static function processImportedImage($filePath) { $fullPath = $filePath; if (!igUploadHelper::checkExtension($fullPath, false)) { return false; } if (!igUploadHelper::checkIsImage($fullPath, false)) { return false; } $slash = strrpos($fullPath, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) + 1; $filename = substr($fullPath, $slash); $filename = igUploadHelper::replaceSpecial($filename); //get the folder path $increment = igFileHelper::getFileIncrement('igallery_img'); $folderName = igFileHelper::getFolderName($increment); igFileHelper::makeFolder(IG_ORIG_PATH . '/' . $folderName); $destFolderPath = IG_ORIG_PATH . '/' . $folderName; //make the filename $destFile = igFileHelper::addIncrement($filename, $increment); $destFile = igFileHelper::checkUniqueName($destFolderPath, $destFile); $destPath = $destFolderPath . '/' . $destFile; $imageinfo = getimagesize($fullPath); $params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_igallery'); $maxServerWidth = $params->get('server_max_width', 2100); $maxServerHeight = $params->get('server_max_height', 1600); if ($imageinfo[0] > $maxServerWidth || $imageinfo[1] > $maxServerHeight) { if (!igFileHelper::makeImage($fullPath, $destPath, $maxServerWidth, $maxServerHeight, 95, false)) { return false; } } else { if (!JFile::copy($fullPath, $destPath)) { igFileHelper::raiseError($fullPath . ' -> ' . $destPath . ' ' . JText::_('Error Moving File To Directory'), false); return false; } } $fileData = array(); $fileData['filename'] = $destFile; if ($params->get('import_exif_data', 0) == 1) { $fileData['exif_des'] = igFileHelper::getExifData($fullPath); } if ($params->get('import_iptc_data', 0) == 1) { $fileData['iptc_des'] = igFileHelper::getIptcData($fullPath); } if ($params->get('import_iptc_tags', 0) == 1) { $fileData['iptc_tags'] = igFileHelper::getIptcTags($fullPath); } return $fileData; }