() == "preview") && !$this->getAbstractOnly() && $this->obj->old_nr == 0) {
             //echo "writerenderedcontent";
             $this->obj->writeRenderedContent($output, $md5);
         //echo xslt_error($xh);
     //$b = microtime();
     //echo "$a - $b";
     //echo "<pre>".htmlentities($output)."</pre>";
     // unmask user html
     if (($this->getOutputMode() != "edit" || $ilUser->getPref("ilPageEditor_HTMLMode") != "disable") && !$this->getPageConfig()->getPreventHTMLUnmasking()) {
         $output = str_replace("&lt;", "<", $output);
         $output = str_replace("&gt;", ">", $output);
     $output = str_replace("&amp;", "&", $output);
     $output = ilUtil::insertLatexImages($output);
     // insert page snippets
     $output = $this->insertContentIncludes($output);
     // insert resource blocks
     $output = $this->insertResources($output);
     // insert page toc
     if ($this->getPageConfig()->getEnablePageToc()) {
         $output = $this->insertPageToc($output);
     // insert advanced output trigger
     $output = $this->insertAdvTrigger($output);
     // workaround for preventing template engine
     // from hiding paragraph text that is enclosed
     // in curly brackets (e.g. "{a}", see ilLMEditorGUI::executeCommand())
     $output = $this->replaceCurlyBrackets($output);
     // remove all newlines (important for code / pre output)
     $output = str_replace("\n", "", $output);
     //echo htmlentities($output);
     $output = $this->postOutputProcessing($output);
     //echo htmlentities($output);
     if ($this->getOutputMode() == "edit" && !$this->getPageObject()->getActive($this->getPageConfig()->getEnableScheduledActivation())) {
         $output = '<div class="il_editarea_disabled">' . $output . '</div>';
     // for all page components...
     include_once "./Services/COPage/classes/class.ilCOPagePCDef.php";
     $defs = ilCOPagePCDef::getPCDefinitions();
     foreach ($defs as $def) {
         $pc_class = $def["pc_class"];
         $pc_obj = new $pc_class($this->getPageObject());
         // post xsl page content modification by pc elements
         $output = $pc_obj->modifyPageContentPostXsl($output, $this->getOutputMode());
         // javascript files
         $js_files = $pc_obj->getJavascriptFiles($this->getOutputMode());
         foreach ($js_files as $js) {
         // css files
         $css_files = $pc_obj->getCssFiles($this->getOutputMode());
         foreach ($css_files as $css) {
         // onload code
         $onload_code = $pc_obj->getOnloadCode($this->getOutputMode());
         foreach ($onload_code as $code) {
     //		$output = $this->selfAssessmentRendering($output);
     // output
     if ($ilCtrl->isAsynch() && !$this->getRawPageContent() && $this->getOutputMode() == "edit") {
         // e.g. ###3:110dad8bad6df8620071a0a693a2d328###
         if ($_GET["updated_pc_id_str"] != "") {
             echo $_GET["updated_pc_id_str"];
         $tpl->setVariable($this->getTemplateOutputVar(), $output);
         echo $tpl->get("edit_page");
     if ($this->outputToTemplate()) {
         $tpl->setVariable($this->getTemplateOutputVar(), $output);
         $this->tpl->setVariable($this->getTemplateTargetVar(), $tpl->get());
         return $output;
     } else {
         if ($this->getRawPageContent()) {
             return $output;
         } else {
             $tpl->setVariable($this->getTemplateOutputVar(), $output);
             return $tpl->get();
예제 #11
  * Get initial opened content
  * @param
 function getInitialOpenedContent()
     $xpc = xpath_new_context($this->dom);
     $path = "//PageObject/InitOpenedContent";
     $res = xpath_eval($xpc, $path);
     $il_node = null;
     if (count($res->nodeset) > 0) {
         $init_node = $res->nodeset[0];
         $childs = $init_node->child_nodes();
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($childs); $i++) {
             if ($childs[$i]->node_name() == "IntLink") {
                 $il_node = $childs[$i];
     if (!is_null($il_node)) {
         $id = $il_node->get_attribute("Target");
         $link_type = $il_node->get_attribute("Type");
         $target = $il_node->get_attribute("TargetFrame");
         switch ($link_type) {
             case "MediaObject":
                 $type = "media";
             case "PageObject":
                 $type = "page";
             case "GlossaryItem":
                 $type = "term";
         include_once "./Services/Link/classes/class.ilInternalLink.php";
         $id = ilInternalLink::_extractObjIdOfTarget($id);
         return array("id" => $id, "type" => $type, "target" => $target);
     return array();
예제 #12
  * Check if internal link refers to a valid target
  * @param	string		$a_type			target type ("PageObject" | "StructureObject" |
  *										"GlossaryItem" | "MediaObject")
  * @param	string		$a_target		target id, e.g. "il__pg_244")
  * @return	boolean		true/false
 function _exists($a_type, $a_target)
     global $tree;
     switch ($a_type) {
         case "PageObject":
         case "StructureObject":
             return ilLMObject::_exists($a_target);
         case "GlossaryItem":
             return ilGlossaryTerm::_exists($a_target);
         case "MediaObject":
             return ilObjMediaObject::_exists($a_target);
         case "RepositoryItem":
             if (is_int(strpos($a_target, "_"))) {
                 $ref_id = ilInternalLink::_extractObjIdOfTarget($a_target);
                 return $tree->isInTree($ref_id);
     return false;
예제 #13
  * After page has been updated (or created)
  * @param object page object
  * @param DOMDocument $a_domdoc dom document
  * @param string xml
  * @param bool true on creation, otherwise false
 static function afterPageUpdate($a_page, DOMDocument $a_domdoc, $a_xml, $a_creation)
     global $ilDB;
     include_once "./Services/Link/classes/class.ilInternalLink.php";
     $ilDB->manipulateF("DELETE FROM page_question WHERE page_parent_type = %s " . " AND page_id = %s AND page_lang = %s", array("text", "integer", "text"), array($a_page->getParentType(), $a_page->getId(), $a_page->getLanguage()));
     $xpath = new DOMXPath($a_domdoc);
     $nodes = $xpath->query('//Question');
     $q_ids = array();
     foreach ($nodes as $node) {
         $q_ref = $node->getAttribute("QRef");
         $inst_id = ilInternalLink::_extractInstOfTarget($q_ref);
         if (!($inst_id > 0)) {
             $q_id = ilInternalLink::_extractObjIdOfTarget($q_ref);
             if ($q_id > 0) {
                 $q_ids[$q_id] = $q_id;
     foreach ($q_ids as $qid) {
         $ilDB->manipulateF("INSERT INTO page_question (page_parent_type, page_id, page_lang, question_id)" . " VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s)", array("text", "integer", "text", "integer"), array($a_page->getParentType(), $a_page->getId(), $a_page->getLanguage(), $qid));
예제 #14
 function _resolveIntLinks($question_id)
     global $ilDB;
     $resolvedlinks = 0;
     $result = $ilDB->queryF("SELECT * FROM svy_material WHERE question_fi = %s", array('integer'), array($question_id));
     if ($result->numRows()) {
         while ($row = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($result)) {
             $internal_link = $row["internal_link"];
             include_once "./Modules/SurveyQuestionPool/classes/class.SurveyQuestion.php";
             $resolved_link = SurveyQuestion::_resolveInternalLink($internal_link);
             if (strcmp($internal_link, $resolved_link) != 0) {
                 // internal link was resolved successfully
                 $affectedRows = $ilDB->manipulateF("UPDATE svy_material SET internal_link = %s, tstamp = %s WHERE material_id = %s", array('text', 'integer', 'integer'), array($resolved_link, time(), $row["material_id"]));
     if ($resolvedlinks) {
         // there are resolved links -> reenter theses links to the database
         // delete all internal links from the database
         include_once "./Services/Link/classes/class.ilInternalLink.php";
         ilInternalLink::_deleteAllLinksOfSource("sqst", $question_id);
         $result = $ilDB->queryF("SELECT * FROM svy_material WHERE question_fi = %s", array('integer'), array($question_id));
         if ($result->numRows()) {
             while ($row = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($result)) {
                 if (preg_match("/il_(\\d*?)_(\\w+)_(\\d+)/", $row["internal_link"], $matches)) {
                     ilInternalLink::_saveLink("sqst", $question_id, $matches[2], $matches[3], $matches[1]);
예제 #15
  * Get number of usages
  * @param	int		term id
  * @return	int		number of usages
 static function getUsages($a_term_id)
     include_once "./Services/COPage/classes/class.ilInternalLink.php";
     return ilInternalLink::_getSourcesOfTarget("git", $a_term_id, 0);
  * parse pages that contain files, mobs and/or internal links
 function processPagesToParse()
     		$pg_mapping = array();
     		foreach($this->pg_mapping as $key => $value)
     			$pg_mapping[$key] = "il__pg_".$value;
     //echo "<br><b>processIntLinks</b>"; flush();
     // outgoin internal links
     foreach ($this->pages_to_parse as $page_id) {
         $page_arr = explode(":", $page_id);
         //echo "<br>resolve:".$this->content_object->getType().":".$page_id; flush();
         switch ($page_arr[0]) {
             case "lm":
                 $page_obj =& new ilPageObject($this->content_object->getType(), $page_arr[1]);
             case "gdf":
                 $page_obj =& new ilPageObject("gdf", $page_arr[1]);
         if (in_array($this->coType, array("lm", "dbk"))) {
         if ($page_arr[0] == "gdf") {
             $def =& new ilGlossaryDefinition($page_arr[1]);
     //echo "<br><b>map area internal links</b>"; flush();
     // outgoins map area (mob) internal links
     foreach ($this->mobs_with_int_links as $mob_id) {
     //echo "<br><b>incoming interna links</b>"; flush();
     // incoming internal links
     $done = array();
     foreach ($this->link_targets as $link_target) {
         //echo "doin link target:".$link_target.":<br>";
         $link_arr = explode("_", $link_target);
         $target_inst = $link_arr[1];
         $target_type = $link_arr[2];
         $target_id = $link_arr[3];
         $sources = ilInternalLink::_getSourcesOfTarget($target_type, $target_id, $target_inst);
         foreach ($sources as $key => $source) {
             //echo "got source:".$key.":<br>";
             if (in_array($key, $done)) {
             $type_arr = explode(":", $source["type"]);
             // content object pages
             if ($type_arr[1] == "pg") {
                 $page_object = new ilPageObject($type_arr[0], $source["id"]);
             // eventually correct links in questions to learning modules
             if ($type_arr[0] == "qst") {
                 require_once "./Modules/TestQuestionPool/classes/class.assQuestion.php";
             // eventually correct links in survey questions to learning modules
             if ($type_arr[0] == "sqst") {
                 require_once "./Modules/SurveyQuestionPool/classes/class.SurveyQuestion.php";
             $done[$key] = $key;
  * list definitions of a term
 function listDefinitions($a_ref_id = 0, $a_term_id = 0, $a_get_html = false)
     global $ilUser, $ilAccess, $ilias, $lng, $ilCtrl;
     if ($a_ref_id == 0) {
         $ref_id = (int) $_GET["ref_id"];
     } else {
         $ref_id = $a_ref_id;
     if ($a_term_id == 0) {
         $term_id = $this->term_id;
     } else {
         $term_id = $a_term_id;
     if (!$ilAccess->checkAccess("read", "", $ref_id)) {
         $ilias->raiseError($lng->txt("permission_denied"), $ilias->error_obj->MESSAGE);
     // tabs
     if ($this->glossary->getPresentationMode() != "full_def") {
     $term = new ilGlossaryTerm($term_id);
     if (!$a_get_html) {
         $tpl = $this->tpl;
         require_once "./Modules/Glossary/classes/class.ilGlossaryDefPageGUI.php";
         //			$this->setTabs();
         if ($this->offlineMode()) {
             $style_name = $ilUser->prefs["style"] . ".css";
             $tpl->setVariable("LOCATION_STYLESHEET", "./" . $style_name);
         } else {
         // content style
         if (!$this->offlineMode()) {
             $tpl->setVariable("LOCATION_CONTENT_STYLESHEET", ilObjStyleSheet::getContentStylePath($this->glossary->getStyleSheetId()));
         } else {
             $tpl->setVariable("LOCATION_CONTENT_STYLESHEET", "content.css");
         // syntax style
         if (!$this->offlineMode()) {
             $tpl->setVariable("LOCATION_SYNTAX_STYLESHEET", ilObjStyleSheet::getSyntaxStylePath());
         } else {
             $tpl->setVariable("LOCATION_SYNTAX_STYLESHEET", "syntaxhighlight.css");
         $tpl->setTitle($this->lng->txt("cont_term") . ": " . $term->getTerm());
         // load template for table
         $tpl->addBlockfile("ADM_CONTENT", "def_list", "tpl.glossary_definition_list.html", "Modules/Glossary");
     } else {
         // content style
         if (!$this->offlineMode()) {
             $this->tpl->setVariable("LOCATION_CONTENT_STYLESHEET", ilObjStyleSheet::getContentStylePath($this->glossary->getStyleSheetId()));
         } else {
             $this->tpl->setVariable("LOCATION_CONTENT_STYLESHEET", "content.css");
         // syntax style
         if (!$this->offlineMode()) {
             $this->tpl->setVariable("LOCATION_SYNTAX_STYLESHEET", ilObjStyleSheet::getSyntaxStylePath());
         } else {
             $this->tpl->setVariable("LOCATION_SYNTAX_STYLESHEET", "syntaxhighlight.css");
         $tpl = new ilTemplate("tpl.glossary_definition_list.html", true, true, "Modules/Glossary");
     $defs = ilGlossaryDefinition::getDefinitionList($term_id);
     $tpl->setVariable("TXT_TERM", $term->getTerm());
     $this->mobs = array();
     for ($j = 0; $j < count($defs); $j++) {
         $def = $defs[$j];
         $page_gui = new ilGlossaryDefPageGUI($def["id"]);
         $page = $page_gui->getPageObject();
         // internal links
         $int_links = $page->getInternalLinks();
         $link_xml = $this->getLinkXML($int_links);
         if ($this->offlineMode()) {
         $page_gui->setFullscreenLink($this->getLink($ref_id, "fullscreen", $term_id, $def["id"]));
         $page_gui->setFileDownloadLink($this->getLink($ref_id, "downloadFile"));
         if (!$this->offlineMode()) {
             $output = $page_gui->preview();
         } else {
             $output = $page_gui->presentation($page_gui->getOutputMode());
         if (count($defs) > 1) {
             $tpl->setVariable("TXT_DEFINITION", $this->lng->txt("cont_definition") . " " . ($j + 1));
         $tpl->setVariable("PAGE_CONTENT", $output);
     // display possible backlinks
     $sources = ilInternalLink::_getSourcesOfTarget('git', $_GET['term_id'], 0);
     if ($sources) {
         $backlist_shown = false;
         foreach ($sources as $src) {
             $type = explode(':', $src['type']);
             if ($type[0] == 'lm') {
                 if ($type[1] == 'pg') {
                     $title = ilLMPageObject::_getPresentationTitle($src['id']);
                     $lm_id = ilLMObject::_lookupContObjID($src['id']);
                     $lm_title = ilObject::_lookupTitle($lm_id);
                     $ref_ids = ilObject::_getAllReferences($lm_id);
                     $access = false;
                     foreach ($ref_ids as $rid) {
                         if ($ilAccess->checkAccess("read", "", $rid)) {
                             $access = true;
                     if ($access) {
                         $tpl->setVariable("BACKLINK_LINK", ILIAS_HTTP_PATH . "/goto.php?target=" . $type[1] . "_" . $src['id']);
                         $tpl->setVariable("BACKLINK_ITEM", $lm_title . ": " . $title);
                         $backlist_shown = true;
         if ($backlist_shown) {
             $tpl->setVariable("BACKLINK_TITLE", $this->lng->txt('glo_term_used_in'));
     if (!$a_get_html) {
         $tpl->setVariable("PERMA_LINK", ILIAS_HTTP_PATH . "/goto.php?target=" . "git" . "_" . $term_id . "_" . $ref_id . "&client_id=" . CLIENT_ID);
         $tpl->setVariable("TXT_PERMA_LINK", $this->lng->txt("perma_link"));
         $tpl->setVariable("PERMA_TARGET", "_top");
     // highlighting?
     if ($_GET["srcstring"] != "" && !$this->offlineMode()) {
         include_once './Services/Search/classes/class.ilUserSearchCache.php';
         $cache = ilUserSearchCache::_getInstance($ilUser->getId());
         $search_string = $cache->getQuery();
         include_once "./Services/UIComponent/TextHighlighter/classes/class.ilTextHighlighterGUI.php";
         include_once "./Services/Search/classes/class.ilQueryParser.php";
         $p = new ilQueryParser($search_string);
         $words = $p->getQuotedWords();
         if (is_array($words)) {
             foreach ($words as $w) {
                 ilTextHighlighterGUI::highlight("ilGloContent", $w, $tpl);
         $this->fill_on_load_code = true;
     if ($this->offlineMode() || $a_get_html) {
         return $tpl->get();
예제 #18
  * Set tabs
 function setTabs()
     if ($this->getSelfAssessmentMode()) {
     global $ilTabs, $ilCtrl, $lng;
     include_once "./Modules/TestQuestionPool/classes/class.assQuestion.php";
     if ($this->content_obj != "") {
         $q_ref = $this->content_obj->getQuestionReference();
     if ($q_ref != "") {
         $inst_id = ilInternalLink::_extractInstOfTarget($q_ref);
         if (!($inst_id > 0)) {
             $q_id = ilInternalLink::_extractObjIdOfTarget($q_ref);
     $ilTabs->addTarget("question", $ilCtrl->getLinkTarget($this, "edit"), array("editQuestion", "save", "cancel", "addSuggestedSolution", "cancelExplorer", "linkChilds", "removeSuggestedSolution", "addPair", "addTerm", "delete", "deleteTerms", "editMode", "upload", "saveEdit", "uploadingImage", "uploadingImagemap", "addArea", "deletearea", "saveShape", "back", "saveEdit", "changeGapType", "createGaps", "addItem", "addYesNo", "addTrueFalse", "toggleGraphicalAnswers", "setMediaMode"), "");
     if ($q_id > 0) {
         if (assQuestion::_getQuestionType($q_id) != "assTextQuestion") {
             require_once 'Modules/TestQuestionPool/classes/class.assQuestionGUI.php';
             require_once 'Modules/TestQuestionPool/classes/class.ilAssQuestionFeedbackEditingGUI.php';
             $tabCommands = assQuestionGUI::getCommandsFromClassConstants('ilAssQuestionFeedbackEditingGUI');
             $tabLink = ilUtil::appendUrlParameterString($ilCtrl->getLinkTargetByClass('ilAssQuestionFeedbackEditingGUI', ilAssQuestionFeedbackEditingGUI::CMD_SHOW), "q_id=" . (int) $q_id);
             $ilTabs->addTarget('feedback', $tabLink, $tabCommands, $ilCtrl->getCmdClass(), '');
예제 #19
  * delete portfolio page and all related data
 function delete()
     global $ilDB;
     $id = $this->getId();
     if ($id) {
         // delete internal links information to this page
         include_once "./Services/Link/classes/class.ilInternalLink.php";
         ilInternalLink::_deleteAllLinksToTarget("user", $this->getId());
         // delete record of table usr_portfolio_page
         $query = "DELETE FROM usr_portfolio_page" . " WHERE id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId(), "integer");
         // delete co page
  * Check access rights for glossary terms
  * This checks also learning modules linking the term
  * @param    int     	object id (glossary)
  * @param    int         page id (definition)
  * @return   boolean     access given (true/false)
 private function checkAccessGlossaryTerm($obj_id, $page_id)
     // give access if glossary is readable
     if ($this->checkAccessObject($obj_id)) {
         return true;
     include_once "./Modules/Glossary/classes/class.ilGlossaryDefinition.php";
     include_once "./Modules/Glossary/classes/class.ilGlossaryTerm.php";
     $term_id = ilGlossaryDefinition::_lookupTermId($page_id);
     include_once './Services/COPage/classes/class.ilInternalLink.php';
     $sources = ilInternalLink::_getSourcesOfTarget('git', $term_id, 0);
     if ($sources) {
         foreach ($sources as $src) {
             switch ($src['type']) {
                 // Give access if term is linked by a learning module with read access.
                 // The term including media is shown by the learning module presentation!
                 case 'lm:pg':
                     include_once "./Modules/LearningModule/classes/class.ilLMObject.php";
                     $src_obj_id = ilLMObject::_lookupContObjID($src['id']);
                     if ($this->checkAccessObject($src_obj_id, 'lm')) {
                         return true;
                     // Don't yet give access if the term is linked by another glossary
                     // The link will lead to the origin glossary which is already checked
                     case 'gdf:pg':
                     	$src_term_id = ilGlossaryDefinition::_lookupTermId($src['id']);
                     	$src_obj_id = ilGlossaryTerm::_lookGlossaryID($src_term_id);
                      						if ($this->checkAccessObject($src_obj_id, 'glo'))
                     		return true;
예제 #21
  * Checks wether a node exists
  * @param	int		$id		id
  * @return	boolean		true, if lm content object exists
 function _exists($a_id)
     global $ilDB;
     include_once "./Services/COPage/classes/class.ilInternalLink.php";
     if (is_int(strpos($a_id, "_"))) {
         $a_id = ilInternalLink::_extractObjIdOfTarget($a_id);
     $q = "SELECT * FROM sahs_sc13_tree_node WHERE obj_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_id, "integer");
     $obj_set = $ilDB->query($q);
     if ($obj_rec = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($obj_set)) {
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
예제 #22
  * show print view
 function showPrintView()
     global $ilUser, $lng, $ilCtrl;
     include_once "./Modules/LearningModule/classes/class.ilLMPage.php";
     if (!$this->lm->isActivePrintView()) {
     $c_obj_id = $this->getCurrentPageId();
     // set values according to selection
     if ($_POST["sel_type"] == "page") {
         if (!is_array($_POST["obj_id"]) || !in_array($c_obj_id, $_POST["obj_id"])) {
             $_POST["obj_id"][] = $c_obj_id;
     if ($_POST["sel_type"] == "chapter" && $c_obj_id > 0) {
         $path = $this->lm_tree->getPathFull($c_obj_id);
         $chap_id = $path[1]["child"];
         if ($chap_id > 0) {
             $_POST["obj_id"][] = $chap_id;
     // set style sheets
     if (!$this->offlineMode()) {
         $this->tpl->setVariable("LOCATION_STYLESHEET", ilObjStyleSheet::getContentPrintStyle());
     } else {
         $style_name = $ilUser->getPref("style") . ".css";
         $this->tpl->setVariable("LOCATION_STYLESHEET", "./style/" . $style_name);
     // content style
     if (!$this->offlineMode()) {
         $this->tpl->setVariable("LOCATION_CONTENT_STYLESHEET", ilObjStyleSheet::getContentStylePath($this->lm->getStyleSheetId()));
     } else {
         $this->tpl->setVariable("LOCATION_CONTENT_STYLESHEET", "content_style/content.css");
     // syntax style
     $this->tpl->setVariable("LOCATION_SYNTAX_STYLESHEET", ilObjStyleSheet::getSyntaxStylePath());
     //$this->tpl->setVariable("LOCATION_STYLESHEET", ilUtil::getStyleSheetLocation());
     $this->tpl->addBlockFile("CONTENT", "content", "tpl.lm_print_view.html", true);
     // set title header
     $this->tpl->setVariable("HEADER", $this->lm->getTitle());
     $nodes = $this->lm_tree->getSubtree($this->lm_tree->getNodeData($this->lm_tree->getRootId()));
     include_once "./Modules/LearningModule/classes/class.ilLMPageGUI.php";
     include_once "./Modules/LearningModule/classes/class.ilLMPageObject.php";
     include_once "./Modules/LearningModule/classes/class.ilStructureObject.php";
     $act_level = 99999;
     $activated = false;
     $glossary_links = array();
     $output_header = false;
     $media_links = array();
     // get header and footer
     if ($this->lm->getFooterPage() > 0 && !$this->lm->getHideHeaderFooterPrint()) {
         if (ilLMObject::_exists($this->lm->getFooterPage())) {
             $page_object_gui = $this->getLMPageGUI($this->lm->getFooterPage());
             include_once "./Services/Style/classes/class.ilObjStyleSheet.php";
             $page_object_gui->setStyleId(ilObjStyleSheet::getEffectiveContentStyleId($this->lm->getStyleSheetId(), "lm"));
             // determine target frames for internal links
             $footer_page_content = $page_object_gui->showPage();
     if ($this->lm->getHeaderPage() > 0 && !$this->lm->getHideHeaderFooterPrint()) {
         if (ilLMObject::_exists($this->lm->getHeaderPage())) {
             $page_object_gui = $this->getLMPageGUI($this->lm->getHeaderPage());
             include_once "./Services/Style/classes/class.ilObjStyleSheet.php";
             $page_object_gui->setStyleId(ilObjStyleSheet::getEffectiveContentStyleId($this->lm->getStyleSheetId(), "lm"));
             // determine target frames for internal links
             $header_page_content = $page_object_gui->showPage();
     // add free selected pages
     if (is_array($_POST["obj_id"])) {
         foreach ($_POST["obj_id"] as $k) {
             if ($k > 0 && !$this->lm_tree->isInTree($k)) {
                 if (ilLMObject::_lookupType($k) == "pg") {
                     $nodes[] = array("obj_id" => $k, "type" => "pg", "free" => true);
     } else {
         ilUtil::sendFailure($lng->txt("cont_print_no_page_selected"), true);
         $ilCtrl->redirect($this, "showPrintViewSelection");
     foreach ($nodes as $node_key => $node) {
         // check page activation
         $active = ilLMPage::_lookupActive($node["obj_id"], $this->lm->getType(), $this->lm_set->get("time_scheduled_page_activation"));
         if ($node["type"] == "pg" && !$active) {
         // print all subchapters/subpages if higher chapter
         // has been selected
         if ($node["depth"] <= $act_level) {
             if (is_array($_POST["obj_id"]) && in_array($node["obj_id"], $_POST["obj_id"])) {
                 $act_level = $node["depth"];
                 $activated = true;
             } else {
                 $act_level = 99999;
                 $activated = false;
         if ($activated && ilObjContentObject::_checkPreconditionsOfPage($this->lm->getRefId(), $this->lm->getId(), $node["obj_id"])) {
             // output learning module header
             if ($node["type"] == "du") {
                 $output_header = true;
             // output chapter title
             if ($node["type"] == "st") {
                 if (($ilUser->getId() == ANONYMOUS_USER_ID || $this->needs_to_be_purchased) && $this->lm_gui->object->getPublicAccessMode() == "selected") {
                     if (!ilLMObject::_isPagePublic($node["obj_id"])) {
                 $chap = new ilStructureObject($this->lm, $node["obj_id"]);
                 $chapter_title = $chap->_getPresentationTitle($node["obj_id"], $this->lm->isActiveNumbering(), $this->lm_set->get("time_scheduled_page_activation"), 0, $this->lang);
                 $this->tpl->setVariable("CHAP_TITLE", $chapter_title);
                 if ($this->lm->getPageHeader() == IL_CHAPTER_TITLE) {
                     if ($nodes[$node_key + 1]["type"] == "pg") {
                         $this->tpl->setVariable("CHAP_HEADER", $header_page_content);
                         $did_chap_page_header = true;
             // output page
             if ($node["type"] == "pg") {
                 if (($ilUser->getId() == ANONYMOUS_USER_ID || $this->needs_to_be_purchased) && $this->lm_gui->object->getPublicAccessMode() == "selected") {
                     if (!ilLMObject::_isPagePublic($node["obj_id"])) {
                 // get page
                 $page_id = $node["obj_id"];
                 $page_object_gui = $this->getLMPageGUI($page_id);
                 $page_object = $page_object_gui->getPageObject();
                 include_once "./Services/Style/classes/class.ilObjStyleSheet.php";
                 $page_object_gui->setStyleId(ilObjStyleSheet::getEffectiveContentStyleId($this->lm->getStyleSheetId(), "lm"));
                 // get lm page
                 $lm_pg_obj = new ilLMPageObject($this->lm, $page_id);
                 // determine target frames for internal links
                 if ($this->lm->getPageHeader() == IL_PAGE_TITLE || $node["free"] === true) {
                     $page_title = ilLMPageObject::_getPresentationTitle($lm_pg_obj->getId(), $this->lm->getPageHeader(), $this->lm->isActiveNumbering(), $this->lm_set->get("time_scheduled_page_activation"), false, 0, $this->lang);
                     // prevent page title after chapter title
                     // that have the same content
                     if ($this->lm->isActiveNumbering()) {
                         $chapter_title = trim(substr($chapter_title, strpos($chapter_title, " ")));
                     if ($page_title != $chapter_title) {
                 // handle header / footer
                 $hcont = $header_page_content;
                 $fcont = $footer_page_content;
                 if ($this->lm->getPageHeader() == IL_CHAPTER_TITLE) {
                     if ($did_chap_page_header) {
                         $hcont = "";
                     if ($nodes[$node_key + 1]["type"] == "pg" && !($nodes[$node_key + 1]["depth"] <= $act_level && !in_array($nodes[$node_key + 1]["obj_id"], $_POST["obj_id"]))) {
                         $fcont = "";
                 $page_content = $page_object_gui->showPage();
                 if ($this->lm->getPageHeader() != IL_PAGE_TITLE) {
                     $this->tpl->setVariable("CONTENT", $hcont . $page_content . $fcont);
                 } else {
                     $this->tpl->setVariable("CONTENT", $hcont . $page_content . $fcont . "<br />");
                 $chapter_title = "";
                 // get internal links
                 $int_links = ilInternalLink::_getTargetsOfSource($this->lm->getType() . ":pg", $node["obj_id"]);
                 $got_mobs = false;
                 foreach ($int_links as $key => $link) {
                     if ($link["type"] == "git" && ($link["inst"] == IL_INST_ID || $link["inst"] == 0)) {
                         $glossary_links[$key] = $link;
                     if ($link["type"] == "mob" && ($link["inst"] == IL_INST_ID || $link["inst"] == 0)) {
                         $got_mobs = true;
                         $mob_links[$key] = $link;
                 // this is not cool because of performance reasons
                 // unfortunately the int link table does not
                 // store the target frame (we want to append all linked
                 // images but not inline images (i.e. mobs with no target
                 // frame))
                 if ($got_mobs) {
                     $links = $page_object->getInternalLinks();
                     foreach ($links as $link) {
                         if ($link["Type"] == "MediaObject" && $link["TargetFrame"] != "" && $link["TargetFrame"] != "None") {
                             $media_links[] = $link;
     $annex_cnt = 0;
     $annexes = array();
     // glossary
     if (count($glossary_links) > 0 && !$this->lm->isActivePreventGlossaryAppendix()) {
         include_once "./Modules/Glossary/classes/class.ilGlossaryTerm.php";
         include_once "./Modules/Glossary/classes/class.ilGlossaryDefinition.php";
         // sort terms
         $terms = array();
         foreach ($glossary_links as $key => $link) {
             $term = ilGlossaryTerm::_lookGlossaryTerm($link["id"]);
             $terms[$term . ":" . $key] = array("key" => $key, "link" => $link, "term" => $term);
         $terms = ilUtil::sortArray($terms, "term", "asc");
         foreach ($terms as $t) {
             $link = $t["link"];
             $key = $t["key"];
             $defs = ilGlossaryDefinition::getDefinitionList($link["id"]);
             $def_cnt = 1;
             // output all definitions of term
             foreach ($defs as $def) {
                 // definition + number, if more than 1 definition
                 if (count($defs) > 1) {
                     $this->tpl->setVariable("TXT_DEFINITION", $this->lng->txt("cont_definition") . " " . $def_cnt++);
                 include_once "./Modules/Glossary/classes/class.ilGlossaryDefPageGUI.php";
                 $page_gui = new ilGlossaryDefPageGUI($def["id"]);
                 $output = $page_gui->showPage();
                 $this->tpl->setVariable("VAL_DEFINITION", $output);
             // output term
             $this->tpl->setVariable("VAL_TERM", $term = ilGlossaryTerm::_lookGlossaryTerm($link["id"]));
         // output glossary header
         $annex_title = $this->lng->txt("cont_annex") . " " . chr(64 + $annex_cnt) . ": " . $this->lng->txt("glo");
         $this->tpl->setVariable("TXT_GLOSSARY", $annex_title);
         $annexes[] = $annex_title;
     // referenced images
     if (count($media_links) > 0) {
         include_once "./Services/MediaObjects/classes/class.ilObjMediaObject.php";
         include_once "./Services/MediaObjects/classes/class.ilMediaItem.php";
         foreach ($media_links as $media) {
             if (substr($media["Target"], 0, 4) == "il__") {
                 $arr = explode("_", $media["Target"]);
                 $id = $arr[count($arr) - 1];
                 $med_obj = new ilObjMediaObject($id);
                 $med_item = $med_obj->getMediaItem("Standard");
                 if (is_object($med_item)) {
                     if (is_int(strpos($med_item->getFormat(), "image"))) {
                         // image source
                         if ($med_item->getLocationType() == "LocalFile") {
                             $this->tpl->setVariable("IMG_SOURCE", ilUtil::getWebspaceDir("output") . "/mobs/mm_" . $id . "/" . $med_item->getLocation());
                         } else {
                             $this->tpl->setVariable("IMG_SOURCE", $med_item->getLocation());
                         if ($med_item->getCaption() != "") {
                             $this->tpl->setVariable("IMG_TITLE", $med_item->getCaption());
                         } else {
                             $this->tpl->setVariable("IMG_TITLE", $med_obj->getTitle());
         // output glossary header
         $annex_title = $this->lng->txt("cont_annex") . " " . chr(64 + $annex_cnt) . ": " . $this->lng->txt("cont_ref_images");
         $this->tpl->setVariable("TXT_REF_IMAGES", $annex_title);
         $annexes[] = $annex_title;
     // output learning module title and toc
     if ($output_header) {
         $this->tpl->setVariable("LM_TITLE", $this->lm->getTitle());
         if ($this->lm->getDescription() != "none") {
             include_once "Services/MetaData/classes/class.ilMD.php";
             $md = new ilMD($this->lm->getId(), 0, $this->lm->getType());
             $md_gen = $md->getGeneral();
             foreach ($md_gen->getDescriptionIds() as $id) {
                 $md_des = $md_gen->getDescription($id);
                 $description = $md_des->getDescription();
             $this->tpl->setVariable("LM_DESCRIPTION", $description);
         // output toc
         $nodes2 = $nodes;
         foreach ($nodes2 as $node2) {
             if ($node2["type"] == "st" && ilObjContentObject::_checkPreconditionsOfPage($this->lm->getRefId(), $this->lm->getId(), $node2["obj_id"])) {
                 for ($j = 1; $j < $node2["depth"]; $j++) {
                     $this->tpl->setVariable("IMG_BLANK", ilUtil::getImagePath("browser/blank.png"));
                 $this->tpl->setVariable("TXT_TOC_TITLE", ilStructureObject::_getPresentationTitle($node2["obj_id"], $this->lm->isActiveNumbering(), $this->lm_set->get("time_scheduled_page_activation"), 0, $this->lang));
         // annexes
         foreach ($annexes as $annex) {
             $this->tpl->setVariable("IMG_BLANK", ilUtil::getImagePath("browser/blank.png"));
             $this->tpl->setVariable("TXT_TOC_TITLE", $annex);
         $this->tpl->setVariable("TXT_TOC", $this->lng->txt("cont_toc"));
     // output author information
     include_once 'Services/MetaData/classes/class.ilMD.php';
     $md = new ilMD($this->lm->getId(), 0, $this->lm->getType());
     if (is_object($lifecycle = $md->getLifecycle())) {
         $sep = $author = "";
         foreach ($ids = $lifecycle->getContributeIds() as $con_id) {
             $md_con = $lifecycle->getContribute($con_id);
             if ($md_con->getRole() == "Author") {
                 foreach ($ent_ids = $md_con->getEntityIds() as $ent_id) {
                     $md_ent = $md_con->getEntity($ent_id);
                     $author = $author . $sep . $md_ent->getEntity();
                     $sep = ", ";
         if ($author != "") {
             $this->tpl->setVariable("TXT_AUTHOR", $this->lng->txt("meta_author"));
             $this->tpl->setVariable("LM_AUTHOR", $author);
     // output copyright information
     if (is_object($md_rights = $md->getRights())) {
         $copyright = $md_rights->getDescription();
         include_once 'Services/MetaData/classes/class.ilMDUtils.php';
         $copyright = ilMDUtils::_parseCopyright($copyright);
         if ($copyright != "") {
             $this->tpl->setVariable("TXT_COPYRIGHT", $this->lng->txt("meta_copyright"));
             $this->tpl->setVariable("LM_COPYRIGHT", $copyright);
예제 #23
  * Update internal links, after multiple pages have been copied
 static function updateInternalLinks($a_copied_nodes, $a_parent_type = "lm")
     $all_fixes = array();
     foreach ($a_copied_nodes as $original_id => $copied_id) {
         $copied_type = ilLMObject::_lookupType($copied_id);
         $copy_lm = ilLMObject::_lookupContObjID($copied_id);
         if ($copied_type == "pg") {
             // 1. Outgoing links from the copied page.
             //$targets = ilInternalLink::_getTargetsOfSource($a_parent_type.":pg", $copied_id);
             include_once "./Modules/LearningModule/classes/class.ilLMPage.php";
             $tpg = new ilLMPage($copied_id);
             $il = $tpg->getInternalLinks();
             $targets = array();
             foreach ($il as $l) {
                 $targets[] = array("type" => ilInternalLink::_extractTypeOfTarget($l["Target"]), "id" => (int) ilInternalLink::_extractObjIdOfTarget($l["Target"]), "inst" => (int) ilInternalLink::_extractInstOfTarget($l["Target"]));
             $fix = array();
             foreach ($targets as $target) {
                 if (($target["inst"] == 0 || ($target["inst"] = IL_INST_ID)) && ($target["type"] == "pg" || $target["type"] == "st")) {
                     // first check, whether target is also within the copied set
                     if ($a_copied_nodes[$target["id"]] > 0) {
                         $fix[$target["id"]] = $a_copied_nodes[$target["id"]];
                     } else {
                         // now check, if a copy if the target is already in the same lm
                         // only if target is not already in the same lm!
                         $trg_lm = ilLMObject::_lookupContObjID($target["id"]);
                         if ($trg_lm != $copy_lm) {
                             $lm_data = ilLMObject::_getAllObjectsForImportId("il__" . $target["type"] . "_" . $target["id"]);
                             $found = false;
                             foreach ($lm_data as $item) {
                                 if (!$found && $item["lm_id"] == $copy_lm) {
                                     $fix[$target["id"]] = $item["obj_id"];
                                     $found = true;
             // outgoing links to be fixed
             if (count($fix) > 0) {
                 //echo "<br>--".$copied_id;
                 $t = ilObject::_lookupType($copy_lm);
                 if (is_array($all_fixes[$t . ":" . $copied_id])) {
                     $all_fixes[$t . ":" . $copied_id] += $fix;
                 } else {
                     $all_fixes[$t . ":" . $copied_id] = $fix;
         if ($copied_type == "pg" || $copied_type == "st") {
             // 2. Incoming links to the original pages
             // A->B			A2			(A+B currently copied)
             // A->C			B2
             // B->A
             // C->A			C2->A		(C already copied)
             $original_lm = ilLMObject::_lookupContObjID($original_id);
             $original_type = ilObject::_lookupType($original_lm);
             if ($original_lm != $copy_lm) {
                 // This gets sources that link to A+B (so we have C here)
                 // (this also does already the trick when instance map areas are given in C)
                 // int_link, where target_type, target_id, target_inst -> ok
                 $sources = ilInternalLink::_getSourcesOfTarget($copied_type, $original_id, 0);
                 // mobs linking to $original_id
                 // map_area, where link_type, target -> ok
                 $mobs = ilMapArea::_getMobsForTarget("int", "il__" . $copied_type . "_" . $original_id);
                 // pages using these mobs
                 include_once "./Services/MediaObjects/classes/class.ilObjMediaObject.php";
                 foreach ($mobs as $mob) {
                     // mob_usage, where id -> ok
                     // mep_item, where foreign_id, type -> ok
                     // mep_tree, where child -> already existed
                     // il_news_item, where mob_id -> ok
                     // map_area, where link_type, target -> aready existed
                     // media_item, where id -> already existed
                     // personal_clipboard, where item_id, type -> ok
                     $usages = ilObjMediaObject::lookupUsages($mob);
                     foreach ($usages as $usage) {
                         if ($usage["type"] == "lm:pg" | $usage["type"] == "lm:st") {
                             $sources[] = $usage;
                 $fix = array();
                 foreach ($sources as $source) {
                     $stype = explode(":", $source["type"]);
                     $source_type = $stype[1];
                     if ($source_type == "pg" || $source_type == "st") {
                         // first of all: source must be in original lm
                         $src_lm = ilLMObject::_lookupContObjID($source["id"]);
                         if ($src_lm == $original_lm) {
                             // check, if a copy if the source is already in the same lm
                             // now we look for the latest copy of C in LM2
                             $lm_data = ilLMObject::_getAllObjectsForImportId("il__" . $source_type . "_" . $source["id"], $copy_lm);
                             $found = false;
                             foreach ($lm_data as $item) {
                                 if (!$found) {
                                     $fix[$item["obj_id"]][$original_id] = $copied_id;
                                     $found = true;
                 // outgoing links to be fixed
                 if (count($fix) > 0) {
                     foreach ($fix as $page_id => $fix_array) {
                         $t = ilObject::_lookupType($copy_lm);
                         if (is_array($all_fixes[$t . ":" . $page_id])) {
                             $all_fixes[$t . ":" . $page_id] += $fix_array;
                         } else {
                             $all_fixes[$t . ":" . $page_id] = $fix_array;
     foreach ($all_fixes as $pg => $fixes) {
         $pg = explode(":", $pg);
         include_once "./Services/COPage/classes/class.ilPageObjectFactory.php";
         $page = ilPageObjectFactory::getInstance($pg[0], $pg[1]);
         if ($page->moveIntLinks($fixes)) {
             $page->update(true, true);
예제 #24
  * Rename page
 function rename($a_new_name)
     global $ilDB;
     // replace unallowed characters
     $a_new_name = str_replace(array("<", ">"), '', $a_new_name);
     // replace multiple whitespace characters by one single space
     $a_new_name = trim(preg_replace('!\\s+!', ' ', $a_new_name));
     $page_title = ilWikiUtil::makeDbTitle($a_new_name);
     $pg_id = ilWikiPage::_getPageIdForWikiTitle($this->getWikiId(), $page_title);
     $xml_new_name = str_replace("&", "&amp;", $a_new_name);
     if ($pg_id == 0 || $pg_id == $this->getId()) {
         include_once "./Services/COPage/classes/class.ilInternalLink.php";
         $sources = ilInternalLink::_getSourcesOfTarget("wpg", $this->getId(), 0);
         foreach ($sources as $s) {
             if ($s["type"] == "wpg:pg") {
                 $wpage = new ilWikiPage($s["id"]);
                 $col = ilWikiUtil::processInternalLinks($wpage->getXmlContent(), 0, IL_WIKI_MODE_EXT_COLLECT);
                 $new_content = $wpage->getXmlContent();
                 foreach ($col as $c) {
                     // this complicated procedure is needed due to the fact
                     // that depending on the collation e = é is true
                     // in the (mysql) database
                     // see bug http://www.ilias.de/mantis/view.php?id=11227
                     $t1 = ilWikiUtil::makeDbTitle($c["nt"]->mTextform);
                     $t2 = ilWikiUtil::makeDbTitle($this->getTitle());
                     // this one replaces C2A0 (&nbsp;) by a usual space
                     // otherwise the comparision will fail, since you
                     // get these characters from tiny if more than one
                     // space is repeated in a string. This may not be
                     // 100% but we do not store $t1 anywhere and only
                     // modify it for the comparison
                     $t1 = preg_replace('/\\xC2\\xA0/', ' ', $t1);
                     $t2 = preg_replace('/\\xC2\\xA0/', ' ', $t2);
                     $set = $ilDB->query($q = "SELECT " . $ilDB->quote($t1, "text") . " = " . $ilDB->quote($t2, "text") . " isequal");
                     $rec = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($set);
                     if ($rec["isequal"]) {
                         $new_content = str_replace("[[" . $c["nt"]->mTextform . "]]", "[[" . $xml_new_name . "]]", $new_content);
                         if ($c["text"] != "") {
                             $new_content = str_replace("[[" . $c["text"] . "]]", "[[" . $xml_new_name . "]]", $new_content);
                         $add = $c["text"] != "" ? "|" . $c["text"] : "";
                         $new_content = str_replace("[[" . $c["nt"]->mTextform . $add . "]]", "[[" . $xml_new_name . $add . "]]", $new_content);
                 //echo htmlentities($new_content);
         include_once "./Modules/Wiki/classes/class.ilObjWiki.php";
         if (ilObjWiki::_lookupStartPage($this->getWikiId()) == $this->getTitle()) {
             ilObjWiki::writeStartPage($this->getWikiId(), $a_new_name);
     return $a_new_name;