예제 #1
     * Fetches and returns an array of posts from the post tree, starting with the node object passed by
     * the first paramter.
     * @param    ilForumPost	$a_post_node	node-object of a post
     * @return	array		array of post objects
     * @access	public
    public function getPostTree(ilForumPost $a_post_node)
        global $ilUser;
        $posts = array();
        $data = array();
        $data_types = array();
        $query = '
			SELECT 			is_author_moderator, pos_author_id, pos_pk, fpt_date, rgt, pos_top_fk, pos_thr_fk, 
							pos_display_user_id, pos_usr_alias, pos_subject,
							pos_status, pos_message, pos_date, pos_update,
							update_user, pos_cens, pos_cens_com, notify,
							import_name, fpt_pk, parent_pos, lft, depth,
							WHEN fur.post_id IS NULL ' . ($ilUser->getId() == ANONYMOUS_USER_ID ? ' AND 1 = 2 ' : '') . '
							THEN 0
							ELSE 1
							END) post_read,
							firstname, lastname, title, login
			FROM 			frm_posts_tree
			INNER JOIN 		frm_posts 
				ON 			pos_fk = pos_pk
			LEFT JOIN		usr_data
				ON			pos_display_user_id  = usr_id
			LEFT JOIN		frm_user_read fur
				ON			fur.thread_id = pos_thr_fk
				AND			fur.post_id = pos_pk
				AND			fur.usr_id = %s
			WHERE 			lft BETWEEN %s AND %s 
				AND 		thr_fk = %s';
        array_push($data_types, 'integer', 'integer', 'integer', 'integer');
        array_push($data, $ilUser->getId(), $a_post_node->getLft(), $a_post_node->getRgt(), $a_post_node->getThreadId());
        if ($this->orderField != "") {
            $query .= " ORDER BY " . $this->orderField . " " . $this->getOrderDirection();
        $res = $this->db->queryf($query, $data_types, $data);
        $usr_ids = array();
        $deactivated = array();
        while ($row = $this->db->fetchAssoc($res)) {
            $tmp_object = new ilForumPost($row['pos_pk'], false, true);
            if (!$this->is_moderator) {
                if (!$tmp_object->isActivated() && $tmp_object->getDisplayUserId() != $ilUser->getId()) {
                    $deactivated[] = $tmp_object;
                foreach ($deactivated as $deactivated_node) {
                    if ($deactivated_node->getLft() < $tmp_object->getLft() && $deactivated_node->getRgt() > $tmp_object->getLft()) {
                        $deactivated[] = $tmp_object;
                        continue 2;
            if ((int) $row['pos_display_user_id']) {
                $usr_ids[] = (int) $row['pos_display_user_id'];
            if ((int) $row['update_user']) {
                $usr_ids[] = (int) $row['update_user'];
            $posts[] = $tmp_object;
        require_once 'Modules/Forum/classes/class.ilForumAuthorInformationCache.php';
        return $posts;
예제 #2
  * @param ilTemplate $tpl
  * @param ilForumPost $post
  * @param int $counter
  * @param int $mode
 protected function renderPostHtml(ilTemplate $tpl, ilForumPost $post, $counter, $mode)
      * @var $lng            ilLanguage
      * @var $rbacreview     ilRbacReview
      * @var $ilUser         ilObjUser
      * @var $ilObjDataCache ilObjectDataCache
     global $lng, $rbacreview, $ilUser, $ilObjDataCache;
     if (ilForumProperties::getInstance($ilObjDataCache->lookupObjId($_GET['ref_id']))->getMarkModeratorPosts() == 1) {
         if ($post->getIsAuthorModerator() === null && ($is_moderator = ilForum::_isModerator($_GET['ref_id'], $post->getPosAuthorId()))) {
             $rowCol = 'ilModeratorPosting';
         } else {
             if ($post->getIsAuthorModerator()) {
                 $rowCol = 'ilModeratorPosting';
             } else {
                 $rowCol = ilUtil::switchColor($counter, 'tblrow1', 'tblrow2');
     } else {
         $rowCol = ilUtil::switchColor($counter, 'tblrow1', 'tblrow2');
     $tpl->setVariable('ROWCOL', ' ' . $rowCol);
     // post is censored
     if ($post->isCensored()) {
         // display censorship advice
         $tpl->setVariable('TXT_CENSORSHIP_ADVICE', $lng->txt('post_censored_comment_by_moderator'));
         // highlight censored posts
         $rowCol = 'tblrowmarked';
     // set row color
     $tpl->setVariable('ROWCOL', ' ' . $rowCol);
     // if post is not activated display message for the owner
     if (!$post->isActivated() && $post->isOwner($ilUser->getId())) {
         $tpl->setVariable('POST_NOT_ACTIVATED_YET', $lng->txt('frm_post_not_activated_yet'));
     $authorinfo = new ilForumAuthorInformation($post->getPosAuthorId(), $post->getDisplayUserId(), $post->getUserAlias(), $post->getImportName());
     if ($authorinfo->hasSuffix()) {
         $tpl->setVariable('AUTHOR', $authorinfo->getSuffix());
         $tpl->setVariable('USR_NAME', $post->getUserAlias());
     } else {
         $tpl->setVariable('AUTHOR', $authorinfo->getAuthorShortName());
         if ($authorinfo->getAuthorName(true)) {
             $tpl->setVariable('USR_NAME', $authorinfo->getAuthorName(true));
     if (self::MODE_EXPORT_CLIENT == $mode) {
         if ($authorinfo->getAuthor()->getPref('public_profile') != 'n') {
             $tpl->setVariable('TXT_REGISTERED', $lng->txt('registered_since'));
             $tpl->setVariable('REGISTERED_SINCE', $this->frm->convertDate($authorinfo->getAuthor()->getCreateDate()));
         if ($post->getDisplayUserId()) {
             if ($this->is_moderator) {
                 $num_posts = $this->frm->countUserArticles($post->getDisplayUserId());
             } else {
                 $num_posts = $this->frm->countActiveUserArticles($post->getDisplayUserId());
             $tpl->setVariable('TXT_NUM_POSTS', $lng->txt('forums_posts'));
             $tpl->setVariable('NUM_POSTS', $num_posts);
     $tpl->setVariable('USR_IMAGE', $authorinfo->getProfilePicture());
     if ($authorinfo->getAuthor()->getId() && ilForum::_isModerator((int) $_GET['ref_id'], $post->getPosAuthorId())) {
         if ($authorinfo->getAuthor()->getGender() == 'f') {
             $tpl->setVariable('ROLE', $lng->txt('frm_moderator_f'));
         } else {
             if ($authorinfo->getAuthor()->getGender() == 'm') {
                 $tpl->setVariable('ROLE', $lng->txt('frm_moderator_m'));
     // get create- and update-dates
     if ($post->getUpdateUserId() > 0) {
         $spanClass = '';
         // last update from moderator?
         $posMod = $this->frm->getModeratorFromPost($post->getId());
         if (is_array($posMod) && $posMod['top_mods'] > 0) {
             $MODS = $rbacreview->assignedUsers($posMod['top_mods']);
             if (is_array($MODS)) {
                 if (in_array($post->getUpdateUserId(), $MODS)) {
                     $spanClass = 'moderator_small';
         if ($spanClass == '') {
             $spanClass = 'small';
         require_once 'Modules/Forum/classes/class.ilForumAuthorInformation.php';
         $authorinfo = new ilForumAuthorInformation($post->getPosAuthorId(), $post->getUpdateUserId(), '', '');
         $tpl->setVariable('POST_UPDATE_TXT', $lng->txt('edited_on') . ': ' . $this->frm->convertDate($post->getChangeDate()) . ' - ' . strtolower($lng->txt('by')));
         $tpl->setVariable('UPDATE_AUTHOR', $authorinfo->getLinkedAuthorShortName());
         if ($authorinfo->getAuthorName(true)) {
             $tpl->setVariable('UPDATE_USR_NAME', $authorinfo->getAuthorName(true));
     // prepare post
     $tpl->setVariable('POST_DATE', $this->frm->convertDate($post->getCreateDate()));
     $tpl->setVariable('SUBJECT', $post->getSubject());
     if (!$post->isCensored()) {
         // post from moderator?
         $modAuthor = $this->frm->getModeratorFromPost($post->getId());
         $spanClass = "";
         if (is_array($modAuthor) && $modAuthor['top_mods'] > 0) {
             $MODS = $rbacreview->assignedUsers($modAuthor['top_mods']);
             if (is_array($MODS) && in_array($post->getDisplayUserId(), $MODS)) {
                 $spanClass = 'moderator';
         // possible bugfix for mantis #8223
         if ($post->getMessage() == strip_tags($post->getMessage())) {
             // We can be sure, that there are not html tags
         if ($spanClass != "") {
             $tpl->setVariable('POST', "<span class=\"" . $spanClass . "\">" . ilRTE::_replaceMediaObjectImageSrc($post->getMessage(), 1) . "</span>");
         } else {
             $tpl->setVariable('POST', ilRTE::_replaceMediaObjectImageSrc($post->getMessage(), 1));
     } else {
         $tpl->setVariable('POST', "<span class=\"moderator\">" . nl2br($post->getCensorshipComment()) . "</span>");